The Naples 100

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President and CEO David Lawrence Centers for Behavioral Health

President Wynn’s Family Market

With more than 25 years of healthcare experience and as a licensed clinician, Scott Burgess works closely with the behavioral health nonprofit’s board of directors to manage DLC’s operations and development. He provides administrative, clinical, and strategic direction for 300-plus professional staff who provide mental health, substance use, and integrated health-care solutions for more than 9,000 children and adults each year. He led Collier County’s effort to develop its first-ever strategic plan for mental health and addiction services and is now actively mobilizing that five-year plan as chair of the Collier Coalition for Healthy Minds

Timothy D. Wynn was born into the family business and has overseen changes into the niche gourmet market that have allowed Wynn’s Family Market to thrive in a competitive landscape. After becoming president in 1987, Wynn was one of the youngest grocery presidents in the industry. Wynn implemented changes such as a catering business, home delivery, greater personal service, unique items, a distinctive wine department, and a kitchen that makes carryout meals from scratch. FIRST JOB: Burning boxes behind the grocery store. I had to stand on a milk crate and hang on the handle of the door to shut the furnace. BEST ADVICE: You can’t steal second with your foot on first base. You must take risks in life and in business to succeed. SECRET TO SUCCESS: Always look ahead and be innovative. HOBBIES: Travel, fishing, golf ADVICE TO 18-YEAR-OLD SELF: Don’t stress out over the mistake you’re going to make. It will be one of the best learning tools you have for the future. BUCKET LIST: Arctic exploration to view polar bears in fall 2020

EDUCATION: Concordia University (MA) BEST ADVICE: Treat everyone you encounter like they are a beloved family member; that will ensure exceptional client care and customer service. LESSON LEARNED: “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31) FAVORITE MOVIE: It’s a Wonderful Life FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Series such as Stranger Things, Blacklist, Game of Thrones, and Designated Survivor



President and CEO NCH Healthcare System

CEO Neighborhood Health Clinic

Paul C. Hiltz took over the helm of NCH Healthcare System, Collier County’s largest non-government employer, in September 2019. Prior to his arrival, Hiltz, a boardcertified Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, served in executive positions in Ohio, including as president and CEO of Mercy Medical Center; senior executive with Mercy Health (formerly Catholic Health Partners) and president and CEO of Mercy Hospital – Mt. Airy, and Mercy Health’s Springfield, Ohio region.

Growing up in a medical family, Leslie Lascheid chose a career of business and law before supporting her parents in establishing the Neighborhood Health Clinic in 1999. She has brought her acumen to expand the clinic’s focus on the patient. Having a gravely ill child heightened her empathy for patients. “I genuinely understand the confusion and discomfort of trying to manage health care,” she says. Hiking the Appalachian Trail with her son inspired her to became a licensed commercial airline pilot.

EDUCATION: Xavier University (MHA) NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) FIRST JOB: Burger Chef (now Hardee’s) SECRET TO SUCCESS: It’s one that I’ve been committed to throughout my years, and that’s to make sure I am surrounded by great people/teammates. HOBBIES: Tennis and reading FAVORITE MOVIE: Saving Private Ryan FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Italy BUCKET LIST: Ireland

EDUCATION: Carnegie Mellon University; Wharton School HOMETOWN: Sewickley, Pennsylvania FIRST JOB: With my best friend, we would jumpstart people’s cars during the winter. We used that money to purchase a plow for my brother’s Jeep and ran a snow removal business plowing driveways and shoveling sidewalks. FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: When presenting at an important business meeting, I always wore a black suit and black shoes. One day, I was scheduled to present during an important meeting only to discover that I had with me only two left shoes, one with a 1.5-inch heel and one with a 3-inch. I had no choice but to wear them. Imagine the sight of me hobbling across a courtroom!

The Naples 100


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