December 2018 Charolais Banner

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Charolais Banner • December 2018


December 2018 VOL. 52, NO. 5 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email:


ISSN 0824-1767

Calves for Cancer ....................................................................15 Uppin’ the Ante Sale ..............................................................24 Autumn Prestige Sale..............................................................26 Jackson Named Sr Manager....................................................26 Atlantic Elite Sale ....................................................................28 Make the Most of Your Social Media ....................................28 Wood River Sale ....................................................................29 Obituary – Neil Dennis ............................................................29 Genetic Edge Sale....................................................................30 Obituary – Carol Jackson ........................................................32 Obituary – Alan Phillip ............................................................33 Charolais Calendar ..................................................................35 Sterling Collection Sale ..........................................................63 Expo Boeuf ..............................................................................64 Olds Fall Classic ........................................................................65 Ag Ex ........................................................................................66 Swedish Show Experience ......................................................68 The Royal ................................................................................72 Farmfair National Show ..........................................................74 Canadian Western Agribition Show ......................................78 Canadian Western Agribition Sale ........................................81 Additional Agribition Highlights............................................82 Sales in Brief ............................................................................93

Departments From the Field............................................................................6 Dans nos champs ......................................................................8 Canadian Charolais Association – Keeping Track ..................10 De l’Association de Charolais Canadien ................................12 Charolais Life ..........................................................................14 Profile – Ernie Esau..................................................................16 Herd Health ............................................................................22 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News ........................32 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report ..................................33 Road Tales ................................................................................34 Magazine Rates and Deadlines ..............................................90 Calendar of Events ..................................................................91 Index of Advertisers ................................................................94

Helge By, Manager/Publisher Candace By, Managing Editor Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 14 Keown Close, Olds, AB T4H 0E7 Res. (403) 507-2258 • Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 @craigscott222 Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Cell (306) 536-4261 @CharolaisBanner Jon Wright Cell (306) 807-8424


Payable by credit card at

All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50 USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420 Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

On the cover… are photos of the Supreme Bull and Female from the Royal Winter Fair.

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810

Photos: Show Champions Design: Susan Penner


Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



From the Field Helge By

As we head into 2019, I reflect back on a very successful Charolais 2018. The spring saw the most sales ever recorded, most bulls ever sold at auction, largest gross of all time, and the average up from last year. I believe we will see the trend of selling more Charolais bulls continue, as we pick up some more market share to commercial producers, who need to crossbreed and have seen the benefits this fall of the identifiable Charolais calves bringing a constant premium across the country. Remember it is the dollars per calf that need to be compared in the coffee shops, not the price per pound. Since my last editorial we have been to four sales in Ontario, four weekends in a row. Between two of the sales, we went to the Maritimes and had a good tour, instead of flying back to Regina. Candace maybe didn’t enjoy it as much as I did, as we covered 1,957 kms and nine herds in five days. (I did give her a little tourist time and a few great seafood meals.) Was great to see some of the herds again and to meet some of the new breeders there. The warm Maritime hospitality was excellent and we thank these operations. We are going to help the Maritime Association host the 2019 Canadian Charolais Association General Meeting next June. Put it on your calendar now and watch for more details soon. It will be from June 5th to 9th in three provinces with some herd tours, tidal bore rafting, sailing, lobster feasts and more. The last time it was held there in 2011, it was a blast and we will endeavor to make it as memorable again this time. In the middle of October, I also attended the CCA Board meetings in

Calgary and found them very interesting. The board is working together to ensure the breed is moving forward. I think the ads on the back cover of the Cattlemen continue to be very well done as they have been for the past number of years with some great slogans being imprinted in the industry’s mind. The breed improvement committee are encouraging more producers to do more Ultrasounding and for the breeders to make sure to submit the data. This is necessary to increase the accuracy of the Carcass EPD as they are very low at this point in time. I hope, in the near future, we can ultilize traceability to get more sire verified carcass data from the packing houses to also aid in this. They are also looking at doing some educational webinars on things like, sending in your data, EPD and working toward a Terminal Sire Index. More on this is in the Keeping Track in this issue and in the future. I also proposed and got the go ahead from the board to move forward on setting up a Charolais Foundation to raise funds for more possible research, education and youth projects for the breed. Other breeds have these in place and have been highly successful in projects that will benefit their breeds for years to come. Watch for more on this as it gets put together. The National show in Edmonton was a great success with the Players Club bringing many breeders out to the show and creating a great buzz in not only the Charolais barn, but the entire show. The ACA and all the breeders who brought out cattle need to be commended for a job well done. It was an excellent event that I hope will continue down the road. One topic to touch on is the case of Barn Blindness. The most common

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symptom is when producers are so close to their operation that it is hard for them to step back and objectively see what they may need to improve the quality of the program. This is at all levels. As a breeder, you can ask some of your good customers or fellow breeders what they see your product needs to improve and you can return the favour by looking hard at your customers’ herds. An outside opinion is always a good thing, and if objective, can be very constructive and profitable. Over the years, I have seen breeders keep buying some of the same problems into their herds rather than maybe give something else up to correct a situation in their cow base. Breeding cattle is a series of compromises and you must always strive to not compromise this same things repeatedly. Marketing tip for this month is to always include a complete tattoo with herd letters when posting on social media or sending a picture to someone. This way it is properly identified and if the receiver wants to gather more information they can do so easily if the animal is registered. Please extend this to every thing you send. Many people send their bull sale weights and scrotal measurements labelled, “sale weights and scrotals.” Be sure to put your farm or family name in the file name. Your customer may receive more than one of these sheets and having your name in the file name is very helpful. We are now planning our picture, video and advertising schedules for the spring which are already starting in December. Give Craig Scott, Jon Wright or myself a call to see how we can help you have the most profitable bull sale season ever. Until next time, Helge


Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Dans nos champs Helge By

À l’approche de l’année 2019, je constate que 2018 fut un succès pour la race Charolais. Le printemps a apporté des ventes record pour les taureaux, le nombre de taureaux vendus à un seul encan, le plus gros revenu brut enregistré et une moyenne de vente à la hausse si on compare à l’année précédente. Je crois que la tendance pour les taureaux Charolais se maintiendra et qu’on poursuivra notre montée en puissance des parts du marché commercial pour fournir ces éleveurs qui recherchent à produire les croisements recherchés. Ces veaux croisés identifiable de race Charolais se sont mieux vendus lors des ventes d’automne, et ce, à travers le pays. Rappelez-vous que c’est le prix par veau qui doit être comparé et non le prix à la livre. Depuis mon dernier éditorial, on a participé à quatre ventes en Ontario pendant quatre fin de semaines consécutives. Entre deux de ces ventes, Candace et moi en avons profité pour aller faire un tour dans les maritimes au lieu de retourner à Régina. Nous avons couvert 1957 kilometres et avons visité neuf troupeaux en cinq jours. Candace n’a pas appréciée toute cette route mais je lui ai laissé la chance de jouer la touriste et de manger beaucoup de fruits de mer. Il fut vraiment plaisant de faire la rencontre de nouveaux éleveurs et de revoir des troupeaux visité auparavant. L’hospitalité des Maritimes était excellente et nous remercions tout ces fermes pour leur accueil. Nous allons aider l’Association Charolais des Maritimes à être le lieu de rencontre pour le rassemblement de l’Association Canadienne Charolais 2019 ainsi que notre réunion annuelle en juin prochain. Notez bien la date du 5 au 9 juin à votre calendrier. Plus de détails seront communiqués bientôt. Cette rencontre s’étendra sur trois 8

provinces. Des visites à la ferme sont à l’horaire, du radeau de marée, de la voile, une fête du homard et plus encore. La dernière fois que l’Association des Maritimes furent nos hôtes, cela fut une expérience mémorable et nous espérons recréer le même résultat. À la mi-octobre, j’ai participé aux réunions très intéressantes du conseil de l’ACC qui se tenait à Calgary. L’association travaille fort pour s’assurer de la progression de notre race. Les annonces publiés à l’endos du magazine Cattleman sont conçues avec des slogans qui s’impriment dans l’esprit de l’industrie. Le comité de l’avancement de la race encouragent les éleveurs à utiliser d’avantage l’échographie de carcasse (indice EPD) et de s’assurer de fournir les données nécessaires. Ces données sont primordiales pour s’assurer de la précision des indices EPD des carcasses. Ces données sont très basses pour le moment. J’espère que très bientôt, nous pourrons utiliser la traçabilité pour vérifier un plus grand nombre de carcasses jusqu’à l’usine d’emballage qui nous aiderais à accumuler une multitude de ces données. Le comité prévoit développer un séminaire en ligne pour expliquer comment nous fournir toutes sortes de données, enregistrer vos informations EPD et aussi une base de données avec l’indice du père terminal. Plus d’information à ce sujet dans le texte “Keeping track’’ dans ce numéro et dans le futur. Le comité a approuvé ma demande de créer une fondation Charolais qui aurait pour but de ramasser des fonds pour approfondir les recherches, l’éducation et les projets pour les jeunes éleveurs qui sont reliés à la race. Plusieurs autres races bovines ont ce type de fondation bien établie et ont été une réussite dans le passé au profit du développement continu de leur race. Gardez l’oeil ouvert pour la concrétisation de cette fondation. L’exposition National d’Edmonton Charolais Banner • December 2018

fut un grand succès avec la participation de plusieurs éleveurs qui ont fait bourdonner, non seulement l’étable des Charolais mais l’exposition en entier avec le Club des Joueurs (Player’s Club). Toute l’équipe des exposants et l’Association Charolais de l’Alberta méritent nos félicitations. Cet évènement fut rempli de succès et nous espérons qu’il sera répété dans le futur. J’aimerais vous parlez de ce que j’appelle l’aveuglement de la grange. Le symptôme le plus commun sont les producteurs qui sont tellement impliqué dans leur propre entreprise et qui oublient de prendre un peu de recul pour remarquer les points où des améliorations pourraient être apportées. Ce problème se retrouve dans tous les niveaux de producteurs. Comme éleveurs, demandez l’opinion de vos clients ou à un de vos compagnon de ferme les points que lequel cette personne pense que vous devriez porter attention. Vous pouvez retourner la faveur à cette personne et lui décrire des suggestions sur son propre troupeau. Une opinion objective vue de l’extérieur vous aidera à vous améliorer et rentabiliser votre entreprise. À travers les années, j’ai vu certains producteurs acheter le même style de problème dans leur troupeau au lieu de lâcher prise sur un élément qui fonctionne et essayer de corriger une autre pour améliorer leur base fondatrice de leur troupeau. Être éleveurs représente beaucoup de compromis et il ne faut jamais perdre le but final en corrigeant les même choses à répétition. Mon truc de commercialisation de ce mois est de toujours inclure votre tatouage de troupeau en entier dans toute publication sur les réseaux sociaux ou même lorsque vous faite parvenir un courriel qui contient une photo. Une bonne identification peut aider un acheteur à se procurer plus d’informations, surtout si cette tête possède un enregistrement. Ces suite à la page 15

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Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.

Dr. Victor Rosso Scholarships Awarded

Rosso - Giofu Wed

Darwin Rosso presented the Dr. Victor Rosso Scholarships of $2000 each to Kari Kondratowicz and Jonah Biensch, assisted by Dr. Douglas Freeman. The scholarship is awarded to first year students entering Veterinary Medicine, at the University of Saskatchewan, that are committed to specialize in a large animal practice. This is the 25th year the Rosso family has presented this award annually. Kari is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of Robyn and Peter Kondratowicz, Bar K Charolais, Saskatoon. Jonah also has a Charolais connection, as he is the grandson of Harold Biensch, Meridian Charolais, that imported cattle from France in the early days.

Megan Rosso and Layne Giofu were married October 6. They are residing in Moose Jaw, SK. Megan is an Agronomist with Annex Agro Ltd, and Layne is a Territory Sales Representative with Agropur Dairy Cooperative. Megan is a CCYA Alumni and the daughter of Kevin Rosso, of Rosso Charolais, Old Wives, Saskatchewan. Sliding Hills Charolais Awarded

Sparrow & Voice Wed Kirstin Sparrow and Rob Voice were married June 30, at Morley and Patti Sparrow's family farm at Vanscoy, Saskatchewan. Kirstin and Rob are both CCYA Alumni and live at Bradwell, SK. They operate an Angus and Simmental cattle herd and both are employed in Saskatoon. It’s a Boy! Frederick Martin Cockburn was born October 7, 3 weeks early, weighing 9 lb., 3 oz. Proud parents are Dave and Sonya Cockburn, of Cockburn Farms, Iroquois Falls, ON. Frederick (aka Freddy) was named after Dave's grandfather and former long-time Charolais breeder.

At the Yorkton Exhibition's Annual Harvest Showdown, the Farmer Recognition Award was presented to Sliding Hills Charolais, of Canora, Saskatchewan, for their contributions to Agriculture in their community. Present to receive the award were Carey, Laura, Dale and LeeAnn Weinbender. 2019 Calgary Stampede Poster Created by Shuttleworth Rebecca Shuttleworth’s artwork was chosen for the 2019 Calgary Stampede poster as part of a competition for youth across Alberta, which includes a total of $20,000 in art scholarships for the top eight finalists. Rebecca is a CCYA continued on page 15


Charolais Banner • December 2018


Calves for Cancer Auction John Chomiak

Hooch and I are survivors in a way which attracted us to this project, Calves for Cancer, where a minimum 50 farmers would donate a calf in recognition of Cross Cancer Centre’s 50 year anniversary. The support from the farming community was amazing, exceeding 70 calves. Hooch is ¾ Charolais and ¼ Speckle Park. An unfortunate accident occurred at our farm where Hooch’s mother died, so I took over caring and feeding him, commencing with bottle feeding and progressing onward as Hooch grew. He has become a pet but is willing to participate in this worthy project. On the personal side, I became well acquainted with the Cross Cancer Centre. It was early 2016 when I concluded 40 radiation treatments at the Cross. When my Prostrate PSA number grew to an alarming level of 8.8, my family doctor insisted on further testing. The diagnosis indicated cancer (shocking news) and the 40 day treatment began once the scheduling 5 months later was determined. Once the radiation treatments were concluded, the first test is 6 months later and the PSA number dropped to .5. At this meeting my cancer doctor informed me that he did not need to see me anymore and I was turned over to a monitoring doctor. So a year later the PSA test

indicated .2 and this past May, the PSA test indicated .1. I feel I am cancer free and I am anxious to see what the test in May 2019 will indicate. I commend my family doctor who insisted on PSA testing as I aged beyond 50. Catching my cancerous prostrate at an early stage resulted that today I can say, I am cancer free. So guys, get tested early and regularly. Four calves were auctioned at Northlands (Farm Fair) generating a sum of $25,900. Hooch, one of them, generated a sum of $8,500, made up by: • $3,500 from Northlands, who sent Hooch back tothe ring for resale • $2,000 from Josh Gillis, who kept Hooch. Josh is John’s grandson, who decided that Hooch will remain at the

Chomiak farm. Hooch will become the Farm Mascot • $1,000 from Stephen Mandel, Leader of the Alberta Party • $1,000 from Ken Cantor, Primavera Development Group • $1,000 from AAA (Alberta Association of Architects) The Cross Cancer Institute has been there for northern Alberta families since 1968. As they celebrate 50 years, CFCW 840 AM Radio was hoping to find 50 ranchers to donate a calf to our Calves for Cancer campaign. Thanks to farm families across Alberta, they managed to surpass that goal with over 70 calves! When all 70 calves go to market this fall, the proceeds will be donated to the Alberta Cancer Foundation and the Cross.

DANS NOS CHAMPS, SUITE DE LA PAGE 8 informations devraient s’étendre sur entreprise et le titre de votre toute correspondance en relation avec document attaché en conséquence. votre troupeau. Un acheteur qui reçoit Ces acheteurs peuvent recevoir plusieurs courriels avec un sujet plusieurs courriels avec le même sujet ‘poids de vente et mesures scrotales’ et inclure ces détails vous aidera à ne donne aucune indication de la vous démarquer de la compétition. provenance de ces indices. Prenez Nos avons entamé les préparatifs de l’habitude d’écrire le nom de votre photos, montages vidéos et campagne

de publicité pour le printemps qui débute en décembre. Lâchez un coup de fil à Craig Scott, Jon Wright ou moi-même pour vous aider à faire de votre prochaine vente de taureaux une des plus rentable. À la prochaine, Helge

CHAROLAIS LIFE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Alumni and daughter of Darryl and “As a fifth-generation farmer I know Maria Shuttleworth, of Charworth how hard women work on the farm Charolais, Balzac. She is in her fourth and that’s something that motivates year at the University of me every day to do my best – it’s Saskatchewan and has been involved what I wanted to show in my piece,” in the arts since she was a child. she said in a news release.

The competition for Albertans aged 15 to 24 is taking place again for the 2020 poster, with the deadline for applications set for Nov. 18, 2018. The competition is funded through The Brandon Flock Foundation.

