Controversial Essay Topics List

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The Controversial Topics Of Gender Roles

The topic of gender roles is complicated, controversial, and virtually affects all members of society. In my opinion, I think that while men are moving away from their traditional roles, it is much easier for women to the make the crossover and be accepted socially. Society's view of a woman's role has been changing over a hundred years. Womanhave emerged and are pursuing careers in replace of traditional roles. Today, women are more integrated in male–dominated areas of society. While women have challenged previous expectations of their behavior, I believe that society's view on the male population is still associated with aggression, strength, and dominance. It is still common for a male to be harassed if he portrays more feminine characteristics

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The Controversial Topics Of Racism

Controversial Topics Essay

According to studies show that police are more likely to pull over and frisk blacks or Latinos than whites in New York city. 80% of the stops made were blacks and Latinos and 85% of those people were frisked compared to an 8% of white people stopped. This is one example of racial inequality going on today.Racism has many forms but is commonly known as "poor treatment or violence against people because of their race" (source: Merriam Webster). Racism is a very important topic that generally occurs all over the world. It impacts our society by creating a stigma against races. Examples of this are not being able to get certain jobs, and getting less pay than someone of another race and fighting against races . Racism goes against our rights as well. For example the constitution states that "All men are created equal" as well as The Civil Rights Act is a law outlawing racial and other forms of discrimination. Therefore our government is defying right and laws. Although some progress has been made towards racial equality, America still remains a very racist country because people discriminate on your ethnicity, a lot of stereotyping, as well as minorities being looked down upon because of their cultures.

Not everyone will agree that America is still a very racist country , and racism isn 't the only issue causing inequality. However, there is still racism in our community. Some examples are: in Baltimore (1910) an african

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One of the most controversial topics that question what is legal and also moral that has been debated is assisted suicide, sometimes known as "voluntary euthanasia". Assisted suicide is suicide with the aid of another human being, typically a doctor. The word "euthanasia", comes from Latin "eu" for "good" and "thanatos" for "death" (OCRT 1). Many people in this country are existing in a "living death", suffering on a day to day basis. The Declaration of Independence ensures three basic human rights to all Americans: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Having to live and suffer through terrible pain whether it be physical, emotional or psychological goes against the those three rights in different ways. Having a terminal illness more content...

He believed that suicide (and assisted suicide) violated one 's natural desire to live, harms other people, and that life is God 's gift to give and take (OCRT 2). Not all religions are against suicide, either. Hinduism promotes the taking of one 's own life instead of living with dishonor (Flanders 49).

Whatever a religion may offer as it 's conviction about suicide, the adherents of that religion don 't generally maintain that belief. At Masada, for instance, an organization of intensely religious Jews known as Zealots held off Roman intruders for two years. When it ended up plainly clear that annihilation was unavoidable, their pioneer persuaded the staying nine hundred and sixty of them to confer suicide (Flanders 5). And Michel de Montaigne, a Christian author living in France in the mid sixteenth century composed five papers contending that suicide involves individual decision, and it is a practical choice under a few conditions (OCRT 1).

The American support of activeeuthanasia has been seen in national organizations and polls. In a nation–wide Gallup poll in April, results showed that a majority of seventy five percent of all Americans allowing doctors to end the lives of the terminally ill (Van Biema 60). In fact, studies show that one fifth of all doctors have actively helped to end a patient 's life (Van Biema 61). Now imagine how many other doctors passively helped to end the life of a patient, or how many doctors did not take the

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Hello Shane, mental illness is a tough subject to talk about because most just ignore this sensitive topic. I do agree with you in the last few years this has become a subject that is heavily addressed by law enforcement. This is an excellent topic to discuss whether or not the mentally ill can only be victims, and or perpetrators. I believe that the mentally ill persons can be perpetrators as well as victims either in violent crimes or crimes sexual in nature.

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Mental Illness: A Controversial Topic

1.93% of higher education faculty believe critical thinking is an essential learning outcome.

A 2005 report by the Association of American Colleges and Universities demonstrated the need for efforts to promote critical thinking by highlighting the disparity between the 93% of higher education faculty that perceive critical thinking to be an essential learning outcome and the 6% of undergraduate seniors that actually demonstrated critical thinking proficiency.

