2023 PCOM Commencement Program

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Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine welcomes you to the PhiladelphiaCommencement Ceremony honoring the Classes of 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023

Classes of 2023

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

Doctor of Psychology in School Psychology

Educational Specialist in School Psychology

Master of Science in Applied Behavioral Analysis

Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology

Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

Master of Science in Forensic Medicine

Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling

Master of Science in Organizational Development and Leadership

Master of Science in Health Sciences - Physician Assistant Studies

Master of Science in Public Health Management and Administration

Master of Science in School Psychology


Invocation Professor and Director of Clinical Ser vices, Department of Clinical Psychology

A. Golden, PsyD, ABPP

National Anthem PCOM Pulmonics


Provost and Senior Vice President Kenneth J Veit, DO, MBA

President and Chief Executive Officer Jay S Feldstein, DO Chairman, Board of Trustees

Presentation of Commencement Speaker for Honorar y Degree

J. Gravina


Conferring of the Degree Mr Gravina

..........................................................................................................Classes of 2023
D o C to r o f l AW S, H o N o r I S C Au S A A rt H u r l. C A P l A N, PhD D I r e C to r, D I v I S I o N o f m e D I C A l e t H I C S N y u g ro S S m A N S C H o o l o f m e D I C I N e N eW yo r k, N eW yo r k Address .........................................................................................................................Dr. Caplan Audience please rise if you are able * * *


Interim Dean and Chaiman of Surger y, Osteopathic Medical Program

Interim Dean, School of Professional & Applied Psychology

Dean, School of Health Sciences

Presentation of Candidates for Degrees in Course

College of Osteopathic Medicine

of Professional & Applied Psychology

Conferring of the Degrees

College of Osteopathic Medicine School of Professional & Applied Psycholog y School of Health Sciences

Doctor of osteopathic medicine oath

Closing remarks and Benediction

Sesso, DO

Felgoise, PhD, ABPP

y McDonald, DO

President, PCOM Alumni Association.................................................................Dr. Lapoint, DO Vice President, PCOM Alumni Association


.....................................................................................Dr. Sesso
of Health Sciences........................................................................................Dr. McDonald
............................................................Paul Lapoint,
recessional ............................................................................................................Classes
Audience please rise if you are able *
Shanda Lucas-O’Dennis,
of 2023

Commencement Speaker

Dr. Arthur Caplan is currently the Drs.William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor and founding head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine in New York City

Prior to coming to NYU School of Medicine, Dr Caplan was the Sidney D Caplan Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia, where he created the Center for Bioethics and the Department of Medical Ethics. Dr. Caplan has also taught at the University of Minnesota, where he founded the Center for Biomedical Ethics, the University of Pittsburgh, and Columbia University. He received his PhD from Columbia University.

Dr. Caplan is the author or editor of thirty-five books and over 850 papers in peer reviewed journals. His most recent books are Vaccination Ethics and Policy, with Jason Schwartz and, Getting to Good: Research Integrity in Biomedicine with Barbara Redman

He has ser ved on a number of national and international committees including as the chair of the National Cancer Institute Biobanking Ethics Working Group, chair of the Advisor y Committee to the United Nations on Human Cloning, and chair of the Advisor y Committee to the Department of Health and Human Ser vices on Blood Safety and Availability. He has also ser ved on the Presidential Advisor y Committee on Gulf War Illnesses, the special advisor y committee to the International Olympic Committee on genetics and gene therapy, the Special Advisor y Panel to the National Institutes of Mental Health on Human Experimentation on Vulnerable Subjects, the Wellcome Trust Advisor y Panel on Research in Humanitarian Crises, and the co-director of the Joint Council of Europe/United Nations Study on Trafficking in Organs and Body Parts

Caplan has ser ved since 2015 as the chairperson of the Compassionate Use Advisor y Committee (CompAC), an independent group of internationally recognized medical experts, bioethicists and patient representatives which advises Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals about requests for compassionate use of some of its investigational medicines

Dr Caplan is a regular commentator on bioethics and health care issues for WebMD/Medscape, WGBH radio in Boston, WOR radio in New York City, Hearst Media Group, Connecticut and CNN. He appears frequently as a guest and commentator on various other national and international media outlets

Dr. Caplan is the recipient of many awards and honors including the McGovern Medal of the American Medical Writers Association and the Franklin Award from the City of Philadelphia He was a USA Today 2001 “Person of the Year” and was described as one of the ten most influential people in science by Discover magazine in 2008 He has also been honored as one of the fifty most influential people in American health care by Modern Health Care magazine, one of the ten most influential people in America in biotechnology by the National Journal, one of the ten most influential people in the ethics of biotechnology by the editors of Nature Biotechnology, and one of the 100 most influential people in biotechnology by Scientific American magazine

A rt H u r l. C A P l A N, PhD D I r e C to r, D I v I S I o N o f m e D I C A l e t H I C S, N y u g ro S S m A N S C H o o l o f m e D I C I N e N eW yo r k, N eW yo r k 2023 Co m m e N C e m e N t S Pe A k e r PH I l A D e l PH I A Co l l e g e o f o S t e o PAt H I C m e D I C I N e
DAvID A. BItoNte, Do ’80, mBA, mPH, fAoCA, CommeNCemeNt SPeAker SerIeS

Commencement Speaker

During the Covid-19 pandemic, he co-directs an advisor y group on sports and recreation for the US Conference of Mayors, created a working group on coronavirus vaccine challenge studies, developed an ethical framework for distributing drugs and vaccines for J&J, helped develop rationing policies for NYU LMC and many other health systems, is a member of the WHO advisor y committee on Covid, ethics and experimental drugs/vaccines, and helped set policy for WIRB/WCG for research studies. He was an advisor to Moderna. And ser ves on the NCAA Sports and Covid committee

He received the Patricia Price Browne Prize in Biomedical Ethics for 2011 In 2014 he was selected to receive the Public Ser vice Award from the National Science Foundation/National Science Board, which honors individuals and groups that have made substantial contributions to increasing public understanding of science and engineering in the United States In 2016 the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) honored him with their Rare Impact Award and Food and Drug Law Institute’s Distinguished Ser vice Leadership Award. In 2019 he was honored by the Food and Drug Administration’s, Reagan/Udall Foundation with its Innovation Award.

He holds seven honorar y degrees from colleges and medical schools.

Support for the Commencement speaker was generously provided by a gift from David A. Bitonte, Do ’80, mBA, mPH, fAoCA


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

Doctor of Psychology in School Psychology

Educational Specialist in School Psychology

Master of Science in Applied Behavioral Analysis

Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology

Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

Master of Science in Forensic Medicine

Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling

Master of Science in Organizational Development and Leadership

Master of Science in Health Sciences - Physician Assistant Studies

Master of Science in Public Health Management and Administration

Master of Science in School Psychology

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.


DoCtor of oSteoPAtHIC meDICINe

mASoN W. PreSSly memorIAl AWArD

is medal, in memor y of the co-founder of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

e recipient is honored for outstanding achievement and ser vice to the College, the community and the osteopathic profession:

Briana krewson

PCom StuDeNt memorIAl AWArD

Presented by Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in memor y of those students who passed away before graduating as osteopathic physicians: Homer Mackey, Lewis Rossman, D Neil Grove, Richard F Campo, Paul G Moscato, Marianne C Filipczyk, Peter McLaughlin, Jr , Clifford G Dorf, Anthony J Di Michele, Joseph R Krobert, David M Atlas, Jr , Michelle M Andrews, John D Kearney, Behrang Emami, Matthew D Antrobus, Rebecca A. Park, Ross E. Breitbart, Elton G. Cosby, Arfan Bashir

Awarded to those members of the graduating class who have attained the highest scholastic averages in didactic study:

emily Schueppert


Awarded to that member of the graduating class who by personal and professional conduct and by contributions to student affairs and to the general program of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has been deemed worthy of special citation as recipient of the Dean’s Award:

katie o’Shea

JoHN H. eImerBrINk, Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded to that member of the graduating class who in the opinion of the members of the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine has shown exceptional ability in the use of osteopathic philosophy and osteopathic manipulative treatment:

kendal grace Schaetzle

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

eXCelleNCe IN emergeNCy meDICINe AWArD

Awarded by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine to a senior medical student who has demonstrated excellence in the specialty of emergency medicine:

katie o’Shea

gAleN S. youNg, Sr., Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded upon recommendation of the Department of Surger y to that member of the graduating class who has shown exceptional interest and ability in the field of surger y:

Bennett ross Auker

WIllIAm f. DAIBer, Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded to that member of the graduating class who has been selected on the basis of exceptional ability in the field of cardiology:

katie o’Shea

ANDreW D. DemASI, Do ’47, AND DANIel H. BelSky, Do ’57, AWArD IN oBStetrICS AND gyNeCology

