October Investors Newsletter

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October 2011 Issue #1

CONTENTS Fundraising Update Building Update Courses for 2011-2012 School Year Upcoming October Events

Plymouth High School

Fundraising & Building Update Page 2

The first part of the fundraising effort for the Plymouth School of Inquiry ended after a very fruitful summer. After meeting with 18 local businesses, the school was able to secure $341,000 in donations and money awarded from grants. This puts the school nearly 50 percent of the way towards it’s goal of raising $750,000. In addition to the money already donated, the school is waiting to hear from three other grant organizations that could bring an additional $90,000 to the school before the end of the year.

Current donors include: Mike Anderson Automotive Century Link Dan and Ginny Gibson Teacher’s Credit Union Bill and Esther Thompson Treat’s Squire Shop US Granules Wiers International Zentis Foods The money raised from this summer’s activities will go towards purchasing equipment and furniture for classrooms and laboratories and for providing professional development and training for the teachers at the School of Inquiry.

The administration of PCSC, Plymouth High School, and the Plymouth School of Inquiry have had several meetings with architects from Barton-Coe-Vilamaa and have a rough design set for the new learning space at the high school. The space will consist of a two story structure that will house 3 double classrooms (1800 sq ft) and 3 double labs (2400 sq ft), have an atrium for collaborative learning, an indoor amphitheater for presentations, several smaller presentation spaces, an entryway designed to showcase student work, and the flexibility to easily expand if a second phase of building is needed. As they become available plans for this new space will be posted on the School of Inquiry website which is located on the main PCSC website under schools (www.plymouth.k12.in.us).


The integrated courses for the first year will be World Humanities and 21st Century Communication. World Humanities will combine a World History course with English 9 and will allows students to engage in projects that help them to better understand the culture of the people and times they are studying. 21st Century Communication will combine Speech and Interactive Media. This course will be taken during the 1st trimester and will help to build the vital communication skills that are needed for the 21st Century economy. In addition to learning how to effectively communicate through a variety of public speaking styles and debate, students will learn how to augment their speaking skills with technology tools that include presentation software, writing, and communicating via the web. There will be one Project Based Learning stand alone course in the first year of the School of Inquiry, World and Personal Finance. This course will teach students about budgeting, managing bank accounts, balancing check books, the use of credit and debit cards, and investing in a global economy. The Passport courses for the first year will consist of an ability appropriate math course (Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Algebra 2 or Geometry), Integrated Chemistry, a foreign language, and opportunities to take two elective courses. In addition to the above listed courses, students will take a Leadership and Development course throughout the entire year as part of their Homeroom period that will help them to plan and prepare for college and career choices. Students will also be able to earn a PE credit, should one be needed, during this first year.

October Events Week of October 3: Website Launches Job Descriptions Posted and Teacher Hiring Process Begins Weekly Lunch Meetings Continue at Lincoln Junior High

Courses for 2011-2012

In mid-October the School of Inquiry will release the course list for the 2011-2012 school year. Classes will be offered as either integrated courses, stand alone Project Based Learning courses, or passport courses in which students will take classes in a regular classroom setting.

Week of October 10: Hiring Process Continues Weekly Lunch Meetings Continue at Lincoln Junior High Week of October 17: Teachers Hired Weekly Lunch Meetings Continue at Lincoln Junior High Visit to Viking New Tech (Huntington, IN) for key Lincoln Parents Week of October 24: Weekly Lunch Meetings Continue at Lincoln Junior High Lincoln Parent Teacher Conference Meet and Greet


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Plymouth High School #1 Big Red Drive Plymouth, IN 46563 574.936.2178

Plymouth High School

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