Source: Ian J. Quitadamo and Martha J. Kurts, "Learning to Improve: Using Writing to Increase Critical Thinking Performance in General Education Biology," CBE Life Sciences Education, Feb. 2007.

2.Critical thinking is considered the second most important life skill more content... 2013

7.Teaching controversial topics helps students develop non–violent strategies for dealing with conflict.

A 2008 case study of social studies teachers concluded that: "Teaching controversial issues allows students to question and to express their fears in the safety of the classroom, and provides opportunities to develop their social skills such as learning how to listen to one another, to deal with difficult topics, and to handle their anger and frustrations without resorting to violence. Importantly, it is not about teaching students to avoid conflict, because conflict and controversy are part of human relationships, but rather where schools provide neutral grounds for rational discourse and objective study."

Source: P. Reitano, C. Kivunja, and K. Porter, "Teaching Controversial Issues In Schools to Prepare Children for a Sustainable Global Village," Australian Association for Research Education website, 2008

8.Controversial issue assignments increase critical thinking skills and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Cons of Controversy

A 2003 evaluation of students given a controversial issue assignment found that:

98.25% "agreed, strongly agreed, or very strongly agreed" that "they were more sensitive to the concerns of people from diverse populations" after completion of a controversial issue assignment. 9

6.4% "agreed, strongly agreed, or very strongly agreed" that "their knowledge about a population other than their own" had increased.


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With the Woman's rights movement that occurred the mid 19th century in the United States, and then again in the early 20th century it shows that progress can be done for any group of people if they fight hard enough. So jumping forward to the 21st century Woman's rights is still a heated topic in our country and when asked the question of do you think that women have equal rights to men today. My answer would to this question would be under law, yes women have all the equal rights that men do. However in society today a few people still think that women are unequal and should be payed less. The centerpoint for my argument is the most topical issue inwomen's rights, the debate of income inequality in today's world. Now a recent report that

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Chelsea Maldonado

PHIL 1304–010 Religion is a very controversial topic around the world. While the term seems complex, when actually broken down, the main religions have one simple concept in common; religion is here for comfort, it serves as a rule book to human behavior on earth so people can have comfort in the thought of death. When getting to know an individual it is important to know what their beliefs are. A lot of the qualities they possess will come from their up–bringing, culture and personal opinions however, around the world most of these beliefs come straight from one's religious beliefs. In most places religion is the culture, opinions and guideline to up–bringing. Religion teaches people how to live their lives while giving people something to live for, something to attain or an end goal. The world is diverse, there are 4,200 different religions. As we've seen in history, not understanding the various beliefs and practices can create extreme separation and violence between religious groups. It is important to gain knowledge about the common goal that religions share because once that is established it becomes easier to accept and understand the person. In particular, Buddhism, is more than just a religion. Buddhism, to its followers, is the way of life, or philosophy. Not understanding their religion is not understanding their life at all. Buddhism goes beyond meditation, practices and rituals, it is how a Buddhist lives,

November 17, 2014

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A controversial topic we have in society today is our education system. Our education is very important, it's a crucial part of our life and one should always have the need to better it. People always want to find ways to improve it, and some people don't believe that there is anything wrong with the way the education system is, they think that it is perfectly fine. The truth is, today's education system has a lot of improvements that can be made, but it will take years upon years to fix. Some people want to make the most drastic changes yet they know they won't be able to change them, not in the period of time that they would like. They would like to reduce class sizes, so teachers can have more one on one experience with the children; they would also like to change the age that the children start school at, that is one thing that I believe will change, and soon, because it's happening now, some children are starting pre–school at the age of three. I would like to fix several issues the education system has, but I can't. Some of the major issues that I would like to be fixed are the school starting times, more elective classes, and the high schools being more liberal or how high schools should have more freedom, like college students. I want to see our educational system change for the better, and I know that we will have to start with minor steps in order to get to where we need to be. Starting with smaller improvements that will help set the way for us to make the big

Controversial Topic
On Education System
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In today's world which is full of controversial topics or issue which can be found in the mass media. This does continue towards the future for the timeline of any controversial issue during the history and for the public changed in time. The media does present the topic for the public. There is many portrayal of the subject which can demonize a topic so the mindset of the people is listening to the presentation of any story. This controversial topic which has the bias from this is the Freedom of Speech, African–American rights, women's rights, racism, and specifically In God We Trust vs. the Freedom of Religion in America. These are from the previous years with the ethical issues which are the war, the same sex–marriages, and more content...