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Charolais Banner • December 2018



Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Scratching in Cattle Roy Lewis DVM

With the advent of the reliable pour-on and injectable endectocides, which are on the market today, scratching from lice or mange is a very rare occurrence unless a fall treatment was not done, or we have biting lice or mange about. As a veterinarian we are sometimes called on to investigate apparent breaks in these products efficacies. I know we have observed a lot about cattle’s scratching behavior, which we never knew before, since lice or mange were always blamed in the past. A visual exam of discussion over the fence is not enough when there is hair loss. We examine several affected animals and usually clip an area surrounding the worst affected areas. Careful visualization by the naked eye, or with a magnifying glass, can detect some external parasites if they are present. Deeper skin scrapings can be done as well because we don’t want to miss any mange mites if they are present. Failures are rare, but if they do occur usually either biting lice (Damalinia (Bovicola) Bovis ) or chorioptic mange are the culprits. This occurs because both these external parasites are surface feeders and move around a lot, so control may not be quite 100 percent. Also, transmission is quicker so new introductions can easily spread it around. A common question asked is when and how long ago new introductions happened and whether or not they had been previously treated. This, together with proper dosage and administration based on accurate body weights, are extremely important in treating external parasites. Guns for applying endectocides now disperse the product more accurately over the back. Newer products specifically for lice have been developed such as Saber, Boss or Cy-lence or products for cattle oilers such as Ectiban. On all these products, 22

stick to the dosage. Some also have indications for ticks, which we are seeing more of on cattle across western Canada. In BC for instance, ranchers may spray the cattle with the ectiban (permethroid-permethrin) product under the advisement of their veterinarian. As with all the external parasites that move or intermittently feed, contact of the insecticide with the insect provides the best results. Most products have a request for a repeat of treatment in two to three weeks if necessary. One should remember if you need to treat more frequently, the problem may be something different than external parasites. Also, too many treatments, too close together, could potentially be detrimental to young bulls’ semen quality for reproduction, so we again want to stick with the recommended dosage and method of administration. Regular dosage of the permethrins has been proven to be non-detrimental to semen quality and testicular development. Other causes of scratching are varied in the herds we see during these investigations. Ringworm commonly seen around the eyes and head, if severe enough, will cause irritation and scratching especially in young cattle. One has to look closely if in other locations to visualize the circular lesions. One treatment for ringworm will usually get them on the road to recovery. Bale processors and other grinders do a great job chopping and dispersing feed but the only negative is a lot of dust and/or debris ends up in the hair. In warmer weather with sweating, this scurf and debris can cause intense itchiness in certain locations. Once cattle start rubbing, soreness and bleeding occur adding to the problem. A lot of these itching episodes will often follow unseasonably warm periods in the winter after cattle have haired up. Free living mites in grain or on bedding also cause cattle to itch. Producers will lock cattle out when Charolais Banner • December 2018

bedding or provide oilers or rubbing brushes to help to remove the fine dust debris and straw. Certain individual or genetic lines of cattle may be allergic to certain feeds or molds present. Allergic reactions will vary in severity but many will cause reddening of the skin and swelling associated with itchiness. Here the allergen must be removed before recovery can happen. Nutritionally the skin must be healthy otherwise itching, as a result of deficiencies may be a possibility. Trace minerals should always be fed as part of the overall nutritional package. Important ones in skin health are zinc, copper and vitamins especially vitamin A. Unhealthy skin also allows various bacteria to take hold. These infections can be intensely itchy and spread locally. Show cattle if washed must be thoroughly rinsed otherwise the residual soaps can cause irritation or allergic reactions. Some rubbing and licking is part of cattle’s natural grooming process. It is only when this occurs in excess, with hair loss and damage to the skin, that we should be concerned and investigate. Constant irritation regardless of the cause can result in weight loss and a predisposition to other diseases. Cattle will decrease feed consumption and anemia can result from the blood loss especially if sucking lice are involved. Hair loss removes cattle’s insulative coat. In deep freeze weather this is stressful and it then requires more energy to keep warm. By routinely using a specific lice treatment, most parasitic causes of scratching will be minimized. If scratching continues, have the problem fully diagnosed so preventative measures can be taken to eliminate the problem and prevent further skin damage and hair loss. This may involve close examination, a skin scraping, or even a skin biopsy. continued on page 24

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Uppin’ the Ante Uppin’ the Ante 12th Annual Sale October 20, 2018 • Hanover, ON 1 Cow/Calf Pair 1 Bred Cow 16 1/2 Bred Heifers 21 Heifer Calves 1 Preg. Recip 40 1/2 Lots

Gross Average $24,000 $24,000 4,500 4,500 95,450 5,785 99,350 4,731 4,250 4,250 $227,550


Auctioneer: Carl Wright Blockman: Chester Tupling A bigger crowd, a stronger set of cattle, and a couple of high dollar heifer calves helped push the average up over $1,100 from last year. Cattle sold to five provinces with strong demand in all segments of the sale. High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 3, WSS MISS 366A, sired by Steppler Ultimate 75X, out of a WSS Texas Ranger 723T daughter, bred to SVY Wizard 707E. Sold for $8,000 to Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne. Consigned by Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley. Lot 3A, WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F (Polled, 86 YW EPD), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D. Sold for $16,000 to BZBT Livestock, Melanathon. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 19, MEDONTE STARSTRUCK 23E (Polled, 54 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD), sired by Silverstream Geddes G102, out of SVY Starstruck 8X, bred to D R Revelation 467. Sold for $8,000 for 1/2 interest to Joe & Joyce Holmes, Manitowaning. Consigned by Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale. Lot 9, ECHO SPRINGS ZOEY 19E (Polled/s, .7 BW EPD), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a PCFL Vandelero 5S daughter, bred to D R

Revelation 467. Sold for $7,500 to Open Gate Farms, Stanstead, QC. Consigned by Echo Springs Charolais, Oro-Medonte. Lot 10, MEDONTE EMMA 5E (Polled, -1.1 BW EP), sired by SVY Monument 159Y, out of an SVY Ad Invincible P748T daughter, bred to D R Revelation 467. Sold for $7,500 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock, AB. Consigned by Medonte Charolais. Lot 12, MEDONTE EASY ON THE EYES 22E (Polled, 27 Milk EPD), sired by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N daughter, bred to D R Revelation 467. Sold for $7,250 to Open Gate Farms. Consigned by Medonte Charolais. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 27, EMB QUEEN B 47F (Full French), sired by PCFL Cheiftan 25X,

Dave Cockburn teamed up with Roger Maloney on Queen B and added two more Full French heifers to his northern Ontario herd

Jannick Bouffard & Sherry Paxton took two top bred heifer to Quebec

Joe & Joyce Holmes bought the high selling bred heifer

Chester Tupling & George Black both bought high sellers

Brett Tupling & Zach Hammill added Ferris Wheel to their BZBT herd

HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 Health of your cattle is reflected in loss many had nothing found and healthy skin and a shiny hair coat. many others had biting lice discovered only. Biting lice are hard In light of the huge numbers of for the endectocide producers to herds last year that experienced hair

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out of an M&L Prince 49Y daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Cockburn Farms, Iroquois Falls & M&L Cattle Co., Indian River. Consigned by EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte. Lot 29, ECHO SPRINGS GRACIEUSE 184F (Full French), sired by PCFL San Antonio 131N, out of an M&L 28Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to George Black, Markdale.

warranty as the parasites are surface feeders and move around a lot.


Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Autumn Prestige Sale Autumn Prestige Sale October 13, 2018 • Campbellford, ON 2 Cow/Calf Pairs 4 Bred Cows 32 Bred Heifers 10 Heifer Calves 2 Bull Calves 50 Lots

Gross Average $12,800 $6,400 14,700 3,675 115,100 3,597 35,400 3,540 3,650 1,825 $181,650


Auctioneer: Brad DeNure Sale Manager: By Livestock A good crowd filled Hoard’s Station sale barn again to select from the consistent offering put forward by the 12 consignors. Cattle sold to four provinces with many buyers taking multiples. The heifer calf market was very solid with many calves going to become youth show prospects. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 34, PALE MISS ROME 5E (Homo Polled, 29 Milk EPD), sired by PCC Rome 437B, out of a Hicks Remington 31U daughter, bred to Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A. Sold for $5,500 to DRD Charolais, Sintaluta, SK. Consigned by Ferme Palerme, Gatineau, QC. Lot 39, BLACKBERN DANCE 38D (Polled, 54 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,580 lb), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, out of a Sparrows Fargo 811U daughter, bred to Rosso Double Down 8Z. Sold for $5,500 to Double T Farms, Shawville, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls. Lot 14, GOLDEN MEADOW ELLA 20D (3rd Gen. Polled, -1 BW EPD, 1,335 lb), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Kirlene Dockage 58X daughter,

sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of a Sparrows Fargo 811U daughter. Sold for $5,000 to DRD Charolais. Consigned by Whitewater Livestock, Haley Station. Lot 50, FOURTHLANE FAHRENHEIT 6F (Double Polled, 950 lb), sired by WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET daughter. Sold for $4,250 to Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale. Consigned by Fourthlane Farms, Consecon. Lot 45A, WHITEWATER FANTASY 3F (3rd Gen. Polled, 88 YW EPD, 970 lb), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of a Sparrows Fargo 811U daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Terry Creek Charolais. Consigned by Whitewater Livestock.

bred to Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A. Sold for $5,100 to Cornerview Charolais, Cobden. Consigned by Potter Charolais, Earlton. Lot 6B, KIRLENE DELILAH 603E (3rd Gen. Polled, ET, 57 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 26 Milk EPD), sired by JLP Patry Haddock 71N, out of Kirlene Fargos Delilah 6A, bred to MVY Xplorer 21X. Sold for $4,800 to Terry Creek Charolais, Baltimore. Consigned by Kirlene Cattle, Brighton. Lot 40, BLACKBERN EVANGELINE 10E (4th Gen. Polled, 1.8 BW EPD, 28 Milk EPD, 1,395 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an HTA Senator 8130U daughter, bred to WR Travel Agent A602. Sold for $4,500 to Ed Dekeyser, Colborne. Consigned by Blackbern Farms. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 45B, WHITEWATER FIESTA 13F (3rd Greg McCracken was Gen. Polled, 90 the volume buyer YW EPD, 845 lb), taking seven

Don Railton purchased a couple high sellers

Glen Tubman, Bradley Dubeau & Tyler Tubman added a couple to their Double T herd

Heather & Brian Coughlin bought the first one in the ring

Todd Aird selected a couple top sellers for their Terry Creek herd


Jackson Named Sr Manager, Government & Foreign Relations The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) announced Fawn Jackson as the Senior Manager, Government & Foreign Relations. Jackson will 26

relocate to Ottawa and will work closely with John Masswohl. Fawn started her career with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association as aPolicy Analyst and has most recently held the dual role of Environment and Sustainability Manager and Executive Charolais Banner • December 2018

Director of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. Fawn received her undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta in Natural Resources and Agricultural Economics and her Masters in continued on page 81

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Atlantic Elite Sale Atlantic Elite 2nd Annual Charolais Sale November 10, 2018 • Truro, NS 1 Cow/Calf Pair 8 Bred Heifers 8 Heifer Calves 17 Lots

Gross Average $4,900 $4,900 24,250 3,031 20,400 2,550 $49,550


Auctioneer: Andy Carter This was the second annual sale ramrodded by Jason Ringuette and backed by the Maritime Charolais Association. Cattle were consigned and purchased across three Maritime provinces. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 13, GBF MISS ELIZABETH 2E (Polled, 25 Milk EPD), sired by GBF Re-Mark-A-Bull 18A, out of a Hicks Remington 31U daughter, bred to Cumberland Eliot 1E. Sold for $4,250 to Maurice Lake, Kempt Shore.

Consigned by Golden Brook Farms, Malagash. Lot 20, BOSS 14D (Polled, 92 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD), sired by Pleasant Dawn Marvel 902Y, out of a JRT Mayan 220W daughter, bred to Cedardale Zeal 125Z. Sold for $3,400 to Golden Brook Farms. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 11, LADY FANE FANCEY 27F(Polled), sired by Steppler Rhett 71D, out of an HTA Challenge 161Y

daughter. Sold for $3,600 to Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle, Windsor. Consigned by Lady Fane Charolais, Crapaud, PE. Lot 4, CFB MISS FEMROUGE 76F (Polled, Red Factor), sired by Mr Louber Prefix 638A, out of a JSR Seminole 27S daughter. Sold for $3,200 to Balamore Farms, Great Village. Consigned by J & J McAffee Charolais, Lower Knoxford, NB.

Bonnie & Ken Langille consigned and purchased high sellers

Robert & Joe Cooper selected the second high selling heifer calf


Make the Most of Your Social Media Ag More Than Ever

You’re part of an exciting time in Canadian agriculture. The numbers are clear: more people than ever are speaking up about ag and food on social media, and you play an important role in this new era. According to our social tracking over the last 12 months, the most popular Twitter hashtag in Canadian ag (#CdnAg in English; #AgCan in French) was used by over 41,000 individuals, reaching over 102 million people! Thanks for making a difference We’re so grateful to agvocates and partners like you who’ve helped move the ag and food conversation forward over the past six years. Without your commitment to having positive and meaningful conversations about Canadian ag and food, these results wouldn’t be possible. Keeping our community engaged and inspired requires a consistent 28

commitment. That’s why we want to share three social media tricks we’ve learned along the way. Here’s how to boost your social media impact Use the SAUCE criteria when deciding whether something is worth posting. Make sure it falls into at least one of these categories: Simple Appealing Unexpected Credible Emotional Don’t use social media just to update people. People follow a social media account because it gives them tangible value. Offer something that’s educational, emotional or has entertainment value. Use easy-to-understand imagery in all of your posts. Share images or videos with as few words as possible Charolais Banner • December 2018

– but still make sure your audience clearly understands the post. We’re here to help. If you’d like to exchange ideas about engagement and agvocacy on social media, send us an email. Get a new tip each month We’re excited to announce that we will be featuring a social media tip each month. If you have colleagues who would be interested too, encourage them to sign up for our partner emails. Getting to the place on the website is a bit cumbersome at the moment, but the website is being refreshed soon. Currently you need to select the tab on the home page called Become an Agvocate – which takes you to this page – https://www. Then you can either sign up for the newsletter or select the “agvocate tips” link in the first paragraph of text.


Wood River Sale Wood River Charolais & Blake’s Red Angus Proven Producers Sale November 15, 2018 • Moose Jaw, SK 32 Bred Cows

Gross Average $123,850 $3,870

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock Proven Producers was certainly the proper title for the Wood River Charolais female sale. Buyers from the three prairie provinces took the opportunity to acquire females to incorporate into their herds. The sale was steady with some good buying on this deep quality offering. 30 Red Angus bred cows averaged $2,955. High Selling Bred Cows Lot 38, C2 KENZIE 13B (3rd Gen. Polled, -1.6 BW EPD, 86 YW EPD), sired by LT Ledger 0332, out of a Whitecap Laredo 232T daughter, bred to SOS Harvester Pld 61C. Sold for $7,500 to Fleming Cattle Corp., Winfield, AB and Springside Farms Airdrie, AB. Lot 22, WOOD RIVER BLUSH 110B (Dbl Polled, -.5 BW EPD, 28 Milk EPD), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of an HTA Geronimo 749T daughter, bred to SOS Harvester Pld 61C. Sold for $7,300 to Circle 7 Charolais, Shaunavon.

Lot 2, WOOD RIVER LULU SLICE 31X (-2.9 BW EPD, 72 YW EPD,38 Milk EPD), sired by Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD daughter, bred to Cedarlea Homeland 90E. Sold for $6,750 to Springside Farms. Lot 31, HC GLORY 126Y (Dbl Polled, -2.3 BW EPD, 90 YW EPD), sired by DVY SVY Rio 17P, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter, bred to SHSH Estrada 31D. Sold for $6,400 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Lot 33, WOOD RIVER ECTASY 142Z (-.2 BW EPD, 61 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of a Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U daughter, bred to Sparrows Latigo 436B. Sold for $6,200 to Flat-Top Cattle Co., Swift Current. Lot 23, WOOD RIVER SYMPHONY 126Z (Dbl Polled, 2.2 BW EPD, 65 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of an HTA Geronimo 749T daughter, bred to SHSH Estrada 31D. Sold for $7,100 to Wrangler Charolais, Wade Meakin took three Westlock, AB.

Darren Ippolito was a volume buyer taking five Charolais and three Red Angus

Kelly Oberle added the second high seller to their Circle 7 operation

Mike Panasiuk & Billy Fleming teamed up on the high seller

Suzanne & Tyler Smyth selected two for their Flat-Top herd


Neil W. Dennis Neil W. Dennis passed away November 4, 2018 in his 69th year after a long and hard fought struggle. A lover of hockey and renowned defenseman one would say, "He finished his check!" Neil enjoyed his association with the Canadian Charolais Association owning and operating as Sunnybrae Polled Charolais in the 1980s and 90s. He was a long standing member of

the SE Sask. Charolais Breeders, of which he served as president for a time. Neil took great pride in the Sunnybrae Bull Test Station which he operated for approximately 10 years. Change is constant. Introduced to Holistic Management in 1998, Neil quickly realized that the health of an animal was determined by the health of the soil the forage grew from. His foray into ultra-high stock density grazing to physically improve soil health changed his world and attracted the attention of cattlemen

the world over. Neil is survived by his mother Ruth Dennis (widow of Ted Dennis), his wife of 43 years, Barbara, and their 3 children: Brad (Lynsay), Boyd (Lisa), Neila and 4 hockey playing grandsons, Caden, Chase, Vann and Barrett, all of whom he was immensely proud. If friends so desire memorial donations may be made to: Town of Wawota, Wawota Forum or Holistic Management Canada, Box 36, Langbank, SK S0G 2X0.

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Genetic Edge Sale Genetic Edge Charolais Sale November 28, • Olds, AB 4 Bred Cows 28 Bred Heifers 15 Heifer Calves 1 pick of Bull calves 1 Embryo Lot 50 Lots

Gross Average $48,500 $12,125 308,950 11,033 121,200 8,080 26,000 26,000 6,300 6,300 $521,950


Auctioneer: Brent Carey Two of Alberta’s leading breeders worked to put this great event together. Both McLeod Livestock and Springside Farms went deep into their herds to bring this offering to town. Cattle were sold from coast to coast. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 31, Pick of the 2018 PZC TR Desirae 012 ET Heifer Calves. Sold for $30,500 to Canadian Donors, Carstairs. Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane. Lot 6, SOS GIRL PWR 142F (Polled, 101 YW EPD), sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of an SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale, ON. Consigned by Springside Farms, Airdrie. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 32, CML DESIRAE 751E (Polled, 26 Milk EPD), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a CML Diablo 2X

Jake and Ty Mitchel were both buyers


(Polled, Agribition Class Winner), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104P ET daughter, bred to Winn Manns Chavez 826Y. Sold for $21,000 to Alton Century Farm, Lucknow, ON. Consigned by Springside Farms. High Selling Bred Cow Lot 4, ANCHOR ZENA 24Z (Polled, -4.1 BW EPD), sired by Anchor Wrangler 14W, out of an LT Blue Grass 4017 P daughter, bred to SOS Home Grown 15C. Sold for $15,000 to Peter Peters, Souris, PEI. Consigned by Springside Farms. High Selling Bull Calf Lot 1, Pick of the 2018 Springside Farms Bull Calves. Sold for $26,000 to P&H Ranching, Innisfail. Consigned by Springside Farms.

daughter, bred to Cedarlea Joe Sakic 19D. Sold for $35,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 11, SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E (Polled, National Junior Champion Female), sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter, bred to SVY Grizzly 521C. Sold for $27,500 to Elders Charolais, Coronach, SK and Wilgenbusch Charolais. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 3, SOS SAVORY 99E (Polled, 2.8 BW EPD), sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of an HTA Ice 19X daughter, bred to SVY Grizzly 521C. Sold for $23,000 to McKeary Charolais, Compeer. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 38, CML WILMA 788E (Polled, 2.9 BW EPD), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a Merit Vintage 4065P daughter, bred to LT Affinity 6221. Sold for $22,000 to Elder Charolais. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Corrine Parsonage selected pick of the Lot 12, SOS Springside bull calves BRIDGET 133E

Rob Young selected the first Charolais for High Country Cattle Services

Karen Bouchard along with MaryAnn and Ray McKeary took the 3rd high selling bred heifer back to Compeer

Mike Elder and Craig Wilgenbusch both bought high sellers then teamed up on the second high selling bred heifer

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Peter Peters bought the high selling bred cow

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Semen Auction Funds Scholarships Raelynne Rosso, Secretary

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great fall run and are having a little break before everyone gets busy again with calving. As most of you know, the CCYA does a Semen Auction that raises money for our youth scholarships, that are presented at our CCYA Conference and Show. This year we raised $4000. We would like to thank the following people who donated and purchased semen: • 5 straws of SOS HOOEY PLD 127D, donated by McTavish Farms, purchased by Bogart Cattle Co. for $200/straw; • 2 straws of SHARODON CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Shelby Evans Vice-President: Keegan Blehm Treasurer: Tyson Black

DOUBLE VISION 1D, donated by Kay-R Land & Cattle, Elder Charolais Farm, and Sharodon Farms, bought by Reese Cattle Co. for $250/straw; • 3 straws of LT DEL REY 6161P, donated by Footprint Farms, bought by Desert Land & Cattle for $100/straw; • 2 straws of LT SIGNATURE 6136 PLD, donated by Footprint Farms, bought by Blackbern Farm for $100; • 5 straws of ROSSO DOUBLE DOWN 8Z, donated by Rosso Charolais, Wilgenbusch Charolais and Stuart Family, bought by Wrangler Charolais for $100/straw; • and 5 straws of ELDER’S BLACKJACK 788B, donated by Elder Charolais Farm and Wilgenbusch

Secretary: Raelynne Rosso Director: Bret Marshall Director: Lindsay Verwey Director: Reegan McLeod

Director: Bradley Fergus Ex-Officio: Shae-Lynn Evans 2019 CCYA Conf & Show Exec. President: Dale Weinbender Vice-President: Shelby Evans Treasurer: Raelynne Rosso Secretary: Kylie Beck

Charolais, bought by Wrangler Charolais for $300/Straw. We also have a couple other reminders: CCYA memberships are due January 1st. Please get them in as that date is fast approaching and you don’t want to miss all the fun in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, at this up and coming conference. Also new for this year, the CCYA National Board is doing an online fundraising auction on Facebook in the early spring. So keep any eye on our Facebook page, you won’t want to miss it! If you have anything you would like to donate, please contact one of the board members and we would be happy to help! CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Jill Debenham | ON: Karen Black | MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers | AB: Kasey Phillips | Youth Coordinator: Kirstin Sparrow


Carol Jackson Carol Jackson, of Russell, Manitoba, passed away at the Russell Hospital on October 3rd at the age of 88. Carol was born to Alex and Mary Pentilchuk at Shell Valley in the RM of Shellmouth. Being one of the eldest of 14 children she knew what hard work was. She met Stanley Jackson prior to going to the city and after a few years there she returned to Inglis,where they were married Sept. 6, 1952 and 32

started their lives together on the Jackson homestead. Carol was an exceptional cook, housekeeper, gardener, farmer’s wife, mom and 4-H leader. Later in years when the children were grown, her flower garden was her love. She could grow roses that would make florists’ roses blush. Her hands were always busy cleaning, sewing, crafting or just puttering. She and Stan started White Pearl Charolais in 1977, were founding members of and held the Hi-Weigh Bull Sale at their farm for many years. Charolais Banner • December 2018

Carol was also active with the Manitoba Charolettes. They were awarded the Canadian Charolais Association Honour Roll in 2002. Their son Garth and his wife Darlene, along with their son Justin, continue on the family farm with grain and commercial cattle. Surviving to cherish her memory is husband Stan, daughter Wendy; son Grant and wife Arla; daughter Linda; son Garth, wife Darlene and grandson Justin.


Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director

On behalf of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council, I want to congratulate the Charolais breeders for exhibiting an exceptional group of cattle throughout the fall show season. The interest in Charolais genetics from international buyers was strong and through the efforts of outstanding breeding programs across Canada, will be into the foreseeable future. It is always interesting to discuss our cattle and breeds with international visitors. The quality of our genetics, the passion our breeders have for their livestock and the strength of our production systems are something that should be a great source of pride for everyone involved in raising beef cattle across our great country. At Farmfair and Agribition we were pleased to host international visitors from a number of countries. The most prominent of which were China, Mexico and Australia. These are

markets where CBBC and its members have focused their efforts in recent years. China and Mexico which are considered developing markets, both have a new government mandates to improve the quality of beef genetics in order to be self- sufficient in beef production. These markets are very different both culturally and in structure but represent an incredible opportunity for the Canadian seedstock sector across breeds. We will continue to work along-side breed associations, genetic companies, service providers and breeders to capitalize on these market opportunities which in turn provides dollars back to purebred breeders. An important additional market where we were not able to host an incoming delegation to shows this fall is Kazakhstan. However, we had discussions with their officials as part of a joint Kazak-Canada series of government meetings in June of 2018. It was indicated that they are set to

announce a new round of funding focused on the importation of beef cattle. This funding is to help Kazak beef producers offset the cost of importing live cattle from countries such as Canada, USA and Australia. This is in conjunction with their new ten-year plan to improve livestock production in Kazakhstan, which will help utilize their vast grass lands and cropland. Geographically Kazakhstan is situated between Russia and China and with the new super highway ‘Belt & Road Initiative’ connecting Beijing with Europe, the ease in which goods are transported by land will change the economic landscape of trade between the two nations. Beef will be a factor in trade between China and Kazakhstan as a result, but first Kazakhstan must build a strong genetic base for livestock along with infrastructure to supply the hungry Chinese market.


Allan Philip Allan Philip, of Tilston, Manitoba, passed away October 27th at the age of 71 after a two-year battle with cancer. He and his brother Gordon, who passed away in 1991, ran Philip Bros.

Charolais & Red Angus for many years in the 1980s and 1990s. They had Banner Bull at the Douglas Test Station in 1991 and participated in performance testing for many years. During his life Allan was very much involved with his community and enjoyed many sports, especially curling. He participated in 4-H rallies,

was an active Lions member and belonged to nearly every community board. He loved going to the community club to play crokinole and cards. Left to mourn is his wife Carol of 15 years, step daughters Tracy and Jessica and three grandsons.

Some great online advertising options at By the week or the month… you will get notced

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Road Tales Candace By

Every now and then, a purely innocently -intended, quiet evening turns into something legendary. The following story is true, and no names or places have been changed to protect the innocent or guilty. Once when the U.S. National show was in Lexington, Kentucky, Helge and I met three of our Norwegian friends, Erling Gresseth, Håkon Marius Kvæken and Per Øivin Sola, for a few days of cows and visiting. One evening we wanted to go out for a good steak, so I asked our hotel reception for a recommendation. They sent us to Morton’s Steakhouse. After being at the cattle show all day, you know how we smelled, but we didn’t care. We were hungry. We took a cab to Morton’s and upon arrival were met by a rather stuffy host who asked if we had a reservation. Of course we didn’t, but he found us a table right in the center of the restaurant. It was a rather fine establishment and I could see the hotel reception had not sent us to a cheap steakhouse chain. As it was a little early for the fine dining crowd, we were the only ones seated. Our waiter took our drink order and returned with a tray of raw steaks and proceeded to tell us about each cut and asked us to place our order. Not a price was mentioned. I looked at Helge and he nodded in agreement, we knew it was going to be an expensive evening. Slight surprise - number 1. We settled in with our cocktails and were enjoying pleasant conversation as other dining guests started to arrive. Everyone else was dressed quite differently from us – shirts and

ties, dresses – no boots and jeans. I am quite sure we never shared the same perfume, but if they noticed, we didn’t notice. Slight surprise - number 2. Our meal was scrumptious. The steak was very tender and tasty. Everything was perfect. Then it happened. Håkon had been practising to become an auctioneer and on a previous meeting, we had attempted to help him with some pointers. One was to have a gavel or something he could tap in the rhythm of his cadence when he needed to breath, so things kept going. One of us nonchalantly asked how the auctioneering was going. Erling started to make some wisecracks about Håkon being an auctioneer and how important he had become in his mind. We all had a giggle, but Håkon was excited to discuss his most recent experience. In Norway, animal auctions were very slow. They were more like art auctions where people hold up a card to bid. They were so slow, they often stopped for a coffee break during a sale to wake everyone up. Håkon is a very fast-paced person and it drove him crazy. It was one of the reasons he wanted to try auctioneering. He bounces with energy. He started to explain, “I was trying to speed them up.” On his first sentence he was getting animated. “I was banging her and banging her.” As he explained he was pounding his fist on the table as if he had a gavel in his hand. The more he spoke and the more frustrated he got with the people at the auction, the louder his voice and his pounding increased. “I was banging her and banging her,” then in a much quieter tone, “but they just wouldn’t speed up.” Per started laughing a little too

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Charolais Banner • December 2018

hard, for the story wasn’t that humorous. Håkon was getting more and more into it and our cutlery was bouncing on the table as he went on “banging her.” Between Per’s contagious laughing and Håkon’s animation we were all laughing quite uncontrollably. Then it happened. Håkon said, “I was banging her and banging her so hard the table broke.” Big surprise – number 3. We were laughing so hard the tears were flowing and we couldn’t get air. Between gasps for air, Per managed to brokenly add, “Håkon, you must realize there are two meanings for the word banging in English.” As the light came on for Håkon and he realized what he had been doing and how it sounded, we looked around the restaurant and saw that no one else understood he was talking about an auction. Big surprise number 4. Then we really had trouble breathing. At this point, an explanation may have been in order, to assure the people around us we were not all demented beings, but laughing was far easier. We paid the large bill and joked that we should have got a cut rate for the entertainment factor and returned to our hotel. Håkon has a weekly radio show in Norway where he tells little stories that bring the farm to the urban audience. He was on the next day and he told this story. He has told this story many times when he speaks or MCs functions. He is a bit of a celebrity and if you ask any Norwegian Charolais people, they have heard this story. No surprise number 5.








2 3 9 10 16 17 23 /30 24/31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

S 1 8 15 22 29




Moon Phases January 5 ..............New Moon January 14 ............1st Quarter January 21 ............Full Moon January 27 ............Last Quarter




Oct. 14

CCA & CCYA Memberships Due Whole Herd Enrollment forms due for spring & fall calvers New Year’s Day







3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


F 1 8 15 22

S 2 9 16 23



Oct. 15


Oct. 16


Oct. 17


Oct. 18


Oct. 19


Oct. 20


Oct. 21


Oct. 22


Oct. 23


Oct. 24


Oct. 25


Oct. 26


Oct. 27


Oct. 28


Oct. 29


Oct. 30


Oct. 31


Nov. 1


Nov. 2


Nov. 3


Nov. 4


Nov. 5


Nov. 6


Nov. 7


Nov. 8


Nov. 9


Nov. 10


Nov. 11


Nov. 12


Nov. 13

Moose Creek Red Angus & Charolais Two-Year Old Bull Sale, Kisbey

About Your 2019 Calendar The 2019 Charolais Calendar was produced as a joint effort between the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and the Charolais Banner. It features 286 day gestation period dates in each day box (upper right corner), and the different coloured “weeks” coincide with the 21-day heat cycling period.

Year Letter for 2019: G

MARCH 2019



6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26




Moon Phases February 4 ............New Moon February 12 ..........1st Quarter February 19 ..........Full Moon February 26 ..........Last Quarter





Nov. 16


Nov. 23






3 4 10 11 17 18 24 /31 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30



Nov. 14



Nov. 21


Nov. 22


Nov. 28


Nov. 29

Nov. 15

Groundhog Day


Nov. 17


Nov. 24


Nov. 18


Nov. 25


Nov. 19


Nov. 20


Nov. 26


Nov. 27 Valentine’s Day

Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale, Stettler


Nov. 30


Dec. 1 Family Day (AB, BC, NB, ON, SK); Louis Riel Day (MB); NS Heritage Day (NS); Islander Day (PEI) Tip the Scale Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, Donalda


Dec. 7

Pro-Char & Guests Charolais Bull Sale, Glenevis


Dec. 8


Dec. 2

Rawes Ranches Performance Tested Charolais Bull Sale, Strome


Dec. 9


Dec. 3

McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Livestock Bull Sale, Olds


Dec. 10

Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Milestone Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Brooks


Dec. 4

Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Female Sale, Bashaw


Dec. 11

Stephen Charolais and Guests Bull Sale, Whitewood


Dec. 5

Maple Leaf Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, Ponoka HEJ Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Bull Sale, Innisfail


Dec. 6

Myhre Land & Cattle Co./Bar J Charolais Bull Sale, Ste. Rose du Lac SanDan Charolais/Springside Farms Bull Sale, Erskine

APRIL 2019






3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

F 1 8 15 22

S 2 9 16 23

MARCH 2019

SUNDAY Moon Phases March 6 ................New Moon March 14 ..............1st Quarter March 20 ..............Full Moon March 28 ..............Last Quarter





Dec. 21



Dec. 16


Dec. 17

Steppler Farms Bull Sale, Miami

Dec. 28


Dec. 22


Dec. 23

Palmer Charolais Bull Sale, Bladworth


24th: Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Yorkton

Dec. 29


Dec. 24

Dec. 30


Grassroots Bull Sale, Veteran Neilson Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Willowbrook


Jan. 5

Dec. 31

HTA Charolais & Guests Bull Sale, Neepawa


Jan. 6

Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, Neepawa Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Twin Anchor Charolais Bull Sale, Veteran



Dec. 25

Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Yellow Creek McKeary Charolais Sale, Brooks Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale, Stettler

Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, Olds



Jan. 7


Jan. 1

Elder Charolais Bull Sale, Coronach Footprint Farms Bull Sale, Esther


Jan. 8

C2 Charolais Bull Sale, Killarney Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale, Coaldale


Dec. 12

Dec. 19

Dec. 26

High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, Inglis Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Innisfail


Jan. 2

McTavish Farms & Guest Bull Sale, Moosomin Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber


T 2 9 16 23 30

W 3 10 17 24

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27


Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, Vanscoy

Built Right Bull Sale, Provost

St. Patrick’s Day Jan. 4/Jan. 11


Dec. 18

M 1 8 15 22 29


Select Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail

Dec. 15

Daylight Savings Time Begins




The Legacy Bull Sale, Botha


7 14 21 28

Dec. 14



Jan. 9


Dec. 13

Chomiak Charolais Bull & Female Sale, Viking Wrangler Made Bull Sale, Westlock, AB High Country Bull Sale, Pincher Creek


Dec. 20


Dec. 27

Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale, Kenaston Blackbern, WhiteWater & Kirlene Charolais Bull Sale, Cobden Source for Success Bull Sale, Indian River

Pleasant Dawn Charolais Bull Sale, Virden

Northern Impact VI, Clyde Select Genetics Bull Sale, Herbert


Jan. 3


Jan. 10

Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon Lazy S Cattle Co. Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, Elk Point

Borderland Cattle Company Bull Sale, Rockglen Tri-N Charolais Farms Bull Sale, Lenore High Point Charolais Bull Sale, Stayner Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale, Saskatoon Candiac Choice Bull Sale, Candiac Alameda Bull Sale, Alameda

MAY 2019

MARCH 2019 S





3 4 10 11 17 18 24 /31 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30

APRIL 2019



Moon Phases April 5 ..................New Moon April 12 ................1st Quarter April 19 ................Full Moon April 26 ................Last Quarter


Jan. 18



Jan. 12

Wilgenbusch North of the 49th Bull Sale, Halbrite


Jan. 19


Jan. 25


Jan. 26

Jan. 13

Cedarlea Farms at “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale, Hodgeville Gilliland Bros. Charolais Bull Sale, Alameda White Lake Bull Sale, Lethbridge


Cattle Capital Bull Sale, Ste. Rose du Lac



Jan. 20


Jan. 14

Howe Family Farm/Rosso Charolais & Howe Red Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK


Jan. 21

Jan. 27


Jan 15


22 29

Feb. 9


Feb 3



Feb. 8


Feb. 10

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


Jan. 16


Jan. 22


Jan. 28


Jan. 29


Feb. 4


Feb. 5

T 2 9 16 23 30

F 3 10 17 24 31

S 4 11 18 25

Jan. 17

Vermilion Charolais Group Bull Sale, Vermilion

Hunter Charolais Bull Sale, Roblin


W 1 8 15 22 29



Jan. 23


Jan. 24

Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, Campbellford


Jan. 30

Good Friday Feb. 2



Palm Sunday Feb. 1


Sliding Hills Charolais Bull Sale, Canora Daines Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Innisfail

Top Cut Bull Sale, Mankota





Feb. 6


Jan. 31

Brimner Cattle Co. at Cornerstone Bull Sale, Whitewood Cedardale Charolais Bull & Select Female Sale, Nestleton


Feb. 7

JUNE 2019

APRIL 2019 S 7 14 21 28

M 1 8 15 22 29

T 2 9 16 23 30

W 3 10 17 24

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27


MAY 2019











2 3 9 10 16 17 23 /30 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


S 1 8 15 22 29



Feb. 11


Feb. 12


Feb. 13


Feb. 14


Feb. 15


Feb. 16


Feb. 17


Feb. 18


Feb. 19


Feb. 20


Feb. 21


Feb. 22


Feb. 23


Feb. 24


Feb. 25


Feb. 26


Feb. 27


Feb. 28


March 2


March 3


March 4


March 5


March 6


March 7


March 10


March 11


March 12


March 13

Mother’s Day


March 1


March 8

Victoria Day


March 9

Moon Phases May 4....................New Moon May 11..................1st Quarter May 18..................Full Moon May 26..................Last Quarter

JULY 2019

MAY 2019 S



5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

W 1 8 15 22 29

T 2 9 16 23 30

F 3 10 17 24 31

S 4 11 18 25

JUNE 2019

SUNDAY Moon Phases June 3 ..................New Moon June 10 ................1st Quarter June 17 ................Full Moon June 25 ................Last Quarter





7 14 21 28


M 1 8 15 22 29


T 2 9 16 23 30

W 3 10 17 24 31

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27



March 14


March 15


March 16


March 17


March 18


March 19


March 20


March 21


March 22


March 23


March 24


March 25


March 26


March 27


March 28


March 29


March 30


March 31


April 1


April 2


April 3


April 4


April 6


April 7


April 8


April 9


April 10


April 11

Father’s Day


April 5/April 12


JUNE 2019 S






2 3 9 10 16 17 23 /30 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

S 1 8 15 22 29

JULY 2019



Moon Phases July 2/31 ..............New Moon July 9 ....................1st Quarter July 16 ..................Full Moon July 24 ..................Last Quarter



April 13







4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31



April 14


April 15


April 16


April 17


April 18

Canada Day


April 19


April 20


April 21


April 22


April 23


April 24


April 25


April 26


April 27


April 28


April 29


April 30


May 1


May 2


May 3


May 4


May 5


May 6


May 7


May 8


May 9

Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn


May 10


May 11


May 12


May 13

Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn

Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn

Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn


JULY 2019 S 7 14 21 28

M 1 8 15 22 29

T 2 9 16 23 30

W 3 10 17 24 31

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27




Moon Phases August 7................1st Quarter August 15..............Full Moon August 23..............Last Quarter August 30..............New Moon




May 17

S 1 8 15 22 29


May 18


M 2 9 16 23 30


T 3 10 17 24

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28



May 14


May 15


May 16


May 19


May 20


May 21


May 22


May 23

Civic Holiday


May 24


May 25


May 26


May 27


May 28


May 29


May 30


May 31


June 1


June 2


June 3


June 4


June 5


June 6


June 7


June 8


June 9


June 10


June 11


June 12


June 13






4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31





June 14



June 15





6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28


T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26





June 17


June 18


June 19


June 20

Labour Day


June 21


June 22


June 23


June 24


June 25


June 26


June 27


June 28


June 29


June 30


July 1


July 2


July 3


July 4


July 5


July 6


July 7


July 8


July 9


July 10


July 11


July 12


July 13

Moon Phases

September 21 ..........Last Quarter September 28 ..........New Moon September 5 ............1st Quarter September 14 ..........Full Moon

SEPTEMBER 2019 S 1 8 15 22 29

M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28




Moon Phases October 5 ..............1st Quarter October 13 ............Full Moon October 21 ............Last Quarter October 27 ............New Moon


July 19


July 20







July 14


July 15


July 16


July 17


July 18


July 21


July 22


July 23


July 24


July 25

Autumn Prestige Sale, Campbellford


July 26


July 27


July 28


July 29


July 30



July 31

Aug. 1

Uppin’ the Ante Sale, Hanover

Thanksgiving Day


Aug. 2


Aug. 3


Aug. 4


Aug. 5


Aug. 6


Aug. 9


Aug. 10


Aug. 11


Aug. 12


Aug. 13




Aug. 7

Aug. 8






3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30




6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26


SUNDAY Moon Phases November 4 ..........1st Quarter November 12 ........Full Moon November 19 ........Last Quarter November 26 ........New Moon






Aug. 16

S 1 8 15 22 29

M 2 9 16 23 30


T 3 10 17 24 31

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28



Aug. 14


Aug. 15


Aug. 17


Aug. 18


Aug. 19


Aug. 20


Aug. 21


Aug. 22


Aug. 24


Aug. 25


Aug. 26


Aug. 27


Aug. 28


Aug. 29

Daylight Savings Time Ends


Aug. 23


Aug. 30


Aug. 31


Sept. 1


Sept. 2




Sept. 4


Sept. 5


Sept. 6


Sept. 7


Sept. 8


Sept. 9


Sept. 10


Sept. 11


Sept. 12

Remembrance Day







3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30





Sept. 13



Sept. 14



Sept. 15


Sept. 16



Sept. 17




5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28



W 1 8 15 22 29

T 2 9 16 23 30

F 3 10 17 24 31

S 4 11 18 25



Sept. 19

Sterling Collection Sale, Saskatoon


Sept. 20


Sept. 21


Sept. 27


Sept. 28

10 17

Sept. 22

No Borders Select Sale, Virden

Sept. 29

Wilgenbusch Charolais Biennial Female Sale, Halbrite


Oct. 4


Oct. 5

Oct. 11


Oct. 12

Sept. 23


Sept. 24


Sept. 25


Sept. 26


Sept. 30


Oct. 1


Oct. 2


Oct. 3


Oct. 10

Steppler Farms A Piece of the Program Female Sale, Miami


Oct. 6

Christmas Eve




Oct. 13


Oct. 7

Christmas Day

Char-Maine Ranching Bull Sale, Fort MacLeod


Oct. 8


Oct. 9

Boxing Day

Moon Phases December 4 ..........1st Quarter December 12 ........Full Moon December 18 ........Last Quarter

