May 2012 Charolais Banner

Page 17

WHITECAP PLUS 179Y Palmer Charolais, Bladworth selected this calving ease HBC Everest son WHITECAP CONCEPT 42Y Jones Charolais, Gull Lake purchased this thick JWX Silver Buckle son WHITECAP POWER PAK 85Y Gilliland Bros Charolais, Carievale added this HBC Everest son to some heifers WHITECAP EVEREST 164Y Silver Foxx Charolais, Silton and Valley ’ s End Charolais, Central Butte, bought this long HBC Everest son Stop by this summer and let us sho w you the co wherd and next year’s prospects. Mike Ho we 306-691-5011, c 306-631-8779 • Dale Ho we 306-693-2127, c 306-631-0690 Doug Ho we 306-693-2163, c 306-631-1209 #183, 325 4th Avenue SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • www howefarm ca • dlmhowe@xplornet com Charolais Banner • May 2012 3


P&H Ranching 10 HEJ Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Charolais Power 11

Chomiak Charolais . . . . . . . . . . 11

Tip the Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Clear Lake Charolais 12

Pro-Char Charolais . . . . . . . . . . 14

Palmer Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Beck Farms 15

High Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Louber Farms 16

A Sparrow Farms 17

Horseshoe E Charolais . . . . . . . 18

Norther n Alliance 20

Buffalo Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Family Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

McTavish Charolais 22

Rollin’ Acres/Patton/Whiskey Hollow 22 Pleasant Dawn Charolais 24

Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Best of the Breeds 25

Diamond W Charolais . . . . . . . . 26

Winn Man Charolais . . . . . . . . . 26

Wilgenbusch N of the 53rd 27

Hi Weigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Steppler Farms 29

Benchmark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Mountain View . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Elder Charolais 31

Perrot-Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

White Cap / Rosso. . . . . . . . . . . 32

Gilliland Bros 33

Cattleman’s Classic . . . . . . . . . . 34

Forsyth Bros 34

Cedarlea Farms 36

High Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Wilgenbusch N of the 49th 37

Canadian Cattle Genome . . . . . 38

Hunter Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Size Matters 41

SE Sask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Cor nerstone 42

CCYA Conference & Show 43

Sales in Brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

High Selling Bulls 47 Bull Sale Summary . . . . . . . . . . 47

124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph (306) 546 3940 • Fax (306) 546 3942 Home Page: email: charolaisbanner@sasktel net ISSN 0824 1767

Helge By, Manager/Publisher

Candace By, Managing Editor email: charolaisbanner@sasktel net

Susan Penner, Production/Design email: charolais susan@sasktel net

Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476 8856 email: pdmrobertson@gmail com

Scott Kasprick, Web Design Ph 204 573 2250 email: scott@reaxiongraphics com

Cynthia Beck, Web Co ordinator (306) 436 4564 email: c beckeroo@gmail com

FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 5107 42nd Street, Olds, AB T4H 1X1 Res (403) 507 2258 Fax (403) 507 2268 Cell (403) 651 9441 email: sbanner@telusplanet net Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd , Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546 3940 Office Fax (306) 546 3942 Res (306) 584 7937 Cell (306) 536 4261 email:

On the cover…

Tomina Jackson, Inglis, Manitoba, won the CCYA Intermediate Photography division at CCYA 2011 with this photo. For registration information for CCYA 2012, see page 43

Photo: Tomina Jackson Design: Susan Penner

4 Charolais Banner • May 2012
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payable by credit card at www charolaisbanner com All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr $42 00 3 yrs $105 00 USA 1 yr. $75, 1st class (2 week delivery) $115 3 yrs $200, 1st class (2 week deliver) $320 Overseas 1 yr $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) $120 3 yrs $210, 1st class (2 week delivery) $330 Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824 1767) is published
times per
Banner Inc
year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December)
, Regina, SK Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd Publication No 40047726 Registration No 9810 Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada charolaisbanner@sasktel net
Joins CCA Staff . . . . . . . . 8
From the Field .............................................................................................5 Du champ.....................................................................................................6 From the CCA General Manager ................................................................7 Du Directeur Général de l’ACC ...................................................................8 Charolais Life ...............................................................................................9 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News 19 Herd Health ..............................................................................................40 Calendar 57 Index 58 May 2012
NO. 2 Departments Features
VOL. 46,

Wow! The spring of 2012 will be remembered for a couple of things. Warmer than normal temperatures and hotter than ever bull sales The spring sale run has been great in all parts of Canada. From the Maritimes where the Nappan test station sale was as good as ever to Quebec where the sales were stronger than last year, to Ontario where the sales, including some new ones, found great success, to right across the west Alberta sales seemed to be the strongest of anywhere, where switching to Charolais bulls is in full swing.

Many new sales in the prairies provided solid averages with most selling more bulls off the yards this year than ever before. A sale is not a silver bullet to getting rich selling bulls, but if you work hard, it will produce good results and a higher top end than can usually be obtained by private treaty. This of course is balanced against higher costs of doing business, so it needs to be looked at objectively If the sale can be held on the farm, it will cut down on the work and expense of going to town, so this needs to be looked at as well.

In this issue you will see the sale reports and at the back the Sale Summary which shows the sale statistics of all the bull sales for the past 31 years. The sale reports will show you which bloodlines and programs were the most sought after and some appreciation ads from many conscientious breeders profile some of the high selling bulls in Canada this spring. The top end of the sales were also stronger with more $10,000 plus bulls selling in the sales

So what trends did I see this spring in the sales? Interestingly enough it varied somewhat from sale to sale and region to region Many breeders have developed their program and buyers that are looking for that have followed. In some sales the buyers

have been very birth weight conscious. I found this with larger operations who maybe haven’t been using Charolais bulls for a while and are more concerned about calving ease than anything In other sales the buyers were more concerned about meat and performance and I saw this from maybe smaller number herds who are looking to maximize their return per cow and don’t mind helping the odd calf if it means another 100 lb. at weaning. As I have said before, you need to define your program and produce what your customers are asking and paying the most money for

Another trend I saw this spring was more people talking about and trying Charolais bulls on black cows I see this getting bigger and bigger as more try it and see that it works. We need to keep talking about it and giving examples of who is doing it and how well it is working

I also think the higher cull bull prices put more demand on the bull sales of all breeds I was visiting with one commercial producer in Saskatchewan in April who had sold a six year old bull that he had been feeding some grain and sileage to, so he was in good shape The bull weighed 2,865 lb shrunk and sold for 1 0350 for over $2,900 take home This is what kept the consumption of numbers up in many sales.

This spring there were more purebred breeders searching for better bulls and willing to pay more for them I also saw that more breeders were researching the pedigrees of the bulls they were interested in With more breeders using the internet more frequently this becomes easier. In some cases when looking at the dam of a bull they found that she had not had a calf registered every year so assumed she wasn’t a consistent producer. If you haven’t been registering all your calves and sending in the performance data, I would recommend that you start This

From the Field

information trend will continue and become more important to many and not registering and transferring bulls will cost you money down the road.

There were also more breeders doing and requesting genomic testing. Some were doing igenity testing especially for identifying the Homozygous Polled bulls and more were doing the Leptin test done by Quantum. I also see these becoming more sought after and requested in the future and if these breeders are willing to pay more for those that test how they want them, I see it as being financially feasible. I also wonder now with some profit back in the business, if more ultrasounding needs to be done in conjunction with the genomic testing to see if this can become more accurate in the future.

Another subject that has been raised lately is the future of the PFRA pasture system after cutbacks were announced in the last federal budget. The current community pasture system includes 61 sites in Saskatchewan, 24 in Manitoba and two in Alberta. The community pastures were the PFRA’s biggest and longest running soil conservation program on the prairies, set up in the 1930s to reclaim badly eroded soils They now cover over 2.2 million acres of rangeland, used each summer by about 3,100 producers, who pay fees to graze about 220,000 head of livestock The government agency has informed its staff of its plan for the pastures, in which 10 pastures will be divested in 2013, followed by additional pastures each year until “full divestiture is achieved in 2018 “ Grazing and breeding services on remaining pastures are to be maintained throughout the transition period and pasture patrons “will receive as much notice as possible,” the government said The six year stretch is expected to allow time for provinces, municipalities, pastures users and “other stakeholders” to help manage the transition

continued on page 16 Charolais Banner • May 2012 5
Helge By

Wow ! On se rappellera le printemps de 2012 pour quelques raisons, un est les températures plus chaud que d’habitude est l’autre est les ventes du taureau incroyable Les ventes de printemps ont eu du grand succès partout le pays. Dans les maritimes la vente de la station de preuve ‘Nappan’ était aussi bonne que jamais Au québec les ventes étaient plus fortes que l’année dernière, et en ontario il y avait un grand succès qui a continué à travers l’ouest. Les ventes en alberta ont été les plus fortes que n’importe où avec des acheteurs échangeant la race de leur taureau aux charolais

Dans cette revue sont les rapports de vente et il y a aussi le résumé de vente qui montre les statistiques de toutes ventes de taureau pendant les 31 dernières années Les rapports de vente montrent quelles génétiques et programmes étaient le plus cherchés, avec des publicités d’appréciation de beaucoup de sélectionneurs consciencieux

Quelles tendances est ce que j’ai vues dans les ventes ce printemps ? Assez intéressant, il a changé de la vente à la vente et de la région à la région Beaucoup d’éleveurs ont développé leur programme et les acheteurs qui la recherchent ont suivi. Aux quelques ventes les acheteurs ont été très conscients du poids de naissance des taureaux J’ai trouvé que ces acheteurs qui sont plus conscients du poids de naissance étaient les plus grandes opérations préoccupées par la facilité de vêlage que n’importe quoi. Dans d’autres ventes les acheteurs ont regardé pour la viande et l’exécution Ceci vient des acheteurs avec des troupeaux peut être plus petits qui regardent à maximiser leur retour par vache et ne s’occupent pas d’aider la

naissance s’il signifie encore 100 livres au sevrage. Comme j’ai dit avant, vous devez définir votre programme et produire ce que vos clients veulent et sont disposés à payer la plupart d’argent.

Plus de personnes parlant de multiplier leurs vaches noires aux taureaux du charolais était une autre tendance que j’ai vu ce printemps Aussi il y a plus des gens qui avaient multiplié les vaches noires aux taureaux du charolais. Je prévois que les gens de plus en plus multiplieront leurs vaches noires aux taureaux du charolais parce que les gens réalisent que cette multiplication fonctionne bien. Nous devons continuer le parler et donnons des exemples de qui multiplie les vaches noires aux taureaux du charolais et informer des personnes à quel point cela fonctionne.

Je pense également que les prix plus élevés du taureau inférieur mettent plus de demande sur les ventes de taureau pour toutes les races J’ai visité avec un producteur commercial en Saskatchewan en avril qui a vendu un taureau qui a six ans Il avait alimenté le taureau ainsi il était dans la bonne forme. Le taureau a pesé 2.865 livres à la vente et s’est vendu pour 1 0350, pour plus de 2 900,00$ C’est ce qui maintenu la consommation des nombres vers le haut dans beaucoup de ventes. Le prix plus élevé pour les taureaux inférieurs a encouragé les personnes à vendre leurs vieux taureaux pour l’abattage et à acheter de jeunes taureaux.

Ce printemps il y avait plus d’éleveurs de la race Charolais faisant la recherche pour trouver des meilleurs taureaux Aussi, ils étaient prêts à payer plus pour ces taureaux meilleurs. Les sélectionneurs recherchaient sur l’Internet les pedigrees des taureaux qu’ils étaient intéressés en employant Dans certains cas en regardant la mère d’un taureau,

ils ont constaté qu’elle n’avait pas un veau enregistré chaque année, ainsi elle ne doit pas être un producteur constanté Je vous recommande que vous enregistrez tous que vos veaux et envoyez tous les données de performance. Cette tendance de l’information continuera et deviendra plus importante à vendre vos animaux

Il semble que d’éleveurs sont plus intéressés à examiner l’ADN de génomique Quelques éleveurs ont examiné « Igenity » pour identifier les taureaux que est acère homozygote. En outre il y avait des sélectionneurs déterminant le gène de Leptin par « Quantum Genetics ». Il sera financièrement faisable pour faire ces genres d’essais si les sélectionneurs les demandant sont disposés à payer plus pour ceux qu’ils veulent examinés. Je me demande si plus de données d’ultrasons doivent être faites en même temps que l’essai génomique d’ADN ?

La conférence et l’exposition de CCYA seront tenues en juillet en Olds, Alberta. Cette année la réunion annuelle générale de l’ACC sera tenu en même temps que la conférence de jeunesse Projetez assister à ces deux événements qui sont toujours les endroits valables au réseau et voir ce que votre association fait. C’est votre occasion de donner votre entrée sur la future direction de l’industrie du charolais.

C’est la meilleure heure de prendre des photos pour la publicité, des sites Web et des catalogues de vente quand l’herbe est verte et les bétail sont en bon état Notre prochaine revue est l’édition annuelle de « Herdsire » Si Craig ou moi peut vous aider avec votre promotion svp contactez nous. Nous sommes ici pour nous aider de quelque façon pouvons

6 Charolais Banner • May 2012
À la prochaine, Helge
Du champ



2320 41st Avenue N E Calgary, AB T2E 6W8

Phone: (403) 250 9242 Fax: (403) 291 9324

E Mail: cca@charolais com Home Page: www charolais com



President: Lyle Bignell, Stettler Secretary: Lisa Paget, Carbon


President: Orland Walker Hudson Bay

Secretary: Dave Blechinger, Rosetown


President: Harry Airey, Rivers

Secretary: Rae Trimble Portage la Prairie


President: Gord Tomlinson, Norwood Secretary: Doris Aitken Mount Forest

QUEBEC President: Francois Couture, Notre Dame du Bon Conseil Secretary: Laurent Jourdain


President: Ricky Milton Cornwall PE Secretary: Jennifer MacDonald, St Mary’s, Kent Co , NB


General Manager: NEIL GILLIES Registry & Office Manager: MEL REEKIE Registry: JUDY CUMMER

French Liaison: CYNTHIA BECK 306 436 2007 CBeck@charolais com


PRESIDENT: WADE BECK Box 5, Lang, SK S0G 2W0 Ph (306) 436 4564 email: wcbeck@sasktel net

1st VICE PRESIDENT: BRENT SAUNDERS RR 3 Markdale ON N0C 1H0 (519) 986 4165 Fax (519) 986 4273 email: saunders@bmts com

2nd VICE PRES: CAMPBELL FORSYTH Box 3 Eriksdale MB R0C 0W0 (204) 739 2678 Fax (204) 739 5547 email: cmforsyt@mts net

PAST PRESIDENT: LYLE BIGNELL Box 1055, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 742 6792 Fax (403) 742 8128 email: lylebignell@hotmail com

DIRECTORS: BERNARD BEGIN 1630 Rg St Martin, Ste Marie, PQ G6E 3A8 (418) 387 7514 Fax (418) 387 5623 email: louberfarm@hotmail com


RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 (613) 646 9741 (613) 312 0270 email: cornervu@nrtco net

URSULA CORPATAUX Box 397, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph/Fax (403) 742 3337 ucorpataux@xplornet com

DORY GERRARD RR 2, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 (403) 227 5632 Fax (403) 227 2583 email: info@gerrardcattlecompany com

JOHN WILGENBUSCH Box 4 Halbrite SK S0C 1H0 (306) 458 2688 Fax (306) 458 2371 email: wilgenbusch@sasktel net

RICKY MILTON 4558 Rt 19 RR 2, Cornwall, PE C0A 1H0 (902) 393 8699 email: rmilton@upei ca

Spring Report Card

It is indeed a pleasure for me to notify the membership that Melanie (Mel) Reekie will be joining the Canadian Charolais Association (CCA) as the Manager of the Registry Department and Office Manager on May 1st, 2012. And just to allay everyone’s fears, Judy Cummer will still be with us in her usual capacity until the end of the year Judy is stepping down from her current role as she would like more time at home with her husband as he retired a few years ago. However, the good news is that Judy will continue to serve the membership in 2013 and beyond in a part time role

Mel will have the opportunity to gain knowledge of the Association’s systems under the tutelage of Judy, which should enable a seamless transition of duties and expectations with the membership. A press release introducing Mel is featured in this month’s Charolais Banner

The Charolais office is undergoing a major renovation, which will be the first since the early nineties In December, we were approached by our major tenant with a request for more space in the building and those that are familiar with the office layout would know that the open area in the center of the building was largely underutilized due to a downsizing in recent years. It was agreed that they could take over that section, so apart from the common areas of the computer room, kitchen and bathrooms: the CCA will now be housed in the reception area and the three south offices, and retain control of the boardroom

One of the tenant’s requirements was an interior upgrade to their space in the


building and they offered to fund the renovation. Due to the fact that the building had not seen any upgrades in the past 20 or so years, we decided to upgrade the CCA portion of the building and refurbish the kitchen and bathroom areas.