Awarded upon recommendation of the staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology to that member of the graduating class who has been selected for exceptional competence and proficiency in obstetrics and gynecology:

emily Schueppert

H. WIllArD Sterrett, Do AND

H. WIllArD Sterrett, Jr., Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded upon recommendation of the Division of Urology to that member of the graduating class who has been selected on the basis of proficiency in urology:

Adedayo folasade Adetunji

f. muNro PurSe, Do ’32 AWArD IN PeDIAtrICS

Awarded to that member of the graduating class who has been selected on the basis of excellence in the field of pediatrics:

Courtney lynn Scharbach

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

keNNetH l. WHeeler, Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded to that member of the graduating class whose interests and achievements in didactic and clinical radiology studies have been of high order:

Jareed Aaron Hasan

freDerIC H. BArtH memorIAl AWArD

Awarded to that member of the graduating class who has been selected on the basis of excellence in the field of bronchopulmonar y and upper respirator y disease:

Alexandria Payton Smith

IrvINg S. rogove, Do ’36 memorIAl AWArD

Awarded to that member of the graduating class who has been selected on the basis of excellence in the field of geriatrics:

edgar Weyback-liogier

frIeDA o. vICkerS, Do AND mAJor JAmeS vICkerS


Awarded upon recommendation of the Department of Family Practice to that member of the graduating class who has been selected as most proficient in the field of family medicine:

rachel Souza

HymeN kANoff, Do ’52 memorIAl AWArD IN fAmIly PrACtICe

Awarded to that member of the graduating class who demonstrates a commitment to ethics and community ser vice as well as a focus in family medicine and osteopathic manipulative treatment:

Justin Ball glover

DeAN ArtHur m. flACk AND Belle B. flACk memorIAl AWArD

Awarded upon recommendation of the Department of Internal Medicine to that member of the graduating class who has been selected as most proficient in the practice of internal medicine:

John Pueringer

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

WIllIAm H. DICkerSoN, Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded upon recommendation of the Department of Internal Medicine to that member of the graduating class who has achieved exceptional competence in the field of infectious disease:

micah Patrick kaiser

WIlBur P. lutZ, Do memorIAl AWArD

Awarded upon recommendation of the Department of Internal Medicine to that member of the graduating class who has been selected as the most proficient in physical diagnosis:

Jamie Christian Henzes


Awarded by the Alumni Association of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine to that member of the graduating class who has been selected because of the high caliber of performance of professional duties in the hospital and outpatient ser vices:

Br yan Christopher ursillo

JeSSe m. youNg memorIAl AWArD

Awarded to that member of the graduating class for exceptional ser vice to the community or to the College:

Jacob Stein

leoNArD H. fINkelSteIN, Do AWArD

e Leonard H Finkelstein, D O Award for Exhibiting Excellence in Compassionate Concern for Patients was created in the year 2000 by Bobbie and Gene Shaid in memor y of Bobbie. e award is in recognition of Dr. Finkelstein’s commitment to outstanding patient care and is presented to that member of the graduating class who has demonstrated these qualities:

Ashley maria otto

ArNolD S. lINCoW, Do ’76 AWArD

Established by Dr Lincow and awarded to that member of the graduating class who has shown interest, competency and aptitude for end of life care and has demonstrated skills in multiple modalities including osteopathic manipulative treatment to alleviate pain and suffering:

Chelsea Adebiyi

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards


Presented by the family of Simmy Ginsburg to that graduating student who has shown himself or herself to be not only a strong and conscientious medical student but also one who has demonstrated integrity, kindness, compassion, empathy, a love of life and who has had a positive impact on the lives of his or her fellow students, medical colleagues and patients:

kristine kim

Dr. tHomAS m. roWlAND, Jr. SCHolAr-AtHlete AWArD

Awarded upon recommendation of a special committee of alumni, administration, faculty and staff and representatives of athletic programs to that member of the graduating class who has shown academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences and who has participated in and contributed to one of the College’s organized sports programs:

Dillon mcCourt

Awarded to the member’s of the graduating class who have matched at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Christine olivia gibson

orli glickman

robert ludwig Schlitt

katherine Shulman

Samantha Sundermeier




Awarded based on Core Clinical Campus faculty nominations of one student who, in their third year of medical training, demonstrated superior professionalism and excellence in clinical care to the site’s patients:

Coco omas - AtlantiCare

Dakota Degenstein - BayHealth medical Center

Briana krewson - Christiana Care

rebecca Sheriff - einstein medical Center

Jeremy reich - einstein medical Center

katelyn langford - geisinger Health System

Beverly kozuch - Jefferson Health Ne

Alayna koch - lehigh valley Hospital-Cedar Crest Network - Cedar Crest

Natasha valas - lehigh valley Hospital - Cedar Crest Network - Pocono

Claire Becker - main line Health

William Hartz - main line Health

madeleine Brown - mercy Catholic medical Center

megan Pattoli - reading

maija Adourian - Suburban

J o S e PH A. D I e t e r l e D o ’70/S t. C H r I S to PH e r’S H o S PI tA l f o r C H I l D r e N r e S I D e N C y AWA r D

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards


Awarded to that student recognized as an outstanding graduate upon recommendation of the faculty and administration of PCOM in consultation with the Awards Committee of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association:

Jordan elizabeth Selep


e President’s Leadership in Diversity Award is given to a student graduating from each program at Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia, who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon:

tyasia guadalupe

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.


DoCtor of PHIloSoPHy IN eDuCAtIoNAl PSyCHology

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

kelly Ann larson


Tis award is presented in recognition of the graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for children and youth within school settings and the community and to promoting fair and equitable educational and mental health ser vices for all children and adolescents, especially the underser ved

molly Blew

DoCtor of PSyCHology IN ClINICAl PSyCHology

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession.

kelsey lee Jones


is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for those coping with behavioral health problems and to promoting fair and equitable mental health ser vices and recover y for all individuals, especially the underser ved.

Patrick mullen


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon

Simone Jackeé Sims-riley

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

DoCtor of PSyCHology IN S C H o o l PSyCHology

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

Jessica Brooke Savaiano


is award is presented in recognition of the graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for children and youth within school settings and the community and to promoting fair and equitable educational and mental health ser vices for all children and adolescents, especially the underser ved

Aleida Silva-garcia

eDuCAtIoNAl SPeCIAlISt IN SCHool of PSyCHology

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession.

Alivia Alyse Plevyak


is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for children and youth within school settings and the community and to promoting fair and equitable mental health ser vices for all children and adolescents, especially the underser ved.

kathr yn robinson


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

mASter of SCIeNCe IN A P P l I e D B e H Av I o r A l A N A ly S I S

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

Sophia leah raff

mASter of SCIeNCe IN A P P l I e D P o S I t I v e P S yC H o lo g y

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

katelyn marie Dor y


is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who truly exemplifies the commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for leading change by fostering and enhancing collaboration, ser vice, and community engagement and to promoting wellness among all individuals, groups, and organizations.

Nicole Parisi

mASter of SCIeNCe IN meNtAl HeAltH CouNSelINg

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

the Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

Abigail malyn obenski


this award is presented in recognition of a graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for those coping with behavioral health problems and to promoting fair and equitable mental health ser vices and recover y for all individuals, especially the underser ved

kara marie Schwartz

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon.

mASter of SCIeNCe IN orgANIZ AtIoNAl DeveloPmeNt AND leADerSHIP

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

the Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession


is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who truly exemplifies the commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for leading change by fostering and enhancing collaboration, ser vice, and community engagement and to promoting the health of organizations


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon.

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

mASter of SCIeNCe IN PuBlIC HeAltH mANAgemeNt AND ADmINIStrAtIoN

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession



is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who truly exemplifies the commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for leading change by fostering and enhancing collaboration, ser vice, and community engagement and to promoting the health of organizations.


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon.

School of Health Sciences Awards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.



ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe reSeArCH CoNCeNtrAtIoN

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

matthew James Connolly

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe foreNSIC BIology CoNCeNtrAtIoN

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

marci takemoto

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe PuBlIC AND PoPulAtIoN HeAltH CoNCeNtrAtIoN

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession.

ryan David kalitz

CeNter for CHroNIC DISorDerS of AgINg eXCelleNCe IN reSeArCH AWArD

is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who most truly exemplifies through their research a dedication and commitment to the mission of the Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging (CCDA) at PCOM which is to improve the quality of life for all individuals suffering from age-related chronic diseases and disorders.

School of Health Sciences Awards


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon.

Heidi Chr ystle elnathan

mASter of SCIeNCe IN foreNSIC meDICINe

ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

valerie michelle Williams

School of Health Sciences Awards


ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe

e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession

Carolyn Anne yochum

P Co m o u tS tA N D I N g S t u D e N t AWA r D

is award is given to the student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership as a student officer or representative, as a member of PCOM student government, and as a member of national, state or local physician assistant professional organizations.