New Year’s Eve

December 26 ........New Moon

ALBERTA CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOX 4, SITE 13, RR 1, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 (403) 556-2695 (MAY) AMABEC CHAROLAIS RR1, WARKWORTH, ON K0K 3K0 (705) 924-2936 (OCTOBER) ANNUROC CHAROLAIS 1621 ROKEBY LINE, RR 1, MOORETOWN, ON N0N1M0 (519) 864-5876 • (519) 312-1818 (JULY) BAKER FARMS 305 HUNT CLUB ROAD, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 847-7784 (NOVEMBER) B BAR D CHAROLAIS RR 2, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 323-1270 (NOVEMBER) BAR H CHAROLAIS BOX 459, GRENFELL, SK S0G 2B0 (306) 697-2901 (JULY) BAR J POLLED CHAROLAIS BOX 110, AMARANTH, MB R0H 0B0 JUSTIN ROBERTSON 204-871-3086 JACK ROBERTSON 204-843-2246 • 204-791-0091 (JUNE) BECK FARMS BOX 5, LANG, SK S0G 2W0 (306) 436-4600 • (306) 436-4564 (306) 436-4503 • (306) 538-2051 (FEBRUARY) BE-RICH FARMS RR#2, KITSCOTY, AB T0B 2P0 (780) 846-2643 (MARCH) BIG JOHNSON CHAROLAIS BOX 132, AMISK, AB T0B 0B0 (780) 856-2175 C (780) 806-3560 (JANUARY) BLACKBERN CHAROLAIS FARM 2056 KERR LINE, RR 1, FORESTER’S FALLS, ON K0J 1V0 (613) 646-2673 (OCTOBER) BOB CHAROLAIS STETTLER, ALBERTA (250) 517-8521 (APRIL) BO-JAN ENTERPRISES BOX 9, SYLVANIA, SK S0E 1S0 (306) 873-5220 (MAY) BORDERLAND CATTLE COMPANY BOX 418, ROCKGLEN, SK S0H 3R0 (306) 476-2439 (MAY) BRICNEY STOCK FARM BOX 206, MAIDSTONE, SK S0M 1M0 (306) 893-4510 (SEPTEMBER) BRIDOR CHAROLAIS 103310 SOUTHGATE RD. 10 MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 321-9163 (OCTOBER) BRIMNER CATTLE COMPANY BOX 123, MANOR, SK S0C 1R0 (306) 448-2028 • 448-4814 • 448-2278 (SEPTEMBER) BUFFALO LAKE SHORTHORNS & CHAROLAIS BOX 1055, STETTLER, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 742-6792 • 742-4709 (SEPTEMBER) C M CATTLE CO. 706098 COUNTY RD. 21, MULMUR, ON L9V 0W3 (519) 939-0561 (OCTOBER) CAMPBELLS CHAROLAIS BOX 93, GRIFFIN, SK S0C 1G0 306-842-6231 (APRIL)


DEFOORT STOCK FARM BOX 76, CYPRESS RIVER, MB R0K 0P0 (204) 743-2109 (FEBRUARY) DEMARAH FARMS BOX 266, GRAYSON, SK S0A 1E0 (306) 794-9090 • C (306) 621-0089 (DECEMBER) DESERTLAND CATTLE CO. LTD BOX 1, SEDALIA, AB T0J 3C0 (403) 326-3333 • (403) 664-9447 (JANUARY) DIAMOND W CHAROLAIS BOX 235, HUDSON BAY, SK S0E 0Y0 (306) 865-6539 (JANUARY) DOGPATCH ACRES BOX 44, LEROY, SK S0K 2P0 • (306) 287-4008 (JUNE) DOUBLE P STOCK FARMS BOX 790, STE. ROSE, MB R0L 1S0 (204) 732-2054 • (204) 647-5416 (JULY) DRD CHAROLAIS BOX 91, SINTALUTA, SK S0G 4N0 (306) 727-4927 (DECEMBER) DUBUC CHAROLAIS 184, DES CEDRES, STE-EULALIE, PQ G0Z 1E0 (819) 225-4298 • 225-4452 (AUGUST) ECHO SPRING CHAROLAIS 1064 LINE 10N, ORO-MEDONTE, ON L0L 1T0 (705) 487-2608 • (705) 487-5840 (JULY) ELDER CHAROLAIS BOX 91, CORONACH, SK S0H 0Z0 (306) 267-4986 • 267-5709 • 267-5655 (JUNE) EMB 1064 LINE 10N, ORO-MEDONTE, ON L0L 1T0 (705) 487-5840 (APRIL) FERGUS FAMILY FARM 393595 COUNTY RD 12, LAUREL, ON L9N 5N1 (519) 939-1307 • (519) 938-7103 (OCTOBER) FERME COUJO CHAROLAIS 3680 RG 10 WINDOVER, NOTRE-DAME-DU-BON-CONSEIL , PQ J0C 1A0 (819) 336-2511 (AUGUST) FERME CARDIN CHAROLAIS INC. 315 RANG 4, ST. BONAVENTURE, QC J0C 1C0 (819) 396-1968 • (819) 471-2312 (AUGUST) FERME LOUBER ENR. 1630, ROUTE ST-MARTIN, SAINTE-MARIE, QC G6E EA8 (418) 387-7514 (AUGUST) FISCHER CHAROLAIS BOX 362, IRMA, AB T0B 2H0 (780) 209-7961 • (780) 806-3635 (APRIL) FONDOAK FARM RR 2, RENFREW, ON K7V 3Z5 (613) 433-7637 (NOVEMBER) FOOTPRINT FARMS BOX 406, ESTHER, AB T0J 1H0 (403) 664-3167 (MARCH) FUTURE FARMS 35266 RG RD 33, RED DEER COUNTY, AB T4G 0N3 (403) 227-2594 • (403) 877-7017 (FEBRUARY) GILLILAND BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 254 CARIEVALE, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4841 • (306) 928-2118 (JUNE) GOLDEN THREAD LIVESTOCK IMAGES WWW.GOLDENTHREAD.CA • (306) 681-5340 (JUNE)

LAND O’ LAKES RR 2, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 242-8689 (OCTOBER) LANGSTAFF CHAROLAIS RR 5, WALLACEBURG, ON N8A 4L2 (519) 627-3464 (OCTOBER) LAZY S CATTLE CO. BOX 1116, RIMBEY, AB T0C 2J0 (403) 843-6801 C (403) 704-0288 (MAY) LEEMAR CHAROLAIS RR1, SITE 8, BOX 14, THORSBY, AB T0C 2P0 (780) 389-3314 (NOVEMBER) LEGACY CHAROLAIS BOX 59, BOTHA, AB T0C 0N0 (403) 742-4265 • (403) 742-2108 (NOVEMBER) LEJ CHAROLAIS BOX 882, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB R1N 3C3 (204) 252-3115 • (204) 856-6357 (MAY) LEMAY, CLAUDE 551 CHEMIN DES ÉRABLES, SAINTE GÉRARD DES LAURENTIDES, PQ G9R 1H1 (819) 697-7868 • (819) 539-7616 (AUGUST) M & L CATTLE CO. 2420 JERMYN LINE, INDIAN RIVER, ON K0L 2B0 (705) 295-6439 C (705) 761-7316 (JANUARY) MACK’S CHAROLAIS 1690 11TH LINE W, RR4, CAMPBELLFORD, ON K0L 1L0 (705) 653-3221 (APRIL) MAPLE LEAF CHAROLAIS RR1 SITE 6 BOX 8, MILLET, AB T0C 1Z0 (780) 312-4245 (FEBRUARY) MARTENS CATTLE CO. B0X 85, GLENBUSH, SK S0M 0Z0 (306) 342-2099 (FEBRUARY) McAVOY CHAROLAIS BOX 93, ARELEE, SK S0K 0H0 (306) 241-1975 • (306) 621-3326 (MARCH) McCAW LIVESTOCK BOX 730, WHITEWOOD, SK S0G 5C0 (306) 735-7020 • WACEY (306) 471-0093 (DECEMBER) McKEARY CHAROLAIS BOX 10, COMPEER, AB T0C 1A0 (403) 834-2938 • 501-1326 (MARCH) McLEOD LIVESTOCK 293113 TWNSHP RD 263, ROCKY VIEW COUNTY, AB T4A 0N5 (403) 932-4622 (JANUARY) McTAVISH FARMS BOX 1047, MOOSOMIN, SK. S0G 3N0 (306) 435-4925 (JANUARY) MEDONTE CHAROLAIS 4967 LINE 5, N, RR 1, HILLSDALE, ON L0L 1V0 (705) 835-3310 • (705) 627-2348 • (705) 835-7665 (JULY) MILLER LAND & LIVESTOCK RR 1, JARVIS, ON N0A 1J0 (519) 587-2755 (JULY) MISTY HILLS CHAROLAIS BOX 5490, VERMILLION, AB T9X 2B5 (780) 853-2648 (MARCH) MOOSE CREEK CATTLE BOX 190 KISBEY SK S0C 1L0 (306) 462-4836 • (306) 577-8970 (APRIL)


CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320 - 41 AVENUE N.E., CALGARY, AB T2E 6W8 (403) 250-9242 (DECEMBER) CAREY AUCTION SERVICES BOX 27, STAVELY, AB T0L 1Z0 (403) 549-2478 • (403) 650-9028 (JULY) CATTLE LAC CHAROLAIS BOX 2, EDDYSTONE, MB R0L 0S0 (204) 448-2181 (MARCH) CAY’S CATTLE BOX 155, KINISTINO, SK S0J 1H0 JUSTIN (306) 864-7883 • LAYNE (306) 864-7307 (SEPT) CEDARDALE CHAROLAIS 17100 CEDARDALE ROAD, NESTLETON, ON L0B 1L0 (905) 986-4608 (MARCH) CEDARLEA FARMS BOX 294, HODGEVILLE, SK S0H 2B0 (306) 677-2589 • (306) 677-7777 (DECEMBER) CHAR LEW RANCH BOX 1191, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-3558 (JUNE) CHAR-MAINE RANCHING BOX 2263, CARDSTON, AB T0K 0K0 (403) 653-3914 • (403) 653-7228 (DECEMBER) CHARLA MOORE FARMS BOX 116, REDVERS, SK S0C 2H0 (306) 452-3708 (SEPT) CHAR-TOP CHAROLAIS BOX 569, GULL LAKE, SK S0N 2M0 (306) 672-3979 (SEPT) CHARWORTH CHAROLAIS FARMS BOX 10358, STN MAIN, AIRDRIE, AB T4A 0H6 (403) 226-0813 • 226-0541 • 226-0056 (SEPT) CHOMIAK CHAROLAIS 163-TWP RD. 520 R.R. 1, MUNDARE, AB T0B 3H0 (780) 632-7108 (JULY) CIRCLE CEE CHAROLAIS BOX 86, LAMONT, AB T0B 2R0 (780) 796-2108 • 796-3328 (FEBRUARY) CLINE CATTLE BOX 268, BELMONT, MB R0K 0C0 (204) 537-2367 (JANUARY) COCKBURN FARMS 1122 HOPKINS RD., IROQUOIS FALLS, ON P0K 1E0 (705) 288-8013 (APRIL) CORNERVIEW CHAROLAIS RR 3, 1012 SNAKE RIVER LINE, COBDEN, ON K0J 1K0 (613) 646-9741 • (613) 312-1378 (MARCH) COUGAR HILL RANCH BOX 10, TOUTES AIDES, MB R0L 2A0 (204) 732-2663 (JUNE) COYOTE FLATS BOX 1094, COALDALE, AB T1M 1M9 (403) 345-2988 • (403) 634-2989 (FEBRUARY) CREEK’S EDGE LAND & CATTLE BOX 71, YELLOW CREEK, SK S0K 4X0 (306) 279-2033 (MAY) C2 CHAROLAIS BOX 237, LA RIVIERE, MB R0G 1A0 (204) 242-3467 • (204) 242-4448 (JUNE) DAINES CATTLE/O’NEILL LIVESTOCK RED DEER COUNTY, AB (403) 877-2615 • (403) 348-9753 (JANUARY)

GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS BOX 3261, VERMILION, AB T9X 2B2 (780) 853-2220 (JUNE) GRANT ROLSTON PHOTOGRAPHY LTD. BOX 1562, VULCAN, AB T0L 2B0 (403) 593-9441 • (403) 651-9441 (SEPTEMBER) HAPPY HAVEN BOX 266, OAKBURN, MB R0J 1L0 (204) 234-5425 • (204) 365-6010 (MAY) HARCOURT CHAROLAIS BOX 637, QUILL LAKE, SK S0A 3E0 (306) 383-2346 (SEPTEMBER) HARVIE RANCHING RR# 2, OLDS, AB T4H 1P3 • (403) 335-4180 (403) 994-1314 • (403) 507-3886 (NOVEMBER) HEJ CHAROLAIS 35137 RG RD 283, RED DEER COUNTY, AB T4G 0M6 (403) 227-2824 • (403) 358-2866 (FEBRUARY) HICKS CHAROLAIS BOX 130, ARTHUR, ON N0G 1A0 BRYAN (519) 766-2816 (OCTOBER) HIGH BLUFF STOCK FARM BOX 75, INGLIS, MB R0J 0X0 (204) 564-2547 (MARCH) HOPEWELL CHAROLAIS BOX 486, KERROBERT, SK S0L 1R0 (306) 834-2440 • C (306) 834-7557 (JUNE) HORSESHOE E CHAROLAIS BOX 390, KENASTON, SK S0G 2N0 (306) 252-2852 • 252-2246 (MARCH) HOWE FAMILY FARM #183, 325 - 4TH AVE. S.W., MOOSE JAW, SK S6H 5V2 (306) 691-5011 • (306) 693-2163 • (306) 693-2127 (JANUARY) HTA CHAROLAIS BOX 639, RIVERS, MB ROK 1XO (204) 328-7704 • (204) 724-8823 (JANUARY) HUNTER CHAROLAIS BOX 569, ROBLIN, MB R0L 1P0 (204) 937-2531 (JULY) JAYDAWN FARMS BOX 7 RR 2, SEXSMITH, AB T0H 3C0 (780) 933-5530 (APRIL) JMB CHAROLAIS BOX 66, BROOKDALE, MB R0K 0G0 (204) 354-2267 • (204) 354-2118 (JULY) JONES CHAROLAIS BOX 809, GULL LAKE, SK S0N 1A0 (306) 671-7820 (DECEMBER) KAISER CATTLE CO BOX 209, HUSSAR, AB T0J 1S0 • (403) 787-2489 (JULY) KAY-R LAND & CATTLE BOX 420, WASKATENAU, AB T0A 3P0 (780) 358-2360 (JUNE) K-COW RANCH BOX 1450, ELK POINT, AB T0A 1A0 (780) 724-2789 • (780) 614-5959 (MAY) KIRLENE CATTLE 13 LAWSON SETTLEMENT RD #3, BRIGHTON, ON K0K 1H0 (613) 475-3532 (NOVEMBER) LA FERME PATRY DE WEEDON 1981, RANG 2 NORD, WEEDON, QC J0B 3J0 (819) 877-2450 (AUGUST) LAKEVIEW CHAROLAIS BOX 511, MARWAYNE, AB T0B 2X0 (780) 875-0218 (APRIL)

MRF CHAROLAIS 342 RTE 255, KINGSEY FALLS, QUEBEC (819) 839-1433 (AUGUST) MUTRIE FARMS BOX 57, GLENAVON, SK S0G 1Y0 (306) 429-2711 • (306) 424-2961 (JUNE) MYHRE LAND & CATTLE RR 4, C. 9A, DAUPHIN, MB R7N 2T7 (204) 648-6416 (SEPTEMBER) NAHACHEWSKY CHAROLAIS RR 1, NORQUAY, SK S0A 2V0 (306) 594-2627 (SEPTEMBER) NEILSON CATTLE COMPANY BOX 29, WILLOWBROOK, SK S0A 4P0 (306) 783-0331 (JULY) NORHEIM RANCHING 227 FAWCETT CRES., SASKATOON, SK S7T 0E9 (306) 227-4503 (APRIL) ONTARIO CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 103310 SOUTHGATE RD. 10, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 321-9163 (OCTOBER) P & H RANCHING CO LTD. RR 3 SITE 18 BOX 17 • INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T8 (403) 227-2348 (FEBRUARY) PALMER CHAROLAIS BOX 17, BLADWORTH, SK S0G 0J0 (306) 567-5545 (FEBRUARY) PEEVEE CHAROLAIS FARM 80 BAKER TALC RD, SOUTH-BOLTON, PQ J0E 2H0 (450) 243-0249 (AUGUST) PHILLIPS CHAROLAIS BOX 357, ESTEVAN, SK S4A 2A4 (306) 636-2213 • (306) 421-6416 (NOVEMBER) PINE BLUFF CHAROLAIS BOX 34, LOVE, SK S0J 1P0 (306) 276-5976 (MAY) PLEASANT DAWN CHAROLAIS BOX 132, OAK LAKE, MB R0M 1P0 (204) 855-3078 • (204) 721-3078 (MARCH) POPLAR BLUFF STOCK FARM BOX 310, CHAUVIN, AB T0B 0V0 (780) 858-2435 • (780) 858-2234 (APRIL) POTTER CHAROLAIS BOX 554, EARLTON, ON P0J 1E0 (705) 563-2752 • (705) 650-2820 (APRIL) PRAIRIE COVE CHAROLAIS BOX 297, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 TIM (204) 350-9858 • TYLER (403) 501-0660 (JANUARY) PRAIRIE GOLD CHAROLAIS BOX 6, ROSETOWN, SK S0L 2V0 (306) 882-4081 (MAY) PRAIRIE VIEW CHAROLAIS RR 1, SHORTDALE, MB R0L 1W0 (204) 546-2995 • (204) 937-7680 (SEPTEMBER) PRO-CHAR CHAROLAIS BOX 275, GLENEVIS, AB T0E 0X0 (780) 732-1654 (DECEMBER) QUALMAN CHAROLAIS RANCH BOX 25, DUNDURN, SK S0K 1K0 (306) 492-4634 (APRIL) R & G MCDONALD LIVESTOCK BOX 85, SIDNEY, MB R0H 1L0 (204) 466-2883 (JANUARY) RAMMER CHAROLAIS BOX 214, STRATHCLAIR, MB R0J 2C0 (204) 365-2789 • (204) 365-0976 (JUNE)

