Clear Lake Charolais Bull Sale

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Clear Lake

Charolais 2nd Annual

Bull Sale

Sat., March 3, 2012 1:30 pm at the farm


2nd Annual

Bull Sale Sat., March 3, 2012 1:30 pm at the farm

Sale Staff…

Steak Lunch at 12 Noon

Auctioneer - Billy Fleming �����������������������������780-999-9790 Blockman - Tim Bullock ���������������������������������403-350-9858 Ringmen - Rod McLeod ���������������������������������403-540-7986 Helge By ����������������������������������������306-536-4261 Craig Scott ������������������������������������403-651-9441 Tim Facette �����������������������������������780-880-7766 John Fitzgerald ���������������������������780-880-7762 Loretta Facette ����������������������������780-305-8589

John, Loretta and myself, Tim, have spent a year in gathering some of the top herd bulls that we think are outstanding in the Charolais breed, putting this with cows we got from across Canada we are proud to bring you to our 2nd Annual Bull Sale. Loretta and Luis, as well as myself have taken an AI course and this year it is a tie to see who is the best AI’er – Loretta or Luis – as they both got great results in their efforts. Loretta’s eye for great cattle in both the dams and sires is going to keep us at the top of the Charolais in my mind. We, John, Loretta and Luis (our herdsman) welcome you all to come to our 2nd Annual Bull Sale at the farm, as well as thank all of those who came and bought bulls last year. We enjoyed delivery the bulls and getting to know our customers as well as the cattle operations. Come early on March 3th to view the sale offering as this is a video sale and the bulls will not go through the sale ring. The sale will be conducted under the CCA code of ethics. Join us for lunch at 12 Noon with the sale starting at 1:30 pm. Customer service and satisfaction is very important to us – and backed by our personal guarantee. Check out our website link through the Charolais Banner website!

– Tim & John

Sale Accommodations… Barrhead Inn & Suites ��������������������������������1-877-674-7521 Register under Clear Lake Bull Sale & get the reduced rate.


Free delivery up to 300 kms, beyond 300 kms will be at cost.

Volume Discount…

Buy three bulls get 3% discount, four bulls get 4% discount, etc.


We are happy to provide free board until May 1, 2012. After May 1, 2012 there will be a charge of $3.00 per day. All bulls returning to the sellers must be insured.


Stockmans Insurance agent available. Rob Wagner ���������������������������������������������������1-800-363-8112


All bulls are semen tested and fully guaranteed.

Veterinary Services…

Barr North Veterinary Services handles all our vaccination programs, semen testing and animal health. 780-674-2100

Ranch Location… Clear Lake Charolais is located 11 miles west of Barrhead, AB then 2 miles North and 3 miles West on 763. Watch for our sign.

Tim’s Parents

A Word From Tim’s Parents We, the parents of Tim Facette started farming back in 1951. Homesteaded in Tiger Lily for over 50 years. Worked hard, farmed over 1000 acres and raised 6 boys and 2 girls. Our girls both work in the food line catering and management. The boys went their separate ways in businesses and trucking. Tim was the only one that chose to farm. We gave him advice and that was… Drive a Chev Run John Deeres and raise Charolais all the way! We wish Tim the Best of Luck with his purebred animals. – Mom & Dad



Clear Lake Mercury 36X TEF 36X


Oct. 20/10

Sparrows Durango 585P Winn Mans Lanza 610S Winn Man Merit 036K Sparrows Fargo 811U Sparrows Alliance 513G Sparrows Delight 74L RLTC Miss Trim 74A Sparrows Alliances 513G HFCC PLD Evolution 5L HFCC Elvira 916J ACC Elvira 848U Impair ACC Elvira 628S HFCC Elvira 916J BW 98 lbs. EPDs BW 1.8 WW 55 YW 106 MILK 19.5 TM 47 A son of Sparrows Fargo that really impresses you with his depth of body and has that herd bull look. Take note of his EPD’s as he rises to the top. If you are looking for performance don’t miss him. Lot 1



