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Charolais International AGM
Charolais International Annual General Meeting
The 2013 Charolais International AGM was held the final day of the World Charolais Technical Conference on July 5th in the Orenas Slott Hotel, Glumslov, Sweden. There were voting delegates from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark and the U.S.A.
During the previous three days of the conference, the attending countries gave presentations on Charolais in their country and concerns with agriculture’s future. At the AGM, France gave the final presentation and presented the agenda for the 2014 World Charolais Congress that will be held in France from August 26th to September 6th. France has planned to host this for a few years as it is the 150th Anniversary of the French Herd Book and the 50th Anniversary of Charolais International. The conference will include herd tours and the National Charolais Show along with some site seeing.
The theme for this year’s conference was:
Sweden has a history of high standards in animal welfare and environmental concerns. As these trends are growing in most of the world including a more intensive discussion about climate and sustainability the theme for the member presentations will be: “How we develop Charolais towards future demands” and of course discussions about genomics.
Every country presented where they are in the DNA testing and what they are doing to move forward. There was good discussion on sharing the sequencing and SNP information with every country so if bulls are used in more than one country that the cost isn’t duplicated to do them multiple times. A sub‐committee was set up with France, Ireland the U.S.A. and Australia to look into the logistics and legalities of sharing this information around the world.
There was also discussion on utilizing some of the money in the Charolais International bank account to fund this project and develop a world data bank for DNA SNPs.
There was also discussion on getting more countries back involved with Charolais International, especially through the genomics program. Letters will be sent to inactive countries encouraging their participation.
Canada will host the 2015 World Technical Conference and Mexico was granted the 2016 World Charolais Congress (after Australia backed out) which will be held around Guadalajara. Other discussion was updating the www.charolais‐international.com website and adding links to all the paid up member countries.
In elections Michel Baudot from France was elected president while Helge By from Canada and Luis Enrique Villasenor Gonzalez from Mexico were elected Vice‐Presidents. Cecilia Crapoulet from France continues as Secretary‐Treasurer.
World Technical Conference voting delegates (l-r) Neil Orth, U.S.A.; John Wilgenbusch, Canada; Cecile Lane, France, acting SecretaryTreasurer; Goran Mansson, Sweden; Dr. Luis Lopez, Mexico; Larry Lehman, U.S.A.; Helge By, Canada (Vice-President); Anders Wiklert, Sweden; Michel Baudot, France (President); Terrance Farrell, Australia; Lennart Nilsson, Sweden (PastPresident); Willie Zachest, Germany; Nuala Hourihane, Ireland; Flemming Nielson, Denmark; Michael McGirl, Ireland; Lars Bjornberg, Sweden & Ben Harman, UK.
Rollin’ Acres Charolais

Thanks to Black Ford Cattle Co. for purchasing a half interest in this promising sire in our bull sale
Contact us for information about semen packs on these two young herdsires

Thanks to Serhienko Cattle Co. for buying possession and walking rights and to Gold Bar Livestock, O’Neill Cattle Co., Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. and Aridale Farms for purchasing semen packs

Special thanks to all of the commercial producers that supported our bull sale and especially these purebred breeders for adding our genetics to their programs: ~ Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. ~ Loval Farms ~ Stephen Charolais Farms ~ Destiny Cattle Co. ~ Jeff McAffee ~ Jeff Tanner
Rollin’ Acres Charolais
Chester Tupling RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 T: 519-925-2938 • C: 705-627-0672 E: chester.tupling@premierequipment.ca Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings
Saturday, September 28th • 2:00 p.m. Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON 50 Select Purebred Charolais Female Lots
• Heifer Calf Show Prospects •Bred Yearlings • Flush & Recipients • 3 in 1 cow/calf pairs JUNIOR INCENTIVE PROGRAM

Cash incentive program for a project animal purchased from the Uppin’ the Ante Female Sale • $500 to the Grand Champion at the CCYA National Junior Show • $500 to the Supreme Champion at the Canadian Junior Beef Show (Royal Winter Fair) • $250 to the Reserve Grand Champion at the CCYA National Junior Show • $250 to the overall Grand Champion at the Junior Exhibitors Regional 4-H Show • $100 for the completion of the 4-H project SCHEDULE
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26- the cattle will be available for viewing in the evening FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27- viewing of the cattle all day followed by a social in the evening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28- viewing of the cattle all morning, lunch and refreshments available prior to 2:00 p.m. sale start CONSIGNORS SALE STAFF
Langstaff Charolais..................................................519-627-3464 Bridor Charolais........................................................519-323-2538 Rollin’ Acres Charolais..............................................705-627-0672 Medonte Charolais....................................................705-835-3310 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co.........................................705-696-3567 Blackbern Farm........................................................613-646-2673 Cornerview Charolais................................................613-646-9741 Gold Bar Livestock....................................................519-400-0668 GUEST CONSIGNORS
Chester Tupling, Sale Chair, Blockman......................705-627-0672 Rod McLeod, Ring Service........................................403-540-7986 Helge By, Ring Service..............................................306-536-4261 Carl Wright, Auctioneer............................................519-369-7489 Andy McCulloch, Sales Barn Manager......................519-379-1370 ACCOMMODATIONS
Travelers Inn, Hanover 519-364-1911 Best Western, Walkerton 855-436-3030
B Bar D Charolais......................................................519-323-1270 Sunrise Charolais......................................................705-428-3205 Echo Spring Charolais..............................................705-487-5840 White Water Charolais..............................................613-732-6129 Moyer Cattle Co.........................................................519-848-5294
Video of the cattle available at: Cattle in Motion Sarah Buchanan 519-546-3352 www.cattleinmotion.com
Contact the breeders or sale staff for a catalogue or view it online at www.cattleinmotion.com or www.charolaisbanner.com
48 Charolais Banner • August 2013


GBL 121A

KBF 19Z DBAR 635S • Flush and Recipients Sell!



Your source for Red Factor Genetics in Ontario
JWXThree Peet73X

Homozygous Red, 3rd Gen Pld CE 60 BW 3.9 WW 56 YW 94 M 15.1 TM 43 Crystal D Pierce 40P x MSW Scarlet 45N Co-owned with Wilgenbusch Charolais Please contact us to purchase semen today

CE 78 BW 2.1 WW 43 YW 78 M 20.7 TM 42 WKL Terminator 02T x Donmoore Phenomemon 58P This proven sire is available by private treaty Watch for two heifer calves sired by him in the Uppin’ the Ante Sale
JWXFifty Shades706Z

Homozygous Polled BW 93 BW .9 WW 50 YW 105 M 21.3 TM 46 JWX Silver Bullet 524W x HTA Tautus 555R Purchased at the Wilgenbusch North of the 49th Sale 2013 • Co-owned with Wilgenbusch Charolais Service Sire for our bred heifer in the Uppin’ the Ante sale at Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, September 28

LANGSTAFF CHAROLAISPolled Charolais T 519.627.3464 •F 519.627.0288

Kelly & Ferneida • Theresa, Lorne, Kelly & Cameron Will, Lindsay & Alex • Wayne RR 5, Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 4L2 50 Charolais Banner • August 2013