For anybody who has renovated and tried to live and work in the same space will know, on many days the sounds, smells and upheaval of moving equipment and furniture put a strain on accomplishing daily tasks However after about 6 weeks, we are nearing the completion and if you get an opportunity, please stop by for a tour and a visit.

My last topic for this month is to report on the extended bull sale tour that I carried out this spring. We decided that it would be a good opportunity for me to travel to a series of bull sales across the prairies to basically interact with our membership and their buyers, and get a pulse on the industry and the wants and needs of the marketplace My sojourn lasted 24 days and encompassed 21 sales in the three prairie provinces

As everybody would know, the sales across the country were very strong; exceptional could even be a description used. Since first observing Charolais bull sales in the mid seventies I have never seen such a robust market as we experienced this year

Needless to say everybody was more than willing to talk cows again, which has been a long time coming Due to space constraints the article must end, however if anybody would like to visit about the trip please give me a call and we can talk cows or should we say bulls

In accordance with Article IV of the By Laws of the Canadian Charolais Association, you are hereby officially notified of the 53rd Annual Meeting and Convention of the Canadian Charolais Association, to be held on Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 at 3:00 p.m MDST at the Olds College Alumni Centre, Olds, Alberta.

NOTE: Only Active Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Association, and each active member or his/her proxy shall have one vote; only an active member in good standing may act as proxy for a member and no member shall vote as proxy for more than three (3) other members.

A member in good standing is a member who is not in default of any of the By Laws hereof, and who is not in arrears in payment of any membership fee, dues, or other monies to the Association, and who is not under suspension from the Association.

Charolais Banner • May 2012 7

Le Bulletin Scolaire du Printemps

C’est avec plaisir que j’annonce Melanie (Mel) Reekie joindra l’association canadienne du charolais (ACC) le 1er mai 2012. Elle sera la directrice du département d’enregistrement et la directrice du bureau Judy Cummer sera toujours avec nous dans sa capacité habituelle jusqu’à la fin de l’année Le mari de Judy il s’est retiré il y a quelques années et elle voudrait plus de temps à la maison avec lui. Les bonnes nouvelles : Judy continuera à travailler à temps partiel pour l’association

Mel aura l’occasion de gagner la connaissance des systèmes de l’association sous la tutelle de Judy, qui devrait permettre une transition sans couture des fonctions pour l’adhésion. Décrit dans cette revue de la Charolais Banner est un

communiqué de presse présentant Mel.

Le bureau de l’association subit une rénovation majeure, qui sera la première depuis les années 1990. En décembre notre locataire principal a été nous approchés avec une demande de plus d’espace dans le bâtiment L’ACC fonctionnera maintenant dans le secteur de réception, les trois bureaux du sud, et garde la salle de réunion Une des exigences du locataire pour lequel ils ont payé était une rénovation à leur espace. Le bâtiment n’a eu aucune mise à jour pendant les vingt dernières années donc nous avons décidé d’améliorer la partie du bâtiment de l’ACC et de remettre à neuf les secteurs de cuisine et de salle de bains

Pour vous qui avez fait des rénovations vous savez la difficulté d’accomplir les tâches quotidienne tout en essayant de travailler dans le même espace que les rénovations. Nous sommes en voie d’achèvement après environ six semaines de

rénovations ainsi si vous avez l’occasion svp arrêtez pour une visite.

Le conseil d’administration a décidé que c’était une bonne occasion pour que je voyage ce printemps à plusieurs ventes de taureau à travers les prairies J’ai communiqué l’un sur l’autre avec notre adhésion et leurs acheteurs, et j’ai obtenu la nouvelle de l’industrie et des demandes du marché Mon voyage a duré 24 jours et a inclus 21 ventes dans les trois provinces de prairie.

Les ventes à travers le pays étaient très exceptionnelles Je n’ai jamais vu un marché robuste tel que nous avons éprouvé cette année. Chacun encore a voulu parler des vaches, pendant longtemps que la plupart des personnes n’ont pas voulu parler des vaches.

Cet article doit se terminer, cependant si vous voulez parler du voyage svp m’appelez et nous pouvons parler des vaches, ou nous disons, des taureaux

Reekie Joins CCA Staff

Neil Gillies announced the hiring of Melanie Reekie to the Canadian Charolais Association staff as Manager of the Registry Department and Office Manager effective May 1.

The Board of Directors was interested in adding some youth to the staff that would be able to take a fresh look at things with an energy for change and improvement. With the changes in social media and technological systems, it was felt the office could benefit from experience in these areas.

Mel, as she is affectionately known

by the Charolais people, comes with these skills and an ability to talk to breeders in an easy going way. She has experience in assisting computer users through phone services from her previous job with Viterra in Regina Mel participated in the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and showed JSR heifers throughout her 4 H years in Ontario If you never met her through these events, you will probably recognize her from her years of working with the Saunders crew (with brother in law Darrell) at Canadian Western Agribiton. Her purebred experience is something that is just next to impossible to teach new employees This will come as a great asset and lessen the learning required for her new position.

Judy Cummer’s impending

retirement led to the necessity of additional staff in the CCA office She will continue to work through 2012 making the transition smooth.

The duties of Office Manager have also been added to the job description, allowing day to day operations to continue when Neil is required to be on the road.

She brings with her, not only knowledge about the industry, but also knows many breeders, the cattle, and has a general understanding of the events and necessary priorities of the business

“We are really pleased that she is going to join us We are excited to have some enthusiasm of youth in the office and feel it will improve and enhance the services to our members,” Neil Gillies exclaims.

8 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Neil Gillies, directeur général, l’Association Canadienne du Charolais

Jared and Heather McTavish, welcomed a son, Hayden John, January 19, 2012, weighing 7 lbs 6 oz Proud grandparents are Brian and Betty McTavish of McTavish Charolais and Red Angus, Moosomin, Saskatchewan. Centurian Farm Award

Richard and Beverlie Smith and family of Be Rich Farms, Kitscoty, Alberta, received the Alberta Century Ranch & Farm Award from Premier Allison Redord.

After Richard’s release from the R.C.A.F. in 1965, Richard & Bev took over the family farm. They are still actively farming along with their oldest son Brent and his wife Deb Dick Carmichael Joins Livestock Marketeers Hall of Fame

The Livestock Marketeers added five industry professionals, including Dick Carmichael, to their Hall of Fame wall at the National Western Stock Show Club on January 14.

The Livestock Marketeers, an

Charolais Life

This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email charolaisbanner@sasktel net for print in upcoming issues

informal fraternity of livestock fieldmen, auctioneers, sale managers and related livestock business leaders, met for their 47th Annual Banquet in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado

A posthumous addition included Walt Browarny of Calgary, Alberta Dick Carmichael started at the Drover’s Journal in 1969 and that position laid the groundwork for Dick to later work for the Charolais Banner, headquartered in Shawnee Mission, KS. Dick served as field representative for the eastern half of the United States, selling advertising and working the ring at sales, before moving to Kansas City to work as the magazine's director of field staff and to eventually become part owner of the publication. In time, the American International Charolais Association started their own breed publication, the Charolais Journal, and Dick served as field representative in the eastern United States for the new publication.

During his years with the Charolais publications, he became acquainted with Charolais breeders across the North American Continent, as well as the cattle they produced and merchandized So in 1979, Dick and his wife, Ruth Ann, formed Carmichael Enterprises, an independent Charolais sales management business. Over the next 15 years, Dick conducted and managed over 200 auction sales throughout the U S and Canada, with many of those sales setting high selling records for the breed that still stand today. Dick managed sales at all of Canada's major livestock shows, including the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Calgary Stampede, Toronto Winter Fair, Edmonton Northlands Expo, and Manitoba Ag Ex in Brandon.

Dick resides in Springfield, TN, with his wife, Ruth Ann, and he

continues to work the ring at more than 150 sales annually His life still tends to be "dictated by the datebook," but he considers that a good thing since this kind of work has always felt more like an adventure to him, rather than a job. It’s a Boy!

Tristen Alan Raymond was born to Crystal and David Raymond, Aneroid, Saskatchewan, on January 22, 2012, weighing 7 lb , 2 oz Proud Grandparents are Murray and Nicole Blake, Wood River Charolais, McCord, Saskatchewan. Crystal is a CCYA Alumni and past SCA director. Chomiak Honoured

John Chomiak, Chomiak Charolais, Mundare, Alberta, was presented an Honourary Membership in the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) at their Summit Awards The APEGA Council bestows this honour on any person who has rendered eminent service with the profession resulting in the betterment of society through the development of new material, equipment, techniques, philosophy or management related to engineering, geology and geophysics.

For nearly 50 years, John has actively promoted the value of

Charolais Banner • May 2012 9
It’s a Boy!
continued on page 16

P&H Ranching Bull Sale

P&H Ranching Co. 2nd Annual Bull Sale

February 11, 2012 • Innisfail,AB

Gross Average

39 Two Year Old Bulls $236,100 $6,130

Auctioneer: Don Raffin

What a great way to get the Alberta bull sale season started. A powerful set of two year old bulls were on offer at this second annual sale The average was up $1,459 over last year with 90% of the bulls selling to repeat customers.

High Selling Bulls

Lot 1, PH CHALLENGER 7X (Polled, 95lb. BW, 44.5 cm), sired by PH Wyoming wind 33P, out of an HBSF Liberty 59N daughter Sold for $10,000 to White Lake Colony, Barons

Lot 4, PH CHALLENGER 23X (Polled, 90 lb BW, 43 cm), sired by PH Wyoming wind 33P, out of a Spruceview Lad 68F daughter. Sold for $10,000 to High River Colony, High River Lot 3, PH CHALLENGER 25X (Polled, 98 lb BW, 42 cm), sired by

LKPR Challenger 208M, out of a PH Del Rio 621F daughter. Sold for $8,300 to Church Ranches, Balzac Lot 2, PH BANNER 70X (Polled, 103lb. BW, 45 cm), sired by JSR Trophy 88T, out of an SVC Heza

Targetpower 25E daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Church Ranches.

Lot 11, PH CHALLENGER 6X (Polled, 103 lb BW, 42 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of a Snake Valley Tribue 5J daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Diamond Willow Ranch, Millerville Lot 15, PH ORIGINAL 14X (Polled, 76 lb. BW, 45 cm), sired by LT Original 8310, out of a by LKPR Challenger 208M daughter Sold for $6,500 to Albion Ridge Colony Lot 16, PH CHALLENGER 46X


HEJ Bull Sale

Sparrows Fargo 811U, out of an SDC Calypso 29N daughter Sold for $8,200 to Wyatt Farms, Arrowood

Rey Creek Ranch took 6 bulls back to Merrit, BC

(Polled, 85 lb BW, 39 5 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of an HBSF Liberty 59N daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Rey Creek Ranch, Merrit, BC.

A great set of bulls was on offer at the HEJ Charolais Annual Bull Sale Many of the bulls were sold to repeat customers, both commercial and purebred breeders. Bulls were sold into 4 provinces and 2 states

High Selling Bulls

Lot 32, HEJ OASIS 59Y (Polled, Red Factor, 106 lb BW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Fargo 811U, out of an HEJ Ripper 66P daughter Sold for $8,300 to Willowbrook Charolais, Millerville. Lot 30, HEJ HIGH YEILD 45Y (Polled, 102 lb BW, 38 cm), sired by

Lot 1, NINA ALL YOU NEED 44Y (Polled, 100 lb , 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Anchor J Bart 31H daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Char Maine Ranching, Cardston

Lot 2, HEJ YOYO 101Y (Polled, 106 lb BW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Main The Rock 38R daughter Sold for $7,000 to Bremner Charolais, Dauphin, MB.

Lot 46, HEJ YALE 36Y (Polled, Red Factor, 110 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by MAIN The Rock 38R, out of a Merit Data Buster 73K daughter Sold for $5,800 to Spring Valley Ranch, Hill Spring Lot 33, RASM YORK 98Y (Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb BW, 38 cm), sired by

Sparrows Fargo 811U, out of a RASM Kool Kut 102K daughter Sold for $5,600 to A Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK.

Lot 16, HEJ YOSEMITE SAM 71Y (Polled, 106 lb BW, 34 cm), sired by HEJ Vanilla Ice 57T, out of a Merit Data Buster 73K daughter. Sold for $5,000 to David Royer, Coon Rapids, Iowa.

10 Charolais Banner • May 2012
$191,600 $4,354
HEJ Charolais Bull Sale February 24, 2012
Innisfail, AB
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Wyatt Farms selected the second high selling bull Jack Bremner took a high selling bull back to Manitoba White Lake Colony purchased the high selling bull Church Ranches, Balzac selected 3 high selling bulls
2ND SALE UP $1400
Coldstream Ranch, Vernon, BC, was a volume buyer selecting 7 bulls

VERY STRONG DEMAND Charolais Power Bull Sale

Charolais Power Bull Sale

March 8, 2012 • Veteran, AB

Gross Average

30 Yearling Bulls $152,600 $5,086 60 Two Year Old Bulls 341,700 5,695

90 Lots $494,300 $5,492

Auctioneer: Dan Skeels

A good crowd was on hand to purchase from these three great breeders. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat buyers, both purebred and commercial producers

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 50, LEGL FREEWAY 80X (Polled, 88 lb BW, 41 5 cm), sired by NCLB Free Way 512R, out of an MNE Navajo 6N daughter Sold for $9,600 to Desert Land Cattle Co., Oyen. Consigned by Letniaks Charolais, Consort.

Lot 33, LEGL CRAVEN 35X (Polled, 88 lb BW, 44 5 cm), sired by MSW Craven Red 29M, out of an LLW Code Red PLD 47P daughter. Sold for $8,700 to Sungrass Livestock, Veteran Consigned by Letniaks Charolais.

Lot 39, LEGL MAJOR 56X (Polled, Red Factor, 108 lb. BW, 41 cm), sired by LLW Major PLD 100T, out of an NCLB Free Way 521R daughter. Sold for $8,600 to Goodbrand Livestock, Veteran Consigned by Letniaks Charolais

Lot 43, LEGL DIABLO 69X (110 lb. BW, 38 cm), sired by LLW Diablo PLD 15U, out of a PCC Beefmaker 65S daughter Sold for $8,100 to Glen & Brian Quast, Hanna. Consigned by Letniaks Charolais.

Lot 26, FAWCETTS MARATHON 81X (Polled, 112 lb. BW, 43 cm), sired by MXS Marathon 849U, out of a Fawcett’s Pld Hank 24P daughter Sold for $7,900 to Greg Kitt, Veteran. Consigned by Fawcett Cattle Co., Consort.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 88, FOOTPRINT SIR 113Y (Polled, 98 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by Footprints Cowboy Up 822U, out of a Nelson daughter. Sold for $7,400 to Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake, MB Consigned by Footprint Farms, Esther.

Lot 84, FOOTPRINT SIR 108Y (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by DYV SVY Warrior 2W, out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N daughter Sold for $6,200 to Stan Pawlow, Vermillion Consigned by Footprint Farms Lot 82, FOOTPRINT SIR 103Y (Polled, 95 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017P, out of a Sparrows Cuatro 708T daughter. Sold for $5,900 to Bill Smith, Sibbald Consigned by Footprint


Chomiak Bull Sale

Maple Leaf Paladin 471P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Gord Rattray, Blackfoot

The Chomiak family hosted their 8th Annual sale, which was up over last year. Despite a very wintery day a large crowd was on hand which helped drive

Lot 13, JOHN CLASSIC 65X (Polled, Full French, 95 lb BW, 41 cm), sired by JR Ufano CW Martel 707T, out of a

Lot 12, JOKN BONANZA 63X (Polled, 102 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by Stauffers Hazzard 59R, out of a Stutheits Sonny 603S daughter. Sold for $4,300 to William Schmidt, Tofeild.

Lot 1, JOHN EMPIREW 2X (103 lb BW, 39 cm), sired by DBAR Synergy 721T, out of a DBAR Survivor 220M daughter Sold for $3,900 to Kelly Anderson, Minburn

Lot 3, JOHN OLYMPIC 6X (Polled/s, 105 lb BW, 34 cm), sired by KCM Terex 333N, out of a PCC Lexus

804H daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Harvey Nahirmiak, Round Hill High Selling Females

Lot 35, JOHN Katarina 52X (Polled), sired by JOHN Canon 20T, out of an E CEE Katmandu 200B daughter, bred to Eaton’s Beyond Value 00209. Sold for $2,600 to Ray Jacula Farms, Vermillion.