Chloe Alexa Novak

fACult y reCogNItIoN AWArD for outStANDINg ClINICAl ACHIevemeNt

is award is presented to a student who, while on rotations, consistently showed eagerness to learn clinical medicine while maintaining respect for patients, preceptors, fellow healthcare workers and other students.

katelyn Steenvoorden

SArA SomerS ruPert HumANItArIAN AWArD

is award is presented to a graduate who has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to those in need e recipient exemplifies the philosophy of health care ser vice and compassion above self

Jazmin victoria Conway


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon

Jordyn Irene Walker

Degrees in Course

Degrees in Course

DoCtor of oSteoPAtHIC meDICINe

Nicholas Abate

Sarah laura Adams

Chelsea Adebiyi

oluwadamilola olubukola Adefarati

Adedayo folasade Adetunji

Adesewa Adewusi

maija Adourian

Ariella Alexander

ryan Campbell Andrew

Julian Antal

Samuel Antoon

Sayed Arian

mariam Attia

Bennett ross Auker

omar yehia Awadalla

Alexandra Bahgat

Colin Bashaw

Hannah Bashaw

Claire elizabeth Becker

Ansu Benjamin

kelsey Anne Bentz

Belinda Beqo

Amanda marie Bernardini

Helene Dru Bloom

Ceciley marie Jeanette Bly

Corliann Blyn

Nicole guss Boatwright

olivia minetree Arguimbau magnelli Bowles

madeleine lee Brown

omas Buckley

kaleigh elizabeth Burnham

marisa lindsey Caminos

Alyssa marie Campbell

Danielle Carey

Jackson Patrick Carney

Nicholas S. Car vis

varun Chahal

Shivansh Chawla

Anthony Paul Chiccarine III

Peter David Chirdon

Janny Chun

Sarah Jane Chwiki

Daniel marc Cohen

rachel Colletti

michael Stephen Comisac III

Colleen maria Crawford

Andre Ahmad Cunningham

emily Custer

Shofolahan Da-Silva

Jashelle Irene Davis

lauren katherine Davis

rachel Day

Alexandria DeAngelo

Dakota James Degenstein

Dean Philip Delgado

michael Demarco

James Christian Dematteo

David richard Deysher

DeAnna marina Diaz

molly Jane Dickinson

anh Dinh

khang Do

kaitlyn Dodson

Andrea geneva Dumenigo

kameron Durante

Harrison richard eckert

moath Hatem elhady

Alec John erhard

Christopher euell

Nada fadl

James J. fagan

eric fellin

Christopher michael fiorina

Paine fleisher

matthew William flounders

erika leigh foerst

molly Dunn forlines

valerie margaret foy

Adrienne laura fraczkowski

rebecca Allison frawley

Brogan troy galbreath

michael gregor y galperin

David r. garcia-Castro

Justine garfinkel

Brigid marie garrity

Courtney gehman

Andrew Wesley geller

Siriluk geytenbeek

Allison gibbons

Christine olivia gibson

Adam ginsburg

orli glickman

Sarah Nicole glisan

Justin Ball glover

Andrew William gorr

Austin michaels grist

karlee elizabeth grudi

Cara Anne grudziak

tyasia guadalupe

Br yanna Joann guthridge

Angela Xinyu Han

Chelsey Natasha Hanson

michael g. Harnett Jr.

Hannah Harrell

William kristopher Harrison

William A. Hartz Jr.

Nailah A. Har vey

Jareed Aaron Hasan

Sarah elizabeth Hay

Haia Hazim

Jamie Hedrick

Jeremy omas Heinle

Brian omas Heist

Jamie Christian Henzes

Shirley vanessa Hochhauser

grace katherine Hogan

erin Bridget Hollis

Chase Addison Houston

Christopher Duane Howard

Hashem Hraky

Jose A. Huergo

eric Patrick Hunter

Jonas Hyacinthe

Jonathan Hyacinthe

omoshade m. Idowu

Nicholas Imperato

tamika taylor Isaac

evan Jonah Isaacs

Zita elizabeth Jackson

Degrees in Course

Jonathan Jeong

lauren Jones

Nathan Jones

Priya kabaria

micah Patrick kaiser

laila kalaf

Harshita kandarpa

eric matthew kantner

Harrison kardon

John francis karpinski

ershad khan

muhammad Zan khan

Jessica louis kim

kristine kim

ethan Harrsion kirk

Bridgette elizabeth klein

Anthony klingos

Alayna Drew koch

matthew John kour y

kyle kowalsky

Beverley Celeste kozuch

kyle Steven krainock

Briana krewson

Nicole kushner

katelyn langford

michael Paul lapoint

Alexa Nicole lapointe

Ho An lau

logan Danielle lawson

keith Alan lee

tyler lee

Adam John lencer

Ashley lynn lipshaw

Austin Conor lonski

raj madhani

Brendan madison

Nicholas maffetone

matthew maiman

John H. malin II

Dianne mancheno

Anson oliver marsh

Barak Nevin marshall

Alec Joseph massood

Darren John mast

michael Patrick mcCarthy

Dillon mcCourt

Douglas mcHale

Christopher mcloughlin

Danielle meir-levi

frank edward mele

Justina Catherine mellone

megan marie michaels

gregor y Philip morris

Nico francesco munley

Peter muraca

Joseph musiol

morgan Bella Novakovich

Claudine Nwadiozor

Sarai Adaku Nwagbaraocha

toluwanimi mar y ogungbesan

QueenDenise Adugo okeke

Corey olsen

katie o’Shea

Ashley maria otto

Branten Page

Jan Pasternak

megan Pattoli

Degrees in Course

Jacquelyn Christine Pearlmutter

Boris Hristov Penev

miranda Penn

Cheron Imani Perkins

Nicole velma Perr y Br yce

Christine Philip

Amanda Nicole Pitts

michael v. Predi

tiarra Nicole Price

John Pueringer

Antonia elena Puma

ted raddell

Jacob ratowski

Abrar raviv

vandhana gaddum reddy

Jeremy reich

madison Nancy rhodes

taylor Jean rider

katherine rigotti

John Joseph mcguinn ringe

Justin Charles rissmiller

Alexandra Jo robbins

rachelle Anne valenzuela rodriguez

Joseph romero

Joshua Hugh Cassone rosero

Ariana rucker

Alyssa marie ryan

twinkle Saini

Shreya Sakthivel

Camila Patricia Salazar meneses

Srawasti Sarker

kendal grace Schaetzle

Courtney lynn Scharbach

robert ludwig Schlitt

Christopher Ian Schrock

emily Schueppert

Jordan elizabeth Selep

Scott Patrick Serpico

gelan Shamloul

katherine Shulman

Anna eresa Sicilia

Sachin Sinha

Alexandria Payton Smith

Danica H. Smith

tanner ray Smith

regina Anne Souder

rachel Souza

Natasha lee Stanley

Aver y Alexandra Stec

Jacob Stein

Amanda Stella-Adams

Samantha leigh Stuppi

michael J. Suarez

eric addeus Sugarman

Samantha Sundermeier

Shahrukh Syed

Britley elizabeth takovich-linzer

Percy takyi

Akshita taneja

reddhyia Jean Pomaah taylor

kimberly tena

mia terrana

Brenda elizabeth tester

Samantha traslavina

Jesse Ifeanyichukwu Abagha uduma

Br yan Christopher ursillo

Natasha katrina valas

Amitpal Singh vohra

mick voigt

Heather leigh Waring

tyler Wark

Samantha louise Weller

edgar Weyback-liogier

Alicia michelle Williams

gregor y Sesh Withers

ronald gene Woodruff III

michael young

Phillip Zacco

Analise marie Zapadka

Degrees in Course

oSteoPAtHIC mANIPulAtIve meDICINe S C H o l A r S ProgrAm

e Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Scholars program is designed to provide osteopathic medical students with the tools necessar y to integrate osteopathic principles into all areas of clinical practice and to develop superior patient management and clinical problem solving and to enhance Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment teaching skills. e program extends the medical school curriculum an additional year, incorporating teaching, clinical experience and research

At the outset, the program was partially endowed by the family of C. Paul Snyder, DO, PCOM Class of 1910, and the Oxford Foundation Contributions from alumni, families, friends and estate gifts help to continue funding this undergraduate teaching fellowship largely supported by the College.

