From the Field Helge By
Welcome to the first Charolais Connection of . It has been a busy couple of weeks picturing for ads and sale catalogues, for some of the earlier bull sales. It has been an absolute treat picturing so far in the prairies with a very mild winter. I always find it exciting to get through the bull pens and see the offerings that are being presented to fellow cattle producers, whether they are commercial or seed stock producers. Seeing the first progeny of herdsires that were purchased two years ago would be much like the proud commercial producer selling his calves from his new sires. The commercial bred heifer sales this past fall were very strong, and the reputation herds that have been working hard to produce and market a top replacement heifer were very well rewarded. It is interesting to note, there are more commercial producers breeding their heifers to Charolais or want to buy heifers bred Charolais. ow it is like any breed,
you have to be selective about which bulls you use on your heifers, or you could have a problem, but over the past few years, I have helped many source these bulls with great results. Proof of the acceptance was at the Rock Solid Bred Heifer sale December th, in Southwest Saskatchewan. A pen of commercial heifers bred Charolais topped the sale at , apiece. 5 Simm Red Angus heifers bred Charolais averaged , for Diamond Cattle Co. His other heifers bred Red Angus averaged less at , . The reason many producers are doing this is the calves from their firstcalvers can sell in the big packages, along with the calves off their cows. Some are calving the heifers a cycle earlier, so the calves have a bit more age, but it is working well for them. niform bigger packages of tan or silver calves have been topping the market consistently. In this issue, you will see many advertisements for some of the spring bull sales. Again, I will encourage you to replace any bulls that aren’t doing a great ob for you with the
best bulls you can afford. Half of the genetics of your calf crop is from the bulls, so don’t scrimp on what can add so much value for you. You know what your cows are worth and what the good bred heifers cost last fall, so continue to improve the genetics you are taking to town with good bulls. ow I am off to do some more picturing and touring bull pens for the spring sales. As we get into the bull sales, if on right, Robbie Chomik or I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. e are always happy to help in any way we can. All our Charolais Banner and Charolais Connection magazines are online for free at charolaisbanner.com, if you want to go back to read past articles in previous issues. n our site you will also find a complete listing of all the Charolais sales across Canada and most of the Charolais Bull Sale catalogues and videos. e also try to keep the sale news very current on our homepage, so check it out. ntil next time, Helge
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SVY Fortress son BW 105, 205 DW 855, 365 DW 1150
Circle Cee Legend son BW 80, 205 DW 825, 365 DW 1165
Pleasant Dawn Bud son BW 110, 205 DW 830, 365 DW 1365
See more on our website or PineBluffFarm Raymond & Betty Paschke • Love, SK • 306.276.5976
Charolais Connection • February 2021