ACC Lakeside 121X

ACC 121X Pmc332997

Feb. 10/10

Sparrows Alliance 513G Sparrows Cossack 11L HVR Dana 11D ACC hercules 31R Wiese’s Exactor 15A RLTC Miss Trim 14C RLTC Miss Trim 74A LT Unlimited Ease 9108 Baldridge Fasttrack 82F Baldridge Sweetheart 53D GPA Agatha 311N WCR Prime Cut 764 PLD GPA Agatha 122L EVC Agatha 43J BW 92 lbs. EPDs BW -2.7 WW 37 YW 70 MILK 24.7 TM 43 A very complete son of our walking bull and undefeated champion ACC Hercules 31R with a low 92 lb. birth weight and from one of our heaviest milking cows this powerful 2 year old will produce some exceptional offspring.

Reference Sire ACC Hercules 31R - The undefeated National Champion Herd Bull that walks our pasture is hard to fault. This easy keeping, great producing herd bull has semen sent to the U.K. and Germany.



Clear Lake Lariet Jr 20X TEF 20X


Feb. 16/10

Rosso New Horizon 8L Bar J Silverado 14S Bar J Lollypop 8L FFBB Lariet PLD 828U SOS Mr Valentine PLD 39M FFBB Miss Fancy 456P FFBB Fancy-Lady PLD 171L MGM Red Sash III 7485 MGM Merlot MGM Carl’s Model 7188 SDC Victoria 51R Granadas Red Ace 17B SDC Miss Ace 624F SDC Ms Generation 459D BW 107 lbs. EPDs BW 3.5 WW 42 YW 85 MILK 19.2 TM 40 You will travel a lot of miles to find a red 2 year old bull as good as this Silverado grandson. We thought so much of this herd bull we used him on some of our own purebred cows. We have calves on the ground and are very pleased with them. Lot 3



ACC Landmark 118X

ACC 118X Pmc335905

Feb. 2/10

Sparrows Matador 7K Sparrows Alcatraz 18N Sparrows Barmaid 218H Sparrows Ransom 709T ABC Latoro 263G Sparrows Krystal 116R Sparrows Kristy 16L Sparrows Cossack 11L ACC Hercules 31R RLTC Miss Trim 14C ACC Elvira 851U HTA Hard Copy PLD 621F HFCC Elvira 916J HFCC Elvira 36C BW 96 lbs. EPDs BW 2.9 WW 39 YW 76 MILK 20.5 TM 40 One of our top performing 2 year old bulls. This polled Ransom son combines the strong Sparrow bloodlines with a Hercules daughter.

Lot 4 1



Clear Lake C M pepe 28X

TEF 28X Pmc334503

Harvie Redemption 36P Pro-Char Cptn. morgan 8u EFH Daisy Mae 30J EXL Trade Wind 472P Kleardae windflower 723T Kleardae Tiffany 915J

Mar. 15/10

BW 112 lbs. EPDs BW 5.3 WW 38 YW 74 MILK 19.7 TM 39 A Cptn. Morgan 2 year old going back to one of our original purebred cows we bought from Maurice Parrent. The cows from Parrents have always brought extra performance into their calves.

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD Harvie Ms Molson 53M GXR Mr Carlo 2E EFH Miss Daisy Mae 17D EXL Trade Secret 154L EXL Jess Lee 962J EXL Gotcha 709G Dae Kleardae Sherri 618F

Lot 6



ACC Ignitor 108X

ACC 108X Pmc332993

Jan. 1/10

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD Sparrows Alliance 513G Chardel Paradise 413E HFCC PLD Evolution 5L HTA Hard Copy PLD 621F HFCC Elvira 916J HFCC Elvira 36C Sparrows Cossack 11L ACC Hercules 31R RLTC Miss Trim 14C ACC Katrina 815U MNE Galaxy 54G FMX Katrina 806K FMX First Lady 678F BW 98 lbs. EPDs BW 2.6 WW 38 YW 66 MILK 15.3 TM 36 Looking for an easy calving 2 year old that will breed a ton of cows. This smooth shouldered, long bodied Evolution son puts it all together.