Lot 36, JOHN ROXY 54W (Polled), sired by Stauffers Hazzard 59R, out of a Bar Diamond Futurist 21C daughter, bred to Eaton’s Beyond Value 00209, for $2,600 to Ray Jacula Farms, Vermillion

Charolais Banner • May 2012 11
Ian Goodbrand bought 2 high selling two year old bulls Jim Nugent bought 7 bulls for PFRA Tully Hatch took the high selling yearling back to Manitoba Nester Ranching bought 4 bulls
Chomiak Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale February 25, 2012 • Viking, AB Gross Average 19 Two Year Old Bulls $55,400 $2,915 11 Bred Females 21,900 1,990 30 Lots $77,300 $2,576
Quinn Wagstaff selected a new herdsire for Desert Land and Cattle
up the average High Selling Bulls

TOP OF $34,000 Tip the Scale

7th Annual “Tip The Scale” Angus and Charolais Bull Sale

February 20, 2012 • Donalda, AB Gross Average

38 Bulls $228,050 $6,001

Auctioneer: Ron Pederson

A great set of bulls were sold at this annual sale. The Vikses doubled the number of bulls in this year’s sale, but the great demand for Charolais bulls pushed the average up $1,370 over last year

High Selling Bulls

Lot 46, VFF TIME OUT 172Y(Polled, 98 lb. BW, 41.5 cm), sired by SDC Time Out 88T, out of an LHD MR Perfect Y416 daughter. Sold for $34,000 to Circle CEE Charolais, Lamont and Excel Charolais, St Paul Lot 32, ALT PILGRIM 56Y (Polled, 97 lb BW, 36 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of a Moore’s Legacy 117L daughter Sold for $11,000 to Stan Skeels, Rimbey and

Bill and Linda Pollock, Rimbey.

Lot 33, ALT PILGRIM 66Y (Polled , 97 lb BW, 36 5 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of a Cardinal Bonanza daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Evan Roberts, Westlock.

Lot 47, VFF TIME OUT 97Y (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 38.5 cm), sired by SDC Time Out 88T, out of an SOS Hemi PLD 65N daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Jim Weller, Daysland

Lot 44, ALT PILGRIM 55Y (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 38.5 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of an HFCC PLD Bond 19L Sold for $7,750 to Wayne Leskow, Edgerton

Lot 37, ALT SPICER 77Y (Polled, 94 lb BW, 36 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of an HFCC PLD Bond 19L Sold for $7,000 to Dan and Jodie Guhle, Daysland.

LOT 39, ALT PILGRIM 61Y (Polled, 97 lb BW, 38 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of an HFCC


Clear Lake Bull Sale

Morgan 8U, out of a Pro Char Bacardi 9S daughter Sold for $4,500 to A Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK.

Lot 19, Clear Lake Red Dream 138Y (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 40 5 cm), sired by KBK Rally 24T, out of a Pro Char Slammer 50T daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Jarvis Livestock, Westlock

Auctioneer: Billy Fleming

This was the second sale for the Clear Lake crew We saw increases in every area with more bulls sold, higher average than last year and a nice rise in the gross.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 1, CLEAR LAKE MERCURY 36X (98 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Fargo 811U, out of an HFCC PLD Evolution 5L daughter. Sold for $3,800 to Cole Parsons, Tees

High Selling Yearlings

Lot 26, CLEAR LAKE JAGER TEF 173Y (Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb. BW, 34 5 cm), sired by Pro Char CPTN


105Y (Polled, 91 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by PCC Sudden Impact 848U, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $3,700 to Frank and Bill Schmurman, Barrhead

Lot 30, CLEAR LAKE HERK TEF 186Y (Polled, 98 lb BW, 36 cm), sired by ACC Hercules 31R, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234P daughter Sold for $3,500 to SRC Ranching, Bruderheim.

Lot 13, CL IMPRESSIVE TEF 120Y(Polled, 87 lb BW, 36 5 cm), sired by Gerrard Montezuma 6T, out of a Sparrows Ransom 709T daughter. Sold for $3,400 to SRC Ranching


101Y (Polled, 110 lb BW, 35 5 cm), sired by Pro Char CPTN Morgan 8U, out of an EXL Trade Wind 472P daughter. Sold for $3,400 to Dan Loewen, Rosemary

12 Charolais Banner • May 2012
PLD Bond 19L Sold for $6,000 to Paradise Ranch, Medicine Hat Circle Cee Charolais teamed up with Excel Ranching to purchase the high selling bull Jim Weller, a many time repeat customer, bought an other bull
Clear Lake Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 3, 2012 • Tiger Lily, AB Gross Average 21 Yearling Bulls $64,100 $3,052 6 Two Year Old Bulls 15,900 2,650 27 Bulls $80,000 $2,962
Douglas Lake Ranch took 3 bulls home to BC MORE Jarvis livestock bought in volume taking 3 bulls Garth Rogers was a volume buyer selecting 6 bulls SRC Ranching bought 3 bulls
Charolais Banner • May 2012 13

SIX TO BREEDERS Pro-Char Bull Sale

Pro-Char Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale

February 26, 2012 • Glenevis, AB

Gross Average

26 Yearling Bulls $139,450 $5,363

12 Two Year Old Bulls 62,500 5,208

38 Lots $201,950 $5,314

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

After selling at the North Central Charolais Breeders sale for 15 years the Prokudas went with their own sale at the farm A large selection of red factor bulls were on offer, with both commercial and purebred breeders selecting bulls this kept the sale very strong

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 27, PRO CHAR GATOR 73X (Polled, Red Factor, 86 lb BW, 41 cm), sired by Pro Char Cigar 10U, out of a Sandyridge Rivot 84S daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge

Lot 28, PRO CHAR CHICO 12X (Polled, Red Factor, 78 lb. BW, 42 cm), sired by Pro Char Cigar 10U, out of a Wrangler Headliner 28N daughter Sold for $7,500 to Warren Wolgamuth, Valleyview

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, PRO CHAR ROADSTER 4Y (Polled, Red Factor, 98 lb. BW, 38 cm), sired by Pro Char CPTN. Morgan 8U,

out of a Pro Char Maxim 38N daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Wrangler Charolais Westlock Lot 8, PRO CHAR WEASLEY 55Y (Polled, Red Factor, 77 lb. BW, 36.5 cm), sired by Pro Char CPTN. Morgan 8U, out of a Stutheits Sonny 603S daughter Sold for $8,000 to Wawedash Farms, Alsask, SK Lot 12, PRO CHAR CASPER 10Y (Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb BW, 39 cm), sired by Pro Char CPTN Morgan 8U, out of a JWX Triple Play 34T daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Briar Ridge Stock Farm, Hylo.

Lot 11, PRO CHAR MONGO 17Y (Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb BW, 39 5 cm), sired by Pro Char Mongo 57U, out of a Wrangler Headliner 28N daughter. Sold for $6,250 to George Zinyk, Evansburg


(Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb. BW, 35 cm), sired by Pro Char CPTN Morgan 8U, out of a 2UP Peugeot daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Hagman Cattle Co., Mayerthorpe


Palmer Charolais Bull Sale

Nielson Land & Cattle High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 11, RGP REMINGTON 101Y (4th Gen Polled, 793 lb 205 DW, 1,475 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a Sharp Hills 184F daughter. Sold for $8,250 to HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB.

Polled/s, Red Factor, 90 lb BW, 2 BW EPD, 1,435 lbs , 37 cm), sired by LAE Western Hummer 827U, out of a Lang’s Red Soldier 22S daughter. Sold

A big crowd filled the shop at Palmer Charolais for this powerpoint sale This was their first sale and buyers from across the three prairie provinces selected from this sound, good performance offering. The 11 Red Angus averaged $3,782 and the 22 Black Angus averaged $4,105 for

Lot 19, HVA REFEREE 115Y (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 103 lb. BW, 100 YW EPD, 1,400 lbs., 39 cm, Leptin TT), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a Whitecap Justice 67R daughter Sold for $7,500 to Miller Charolais, Milk River, AB

Lot 3, RGP WALNUT 387Y (Double

14 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Wayne Hislop added a high selling bull to his Wawedash herd Briar Ridge Stock Farm bought a high selling yearling David and Kristina Prokuda present Sherry and Wade Meakin from Wrangler Charolais a painting for buying the high selling bull Hagman Cattle Co bought 2 bulls
$139,800 $4,369
Palmer Charolais & Nielson Land & Cattle Co. 1st Bull Sale
March 5, 2012 • Bladworth, SK
Yearling Bulls
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
Harry Airey bought the high selling bull Cam Logan took a high seller back to AB continued on the bottom of page 15


Beck Farms Bull Sale

Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co 3rd Annual Bull Sale

February 25, 2012 • Regina, SK

Gross Average

4 Two Year Old Bulls $ 20,600 $4,213

27 Yearling Bulls 113,750 5,150

31 Lots $134,350 $4,334

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

This sale, featuring Charolais bulls from Beck Farms of Lang and Gelbvieh & Hereford bulls from McCoy Cattle Co of Milestone, saw a blustery day keep some people away, but not enough to hold the average down. The average was up on all breeds with a very steady sale seeing most bulls selling between $3,000 and $5,000. Many repeat customers were among the buyers.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 66, BECK’S PUZZLE 057X (Polled, 1.2 BW EPD, 1,925 lbs.), sired by Beck’s Ricky Bobby 10S, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter Sold for $6,250 to Kevan Adderley, Weyburn.

Lot 64, BECK’S DIEGO 017X (76 lb. BW, .8 BW EPD, 1,820 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of a Sparrows Authentic 6S daughter Sold for $5,500 to PFRA, Regina.

High Selling Year ling Bulls

Lot 47, BECK’S RIDER 120Y (99 lb BW, 106 YW EPD, 1,440 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Panama 826U, out of a Beck’s Toko 33R daughter Sold for $6,100 to Mile East Farm, Milestone.

Lot 39, BECK’S SEQUENCE 107Y (Double Polled, 96 lb BW, 102 YW EPD, 1,425 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Panama 826U, out of a Winn Mans The Game 102L daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Gerald & Glenn Walkeden, Tribune

Lot 36, BECK’S DESPERADO 103Y (Polled, 90 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 1,385 lbs , 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Sparrows Authentic 6S daughter Sold for $5,400 to Mark Dombrowsky, Avonlea.

Lot 40, BECK’S MESH 109Y (Double Polled, 98 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 1,410 lbs , 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Panama 826U, out of a Winn Mans The Game 102L daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Rob Robinson, Lake Alma.

Lot 42, BECK’S CODE 112Y (Double Polled, 105 lb. BW, 101 YW EPD, 1,420

lbs , 39 cm), sired by Sparrows

Panama 826U, out of a Winn Mans

The Game 102L daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Mark Dombrowsky.

Lot 45, BECK’S WARRIOR 114Y (Double Polled, 80 lb BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 1,325 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Lohse Farm & Ranch, Beaubier

for $5,600 to Rob Hoffman, Oyen, AB

Lot 20, RGP REVENUE 200Y (100 lb. BW, 807 lb. 205 DW, 1,435 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a Silverbirch Mystery 27H daughter Sold for $5,250 to Cal Logan, Oyen, AB

Lot 13, HVA REGENT 87Y (3rd Gen Polled, 110 bl BW, 105 YW EPD, 1,445 lbs , 42 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a Sparrows Advantage 230H daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Byran Clark, Denzil.

Lot 1, RGP WHISTLE 61Y (108 lb BW, 1,625 lbs , 41 cm), sired by HVA Wheeler 3W, out

of a JMB Impact 631S daughter Sold for $5,000 to Matador Grazing Co op, Kyle

Lot 9, RGP ROCKET 616Y (3rd Gen Polled, 108 lb BW, 1,485 lbs , 40 cm, Leptin TT), sired by Merit 8789U, out of an E CEE Katmandu 200B daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Len Palmer, Bladworth

Lot 25, HVA ROUGHNECK 614Y (1 1 BW EPD, 92 YW

EPD, 1,375 lbs , 39 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a Sparrows Zodiak 613K daughter Sold for $5,000 to Gary Tweedle, Harris.

Charolais Banner • May 2012 15
Aaron Wilkie purchased the high selling yearling Repeat customers Gerald & Glenn Walkeden bought another top bull Kevan Adderley bought four including the high selling two year old Rick Klassen purchased two good bulls Val & Gord Miller purchased the second high seller Randy Aimes bought 10 for the PFRA in cluding 4 Charolais

High Country Bull Sale

38th Annual High Country Bull Sale March 3, 2012 • Pincher Creek, AB

Gross Average

26 Two Year Old Bulls $143,000 $5,500 23 Yearling Bulls 105,300 4,578

49 Lots $248,300 $5,067

Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins

Once again this group of southern Alberta breeders put together a strong offering of bulls at this long running sale. Demand was strong with the average up by $1,479 over last year

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 23, JS NAVAJO RED 15X (Polled, Red Factor, 110 lb. BW), sired by JS Stallone 17U, out of a JS Merit’s Chieftan 226K daughter Sold for $9,000 to Slack Farms, Harrisburg, SD & KCH Charolais, Rapid City, MB. Consigned by Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek

Lot 45, BAR J REMINGTON 78X (Polled, 95 lb BW, YW EDP of 81), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Rosso New Horizon 8L daughter Sold for $6,700 to Lakeside Colony, Cranford. Consigned by Char Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek.

Lot 20, JS REMAX 11X (100 lb. BW, YW EPD of 82), sired by FFBB Lariet PLD 828U, out of a JS Hansome 114M daughter Sold for $6,600 to Flat Valley Farms, Hilda Consigned by Sproule Charolais.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 12, CTP MR YZERMAN 151Y (Polled, 103 lb BW, YW EPD of 70), sired by LAE Blue Sky 806U, out of a CTP Mr. Stetson 34P daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Ernie Pighin, Cranbrook, BC Consigned by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek


Louber Farm Bull Sale

Lot 37, JS SOCIABLE 5Y (Polled Red Factor, 90 lb BW), sired by HTA Tuff Enuff 947W, out of a JWX Red Pierce 54T daughter Sold for $6,250 to East Cardston Colony, Cardston. Consigned by Sproule Charolais.

Lot 39, JS MOULON ROUGE 10Y (Polled, Red Factor, 118 lb. BW), sired by JWX Back Draft 32U, out of a JS Hansome 114M daughter Sold for $5,700 to East Cardston Colony, Cardston. Consigned by Sproule Charolais.

Lot 2, CTP MR PARAMOUNT 729Y (Polled, 98 lb. BW, YW EPD of 79), sired by HTA Bravia 855U, out of a Rolling D Paramount 424P daughter Sold for $5,500 to Ernie Pighin, Cranbrook, BC. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais.

Louber Farm Bull Sale

March 3, 2012 • Ste Marie, QC Gross Average

31 Yearling Bulls $110,050 $3,550

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, LOUB 108Y (Double Polled, 106 lb BW, 1,454 lb YW, 38 cm, 68 8

LMY), sired by Pleasant Dawn Top Dog 71S, out of a Marquis daughter Sold for $6,700 to Cedar View Charolais, Alcove Lot 4, LOUB 35X (Double Polled, 1,412 lb YW, 41 cm, 6 3 Frame Score), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter

Sold for $5,900 to Gerard Raby, St Paul

Lot 17, LOUB 43X (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, .7 BW EPD, 67 LMY, Frame 5 9), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $5,900 to JMP Quirion, St Honore


engineering and was committed to increase awareness of Professional Engineers and their contribution to society He actively endorses Canadian engineering expertise beyond Canadian borders Under his leadership, Hemisphere Engineering was one of the first engineering firms in Western Canada to introduce the Computer Aided Drafting and Design software.

Hemisphere was awarded Canada’s first high containment laboratory project and is now internationally known for the specialized design of notable bio containment laboratory projects.

John has also served his community in a variety of ways through various organization demonstrating his willingness to serve, along with his commitment to be socially and politically responsible

This is a regional situation but has an impact on many Charolais breeders who sell 100s of bulls to the PFRA every year who in turn use them in their pastures and charge breeding fees in a user pay situation. We will need to wait and see how this plays out and what will happen with the pastures Most of the pastures are owned by the province so in fact could fall under the provincial pasture systems

July sees the annual CCYA conference and show being held in Olds, Alberta, and this year the CCA AGM will be held in conjunction with it Plan to attend both these events which are always worthwhile places to network and see what your association is doing This is your opportunity to give your input on the future direction of the Charolais industry.

Remember that when the grass is green and the cattle are in good condition it is the best time to take pictures for advertising, websites and sale catalogues Our next issue is the Annual Herdsire edition and if Craig or I can help you with your promotion in any way please contact us. We are here to help in any way we can.

Until next time, Helge

16 Charolais Banner • May 2012

A Sparrow Farms Bull Sale

A Sparrow Farms Ltd Annual Bull Sale

March 9, 2012 • Vanscoy, SK

Gross Average

3 Two Year Old Bulls $ 19,250 $6,417 52 Yearling Bulls 365,450 7,028

55 Lots $384,700 $6,995

Auctioneer: Mike Fleury

11 breeders from Alberta to Ontario selected new herdsires at this year’s sale. The shop at Sparrow Farms was once again full of enthusiastic cattlemen most of whom are many time repeat customers The feature sire group this year were the sons of Winn Mans Lanza with 17 sons averaging over $11,000.

High Selling Two Year Old Lot 53, SPARROWS FRANKFORT 87X (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 801 lb. 205 DW, 12 year old dam, 2,047 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Chiapas 57R, out of an LT Wind star 6101 Pld daughter Sold for $10,750 to HEJ Charolais, Innisfail, AB.

