For more information about the Plymouth School of Inquiry, please contact: Mr. Daniel Tyree
(574) 936.3115
Mr. James Condon
(574) 936.2178
Mr. Kenneth Olson
(574) 936.2178
Mrs. Jennifer Felke email:
(574) 936.2178
Parent Resources for New Tech & Project Based Learning • • - course management •google apps - collaborative platform for student work • - partnership for 21st century skills • - Indiana Dept. of Education • - Buck Institute - Project Based Learning • - PBL resource • - digital citizenship
Parent information and tips for supporting your child and helping them thrive in a Project-Based Learning environment. How can you support your student? Ask them what they are doing in school. Volunteer as a community member for a presentation or project. Remind them that good digital citizenship extends beyond the school’s walls and their school computer. Encourage them to be life long learners
Plymouth High School