The economists call these perverse incentives because they try too hard to make it exist for the scientific consensus. The United Nations have the resource for the activists through these mechanisms for the directorates of the committees and the NGOs (Bottum & Anderson, 2011).Giaever has stated when the first victims who were in the battles between the crossways from the politics can go out the window because of these incentives. Giaever didn't know this was all unknown because of the ice ages can take into all consideration which has made the climate an remainder in the time of history in the world to this day covered in ice. All of these sides do have points in the controversial debates can happen over time. Even though Farley had the explanation for the global warming of how it worked and the evidence when the temperature increased. Giaever finds the truthful facts in global warming for several thousand years instead of millions of years. When the planet been existent which does not have the full accurate description, this will bring additional incentives to give the information if it is factual or not. An example from Al Gore the previous vice president, who took the production from the large scale movie called "The Inconvenient Truth" this movie, portrayed the global warming because it has accolades the Oscars Academy Award and the humanitarian award. The movies has grossed

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Controversial Issues in Entertainment

When speaking of politicians we have to look at the local and federal officials. We are living in a world today as to where other countries have lost assurance in our federal government. It's evident that we now live in a world of chaos faced with a lot of different controversial issues. A vast part of this reason is due to decisions made by our politicians. A typical example is the inadequacy ofhealth care this has been a huge controversial topic that affects millions of people. Children and adults lack in health care while many families struggle to earn a living and America's families are being denied the chance to achieve the American Dream. The Bible teaches us to respect our parents, the elderly and those placed in authority. Therefore

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Climate Change is a very controversial topic, not only in The United States, but in various places around the world. Some people say that it is a hoax, and others put it on the top of their priority list, along with abortions, terrorism and other important topics circulating around the world. Magnum in Motion did a very good and detailed job of swaying people to believe that climate change needs to be a more precedent issue. The video essay portrays climate change as a pogrom, it gives an unbiased opinion, and it presents ways to combat climate change. The video done by Magnum in Motion is done in a superb fashion. It portrays climate change as a pogrom. It does a phenomenal job in showing how climate change can effect things around more content...

It shows forests and houses set ablaze due to the recent spikes in the temperature. Lives are being lost due to Climate change, and if that is not a problem to you then something is wrong. More and more wild fires break out every week all across the world spreading from village to village, forest to forest and leaving nothing but a trail of destruction, death and fire. Magnum in Motion climate change video gives us ways to combat climate change. One of the solutions the video presents is to charge taxes for carbon emissions and support low–carbon research initiatives. Although this would let us learn much more about climate change and the ways we can do to prevent it from being such an issue. I would say corporations would be upset that they have to pay more taxes, and the word taxes in America is like a curse word. Another solution is that we can change our way of living and invest in renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels and such. Solution number three is thinking collectively and helping venerable communities adapt to the consequences that come with the effects of global warming and climate change. In doing this it would help us learn more about ways to combat or be more prepared the next time it becomes a problem for any of the countries in the world. The quote by the Dalai Lama speaks volume on this issue, "If we looked down at the world form space, we would not see any demarcations of a national boundaries. We would

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I chose the topic of the Space Exploration: Apollo missions. This has always interested me and I found that it was a lot more than just space exploration. This was a political race that was between the United States and Soviet Union "Russia". I was shocked to find out that this was a controversial topic, because many people believe that we never made it in space and others think that the moon landing was a hoax.

I also read that some people thought it was a way to drain the Russian economy during the cold war. John F. Kennedy started the Apollo missions to flaunt the U.S. Prestige to the Soviet Union. The first 7 rockets failed, but were unmanned. Apollo 7 was manned and successfully orbited the Earth.

It took until Apollo 11 to actually land

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Vaccination Is A Controversial Topic

Illnesses and diseases continues to develop and spread constantly throughout the world. These harmful viruses have always had a huge impact on humanity. It has caused many death and outbreaks in the past and present because it can be passed on easily. Luckily today there are medication to prevent the spread of these viruses, known as vaccines. Vaccines are antibiotics used to provide immunity against diseases. Once vaccines were introduced there were a lot of speculations and assumptions. There are many people who are for and against vaccines, but today there are many health professional, experts, doctors, and parents who believes that vaccination is a life saver. Vaccination is a controversial topic for many parents and guardians more content...