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 29, SPARROWS KINGSTON 139Y (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 54 WW EPD, 118 YW EPD, 25 6 Milk EPD, 1,471 lbs , 42 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Matador 7K daughter Sold for $35,000 to Herb Johnson & Wrangler Charolais, Barrhead, AB & Pro Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB.

Lot 20, SPARROWS HOMBRE 128Y (Polled, 88 lb. BW, 104 YW EPD, 21.2 Milk EPD, 1,421 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter Sold for $18,500 to Beck Charolais, Lang

Lot 4, SPARROWS TERRACE 110Y (Polled/s, 90 lb BW, 822 lb 205 DW, 114 YW EPD, 1,569 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a

Sparrows Cerveza 106S daughter. Sold for $18,000 to White Lake Colony, Barons, AB Lot 7, SPARROWS NIXON 111Y (92 lb BW, 853 lb 205 DW, 1,570 lbs , 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter Sold for $16,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach

Lot 10, SPARROWS BENSON 117Y (Double Polled, 92 lb BW, 808 lb WW, 51 YW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 1,514 lbs , 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of an ABC Nuevo daughter. Sold for $15,000 to N3 Stock Farm, Admiral.

Lot 3, SPARROWS SULTAN 105Y (88 lb. BW, 102 YW EPD, 24.3 Milk EPD, 1,503 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Cerveza 106S daughter Sold for $10,000 to Colburn Farms, Delisle

Lot 44, SPARROWS LAZAO 180Y (Polled, 112 lb. BW, 881 lbs. 205 DW, 59 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 1,403 lbs , 40 5 cm), sired by ABC Nuevo, out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N daughter Sold for $9,250 to Winn Man Farms, Winnipegosis, MB.

Lot 17, SPARROWS MEXX 126Y (1 1 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 824 lb 205 DW, 1,501 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Paul Murray, Provost, AB

Lot 30, SPARROWS VAQUERO 152Y (Polled, 85 lb. BW, 829 lb. 205 DW, 1,410 lbs ), sired by Sparrows

Charolais Semen For Sale

Panama 826U, out of an ABC Latoro 263G daughter Sold for $9,000 to Kelly Topham, Eastend

Other Semen

40 doses Adventure (Angus) 7 doses Star Power (Simmental) 1 dose Sweetmeat (Simmental) Sell individually or as a package. Contact Wayne & Jessie Crosby 902.675.3204 •

Charolais Banner • May 2012 17
Jerry Hofer purchased the third high seller for White Lake Colony Lyle & Norman Wilson added another Spar row bull to the many others they have Wade Meakin, Herb Johnson & David Prokuda teamed up to buy the high seller Mason & Wade Beck selected the second high seller Ron Elder & Donna Ross took Nixon home
31 doses LT Wyoming Wind 9 doses M6 Gridmaker 8 doses Winn Mans Original 6 doses LT Rio Bravo 5 doses LT Rio Blanco 6 doses WCR Prime Cut 9 doses SVS Mastercard
2 doses Elder's Coco 1 dose LHD Cigar 7 doses DBAR Survivor 26 doses Wat Cha Nth Degree 3 doses 2UP Peugeot 2 doses RPJ Rio Chico 4 doses Crystal D Pierce

Horseshoe E Bull Sale

Horseshoe E Chaorlais Bull Sale

March 10, 2012 • Moose Jaw, SK

Gross Average

10 Two Year Old Bulls $ 48,100 $4,810

40 1/4 Yearling Bulls 221,200 5,496

50 1/4 Lots $269,300 $5,359

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

A full house of commercial producers and purebred breeders came to this annual sale The sons of Sparrows Landmark set the pace pushing the average up $1,100 over last year with nine bulls selling into purebred herds.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 49, LAE RANCH HAND 143X (3rd Gen Polled, 5 BW EPD, 2,050 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of an MNE Exclusive 17E daughter Sold for $6,800 to Bossence Farms, Mortlach.

Lot 46, BNE XANCHEZ 15X (3rd Gen. Polled, 94 lb. BW, 2,085 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter Sold for $6,000 to Blairs Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 33, LAE JUICE BOX 190Y (Polled, 2 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 24.1 Milk EPD, 1,495 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an MNE Exclusive 17E daughter. Sold for $23,000 for 3/4 interest to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite & Louber Farms, Ste Marie, QC

Lot 17, LAE LANDLORD 142Y (Polled/s, 1 6 BW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 1,535 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an MNE Golden Eagle 25W daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon.


President: Dar win Rosso Secretar y/Treasurer: Murray Blake

Lot 16, LAE YES MAN 138Y (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, 1,470 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361l, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter Sold for $12,000 for 3/4 interest to Diamond W Charolais, Hudson Bay.

Lot 15, LAE YOUNGSTOWN 134Y (Polled, 7 BW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,515 lbs , 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $10,000 to HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB & Everview Charolais, Binscarth, MB

Lot 31, LAE YAKKETY YAK 184Y (Double Polled, 814 lb. 205 DW, 1,385 lbs , 40 cm), sired by LAE Shockin Y’All 659S, out of an MSW Craven Red 29M daughter Sold for $6,700 to Chris Walsh, Beechy

Lot 12, BNE LANDSLIDE 3Y (Polled/s, 1 8 BW EPD, 25 8 Milk EPD, 1,525 lbs , 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an MNE Exclusive 17E daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Char Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB

Lot 40, BNE YORKSHIRE 12Y (110 lb. BW, 69 WW EPD, 124 YW EPD, 1,425 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an HEJ Ripper 66P daughter Sold for $6,000 to Terry Sliworsky, Winnipegosis, MB


Wood River Charolais Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 T: 478 2520

• woodrivercharolais@sasktel net


N3 Stock Far ms

Lyle & Lynn Wilson

Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0

T: 297 6263

Rosso Charolais

Dar win & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2

T: 693 2384 • rosso c@sasktel net

Char-Top Charolais

Glen & Lyn Sauder

Box 569, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0

T: 672 3979

Prairie Sky Far ms

Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0 T: 868 4429

18 Charolais Banner • May 2012
John & Craig Wilgenbusch teamed up with Bernard Begin on the high seller Richard & Wade Sydorko purchased the second high seller Ivan & Orland Walker selected the third high seller Sheldon & Stuart Lewis took a Landmark back to Pincher Creek Ray Airey & Kevin Boucher teamed up on a high selling Landmark
Far ms
Garner & Lori Deobald Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 T/F: 677 2589 • g deobald@sasktel

2012: Rocky Mountain Memories

Changes to Note for this Conference

Are you looking to make some “Rocky Mountain Memories” this summer? If so, be sure to come out to Olds, Alberta, this July for another fun filled CCYA. We are promising some very exciting opportunities, however, with these opportunities come some notable changes for this year only.

The first and most significant change is that the dates have changed and it will be held the week earlier, running from Tuesday through Friday. This means the conference will run from Tuesday, July 10th until Friday, July 13th Hopefully superstition doesn’t scare anyone from coming!

The change to these dates is where the exciting opportunity comes This year every participant that chooses will have the opportunity to compete through Summer Synergy for a Calgary Stampede Scholarship! There will be over $50,000 in scholarship money awarded to exhibitors of all ages To be eligible for a scholarship

CCYA National Board charolaisyouth@gmail com

President: Michael Hunter 780 581 9005 mike hunter40@hotmail com

Vice President: Luke Marshall futureal@telusplanet net

Treasurer: Kirstin Sparrow kp sparrow@hotmail com

Secretary: Sarah Weinbender sarahbarah 8@hotmail com

there are only two additional requirements outside of your regular CCYA participation. If you are interested in a scholarship, you need to go to www summersynergy ca and do the Summer Synergy marketing component, as soon as you finish reading this newsletter. Please note that the Synergy and CCYA age categories are different so do your synergy marketing based on Synergy’s age groups! The other is on your regular CCYA registration form there will be a box to be checked if you are doing the Synergy marketing. There will also be the additional Synergy fee if you check this box You also need to understand that if you sign up for the Synergy marketing it will not help your CCYA points and if you are selected as a finalist for a scholarship you will have to attend an interview Saturday the 14th all day! If you are not interested in a scholarship then you will not be affected and it will be just as every other CCYA! And not participating in Synergy will not affect your CCYA points.

Director: Autumn Jackson a jackson 22@hotmail com

Director: Travis Jozwiak jozwiak@telus net

Director: Candace Alexander candace641@hotmail com

Director: Michael Hogg topcharolais@hotmail com

CCYA 2012 Conference Executive

Co President: Megan McLeod, Miranda Ross

Vice Pres: Luke Marshall

Secretary: Samantha Sperber

Treasurer: JT Ross

CCYA Provincial Presidents

AB: Russell Gallelli 403 804 7442

MB: Haylan Jackson 204 564 2547

ON: Candace Alexander 519 353 5029

SK: Brandon Sparrow 306 292 9820

The other opportunity for this year we will be doing a multi judging in combination with Synergy This will give everyone an opportunity to broaden and strengthen his or her judging skills

The one notable change the National Board made in January to the Rules & Regulations is that we have made a full slate of commercial classes instead of just the previous bred heifers So anyone with commercial heifer calves, bred heifers, or cow/calf pairs get them ready to come to Olds this summer!

I know that there have been a lot of changes for this year and it will be new for everyone The only real changes however are for before and after the CCYA conference so from the 10th to 13th it is still just CCYA! I’m sure that there will be questions involving all of this so if anyone has ANY questions at all, please contact me so we can all make some “Rocky Mountain Memories” this summer.

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso 306 693 2384

ON: Katrina Coughlin 613 897 0044

MB: Donna Jackson 204 564 2547/ Barb Airey 204 328 7103

AB: Loretta Paget 780 877 3985

Youth Coordinator: Katrina Coughlin katrina coughlin@gmail com

Charolais Banner • May 2012 19
The Canadian Charolais Youth Association is currently accepting applications for the position of YOUTH COORDINATOR Responsibilities of the Coordinator include: administer/oversee finances, update and liaise with CCA, edit articles, newsletters, and other material, manage website content, review meeting agendas and minutes, record and track programs and proposals, and record conference and show points and placings
apply please send a cover letter and resume to:
or send us an email if you would like more information.
an asset Strong organizational skills are essential This is a part time position demanding approximately 160 hours per year
May 31, 2012,


Norther n Alliance Bull Sale

14th Annual Northern Alliance Bull Sale

March 16, 2012

• Spiritwood, SK Gross Average

1 Two Year Old Bull $5,500 $5,500 33 Yearling Bulls 173,350 5,250

34 Lots $178,850 $5,260

Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer

Martens Cattle Co , Glenbush and Big Valley Charolais, Mayfair provide the Charolais bulls to this long running multi breed sale. Solid purebred interest in the Marten’s program pushed the average up from last year with bulls selling into two provinces and one state

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 9, MXS CANYON 136Y (Polled, 13 year old dam, 903 lb 205 DW, 1,545 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an MNE Exclusive 17E daughter Sold for $17,000 to Lakeview Charolais,

Marwayne, AB and Misty Hills Charolais, Vermilion, AB Consigned by Martens Cattle Co , Glenbush

Lot 8, MXS VICTORY 122Y (Double Polled/s, 1093 lb 205 DW, 1,600 lbs , 38 cm), sired by Erixon’s Spitfire 127T, out of an LT Western Spur 2061 Pld daughter Sold for $10,000 to Lakeview Charolais. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co.

Lot 20, MXS KEYSTONE 159Y (Polled, 112 lb. BW, 55 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,545 lbs , 38 5 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Dale Corbeil, Loon Lake Consigned by Martens Cattle Co

Lot 16, MXS ROYAL 149Y (Double Polled, 93 lb BW, 899 lb 205 DW, 1,465 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter Sold for


$7,000 to Clarence Leer, Loon Lake, Consigned by Martens Cattle Co

Lot 12, MXS ENERGRY 139Y (Red Factor, 106 lb BW, 1,510 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Erixon’s Spitfire 127T, out of a Sparrows Wisdom 335K daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Crisp Ranches, Monitor, AB Consigned by Martens Cattle Co.

Lot 7, MXS Hot Streak 125Y (Double Polled, 1,015 lb. 205 DW, 21.6 Milk EPD, 1,480 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Erixon’s Spitfire 127T, out of an MXS Prozak 37K daughter Sold for $6,500 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co

Lot 4, MXS HENDRIX 108Y (Polled, 98 lb BW, 1,560 lbs , 38 5 cm), sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of a CSS Sir Navigator 77S daughter. Sold for $6,400 to LaClare Land & Cattle. Edam Consigned by Martens Cattle Co

Buffalo Lake & Guests

Sold for $7,800 to Harvey Christianson, Big Valley Consigned by Wilkie Ranch.

The Bignells and the Wilkies once again offered a powerful set of yearling and two year old bulls. A great day saw a large crowd which helped drive the average up by $1,951 over last year Most of the bulls were sold to repeat customers

High Selling Two Year Olds

Lot 54, DWK XERON 71X (Full French, 96 lb BW, 36 5 cm), sired by LIG Natel 6N, out of a PCS Leader 16l daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Dave Shand, Hanna. Consigned by Wilkie Ranch

Lot 58, CEWW STANLEY 104X (Polled, Full French, 98 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by DWK Classic Martel 4N, out of an LWR Channing 2C daughter

Lot 56, DWK XBOX 73X (Full French, 97 lb BW, 38 5 cm), sired by LIG Natel 6N, out of a Sir FHS Abracadabra 54N daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Dave Shand, Hanna. Consigned by Wilkie Ranch. High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, BLC BONANZA 8Y (100 lb BW, 36 cm), sired by Sparrows Caracas 230S, out of an E CEE Katmandu 200B daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Sharp Hills Charolais, Sedalia

Lot 11, BLC DEXTER 21Y (100 lb BW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Caracas 230S, out of a 2UP Peugeot daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Glen Quast, Stettler.

Lot 21, BLC Y NOW 33Y (Polled, 112 lb. BW, 3 6cm), sired by FFBB Wynn PLD 961W, out of a Sparrows Caracas 230S daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Ken Lang, Killiam

Lot 25, BLC ROB 41Y (Polled, 96 lb.

BW, 36 cm), sired by RGP Senator 761S, out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N daughter Sold for $7,200 to Merv Teows, Stettler.

Lot 38, BLC RANCHER 65Y (Polled, 107 lb BW, 31 cm), sired by FFBB Wynn PLD 961W, out of an RGP Senator 761S daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Terry Rowledge, Erskine

20 Charolais Banner • May 2012
UP $1,900
Buffalo Lake and Guests Charolais Bull Sale March 15, 2012 • Stettler, AB Gross Average 37 Yearling Bulls $199,200 $5,383 13 Two Year Old Bulls 81,900 6,300 50 Lots $281,100 $5,622
Auctioneer: Allen McMillan
Merv Teows bought 3 high selling yearling bulls Ralph Thornton se lected the high selling yearling bull Dave Shand bought 2 high selling two year old bulls

9th Annual Family Tradition Bull Sale

March 16, 2012 • Dropmore, MB Gross Average 11 Two Year Old Bulls $ 54,700 $4,972 20 Yearling Bulls 82,000 4,100 31 Lots $136,700 $4,410

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler

Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock

The excellent weather continued and a good crowd came to this annual event, hosted by High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis and Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore, with bulls selling into three provinces and one state The six Simmental yearling bulls averaged $4,066. Many repeat customers were on the buyers’ list with strong local support

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 26, HBSF EXCEDE 27X (Double Polled, 90 lb BW, 5 BW EPD, 37 5 cm), sired by Gerrard Diego 18U, out of an SCX Duke 138P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn Lot 29, HBSF SAN DIEGO 123X

(Double Polled, 99 lb BW, 41 cm), sired by Gerrard Diego 18U, out of a Winn Mans Original 548R daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Walking Plow Charolais, Woodmore Lot 28, HBSF EXPORT 109X (Double Polled, 100 lb BW, 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Origianl 548R, out of an HTA Blockbuster Pld 620F daughter Sold for $5,500 to Eldon Johnson, Roblin

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 19, HBSF YANKE 49Y (Double Polled, 100 lb. BW, 805 lb. 205 DW, 1,450 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Esperenza 835U, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Doll Charolais, New Salem, ND.

Lot 21, HBSF YEAGER 70Y (Polled, ET, 104 lb. BW, 803 lb. 205 DW, 1,400 lbs , 39 cm), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of a DCR Mr Tom Terrific J996 daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Pittman Charolais, Milk River, AB

Lot 17, HBSF YOGI BERRA 31Y (Polled, 85 lb BW, 1 7 BW EPD, 93

Charolais Banner • May 2012 21
YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans Esperenza
out of
Winn Mans Original
daughter. Sold for $5,250 to Pittman Charolais. AVERAGE UP $700 Family Tradition Bull Sale David Doll bought the high selling bull Cliff and Amy Graydon purchased the second high selling two year old Kevin Stebeleski selected the high selling two year old SYLVAN & KAREN MARTENS • BOX 85, GLENBUSH, SK S0M 0Z0 306-342-2099 MXS C ANYON 136Y MXS VICTORY 122Y
you to Misty
AB and
AB for purchasing this
who was the high seller in the Nor ther n
and buyers
Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne,
Landmark son
Thanks to all our many bidders
for a great sale including these purebred breeders
added MXS genetics to build their herds… Brevig Charolais, Lewistown, MT; Lazy S Charolais, Beaver lodge, AB and Be-Rich Farms, Kitscoty, AB Thanks also to Lakeview Ranch for selecting this Spitfire son, who was the second high seller.