ACC elvira 114X

ACC 114X PFc383925

Jan. 26/10

D Bar Baxter 4K D Bar Survivor 220M Kala’s Frosty 121H SVY Ad Invincible P 748T Bar J Hot Point 63F Pleasant Dawn Pam 214J Ms JBK Arrow 16T Blason Impair Officine ACC Elvira 631S HTA Hard Copy PLD 621F HFCC Elvira 916J HFCC Elvira 36C BW XX lbs. EPDs BW 2.7 WW 54 YW 96 MILK 20.2 TM 47 One of the longest bodied bulls in the entire sale. Length = more pounds per calf. 50 lbs. extra per calf x 25 calves per year x $1.50 per lb. = an extra $1875 per year.

Reference Sire JWX Silver Bullet 524W - This top Silverado son has produced some top prospects for this years sale. 2



Clear Lake Hawkeye 101Y

TEF 101Y PMC339599

Jan. 1/11

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD Harvie Redemption 36P Harvie Ms Molson 53M Pro-Char Cptn. Morgan 8U GXR Mr Carlo 2E EFH Daisy Mae 30J EFH Miss Daisy Mae 17D EXL Trade Secret 154L EXL Trade Wind 472P EXL Jesse Lee 962J Kleardae Windflower 825U Wrangler Striker 63K Kleardae Blossom 434P Kleardae Rosa 3K BW 110 lbs. EPDs BW 4.9 WW 46 YW 84 MILK 20.6 TM 43 This powerhouse Cptn. Morgan son was part of our popular pen of three show in Red Deer in December. This polled meat machine has great eye appeal and a super disposition. Lot 8


Reference Sire PCC Sudden Impact 848U - Our Supreme Champion Edmonton herd bull that we are proud to walk in our pastures. We are extremely pleased with his calves.


10 Clear Lake Mr KabooM 106Y


Clear Lake Lookout 105Y

TEF 105Y PMC339600

Jan. 6/11

Rainbow Mr Cyrano 32D MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G MVX Edith 806X PCC Sudden Impact 848U Sparrows Advantage 230H Sparrows Tempest 174K Sparrows Sparkle 74F JIL Stryker 2G Circle Cee Force 40K Heaton’s Danica 125D John Jessica 22P AVC MRQLC Poundmaker 134F John Miss Barbra 7K ZDM Pearl 18A BW 91 lbs. EPDs BW 4.9 WW 46 YW 84 MILK 20.6 TM 43 Another member of our pen of three bulls from Red Deer. The first Sudden Impact son with our tattoo to sell. We are extremely happy with these Sudden Impact offspring (the bull that won the pickup truck in Edmonton last year as Supreme Champion Bull). Look at his extra length.

TEF 106Y PMC342033

MXS Vermillion 527R SVY Kaboom PLD 7113T SVY First Date 506R EXL Trade Wind 472P Clear Lake Tabi 915W Kleardae Jasmine 12K

Jan. 6/11

SOS Polled Detonator 8M MXS Espeon 122L SVY Freedom PLD 307N SVS Neostrata 5N EXL Trade Secret 154L EXL Jesse Lee 962J DAE Toledo 624F Parr’s Melissa 3E

BW 98 lbs. EPDs BW 3.2 WW 41 YW 73 MILK 18.2 TM 39 The Kaboom cattle have been very popular as calving ease specialists. His smooth shoulder and extra style make him to watch for on March 3.

Reference Sire Pro-Char Cigar 10U - Our calving ease specialist that has done so well for us. 3


11 Clear Lake Rally 110Y

TEF 110Y


Jan. 10/11

JS Hansome 114M JS Equity 11R Main Chieftan 411D KBK Rally 24T Curran Red Rock 47L KBK Red Rock 14R KBK Ms Warrior 15D Crystal D Pierce 40P JWX Triple Play 34T RJV Bo-Jan 349N Pro-Char Hannah 39W Pro-Char Guage 7L Pro-Char Hannah 20R Sterling’s Ms Hannah 29E BW 89 lbs. EPDs BW 3.5 WW 45 YW 80 MILK 20.6 TM 43 The red factor bulls were very popular in last years sale and we have some hairy, well made red herd bulls again this year. The Rally sons are a little different pedigree with low birth weights. Lot 11


12 Clear Lake Dream on 113Y

TEF 113Y PMC342053

MXS Vermillion 527R SVY Kaboom PLD 7113T SVY First Date 506R EXL Trade Wind 472P Clear Lake Tabi 924W Kleardae Ginger 116L

Jan. 11/11

BW 90 lbs. EPDs BW 3.4 WW 43 YW 76 MILK 19.3 TM 41 Another low birth weight Kaboom herd bull from a first calf heifer. Look at the job this first calver did to produce this great bull.