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate the following graduates of PCOM’s Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Scholars program:

kendal grace Schaetzle

Danielle Shannon Carey



Degrees in Course

of PHIloSoPHy IN eDuCAtIoNAl PSyCHology

DoCtorAl grADuAteS AND tHeIr reSeArCH

molly Blew

“Critical Literacy: Meeting Twenty-First Centur y Literacy Demands for Adolescent Learners”

kelly Ann larson

“Adopting a Growth Mindset Approach to Inter ventions for Self-Regulation”

DoCtor of PSyCHology IN ClINICAl PSyCHology

tHe DoCtorAl grADuAteS AND tHeIr reSeArCH

mallor y Justine Christman

“Assessing the Quality of Life in Spousal Caregivers of Kidney Dialysis Patients”

Adam David Christmann

“e Clinical Utility of a Short Form Version for the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) in Identifying Visual Memor y Impairments with Older Adults”

Carly gerbi

“e Relationship Between ADHD-Specific Cognitive Distortions and Adult ADHD After Accounting for Clinical Syndromes and Personality Pathology”

marisa Anett gretz

“Examining the Relationship between Social Media Use, Connectedness, and Depression in Graduate Students”

kristen elizabeth Hawk-Purcell

“e Association Between Trauma Histor y and Body Image, Depression, Posttraumatic Stress, and Relationship Satisfaction in Postpartum Women”

kelsey lee Jones

“e Inventor y of Cognitive Distortions - Youth Version: e Development and Validation of a Psychometric Test for the Measurement of Cognitive Distortions in Youth”

Patrick mullen

“Mental Health Professionals’ Perception of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder”

tamar yael runyan

“Demographic and Neurocognitive Predictive Factors Impacting on Expressed Vocational Interests”

lindsey Ann Salerno

“e Impact of Trauma on Exposure and Response Prevention (EX/RP)

Treatment Outcomes for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder”

Sally Sanchez

“Exploring Psychological Impacts, Coping and Conflict Resolution of Transnationalism on Parent-Child Relationships”

Simone Jackee' Sims-riley

“A Qualitative Examination of Relationship Satisfaction and Social Support in Postoperative Weight-loss Surger y Patients and their Significant Others”

Portia elizabeth Womer

“Providers’ and Researchers’ Attitudes toward Harm Reduction Strategies for Opioid Use”

Degrees in Course

DoCtor of PSyCHology IN SCHool PSyCHology

tHe DoCtorAl grADuAteS AND tHeIr reSeArCH

Aigner Allen

“Prevention in Schools: Examining School Personnel’s Attitudes and Knowledge of Mandated Reporting”

tareva kelley Cortes

“e Impact of Gender Socialization on Children’s Self-Efficacy and Emotional Development”

Cr ystal D. Dorn

“Examining the Effects of Forgiveness as a Learning Inter vention with Adolescents Participating in a Community Educational Support Program”

Jodie felder

Alyssa A. Henr y

“e Impact of Teacher’s Understanding of Childhood Trauma and Trauma-Informed Classrooms on Perceived Barriers and Comfort in Implementing School-Based Trauma-Informed Practice”

lindsay Jean kurtz

“ Teacher Perception of the Need for and Implementation of Mindfulness Programming in the Education Setting”

Beenish rashid

“Parental Perception of Teletherapy Use In Children”

maddie roxandich

“School Guidance Counselor Perspectives on Student Reintegrating After School Absences for Mental Health Treatment”

Jessica Brooke Savaiano

“Exploration of the School Mindfulness Project on the Executive Functions of Elementar y School Students”

Aleida Silva-garcia

“Participation in a Positive Education Curriculum and Symptoms of Anxiety in Students”

Camilla yonette Woodard

“Using the Brief Obser vation of Social Communication Change to Evaluate Change in Autism Symptoms as a Treatment Response in a Semi-Structured Play Assessment”

Degrees in Course


Alexander m. Albanese

kristina Barbato

victoria Carrell

Priana Cromwell

Anna katherine Hall

olivia Jones

olivia Catherine messina

kerri morrisroe

Briana Nicole Nero

Alivia Alyse Plevyak

grace rawa

kathr yn robinson

Sara lynn rose-goldsman

raul Sanchez

elyss Super

Benita taylor

lindsay Washington


Alaysha Bailey

Amira Asha elston

Shishira Philip

Sophia leah raff

Carley valerie rose

Anxhela Zere

mASter of SCIeNCe IN APPlIeD PoSItIve PSyCHology

taina Dor vil

katelyn marie Dor y

michael John Hall

Anxhela kalia

erik langenau

linda martin

Nicole Parisi

michelle Savoie

Casey renee Wilson

Alaha Abdul faruq

miranda michelle Andrews

maria Ann Appel

michael Joseph Appel

Alexandra Amity Barrera

elizabeth Boos

Carleigh Nicole Charles

matthew James Connolly

Amber mariah Cooke

madison Cullinan

John Dar yl Derenick

Sarah Doelp

owen David Doster

Heidi Chr ystle elnathan

Carlos Segundo font

emma gehringer

Degrees in Course


Semaje Denice Harper

Barera Syeda Hasan

Ashleigh June Jones

ryan David kalitz

Shreyaa kassim

mar yam khalid

Sargam kharbanda

Daniel Paul kuraguntla

Justin roger reyes lacay

Samantha licwinko

Nha-i luu

tian Hope manning

Chloe Caroline markovich

Sarai mcCoy

Nghi Nguyen

Jaime Andres Nieves

michael o’Dell

rachael Amarachi ogbonna

Samantha oliveira

orderah Julian ozoh

Jacob S. Pedano

michelle Brooke rosenblum

Nataliya Saulya Scarantino

Ibrahim ersin Senol

Jessica Nicole Smith

Christopher J. Stegmuller

Aysha tahsin

marci takemoto

Quaylin tanksley

vittoria marie tarquini

e-Jine tsai

Nina Nichole van Bendegem

Sherrie Wallace

Chelsea frances Wyche

mASter of SCIeNCe IN ClINICAl PSyCHology

Awarded to the following Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology students at the time of progression to doctoral degree candidacy

Corey Adams

Wilson Albarracin

Norah Aldawsari

katelyn Anderson

morgan Bare

klaudia Bialy

Catherine Blasi

melissa Brennan

Janessa Brown

emily Brune

Zachar y DiPasquale

emily fannick

Nicole fusco

morgan Hagner

kaitlyn Harrison

marisa leib

mASter of SCIeNCe IN foreNSIC meDICINe

Jennifer milore

Angena mombrun

Jennifer Nack

Anna Podrasky

tyeca reviere

Anastasia Skliros

Paulina Syracuse

emmy velazquez

molly Dupuis

Savannah melanie ellison

Susheela t. reeves

Alasia robinson

Holly elizabeth Stavarski

valerie michelle Williams

madison Wynn

Degrees in Course

mASter of SCIeNCe IN meNtAl HeAltH CouNSelINg

Samantha Ambrico-Custer

molly Sloan Anderson

Alana Beam

Joseph tyler Belmont

madelyn grace Biddle

Suzanna leigh Blalock

taylor Brooks

David gene Concordia Jr.

Bianca Jade Deleo

Zlata Nicole Demcenko

margaret Dickinson

Jasmine Nicole figueroa

lila francsean finley

ester gramegna

Amanda Hearn

lisa Hur witz

Alec Iula

lauren A. kair ys

victoria Serguey kolev

Bernard Jacob kwiatek

genesee Cailyn lauderbaugh

katherine li

James Arthur lockwood

Jillian lynch

Abigail e. miller

Nya murray

Nino Niniashvili

Abigail malyn obenski

Alessandra victoria ortiz

kaitlynn elaine Pownall

molly rothblat

Julie Schilling

Julia kathlyn Schumacher

kara marie Schwartz

Samantha megan Stolker

lyra Br yn Stubbs

Anna ompson

Shannon tissera

Alyssa Williams

gabriella Zarcaro

erika Brooke Zaslow

mASter of SCIeNCe IN orgANIZ AtIoNAl DeveloPmeNt AND leADerSHIP

renee Burns

Jennifer Herrera

Danielle Horn

matthew Joseph krause

Joy Hill

melanie latonia mcDonald

gabriella renee miranda

Cher yl renae Proska

Sean m. Williams

Degrees in Course


Alexandra letitia Anderson

Christopher louis Andreola

Carly Belko

Andrea maria Berrido

Joanna Burton

Jazmin victoria Conway

mackenzie e. Cooney

kimberly Cummings

Haley Catharine Delligatti

karla lizbeth Diaz

Danielle Dillenbeck

ever flores

Haley elizabeth geosits

megan gernhardt

olivia Nicole goncer z

Nikia grant

gavin omas Heard

Hannah Sue Hults

Bridget Ann Jankowski

Bergen Iris kassoff

valerie kusterbeck

Cindy lin

monica Ann lucci

marco Antonio luna

Alicia marie martin-Conyers

Sophia rose martonick

Shane Bradley mcCurdy

Carlos A. mcDay

Cassandra mckenna

Jenna munger

Chloe Alexa Novak

Joseph Pandolfi

Noelle tran Phounsavath

rachel m. Pitman

emma Justine Poulshock

Brielle Nicole reich

Beatriz rodriguez martin

Julia esther rogg

Cydney Chalan rose

Donna kwamboka Sarara

Daniel Paul Sawtelle

Julianne Schusler

Courtney Paige Shupp

Siani Savanna Snaith

Samantha kaye Spata

katelyn Steenvoorden

Nathan James varano

Nathan emmons violette

Jordyn Irene Walker

meghan Danielle Wimmer

Carolyn Anne yochum

Sophia Zientek



faith t. Banks-Hunter

De'von Nydera Bennett

terron maurice Cobb

kimberly marie Coe

Johanna marie Dunleavy

Natasha S. green

Zachar y Hershman

love elise Jennings

Amirah lewis

terrance Alton molock Jr.