McTavish Bull Sale

McTavish Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale

March 13, 2012 • Moosomin, SK

Gross Average

3 Two Year Old Bulls $9,000 $3,000 24 Yearling Bulls 96,650 4,027

27 Lots $105,650 $3,913

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

Sale Manager: By Livestock

The McTavish family of Moosomin with guest consignor Charla Moore Farms of Redvers had a very good first time sale at their farm This power point sale held in their shop saw a good crowd come to select from the Charolais and Red Angus offering. 12 Red Angus bulls averaged $3,942 with a top of $6,600. Bulls sold into the three prairie provinces

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 21, MCTAVISH ROCK SOLID 38Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, 90 lb BW, 861 lb 205 DW, 1,580 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Merit 9874W, out of a Gilliland Diago 7R daughter Sold for $7,500 to Brimner Cattle Co , Manor and Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.

Lot 18, MCTAVISH TRUE GRIT 89Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, Igenity Tested TT, 881 lb. 205 DW, 1,610 lbs., 4,7 Marbling), sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld daughter Sold for $7,300 to Gord Miller, Milk River, AB & Charmark Charolais, Gem, AB

Lot 17, MCTAVISH HADRIAN 41Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, 112 lb BW, 932 lb 205 DW, 4 6 Marbling), sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a

McTavish Silverado 74H daughter Sold for $7,200 to John Van Eaton, Maryfield.

Lot 20, MCTAVISH STROKE 92Y (Double Polled, 99 YW EPD, 65 LMY), sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a PF Impressed 620 P ET daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Jim Kay, Maryfield.

Lot 15, MCTAVISH POWERSTROKE 22Y (3rd Gen. Polled, 103 lb. BW, 1,556 lbs., 37 cm, 66 LMY), sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a McTavish Powerstroke 27H daughter Sold for $4,400 to Doug Botterill, Fleming

Lot 32, CHARLA MOORE MR 24Y (3rd Gen Polled, Red Factor, 98 lb BW, 1,492 lbs , 37 cm), sired by Harvie Crystal D Trigger 35T, out of a KBK Locomotive 6L daughter Sold for $4,200 to Aaron Hutton, Redvers.

Rollin’ Acres/Patton/Whiskey Hollow Sale

$8,000 to Wilkie Ranches, Big Valley, AB Consigned by Patton Charolais

Lot 2, PCFL CALAIS 145X (Full French, 98 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by Toulon, out of a Ptitprince daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Nigel Sigerson, AB Consigned by Patton Charolais, Shelburne.

Lot 3, PCFL DALLA 1Y (97 lb BW, 748 lb. 205 DW, 41 cm), sired by PCFL Wildfire 9T, out of a PCFL Maximillian 106G daughter Sold for

Lot 4, PCFL DOLLAR 4Y (Full French, 95 lb BW, 762 lb 205 DW, 1,494 lb. Jan 8th wt., 42 cm), sired by PCFL Wildfire 9T, out of a PCFL Vaillant 22S daughter Sold for $7,500 to Acadia Ranching, Acadia Valley, AB. Cosigned by Patton Charolais.

Lot 6, PCFL DAKOTAL 8Y (Full French, 97 lb BW, 1,545 lb Jan 8th wt , 38 cm), sired by Toulon, out of a PCFL Prince 42K daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Wilkie Ranches Consigned by Patton Charolais

Don Good bought the third high seller

cm), sired by PCFL Ultimate 14R, out of a Rollin Acres Top Notch 9P daughter Sold for $7,100 to Wilkie Ranches. Consigned by Rollin’ Acres Charolais.

22 Charolais Banner • May 2012
John Van Eaton purchased a high seller Val & Gord Miller bought the second high seller Kelly Brimner & Greg Gilliland teamed up on the high seller
Rollin’ Acres-Patton-Whiskey Hollow and Guests Bull Sale March 17, 2012 • Hanover, ON Gross Average 28 Yearling Bulls $148,400 $5,300
Perry Rasmussen was the volume buyer taking five bulls
Auctioneer: Carl Wright High Selling Yearling Bulls
Lot 24, ROLLIN ACRES 14Y (Full French, 92 lb BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 38 AVERAGE UP $1,500
Don Wilkie was a vol ume buyer of some high selling Full French bulls

the 49th saskatchewan charolais Association Annual general meeting

June 9, 2012

• Watrous, saskatchewan • manitou springs Hotel & Resort tattoo Year: the letter “Z” • Agm tHeme:

Zest - for the Charolais Breed • Zest - for the Charolais Industry

A g e n d A

1:00 p.m. Annual General Meeting • Agribition Updates • Fieldman Discussion • Stockgrowers Report and Heifer Export Update Garner Deobald

3:30-4:00 p.m. Coffee Break

4:00 p.m. Guest Speaker

5:00 p.m Cattlemen’s Mixer

6:00 p.m. Supper & Socializing Games & Entertainment

Silent Auction will be run throughout the afternoon breeders are encouraged to donate silent auction items to advertise their operations.

A c c o m o d A t i o n s :

Manitou Springs Resort & Mineral Spa • 306 946 2233

Saskatchewan Charolais Association block of rooms held until May 15, 2012 c A m p i n g A c c o m m o d A t i o n s :

Manitou and District Park • 306 946 2588 Delwood Campground • 306 946 2318

Registration for Supper: $30 00 per Adult $10.00 for 13 and under 6 and under free

Saskatchewan Charolais Association

Orland Walker 306 865 3953

Donna Ross 306 267 4986

Dave Blechinger 306 882 4081

Greg Gilliland 306 928 4841

Mike McAvoy 306 237 4464

Layne Evans 306 252 2245

Dennis Metz 306 731 2800

Carey Winbender 306 563 6678

Glen Mangels 306 769 4132

Charolais Banner • May 2012 23

Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale

10th Annual Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale March 17,


• Virden, MB

Gross Average 46 Yearling Bulls $229,550 $4,990

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler

Sale Manager: By Livestock

The Hatch family put forth another very strong set of all polled bulls with interest from across Canada for these somewhat outcross pedigrees of white and red factor bulls Bulls sold into purebred herds in six provinces.

High Selling Bulls

Lot 1, PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y (Double Polled, 1.9 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,665 lbs , 40 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Spawn 765W, out of an HEJ Magnum 26R daughter Sold for $17,500 for 2/3 interest to Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB

Lot 15, PLEASANT DAWN MAGNUM 49Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, .8 BW EPD, 28.2 Milk EPD, 1,710 lbs , 42 5 cm), sired by HEJ Magnum 26R, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter Sold for $16,000 for 2/3 interest to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin, SK.

Lot 3, PLEASANT DAWN MVP 316Y (3rd Gen Polled, 1 4 BW EPD, 94 lb. BW, 55 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD 27 2 Milk EPD, 1,655 lbs , 42 5 cm),

sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter Sold for $13,000 for 2/3 interest to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.

Lot 2, PLEASANT DAWN SNIPER 103Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, 85 CE EPD, 1 BW EPD, 845 lb. 205 DW, 1,645 lbs , 41 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P daughter Sold for $11,500 for 2/3 interest to MCB Charolais, Roxton Pond, QC.

Lot 4, PLEASANT DAWN SHREDDER 17Y (4th Gen. Polled, 108 lb. BW, 91 YW EPD, 1,505 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Spawn 765W, out of a Pleasant Dawn Presto 196L daughter Sold for $8,250 for 2/3 interest to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB.

Lot 6, PLEASANT DAWN MASTER 214Y (4th Gen Polled, 101 lb BW, 28 4 Milk EPD, 40 cm), sired by HEJ Magnum 26R, out of a Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P daughter Sold for $8,250 for 2/3 interest to Sproule Charolais

Lot 8, PLEASANT DAWN MAX 3Y (4th Gen Polled, Double Red, 6 BW EPD, 1,515 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Max 70S, out of a Pleasant Dawn Everet 23L daughter. Sold for $6,500 to LEJ Charolais, Portage la Prairie

Polled, 106 lb. BW, 7 year old dam, 20.6 Milk EPD), sired by JMB Thor 735T, out of a JDB Power Stroke 7G daughter Sold for $5,000 to YM Holdings, Asquith

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, again supplied a quality set of Charolais bulls to this sale. A higher top end and stronger sale throughout pushed the average way up from last year High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 75, MVY XCEED 68X (Double

Lot 49, MVY YOGGY 10Y (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 1.7 BW EPD, 25.6 Milk EPD), sired by PCC Balistik 441P, out of an RPJ Mr. Elite 147L daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Perrot Martin Charolais, Naicam

Lot 63, MVY YNOT 38Y (Double Polled, 1.3 BW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 28.5 Milk EPD), sired by Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter Sold for $7,000 to Brad



Lot 53, MVY YES MAN 16Y (Polled, 106 lb. BW, 776 lb. 205 DW, 25.1 Milk EPD), sired by PCC Balistik 441P, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET daughter Sold for $5,750 to Charona Farms, Asquith.

24 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Brian McTavish bought the second high seller Darwin & Lorrie Plewis were the volume buyers taking three Curtis Turnbull purchased the third high seller Jim Olson took the high selling red factor bull
4th Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull Sale March 31, 2012 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 6 Two Year Old Bulls $24,350 $4,058 21 Yearling Bulls 94,750 4,512 27 Lots $119,100 $4,411
Jackie Sproule added two to her good herd including the high seller
Auctioneer: Chris Poley
SALE UP $1,800 Impact Bull Sale
John Perrot & Collin Martin bought the high selling bull


Best of the Breeds Bull Sale

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

A packed house was on hand for this multi breed sale. Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake, and Dog Patch Acres, Leroy, presented the local crowd with a solid offering with some good buys being made throughout. In total 67 bulls of five breeds averaged $3,526.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 27, DOGPATCH POWER UP 4X (Double Polled, 1 4 BW EPD, 21 5 Milk EPD, 2,100 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Dogpatch Triple X 36S, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $4,250 to Jerry Orthner, Raymore Consigned by Dog Patch Acres

Lot 12, HBC ROCK 142T (Double Polled, 106 lb BW, 98 YW EPD, 25 9 Milk EPD), sired by HBC Showdown 932W, out of a Sparrows Madrid 7M daughter Sold for $5,500 to Perrot Martin Charolais, Naicam. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais Lot 5, HBC ROCKY 116Y (Double Polled, 103 lb BW, 1,430 lbs , 38 cm), sired by JWX Quiksilver 421U, out of an HFCC Pld Bond 19L daughter Sold for $4,000 to Irvine Stricker, Rhein. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais Lot 9, HBC QUICKSILBER 123Y (Polled/s, 1 6 BW EPD, 1,625 lbs , 37 cm), sired by JWX Quiksilver 421U, out of an RPJ Katz 519E daughter Sold for $4,000 to P.F.R.A, Regina. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais Lot 26, DOGPATCH ALERT 3Y (Double Polled, Red Factor, 5 BW EPD, 24.3 Milk EPD, 1,365 lbs.), sired by HBC Showdown 932W, out of an

MGM Merlot daughter Sold for $3,700 to Brian Jaeb, Humbolt Consigned by Dog Patch Acres

Charolais Banner • May 2012 25
8th Annual Best of the Breeds Bull Sale March 25, 2012 • Leross, SK Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $ 7,550 $3,775 23 Yearling Bulls 70,900 3,082 25 Lots $78,450 $3,138
Randy Aimes selected two for the PFRA Irvine Stricker bought a high selling bull John Perrot & Collin Martin purchased the high selling bull PLEASANT DAWN MAGNUM 49Y HEJ Magnum son purchased by McTavish Charolais, Moosomin, SK PLEASANT DAWN SNIPER 103Y
Kaboom son purchased by Ferme MCB, Roxton Pond, QC
c H A R o l A i s We appreciate our customers P L E A S A N T D A W N C H A R O L A I S Box 40, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Tully & Arlene Hatch T 204 855 2402 C 204 748 7595 Trent & Ashley Hatch T 204 855 3078 C 204 721 3078 Thank you to all the cattlemen who bid on and purchased bulls this spring, including these purebred breeders LEJ Charolais,
Prairie R & G McDonald
AB Moose Creek
SK D & L Plewis, Swift
SK Haminrest
NB Van Buuren Charolais, Pipestone
p l e A s A n t d A
Portage la
Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge,
Charolais, Kisbey,
Charolais, Apohaqui,
PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y Pleasant Dawn Spawn son purchased by Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB PLEASANT DAWN MVP 316Y Pleasant Dawn Magnum son purchased by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB

Diamond W Bull Sale

Diamond W 10th Annual Bull Sale

March 22, 2012 • Minitonas, MB



1 Two Year Old Bull $2,750 $2,750 29 Yearling Bulls 93,650 3,229

30 Bulls $96,400 $3,213

Auctioneer: Randy Hart Sale Manager:

Diamond W Charolais have been providing quality bulls into the Swan River Valley for 10 years now. This is a limited number market but there are many repeat customers that purchased both their Charolais and Angus bulls This year their 13 Angus bulls average $2,742. The buyers have always received excellent quality for money spent.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, DIAMOND W MARSHALL 36Y (3rd Gen Polled, 101 lb BW, 1,650 lbs , 38 5 cm), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Chartop Charolais, Gull Lake, SK. Lot 12, DIAMOND W TOP CUTT

25Y (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 101 lb BW, 24 Milk EPD, 1,465 lbs ), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Granadas Red Ace 17B daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Lakeview Livestock, Invermay, SK

Lot 3, DIAMOND W GRINGO 2Y (Double Polled/s, 75 lb BW, 1 2 BW EPD, 22 6 Milk EPD, 1,435 lbs ), sired by M6 Grid Maker 104, P ET, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $4,500 to John Stehano, Roblin.

Lot 5, DIAMOND W CHITEK 46Y (Double Polled, 105 lb BW, 1,465 lbs , 38.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Chitek 930W, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Clayton Woodley, Minitonas

Lot 22, DIAMOND W DUKE 57Y (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 107 lb. BW, 790 lb. WW, 1,600 lbs , 39 cm), sired by

Winn Man Bull Sale

535X(3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, 0 BW EPD, 1,840 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Marquez 821U, out of a Sparrows Madrid 7M daughter Sold for $7,000 to Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND.

Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Soura Horan Farms, Bowsman.

A good crowd filled the shop at Winn Man Farms for this long running bull sale. Repeat customers filled the buyers’ list with active bidding to support this program This was the last year for yearling bulls as next year it will be just coming two year olds as they moved their calving to summer to lessen the workload with the purebreds and their very large commercial herd

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls


Lot 125X, WINN MANS JUAQUEZ 125X (3rd Gen Polled, 84 lb BW, 5 7 BW EPD, 1,875 lbs ), sired by Winn Mans Marquez 821U, out of an SLY Eastwood Pld 32F daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Rainy Ridge Farms, Laurier.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 826Y, WINN MANS CHIVAZ 826Y (Polled, 9 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 1,325 lbs , 37 cm), sired by Merit 7329T, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Springside Farms, Armstrong, BC.

Lot 663Y, WINN MANS CUERVO 663Y (92 lb. BW, .8 BW EPd, 120 YW

26 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Leland Soura has bought in every sale and took another high seller Orland Walker visits with Darrell Prouse, who selected five including the second high seller Clayton Woodley purchased another high seller from this sale
Winn Man Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale March 23, 2012 • Winnipegosis, MB Gross Average 8 Two Year Old Bulls $ 34,150 $4,269 21 Yearling Bulls 87,000 4,143 29 Lots $121,150 $4,177
Glen Sauder bought the high selling bull
Auctioneer: Kim Crandall
SOLID LOCAL PARTICIPATION Bob Burla & Mike Panasiuk selected the high selling bull Carman Jackson added two high sellers to their High Bluff operation Ron Boerchers purchased the second high selling two year old


Wilgenbusch North of the 53rd

Wilgenbusch Charolais North of the 53rd Bull Sale

March 24, 2012 • Paynton, SK Gross Average

38 1/4 Yearling Bulls $234,400 $6,128

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

Wilgenbusch Charolais took the CSS bull calves that came with the cowherd back to be sold at the CSS Sale barn Repeat customers of the CSS program as well as new ones from across North America were on the buyers’ list. Bulls sold from British Columbia to Ontario and into two U S states

High Selling Yearling Bulls


(Tested Homozygous Polled, Leptin TT, 106 lb BW, 1,687 365 DW, 42 cm), sired by PCC Navigator 403P, out of an HTA Fathom 470P daughter. Sold for $20,000 for 3/4 interest to Forsyth Bros Charolais, Eriksdale, MB and Myhre Land & Cattle Co , Dauphin, MB Lot 2, CSS SIR JR NAVIGATOR 78Y

(Tested Homozygous Polled, 92 lb. BW, 22.4 Milk EPD, 1,430 lbs., 43.5 cm), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of an SVS Model Imp 13M daughter Sold for $18,250 for 3/4 interest to Charworth Charolais, Balzac, AB.

