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Canadian Charolais Youth Association News

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Du champ

Another great CCYA Conference and show is in the books. Ontario juniors welcomed youth from across the country for a week of fun and activities! This year’s conference took place in Shelburne, Ontario.

From the first day of registration until the last with our confirmation show and the banquet, I saw smiles on everyone’s faces and all had fun! Stay tuned for pictures and competition results in the next Charolais Banner.


I would like to commend Ontario’s youth and planning committee for organizing another fantastic conference! Hard work and long hours were put in to this great event and this was very much appreciated.

Our National Board was well represented in Ontario at this year’s conference, and much of our board is remaining the same for another year. I would like to welcome new directors to our board, including Megan McLeod, from Alberta, and Shae‐Lynn Evans, from Saskatchewan. We have one retiring member, Michael Hunter, and we thank him for his time with us.

Planning for next year’s conference and show is under way for the Manitoba committee. The national board and many of the youth members have already marked it on our calendars for next summer!

It was so great to see youth members from past conferences in Shelburne, as well as new faces to our program! I hope the rest of your summer is relaxing and enjoyable and I look forward to seeing you at the fall shows.

Summer 2013 Update

Kirstin Sparrow, President

CCYA National Board charolaisyouth@gmail.com

President: Kirstin Sparrow kp.sparrow@hotmail.com Vice-President: Sarah Weinbender sarah.weinbender@gmail.com Treasurer: Courtney Black blackbern@hotmail.com Secretary: Tomina Jackson tomi_j_@hotmail.com Director: Luke Marshall futureal@telusplanet.net Director: Megan McLeod rodmcl@telus.net Director: Holly Smith holly27smith@gmail.com Director: Courtney Black blackbern@hotmail.com Director: Shae-Lynn Evans lpevans@sasktel.net

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso Rosso.c@sasktel.net ON: Billie-Jo Saunders dbjsaunders@gmail.com MB: Donna Jackson Jackson7@mymts.net AB: Kasey Phillips kphillips@mcsnet.ca Youth Coordinator: Brandon Sparrow b.sparrow265@gmail.com, 306-291-6968

Powerful Top 1% for WW & YW


HTA Rhapsody 390N son out of the great Carla cow family

Thank you to all our buyers at our 2nd Annual Bull Sale. It was great to see many new and repeat customers supporting our program.

Calving ease & performance


The first calves out of this HTA Senator son will impress. Born easy and lots of growth.

Special thank you to these purebred breeders


High selling bull by Rhapsody

to Wendt & Murray Farms, Lloydminster, AB Also to: • Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora • Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite • Desertland Cattle Co., Sedalia, AB

RGP ROCKEFELLER 14Z 2nd High Seller, also by Rhapsody, Leptin TT, to Miller Charolais, Milk River, AB

We invite you to our 3RD ANNUAL BULL SALE, MARCH 3RD, at the farm.

Bob & Monette Palmer 306.567.5460 Velon & Leah Herback 306.567.5545

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