Danielle robinson Stephens

tamika r. Sykes-Brown

Joyel Weems

Sofija Zilberstein


Degrees in Course

mASter of SCIeNCe IN SCHool PSyCHology

Awarded to the following Doctor of Psychology in School Psychology students at the time of progression to doctoral degree candidacy

tiffany lavonne Copeland

kamr yn mckinney

mASter of SCIeNCe IN SCHool PSyCHology

Juliette rice

rhianna Catherine Heim

Class of 2023

Post-Graduate Training

Nicholas Abate Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Orthopaedic Surger y

Sarah laura Adams Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Chelsea Adebiyi Christiana Care Newark, DE Family Medicine

oluwadamilola olubukola Adefarati Ohio State University Medical Center Columbus, OH Psychiatr y

Adedayo folasade Adetunji Lang Scholarship SUNY Downstate Brooklyn, NY Urology Research Year

Adesewa Adewusi Baylor College of Medicine Houston, T X Family Medicine

maija Adourian Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA Family Medicine

Ariella Alexander Christiana Care Newark, DE Internal Medicine/Pediatrics

ryan Campbell Andrew UPMC Mercy Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Surger y-Preliminar y

Julian Antal Wellspan Health York Hospital York, PA Family Medicine

Samuel Antoon Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Anesthesiology

Sayed Arian Lehigh Valley Hospital Pottsville, PA Family Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

mariam Attia Memorial Healthcare System Pembroke Pine, FL Emergency Medicine

Bennett ross Auker Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Surger y-General

omar yehia Awadalla NYU Grossman School of Medicine New York, NY Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Alexandra Bahgat University Connecticut School of Medicine Hartford, CT Pediatrics

Colin Bashaw Walter Reed Medical Center Bethesda, MD Internal Medicine

Hannah Bashaw Inova Fairfax Hospital Falls Church, VA Pediatrics

Claire elizabeth Becker ISMMS Mount Sinai Hospital New York, NY Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Ansu Benjamin Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Family Medicine

kelsey Anne Bentz Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster, PA Family Medicine

Belinda Beqo Albany Medical Center Albany, NY Surger y-General

Amanda marie Bernardini Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ Psychiatr y

Helene Dru Bloom

Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Internal Medicine

Ceciley marie Jeanette Bly Nazareth Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Transitional Year

Corliann Blyn Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ

Transitional Year

Nicole guss Boatwright Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ Transitional Year

olivia minetree Arguimbau magnelli Bowles Albert Einstein Healthcare Network East Norriton, PA Emergency Medicine

madeleine lee Brown St. Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Psychiatr y

omas Buckley UPMC Harrisburg Harrisburg, PA

Orthopaedic Surger y

kaleigh elizabeth Burnham Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Pediatrics

marisa lindsey Caminos Tower Health/Reading Hospital West Reading, PA Internal Medicine

Alyssa marie Campbell Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA Internal Medicine

Danielle Carey NYP Hospital-Columbia & Cornell New York, NY

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Jackson Patrick Carney Wright Center for GME Scranton, PA

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Nicholas S. Car vis Penn State Hershey Medical Center State College, PA Family Medicine

varun Chahal Jefferson Health New Jersey Stratford, NJ Internal Medicine

Shivansh Chawla University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill, NC Neurology

Anthony Paul Chiccarine III HCA Healthcare/ USF Morsani GME-Oak Hill Brooksville, FL Anesthesiology

Peter David Chirdon Walter Reed Medical Center Bethesda, MD Anesthesiology

Janny Chun Tower Health/Reading Hospital West Reading, PA Medicine - Primar y

Sarah Jane Chwiki Penn Highlands Healthcare DuBois, PA Psychiatr y

Daniel marc Cohen Inspira Health Network Mullica Hill, NJ Family Medicine

rachel Colletti Forbes Family Medicine Monroeville, PA Family Medicine

michael Stephen Comisac III Kootenai Health-ID Coeur D'Alene, ID Family Medicine

Colleen maria Crawford Wright Center for GME Scranton, PA Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Andre Ahmad Cunningham omas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

emily Custer omas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Shofolahan Da-Silva Inspira Health Network Mullica Hill, NJ Transitional Year

lauren katherine Davis Lankenau Medical Center Wynnewood, PA Internal Medicine

Jashelle Irene Davis Tower Health/Phoenixville Hospital Phoenixville, PA Psychiatr y

rachel Day Geisinger Health System Lewistown, PA Family Medicine

Alexandria DeAngelo George Washington University Washington, DC Anesthesiology

Dakota James Degenstein Christiana Care Newark, DE Radiology-Diagnostic

Dean Philip Delgado St. Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Neurology

michael Demarco Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

James Christian Dematteo Broward Health Medical Center Fort Lauderdale, FL Psychiatr y

David richard Deysher Wright Patterson Medical Center Dayton, OH Internal Medicine

DeAnna marina Diaz Rutgers-R.W. Johnson Medical School New Brunswick, NJ Pathology

molly Jane Dickinson

Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Obstetrics and Gynecology

anh Dinh

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Otolar yngology

khang Do Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Norristown, PA Family Medicine

kaitlyn Dodson St. Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Psychiatr y

Andrea geneva Dumenigo Christiana Care Wilmington, DE Psychiatr y

kameron Durante University of Arizona Tuscan, AZ Surger y-Preliminar y

Harrison richard eckert Beebe Healthcare Lewes, DE Family Medicine

moath Hatem elhady

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Transitional Year

Alec John erhard Sunrise Health GME Consortium Las Vegas, NV Emergency Medicine

Christopher euell Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Temple, T X Internal Medicine

Nada fadl Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Surger y-General

James J. fagan

Nazareth Hospital Philadelphia, PA

Transitional Year

eric fellin

Darnall Army Medical Center Fort Hood, T X Emergency Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Christopher michael fiorina UPMC Mercy Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Surger y-General

Paine fleisher Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Research-Cardiology

matthew William flounders UPMC Medical Education Pittsburgh, PA Neurology

erika leigh foerst MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Washington, DC Internal Medicine/Pediatrics

molly Dunn forlines Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Psychiatr y

valerie margaret foy Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Transitional Year

Adrienne laura fraczkowski Christiana Care Newark, DE Emergency Medicine/Family Medicine

rebecca Allison frawley Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Neurology

Brogan troy galbreath Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Anesthesiology

michael gregor y galperin Lankenau Medical Center Wynnewood, PA Internal Medicine

David r. garcia-Castro Yale-New Haven Hospital New Haven, CT Anesthesiology

Justine garfinkel Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, IL Obstetrics and Gynecology

Brigid marie garrity Boston University Medical Center Boston, MA Emergency Medicine

Courtney gehman Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Emergency Medicine

Andrew Wesley geller Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Allison gibbons Jefferson Health-Northeast Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

Christine olivia gibson St. Christopher’s Childrens Hospital Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

Adam ginsburg Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Family Medicine

orli glickman St. Christopher’s Childrens Hospital Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

Sarah Nicole glisan Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Neurology

Justin Ball glover Jefferson Health-Northeast Langhorne, PA Family Medicine

Andrew William gorr San Antonio Militar y Medical Center San Antonio, T X Emergency Medicine

Austin michaels grist UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside Pittsburgh, PA Family Medicine

karlee elizabeth grudi Christiana Care Newark, DE Internal Medicine

Cara Anne grudziak Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

tyasia guadalupe Bayhealth Medical Center Dover, DE Internal Medicine

Br yanna Joann guthridge Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Radiology-Diagnostic

Angela Xinyu Han UPMC Harrisburg Harrisburg, PA Family Medicine

Chelsey Natasha Hanson Inspira Health Network Mullica Hill, NJ Family Medicine

michael g. Harnett Jr. Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Inter ventional Radiology (Integrated)

Hannah Harrell Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Neurology

William kristopher Harrison Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ Psychiatr y

William A. Hartz, Jr. Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Nailah A. Har vey

ISMMS Mount Sinai Hospital New York, NY Family Medicine

Jareed Aaron Hasan St. Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Radiology-Diagnostic

Sarah elizabeth Hay David Grant Medical Center Fairfield, CA Transitional Year

Haia Hazim Lehigh Valley Hospital - PA Allentown, PA Neurology

Jamie Hedrick Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Transitional Year

Jeremy omas Heinle Wellspan Health York Hospital York, PA Orthopaedic Surger y

Jamie Christian Henzes

UPMC Harrisburg Harrisburg, PA Orthopaedic Surger y

Shirley vanessa Hochhauser

Geisinger Health System

Lewistown, PA Family Medicine

grace katherine Hogan

TJU/Nemours Children’s Health Wilmington, DE Pediatrics

erin Bridget Hollis Lankenau Medical Center

Wynnewood, PA Internal Medicine

Chase Addison Houston Inspira Health Network Mullica Hill, NJ Internal Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Christopher Duane Howard Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Philadelphia, PA General Surger y