SUGARLOAF BOX 38, MINBURN, AB T0B 3B0 (780) 593-2153 (NOVEMBER) SUNBLADE CHAROLAIS BOX 26, FOXWARREN, MB R0J 0R0 (204) 847-2213 (MAY) T BAR C CATTLE CO. #9, 3342 MILLAR AVE. SASKATOON, SK S7K 7G9 (306) 933-4200 • (306) 934-0744 (SEPTEMBER) TEMPLE FARMS BOX 171, CARROT RIVER, SK S0E 0L0 (306) 768-3218 • (306) 768-8000 (JULY) THISTLE RIDGE RANCH BOX 4205, TABER, AB T1G 2C7 (403) 223-4118 • CELL (403) 317-0689 (JULY) TRANSCON LIVESTOCK CORP. BOX 300, SUNDRE, AB T0M 1X0 (403) 638-9377 (AUGUST) TRI-N CHAROLAIS BOX 899, LENORE, MB R0M 1E0 MERV (204) 838-2107 • JESSE (204) 851-3391 (APRIL) TURNBULL CHAROLAIS BOX 208, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-4535 • (403) 627-6951 (JANUARY) TWIN ANCHOR CHAROLAIS CASTOR, AB BRIAN (403) 741-2287 • CLIFF (403) 741-2626 (JUNE) VALANJOU CHAROLAIS RANCH BOX 148, CLYDE, AB T0G 0P0 (780) 348-5683 (JULY) VALLEY’S END RANCH BOX 386, CENTRAL BUTTE, SK S0H 0T0 (306) 796-4651 • (306) 796-4460 (APRIL) VIKSE FAMILY FARM RR#1, DONALDA, AB T0B 1H0 (403) 883-2461 • C (780) 608-4460 (FEBRUARY) VOEGELI BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 130, MAYMONT, SK S0M 1T0 (306) 389-4605 (APRIL) WALKING PLOW CHAROLAIS BOX 55, WOODMORE, MB R0A 2M0 (204) 427-2589 (NOVEMBER) WESTERN LITHO PRINTERS 300 DEWDNEY AVENUE, REGINA, SK S4N 0E8 (306) 525-8796 (AUGUST) WHISKEY HOLLOW CATTLE COMPANY RR#4, NORWOOD, ON K0L 2V0 (705) 930-0156 (OCTOBER) WHITE LAKE COLONY/KRW CHAROLAIS BOX 150, NOBLEFORD, AB T0L 1S0 (403) 332-2261 (MAY) WHITEWATER LIVESTOCK 1839 GARDEN OF EDEN ROAD, HALEY STATION, ON K0J 1Y0 (613) 585-3873 (OCTOBER) WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS BOX 4, HALBRITE, SK S0C 1H0 (306) 458-2688 • (306) 458-7482 (MARCH) WILKIE RANCH BOX 118, BIG VALLEY, AB T0J 0G0 CASEY (403) 741-5799 • DON (403) 876-2596 CLINT (403) 876-2548 (AUGUST) WOOD RIVER CHAROLAIS BOX 86, MCCORD, SK S0H 2T0 (306) 478-2520 (JUNE) WRANGLER CHAROLAIS BOX 5554, WESTLOCK, AB T7P 2P5 (780) 349-2982 (JULY)


Sterling Collection Sale 39th Annual Sterling Collection Sale November 30, 2018 • Saskatoon, SK 4 Cow/Calf Pairs 33 Bred Heifers 4 Heifer Calves 41 Lots

Gross Average $46,900 $11,725 206,150 6,247 19,500 4,975 $272,550


Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Manager: By Livestock

With interest from across the country and into the USA, cattle sold into four provinces with some volume buyers keeping the sale strong throughout. This longest running female sale in Canada saw a consistent offering from seven breeders. High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 1, MVY BARBRA-ANN 24B (Polled, 1,775 lb, .5 BW EPD, 29 Milk EPD), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter, bred to Whitecap Mr. Blade 5B. Sold for $8,500 to Good Anchor Charolais, Vermillion, AB. Lot 1A, MVY BARBRA-ANN 58F (Double Polled, 1.050 lb, 25 Milk EPD), sired by MVY Direct Deposit 22D. Sold for $8,500 to Good Anchor

Many time volume buyer Don Good & Marion Smyth purchased seven head for their Good Anchor herd

Garner Deobald was a consignor and buyer

Mac Oberle added three to their Circle 7 herd

Charolais. Lot 2, LAE BEAUTIFUL 4111B (Polled, 1,560 lb, 28 Milk EPD), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter, bred to HBSF Diesel 25B. Sold for $6,750 to Fergus Family Farm, Laurel, ON. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. Lot 2A, LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F (Double Polled, 930 lb, Agribition Jr. Heifer Calf Champion), sired by Palgrove Justice J603E. Sold for $9,500 Annuroc Charolais Mooretown, ON. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 36, HBC VENUS 730E (3rd Gen. Polled, 1,610 lb, 92 YW EPD), sired by SKW Dynasty 50B, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter, bred to WCR Commissioner 593 P. Sold for $10,000 to Good Anchor Charolais. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake. Lot 12, LAE ENTICER 7140E (Double Polled, 1,555 lb, 26 Milk EPD), sired by SVY Grizzly Pld 521C, out of an VFF Time Out 172Y daughter, bred to Circle Cee Legend

307A. Sold for $9,250 to Legacy Charolais, Botha, AB. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais. Lot 29, CEDARLEA YARRA 65E (Double Polled, 1,440 lb, -.5 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter, bred to Circle Cee Legend 307A. Sold for $9,000 to Flat Valley Cattle Ltd, Hilda, AB. Consigned by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville. Lot 6, MVY RHONDA 18E (4th Gen. Polled, 1,695 lb, 94 YW EPD, 29 Milk EPD), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W daughter, bred to Circle Cee Legend 307A. Sold for $8,500 to Cedarlea Farms. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 40, HC EMERALD 808F (Polled, 1,025 lb, 2nd in class Agribition), sired by Palgrove Justice J603E, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 ET daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Halle Vermeulen, Ceylon. Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.

Troy & Dianna Walgenbach bought six for their Legacy Charolais operation

Mark, Ashley & Halle Vermeullen selected three including a high selling heifer calf

Jamie, Luella & Amy Ehret took a high seller back to Alberta

Kennedi, Priscilla, Shane & Levi Quist purchased three

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Expo Boeuf Expo Boeuf Charolais Show October 7, 2018 • Victoriaville, QC Judge: Annie Cournoyer, Kingsey, QC 32 entries (A BOSS Show) Bulls Born in 2018 1. BLACKBERN FRANK 1F (LT Bridger 9191 Pld), Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls, ON; 2. WHITEWATER FRANCHISE 1F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), WhiteWater Livestock, Haley Station, ON; 3. POST FIGARO 265F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais, Saint Césaire; 4. OPEN GATE FIRST CLASS 1F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Open Gate Farm, Stanstead; 5. DUBUC FALCOS 825F (MVY Xplorer 21X), Dubuc Charolais, Saint Eulalie. Bull Calf Champion BLACKBERN FRANK 1F, Blackbern Farms Reserve Bull Calf Champion WHITEWATER FRANCHISE 1F, WhiteWater Livestock Bulls Born in 2016 1. POST DENVER 61D (KEYS ALL STATE 149X), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais Senior Champion Bull POST DENVER 61D, Ranch Ostiguy Charolais

Reserve Heifer Calf Champion OPEN GATE FLAME 32F, Open Gate Farm Female Born in 2017 Split 1 1. POST MISS ELDORADO 36E (Sparrows Eldorado 361L), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais. Females Born in 2017 Split 2 1. OPEN FATE ANA 1E (MCF Bohannon 305A), Open Gate Farm; 2. BPL POTTERS ELISA 21E (KAYR Velocity 812Z), Blackbern Farm. Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. JWX ELLIE 5973E (ONL Chara 4B), Hidden Meadow Farms, Riceville, NB; 2. MCTVISH PURE CREAM 23E (SVY Monument Pld 159Y), Blackbern Farm; 3. POST ELYSA 836E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais; 4. BLACKBERN ELOISE 29E (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Blackbern Farm; 5. BLACKBERN ELEGANCE 7E (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Blackbern Farm. Junior Champion Female OPEN GATE ANA 1E, Open Gate Farm

Females Born in 2016 with calf Split 1 1. BLACKBERN DANCE 38D (LT Sundance 2251 Pld), Blackbern Farm. Females Born in 2016 with calf Split 2 1. DUBUC DIXY 662D (Shelco Made Easy 512R, calf MVY Xporer 21X), Dubuc Charolais. Females Born in 2016 with calf Split 3 1. ECHO SPRINGS ORIANNA 6B (D R Revelation 467, calf - MCF Bohannon 305A), Open Gate Farm. Senior Champion Female DUBUC DIXY 662D, Dubuc Charolais Reserve Senior Champion Female ECHO SPRINGS ORIANNA 6B, Open Gate Farm Grand Champion Female SHARODON FALLON 16F, Sharodon Farm Reserve Grand Champion Female OPEN GATE ANA 1E, Open Gate Farm

Reserve Junior Champion Female JWX ELLIE 5973E, Hidden Meadow Farms

Premier Breeder Ranch Ostiguy Charolais

Grand Champion Bull – BLACKBERN FRANK 1F, Blackbern Farms

Grand Champion Female – SHARODON FALLON 16F, Sharodon Farm

Reserve Grand Champion Bull – WHITEWATER FRANCHISE 1F, WhiteWater Livestock

Reserve Grand Champion Female – OPEN GATE ANA 1E, Open Gate Farm

Premier Exhibitor Blackbern Farm

Grand Champion Bull BLACKBERN FRANK 1F, Blackbern Farms Reserve Grand Champion Bull WHITEWATER FRANCHISE 1F, WhiteWater Livestock Females Born in 2018 1. SHARODON FALLON 16F (Sharodon Tulo 14C), Sharodon Farm, Omemee, ON; 2. OPEN GATE FLAME 32F (MCF Bohannon 305A), Open Gate Farm; 3. DUBUC FARAH 844F (Dubuc Casanova 505C), Dubuc Charolais; 4. SHARADON 2B TALULA 4F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Sharodon Farm; 5. POST FRANCESCO 836F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais. Heifer Calf Champion SHARODON FALLON 16F, Sharodon Farm 64

Charolais Banner • December 2018


Olds Fall Classic Olds Fall Classic Charolais Show Olds, AB • October 5, 2018 Judge: Craig Wilgenbusch, Halbrite, SK 34 Entries •A BOSS Show Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. VIKSE UGANDA 44F (Elder’s Daunte 36D), Vikse Family Farms, Donalda; 2. WGD SENSATION 9F (PH General Lee 5C), Daines Cattle/ O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County; 3. SOS ANGELICA 43F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms, Airdrie; 4. JIL MARVEL AT ME 53F (TR MR Fire Water 5792 R ET), Future Farms, Red Deer County; 5. HRJ FOXY ROXY 815F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais, Barrhead. Female Born in 2018 Split 2 1. CML DESIRAE 800F (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), McLeod Livestock, Cochrane; 2. CML DESIRAE 801F (CML Gusto 662D), McLeod Livestock; 3. WGD MISS DELIGHTFUL 35F (LT Ledger 0332P), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock; 4. JIL CRIMSON SECRET 1F (Dubuc Zenith 202Z), Future Farms; 5. WGD LUNA 34F (LT Ledger 0332P), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock. Heifer Calf Champion CML DESIRAE 800F, McLeod Livestock

Reserve Heifer Calf Champion CML DESIRAE 801F, McLeod Livestock

Reserve Senior Champion Female MMM LADY DI 60D, Triple M Farms

Female Born in 2017 1. SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E (ZKCC Game On 266Z), Springside Farms; 3. JIL CLASSIC BELLE 103E (KAYR Velocity 812Z), Future Farms; 4. KCC PREFIX EVERAFTER 12E (Tri-N Prefix PLD 54Y), Kaiser Cattle Co., Hussar; 5. KCC PREFIX EMBER 3E (Tri-N Prefix PLD 54Y), Kaiser Cattle Co.

Grand Champion Female ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock

Junior Champion Female SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E, Springside Farms Reserve Junior Champion Female MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E, Springside Farms Female Born in 2016 with Calf 1. ONL MISS ALLIE 6D (JIL Thunder Roll 69Z, calf-Reese Duke 239D), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock; 2. MMM LADY DI 60D (CML Diablo 2X, calf- CML Gusto 662D), Triple M Farms, Claresholm. Senior Champion Female ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock

Reserve Champion Female SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E, Springside Farms Bull Born in 2018 Split 1 1. WGD HEAVY RANCHING 19F (LT Ledger 0332P), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock; 2. HRJ FRANK THE TANK 871F (HRJ Crowd Favorite 515C), Johnson Charolais; 3. GH VISION 1D BENEFIT ET 54F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Nelson Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita; 4 JIL YOUNG MONEY 310F (Dubuc Zenith 202Z), Future Farms. Bull Born in 2018 Split 2 1. HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Sparrows Estevez 471B), Johnson Charolais; 2. SOS FREIGHTLINER PLD 3F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Springside Farms; 3. SOS OCTANE PLD 6F (CML Gusto 662D), Springside Farms; 4. GH VISION 1D ALL-IN ET 58F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Nelson Hirsche Purebreds. Bull Calf Champion HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F, Johnson Charolais Reserve Champion Bull Calf SOS FREIGHTLINER PLD 3F, Springside Farms

Grand Champion Bull – SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, Kay-R Land and Cattle, Elder Charolais, Sharodon Farm, Thomas Ranch & Polzin Cattle

Grand Champion Female – ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock

Reserve Champion Bull – ELDER’S DAUNTE 36D, Vikse Family Farm

Reserve Champion Female – SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E, Springside Farms

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Bull Born in 2017 1. VIKSE QUICK START 107E (Mr Louber Mike 813B), Vikse Family Farm. Junior Champion Bull VIKSE QUICK START 107E, Vikse Family Farm Bull Born in 2016 1. SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Kay-R Land and Cattle, Waskatenau; Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK; Sharodon Farm, Omemee, ON, Thomas Ranch and Polzin Cattle, SD; 2. ELDER’S DAUNTE 36D (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Vikse Family Farm. continued on page 67



Manitoba Ag-Ex Manitoba Ag-Ex Charolais Show October 25, 2018 • Brandon, MB Judges: Blaine & Shannon Brost, Irvine, AB 43 Entries • A BOSS Show Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. MCTAVISH SILVER SAGE 125F (Winn Mans Cuervo 4A), McTavish Farms Ltd., Moosomin, SK; 2. MCCAW ROBYN 1F ET (LHD Mr Perfect Y416), Wacey McCaw Livestock, Whitewood, SK; 3. C2 CHELAINE 28F (JMB Fisher 604D), La Riviere; 4. C2 FELICITY 38F (HTA Tandem 535C), C2 Charolais; 5. G.BROS ALEXIS 620R (PCC Rome 437B), Gilliland Bros Charolais, Carievale, SK. Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. HIGH BLUFF FENDI 1F (Sparrows Escobar 429B), High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB; 2. JMB DALYSE 816F (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y), JMB Charolais, Brookdale, MB; 3. PLEASANT DAWN CARLA 251F (Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A), Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake; 4. HTA WYONNA 840F (HTA Contender 605D), HTA Charolais, Rivers; 5. JMB BAILEY 820F (KRJ What-A-Boy 104Y), JMB Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. TWN FARMGIRL 6F (HRJ Deja Vu 654D), Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren; 2. STEPPLER MISS 98F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Steppler Farms Ltd., Miami; 3. STEPPLER MISS 119F (Sparrows Braxton 519C), Steppler Farms Ltd.; 4. G.BROS MS. KLASS 567F (PCC Rome 437B), Gilliland Bros Charolais; 5. TWN FREEDOM 17F (HRJ Deja Vu 654D), Sunblade Charolais. Heifer Calf Champion TWN FARMGIRL 6F, Sunblade Charolais

REVEALING 92E (KAYR Extender 804C), Elder Charolais Inc., Coronach; 3. ECHO SPRINGS SERENDIPITY 38E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Steppler Farms Ltd.; 4. STEPPLER MISS 255E (Sparrows Braxton 519C), Steppler Farms Ltd.; 5. LEJ ELIANNA 705E (JS Navajo Red 15), Portage la Prairie. Females Born in 2017 Split 2 1. TWN ECHO 3E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Sunblade Charolais; 2. STEPPLER CCYA 2108 (Sparrows Braxton 519C), Paisley Baron, Carberry; 3. LEJ EMELIA 701E (TR Red Smoke), LEJ Charolais; 4. LEJ Evelyn 702E (JS Navajo Red 15X), LEJ Charolais. Junior Champion Female MCCAW PANDORA 4E, Wacey McCaw Livestock & Diamond R Stock Farm Reserve Junior Champion Female TWN ECHO 3E, Sunblade Charolais Grand Champion Female MCCAW PANDORA 4E, Wacey McCaw Livestock & Diamond R Stock Farm Reserve Grand Champion Female TWN FARMGIRL 6F, Sunblade Charolais

Bulls Born in 2018 Split 1 1. HIGH BLUFF FLEETWOOD 80F (CJC Symbol B1067P), High Bluff Stock Farm; 2. HIGH BLUFF FRONT LINE 82F (CJC Symbol B1067P), High Bluff Stock Farm; 3. C2 FALCO 44F (JMB Fisher 604D), C2 Charolais; 4. JMB CRUSADER 833F (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y), JMB Charolais; 5. PLEASANT DAWN PRIMA 230F (Pleasant Dawn Barracuda 413D), Pleasant Dawn Charolais. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 2 1. HIGH BLUFF FAMOSO 14F (Sparrows Escobar 429B), High Bluff Stock Farm; 2. C2 FABIO 22F (JMB Fisher 604D), C2 Charolais; 3. JMB MICKEY 825F (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y), JMB Charolais; 4. STEPPLER OZARK 313F (JWX Downtown 7C), Steppler Farms Ltd. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 3 1. HTA BARMAN 836F (HTA Astroid 603D), HTA Charolais; 2. HTA DIESEL 817F (HTA Contender 605D), HTA Charolais; 3. DRD SEA SIDE CEE 16F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), DRD Charolais, Sintaluta, SK; 4. PLEASANT DAWN HECTOR 730F (PCC Rome 437B), Pleasant Dawn Charolais.