Lot 1, CSS SIR JR NAVIGATOR 44Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, Leptin TT, 5 9 ADG, 1,535 lbs , 42 cm), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of an HTA Pld Rain 258M daughter. Sold for $15,600 for 3/4 interest to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth

Lot 38, CSS SIR GRID IRON 17Y (Polled/s, Leptin TT, 83 lb. BW, .5 BW EPD, 29 1 Milk EPD), sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter Sold for $9,000 to McKay Charolais, Glenella, MB.

Lot 8, CSS SIR JR NAVIGATOR 75Y (Double Polled, Leptin TT, 95 lb BW, 5.45 ADG, 40 cm), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of an HTA Pld Rain 258M daughter. Sold for $8,800

to Effertz Key Ranch, Velva, ND.

Lot 37, CSS SIR GRID IRON 16Y (3rd Gen Polled, 83 lb , BW, 9 BW EPD, 39 cm), sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S, out of a a CSS Sir Navigator 37T daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Alta Pride Charolais, Chauvin, AB

Lot 36, CSS SIR GRID IRON 12Y (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1,445 lb. YW, 22.6 Milk EPD), sired by KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter Sold for $6,100 to Wood River Charolais, McCord.

EPD, 1,340 lbs , 38 cm), sired by Merit 7329T, out of a Sparrows Durango 585P daughter Sold for $6,500 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis Lot 764Y, WINN MANS

BARRACUDA 764Y (Polled, 5 BW EPD, 804 lb WW, 1,360 lbs ), sired by MB Ali Trade U1059, out of a Winn Mans Original 548R daughter. Sold

for $5,500 to Munro Farms, Kelwood Lot 111Y, WINN MANS BENCHMARK 111Y (Double Polled, .4 BW EPD, 855 lb.WW, 1,380 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Merit 7329T, out of an SLY Eastwood Pld 32F daughter Sold for $5,200 to High Bluff Stock Farm

Charolais Banner • May 2012 27
Stan Jacobs added three more CSS bulls to the Douglas Lake bull battery Velon Herback added a top seller to their Palmer Charolais op eration Dennis & Dale Gibb bought one for their Alta Pride herd Darrell & Alex Shuttleworth selected the second high selling bull Chelsea Bulani & Lee Norheim purchased two for Norheim Ranching Eric & Darrell Munro bought another top seller WINN MAN CONTINUED

March 28, 2012 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average

47 Yearling Bulls $231,250 $4,920

HTA Charolais, Rivers, again anchored this long running sale with all the high sellers Many repeat customers were in attendance and breeder bulls sold into four provinces and one state with a very strong top end in this high performance offering. The powerful HTA Senator sons led the front end of the sale

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 17, HTA BRADACK 137Y (Double Polled/s,101 lb BW, 903 lb 205 DW, 107 YW EPD, 22.8 Milk EPD, 1,816 lbs , 44 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $18,500 to Sandan Charolais, Erskine, AB; Voegeli/Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK and Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK Lot 16, HTA VEGAS 134Y (Double

Polled, 97 lb. BW, 919 lb. 205 DW, 1,774 lbs., 40 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET daughter Sold for $18,000 for 3/4 interest to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth, SK and Saunders Charolais, Markdale, ON Lot 5, HTA BETLEY 107Y (Double Polled, 100 lb. BW, 916 lb. 205 DW, 107 YW EPD, 1,870 lbs., 41 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB

Lot 19, HTA MANTRACKER 139Y (Polled, 97 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,743 lbs., 40 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of an HTA Northern Light 357C daughter Sold for $8,500 for 3/4 interest to Neilson Cattle Co., Willowbrook, SK.

Lot 21, HTA REDFOX 144Y (Double Polled, Red Factor, 99 lb BW, 21 5 Milk EPD, 1,640 lbs , 39 cm), sired by KBK Rally 24T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Van Buuren Charolais, Pipestone

Lot 28, HTA CHALLENGE 161Y (Double Polled, 89 lb BW, 101 YW EPD, 1,538 lbs , 40 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Rocking Bar A Charolais, Rivers.


28 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Hi Weigh Breeders 30th Annual Bull Sale Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co
& Barry
Reese bought the third high
Ursula Corpateaux took the high
bull Jenna Vanbuuren purchased a top bull
214Y Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK added their second Steppler bull with this son of Sparrows Seminole STEPPLER BLAKE 57Y Blackbern Farms and White Water Charolais, Foresters Falls, ON bought this son of Sparrows Seminole STEPPLER KABOOM 60Y Sunny Ridge Stock Farm, Wawanesa purchased this son of SVY Kaboom for their growing herd STEPPLER MAGNUS 195Y Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone, SK took this son of Sparrows Seminole We invite you to stop by anytime to see the largest herd of registered Charolais in Manitoba. Box 7, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 Dan & Pat 204 435 2021 Andre & Katie 204 435 2463, cell 204 750 1951 6 miles W of Miami and 1.5 miles S Also to... Caul Charolais, Devlin, ON SKE Charolais, Hartney Domain Charolais, Green Ridge Honeycomb Charolais, Carman Watkins Charolais, Clearwater Dusty Lane Charolais, Winkler

Steppler Bull Sale

Steppler Farms 1st Annual Bull Sale March 27, 2012 • Miami, MB

Gross Average

3 Two Year Old Bulls $ 12,000 $4,000 49 Yearling Bulls 175,650 3,585

52 Lots $187,650 $3,609

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager:

The Steppler family all pitched in to have the first sale run smoothly. Unfortunately a cooler, wet day held some people who were calving away, but those who came made some great buys on a very uniform, high quality set of bulls that sold into four provinces

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 58, STEPPLER 300X (3rd Gen. Polled, 105 lb. BW, 2,098 lbs., 44.5 cm), sired by Stepplers Distinction 38T, out of an XPB Cigar 45K daughter Sold for $5,000 to Bill Thomson, Langruth

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 48, STEPPLER SCOT 214Y (Double Polled, 106 lb BW, 98 YW EPD, 21.2 Milk EPD, 1,457 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a Highbluff Rainmaker 12L daughter Sold for $7,250 to Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK

Lot 13, STEPPLER KABOOM 60Y (3rd Gen Polled, 89 CE, 1 BW EPD, 88 lb BW, 1,494 lbs , 43 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Sunny Ridge Stock Farm, Wawanesa.


(Double Polled, 104 lb BW, 823 lb 205 DW, 112 YW EPD, 1,531 lbs , 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a DVY Kidnapper Pld 6K daughter Sold for $7,000 to Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone, SK.

Lot 12, STEPPLER BLAKE 57Y (Double Polled, 92 lb. BW, 0 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,475 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter Sold for $7,000 to Blackbern Farms & White Water Charolais, Foresters Falls, ON Lot 26, STEPPLER SEMI 91Y (Polled, 1 8 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 1,553 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a Sparrows Santiago 333N daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Shane Eastman, Hartney.

Lot 43, STEPPLER PROSPER 181Y (Double Polled/s, 97 lb. BW, 800 lb. 205 DW, 1,515 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter Sold for $6,300 to Doug Sisson, Carman

Lot 25, STEPPLER STETSON 88Y (1 BW EPD, 1,621 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a

Sparrows Santiago 333N daughter Sold for $5,750 to Jason Turetsky, Grandview.

Lot 9, STEPPLER ARTHUR 45Y (Double Polled, 80 lb BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 1,475 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Keith Caul, Devlin, ON

(Double Polled, 100 lb BW, 1,659 lbs ), sired by Merit 5323R, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET daughter. Sold for $6,500 for 3/4 interest to Don Saquet, Ste Rose

Lot 44, HTA STONEWALL 1109Y (Double Polled, Red Factor, 108 YW EPD, 1,563 lbs , 43 cm), sired by HTA Pursuit 646S, out of an SHSH Pld Broker 1P daughter Sold for $5,800 to Loren Anderson, New Rockford, ND Lot 36, HTA COACH 188Y (Double Polled, Red Factor, 99 lb BW, 2 6 BW

EPD, 1,507 lbs ), sired by Merit 5323R, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N

Charolais Banner • May
daughter Sold for $5,500 to Breezy Dawn Charolais, Dauphin.
Mike & Joanne Neilson took a high seller to SK Brent Saunders and Velon Herback teamed up on the second high seller
Doug Hopcraft selected a new herdsire Shane Eastman bought a top seller Wendell Weston added a top seller to his Bricney herd Stephen & Kristin Weilgosz purchased their second Steppler herdbull Kurtis & Keith Black took a high seller to ON
Doug Sisson took two bulls

Benchmark Bull Sale

March 24, 2012

STRONG FIRST SALE Benchmark Bull Sale

• Cobden, ON Gross Average

23 Yearling Bulls $92,800 $4,050

Auctioneer: Stewart James

This first time sale saw three operations in the Ottawa Valley team up The sale was very strong with buyers from three provinces making purchases.

High Selling Yearling Bulls


(Polled, 89 lb BW, 6 BW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 26 3 Milk EPD, 1,610 lbs ), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Land O’Lakes Duke 29L daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake, MB. Consigned by Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls

Lot 7, BLACKBERN YARDLEY 4Y (Polled, 99 lb. BW, 53 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 1,605 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of an LT

Wyoming Wind daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Macks Charolais, Campbellford Consigned by Blackbern Farms

Lot 16, WHITEWATER YEOMAN 9Y (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 24.3 Milk EPD, 1,600 lbs , 46 cm), sired by KCM Rio Chico 429P, out of a CS Mango 256M daughter Sold for $5,800 to Andrew Simms, Shawville, QC Consigned by White Water Charolais, Foresters Falls. Lot 2, CORNERVIEW YARDMASTER 7Y (Polled, 96 lb BW, 856 lb. 205 DW, 1,590 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Coach 467S, out of of a B&M Benji’s Lad 23G daughter Sold for $4,900 to Bill Leveras, Campbell’s Bay, QC Consigned by Cornerview Charolais, Cobden. Lot 11, CORNERVIEW YAGER 12Y (Polled, 107 lb. BW, 1,448 lbs., 44 cm), sired by Cornerview Wallstreet 3W, out of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter Sold for $4,300 to June Riebertz, Shawville, QC. Consigned by

SALE TOPS AT $14,000

Cornerview Charolais. Lot 4, CORNVERVIEW YUKON 27Y (Polled, 96 lb. BW 1 7 BW EPD, 1,423 lbs , 44 cm), sired by Sparrows Coach 467S, out of

Mountainview Bull Sale

Vintage 4065P daughter Sold for $13,750 to Charwald Charolais, Altario. Consigned by McLeod Livestock

This was the second year Charolais bulls were sold in this multi breed sale With the number of bulls up over last year and the strong demand for Charolais bulls, Charolais was the high averaging breed in the sale High Selling Bulls

Lot 79, MLM LAREDO 3Y (Polled, 78 lb BW, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Perrot Martin Charolais, Naicam, SK Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane

Lot 78, MLM HARLEY 6Y (Polled, 106 lb BW, 38 5 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Merit

Lot 80, ML PLD DUSTY 20Y (Polled, 104 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S daughter Sold for $10,000 to Dale Jorgensen Farm, Del Bonita Consigned by McLeod Livestock

Lot 81, MLM DODGER 5Y (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an LAE Spurs A Jinglin 602S daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Don Maetche, Olds Consigned by McLeod Livestock

Lot 82, MLM PERFORMER 1Y (Polled, 112 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an HC Fulton 103L daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Varty Farms, Provost Consigned by McLeod Livestock

Lot 61, GERRARD OXFORD 17Y (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 38.5 cm), sired by Gerrard Montezuma 6T, out of an SVY Bedrock PLD 816H daughter.

Sold for $5,100 to Bob Pengelly, Caroline Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co., Innisfail. Lot 57, GERRARD FED EX 27Y (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S, out of an SVY Bedrock PLD 816H daughter Sold for $5,300 to Seven Oaks Farms, Wetaskiwin Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co.

30 Charolais Banner • May 2012
a PCC Patriot 418P daughter Sold for $4,300 to Wade Schroeder, Pembroke Consigned by Cornerview Charolais. Andrew Simms took the third high seller
Mountainview Bull Sale March 24, 2012 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 22 Yearling Bulls $110,650 $5,029 6 Two Year Old Bulls 24,150 4,029 28 Bulls $134,800 $4,814
Jacqui & Wayne Mack bought the second high seller
Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock
Perrot Martin Charolais selected the high selling bull Norman DeWald bought a new herdsire for his Char wald operation

UP $700

Elder Bull Sale


Gross Average 34 Yearling Bulls $154,200 $4,535

The Elders put forth another high performance, quality set of bulls that saw many local repeat customers in attendance, with this year a few bulls selling across the line into Montana Breeder bulls sold into Saskatchewan and Alberta.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, ELDER’S RAPTOR 43Y(4th Gen Polled/s, 1 7 BW EPD, Agribition Res Jr Bull Calf Champion, 1,640 lb , 40 cm), sired by Elder’s Wahkamo 919W, out of an HFCC Pld Evolution 5L daughter. Sold for $13,250 to Dale Jorgensen Charolais, Del Bonita, AB Lot 12, ELDER’S TAMARAC 97Y (4th Gen. Polled/s, 105 lb. BW, 1,480 lb., 41 cm), sired by Elder’s Wahkamo 919W, out of a Merit 1058L daughter Sold for

$7,000 to Qu’Appelle Trail Ranch, Eyebrow Lot 30, ELDER’S YANKEE 9Y (Polled/s, 84 lb BW, 2 BW EPD, 23 9 Milk EPD, 1,460 lb., 39 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Bar J Silverado 14S daughter Sold for $6,500 to Demarah Farms, Bowden, AB Lot 34, ELDER’S CAPTAIN KBM 28Y (98 lb. BW, CE 86, .9 BW EPD, 1,518 lb., 38 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Bar J Silverado 14S daughter Sold for 6,500 to Lloyd Elder, Coronach Lot 16, ELDER’S SILVER CANYON 55Y (3rd Gen Polled, 8 BW EPD, 1,445 lb , 38 5 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an RPJ Rio Grande 525R daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Plantz Farms, Coronach.


WAHKAMO 40Y (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 99 lb. BW, .3 BW EPD, 1,545 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Wahkamo 919W, out of an MXS Mersyndol 211M daughter Sold for $6,100 to Bruce Gibb, Lintlaw

Charolais Banner • May 2012 31
Elder Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 29, 2012 • Coronach, Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Manager: By Livestock Lloyd Elder purchased another high seller Ernie Sorensen added three to his good commercial herd Mark Kendze bought a herdbull and visits here with Rod McLeod David Esmond took seven for his Qu’Appelle Trail Ranch AVERAGE

Perrot-Martin Bull Sale

Perrot-Martin Charolais Annual Bull Sale

March 30, 2012 • Naicam, SK

Gross Average

17 Two Year Old Bulls $87,000 $5,117 34 1/2 Yearling Bulls 163,200 4,730

51 1/2 Lots $250,200 $4,858

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

Many repeat customers buying in multiples gave this solid program a very good sale. A nice selection of two year old bulls found strong demand with purebred breeders from three provinces buying herdbulls.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 43, RPJ ALLEGRO 71X (Double Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1.2 BW EPD, 1,920 lbs., 41 cm), sired by MXS Allegro 701T, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter Sold for $6,600 to Lone Tree Livestock, Kuroki

Lot 49, KCM LAREDO 71X (Double Polled, 100 lb. BW, 1,925 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Whitecap Laredo 232T, out of an EXL Trade Secret 154L. Sold for $6,600 to Lee Laclare, Tisdale.

Lot 56, RPJ ALLEGRO 83X (99 lb BW, 2,150 lbs , 43 cm), sired by MXS Allegro 701T, out of an HFCC Pld Evolution 5L Sold for $6,600 to ASF Farms, Bjorkdale

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 9, KCM ULTIMATE 144Y (Double Polled, 107 lb. BW, 92 YW EPD, 8 year old dam, 39 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $34,000 for 3/4 interest to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB and Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.

Lot 13, KCM STETSON 175Y (Double Polled, 101 lb. BW,1.1 BW EPD, 790 lb 205 DW, 22 2 Milk EPD, 1,390 lbs.), sired by Whitecap Laredo 232T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter Sold for $11,000 for 3/4 interest to Triple C Charolais, Steep Rock, MB

Lot 29, RPJ CINCH 106Y (Double Polled, 86 lb BW, 750 lb 205 DW, 1,550 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by JWX Silver Bullet 524W, out of an MXS Allegro 701T daughter Sold for $7,700 to Quaroni Farms Ltd., Melfort.