Hashem Hraky

George Washington University

Washington, DC Emergency Medicine

Jose A. Huergo Charles R. Drew University Los Angeles, CA Psychiatr y

eric Patrick Hunter Penn State Hershey Medical Center Hershey, PA Anesthesiology

Jonas Hyacinthe Delaware Psychiatric Center New Castle, DE Psychiatr y

Jonathan Hyacinthe Delaware Psychiatric Center New Castle, DE Psychiatr y

omoshade m. Idowu

Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

Nicholas Imperato

Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School Newark, NJ Emergency Medicine

tamika taylor Isaac University of MA Chan Medical School

Worcester, MA Family Medicine

evan Jonah Isaacs

Albert Einstein Medical Center

Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Zita elizabeth Jackson

Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Psychiatr y

Jonathan Jeong

Zucker SOM-Northwell

Lenox Hill Hospital New York, NY Internal Medicine

lauren Jones

Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Dermatology

Nathan Jones

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Philadelphia, PA

Orthopaedic Surger y Priya kabaria

Albany Medical Center Albany, NY Pediatrics

micah Patrick kaiser Tower Health/Reading Hospital West Reading, PA Internal Medicine

laila kalaf

University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School

Austin, T X Pediatrics

Harshita kandarpa

Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School Newark, NJ Child Neurology

eric matthew kantner

Tower Health/Reading Hospital West Reading, PA Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Harrison kardon

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Philadelphia, PA General Surger y

John francis karpinski

University of Vermont Medical Center Burlington, VT Neurology

ershad khan

Rutgers-R.W. Johnson Medical School New Brunswick, NJ Anesthesiology

muhammad Zan khan Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

Jessica louis kim SUNY HSC Brooklyn Brooklyn, NY Emergency Medicine

kristine kim University of Illinois COM Chicago, IL Family Medicine

ethan Harrison kirk Christiana Care Wilmington, DE Psychiatr y

Bridgette elizabeth klein Marshfield Clinic Marshfield, WI Internal Medicine/Pediatrics

Anthony klingos Albert Einstein Healthcare Network East Norriton, PA Internal Medicine

Alayna Drew koch Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, OH Pediatrics

matthew John kour y Lankenau Medical Center Wynnewood, PA Internal Medicine

kyle kowalsky Madigan Army Medical Center Tacoma, WA Transitional Year

Beverley Celeste kozuch UPMC Harrisburg Harrisburg, PA Internal Medicine

kyle Steven krainock Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Portsmouth, VA Psychiatr y

Briana krewson University of Wisconsin SOM and Public Health Madison, WI Family Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Nicole kushner Christiana Care Newark, DE Family Medicine

katelyn langford Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

michael Paul lapoint Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center - NY Niagra Falls, NY Family Medicine

Alexa Nicole lapointe LSU SOM-New Orleans New Orleans, LA Internal Medicine/Pediatrics

Ho An lau Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Preliminar y Medicine

logan Danielle lawson Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster, PA Family Medicine

keith Alan lee Lankenau Medical Center Wynnewood, PA Internal Medicine

tyler lee Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA Internal Medicine

Adam John lencer Jefferson Health New Jersey Stratford, NJ Orthopaedic Surger y

Ashley lynn lipshaw St. Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Family Medicine

Austin Conor lonski Bayhealth Medical Center Dover, DE Family Medicine

raj madhani UPMC Medical Education Pittsburgh, PA Anesthesiology

Brendan madison St. Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Psychiatr y

Nicholas maffetone Geisinger Health System Danville, PA Emergency Medicine

matthew maiman Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Emergency Medicine

John H. malin II Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Dianne mancheno Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus, OH Pediatrics

Anson oliver marsh Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ Internal Medicine

Barak Nevin marshall St. Luke’s Hospital-Bethlehem Bethlehem, PA Family Medicine

Alec Joseph massood ISMMS Mount Sinai Hospital New York, NY Emergency Medicine

Darren John mast Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Psychiatr y

michael Patrick mcCarthy Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA


Dillon mcCourt Naval Medical Center Camp Lejuene Camp Lejeune, NC Family Medicine

Douglas mcHale Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Pediatrics

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Christopher mcloughlin CMSRU/Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ Anesthesiology

Danielle meir-levi Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Obstetrics and Gynecology

frank edward mele Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA General Surger y

Justina Catherine mellone Zucker SOM-Northwell Mather Hospital Port Jefferson, NY Radiology-Diagnostic

megan marie michaels St. Luke’s Hospital-Bethlehem Bethlehem, PA Emergency Medicine

gregor y Philip morris Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ Transitional Year

Nico francesco munley Mt. Sinai Medical Center

Miami Beach, FL

Internal Medicine

Peter muraca

AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Atlantic City, NJ Psychiatr y

Joseph musiol Jefferson Health-Northeast Philadelphia, PA

Emergency Medicine

morgan Bella Novakovich Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA

Emergency Medicine

Claudine Nwadiozor Wright Center for GME Washington, DC

Family Medicine

Sarai Adaku Nwagbaraocha Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster, PA

Family Medicine

toluwanimi mar y ogungbesan Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC Pediatrics

Corey olsen Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Orthopaedic Surger y

katie o’Shea Inspira Health Network Mullica Hill, NJ Emergency Medicine

Ashley maria otto omas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Branten Page St Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Radiology-Diagnostic

Jan Pasternak George Washington University Washington, DC Anesthesiology

megan Pattoli St. Luke’s Hospital-Bethlehem Bethlehem, PA Internal Medicine

Jacquelyn Christine Pearlmutter Creighton University Phoenix, AZ Emergency Medicine

Boris Hristov Penev Medical University of SC Charleston, SC Emergency Medicine

miranda Penn Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ Family Medicine

Cheron Imani Perkins LSU SOM-New Orleans New Orleans, LA Emergency Medicine

Nicole velma Perr y Br yce Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Transitional Year

Christine Philip CMSRU/Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ Family Medicine

Amanda Nicole Pitts St Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Pediatrics

Sachin Prasad Jefferson Health New Jersey Stratford, NJ Internal Medicine

michael v. Predi Jefferson Health-Northeast Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

tiarra Nicole Price UPMC Medical Education Pittsburgh, PA Pathology

John Pueringer University of Illinois COM Chicago, IL Internal Medicine

Antonia elena Puma UPMC Medical Education Pittsburgh, PA Pediatrics-Primar y

ted raddell CMSRU/Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ Internal Medicine

Jacob ratowski Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Family Medicine

Abrar raviv Campbell University Fayetteville, NC Transitional Year

vandhana gaddum reddy Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Norristown, PA Family Medicine

Jeremy reich Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Baltimore, MD Orthopaedic Surger y

madison Nancy rhodes Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Miami, FL Pediatrics

taylor Jean rider UPMC Williamsport Williamsport, PA Family Medicine

katherine rigotti Jefferson Health-Northeast Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

John Joseph mcguinn ringe Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Radiology-Diagnostic

Justin Charles rissmiller Walter Reed Medical Center Bethesda, MD Psychiatr y

Alexandra Jo robbins Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Pediatrics

rachelle Anne valenzuela rodriguez Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Family Medicine

Joseph romero

Rutgers-R.W. Johnson Medical School New Brunswick, NJ Anesthesiology

Joshua Hugh Cassone rosero Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Internal Medicine

Ariana rucker

omas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

Alyssa marie ryan

Prisma Health-University of SC SOM Greenville, SC Pediatrics

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

twinkle Saini Suburban Community Hospital East Norriton, PA Internal Medicine

Shreya Sakthivel Anne Arundel Medical Center Annapolis, MD Internal Medicine

Camila Patricia Salazar meneses Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Torrance, CA Family Medicine

Srawasti Sarker MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Washington, DC Inter ventional Radiology-Integrated

kendal grace Schaetzle Christiana Care Newark, DE Family Medicine

Courtney lynn Scharbach TJU/Nemours Children’s Health Wilmington, DE Pediatrics

robert ludwig Schlitt St. Christopher’s Childrens Hospital Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

Christopher Ian Schrock AU-UGA Medical Partnership Athens, GA Internal Medicine

emily Schueppert Ohio State University Medical Center Columbus, OH Anesthesiology

Jordan elizabeth Selep George Washington University Washington, DC Internal Medicine

Scott Patrick Serpico Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Philadelphia, PA

Transitional Year

gelan Shamloul Penn State Hershey Medical Center Hershey, PA Dermatology

katherine Shulman St Christopher’s Childrens Hospital Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

Anna eresa Sicilia Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA Family Medicine

Alexandria Payton Smith Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School Newark, NJ Internal Medicine

Danica H. Smith Jefferson Health-Northeast Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

tanner ray Smith St Luke’s Hospital-Bethlehem Bethlehem, PA Family Medicine

regina Anne Souder Providence St. Peter Hospital Chehalis, WA Family Medicine

rachel Souza Boston University Medical Center Boston, MA Family Medicine

Natasha lee Stanley Children’s Hospital Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

Aver y Alexandra Stec Albany Medical Center Albany, NY Family Medicine

Jacob Stein Madigan Army Medical Center Tacoma, WA Neurology

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Amanda Stella-Adams Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA General Surger y