The number of children born each year can have an enormous impact on society, there can be a massive epidemic. People do not want their child to be exposed to these deadly infectious disease, especially if they are preventable. The consequences of not vaccinating a child can have serious effects on them as well as the people around them. The virus will continue to grow and spread if vaccination is reducing in children. People who decide to stop vaccinating their child can easily cause an impact on society. Not only do parents jeopardize their own child health but they are also putting other children at risk, especially children that cannot be vaccinated. Children that cannot receive vaccination is because of allergies in the medication, so they rely on others who are vaccinated. Because of the lack of vaccination there were multiple outbreaks, "In 2014 there was a massive measles outbreak in the United States, 668 cases reported by 27 states" (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1). Measles is an easily contagious disease and can be passed on from one person to another. The death percentage it has on people is provided by Public Medical Heath: "Each year measles causes more than half a million deaths and is

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Controversial Topics: Synonym Analysis

Hi Guppocio #1: a little light hearted similarity:

"The simple observation of the frequency of synonymous mutations in different species is the strongest argument for common descent that we can imagine. I can't really think of any possible alternative explanation for that simple and universal fact." Synonymous mutations,

/Synonymous_substitution Well, mutate a single possum cell from a non–possum cell, and previously, mutate dirt into a non possum by the 'uncertainty' of Darwinian processes? Where have we seen such surety before; Darwin said: It is incredible that all these facts should speak falsely. He who is not content to look, like a savage, at the

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Gender roles is a very controversial topic in today's society, especially when it comes to working. 100 years ago, in Europe, women were working long hours in factories. Women also worked as nurses, cleaned wealthy people 's homes, worked the fields, and were craftswomen. In other areas, women have been working the fields, handicrafts, and workshops. Meanwhile, 100 years ago in the United States women were expected to stay home and take care of the family/home, while the men went out and worked an average of ten hours a day for six days a week, compared to the traditional five day weeks and 8 hour days. There are common beliefs about working women, including that they are expected to have kids and quit their jobs when they do, they are judged more harshly when voicing their opinions, they are expected to have good 'soft skills', they are still seen as secondary to their husbands even if they're the primary breadwinner, they are perceived as naturally weaker than their male coworkers, and they are judged more on their looks than men. Even though most these stereotypes have mostly disappeared over the past few years, they still exist in some places. Today, women in America are becoming more and more powerful in many areas, especially when it comes to the workforce.


Some people believe that females don't work as much as their male counterparts do. A lot of people believe that men work a lot more than women do in the United States. A lot of people believe that

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Controversial Topic
On Gender Roles

Animal Testing : A Controversial Topic

Prof. Greer


23 July 2015

Animal Testing Fatima walks into the cosmetic section of Macy's and is interested in buying some acne skin care products. As she was paying for them, she notices plenty of harmful side effects the acne products contained. Fatima is glad she is aware of these symptoms and knows that these side effects are rare and that the product is almost completely safe to use. If it was not for animal testing that is currently being used in some laboratories, these side effects would have been discovered on people and that would create an unsafe environment. Less people would want to buy care products and medicine since it would be viewed as a risk instead of something helpful. Animal testing is becoming a more controversial topic, despite its many successes over the years. Since people have various misconceptions about it, such as it being an unsafe and cruel technique, it has become a more unpopular method. However, the benefits of animal research and testing have been less spread due to negative media attention, which created a bias among the public. Animal testing is a practice that has proved to be beneficial and should be continued because of the close similarity between humans and animals, the many lifesaving cures that it contributed to, and the regulation of the practice that makes it safe and humane for animals. One of the biggest reasons why animals are used in laboratories is because they are very similar to human beings. In

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Controversial Topics In American History

Race is a topic that has been a part of American history since the beginning of the colonized America. This country has always struggled with the idea of people with different ethnicities and what that means for the society in which both live in. These differences have caused a lot of animosity in the country and changes had to be made. The country has changed and adapted to overcome obstacles once ethic discoveries were made. However, the road has been long and hard for many individuals who have faced decimation and persecution. Many key events have taken place in history since 1877 for the African Americans to have the rights they do today but three stand out and those are Plessy v. Ferguson, the Civil Right Act, and the New Jim Crow laws