Lot 30, RPJ HOWITZER 168Y (Double Polled, 107 lb. BW, 89 YW EPD, 1,464 lbs , 40 cm), sired by JWX Silver Bullet 524W, out of an HTA Stainless Steel 437P daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Dry Valley Ranch, Grenfell Lot 18, RPJ PISTOL 129Y (Double Polled, 91 lb BW, 5 BW EPD, 22 6 Milk EPD, 1,340 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Whitecap Laredo 232T, out of an LT

Bull Sale

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

In the last two years the Charolais average in this sale has moved up $1,600. The quality of the bulls was strong with seven going into purebred herds as far away as Quebec and

many repeat customers coming back Rosso Charolais supply the two year olds and White Cap provide the yearlings. 46 2/3 Red Angus bulls averaged an impressive $4,939 High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 2, ROSSO TAILGUNNER 8X Polled, 100 lb BW, 1 5 BW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 2,000 lbs , 44 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U, out of an LT Western Spur 2061 Pld. Sold for $7,500 to Prairie Sky Charolais, Avonlea

Lot 7, ROSSO ENFORCER 16X (Polled/s, 3/4 French, 52 YW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 1,905 lbs , 42 cm), sired by

Curtis Wallace 141H, out of an Impair daughter Sold for $6,500 to Fern Charolais, Fasset, QC.

Lot 4, ROSSO BAZOOKA 11X (Polled, 106 lb BW, 1,930 lbs , 39 cm),

32 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON
Brett & Brian Coughlin purchased a bull Doug & Marianne Hunter and John Wilgen busch bought Ultimate
White Cap/Rosso Charolais and Howe/Cockbur n Red Angus 22nd Annual Bull Sale April 4, 2012 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 27 Two Year Old Bulls $118,050 $4,372 17 1/2 Yearling Bulls 93,100 5,320 44 1/2 Lots $211,150 $4,745
Stephen & Darren Cook selected the second high seller
Pat & Dan Steppler purchased the high selling bull

Gilliland Bros. Bull Sale

March 31, 2012 • Alameda, SK Gross


1 Two Year Old Bull $3,750 $3,750 38 3/4 Yearling Bulls 157,600 4,067

39 3/4 Lots $161,350 $4,059

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager:

Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale had their first bull sale with Freitag Perrot Cattle Co. guest consigning some Black Angus bulls which averaged $4,330 The Charolais offering was strong with many local repeat customers in attendance Bulls sold into the three prairie provinces with seven going into seed stock herds.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 41, G.BROS CREW 607Y (Double Polled, Double Red, 93 lb. BW, 1 BW EPD, 21 9 Milk EPD, 1,555 lbs., 39 cm), sired by SRK Red Man 16U, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter Sold for $7,600 to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor.

Lot 17, RGCG LEGAL 253Y (Polled, 92 lb. BW, .2 BW EPD, 740 lb. WW, 1,540 lbs , 38 cm), sired by ACC I Am

Legend 914W, out of an SOS MB Syndicated 138P daughter Sold for $7,500 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB

Lot 1, G BROS XCEPTIONAL 628Y (4th Gen. Polled, 1.4 BW EPD, 985 lb. WW, 22 3 Milk EPD, 1,662 lbs , 39 cm), sired by JWX Quicksilver 421U, out of an SOS MB Syndicated 138P daughter Sold for $6,000 to Nahachewsky Charolais, Norquay

Lot 11, G BROS BONANZA 248Y (3rd Gen. Polled, 99 lb. BW, 23.3 Milk EPD, 1,720 lbs , 43 5 cm), sired by JMB Dateline 754T, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Calvin Lamport, Carnduff

Lot 24, G BROS AWOL 648Y (3rd Gen. Polled, .3 BW EPD, 1,620 lbs., 40 cm), sired by SOS MB Syndicated 138P, out of a Dogpatch Shockwave 3M daughter Sold for $5,000 to Doug and Les Cooney, Glen Ewen.

Lot 20, G.BROS LEVERAGE 633Y (3rd Gen Polled, 85 lb BW, 1 4 BW EPD, 1,515 lbs., 38 cm), sired by ACC I Am Legend 914W, out of a JMB Dateline 754T daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Tyson Petterson, Estevan

Lot 39, RGCG RED LINE 224Y (Double Polled/s, Double Red, 92 lb BW, 3 BW EPD, 840 lb WW, 1,570 lbs , 41 cm), sired by SRK Red Man 16U, out of a Beaver Creek Redzone 211S daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Lloyd Harmon, Melita, MB.

sired by HTA Rhapsody 390N, out of a Sparrows Wisdom 335K daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Stephanie Stuart, Cabri.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 31, WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y (Polled, 1/2 French, 1.6 BW EPD, Manitoba Livestock Expo All Breeds Bull Calf Champion,1,590 lbs , 40 cm), sired by DWK Till’s Echo 3N, out of a Chardel Sabre 11K daughter. Sold for $16,000 for 1/2 interest to to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB.

Lot 33, WHITECAP CONCEPT 42Y (98 lb. BW, 1.6 BW EPD, 885 lb. WW, 1,490 lbs., 43 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Chardel Sabre 11K daughter Sold for $9,000 to Jones Charolais, Gull Lake

Lot 53, WHITECAP PLUS 179Y (Polled, 80 lb BW, 2 8 BW EPD, 23 4 Milk EPD, 1,370 lbs ), sired by HBC Everest 914W, out of a Chardel Sabre

11K daughter Sold for $6,750 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth.


109Y (Polled, 95 lb BW, 8 BW EPD, 1,490 lbs , 40 5 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of an LT Wyoming Wind daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Emile Carles, Radville.

Charolais Banner • May 2012 33
Gilliland Bros Charolais 1st Bull Sale
Kelly Brimner added the high selling bull to his program Lloyd Harmon selected a top red factor bull Repeat customer Calvin Lamport bought a high seller Curtis Turnbull bought the second high seller Lloyd Daniel bought the high selling two year old bull Matt Jones selected the second high selling bull Justin Duncan & Bob & Robbie Stuart have been volume buyers for years Velon Herback took home a heifer bull WHITE CAP/ROSSO BULL SALE, CONTINUED

Cattleman’s Classic Sale

12th Annual Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale

April 1, 2012

• Virden, MB

Gross Average

2 Two Year Old Bulls $5,200 $2,600

21 1/3 Yearling Bulls 117,250 5,496

3 1/3 Lots $122,450 $5,248

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler

A good crowd came to select from this mulit breed sale that also contained the SW Bull Test bulls as well The quality was high from the four Charolais breeders who contributed both white and red factor bulls Tri N Charolais lead the sale with some solid interest from across Canada and the U S A and sold the high selling bull in Canada this spring High

Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 210, TRI N PREFIX PLD ET 54Y (Polled, ET, 1/2 French, 94 lb BW, 54 WW EPD. 1,653 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Silverstream Performer P38, out of a Baldridge Fasttrack 82F daughter Sold for $37,000 for 2/3 interest to Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB

Consigned by Tri N Charolais, Lenore

Lot 212, TRI N JACKHAMMER 68Y (Igenity Tested Homozygous Polled, 89 lb BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 29 7 Milk EPD, 1,560 lbs , 39 cm), sired by Val End Appraiser 24J, out of a Tri N Payday 419Ydaughter. Sold for $5,750 to Floyd Cleveland, Sisseton, SD Consigned by Tri N Charolais

Lot 204, BEAVER CREEK VAASIR 202Y (Polled/s, 106 lb BW, 810 lb WW, 91 YW EPD, 1,534 lbs , 40 5 cm), sired by Happy Haven T Rex 22T, out of a Merit 77K daughter. Sold for $5,250 to C & T Reynolds Farm, Carberry Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden

Lot 211, TRI N FRANK THE TANK 75Y (Polled/s, Red Factor, 97 lb BW, 59 WW EPD, 1,402 lbs , 38 cm), sired by Silverstream Performer P38, out of a Charhead Mr 39J daughter. Sold for $5,250 to HB Cattle Co , UT Consigned by Tri N Charolais

Lot 202, BEAVER CREEK YOU TUBE 238Y (Double Polled/s, 78 lb

BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 1,601 lbs , 40 cm), sired by Happy Haven T Rex 22T, out of a Dim Creek Revenue 430R daughter. Sold for $5,000 to McDonald Stock Farm, Carberry. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden Lot 217, TRI N COWBOY

CASANOVA 69Y (Igenity Tested Homozygous Polled, Red Factor, BW 94 lbs , 1 3 BW EPD, 1,658 lbs , 41 cm), sired by Tri N Tidal Wave 960W, out of a Tri N Super Jammer 7J daughter Sold for $4,900 to Scissor Creek Charolais, McAuley. Consigned by Tri N Charolais.

Forsyth/Tee M Jay Bull Sale

Caja Quebrada daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB.

This established sale saw 12 more bulls sell and the average move up $600 from last year. Bulls sold locally and to Alberta with three going into purebred operations. Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale, again provided the high selling lots with some solid sire groups represented

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 39, FFBB CAJUN PLD 154Y (Polled, BW 101 lbs., 862 lb. WW, 1,665 lbs., 45 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T, out of an SOS Mr Valentine Pld 39M daughter Sold for $14,000 to Bar J Charolais, Amaranth

Lot 53, FFBB EMILLE 1102Y (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 85 YW EPD, 1,450 lbs , 40 cm), sired by JWX Henry VIII 39W, out of an ABC

Lot 31, FFBB PERFORMER PLD 122Y (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 806 lb. WW, 95 YW EPD, 1,645 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter Sold for $7,000 to Jeremy Miller, Eriksdale

Lot 34, FFBB CAPPER PLD 133Y (Tested Homozygous Polled, 104 lb BW, 864 lb WW, 1,635 lbs , 43 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Ken Miller, Eriksdale.

Lot 23, FFBB SILVER BERNIE PLD 100Y (Polled, 87 lb BW, 9 BW EPD, 1,420 lbs , 41 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Louber

Skymont 382L daughter. Sold for $5,200 to James Ryden, Eriksdale.

Lot 28, FFBB SILVERSTONE 114Y (91 lb BW, 2 BW EPD, 826 lb WW, 1,515 lbs., 42 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of an HTA Ultimate 338P daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Lakeside Colony, Cranford, AB

Lot 48, FFBB RED HENRI PLD 187Y (Polled, Red Factor, 94 lb. BW, 1,430 lbs , 39 cm), sired by JWX Henry VIII 39W, out of an Elder’s Cocoa 30P daughter Sold for $4,500 to John Johnson, East Selkirk

34 Charolais Banner • May 2012
TOPS AT $37,000
Kevin Carefoot bought a bull for his Scissors Creek Charolais herd
M Jay 8th Annual Bull Sale March 31, 2012 • Asher n, MB Gross Average 56 Yearling
$187,600 $3,550
David Vikse purchased the high selling bull Prefix
Auctioneer: Buddy Bergner Sale Consultant: Jerry Kanewischer
MORE BULLS AVERAGE UP Jack Robertson took the high selling bull Wendy & Lyle Bignell purchased two including the second high seller
it’s all abo TRI-N PREFIX PLD ET 54Y • POLLED 1/2 FRENCH OUTCROSS PEDIGREE Silverstream Performer P38 x KCH Malibu 1M • BW 2.4 WW 54 YW 94 M 20.4 TM 47 BW 94 lb., Oct 1st 977 lb., April 1st 1653 lb., 39 cm 204-838-2107 • • Breeding Quality Red & White Charolais since 1986 Prefix Tri-N Charol ais Thank you Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, Alberta, for making Prefix the high selling bull in Canada this spring at $37,000 for 2/3 interest. Thank s to all our commercial customers for th eir contin ued support thi s year. A lso thank s to these breeders who purchased bull s: Cleveland Charolais, SD; HB Cattle Co., Utah; Scissors Creek Charolais, MB and Bruneau Charolais, MB. Thank you to Steele Ranches, SD, for purchasing 14 females and 17 bulls. For inquiries contact the new owners or us. Watch for more Performer sons to highlight the Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale in Virden, MB for 2013. Charolais Banner • May 2012 35

Cedarlea Bull Sale

Cedarlea Farms Git R Done Bull Sale

April 3, 2012 • Hodgeville, SK

Gross Average

28 Yearling Bulls $118,700 $4,239

Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock

Cedarlea Farms moved to selling their bulls with Windy Willow Angus in the Git R Done Bull Sale for the first time This proved to be a very good move as a big crowd came to buy both breeds and helped both operations have the best sales they have had. Purebred and commercial producers from across Saskatchewan and Alberta came to select from this program featuring sons of last fall’s RBC Beef Supreme Champion Bull

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 102, CEDARLEA STELTH 63Y(3rd Gen Polled, 94 lb BW, 1 3 BW EPD, 23.3 Milk EPD, 1,450 lbs., 38 cm), sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W,

out of an FFBB Roper Pld 5106R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Midnight Lake Charolais, Glaslyn.

Lot 101, CEDARLEA BATTALION 65Y (3rd Gen. Polled, 96 lb. BW, .5 BW EPD, 68.7 LMY, 1,480 lbs., 38 cm), sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter Sold for $6,700 to Prairie Gold Charolais, Rosetown Lot 123, CEDARLEA EXCLIBUR 27Y (Double Polled/s, 3 BW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 1,555 lbs ), sired by Sparrows Reno 824U, out of a CSS Show Boat 5J daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Scott & Bev Fraser Holdings, Pambrun.

Lot 125, CEDARLEA LAREDO 64Y (Double Polled/s, 82 lb. BW, 2.5 BW EPD, 4 Marbling, 1,495 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Reno 824U, out of a CSS Show Boat 5J daughter Sold for $5,700 to Downy Lake Colony, Maple Creek Lot 110, CEDARLEA REDSOLO CUP 43Y (3rd Gen. Polled/s, Red


High Point Bull Sale

Factor, 1.2 BW EPD, 25.8 Milk EPD, 4.4 Marbling, 1,400 lbs., 37 cm), sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W, out of a Robinlea Terminator 54S daughter Sold for $5,600 to Whitby Farms, Lucky Lake Lot 108, CEDARLEA 40 BELOW 40Y (3rd Gen Polled/s, 94 lb BW, 4 6 Marbling, 67 06 LMY, 1,470 lbs , 39 cm), sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Whitby Farms.

Auctioneer: Carl Wright

After months of discussion three breeders got together and put on a very successful first time bull sale. A big crowd came to select from this diverse quality offering

High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 28, ECHO SPRINGS MR 113X (710 lb 205 DW, 1,940 lbs ), sired by PCFL Vandelero 5S, out of a PCFL San Antonio 131L daughter. Sold for $4,400 to Keith Johnson, Elmvale. Consigned by Echo Springs Charolais, Hawkestone. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, ECHO SPRINGS YAGERBOMB 11Y (Full French, 2011 National Res Bull Calf Champion, 97 lb BW, 828 lb 205 DW, 1,570 lbs , 36

cm), sired by Jezabel, out of PCFL San Antonio 131L daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Kerr Charolais, Bowsman, MB. Consigned by Echo Springs Charolais Lot 10, SUNRISE FIREBALL 26Y (Polled, 89 lb. BW,.3 BW EPD, 878 lb. 205 DW,1,520 lbs , 36 cm), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017P, out of an HTA Spirit Pld 826H daughter Sold for $5,500 to Larry & Susan Moggy, Manitowaning Consigned by Sunrise Charolais, Stayner. Lot 19, SUNRISE MASTERPIECE 33Y (Polled, 96 lb BW, 1 9 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,500 lbs., 35 cm), sired by Rosso Uso 24U, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Triple K Charolais, Napanee Consigned by Sunrise Charolais

Lot 6, BRIDOR YANKEE 10Y (Polled, 100 lb BW, 58 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 1,560 lbs , 37 cm), sired by 2UP Peugeot ET, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter Sold for $4,600 to George McCall, Annan. Consigned by Bridor Charolais,

Mount Forest, ON. Lot 11, SUNRISE MAJESTIC 28Y (Polled, 76 lb. BW, 2 BW EPD, 1,360 lbs , 37 5 cm), sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter Sold for $4,600 to Greg McCracken, Roseneath Consigned by Sunrise Charolais

36 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Doug Jones bought two high sellers for his Whitby herd Dave Blechinger of Prairie Gold purchased a herdbull
1st High Point Charolais Breeders Bull Sale March 31, 2012 • Singhampton, ON Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $4,400 $4,400 26 Yearling Bulls 98,200 3,778 27 Lots $102,600 $3,800
Robert Kerr purchased the high selling bull Brian Kelly selected a new herdbull George McCall added a big performance bull to his good commercial herd

9th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale

April 2, 2012 • Halbrite, SK

Gross Average

14 Two Year Old Bulls $2,950 $5,925

45 1/4 Yearling Bulls 235,700 5,209

59 1/4 Lots $318,650 $5,378



Wilgenbusch Charolais were again a supplier of herd bulls in their North of the 49th sale. White and red factor bulls both found strong demand with bulls selling into four provinces and two states Igenity and Leptin testing along with Ultrasound data provided as much information for the buyers as any sale. A strong two year old sale was also seen with some large operations buying multiples

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 71, JWX BUDWEISER 712X (3rd Gen Polled, 96 lb BW, 1 BW EPD, 24 4 Milk EPD, 1,975 lbs , 44 cm), sired by Whitecap Courage 56U, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Erixon Charolais, Lyleton, MB

Lot 81, JWX FIJI 508X (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 97 lb. BW, 89 YW EPD, 1,826 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Crystal D Pierce 40P, out of a 2UP Peugeot ET daughter Sold for $7,250 to Mike Guest, Weyburn Lot 78, JWX STERLING LAD 313X

(3rd Gen. Polled, 103 lb. BW, 1,920 lbs., 46 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a Beck’s Krypto 3L daughter Sold for $7,200 to Haystock Grazing Co op, Hays, AB

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, SRK CANYON 2Y (Igenity Tested Homozygous Polled, 4th Gen. Red, 87 lb. BW, 2.8 BW EPD, 25.8 Milk EPD, 1,597 lbs., 43.5 cm), sired by SRK Solid 12U, out of a Lang’s Red Soldier 22S daughter Sold for $27,500 for 3/4 interest to Forsyth Bros Charolais, Eriksdale, MB and Elder Charolais, Coronach. Co consigned with Sand Rose Charolais, Fort Qu’Appelle.