SOS Polled Detonator 8M MXS Espeon 122L SVY Freedom PLD 307N SVS Neostrata 5N EXL Trade Secret 154L EXL Jesse Lee 962J DAE Chandler 711G Klear-Dae Duchess 46Z


13 C L impressive TEF 120Y

TEF 120Y PMC342039

Jan. 16/11

HFCC PLD Evolution 5L SVY Freedom PLD 307N SVY Purrfect 184L Gerrard Montezuma 6T RPJ Impressed 121L Gerrard Roxanne 18P Gerrard Roxanne 27M Sparrows Alcatraz 18N Sparrows Ransom 709T Sparrows Krystal 116R ACC Flirtin For Certin 909W MXS Vermillion 527R ACC Flirt’n for Cert’n 722T SVY Flirtn Forcer Tina 413P BW 87 lbs. EPDs BW 0.7 WW 45 YW 85 MILK 24.0 TM 47 This herd bull has been on the watch list since he was born. This thick butted, long bodied... pound the scales down herd bull is out of the U.S. National Champion Montezuma.

Lot 13


14 Clear Lake Pioneer 129Y

TEF 129Y MC339598

Jan. 22/11

Sparrows Durango 585P Winn Mans Lanza 610S Winn Man Merit 036K Sparrows Fargo 811U Sparrows Alliance 513G Sparrows Delight 74L RLTC Miss Trim 74A $ Cecile Cobb S$ Montana Silver $ Stage’s Miss DC Bar JWX Silver Girl 154P 2UP Peugeot ET JWX 2-UPS Aurora 70M Boulder Bluff Aurora 7D BW 115 lbs. EPDs BW 3.2 WW 54 YW 107 MILK 17.1 TM 44 Our third member and most praised herd bull from the pen of three we took to Red Deer where the ACA gave away 2 - $10,000 bulls. Ask how you can qualify next year. This powerful Fargo son is out of the same cow as last years high selling bull that went to the Breitkreitz from Ft. Assiniboine.

Lot 14 4


15 Clear Lake Red man 130Y

TEF 130Y


Jan. 22/11

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD Harvie Redemption 36P Harvie Ms Molson 53M Pro-Char Cptn. Morgan 8U GXR Mr Carlo 2E EFH Daisy Mae 30J EFH Miss Daisy Mae 17D Pro-Char Maxim 38N Pro-Char Bacardi 9S Pro-Char Ily 69N CST Miss Castine 17W DBLS Silent Sam PLD 461P CST Miss Castine 27T CST Ms Castine 18M BW 95 lbs. EPDs BW 1.8 WW 38 YW 72 MILK 20 TM 39 This red factor Cptn. Morgan son looks just like his sire with a big hip, deep ribs and herd sire written all over him.

Lot 15


16 Clear Lake Frosty TEF 131Y

TEF 131Y


Jan. 22/11

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD Harvie Redemption 36P Harvie Ms Molson 53M Pro-Char Cptn. Morgan 8U GXR Mr Carlo 2E EFH Daisy Mae 30J EFH Miss Daisy Mae 17D Velda Rose Sir 48R Pro-Char Slammer 50T Pro-Char Alotta 28N Clear Lake Sugar 931W EXL Trade Wind 472P Kleardae Windflower 727T Kleardae Tanya 34N BW 82 lbs. EPDs BW 0.7 WW 42 YW 79 MILK 21.1 TM 42 Another great rear quartered Cptn. Morgan son with only an 82 lb. birth weight. Put these brothers together to get that consistent calf crop everyone looks for. Lot 16