Grand Champion Female – MCCAW PANDORA 4E, Wacey McCaw Livestock & Diamond R Stock Farm

Reserve Grand Champion Female – TWN FARMGIRL 6F, Sunblade Charolais

Grand Champion Bull – ELDER’S HONCHO 72E, Elder Charolais Inc.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull – HIGH BLUFF FLEETWOOD 80F, High Bluff Stock Farm

Reserve Heifer Calf Champion STEPPLER MISS 98F, Steppler Farms Ltd. Females Born in 2017 Split 1 1. MCCAW PANDORA 4E (Grant’s Anchor 311A), Wacey McCaw Livestock & Diamond R Stock Farm, Wawota, SK; 2. ELDER’S 66

Charolais Banner • December 2018


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OLDS FALL CLASSIC, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 65 Senior Champion Bull SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, Kay-R Land and Cattle, Elder Charolais, Sharodon Farm, ON, Thomas Ranch & Polzin Cattle

Reserve Senior Champion Bull ELDER’S DAUNTE 36D, Vikse Family Farm Grand Champion Bull SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, Kay-R Land and Cattle, Elder

Charolais, Sharodon Farm, Thomas Ranch & Polzin Cattle Reserve Champion Bull ELDER’S DAUNTE 36D, Vikse Family Farm

MANITOBA AG-EX, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 66 Bull Calf Champion HIGH BLUFF FLEETWOOD 80F, High Bluff Stock Farm Reserve Bull Calf Champion HIGH BLUFF FAMOSO 14F, High Bluff Stock Farm Bulls Born in 2017 1. ELDER’S HONCHO 72E (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Elder Charolais Inc.; 2. HIGH BLUFF ELDORADO 74E (SCX Triumph 50B), High Bluff Stock Farm; 3. HEJ EINSTEIN 28E (HEJ Chester 1C), TRI-N Charolais Farms, Lenore; 4. MCTAVISH NEW ERA 79E

(SVY Monument Pld 159Y), McTavish Farms Ltd. Junior Champion Bull ELDER’S HONCHO 72E, Elder Charolais Inc. Reserve Junior Champion Bull HIGH BLUFF ELDORADO 74E, High Bluff Stock Farm Grand Champion Bull ELDER’S HONCHO 72E, Elder Charolais Inc. Reserve Grand Champion Bull HIGH BLUFF FLEETWOOD 80F, High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais Banner • December 2018

Progeny of Dam 1. JMB Charolais (JMB Ms Oakridge 849U) Breeder’s Herd 1. JMB Charolais; 2. High Bluff Stock Farm; 3. Steppler Farms Ltd. Get of Sire 1. JMB Charolais (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y) Premier Breeder High Bluff Stock Farm Premier Exhibitor High Bluff Stock Farm 67


Swedish Show Experience Shae-Lynn Evans

In October I had the opportunity to travel across the globe to Fogdegarden – a Charolais, Red Angus, and laying hen operation near Hogstad, Sweden, for some of the most memorable experiences of my life. After many hours of flying and navigating foreign airports, I arrived in Gothenburg on Sweden’s west coast, where I met up with Gustaf Sturesson, owner of Fogdegarden. We drove about 2.5 hours through the Swedish country side, which was surprisingly similar to Alberta’s landscape, only with “miniature” mountains lining the roadways. I spent a couple of days at Fogdegarden, clipping their show string of three Red Angus and one Charolais. I was very impressed with the quality of the cattle at Fogdegarden and how similar they were to the type of cattle seen in Canada. I learned that many of their genetics originated in Canada, however, Sweden stopped allowing

live animal transportation into the country as of 1995. They can still bring in semen or embryos from overseas, as long as they are from animals who have not been vaccinated with IBR, as there is no IBR in Sweden. The embryos can usually be washed, however, the semen is not permitted. Fogdegarden’s herd is roughly 60 head and is one of the larger herds of cattle in Sweden. Smaller farm size is directly related to the enormously high taxes in the country and the high cost of land to rent or own. To give some perspective, one hectare (roughly 2.5 acres) of land in Sweden would cost approximately $1000 Canadian to rent for one year. There is also a law that if one son/daughter chooses to take over his/her family farm, they must pay each of their siblings’ shares of the farm to them. Farming and raising cattle in Sweden becomes very expensive very quickly. After two days of preparation, we loaded up the trailer and headed to Jonkoping for Elmia, which is

Right: Judging the showmanship competition at Elmia Below: A view of the herdsire class at Elmia, bulls must be 4+ years old and have semen frozen


Charolais Banner • December 2018

basically the “Agribition of Sweden”. This show takes place for three days every two years and is one of only two cattle shows in Sweden. It is a very important event for purebred breeders. There were roughly 160 head of beef cattle from a variety of breeds including Hereford, Angus, Charolais, Limousin, Simmental, and Blonde d’Aquintaine. There were also quite a number of dairy cattle exhibited at Elmia. This year was the first year the livestock portion of Elmia has been run in conjunction with the tradeshow, so I was able to see some pretty interesting machinery, as well as some that was just like at home. continued on page 70

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It was interesting to see the variations in technique and experience on show day. Many of the exhibitors did not do any clipping before the show and do not use any adhesives or products, as they are not sold in Sweden. Some did a bit of clipping on heads or top lines. Some exhibitors were very interested in learning the “Canadian way” and actually got me to do a clipping demo following the show to explain how to use some of the Sullivan products I had brought over from Canada. Despite the differences in preparation of the cattle for the show, most cattle were in very good condition and were high quality. The biggest difference I noticed was

in the Simmental breed; there were no blacks or reds, only the traditional colour pattern. Following the breed shows, there is a “Best in Breed” competition, which is similar to our Supreme. Fogdegarden went home with Champion and Reserve Red Angus Female, and Reserve Champion Bull. In the remaining days of my trip, I did some touring in the nearby towns and villages. We toured a massive old church and a giant Castle in Vadstena, and did some shopping in Linkoping and Hogstad for a few souvenirs. It was so cool to see all of the buildings that were built so long ago. Many were built before Canada was even a

A few of the Charolais cows at Fogdegarden before we moved them onto a new pasture

The Charolais heifer we took to Elmia, who’s grandmother goes back to Canadian genetics


country. Even most of the barns and farm buildings are from the 1800’s, but have been so well-kept that they almost look like new. There are so many things that made this trip so incredible, but the most memorable part will always be the kindness and hospitality I received. Gustaf and family, and all the staff at Fogdegarden were beyond generous and such a pleasure to work with. It’s truly amazing what connections can be made through our breed and our industry. I am so blessed and so honoured to have met so many incredible people through the Charolais breed. These experiences are some that I will never forget.

Gustaf, myself, and Erik (hired man at Fogdegarden) after the cattle were loaded and ready for Elmia

Clipping demonstration for exhibitors at Elmia, the only shorthorn animal at the show

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais Banner • December 2018



The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Charolais Show November 2, 2018 • Toronto, ON Judges: Scott & Paula Cornish, Indian River 75 Entries • A BOSS Show Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. S.S.S. FRENCH MAID 3F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Stevenson Show Stock, Acton; 2. CORNERVIEW FANTASY 61F (Mr Louber Tracker 615A), Cornerview Charolais, Cobden; 3. ALTON C.F. ROXANNE 2034F (KCM Prowler 2X), Alton Century Farms Ltd., Lucknow; 4. SOUTHVIEW MISS PASSION 52F (WR Wrangler W601), Southview Farms, Keene. Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F (SOS Hooey Pld 127D), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley; 2. CRG PRINCESS 42F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Oattes Cattle, Cobden; 3. EMB MIRABELLE 140F (JIL Thunder Roll 69Z), Echo Spring Charolais & EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte; 4. MOYER’S FINE’N’DANDY 4F (S.S.S. Demon Within 3D), Moyer Cattle Co., Arthur; 5. WSS FARMERS DAUGHTER 829F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle. Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. CRG MISS MONTIE 8F (M&M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Cattle; 2. SHARODON FALLON 16F (Sharodon Tulo 14C), Sharodon Farm, Omemee; 3. EMB QUEEN B 47F (PCFL Chieftan 25X), Echo Spring Charolais & EMB Charolais; 4. BAKER FARMS FETISH 11F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Baker Farms; Madoc; 5. CORNERVIEW FIDELITY 21F (Gerrard New York 41A), Cornerview Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 4 1. BAKER FARMS FENDI 4F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Baker Farms; 2. CORNERVIEW WILLOW 13F (Gerrard New York 41A), Cornerview 72

Charolais; 3. WSS FIREFLY 801F (MVY Xplorer 21X), DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle; 4. JDP FRANNY PACK 2F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Packer Charolais; Chatsworth; 5. FERGUS FOXY LADY 2F (WC Milestone 5223 P), Fergus Family Charolais, Amaranth. Heifer Calf Champion WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F, DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle

Grand Champion Female – MEDONTE STARSTRUCK 6E, Fergus Family Charolais

Reserve Heifer Calf Champion S.S.S. FRENCH MAID 3F, Stevenson Show Stock Females Born in 2017 Split 1 1. S.S.S. ECHO 5E (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Stevenson Show Stock; 2. DF CRG NIYKEE 941E2 TW (RBM TR Rhinestone Z38), Moyer Cattle Co.; 3. WSS EMOTIONS 7104E (KAYR Upswing 507Y), Rollin Acres Charolais, Mulmur; 4. BPL POTTERS ELISA 23E (KAYR Velocity 812Z), Blackbern Farm, Foresters Fall; 5. HICKS EVETTE 35E (Hicks Indiana Jones 7Y), Hicks Charolais, Arthur. Females Born in 2017 Split 2 1. WGD TIMELESS DIAMOND 4E (MCF Bohannon 305A), Echo Spring Charolais & EMB Charolais; 2. CEDARDALE MISS 124E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Farms, Nestleton; 3. LAE EMBER 7134E (HRJ Maverick 556C), Fergus Family Charolais; 4. CEDARDALE MISS 77E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Farms; 5. MCTAVISH PURE CREAM 24E (SVY Monument Pld 159Y), Blackbern Farm. Females Born in 2017 Split 3 1. MEDONTE STARSTRUCK 6E (XAL Custom Made 1C), Fergus Family Charolais; 2. MVY STELLA 20E (MCF Bohannon 305A), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 3. CRG MISS CONTROL 30E (MCF Bohannon 305A), Oattes Cattle; 4. WSS ELSIE 745E (Steppler Attain 160A), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 5. BRIDOR EMMY 22E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Moyer Cattle Co. Charolais Banner • December 2018

Reserve Grand Champion Female – WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle

Grand Champion Bull – MVY CAOUS 64D, Rollin’ Acres Charolais

Reserve Grand Champion Bull – MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F, Moyer Cattle Co.

Females Born in 2017 Split 4 1. WSS EASY ON THE EYES 722E (MVY Xplorer 21X), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 2. FERGUS EVENING 2E (MCF Bohannon 305A), Fergus Family Charolais; 3. MISS PRAIRIE COVE

705E (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Bogart Cattle Company, Tweed; 4. BLACKBERN ELEGANCE 7E (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Blackbern Farm; 5. BAKER FARMS 5E (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Bogart Cattle Company. Junior Champion Female MEDONTE STARSTRUCK 6E, Fergus Family Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female WGD TIMELESS DIAMOND 4E, Echo Spring Charolais & EMB Charolais Females Born in 2016 with Calf 1. CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, calf M&M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Cattle; 2. WSS DOUBLE DATE 645D (Steppler Ultimate 75X, calf - Steppler Attain 160A), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 3. SUNRISE HOUDINI JBF 34D (CML Distinction 318A, calf Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Sunrise Charolais II, Stayner; 4. DEGURSE DEENA 1D (XAL Firestruck 3Z, calf D R Revelation 467), DeGurse Farms, Komoka. Females Born Prior to 2016 with Calf 1.BF CINDERELLA Z 14C (D R Revelation 467, calves - SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Baker Farms. Senior Champion Female BF CINDERELLA Z 14C, Baker Farms Reserve Senior Champion Female CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D, Oattes Cattle Grand Champion Female MEDONTE STARSTRUCK 6E, Fergus Family Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F, DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle Bulls Born in 2018 Split 1 1.CEDARDALE FERNANDO 107F (Keys All State 149149X), Cedardale Farms; 2. MR SOUTHVIEW XPLORER (MVY Xplorer 21X), Southview Farms.

Bulls Born in 2018 Split 2 1. CEDARDALE FERGUS 45F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Farms; 2. BAKER FARMS FAT DADDY 22F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Baker Farms; 3. BAKER FARMS FELIX 1F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Clayvale Cattle Co., Stirling; 4. ALTON C.F. VISION 2020F (SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S), Alton Century Farms Ltd.; 5. JDP FORTUNE PACK 5F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Packer Charolais. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 3 1. MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F (MCF Bohannon 305A), Moyer Cattle Co.; 2. MOYER’S FRONTIER 5F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Moyer Cattle Co. Bull Calf Champion MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F, Moyer Cattle Co. Reserve Bull Calf Champion MOYER’S FRONTIER 5F, Moyer Cattle Co. Bulls Born in 2017 Split 1 1. MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Southview Farms; 2. HICKS EXTRA 46E (Hicks Indiana Jones 7Y), Hicks Charolais; 3. HICKS EXCEPTIONAL 30E (WSS Budweiser 480B), Hicks Charolais. Bulls Born in 2017 Split 2 1. ROLLIN ACRES EMMETT 37E (SCF You Betcha 94Y), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 2. CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E (SVY Monument Pld 159Y), Cornerview Charolais; 3. S.S.S. ERADICATE 3E (Gerrard Montezuma 6T), Stevenson Show Stock; 4. K-COW KING BOB 509E (WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld), Dunsmore Family Farms, St. Pauls.

Turton 0794 ET), Rollin’ Acres Charolais. Senior Champion Bull MVY CAOUS 64D, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Grand Champion Bull MVY CAOUS 64D, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F, Moyer Cattle Co. Best Pair of Bulls 1. Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 2. Cedardale Farms; 3. Southview Farms; 4. Hicks Charolais. Breeder’s Herd 1. Cedardale Farms; 2. Oattes Cattle; 3. Baker Farms; 4. Cornerview Charolais; 5. Hicks Charolais. Get of Sire 1. Cedardale Farms (Cedardale Zeal 125Z); 2. Baker Farms (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C); 3. Packer Charolais (Palgrove Justice J603E). Progeny of Dam 1. Oattes Cattle (Wood River Princess 13Y): 2. Stevenson Show Stock (S.S.S. Bugatti 3B); 3. Baker Farms (BF Cinderella Z 14C): 4. DeGurse Farms (JSR Mystique 46A). Premier Exhibitor Rollin’ Acres Charolais Premier Breeder Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle Don Turnbull Achievement Trophy Moyer Cattle Co.

Junior Champion Bull ROLLIN ACRES EMMETT 37E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Bull CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E, Cornerview Charolais Bull Born in 2016 1. MVY CAOUS 64D (TR PZC Mr

Moyer Cattle Company received the Don Turnbull Achievement Trophy from Sherry Baker

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National Show at Farmfair

Springside Farms Wins the Player’s Club Springside Farms, Airdrie, won the $50,000 FarmFair Players Club Champion Bull Calf Futurity, November 8th in Edmonton. SOS APEX PLD 139F, sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, was the bull winning the vote count from the 46 participants judging the show with 25 bull calves being shown in six splits.

Canadian National Charolais Show, Farmfair International November 9, 2018 • Edmonton, AB Judge: Jack Oattes, Champagne, IL 115 Entries • A BOSS Show Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. CML JEWEL 894F ET (BCA Monti Montana), McLeod Livestock, Cochrane; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 838F (TR PZC Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw; 3. CML JEWEL 891F ET (BCA Monti Montana), McLeod Livestock; 4. CAYS SILVER SLIPPER 24F (TR PZC Turton 0794 ET), Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino, SK; 5. BOB’S RUM CHATA 71F, (PH Callahan 192C), BOB Charolais, Stettler. Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. MXS MEGAN 820F (SVY Grizzly PLD 521C), Springside Farms, Airdrie; 2. CAYS ICE CAP 22F (PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET), Cay’s Cattle; 3. K-COW ETERNAL KISSES 95F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Kailey Wirsta, Elk Point; 4. SLC SUGAR BELL 849F (MXS Justice 535C), Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn. Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. ELDER’S REVEALING 8066F (HVA BARON 483D), Elder’s Charolais, Coronach, SK; 2. HC VIVIAN 855F 74

Prairie Cove Charolais Wins Pair of Heifer Calf Jackpot Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, won the $10,000 Best Pair of Heifers Jackpot at the start of the National Show in Edmonton on November 9th. Judged by Jack Oattes, Champagne, IL, Miss Prairie Cove 806F & 810F are flush mates by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET out of the Miss Prairie Cove 407B female. There were 19 pairs of heifers in this show.

(JWX Downtown 7C), Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB; 3. RUSS MISS FRANKIE 28F (Sparrows Lyndhurst 546C), Gallelli Charolais, Crossfield; 4. NINA FEMME FATAL 95F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), HEJ Charolais, Red Deer County; 5. BOB’S UPTOWN GIRL 67F

(FERN Olaf 16C), BOB Charolais.

Junior Heifer Calf Champion – MXS MEGAN 820F, Springside Farms

Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion – CML JEWEL 894F ET, McLeod Livestock

Reserve Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion – KAYR FARYN 814F, Kay-R Land and Cattle

Senior Heifer Calf Champion – MISS PRAIRIE COVE 810F, Prairie Cove Charolais

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Junior Heifer Calf Champion MXS MEGAN 820F, Springside Farms Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion CML JEWEL 894F ET, McLeod Livestock

Females Born in 2018 Split 4 1. SOS KHALASAR PLD 87F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms; 2. JWX CAROLINA 5747F (Michelson Jailbreak 6400), Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; 3. NINA FOXY 78F (MCF Bohannon 305A), HEJ Charolais; 4. SLC STAR LIGHT 822F (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais; 5. BOB’S PUTTIN ON THE RITZ 55F (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), BOB Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 5 1. KAYR FARYN 814F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Kay-R Land and Cattle, Waskatenau; 2. HRJ FOXY ROXY 851F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais, Barrhead; 3. RUSS MISS FOXY 72F (Sparrows Lyndhurst 546C), Gallelli Charolais; 4. VIKSE COYOTE WIND 113F (Elder’s Daunte 36D), Vikse Family Farm, Donalda; 5. BOB’S HELLA GOOD HAIR 39F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), BOB Charolais.

43F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms; 3. HRJ FEELING CRAZY 821F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais; 4. CEE SOS BLISS 29F (CML Gusto 662D), Circle CEE Charolais, Lamont; 5. JIL MARVEL AT ME 53F (TR MR Firewater 5792 R ET), Future Farms.

2. CML DESIRAE 801F (CML Gusto 662D), McLeod Livestock; 3. HC EMERALD 808F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Hunter Charolais; 4. JIL TOO MUCH TEQUILA 10F (Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A), Future Farms; 5. BOB’S I WANT CANDY 7F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), BOB Charolais.

Females Born in 2018 Split 9 1. CML DESIRAE 813F (Gerrard Pastor 35Z), McLeod Livestock; 2. WGD LUNA 34F (LT Ledger 0332 P), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock; 3. BOB’S I’M A LOOKER 14F (Winn Mans Chevez 826Y), BOB Charolais; 4. BOB’S PINCH ME 11F (Winn Mans Chevez 826Y), BOB Charolais; 5. BOB’S MOO TOWN 10F (PH Callahan 192C), BOB Charolais.

Females Born in 2018 Split 11 1. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 810F (TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 2. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 806F (TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 3. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 807F (PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 4. JIL CRIMSON SECRET 1F (Dubuc Zenith 202Z), Future Farms; 5. BOB’S HOME GROWN GIRL 3F (SOS Home Grown 15C), BOB Charolais.

Females Born in 2018 Split 10 1. CML DESIRAE 800F (Winn Mans Chevez 826Y), McLeod Livestock;

Senior Heifer Calf Champion MISS PRAIRIE COVE 810F, Prairie

Females Born in 2018 Split 6 1.BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 ET (M&M Outsider 4003), Prairie Cove Charolais and Cay’s Cattle; 2. CML DESIRAE 846F (CML Gunslinger 410B), McLeod Livestock; 3. BOB’S WILD HEART 34F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), BOB Charolais; 4. BOB’S RUMOUR HAS IT 35F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), BOB Charolais.

Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion – MISS PRAIRIE COVE 806F, Prairie Cove Charolais

Junior Champion Female – SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E, Springside Farms

Females Born in 2018 Split 7 1. ELDER’S PRINCESS 8013F (HVA Baron 483D), Elder’s Charolais; 2. JWX FLARE 1050F (JWX Diplomat 254D), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. BOB’S SWEET GRASS 33F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), BOB Charolais; 4. NINA FATAL ATTRACTION 37F (JWX Downtown 7C), HEJ Charolais; 5. VIKSE UGANDA 44F (Elder’s Daunte 36D), Vikse Family Farm.

Reserve Junior Champion Female – SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co.

