Create Constant Calm™ SCM Week 5 June 2022

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Paula Youmell, RN Natural Health Education Herbalist, Yoga, Energy Medicine

Create Constant Calm™ Sacred Circle Week 5 Ether Thank You, each one of you amazing Women, for showing up so we could do this work together. Whatever that work looks like for you because we each get different lessons and messages out of the same class information. It is all about where we are on our own journey of Soul Growth Opportunities. Each time we are presented with Awareness information and guidance on how to move forward with troubling or heavy energy contracted within our body layers, it is little seeds planted. We can take that seed and lovingly nourish it to grow and change, from a neutral and grateful space: everything is our own choice. Moon energy is Feminine in Nature: Inward, calming, soothing, sleep inducing. Both Men and Women need to nurture this Feminine Energy to restore balance. We live in a Collective Soul Culture that is very Masculine Energy dominated: go-go-go, take over the world, grab everything we can for self and profit, etc. It’s the way of the Patriarchy. Every Male & Female who step up to plate to empower their sacred feminine supports the collective soul rebalancing in divine sacred feminine and masculine balance. Whether you entered Sacred Circle classes with this awareness, or not, you have stepped into a position to make change within yourself. When we change our own behaviors and actions, the world around us changes in response. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Sacred Reciprocity is balance in everything: • Love • Peace • Compassion • Gratitude • Empathy

Living in Sacred Heart Space, awareness body, constant calm, constant conscious awareness of your personal Soul Growth Fuckery and Soul Growth Opportunities so you / we can elevate the Collective Consciousness. For every person who steps on board for this work, we raise the consciousness and vibration of the whole collective soul. We can fix the BullShit on planet Earth. 😉

A meditation I started using is the Cricket Chorus Meditation from my Sacred Medicine book. I will share how I use it and you can bring it into your life however you want to, or not. This Cricket Symphony is really beautiful and is 20 minutes long. If I do not have 20 minutes to commit, I set my “Insight Timer” app for however long I have, then I start playing the Cricket Symphony on my Dropbox app. (How did we survive without apps? We went outside, settled down lying in the grass, and listened to the Crickets. Which I do that too!) When the Insight Timer goes off, I continue listening to the rest of the meditation as I pick up my Yoga mat (unless I was lying in the grass) and go about my next task. Maybe I finish up listening while making my breakfast, getting a client chart ready, or whatever I happen to be doing.

How I listen to invite Cricket’s healing sound into my energy body: • Relax and close eyes • Deep breathe • On my exhale, I send the cricket symphony into each chakra for several breaths, starting with the Root chakra for 4-5 breaths and working my way up each chakra in the Sushumna nadi (or if it is evening, start at the Crown and work down the chakras. • I spend extra time in the Sacred heart space as we all could open our Heart Medicine to ourselves and the world. Listen to the Cricket sounds as they flow off of the walls in the Crystal Cave of your Sacred Heart Space. • When you get to the 3rd Eye Chakra, visualize your Pineal gland as a quartz crystal and Crickets sounds are cleansing and clearing this crystal, opening your 3rd eye to better intuitive downloading possibilities. • When I reach the Crown chakra I open it up and Visualize the energy of the Day Sky & Sun flowing into my Crown Chakra and down through the Sushumna Channel, maybe spiral it through the Ida & Pignala channels too. • Then I visualize the Night Sky and pull the Energy of it into my Crown chakra: Night Sky - Moon – Stars & pull down through each chakra. • When you finish all of the visualization you want to do in your chakras just continue to listen and pull it into your Sacred Heart space feeling the vibrations of the cricket symphony flowing off your crystal cave in the Sacred Heart space. • If you finish listening while going about your next task, just allow the healing sounds (and yes, the sound heal your whole being) to be absorbed into your whole being, energy body and full-on physical body. Create your own visual journey that feels good to you. If you don’t “see” it visually, do not worry. The intention is what counts and energy goes where you send it.

*Ricky Joseph, Akwesasne We are all connected to the universal consciousness, all life force, God, Creator. We are made in physical form from the physical elements of this reality we call Nature. We say all my relations, not just our families but all matter. We are energetic life force, coming through the Water of our Mothers, our bodies are created by the intelligence of Creation, patterning from the physical elements.

Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and our Energetic selves. Organized by this intelligence to utilize the Plants, that come from our Mother, the Earth, to build this body. Our body can take in these plants and other forms we call nourishment and build the body. Like a lock and key, they work in concert to grow and maintain our physical body. We are also given a brain and nervous system to protect the body. Collecting information, from our environment, experience and memories… it forewarns us of anything we perceive as danger. But that is our physical body. We are the Observer within the body, having this life experience. We are transferring and translating information from that. So, we are only seeing the life. Through our perception via sight, taste, hearing, feeling, smelling, and memory of physical experiences. We are actually taking that information In and Thinking we are seeing or experiencing the physical world. But it's based on those perceptions. On the other hand, our consciousness, our energetic being, can utilize the emotion in our heart, imagination, and memory to create and control the physical matter. Nothing from the physical side can disrupt the peace and love within, it is a doorway that can defend and protect us from the manifestations of our mind. Your mind is not your friend as much as it is a mechanism for self-preservation.

The beings that are trying to control humanity understand this but they can't create change the way we do. So, they have to alter perceptions through manipulation of information and make us create their will. An example is using fear, propaganda, etc. We are godlike energetic beings, able to create what we desire. All information is the consciousness we can tap into but we have to connect to it, through our love, we attract it to our mind, through our imagination we gain the information how to create it. So much to say, we are limited by our thoughts and perceptions. But with an understanding of this information, we realize we are special and collectively can protect and overcome any threat. Like the way our cells and systems work collectively. Fix the mind our bodies will follow. • • •

Skenna (peace) Katnikonriio (power) katsastensera (righteousness)

The peace we carry in our hearts, the way we carry ourselves in a righteous way will give us the power we need to live in this world. Send my love to each of you and your relatives. This is why we call ourselves Onkwehonwe, people from the Earth. It is our free will to bring the information internally or leave it alone. It's a choice. To be or not to be. -Ricky Joseph, Akwesasne

Opening Reading

“I Am That” I am the Roots That delve deep into the Earth And the Life Energy that rises through them. I am the gently flowing Stream And the impossible strength of the Ocean: Unstoppable. I am the Fire that burns and warms And destroys and transforms: The perpetual Flame burns within You. I am the Air which dance around us The Air which brings Life And ideas and inspiration and words to move. I am Ether & Space: free, formless, Mysterious, timeless, Unknowable and all-knowing. I am the Life force That blesses all living things. I am the Spirit That weaves through all of us. I am rooted and flowing, fiery and inspired, Free and all seeing, Wise and connected. Life flows through me. I am that. That I am.

Closing Reading

“Pegar Prayer”

May my Heart be Gentle My Mind Still and Open My Spirit Unshackled My Awareness Keen My Conscience Clear My Nature Giving May I be a Healing Energy May I be of benefit to All May my life enrich others May I know what matters (& weave it all together) And live in Harmony with Nature.

Page 152 Sacred Medicine of Bee, Butterfly, Earthworm, & Spider (book image Pg 2 above)

The World Tree is a potent symbol found around the world, most notably in Siberian, Norse, and indigenous Central American Cultures. Trees are seen by many cultures to connect life and death, to bring one into the presence of the Divine, and as a source of fertility, prayer, and wisdom. Among the Maya of Central America the giant Ceiba Tree is the symbol of the World Tree. Its structure illuminates the Great Above and Below of the Medicine Wheel, orientation of the Directions, and multiple world realities. The World Tree includes a vast network of roots below the surface, symbolizing the Great Below or Underworld. The trunk symbolizes third dimensional reality, or the terrestrial world, and the branches above illustrate the Heavens, or higher dimension of experience.

Class Slide Show Video:

*Ricky Joseph, Akwesasne: Ricky is in a private FB messenger group with myself and a bunch of other local folks interested in making healing change locally in interest in creating an energetic wave that influences global change. Think Globally, Act Locally. Or I like to expand this: Think Cosmically, Act Locally! Anyhow, Ricky posted these words of wisdom in our group. I asked if I could share his wisdom with my Sacred Circle group. I received a heart felt and resounding YES very quickly.

Many Blessings on Your Journey of Inspired Learning, Growing, Transforming & Clearing those Pesky Triggers from Your Neuropathways of Being. I am grateful to every Woman who shows up for Sacred Circle. With you present, I can do what I do to teach and share my Magic with the world AND in teaching, I expand my knowledge, wisdom, and experience for my own Soul Growth Opportunities. Every time I teach, new doors open. What a cosmic ride this life has been! Deep Love to You ALL, Paula

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