Samantha leigh Stuppi Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Richmond, VA


michael J. Suarez Johns Hopkins Hospital-MD Baltimore, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

eric addeus Sugarman UPMC Lititz Lititz, PA Anesthesiology

Samantha Sundermeier St. Christopher’s Childrens Hospital Philadelphia, PA


Shahrukh Syed Capital Health Regional Medical Center Trenton, NJ Emergency Medicine

Britley elizabeth takovich-linzer Orlando Health Orlando, FL Pediatrics

Akshita taneja Ascension St Joseph Chicago, IL Family Medicine

reddhyia Jean Pomaah taylor MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center Baltimore, MD Family Medicine

kimberly tena CMSRU/Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ Internal Medicine

mia terrana Geisinger Health System Wilkes-Barre, PA Family Medicine

Brenda elizabeth tester Advocate Health Care Park Ridge, IL Internal Medicine

Samantha traslavina Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA Family Medicine

Jesse Ifeanyichukwu Abagha uduma University of Texas Medical School-Houston Houston, T X Internal Medicine

Br yan Christopher ursillo Christiana Care Newark, DE Family Medicine

Natasha katrina valas St Elizabeth’s Medical Center Boston, MA Preliminar y Surger y

Amitpal Singh vohra Ocean Medical Center Brick, NJ Internal Medicine

mick voigt Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ General Surger y

Heather leigh Waring Virtua Health Camden, NJ General Surger y

tyler Wark Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Internal Medicine

Samantha louise Weller Oregon Health & Science University Portland, OR Internal Medicine

edgar Weyback-liogier Suburban Community Hospital Norristown, PA Family Medicine

Alicia michelle Williams University of Arkansas COM Little Rock, AR Preliminar y Surger y

gregor y Sesh Withers Mercy Catholic Medical Center Darby, PA

Preliminar y Surger y

ronald gene Woodruff III Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN Radiology-Diagnostic

michael young Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, NY Pediatrics

Phillip Zacco Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Family Medicine

Analise marie Zapadka Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Tacoma, WA Internal Medicine

P h i l a d e l p h i a C o l l e g e o f

O s t e o p a t h i c M e d i c i n e

B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n

Board of Trustees

Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine foundation and Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine – officers

Chairman of the Board Thomas J. Gravina

Vice Chairman John B. Bulger, DO ’95, MBA

Vice Chairman Jerel A. Hopkins, Esquire

Vice Chairman A Scott McNeal, DO ’88

President and Chief Executive Officer Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81

Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Kenneth J Veit, DO ’76, MBA, FACOFP

Vice President for Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Peter Doulis, CPA

Chief Legal Affairs Officer and Assistant Secretar y David F Simon, JD

Chief Advancement and Strategic Carrie Collins, JD, PhD Planning Officer

Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer Marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD

Chief Campus Officer – PCOM Georgia R. Br yan Ginn, Jr.*

Executive Assistant to the President and Secretar y Lynn A Kush, BSBA

Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine foundation and Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine

James H Black, DO ’62, LLD (Hon )

John B Bulger, DO ’95, MBA

Timothy P Burgess

Joseph A Dieterle, DO ’70

elma Dye-Holmes, PhD

Matthew O Elkes

Jay S Feldstein, DO ’81

Marla D Golden, DO ’88, MS, FACEP**

omas J. Gravina

*Officer of the PCOM Board only

**Faculty Representative

***Alumni Representative

Jerel A Hopkins, Esquire

John P Kearney

Vincent Lobo, DO ’65

R David McCleskey

A Scott McNeal, DO ’88

Wayne T Sikes

Virginia A Stallings, MD

Wiliam B Swallow, DO ’79, MS/FM ’20, FACOFP***

Kenneth J. Veit, DO ’76, MBA, FACOFP


Jay S. feldstein, Do President and Chief Executive Officer

kenneth J. veit, Do, mBA

Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean

Peter Doulis, CPA

Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer

David Simon, JD

Chief Legal Affairs Officer

r. Bryan ginn, Jr. Chief Campus Officer, PCOM Georgia

Carrie Collins, JD, PhD

Chief Advancement Officer and Strategic Planning Officer

marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD

Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer

linda r. Adkison, PhD, mS

Associate Provost, Accreditation, Growth and Development

robert Ditomasso, PhD, ABPP

Dean, School of Professional and Applied Psychology, PCOM

Stephanie H. felgoise, PhD, ABPP

Interim Dean, School of Professional and Appled Psychology, PCOM

Associate Dean for Academic Integration of the School of Professional and Applied Psychology

Chair, Department of Clinical Psychology

robert J. lloyd, Do, mSmed, fACoS

Interim Dean, PCOM South Georgia

Osteopathic Medical Program

Andrea mann, Do, fAAP

Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM Georgia

gregory mcDonald, Do

Dean, School of Health Sciences

Shawn Spencer, PharmD

Dean and Chief Academic Officer, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Arthur Sesso, Do

Interim Dean of Osteopathic Medical Program

Curricular Innovation and Oversight and Chair, Surgery, PCOM

David kuo, Do

Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Director of Medical Education

Nikita mirajkar, PhD

Associate Dean, Curricular Execution

Osteopathic Medicine Program

Naushad m. khan ghilzai, PhD, BPharm

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

michael Becker, Do, mS

Associate Dean of Clinical Education, PCOM

marla golden, Do

Associate Dean of Clinical Education

PCOM Georgia, PCOM South Georgia

michael lee, PhD

Assistant Dean, PCOM Georgia

Assistant Dean, Assessment & Program Quality, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Sara reece, PharmD, CDCeS, BC-ADm, BCACP, fADCeS

Interim Assistant Dean of Professional and Student Affairs

School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Julie Wickman, PharmD

Assistant Dean, Clinical and Experiential Affairs

School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Sue Hingley, PhD

Interim Chair,

Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, PCOM

Jeffrey Branch, edD

Chair, Department of Organizational Development & Leadership

elizabeth A. gosch, PhD, ABPP

Chair, Department of Counseling, PCOM

Jessica glass kendorski, PhD, NCSP , BCBA-D

Chair, Department School Psychology, PCOM

laura levy, DHSc, PA-C

Chair, Physician Assistant Studies PCOM and PCOM Georgia

Ruth Maher, PT, PhD, DPT

Chair, Physical erapy, PCOM Georgia

Avadhesh C. Sharma, PharmD, PhD

Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Jennifer Shaw, PhD

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences

PCOM South Georgia

John tovar, PharmD

Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

richard White, PhD, fAHA

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, PCOM Georgia

oliver Chen, PhD

Chief Library Services Officer

Jane Z. Dumsha, PhD

Chief Research Operations Officer

mindy george-Weinstein, PhD Chief Research and Science Officer

Joanne Jones, mBA

Chief of Campus Operations for PCOM South Georgia

erik langenau, Do, mS

Chief Academic Technologies Officer

Brian mann, mA, PA-C Chief Simulation Operations Officer

Patience mason, med Chief Student Affairs Officer

Samuel A. matheny, med, mA

Chief Student Services Officer, Offices of Financial Aid and Registrar

maureen o’mara Carver Registrar

Administration (continued)

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association

the PCom Alumni Association Board of Directors

2023 Council members

executive Council

Paul LaPoint, DO ’90, President

Shanda Lucas O’Dennis, MS/ODL ’09 Vice President

Michael Becker, DO ’87, President-Elect

William Swallow, DO ’79, MS/FM ’20, Past President

Ruark Lanham, MS/ODL’ 07, Awards Committee Chair

Jessica Masser, DO ’07, Nominating Committee Chair

Jennifer Dwyer, DO ’08, School of Osteopathic Medicine Chair

Jennifer Alvarado, MS/FM ’08, School of Health Sciences Chair

Krystal Carter, MS/CCHP ’10, School of Professional and Applied Psychology Chair

members at large

Christopher Brown, MS/CCHP ’11

Ashara Cashaw, PsyD ’13

Dipan Desai, DO ’02

Elisa Giusto, DO ’18

Gretta Gross, DO ’97

William Pesce, DO ’89

Preston Williams, MS/PA ’07, PA-C, DHSC Student representatives

Matthew Peterman (DO ’25)

PCOM South Georgia

Sagar Darira (DO ’25)

PCOM Georgia

Joseph Tran (MS/Biomed ’22)


Alumni Association Board representative to PCom Board of trustees

William Swallow, DO ’79, MS/FM ’20

PCom President & Ceo

Jay S Feldstein, DO ’81

Chief Development & Alumni engagement officer

Necie Liggeons, MS/ODL ’20

P h i l a d e l p h i a C o l l e g e o f

O s t e o p a t h i c M e d i c i n e

T h e C o l l e g e S e a l

T h e M a c e a n d B a t o n

T h e A c a d e m i c C o s t u m e

T h e O a t h

M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t s

The College Seal

The College seal first appeared in 1925 embossed on the cover of The Synapsis, the College’s first yearbook. Volume One of The Synapsis was published by the junior class of Philadelphia College of Osteopathy in honor of the graduating class of 1925 The first seal incorporated the College motto mens et manus, “mind and hand.” The seal’s origin is unknown, as is its designer.