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Organ Donation : A Controversial Issue

Organ donation is a controversial issue in most countries which simply involves the donation of a biological organ or tissue from a living or dead human body to a living recipient who needs a transplant or for scientific research. There have been several debates on the issue that everyone should be willing to donate their organ as it is of no use when they die. Some members of the public consider organ donation as an ultimate gift of life. Some people on the other hand, consider it improper due to religious or moral belief. A donor card is a card which a person carries to specify the approval to the use of their organs or body parts for transplantation or scientific use in the event of their death. This essay will support the statement that everyone should carry a donor card and state the reasons on how it can help improve the chances of survival. Organ donation could save the life of so many Individuals. One organ donor can save or significantly improve the lives of a minimum of seven others (Morgan, 2004). There has been a severe shortage in the availability of organ for transplantation. Presently, more than 40,000 patients in the United States are expecting organ transplants and it is guesstimated that about 60,000 people die yearly due to limited availability of organ for transplantation (Skumanich et al., 1996). The demand for organ donor is rising as transplant surgery turn out to be increasingly popular and successful in saving the lives of many individuals. Card

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Newspeak demolishes thought. Throughout the book, George Orwell tackles controversial ideas. He uses topics that create distraught in the readers to show how the future could exist. People kill for excitement and uses special forces to attack people. This happens because "Big Brother" wants it to. Big Brother runs the society and he uses his influence to control his subservients. He does this with the help of his new language "Newspeak," which inhibits peoples thoughts and minds. The society in George Orwell's 1984 does not have the capability to form personal opinions because of Newspeak. In most cases 1984 compares to the life of humans today. Today each person does a specific job for eight hours. That person then goes home sleeps and begins the never–ending cycle all over again. Syme works with Newspeak. He creates new words and gets rid of others. He removes the beautiful words of the past, "You think, I dare say, that our chief job is inventing new words. But not a bit of it! We're destroying words– scores of them, more content... The youth spies allude to Hitler youth. The readers can also compare the children in 1984 to the children in Africa who must fight with guns or die. In both cases the children do not understand what they do, they only understand that the people with authority want them to take action. Changes in the present day compare to 1984 in other ways as well. The Parties slogan is "who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past" (Orwell 20). In several states petitions were created in order to eliminate the history where the United States did something wrong. People can see bits and pieces of this book all throughout the present day. Orwell was trying to stop this, because he could not it reminds the readers that dumbing down the language causes people to lose their intelligence. This gives few people power over the

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Ideas In George Orwell's 1984

Suicide Controversial Topics

A Controversial Topic One of the most controversial topics in our society today is suicide. In this day and age our society runs away from talking about this situation. Suicide is an important public health problem in our lives ("Suicide"). There are approximately thirty thousand people who commit suicide every year in the United States alone ("Suicide"). With this health problem most of the people ask what religions say about this. Suicide and religion are a topic that goes hand in hand. What are the viewpoints of Christianity? What are the viewpoints of other cultures? These are questions that are asked all the time. First, let us talk about characteristics of suicide. The characteristics of suicide consist of the individual more content...

There has been three scientific theories that have been produced. The first theory is the medical model, and this is referred to as mental illness this was developed in the late 1800s ("Suicide"). The second theory is when individuals are unable to fit into society. This was introduced by French sociologist Emile Durkheim ("Suicide"). The third theory is that these people "cry for help". This was introduced in the 1950s, and the people want others to notice their pain and help them ("Suicide"). Due to the suicide rates in the United States over the years there have been many steps and programs to help prevent suicide. In the 1950s the suicide hotline was developed, and this made it where the people who were thinking of committing suicide can call and receive help ("Suicide"). There have been prevention programs sent through the school to train students, teachers and others to recognize the warning signs of suicide ("Suicide"). There has been so much to try and prevent suicide in this country, but there are some who want to die for certain reasons. Death with dignity is when one wants to die when terminally ill and it is an inevitable and unavoidable death ("Religion and Spirituality"). There has been a movement in many places including the United States to put the "right–to–die" in play. The "Right–to–die" movement aims to legalize doctor–assisted services ("Suicide"). The controversy with the

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