17 Clear Lake Hogan TEF 133Y

TEF 133Y


Jan. 22/11

LHD Mr Perfect Y416 LHD Cigar E46 LHD Ms Classic Bell X613 Pro-Char Cigar 10U Pro-Char Maxim 38N Pro-Char Cove 51R Prairie Cove Miss 245M Crystal D Pierce 40P JWX Triple Play 34T RJV Bo-Jan 349N Pro-Char Bonnet 32W Pro-Char Guage 7L Pro-Char Bonnet 64N Alda Miss Red Cap 604F BW 85 lbs. EPDs BW -1.9 WW 37 YW 65 MILK 20.8 TM 39 A low birth weight red Cigar son with a ton of hair. We know you will be as happy with this bull as Ivan Kulak is with the sire Cigar that he bought in last years sale.

Lot 17


18 Clear Lake Impact 136Y

TEF 136Y PMC342071

MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G PCC Sudden Impact 848U Sparrows Tempest 174K Wrangler Striker 63K Kleardae Blossom 435P Kleardae Tiffany 915J

Jan. 25/11

BW 103 lbs. EPDs BW 3.2 WW 45 YW 82 MILK 19.1 TM 42 A top performing Sudden Impact son from a top performance Parrent female. You have to love the way Sudden Impact stamps his offspring.

Rainbow Mr Cyrano 32D MVX Edith 806X Sparrows Advantage 230H Sparrows Sparkle 74F Wrangler Mr Wyatt 62H Loruk Ada Ace 3F EXL Gotcha 709G DAE Kleardae Sherri 618F



19 Clear Lake Red Dream 138Y

TEF 138Y


Jan. 25/11

JS Hansome 114M JS Equity 11R Main Chieftan 411D KBK Rally 24T Curran Red Rock 47L KBK Red Rock 14R KBK Ms Warrior 15D Velda Rose Sir 48R Pro-Char Slammer 50T Pro-Char Alotta 28N Clear Lake Sugar 813W DAE Major General 238M Kleardae Athabina 619S Kleardae Ginger 116L BW 100 lbs. EPDs BW 3.5 WW 45 YW 85 MILK 21.1 TM 44 Red Dream is only one of two red factor bulls with that different pedigree. Take advantage and breed him to those Cptn. Morgan females. Lot 19



20 Clear Lake Little Smoke 151Y 21 Clear Lake Buckshot 153Y

TEF 151Y MC339572

Feb. 1/11

TEF 153Y

LHD Mr Perfect Y416 LHD Cigar E46 LHD Ms Classic Bell X613 Pro-Char Cigar 10U Pro-Char Maxim 38N Pro-Char Cove 51R Prairie Cove Miss 245M EXL Trade Secret 154L EXL Trade Wind 472P EXL Jesse Lee 962J Kleardae Windflower 802U DAE Toledo 624F Kleardae Jasmine 12K Parr’s Melissa 3E BW 114 lbs. EPDs BW 3.4 WW 41 YW 71 MILK 16.8 TM 37 A Cigar son from one of the top cows that came from the Parrents at Klear Dae Charolais. 802U has many daughters in the herd and always produces one of the best.


Feb. 3/11

LHD Mr Perfect Y416 LHD Cigar E46 LHD Ms Classic Bell X613 Pro-Char Cigar 10U Pro-Char Maxim 38N Pro-Char Cove 51R Prairie Cove Miss 245M WCR Sir FA Mac 2244 JWK Impressive D040 ET HBR Lady Liz 721 Polled Kleardae Fran 18N Kleardae Max 440D Kleardae Maxine 609F Kleardae Celine 412D BW 112 lbs. EPDs BW 1.6 WW 43 YW 77 MILK 20.2 TM 42 This Cigar son possesses a tremendous hair coat and wonderful disposition. His small head and smooth make up ranks him near the top.


22 Clear Lake Cider TEF 154Y

TEF 154Y

Bar J Silverado 14S JWX Silver bullet 524W KMAC Miss Marmalade 31R Impair ACC Elvira 628S HFCC Elvira 916J


BW 108 lbs. EPDs BW 3.9 WW 49 YW 103 MILK 21.1 TM 46 Make sure you find this powerful, deep bodied, Silverado son on sale day. This straight topped, growthy individual will catch your eye. Look at his yearling weight EPD at 103.

