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Charolais Life
This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email charolaisbanner@sasktel.net for print in upcoming issues.

Deobald Elected CBBC Vice President
Garner Deobald, Hodgeville, SK, was elected to the Board of Directors as Vice President at the 2013 Canadian Beef Breeds Council annual meeting this spring.
Back (L to R): Gary Smith, Gordon Stephenson, Rod Remin, Wendy Belcher, Rob Smith, Roger Peters. Front (L to R): Doug Fee, Executive Director; David Bolduc, President; Garner Deobold, Vice President; Byron Templeton, Past President
Forsyth Wins World Stock Dog Championship Final
Kaelene Forsyth, Forsyth Bros Charolais, Eriksdale, Manitoba, won the World Stock Dog Championship title at the Calgary Stampede, 2013. Kaelene and her dog Gypsy had their assigned three sheep in the pen just one minute and seventeen seconds after they started, earning them the $10,000 prize. This is Kaelene’s second visit to the final round at Stampede. This year there were 53 entries in the competition.
Kaelene and her dad, Campbell Forsyth attended the U.S. National Cattle Dog Finals in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, in June. Campbell finished 5th and Kaelene placed ninth overall.
Quinton Family Wins BMO Farm Family Award at Calgary Stampede
The Quintons were among the sixteen families, each representing a county or municipal district, gathered together to celebrate the values, heritage and hard work that built and continuesto build Alberta’s rural communities and agricultural economy.
Each family honoured represented a multi‐generational contribution to the health of their community –not just by growing a successful agricultural business, but also by participating in the various inter‐related structures that make up a vital rural society.
The Quintons represented Cardston County and have a herd of 200 purebred Charolais cows and a commercial cattle operation which sees them sell about 80 bred heifers every year. Char‐Maine Ranching also has its own annual bull sale.
The Quintons have been working the same ranch since 1892, when James Quinton came to the Cardston area from Idaho. Steven and Darilyn live in a house only 100 yards from the site of the original cabin.
International Youth Livestock Scholarship Recipients at Calgary Stampede
Six CCYA members were among the recipients receiving $80,000 of scholarships this year at Stampede. In order to qualify, teenaged competitors had to have already topped their class at the lead‐up to Stampede – the Summer Synergy show held in July in Olds.
Megan McLeod, McLeod Livestock, Cochrane was one of four recipients of $3000 scholarships.
Jessica Sperber, Rimbey; Luke Marshall, Future Farms, Innisfail and Raymond Gallelli, Crossfield, all received $2000 scholarships.
Ward Marshall and Jade Marshall, Future Farms, Innisfail also received $1000 scholarships.

Megan McLeod Jessica Sperber Luke Marshall

Turnbull Charolais
Annual High Country Bull Sale • First Saturday in March, Pincher Creek, AB


JWX Silver Buckle 524U x CS Pld Junction 4J BW -5.8 WW 32 YW 67 TM 45 PLEASANT DAWN MVP 316Y

Pleasant Dawn Magnum 50T x LT Rio Blanco 1234P BW -2.5 WW 54 YW 99 TM 56
Curtis & Nanette Turnbull • Box 208, Pincher Creek,AB T0K 1W0 T 403-627-4535 C 403-627-6951 • turnbullcharolais@platinum.ca Raising Quality Charolais in the Foothills of the Rockies
T Bar C Cattle Co. Looks to the Future
Ted and Mina Serhienko announced the sale of T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. and Today’s Publishing Inc. to Chris Poley as of June 1, 2013. Having worked with T Bar C Cattle Co. marketing cattle nationally and internationally, the transition is a natural progression. Ted and Mina will continue to be a part of the T Bar team in a senior advisory capacity. Bryan Kostiuk will remain the editor of the various projects of Today’s Publishing.
Michelson Joins T Bar C Team
T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. announced the addition of Shane Michelson to its marketing team. Shane and his wife Alaina own and operate Michelson Land and Cattle and have raised and exhibited champions across Canada and the United States. Since 2009, Shane has actively marketed cattle across North America.
It’s a Boy

Langstaff Charolais is pleased to welcome its newest member. Cameron Lorne Pumfrey was born on February 22, 2013, and weighed 7 lb. 13 oz. His proud parents are Lorne and Theresa Pumfrey and his awesome big brother is Kelly. Grandparents are Kelly and Ferneida Langstaff, Wallaceburg, Ontario.
Winnipeg Harvest Benefits from Beef Auction
Agri Post, July 26
Two fat beef steers were the object of a bidding war for a charity fundraising golf tournament hosted by Granite Financial’s Doug Lochhead. The event to benefit Winnipeg Harvest was held at the Southwood Gold and Country Club and included the beef auction which raised $3,000 for the non‐profit organization.
One steer was donated by Walking Plow Charolais, owned and operated by Emerson MLA Cliff Graydon, and the other was provided by Calvin Vaggs, of the Plains Processors and Associates.
“I was proud to have been of service to Winnipeg Harvest at this event,” Graydon said, “Winnipeg Harvest is an important advocate for hunger and poverty issues and it is important to do all we can to help those in need.”
The beef was auctioned off by Winnipeg celebrity Ace Burpee.

Gerrard 35Z Pastor

BW 102, 205 DW 883, 365 DW 1515 • BW 2.6 WW 53 YW 92 M 24.3 TM 51
Gerrard Cattle Company would to thank McLeod Livestock for their purchase of Pastor, the high selling bull in Canada this spring.

We would also like to thank these great operations that purchased semen packs on Pastor after the sale: ~ Cedarlea Farms ~ McAvoy Charolais ~ Prairie Cove Charolais ~ Springside Charolais ~ Wilgenbusch Charolais We also send a sincere thanks to all the buyers and bidders that made the Mountain View Bull Sale such a huge success for us We are very excited to invite you to the Gerrard Cattle Company Long Yearling Bull & Female Sale on December 7, 2013, in Innisfail, Alberta
RR 2, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 Dory, Janine, Alex, Damon & Kane Gerrard 403-227-5632 Dave, Terry & Kurt Gerrard 403-227-2503 gerrardcattle@gmail.com• www.gerrardcattlecompany.com