Mature Cow with Calf Champion – CML AWR WILMA 5512C, McLeod Livestock

Int. Heifer & Grand Champion Female – BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 ET, Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle

Champion Two-Year Old & Reserve Grand Champion Female – ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock

Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 ET, Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle Reserve Intermediate Heifer Calf Champion KAYR FARYN 814F, Kay-R Land and Cattle Females Born in 2018 Split 8 1. WDG LACE 35F (LT Ledger 0332 P), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County; 2. SOS ANGELICA

Charolais Banner • December 2018


Cove Charolais Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion MISS PRAIRIE COVE 806F, Prairie Cove Charolais Females Born in 2017 Split 1 1. ELDER’S REVEALING 92E (KAYR Extender 804C), Elder Charolais; 2. SOS BRIDGET 133E (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Springside Farms; 3. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E (ZKCC Game On 266Z), Prairie Cove Charolais; 4. CIRCLE CEE DÉJÀ VU 715E (PCC Yukon 405B), Circle Cee Charolais. Females Born in 2017 Split 2 1. SOS MOANA PLD 132E (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), Springside Farms; 2. JWX ENVIOUS 297E (JWX Downtown 7C), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. SOS SAVORY 99E (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), Springside Farms; 4. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 726E (TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 5. GH 151B MISS JAXSON 717E (Keys Jaxson 151B), Nelson Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita. Females Born in 2017 Split 3 1. SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms; 2. SVY STARSTRUCK 712E (HRJ Crowd Favourite), Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK; 3. JIL CLASS BELLE 103E (KAYR Velocity 812Z),

Future Farms; 4. RUSS MISS EXPRESSO 28E (Russ Champion 7C), Gallelli Charolais; 5. RUSS MISS EFFECTIVE EDGE 72E (Sparrows LYNDHURST 546C), Gallelli Charolais. Junior Champion Female SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E, Springside Farms Reserve Junior Champion Female SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co. Females Born in 2016 with Calf 1. ONL MISS ALLIE 6D (JIL Thunder Roll 69Z, calf – Reese Duke 239D), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock; 2. KAYR DAYNA 632D (KCM Prowler 2X, calf – WCR Commissioner 593P), Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.; 3. MMM LADY DI 60D (CML Diablo 2X, calf – CML Gusto 662D), Triple M Farms, Claresholm. Champion Two-Year Old with Calf ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock Reserve Champion Two-Year Old with Calf KAYR DAYNA 632D, Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd Mature Cow with 2018 Calf at Foot 1. CML AWR WILMA 5512C (TR Aces El Padrino ET, calf – MVY All Shook Up 18C), McLeod Livestock

Mature Cow with Calf Champion CML AWR WILMA 5512C, McLeod Livestock Grand Champion Female BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 ET, Prairie Cove Charolais & Cay’s Cattle Reserve Grand Champion Female ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock Bulls Born in 2018 Split 1 1. PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836D (TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 2. HC FREESTYLE 8174F (DCR Mr Dual-Threat D112), Hunter Charolais; 3. WINSNES FREE TRADE 61F (Circle CEE Lucifer 608D), Winsnes Farms; 4. JIL YOUNG MONEY 310F (DUBUC Zenith 202Z), Future Farms; 5. SLC RIGHT TIME 884 (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 2 1. JWX FLIGHT ZONE 619F (WCR Commissioner 593P), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 2. JWX FIRST DOWN 25F (JWX Downhome 6D), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. CAYS LUXOR 29F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Cay’s Cattle; 4. SOS GOLDMINE PLD 153F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms. Junior Bull Calf Champion PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836D, Prairie Cove Charolais

Intermediate Bull Calf Champion – ELDER’S CHANCELLOR 8019F, Elder Charolais

Senior Bull Calf Champion – CML STEALTH 80F, McLeod Livestock

Junior Bull Calf Champion – PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836D, Prairie Cove Charolais

Reserve Intermediate Bull Calf Champion – SOS FUSION PLD 51F, Springside Farms

Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion – HRJ FORTUNE 500 820F, Johnson Charolais

Reserve Junior Champion Bull – K-COW HARLEM 3E, K-Cow Ranch


Charolais Banner • December 2018

Reserve Bull Calf Champion JWX FLIGHT ZONE 619F, Wilgenbusch Charolais

Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion HRJ FORTUNE 500 820F, Johnson Charolais

Bulls Born in 2018 Split 3 1. HRJ FRANK THE TANK 871F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais; 2. XAL FARMSTEAD 12F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Circle CEE Charolais; 3. SLC FEARLESS 828F (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais; 4. HC FRAMEWORK 874F (JWX Downtown 7C), Hunter Charolais.

Bulls Born in 2017 1. SVY TAURUS 711E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Serhienko Cattle; 2. K-COW HARLEM 3E (MVY Explorer 21X), K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point; 3. CML COPYRIGHT 714E ET (CJC Trademark H45), McLeod Livestock & Nelson Hirsche Purebreds; 4. VIKSE QUICK START 107E (Mr Louber Mike 813B), Vikse Family Farm.

Bulls Born in 2018 Split 4 1. ELDER’S CHANCELLOR 8019F (WCR Commissioner 593P), Elder Charolais; 2. SOS FUSION PLD 51F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Springside Farms; 3. ELDER’S FERRARI 8020F (HVA Baron 483D), Elder Charolais; 4. PCC DANG CUERVO 820F (TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET), Prairie Cove Charolais; 5. SLC FREEDOM 812F (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Sugarloaf Charolais. Intermediate Bull Calf Champion ELDER’S CHANCELLOR 8019F, Elder Charolais Reserve Intermediate Bull Calf Champion SOS FUSION PLD 51F, Springside Farms Bulls Born in 2018 Split 5 1. HRJ FORTUNE 500 820F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais; 2. WGD HEAVY RANCHING 19F (LT Ledger 0332 P), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock; 3. JWX FREESTYLE 811F (JWX Downhome 6D), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 4. GH VISION 1D BENEFIT ET (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Nelson Hirsche Purebreds; 5. XAL FOUNDATION 6F (SOS Chuckwagon 54C), Circle CEE Charolais. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 6 1. CML STEALTH 80F (Winn Mans Chavez 826Y), McLeod Livestock; 2. KAYR FLEETWOOD 125F (KAYR Patent 748B), KAYR Land & Cattle; 3. HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Sparrows Estevez 471B), Johnson Charolais; 4. NINA FIRE’N ICE 17F (Circle CEE Legend 307A), HEJ Charolais; 5. BOB’S GAMBINO 12F (CML Gusto 662D), BOB Charolais. Senior Bull Calf Champion CML STEALTH 80F, McLeod Livestock

Senior & Grand Champion Bull – SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, Kay-R Land & Cattle, Elder Charolais and Sharodon Farms

Junior Champion Bull SVY TAURUS 711E, Serhienko Cattle & Palmer Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Bull K-COW HARLEM 3E, K-Cow Ranch Bulls Born in 2016 1. SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Kay-R Land & Cattle, Elder Charolais and Sharodon Farms; 2. K-COW BLUE JEANS 3D (LT Blue Blood 1131 PLD), K-Cow Ranch; 3. ELDER’S DAUNTE 36D (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Vikse Family Farm. Senior Champion Bull SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, Kay-R Land & Cattle, Elder Charolais and Sharodon Farms Reserve Senior Champion Bull K-COW BLUE JEANS 3D, K-Cow Ranch

Reserve Senior Champion Bull – K-COW BLUE JEANS 3D, K-Cow Ranch

Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Bull – SVY TAURUS 711E, Serhienko Cattle & Palmer Charolais

Grand Champion Bull SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, Kay-R Land & Cattle, Elder Charolais and Sharodon Farms Reserve Grand Champion Bull SVY TAURUS 711E, Serhienko Cattle & Palmer Charolais Get of Sire Johnson Charolais (Crowd Favourite 515C) Progeny of Dam K-Cow Ranch (JIL French Kiss 3B) Breeder’s Herd 1. Johnson Charolais; 2. Future Farms. Premier Breeder McLeod Livestock Premier Exhibiter McLeod Livestock Charolais Banner • December 2018



Canadian Western Agribiton Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show November 23, 2018 • Regina, SK Judge: Brian Odden, Colome, SD 100 Entries • A B.O.S.S. Show

Charolais, Mulmur, ON & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley, ON; 5. MCTAVISH FAYETTE 92F (SOS Hooey Pld 127D), McTavish Farms Ltd.

Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. SOS GRL PWR 142F (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB; 2. MCCAW ROBYN 1F ET (LHD Mr Perfect Y416), McCaw Livestock, Whitewood; 3. CAYS SILVER SLIPPER 24F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino; 4. MCTAVISH PURECREAM 7F (Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D), McTavish Farms Ltd., Moosomin; 5. CAYS ICE CAP 22F (PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET), Cay’s Cattle.

Females Born in 2018 Split 3 1. HC VIVIAN 865F (JWX Downtown 7C), Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB & Elder Charolais Inc.; 2. MCTAVISH SILVER SAGE 125F (Winn Mans Cuervo 4A), McTavish Farms Ltd. & Saunders Charolais, Markdale, ON; 3. MXS MEGAN 820F (SVY Grizzly Pld 521C), Springside Farms; 4. WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F (SOS Hooey Pld 127D), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, & BZBT Cattle Co., Melanathon, ON; 5. CKE Kassie 10F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), CK Stock Farms, Candiac.

Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston; 2. LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 891F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Horseshoe E Charolais; 3. ELDER’S REVEALING 8066F (HVA Baron 483D), Elder Charolais Inc., Coronach; 4. HOPEWELL OCTAVIA 27F (SOS Gaucho 139D), Hopewell Charolais, Kerrobert; Rollin’ Acres

Junior Champion Futurity Female LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F, Horseshoe E Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Futurity Female LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 891F, Horseshoe E Charolais

Females Born in 2018 Split 4 1. KAYR FARYN 814F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau, AB; 2. HIGH BLUFF FENDI 1F (Sparrows Escobar 429B), High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB & CK Stock Farm, Candiac; 3. HRJ FOXY ROXY 851F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais, Barrhead, AB & Wild Indian Acres, De Soto, MO; 4. JWX CAROLINA 5747F (Michelson Jailbreak 640D), Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite; 5. SOS Khalasar Pld 87F (SOS Hooey Pld 127D), Springside Farms. Females Born in 2018 Split 5 1. SVY EVETTA 819F (CJC Symbol B1067P), Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont & Wilgenbusch Charolais; 2. ELDER’S PRINCESS 8013F (HVA Baron 483D), Elder Charolais Inc.; 3. PLEASANT DAWN CARLA 251F (Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A), Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake, MB & Partridge Hollow Charolais, Ameliasburg, ON; 4. ELDER’S PALMONA 8010F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Elder Charolais Inc.;

Junior Champion Futurity Female – LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F, Horseshoe E Charolais

Reserve Junior Champion Futurity Female – LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 891F, Horseshoe E Charolais

Senior Champion Futurity Female – KAYR FARYN 814F, Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.

Reserve Senior Champion Futurity Female – WHITE ROSE SWEETHEART 803, White Rose Charolais & DRD Charolais

Reserve Junior Champion Female – MVY STELLA 29E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.

Reserve Senior Champion Female – ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock


Charolais Banner • December 2018

5. SOS MONTANNA PLD 61F (CJC Symbol B1067P), Springside Farms. Females Born in 2018 Split 6 1. WHITE ROSE SWEETHEART 803 (TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET), White Rose Charolais, Clearwater, MN & DRD Charolais, Sintaluta; 2. HRJ FEELING CRAZY 821F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Johnson Charolais; 3. CKE NORA 7F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), CK Stock Farms; 4. SOS FANTASIA 30F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Springside Farms; 5. LAE FANTASY 819F (MVY Dr Pepper 63D), Horseshoe E Charolais.

Bohannon 305A), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.; 3. SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms; 4. ECHO SPRINGS SERENDIPITY 38E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Steppler Farms Ltd., Miami, MB; 5. CRG MISS CONTROL 30E (MCF Bohannon 305A), Oattes Cattle & Team Nostadt. Junior Champion Female SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co. Reserve Junior Champion Female MVY STELLA 29E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.

Females Born in 2018 Split 7 1. MVY PRECIOUS 12F (MVY Direct Deposit 22D), McAvoy Charolais, Arelee & Wrangler Charolais, Westlock, AB; 2. HC EMERALD 808F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Hunter Charolais; 3. CRG MISS MONTIE 8F (M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Oattes Cattle, Cobden, ON; 4. SVY BREATHTAKING 804F (SVY Grizzly 521C), Serhienko Cattle Co.; 5. DEGURSE FRANCESCA 6F (PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET), DeGurse Farms, Komoka, ON & Craig Charolais, Mossbank.

Females Born in 2016 with Calf 1. CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, calf M&M Outsider 4003 PLD), Oattes Cattle; 2. ONL MISS ALLIE 6D (JIL Thunder Roll 69Z, calf - Reese Duke 239D), Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County, AB; 3. KAYR DANA 632D (KCM Prowler 2X, calf - WCR Commissioner 593), Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.

Senior Champion Futurity Female KAYR FARYN 814F, Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd.

Reserve Senior Champion Female ONL MISS ALLIE 6D, Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock

Reserve Senior Champion Futurity Female WHITE ROSE SWEETHEART 803, White Rose Charolais & DRD Charolais

Grand Champion Female CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D, Oattes Cattle

Females Born in 2017 Split 1 1. SOS BRIDGET 133E (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Springside Farms; 2. LAE EBONY 797E (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Horseshoe E Charolais; 3. JWX ENVIOUS 297E (JWX Downtown 7C), Wilgenbusch Charolais, Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan & Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw; 4. MCCAW PANDORA 4E (Grants Anchor 311A), McCaw Livestock & Diamond R Stock Farms, Wawota; 5. ELDER’S REVEALING 92E (KAYR Extender 804C), Elder Charolais Inc. Females Born in 2017 Split 2 1. SVY STARSTRUCK 712E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Serhienko Cattle Co.; 2. MVY STELLA 29E (MCF

Senior & Grand Champion Female – CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D, Oattes Cattle

Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Female – SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co.

Senior Champion Female CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D, Oattes Cattle

Junior Champion Futurity Bull – SOS UNIVERSAL PLD 102F, Springside Farms

Reserve Grand Champion Female SVY STARSTRUCK 712E, Serhienko Cattle Co. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 1 1. SOS UNIVERSAL PLD 102F (CJC Symbol B1067P), Springside Farms; 2. HC FREESTYLE 8174F (DCR Mr Dual-Threat D112), Hunter Charolais; 3. SVY BOJANGLES 829F (MCF Bohannon), Serhienko Cattle Co.; 4. CAYS LUXOR 29F (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794ET), Cays Cattle; 5. CKE SHAGGIN WAGON 13F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54c), CK Stock Farms. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 2 1. HIGH BLUFF FAIRMONT 118F (SCR Triumph 2135), High Bluff Stock Farm; 2. HIGH BLUFF FLEETWOOD 80F (CJC Symbol B1067P), High Bluff Stock Farm; 3. HIGH BLUFF FRONT LINE 82F (CJC Symbol B1067P), High Charolais Banner • December 2018

Reserve Junior Champion Futurity Bull – HIGH BLUFF FAIRMONT 118F, High Bluff Stock Farm

Senior Champion Futurity Bull – SOS FUSION PLD 51F, Springside Farms


Disco 9C), Rosso Charolais.

Reserve Sr Champion Futurity Bull – MVY CHUKKA 30F, McAvoy Charolais

Senior Champion Bull – HIGH BLUFF DIESEL 25D, Horseshoe E Charolais

Bulls Born in 2017 Split 2 1. ELDER’S HONCHO 72E (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Elder Charolais Inc. & Rod Bauck, Moose Jaw; 2. HIGH BLUFF ELDRADO 74E (SCX Triumph 50B), High Bluff Stock Farm; 3. SVY TAURUS 711E (HRJ Crowd Favourite), Serhienko Cattle Co. & Palmer Charolais, Bladworth; 4. HEJ EINSTEIN 28E (TRI-N Charolais, Lenore, MB. Junior Champion Bull ELDER’S HONCHO 72E, Elder Charolais Inc. & Rod Bauck Reserve Junior Champion Bull MCTAVISH NEW ERA 79E, McTavish Farms Ltd.

Junior & Grand Champion Bull – ELDER’S HONCHO 72E, Elder Charolais Inc. & Rod Bauck

Reserve Jr & Reserve Grand Champion Bull – MCTAVISH NEW ERA 79E, McTavish Farms Ltd.

Bluff Stock Farm; 4. MCTAVISH CHACHING 30F (Elder’s Cracker Jack 30F), McTavish Farms Ltd.; 5. JWX FLIGHT ZONE 619F (WCR Commissioner 593P), Wilgenbusch Charolais.

Deposit 22D), McAvoy Charolais; 4. GH VISION 1D BENEFIT 54F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Nelson Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita, AB; 5. LAE FORT WORTH 813F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Horseshoe E Charolais. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 5

Junior Champion Futurity Bull SOS UNIVERSAL PLD 102F, Springside Farms Reserve Junior Champion Futurity Bull HIGH BLUFF FAIRMONT 118F, High Bluff Stock Farm Bulls Born in 2018 Split 3 1. ELDER’S FERRARI 8020F (HVA Baron 483D), Elder Charolais Inc.; 2. HOPEWELL ACE OF SPACES 14F (SOS Gaucho 139D), Hopewell Charolais; 3. DRDSEA SIDE CEE 16F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), DRD Charolais; 4. ELDER’S CHANCELLOR 8019F (WCR Commissioner 593C), Elder Charolais Inc.; 5. HOPEWELL BORN FOR GREATNESS 9F (SOS Gaucho 139D), Hopewell Charolais. Bulls Born in 2018 Split 4 1. SOS FUSION PLD 51F (SOS Hooey Pld 127D), Springside Farms; 2. MVY CHUKKA 30F (MVY Caous 64D), McAvoy Charolais; 3. MVY TANQUERAY 25F (MVY Direct 80

1. HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Sparrows Estevaz 471B), Johnson Charolais; 2. LAE FRESNO 809F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Horseshoe E Charolais; 3. SOS FREIGHTLINER PLD 3F (SOS Chuck Wagon 54C), Springside Farms; 4. KEN DOUBLE VISION 3F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Craig Simmental & Charolais. Senior Champion Futurity Bull SOS FUSION PLD 51F, Springside Farms Reserve Sr Champion Futurity Bull MVY CHUKKA 30F, McAvoy Charolais Bulls Born in 2017 Split 1 1. MCTAVISH NEW ERA 79E (SVY Monument Pld 159Y), McTavish Farms Ltd.; 2. ROSSO CATALYST 7E (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw; 3. HICKS EXTRA 46E (Hicks Indiana Jones 7Y), Hicks Charolais, Arthur, ON; 4. ROSSO INTENSITA 20E (Jones

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Bulls Born in 2016 1. HIGH BLUFF DIESEL 25D (SHSH HD 14Y), Horseshoe E Charolais; 2. MVY CAOUS 64D (TR PZC Mr Turton 5792RET), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 3. SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Elder Charolais Inc., Sharodon Farm, Thomas Ranches & Polzin Cattle; 4. ANNUROC MR DUKE 2D (XAL Firestruck 3Z), Annuroc Charolais, Mooretown, ON. Senior Champion Bull HIGH BLUFF DIESEL 25D, Horseshoe E Charolais Reserve Senior Champion Bull MVY CAOUS 64D, Rollin’ Acres Charolais & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle Grand Champion Bull ELDER’S HONCHO 72E, Elder Charolais Inc. & Rod Bauck Reserve Grand Champion Bull MCTAVISH NEW ERA 79E, McTavish Farms Ltd. Breeder’s Herd 1. Horseshoe E Charolais Get of Sire 1. Horseshoe E Charolais (Circle Cee Legend 307A) Premier Breeder Springside Farms Premier Exhibitor Springside Farms


Agribition Sale Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Sale November 22, 2018 • Regina, SK 4 Bred Heifers 14 Heifer Calves 1 Flush 19 Lots

Gross Average $40,250 $10,062 133,100 9,507 6,500 6,500 $179,850


Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. A large, enthusiastic crowd filled the sale area and gave the consignors a strong sale. At the start of the sale, the CCYA heifer raffle donated by Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw, raised over $26,000 to go towards the 2019 Conference and Show in Weyburn. Cattle sold to four provinces, Mexico and the USA. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 216, Pick of Beck Farms Bred Heifers. Sold for $15,500 to Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co., Yellow Creek. Consigned by Beck Farms, Milestone Lot 217, JWX ENVIOUS 297E (Polled, 1,747 lb, 98 YW EPD), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an HEJ Solidarity 24X daughter, bred to WCR Commissioner 593P. Sold for $12,000 to Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan &

Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw. Consigned by Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 205, HRJ FOXY ROXY 851F (Polled, 876 lb), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a Pro-Char Sonny 63U daughter. Sold for $26,500 to Wild Indian Acres, De Soto, MO. Consigned by Johnson Charolais. Lot 203, Pick of Elder Charolais Heifer Calves. Sold for $20,000 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock, AB. Consigned by Elder Charolais, Coronach. Lot 202B, KAYR FALLYN 828F (Polled, 74 lb BW, -3.7 BW EPD, 918 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a KCM Prowler 2X daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Agricola & Ganadera LA Altena, Guadalajara, Mexico. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau, AB.