Feb. 3/11

Rosso New Horizon 8L Bar J Lollypop 8L S$ Montana Silver SOS Lady Marmalade 47L Blason Officine HTA Hard Copy PLD 621F HFCC Elvira 36C

Lot 22 6


23 Clear Lake Tonny TEF 157Y

TEF 157Y MC342065

MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G PCC Sudden impact 848U Sparrows Tempest 174K Mapleleaf Benchmark 501R D Bar Carisma 709T D Bar Catalina 304N

Feb. 5/11 BW 109 lbs. EPDs BW 4.2 WW 45 YW 81 MILK 18.4 TM 41 This Sudden Impact son came out of a group of cows we purchased from Don Grant. Make sure you find her sale day as she fits in the top end of our herd.

Rainbow Mr Cyrano 32D MVX Edith 806X Sparrows Advantage 230H Sparrows Sparkle 74F Nelson MLR Miss Till 95K D Bar Baxter 4K Kala’s Frosty 121H


24 Clear Lake Silver TEF 165Y

TEF 165Y PMC342041

Feb. 10/11

Rosso New Horizon 8L Bar J Silverado 14S Bar J Lollypop 8L JWX Silver bullet 524W S$ Montana Silver KMAC Miss Marmalade 31R SOS Lady Marmalade 47L Rainbow Mr Cyrano 32D MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G MVX Edith 806X ACC Elvira 723T HTA Hard Copy PLD 621F HFCC Elvira 916J HFCC Elvira 36C BW 114 lbs. EPDs BW 5.5 WW 45 YW 94 MILK 20.5 TM 43 This long spined eye appealing Silver Bullet will pack the extra pounds on his calves. His dam is one of the top females that came from the Andemar herd. Lot 24


25 C l Heavy Duty TEF 167Y

TEF 167Y PMC342042

Feb. 11/11

Rosso New Horizon 8L Bar J Silverado 14S Bar J Lollypop 8L JWX Silver bullet 524W S$ Montana Silver KMAC Miss Marmalade 31R SOS Lady Marmalade 47L JWK Impressive D040 ET PF Impressed 620 P ET Miss KC Crocus 904 Polled KCM Flora 261M HEP Alabama Polled 7C Miss Key Flora 82F PLD Miss Key Highrise 616U BW 74 lbs. EPDs BW 0.8 WW 43 YW 92 MILK 19.3 TM 41 This heavy duty Silver Bullet was one of our heaviest bulls at weaning. His dam is a powerful female always raising top calves.

Lot 25


26 Clear Lake Jager TEF 173Y

TEF 173Y


Feb. 14/11

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD Harvie Redemption 36P Harvie Ms Molson 53M Pro-Char Cptn. Morgan 8U GXR Mr Carlo 2E EFH Daisy Mae 30J EFH Miss Daisy Mae 17D Pro-Char Maxim 38N Pro-Char Bacardi 9S Pro-Char Ily 69N CST Miss Castine 24W DBLS Silent Sam PLD 461P CST Miss Castine 13S CST Ms Castine 26P BW 92 lbs. EPDs BW -0.8 WW 34 YW 65 MILK 20.7 TM 38 Only a Feb. 14 Cptn. Morgan son that really puts it all together. Jager has a modest 92 lb. birth weight... and wow what a rear quarter. If you’re serious about red factor herd bulls... don’t miss this one.

Lot 26 7


27 Clear Lake Impact TEF 174Y

TEF 174Y PMC342043

MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G PCC Sudden Impact 848U Sparrows Tempest 174K D Bar Baxter 4K D Bar Carista 715t D Bar Carista 425P

Feb. 14/11

Rainbow Mr Cyrano 32D MVX Edith 806X Sparrows Advantage 230H Sparrows Sparkle 74F 2UP Peugeot ET D Bar Cheer Leader 418D Anchor J Bart 31H D Bar Precious 912J

BW 115 lbs. EPDs BW 4.5 WW 46 YW 84 MILK 18.3 TM 41 This attractive, free moving, deep quartered Sudden Impact has an interesting pedigree going back to the great Paget herd.