In 1938, Edgar O. Holden, D.O. ’22, dean of the College from 1924 to 1943, and Russell C. Erb, Ph.D., associate dean from 1937 to 1943, proposed and designed a coat of arms. The coat of arms appeared for the first time in the 1938 alumni magazine and featured a heraldic design that applies to the osteopathic profession The three triangles are symbolic of the three segments of the vertebral column, which has a significant part in the science of osteopathic medicine. The hand emerges from a noble crown indicative of the regal aspect and dignity, as well as the healing powers of the human hand when applied to the art and science of osteopathic medicine. The College motto was retained, and the coat of arms was utilized as the College seal in various motifs through the mid-1980s

An adaptation of the first College seal was re-introduced in 1986. Today’s College seal, similar to the original, was adopted following the College’s Centennial Celebration in 1999.

The seal features a centrally placed shield within which are shown a scroll and a flaming torch of knowledge. Immediately above is the College motto, reflecting the College’s osteopathic origin. Uppermost and arranged in a radial pattern are streaks of solar brilliance Separated from either side of the shield are branches of laurel joined and bound together at the center, close to the base of the shield. These components exemplify teaching, learning and the attainment of knowledge leading to successful careers in the healthcare professions. The name of the College and the year of its founding encircle the seal.

The Mace and Baton

PCOM’s academic processions are led by the bearer of the College mace, who precedes or accompanies the president of the College. The bearers of the mace and baton ser ve as marshals of faculty The medieval mace was first a protective device for the clergy, who were not allowed to carr y swords Later, maces became ceremonial and are carried today in the Houses of Parliament in England and also in the United States House of Representatives where, when in position to the right of the Speaker of the House, the mace is a symbol of his or her authority.

The Alumni Association of PCOM presented the mace to the College in 1972. The idea of having a College mace was first proposed in 1969 Several maces were thus designed, but support for the undertaking was lacking It was the enthusiastic spirit of Ms Carol Fox, at that time assistant registrar, now retired associate vice president for enrollment management, that caused Dr. Thomas M. Rowland, Jr., then registrar and vice president–administration, later president of PCOM, to acquiesce.

Paul T Lloyd, D O , designed the mace, which was created by William F J Ryan of New York, a member of the L’Académie Internationale d’Héraldique

A sphere with a golden crown tops the mahogany staff heralding sovereign authority of the College to grant the degree Doctor of Osteopathy by vir tue of the powers given it by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Engraved on the sphere is the caduceus, the symbol of medicine The caduceus represents the staff of Aesculapius, the Latin name for Askelepios, the Greek god of medicine, son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis A snake is entwined on the staff ’ s branch because the serpent was held sacred to the gods and was an early symbol of medicine.

Three coats of arms appear on the upper of the two hexagonal modes: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (directly beneath the caduceus), the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia (the locale of the College since its founding in 1899) PCOM’s coat of arms is engraved on the top of the marshal’s baton, a symbol of authority in keeping with the title and office held by the marshal.

The metallic elements of the mace, to wit the hexagonal modes and the globe, are bronzebased with heavily plated rhodium The coronet is gold-plated and the staff is South American mahogany.

The Academic Costume

The histor y of academic costume originated in medieval times and stems from the early days of the oldest universities. It is thought that long gowns were first worn for warmth in the cold lecture halls And hoods may have covered the tonsured heads (shorn crowns) of priests and monks who made up the faculty One university insisted on the tonsure for scholars The hoods were replaced by the skull cap, which in turn was displaced by a headgear somewhat like that worn today.

The faculty and students of European universities still wear a diversity of academic regalia. However, in 1893, a United States intercollegiate commission dictated a uniform code, which has been accepted by most American colleges and universities

The commission devised three types of gowns and three types of hoods for the bachelor’s, the master ’ s and the doctorate degree. All gowns are black except for the associate in arts degree, which is gray.

The bachelor’s gown features pointed sleeves and is worn closed; the master ’ s gown has an oblong sleeve and may be worn open or closed The gown for the doctorate degree has bellshaped sleeves slashed with three velvet bars. The front of the gown is faced with velvet and is worn either open or closed.

The colorful hoods are lined with silk in the color or colors of the institution granting the degree (PCOM’s colors are maroon and gray) In addition, the hood is trimmed with velvet facing representing the academic discipline in which the degree has been granted: white for arts, letters or humanities; golden-yellow for science; purple for law; lemon-yellow for librar y science; sapphire-blue for commerce or business; light blue for education; brown for fine arts; dark blue for philosophy; green for medicine the color of life and growth (Fellows of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons wear hoods trimmed with crimson) The length of the hood varies according to the degree: short for the associate and bachelor’s degree, medium for the master ’ s and long for the doctorate.

Mor tarboards are generally recommended for caps, although soft, square-topped caps are permissible. Tassels may be black or gold and are usually gold for the doctorate degree. While there is no r ule for the position of the tassel, many colleges and universities (including PCOM) request the candidates to wear the tassel on the right side and to shift it to the left at the moment the degree is awarded.

The Osteopathic Oath

“I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter I will be mindful always of my great responsibility to preser ve the health and the life of my patients, to retain their confidence and respect both as a physician and a friend who will guard their secrets with scrupulous honor and fidelity, to perform faithfully my professional duties, to employ only those recognized methods of treatment consistent with good judgment and with my skill and ability, keeping in mind always nature ’ s laws and the body’s inherent capacity for recover y

I will be ever vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community, sustaining its laws and institutions, not engaging in those practices which will in any way bring shame or discredit upon myself or my profession. I will give no drugs for deadly purposes to any person, though it be asked of me.

I will endeavor to work in accord with my colleagues in a spirit of progressive cooperation and never by word or by act cast imputations upon them or their rightful practices.

I will look with respect and esteem upon all those who have taught me my art. To my college I will be loyal and strive always for its best interests and for the interests of the students who will come after me.

I will be ever alert to further the application of basic biologic truths to the healing arts and to develop the principles of osteopathy which were first enunciated by Andrew Taylor Still ”

Doctor of Osteopathic Class of 2023 Vision Statement

As we enter a profession at the intersection of science and ser vice, we the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of Twenty Twenty-ree, promise to use our minds and hands, harnessing the power of touch to deliver competent, empathetic, and osteopathic care to prevent and treat illness.

We promise to honor the inherent dignity in each person. We will ser ve as advocates for our patients, always championing their wellness in mind, body, and spirit. We commit to building partnerships, rooted in trust, to empower our patients. We will respect and embrace the uniqueness of each individual, and work tirelessly to help them navigate the socioeconomic determinants of health.

We promise to respect each other as equals, fostering a collaborative and inclusive community We will continue to grow into physicians who are as committed to life-long learning as we are to educating others. We will celebrate each other’s’ successes, and provide a safe environment to learn from our mistakes. We will hold each other accountable for maintaining the highest level of integrity in our academic and professional pursuits.

We strive to create mutually beneficial relationships with our faculty and colleagues by remaining coachable and open to constructive criticism We promise to utilize the knowledge and advice of our mentors to improve patient care. We will remain grateful for our faculty’s guidance and trust our osteopathic education in practice.

As we enter the profession, we recognize that being selfless ser vants requires caring for ourselves first. We understand that our knowledge is only as good as our ability to effectively communicate it with those who need it most We will strive to embrace our vulnerability to cement a trusting partnership with our patients and colleagues. We will remember our unique journeys, recognizing that they help shape our individual identities as osteopathic physicians.

As members of the Class of Twenty Twenty-ree, we promise to use our platform as physicians with humility We will fulfill our social responsibility and adapt to a changing healthcare system. We will maintain and uphold these principles instilled in us, always appreciating and honoring those who shape us into compassionate healers. We will continue to evolve as people and practitioners, embracing our humanity as we learn to treat the human body.

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Articles inside

Doctor of Osteopathic Class of 2023 Vision Statement

page 63

The Osteopathic Oath

page 62

The Academic Costume

page 61

The Mace and Baton

page 60

The College Seal

page 59

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

pages 48-49

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

page 47

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

pages 46-47

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

page 45

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

pages 43-44

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

page 42

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

pages 41-42

Post-Graduate Training

pages 39, 41

Degrees in Course of PHIloSoPHy IN eDuCAtIoNAl PSyCHology DoCtorAl grADuAteS AND tHeIr reSeArCH

page 31

Degrees in Course

pages 30-31

School of Health Sciences Awards

page 24

School of Health Sciences Awards

page 22

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

page 21

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

page 20

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

page 19

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

page 18

School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards

page 17

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

page 16

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

page 15

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

page 14

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

page 13

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

page 12

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

page 11

Commencement Speaker

pages 8-9

Commencement Speaker

page 7
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