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Manitoba Pen Show
NEW EVENT A SUCCESS Manitoba Charolais Provincial Pen Show
Manitoba Charolais Provincial Pen Show and Picnic June 22, 2013 • Miami Fair, Miami, MB Judge: John Best, Carman, MB 38 head
The Manitoba Charolais Association organized a new event for the summer in conjunction with the Miami Fair. Eighty people enjoyed the show which featured unhaltered purebred and commercial cattle. The cattle were stalled in pens and walked past the judge and spectators for viewing. The event ended with a supper for 60 people.
Class 1 –Group of 3 Purebred, Registered Heifers Born in 2012
1. HTA WYONNA 201Z, HTA BRIDGET 247Z, STA HOT STUFF 201Z (HTA Bravia 855U), HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB; 2. HAPPY HAVEN 23Z (KCH Winchester26X), HAPPY HAVEN 41Z (Rolling D Vintage 922W), HAPPY HAVEN 87Z (Rolling D Vintage 922W), Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn; 3. STEPPLER MISS 111Z, STEPPLER MISS 131Z, STEPPLER MISS 5Z (Sparrows Seminole 927W), Steppler Farms, Miami; 4. LEJ ZARA 228Z, LEJ ZARINA 240Z, LEJ ZSA ZSA 251Z (JWX Private Ryan 505U), LEJ Charolais, Portage La Prairie.
Class 2 –Charolais Influence –Female with 2013 Calf
1. Black Brockle Angus female with silver, Charolais sired calf, Darren Pearson, Miami; 2. Black Angus female with silver, Charolais sired calf, JMB Charolais, Brookdale.
Class 3 –Purebred 2011 Female with 2013 Calf
1. JMB MS DATELINE 114Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R, calf ‐ CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W), Fun Bus Syndicate, Neepawa; 2. STEPPLER MISS 15Y (Stepplers Distinction 38T, calf ‐ Merit Roundup), Steppler Farms & T&M Olmstead Farms, Carberry; 3. HAPPY HAVEN YVONNE 14Y (Happy Haven Wilburt 1W, calf ‐HBSF Excede 27X), Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn; 4. STEPPLER MISS 93Y (Stepplers Distinction 38T, calf ‐ Merit Roundup), Steppler Farms; 5. WOOD RIVER HONEY 10Y (Winn Mann Lanzadero 849U, calf ‐CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W), C2 Charolais, La Riviere.
Class 4 –Purebred Female Born 2010 or Earlier with 2013 Calf
1. HTA PROSPERITY 100X(KCH Remington 41T, calf ‐ RGP Remington 101Y), HTA Charolais; 2. C2 MS NEXUS 18U (JDJ Smokester J1377P, calf High Bluff Hank 41R), C2 Charolais; 3. LAE UMFATHOMABLE 8123U (Sparrows Eldorado 361L, calf ‐ Sparrows Seminole 927U), Steppler Farms Ltd; 4. DH NATALIE 10N (Val End Appraiser 24J, calf ‐ FFBB Wahalla 9005W), Myhre Land & Cattle, Dauphin.
Grand Champion Purebred Charolais Female
Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Charolais Female
JMB MS DATELINE 114Y, Fun Bus Syndicate


Navigator x Fathom
Growth & Meat WINN MANS KANSAS 9135W Lanza x JD 3rd year on our heifers

SRK CANYON 2Y Solid x Red Soldier Calving ease and performance HBSF ZORRO 1Z Fire Water x Hank 2nd High Seller –Family Tradition Bull Sale CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X Coach x Levi 2011 National Reserve Champion Bull

HBSF RED RIVER 61Z Express x Original High Seller – Family Tradition Bull Sale

Offering 100 Cow/Calf Pairs 25 Bred Heifers
Stop by anytime to view the program

Sale Manager 306-584-7937
Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com www.bylivestock.com
Campbell and Molly Forsyth, Jay Forsyth Box 3, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 204-739-2678

TRIN PREFIX PLD ET 54Y Polled, ½ French Silverstream Performer P38 x KCH Malibu 1M High Selling Bull, Spring 2012
VFF TIME OUT 172Y Polled, Leptin TT SDC Time Out 88T x LHD Mr Perfect Y416

VFF VIKSE ICE 189Z Polled HTA Ice 19X x JWK Impressive D040 Thanks to Blake Alton for selecting our High Selling Bull SVY ON STAR PLD 222Z Polled, JDJ Smokester J1377 x Wildor Raven 6M Champion King of the Ring 2012 Reserve Bull Farmfair 2012
Delighted to work with these elite breeders and look forward to working with more in the future. Excited to be in the Charolais breed.

See our cattle this fall at the Alberta Select, Lloydminster Stockade Round-Up, and the 2013 National Charolais Show Farmfair International

ANNUAL BULL SALE February Family Day

Dave & Tracee Vikse and family RR 1, Donald, AB T0B 1H0 t 403-883-2461 c 780-608-4460 viksefamilyfarm@hotmail.com www.viksefamilyfarm.com
Selling Pick of the ET Firewater heifers from this great Projector donor cow in the Alberta Select Sale. Daughters reside at Palmer Charolais, McKeary Charolais, McAvoy Charolais, Legacy Farms, RRTS Farms, VanStatens, Skeels and Rainalta Farms.

Miss Prairie Cove 3Y
Thanks to Billy Fleming and Paul Walzack for purchasing the high selling heifer calf in the 2011 Alberta Select for $7,600. Continued success after selling 14 embryos to Danny Hanson.

Miss Prairie Cove 209Z
Thanks to Bill Swenson, Rainalta Charolais for purchasing the high selling heifer calf in the 2012 Alberta Select for $14,000.