28 Clear Lake Rocky TEF 180Y

TEF 180Y PMC342067

Feb. 22/11

Rosso New Horizon 8L Bar J Silverado 14S Bar J Lollypop 8L JWX Silver bullet 524W S$ Montana Silver KMAC Miss Marmalade 31R SOS Lady Marmalade 47L LT Unlimited Ease 9108 Baldridge Fasttrack 82F Baldridge Sweetheart 53D GPA Agatha 311N WCR Prime Cut 764 PLD GPA Agatha 122L EVC Agatha 43J BW 112 lbs. EPDs BW -0.1 WW 40 YW 85 MILK 23.2 TM 43 The four Silver Bullet sons in this years sale shows how consistent one sire can be when they put all the attributes together. Look at his EPD’s. Outstanding.

Lot 28


29 Clear Lake Smoke TEF 184Y

TEF 184Y PMC342100

Lot 29

Jan. 25/11

LHD Mr Perfect Y416 LHD Cigar E46 LHD Ms Classic Bell X613 Pro-Char Cigar 10U Pro-Char Maxim 38N Pro-Char Cove 51R Prairie Cove Miss 245M Wrangler Judd 16J DAE Major General 238M Kleardae Celine 409D Kleardae Athabina 621S Klear-Dae Dillon 919Y DAE Kleardae Sherri 618F Klear-Dae’s Carroll 520T BW 99 lbs. EPDs BW -2.5 WW 29 YW 53 MILK 24.2 TM 39 You can see why we use Cigar so heavy on our heifers and bigger performance cows. His moderation in size and consistency in quality brings his calves to the top.

Reference Sire Pro-Char Cptn. Morgan 8U - We used Cptn. Morgan in our AI program because of his tremendous offspring. 8


30 Clear Lake Herk TEF 186Y

TEF 186Y pmc342069

Feb. 27/11

Sparrows Alliance 413G Sparrows Cossack 11L HVR Dana 11D ACC Hercules 31R Wiese’s Exactor 15A RLTC Miss Trim 14C RLTC Miss Trim 4A WCR Prime Cut 764 PLD LT Rio Blanco 1234 P LT Prairie Maid 4054 SVY Flirtn Forcer Tina 413P MNE Golden Eagle 25W SVY Flirtin Forcer Tin 928J DYV Flirtin for Certin 7W BW 98 lbs. EPDs BW 2.2 WW 43 YW 89 MILK 23.8 TM 45 Wow... what a pedigree! A Hercules son out of the $15,000 Flirtin for Certin 413P. This female gave 25 embryos in her first flush to Dennis and Lissa Serhenko. This herd bull may be a little younger but his quality is second to none.

Lot 30



31 Clear Lake Kelly TEF 190Y 32 Clear Lake Umpire TEF 196Y

TEF 190Y pmc342070

TEF 196Y pmc342032

Mar. 5/11

Sparrows Alliance 413G Sparrows Cossack 11L HVR Dana 11D ACC Hercules 31R Wiese’s Exactor 15A RLTC Miss Trim 14C RLTC Miss Trim 4A WCR Sir Tradition 066 M6 Grid Maker 104 PET VCR Miss Mac IV 317 JWX Kaitlin 30T 2UP Peugeot ET JWX 2-Up Kaitlin 80J RPJ Kaitlin 407D BW 106 lbs. EPDs BW 2.8 WW 43 YW 91 MILK 22.7 TM 44 Another powerful, younger Hercules son that will for sure put his stamp on his calves.

Mar. 13/11

Maungahina Towkay T13 Crystal D Sir Boom 60S Harvie Ms Molson 53M Top Grant’s Umpire 880U MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G Harvie Ms Nettie 3N Prairie Cove Miss 12G 2UP Peugeot ET D Bar Baxter 4K D Bar Cheer Leader 418D DBar Catalina 304N HTA Frosty 328C Kala’s Frosty 121H DME Premonition 17A BW 93 lbs. EPDs BW 3.1 WW 43 YW 79 MILK 22.8 TM 44 Just a middle of March bull that is quickly catching up to the older bulls.

Reference Sire KBK Rally 24T - Our red factor AI sire.

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