Lot 204C, SVY EVETTA 819F (Polled, 1,082 lb, 56 WW EPD), sired by CJC Symbol B1067P, out of an SVY Blitz 125Y daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais. Consigned by Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont. High Selling Flush Lot 220, Right to Flush any Polzin Cattle donor females. Guarantee of six embryos sold for $6,500 to Elder Charolais & Kay-R Charolais.

Kristin & Stephen Wielgosz purchased the pick of Beck’s bred heifers

Kurtis & Kristy Phillips and Kelly & Julianne Howe teamed up on Wilgenbush’s bred heifer

Sherry & Wade Meakin bought pick of the Elder heifer calves

Michael Elder & Kasey Phillips were consignors and bought the flush

Craig & Tricia Wilgenbusch selected a high selling heifer calf

JACKSON NAMED, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 International Agriculture from Oklahoma State University. She is the daughter of Carman and Donna

Jackson, High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, Manitoba, and is a CCYA Alumni. She still enjoys being on the show road Charolais Banner • December 2018

and helping on the farm whenever possible. 81


Agribition Additional Highlights Champion Pen of Charolais Bulls

First Lady Classic Charolais Champion SVY STARSTRUCK 712E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C) Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont Saskatchewan Charolais Association

Jaw; Kord Phillips, Waskatenau, AB; Shelby Evans, Kenaston; Cassidi Elder, Coronach; Cassidy Vermeulen, Ceylon; Shelby Evans won Grand Champion in the Any Other Breed category with LAE EBONY 797E, a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Saskatchewan Charolais Association

Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, exhibited the Champion Pen of Charolais Bulls with three Circle Cee Legend 307A sons. They had an average weight of 1161 lb, with an average age of 298 days, and an average WPDA of 3.90 lb. Reserve Champion Pen of Charolais Bulls

Breeder of the Year LeeAnn & Carey Weinbender presented the Saskatchewan Charolais Association Breeder of the Year to Stephen & Kristin Wielgosz, Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Grass. Saskatchewan Charolais Association

Beck Farms, Lang, exhibited the Reserve Champion Pen of Charolais Bulls with three bulls sired by High Bluff Craftsman 112C, Beck’s Citation 615D and Sparrows Braxton 519C. Their average weight was 1090 lb, with an average age of 294 days, and an average WPDA of 3.72 lb. Presidents Classic Charolais Cham-

Commercial Breeder of the Year Jordan Moore presented the SCA Commercial Breeder of the Year Award to M&M Ranch, Mel & Donalee Patton and their grandson, Ty.

pion SOS FUSION PLD 51F (SOS Hooey Pld 127D), Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB Herdsman Award Cody & Kayla Englot, CK Cattle Co., Candiac, were awarded the Charolais Herdsman Award. BMO Canadian Junior Beef Extreme Charolais participants in the Junior Beef Extreme were Will Rosso, Moose 82

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Honour Scroll President Kelly Howe inducted Alva & Dave Blechinger, Prairie Gold Charolais, Rosetown, to the SCA Honour Scroll. Agribition Scholarship Winners Canadian Western Agribition announced its 2018 scholarship recipients. Every year, CWA awards post-secondary scholarships to future leaders connected to the show. The CWA Scholarship was formed 25 years ago, and since then there has been $216,000 awarded from three scholarships. Kathryn Serhienko, Maymont, was one of three recipients to receive a Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship of $2,500 presented to students with a history of involvement in CWA as exhibitors, volunteers, or competitors pursing post-secondary education. Katie has participated at CWA for the last 15 years. She has her Agribusiness Diploma from Lakeland College and is currently studying at the University of Saskatchewan to obtain her Agribusiness Degree. continued on page 83

Other Opportunities Not Shown Sidebar ads are also availalbe on the Events, Catalogue and Video, Breeders, About Us, International Genetics, Semen and Classified pages. The cost is $75 per week or $250 for a month. Eblasts Eblasts are available for $125 to our extensive email directory in Canada, the United States and overseas. Target or blanket areas can be selected.

Catalogues Catalogues can be uploaded to our site at a cost of $300 each. Simply email the catalogue to us in a PDF format when it is complete. Booking Space Space must be booked through Dalyse Robertson at 204.476.8856. Spots for bull sale season are going quickly.

AGRIBITION HIGHLIGHTS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 82 Jill Sparrow, three years. She attends the University Vanscoy, of Saskatchewan where she is received the working towards her Bachelor of Barry Andrew Science in Agriculture, majoring in Family agronomy, and plans to obtain her Scholarship of master's degree. $1,500 presented RBC Beef Supreme Challenge to students Andre Steppler, Steppler Farms Ltd., with a history Miami, Manitoba, had the honour of of involvement in CWA as well as pursuing post-secondary education in being one of the five esteemed judges the field of agriculture. Jill participated for the Canadian Western Agribition’s in Youth Team Grooming at CWA for RBC Beef Supreme Challenge. Charolais Banner • December 2018

Charolais was well represented in the Top 10 Bull Finalists of the Beef Supreme Challenge by two bulls: MVY Caous 64D, exhibited by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur, ON and Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley, ON; and SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D, exhibited by Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau, AB; Elder Charolais Ltd., Coronach; Sharodon Farm, Omemee, ON; Thomas Ranches, SD and Polzin Cattle, MN. 83


Advertise Your Services! Call today 306.584.7937


Charolais Banner • December 2018

Alberta Breeders

Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155

Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0

T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE

Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937

GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS HOME OF “GOOD” CATTLE! Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 780.853.2220 •

Charolais Banner • December 2018


caught you looking! Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937


Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemary, AB •

British Columbia Breeders

Your ad should be here Call today! 306.584.7937 86

Charolais Charolais Banner Banner • December • August2018 2018


Manitoba Breeders

Ontario Breeders

Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 |

Charolais Banner • December 2018


Quebec Breeders

Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672

“Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.” 88

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Saskatchewan Breeders

Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 •

Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801

Be Wise. Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937 Charolais Banner • December 2018


USA Breeders

Advertise your program here. Call today! 306.584.7937

AD RATES Charolais Banner

Charolais Connection

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1"x1 column 45 n/a Classified 2"x1 column 80 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1" x 1 column 80 n/a Classified 2" x 1 column 140 n/a (add $10 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)

Charolais Banner: • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais

Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection. Charolais Connection • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request







Jan 7 Jan 16 Feb 6

Jan 14 Jan 23 Feb 13

Jan 29 Feb 6 Feb 28

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.


Charolais Banner • December 2018


Calendar of Events December 21 Char-Maine Ranching 14th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange, Fort McLeod, AB

February 22 Maple Leaf Charolais & Guests 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Calnash Ag Events Centre, Ponoka, AB


February 22 HEJ Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

January 26 M.C. Quantock “Canada’s Bulls” Bull Sale, 12 noon, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition January 30 Moose Creek Red Angus & Charolais Two-Year Old Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Kisbey, SK February 3 Hill 70 Quantock “Barn Burnin’” Bull Sale, 12:00 noon, at the ranch, Lloydminster, AB February 14 Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart February 15 “Muscle Up” at Stephen Charolais and Guests 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart February 16 P & H Ranching 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart February 16 Saint Martin Test Station Sale, Saint Martin, QC February 16 Crossroads Beef Expo, Oyen, AB February 18 Tip the Scale Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB February 19 Rawes Ranches 36th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Strome, AB February 20 McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Livestock Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Cow Palace February 21 Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Bashaw, AB

February 23 Myhre Land & Cattle Co./Bar J Charolais Bull Sale (Denbie Ranch & Guests) Ste. Rose du Lac, MB February 23 SanDan Charolais/Springside Farms 22nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Erskine, AB February 23 Quebec Select Bull Sale, Danville, QC February 24 Pro-Char and Guests 8th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Glenevis, AB February 27 Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB February 27 Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. 10th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Milestone, SK March 1 M & L Cattle Company Bull & Female Sale, 6:30 p.m., at the farm, Indian River, ON March 1 38th Annual Select Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 2 Ferme Louber 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC March 2 High Country 45th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Pincher Creek (AB) Ag Grounds March 2 Wrangler Made 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Westlock, AB March 2 Chomiak Charolais 15th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Viking (AB) Auction Market Charolais Banner • December 2018

March 3 The Legacy Bull Sale – Legacy Charolais with BOB Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Botha, AB March 3-4 100th Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds March 5 Built Right 6th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Provost (AB) Livestock Exchange March 5 RRTS Charolais Bull Sale, 12:30 p.m., BC Livestock Co-op, Kamloops, BC March 8 15th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie, AB March 8 CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Vanscoy, SK March 9 Horseshoe E Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Kenaston, SK March 9 Blackbern, WhiteWater & Kirlene Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Renfrew Pontiac Livestock Facility, Cobden, ON March 9 Source for Success Bull Sale, Elmlodge Herefords, Indian River, ON March 10 Steppler Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. DST, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB March 11 Palmer Charolais with Nielson Land & Cattle Co. 8th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Bladworth, SK March 12 Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olds, AB March 14 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Yellow Creek, SK 91

March 14 Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Beaverlodge, AB March 14 McKeary Charolais Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping , Brooks, AB March 14 Buffalo Lake Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart March 15 High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Inglis, MB March 15 Reese Cattle Co. 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 15-17 Cody Sibbald Legacy Classic Junior Show, Medicine Hat, AB March 16 Northern Impact VI, North Central Livestock Exchange, Clyde, AB March 16 Pleasant Dawn Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB March 16 Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow & Guests 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON March 16 Ferme Palerme Charolais Bull Sale, Vinoy Test Station, 1:00 p.m., at Ferme Gagnon, Cheneville, QC March 16 Select Genetics Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Forsyth Angus, Herbert, SK March 16 Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK March 18 North West Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Kramer’s Big Bid Barn, North Battleford, SK March 18 Neilson Cattle Co. 29th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Willowbrook, SK March 18 Grassroots Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp, Veteran, AB


March 19 Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black Angus 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Minitonas, MB March 20 HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB

March 26 Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Twin Anchor Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp, Veteran, AB March 28 RanAMan Ranch 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Auction Mart

March 21 Elder Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coronach, SK

March 28 C2 Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Killarney (MB) Auction Mart

March 21 Footprint Farms Bull Sale, 3:30 p.m, at the ranch, Esther, AB

March 28 Coyote Flats Charolais 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coaldale, AB

March 22 McTavish Farms and Guest 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Moosomin, SK March 22 Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber (AB) Agriplex March 23 Impact Angus & Charolais 11th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales March 23 Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Cobden, ON March 23 7th Annual “Thickness Sells” Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Atlantic Stockyards, Truro, NS March 23 Lazy S Cattle Co. Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Rimbey, AB

March 30 Tri-N Charolais Farms 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Lenore, MB March 30 High Point Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., at Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON March 30 Transcon’s 23rd Annual Advantage Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales March 30 Alameda Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Alameda (SK) Auction Mart March 30 Borderland Cattle Company Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Rockglen, SK March 30 Candiac Choice Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Candiac (SK) Auction Mart

March 23 K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Elk Point, AB

April 1 North of the 49th 16th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK

March 24 Best of the Breeds 15th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK

April 2 Cedarlea Farms “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale, at Windy Willows Angus, Hodgeville, SK

March 25 Allanville Farms Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Tisdale, SK

April 2 Gilliland Bros. Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at Chopper K Auction Mart, Alameda, SK

March 26 Prairie Distinction Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB

Charolais Banner • December 2018

April 2 White Lake Colony Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB

April 3 White Cap/Rosso Charolais & Howe Red Angus 29th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw, SK April 4 Hunter Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Roblin, MB April 4 Ringuette Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 12:00 noon, Atlantic Stock Yards, Truro, NS April 6 Vermilion Charolais Group 33rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB April 6 Acadia Ranching Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping Association, Brooks, AB April 6 Maritime Bull Test Station Sale, at the test station, Nappan, NS April 6 Saunders Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Keady (ON) Livestock Market April 6 JTA Diamond Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Courval, SK April 8 Cattle Capital Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Ste. Rose (MB) Auction Mart April 9 Top Cut 29th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Stockman’s Weigh Co., Mankota, SK

April 11 Sliding Hills Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Canora, SK April 11 Daines Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart April 13 Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Hoards Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON April 20 Brimner Cattle Co., Cornerstone Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart April 20 Cedardale Charolais 16th Annual Bull & Select Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Nestleton, ON April 20 Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD June 7 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, Moncton, NB June 29 ACA Tour, Vermilion, AB July 24-27 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn, SK August 4-12 World Charolais Technical Conference, Republic of Ireland

Sales in Brief M & L Cattle Co. Purebred Charolais Dispersal October 8, 2018 Indian River, ON 7 Cow/calf Pairs 6 Bred Cows 3 Bred Heifers 3 Heifer Calves

Gross Average $35,400 $5,057 20,000 3,333 5,700 1,900 6,450 2,150

19 Lots 4 Embryos 5 Doses Semen

$67,550 $1,800 $790

Total Sale Gross


Acadia Colony Charolais & Angus Bull Sale November 28, 2018 Oyen, AB Gross Average 19 Yearling Charolais Bulls



$3,555 $450 $158

Charolais Banner • December 2018



Advertisers Index Alberta Charolais Association .....................23 Alta Custom Programs .................................84 Amabec Charolais ........................................87 Annuroc Charolais........................................87 B Bar D Charolais..........................................87 Baker Farms .............................................25,87 Bar H Charolais .............................................89 Beck Farms....................................................89 Be Rich Farms ...............................................85 Blackbern Charolais .....................................88 Bob Charolais ...............................................85 Bo Jan Enterprises ........................................89 Borderland Cattle Co. ..................................89 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. .............................84 Bricney Stock Farms .....................................89 Bridor Charolais.......................................25,88 Brimner Cattle Company .............................89 Buffalo Lake Charolais ................................85 Canadian Charolais Association .............10 13 Carey, Brent ..................................................84 Cedardale Charolais .....................................88 Cedarlea Farms.............................................89 Charla Moore Farms.....................................89 Char Lew Ranch ...........................................85 Char Maine Ranching ..................................85 Charolais Calendar .......................................35 Charolais Charbray Herdbook of Mexico ...71 Charolais Journal..........................................84 Chartop Charolais ........................................89 Charworth Charolais Farms .........................85 Chomiak Charolais ......................................85 Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...........................85 Cline Cattle Co..............................................87 Cockburn Farms............................................88 Cornerview Charolais ..................................25 Cougar Hill Ranch ........................................87 Coyote Flats Charolais..................................85 Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co. ...................89 C2 Charolais..................................................87 Davis Rairdan ...............................................84 Defoort Stock Farm ......................................87 Demarah Farms ............................................89 Diamond W Charolais ..................................89 Dorran, Ryan ................................................84 Double P Stock Farms ..................................87 Dowell Charolais ..........................................85 Dubuc Charolais ...........................................88 Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ......9,25,88 Eaton Charolais ............................................90 Echo Spring Charolais ........................19,25,88 Edge, Dean ...................................................84 Elder Charolais Farms................................5,89 EMB Charolais ..............................................19 Fergus Family Charolais ...............................88 Ferme Palerme .............................................88 Fischer Charolais...........................................85


Flat Valley Cattle Co.....................................85 Fleury, Michael .............................................84 Flewelling, Craig ..........................................84 Footprint Farms ...........................................85 Future Farms.................................................85 Gilliland Bros. Charolais ...............................89 Good Anchor Charolais................................85 H.S. Knill Company Ltd. ...............................84 Happy Haven Charolais................................87 Harcourt Charolais .......................................89 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co. .......................87 Harvie Ranching ..........................................85 HEJ Charolais ...............................................85 Hicks Charolais .............................................88 High Bluff Stock Farm ..................................87 Holk Charolais ..............................................85 Hopewell Charolais ......................................89 Horseshoe E Charolais..................................89 Howe Family Farm .......................................89 HTA Charolais Farm .....................................87 Hunter Charolais ...................................87,IBC JMB Charolais ..............................................87 Johnson Charolais ........................................85 Johnstone Auction .......................................84 June Rose Charolais .....................................89 Kaiser Cattle Co............................................85 Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd...............................85 KCH Charolais ...............................................86 Kirlene Cattle ...............................................88 La Ferme Patry de Weedon .........................88 Land O' Lakes Charolais ...............................88 Langstaff Charolais .................................25,88 Leemar Charolais..........................................85 Legacy Charolais...........................................85 LEJ Charolais.................................................87 Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch ...................90 M & L Cattle Co. ...........................................88 Mack's Charolais...........................................88 Maple Leaf Charolais ...................................85 Martens Cattle Co. .......................................89 Martens Charolais ........................................87 McAvoy Charolais Farm .......................9,21,89 McKay Charolais ...........................................87 McKeary Charolais .......................................86 McLeod Livestock .........................................84 McTavish Farms.............................................89 Medonte Charolais.............................17,25,88 Miller Land & Livestock................................88 Moyer Cattle Co. ..........................................25 Murphy Livestock .........................................86 Mutrie Farms ................................................89 Myhre Land and Cattle ................................87 Nahachewsky Charolais ...............................89 Norheim Ranching .......................................84 P & H Ranching Co. ......................................86 Packer Charolais ...........................................88

Charolais Banner • December 2018

Palmer Charolais ..........................................90 Parklane Charolais .......................................86 Phillips Farms................................................90 Pleasant Dawn Charolais .............................87 Potter Charolais............................................88 Prairie Cove Charolais ..................................86 Prairie Gold Charolais ..................................90 Pro Char Charolais .......................................86 Qualman Charolais ......................................90 Raffan, Don ..................................................84 Rawes Ranches .............................................86 Rebuild with Steel ........................................84 Reeleder, Andrew.........................................84 Rollin' Acres Charolais .........................9,25,88 Ross Lake Charolais ......................................86 Rosso Charolais.............................................90 Royale Charolais ...........................................88 RRTS Charolais ..............................................86 Saddleridge Charolais ..................................86 SanDan Charolais Farms ..............................86 Saunders Charolais ..................................25,88 Scarth Cattle Co............................................87 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co........................90 Sharodon Farms ...........................................88 Skeels, Danny ...............................................84 Sliding Hills Charolais...................................90 Southside Charolais......................................86 Southview Farms ..........................................88 CK Sparrow Farms .......................................IFC Springside Farms .....................................31,86 Spruce View Charolais..................................86 Stach Farms Charolais ..................................86 Stephen Charolais Farm ...............................90 Steppler Farms Ltd. ..................................3,87 Stock, Mark...................................................84 Stockmen's Insurance...................................84 Sugarloaf Charolais ......................................86 Sunshine Oak Charolais ...............................87 T Bar C Cattle Co. ....................................84,93 Temple Farms................................................90 Thistle Ridge Ranch......................................86 Transcon Livestock Corp...............................84 Tri N Charolais ..............................................87 Turnbull Charolais ........................................86 Twin Anchor Charolais .................................86 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. ........................86 Western Litho ...............................................85 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. ..........................25 White Lake Colony .......................................86 White Meadow Charolais Ltd......................87 WhiteWater Livestock..................................88 Wilgenbusch Charolais ........................90,OBC Wilkie Ranch.................................................86 Wood River Charolais ..................................90 Wrangler Charolais ......................................86

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