Create Constant Calm™ Yoga at Home Cultivating Peace In Daily Life™

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Create Constant Calm™ At Home One purpose of Yoga’s is to bring us back into the present moment via our body and our breath. So many of us have forgotten how to live in the rapture of the living moment. I am sharing very simple aspects of yoga. Simple to keep it as a doable *daily practice. A yoga class’s purpose is to have an experienced yoga mentor, hopefully with some wisdom, to lead you through learning. I will be honest, after 23 years of a pretty consistent daily yoga practice, I struggle to be in an actual yoga class. Yoga is a quiet inner journey, a moving meditation for me. Being in class with a yoga teacher, giving constant directions into and out of the postures, is a distraction for me. BUT this verbal instruction is what supports your learning the how’s and whys of Yoga so you can create your own moving meditation at home. The goal in coming to classes is always to create independent yoga practitioners never to create students who are dependent upon the teacher/guide for their yoga practice. Yoga Postures are a physical experience for: • • • • • • •

Moving energy in your body Bringing you inside yourself to feel what your body feels like in this posture, in this moment Keeping your spine, and therefore body-mind-spirit, supple and youthful Bringing awareness to breath and all the magic this creates in your B-M-S so you can Create Constant Calm™ even when approached with life’s occasional chaos Building a little more inner wisdom each time you meet yourself on the mat. I could say so much more but I am trying to keep things simple. ; )

My wish for you is that you learn to use these yoga tools to Create Constant Calm™ in your life. *A daily practice can be as easy as 15-20 minutes each morning. Honestly, if 10 is all you can squeak out, 10 it is! Learning that everything you do is yoga (being alive to the rapture in the present moment) you can stretch and breathe while doing dishes, folding laundry, writing lesson plans, grading papers, driving kids around to various activities, etc. When we bring awareness, calmness, and deep inner peace to everything we do: yoga off the mat is our thriving existence.

In Peace & Love,


Vagal Nerve Toning & Creation of Constant Calm™ in Your Life Ground Self: Sit in Easy Posture, spine stretched upward, & deep breathe. When you exhale, visualize your breath exiting out your tailbone, down into the ground like a long, strong tap root. On the next deep exhale: visualize the breath exiting the tailbone branching out like the entire tree’s root system, deep & strong to hold you centered & grounded all day. Repeat breath visualization 5-6 times OR more, deep breathing with sound vibrating through the face, throat, and torso tones the vagus nerve for living life in peace mode. Gratitude: Staying in Easy Posture, think of one thing you are grateful for that happened yesterday. Next, think of one thing you are grateful in your day today. Pray to whoever your higher power is and thank them for these things in your life. When we turn prayer into a gratitude ritual, as opposed to prayer that is just asking for things, we open to being aware of the bounty in our lives instead of always seeking more. This brings peace. Asana, Yoga Postures: Do each posture slowly and with attention to long, deep, relaxed, vibrating breaths that you hear & feel the inhale and exhale. Hold your body strong in each posture to strengthen and tone your vagus nerve & whole body. Yoga postures are a movement mindfulness practice to create inner stillness so you can build strength, flexibility, balance, & peace in body, mind, and spirit. The Postures on the next page move your body / spine / vagal nerve in: • • • • •

Upward extension Forward fold Back bend Twist Lateral bending

Moving the torso in these different spinal motions stimulate the vagus nerve and support its toning. Doing the postures while deep breathing & making vibrating sounds on inhale & exhale are part of vagal nerve toning. You don’t have to be so loud that your neighbors 2 blocks away hear you 😉, just like the calm, rhythmic rush of the Ocean. The Yogis of thousands of years ago had this peace mode stuff figured out! Postures can be done standing, sitting, or in bed if you are not moving well some days.

Mix & match so you stretch the spine up, back bend the spine, lateral bend the spine, forwards fold the spine, and gently twist the spine. All are vagal nerve toning postures for Creating Constant Calm™.

Lift the spine up from the pelvis to above the top of your head

Bend to both sides

Hold your body steady & strong, extending spine

Finish in savasana posture for 5 minutes or more taking slow, deep breaths. Scan you body for all the good feelings you have going on inside. Forward fold can be done standing as well OR lie on your back and bring your knees into your chest.

Copyright © Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse ®

Create Constant Calm Yoga Spinal Movement for Body-Mind-Spirit Varying the Postures of extension, forward flexion, twist, lateral bend, & back bends. All backbends, lateral bends, & twists can be done lying, sitting(floor or chair), or standing. Move & live from your Heart Space, Sternum, Heart Chakra. Know your body & do the poses how is best for you. As your body opens, your poses transform.

Deep Breathe in Mt. Pose Elongate the spine then Gently move like a washing Machine agitator

Twist your torso, from the Heart space, both sides You can also twist standing

Arch upper back gently backwards w/face & sternum guided up to sky

If standing twisting enjoy hanging in Rag Doll

Bend to both sides

If seated twisting enjoy seated forward bend

Lie flat & elongate your spine

Relax in corpse pose for 5 – 10 minutes, focusing on the breath moving in & out of the body, into & out of the lungs. Thank Your Body-Mind-Spirit for moving energy, toning the vagal nerve, and healing DNA.

Copyright © Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse ®

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