Lot 7, JWX YEARBOOK 173Y (Igenity Tested Homozygous Polled, Double Red, 109 lb. BW, 102 YW EPD, 1,556 lbs , 40 cm) , sired by JWX Reality Red 73U, out of a Lang’s Red Mac 24M daughter Sold for $12,500 to Vee R Bar Charolais, Ceylon

Lot 29, SRK SOLID PROSPER 410Y (Polled, Double Red, 96 lb BW, 5 BW EPD, 1,438 lbs , 40 5 cm), sired by SRK Solid 12U, out of a Crystal D Pierce 40P daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Doll Charolais, New Salem, ND & Romans Charolais, Vale, OR. Co consigned with Sand Rose Charolais

Lot 1, JWX WHEEL N DEAL 632Y (Igentity Tested Homozygous Polled, ET, 92 lb BW, 22 8 Milk EPD, 1,521

lbs., 40 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld daughter Sold for $9,000 for 3/4 interest to Phillips Farms, Estevan Lot 8, JWX YEAR ROUND 971Y (3rd Gen. Polled, 81 lb. BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 1,459 lbs , 40 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Crystal D Pierce 40P daughter Sold for $8,750 to Swan Lake Farms, Stoughton Lot 4, SRK YAHTZEE 839Y

(Polled/s, 3rd Gen Red, 6 BW EPD, 825 lb 205 DW, 25 7 Milk EPD, 1,506 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by Lang’s Red Soldier 22S, out of an LA Supremacy 49R daughter Sold for $8,100 to Lanoie Bros. Charolais, St. Victor.

Charolais Banner • May 2012 37
12 BULLS TO PUREBRED HERDS North of the 49th Bull Sale
Ron Elder & Campbell Forsyth teamed up on the high selling Red bull in Canada this spring David Doll took a red factor bull to North Dakota Kurtis Phillips added a bull to his new purebred herd Mark, Ashley & Ron Vermeullen bought the second high selling bull
Brian Czerwonka purchased nine bulls for him and his son Over 90% of buyers at the spring bull sales received the Charolais Connection. Make sure it’s a part of your marketing program. Call 306.546.3940
Lonnie Thorson & Joe Meier invested $28,200 on four two year olds

The Canadian Cattle Genome Project –

Request for Resources and Data Sharing Plan

The Canadian Charolais Association will provide the Canadian Cattle Genome Project with a pedigree file that contains the parentage of all animals registered with the Association This pedigree file will be available to researchers at collaborating research institutions including those at Agriculture and Agri Food Canada, New Zealand AgResearch, the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies, United States Department of Agriculture, the Scottish Agricultural College, and Teagasc (Ireland) This file will be used for research purposes only and will not be published or shared with any non Project personnel or other breed associations without the written permission from the Association

The pedigree file will be analyzed by the Project’s researchers to identify key historical animals that have had a significant impact on the genetics of the current Charolais population(s). The researchers will create a list of key individuals that defines each animal’s total genetic contribution, marginal genetic contribution, and cumulative genetic contribution. This list will be provided to the Association by email, and will be made available on the Project’s website under the Association’s unique login that is not accessible to the public or the other breed associations. It will also be available to all Project researchers and collaborators This list will be used for research purposes only and will not be published or shared with any non Project personnel or other breed associations without written permission from the Association

Based on the list of key animals, the Association will, to the best of their ability, source and provide the Project with samples containing a source of DNA (semen vials, semen straws, blood, tail hair, tissue) for each animal on the list provided to them by the

Project. If possible, the Association will also provide information on how rare/difficult it is to replace each sample Additional samples will be requested from the Association later in the Project from animals lower on the breeding pyramid for use in validating the imputation. These samples will also be procured by the Association to the best of their ability and provided to the Project

All samples will be submitted for DNA extraction and sequencing and/or genotyping at a facility chosen by the Project. All sequence and genotype data that results from samples provided by the Association will be accessible to the Association through the Project’s website ( under a unique login. This information will be stored on the website for a minimum of 2 years after the completion of the project The Association is free to share all data it receives from the Project (on the samples provided by the Association) as it feels appropriate.

The Project will sequence approximately 30 individuals from each breed or population at approximately 5 fold coverage. The coverage of each animal may change depending on the Project’s resources and the scientific data requirements of the Project. All sequence data generated by the Project will have the animal ID associated with it and will be made available to: the Association through the project’s website; researchers at collaborating research institutions; and Dr. Ben Hayes (Department of Primary Industries Victoria, Biosciences Research Division, Bundoora, Australia) for use in the 1000 Bull Genomes Project (

All project members will use the sequence data generated for research purposes only and will not publish or share the raw data with any non project personnel or other breed

associations without written permission from the Association

All sequence data will be stored at the University of Alberta, and subsets of data (processed sequence reads) will be mirrored on a server maintained by Ben Hayes. Once the project is nearing completion the sequence data with the associated animal ID will be placed in public databases (www ncbi nlm nih gov/sra)

The Project will complete high density (HD) genotyping (680K or 770K) on approximately 480 cattle and 50K genotyping on approximately 500 cattle in each population depending on strategic importance to the Project, and considering collaborating resources Additional individuals may be genotyped (e.g. RFI tested animals) but this will be at the discretion of the Project’s researchers and will be based on scientific merit

All genotype data generated by the Project will have the animal ID associated with it and during the project will be made available to the Association through the project’s website and researchers at collaborating research institutions

All project members will use the data for research purposes only and will not publish or share the raw data with any non project personnel or other breed associations without written permission from the Association Once the project is nearing completion the genotype data, without the associated animal ID, will be placed in public databases (if any are available) or on the Project’s website and will be accessible to the public At the end of the Project, the Project will also provide data that will allow the Association to genotype animals at a facility of their choice and impute the data from 50K to HD, as enabled through the project (dependent on success of project).

38 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Charolais Banner • May 2012 39

Tips on Practical Heat Detection

When looking into any artificial insemination program several goals must be kept in mind. Achieving pregnancies is of course the most important. Improving your genetic base is always a desire of any breeder whether you are a commercial operator or seed stock breeder In order to be successful though costs both for supplies and labor must first be considered.

Regardless of all the programs available heat detection is still a very important key in overall success. Methods to assist in this are the use of detector patches, heat detector paint or marker (gomerized) bulls The patches can lead to errors when they discharge from cows rubbing them on bush and with light rubbing they can be partially discharged releasing some of the red color You want to see a complete red color to verify a cow is in heat

Gomer bulls can be very beneficial in smaller breeding groups I have tried the numerous ways to create a marker animal including implanting open cows and juicing up steers with testosterone. The best procedure I have found is using a smaller quiet bull either from your herd or a known herd and performing an epididymectomy on him Your veterinarian will know how to do this procedure. This is the simplest most economical surgery and the bull can be shipped after that season. Use a poorer grade animal preferably with smaller testicles The cost of the procedure is much cheaper than over wintering the bull until next season

Chin ball markers are a great help but a word of caution, let the bull get used to the marker without any ink in

it for several days. Otherwise fences, watering bowls and everything around will be marked till the bull gets used to wearing this new device. Changing ink colour can aid with errors in confusing cows already bred. Many colours of ink are available

Even though these marker bulls are full penetration, breeder’s disease risk is very low since virgin bulls are used from a known source It has been found that the natural act of breeding with a gomer may increase the AI rates a small percentage as well Marker bulls should not be considered if the group is too large or if synchronization is being done. Otherwise the bulls get overworked, burned out and basically don't know which way to turn In the situation of large groups, manual detection is still the best by spending time observing heats especially towards dawn or dusk

Synchronization programs if successful, concentrate heat detection times over just a few days If you wish to synchronize large groups of heifers, a program using MGA at 0.5 mg per head for 14 days, withdrawing it and either waiting for the second heat (first heat is not a fertile one) or using a prostaglandin 15 to 19 days after withdrawal of the MGA will synchronize most heifers. If your heifer pen is large you may want to stagger groups of heifers so calving does not overwhelm you the following year. Be warned this program does not work successfully in cows Several programs have been developed to synchronize cows, some are very labor intensive but conception rates can be very good. Hired labor for breeding can be utilized if the producer does not do AI One shot of prostaglandin if given sufficient time (at least 45 days) after

calving should have 65 to 75% of cows coming into heat over 5 days Other programs use GnRh first followed by prostaglandins in 7 days, which will bring most cycling in over one to two days The more elaborate CIDR or PRID programs will be talked about in other articles

Other programs are available and each should be explored with your veterinarian for the best one suited to your operation Make sure nutrition is adequate; phosphorus and energy are the two keys for cycling to occur

The biggest mistake I feel a lot of producers make is to get caught up in the glamour of AI and lose sight of the fact they still need to get the cow or heifer pregnant early It's best to only AI for one or two cycles and then use good quality clean up bulls

Heat detection is still desirable even if natural breeding is occurring for several reasons It ensures the cows are actually cycling. Especially if new young virgin bulls are used, hand mating should occur for the first couple of breedings This insures these newcomers are actually getting a successful breeding in Mark down dates on any breedings observed. This information can come in handy next year at calving if problems arise or if cows need to be induced Only a very few cows should be coming back at the next heat otherwise the bull should be rechecked. I know of numerous incidences where diligent farmers have averted a disaster by carefully watching if cows were returning to heat.

These hints hopefully will allow you to have a successful breeding season with high conception rates while at the same time enjoying substantial genetic gain. Happy Breeding!

40 Charolais Banner • May 2012

Hunter Bull Sale

1st Hunter Charolais Bull Sale

April 5, 2012 • Roblin, MB

Gross Average

34 3/4 Yearling Bulls $128,600 $3,701

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: By Livestock

With their numbers climbing the decision was made to have their own bull sale on the farm With a new calving/sale barn, a power point sale made the task much easier A beautiful day saw buyers from Ontario to Saskatchewan come to select from this proven program and quality offering

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 2, HC YODA 105Y (3rd Gen Polled, 105 lb BW, 761 lb 205 DW, 21 6 Milk EPD, 1,685 lbs , 40 cm), sired by Elders Special Edition 835U, out of an HTA Crown Prince 152L daughter. Sold for $11,200 for 3/4 interest to Diamond W Charolais, Hudson Bay, SK

Lot 1, HC YARDSTICK 115Y (Igenity Tested Homozygous Polled, 104 lb BW, 754 lb 205 DW, 1,625 lbs ,

37 cm), sired by Elders Special Edition 835U, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter Sold for $9,500 for 1/2 interest to Steppler Farms, Miami Lot 31, HC YOURMAN 137Y (Igenity Tested Homozygous Polled, 104 lb BW, 861 lb 205 DW, 60 WW EPD, 120 YW EPD, 1,775 lbs ), sired by CS Pld Junction 4J, out of a DYV SVY Rio 17P daughter. Sold for $7,000 for 3/4 interest to Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON

Lot 18, HC YELLOWSTONE 134Y (Polled, 104 lb. bW, 103 YW EPD, 1,645 lbs., 39 cm), sied by JWX Silver Bullet 524W, out of a DYV SVY Rio 17P daughter Sold for $4,800 for 3/4 interest to Marvin Lychuk, Kenville

Lot 33, HC YOURLANDER 117Y (90 lb BW, 722 lb 205 DW, 1,600 lbs , 37 cm), sired by CS Pld Junction 4J, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Dwight Mitchell, Togo, SK.

Lot 40, HC YAROSLAV 170Y (82 lb BW, 1 3 BW EPD, 763 lb 205 DW,


1,455 lbs., 38 cm), sired by HC Upbeat 883U, out of an MXS Montana 718T daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Ross Charolais, Young, SK

Size Matters Bull Sale

6th Annual Size Matters Bull Sale

April 12, 2012 • Canora, SK

Gross Average

24 3/4 Yearling Bulls $79,500 $3,212

Auctioneer: Michael K. Fleury

This sale held at Sliding Hills Charolais went to a power point format this year to lessen the stress on the cattle and the people. The sale was more relaxing for consignors and buyers with active bidding on the quality offering. Three bulls sold to purebred herds in each of the three prairie provinces.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 2, SHSH HD 14Y (Polled, 97 lb BW 1.8 BW EPD, 23.4 Milk EPD, 1,655 lbs , 41 cm) sired by Merit 9808W, out of a Sparrows Serengeti 521N daughter. Sold for $8,000 for 3/4 interest to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB Consigned by Sliding Hills

Charolais, Canora

Lot 5, SHSH EXCEED 40Y (Polled, 81 lb BW, 1 8 BW EPD, 770 lb 205 DW, 95 YW EPD, 1,470 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Merit 9808W, out of an LT Western Edge 4057 Pld daughter Sold for $4,700 to Box J Ranch, Cochin Consigned by Sliding Hills Charolais.

Lot 9, SHSH UNDERDOG 54Y (Polled, 82 lb. BW, 2.4 BW EPD, 1,380 lbs.), sired by LT Western Edge 4057 Pld, out of an HC Maverick 214M daughter Sold for $4,300 to Ken Effa, Springside. Consigned by Sliding Hills Charolais

Lot 6, SHSH PAUNCH 46Y (101 lb. BW, 53 WW EPD, 1,510 lbs , 39 cm), sired by SHSH Pld Broker 1P, out of a Sparrows Serengeti 521N daughter Sold for $4,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB

Lot 16, GLM SNOWMAN 3Y (Polled, 8 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD,

1,300 lbs , 39 5 cm), sired by SOS Up In Smoke 37R, out of an LT Unlimited Ease 9108 daughter Sold for $3,900 to Darryl Friesen, Carrot River Consigned by Jordan River

Charolais, Arborfield

Charolais Banner • May 2012 41 SIX BULLS TO BREEDERS
Carman Jackson bought the high selling bull Ken Effa purchased the third high seller Craig Jones selected the second high seller Marvin Lychuk selected a top seller Andre Steppler purchased the second high seller Ivan & Orland Walker took the high seller to their Diamond W operation


South East Sask. Breeders 38th Annual Bull Sale

April 14, 2012 • Langbank, SK

Gross Average

1 Mature Bull $5,400 $5,400

6 Two Year Old Bulls 23,000 3,833

14 Yearling Bulls 46,700 3,336

21 Lots $75,100 $3,576

Auctioneer: Don Oberg

Sale Manager: By Livestock

Campbell Charolais, Griffin, were the main consignor in this year’s sale and offered up a great set of bulls which found solid commercial support from both repeat customers of theirs and new ones as well The high quality will attract more attention in the years ahead The sale also saw a bull from Charla Moore Farms and two year old and yearling Hereford bulls from Square D Herefords along with some commercial open heifers

High Selling Mature Bull Lot 21, PLEASANT DAWN ARKAY 41W (Polled, .4 BW EPD, 2,500 lbs., 44 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P, out of a Pleasant Dawn U Win 2K

daughter Sold for $5,400 to Emde Land & Cattle Co., Midale. Consigned by Campbell Charolais High Selling Two Year Olds Lot 15, CAMPBELLS MR IMPORANT 59X (3rd Gen Polled, 89 lb BW, 1 BW EPD, 2,200 lbs , 43 cm), sired by Campbells Rollsroyce 314R, out of a WCR Prime Cut 763 Pld daughter Sold for $4,800 to Emde Land & Cattle Co. Consigned by Campbell Charolais Lot 17, CAMPBELLS HERE I AM 25X (4TH Gen Polled/s, 82 lb BW, 6 BW EPD, 2,319 lbs., 46 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 26T, out of a Campbells Rollsroyce 314R daughter Sold for $4,200 to Doug Moore, Redvers Consigned by Campbell Charolais.

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 3, CAMPBELLS YOUR ROCKIN 281Y (3rd Gen Polled, 108 lb. BW, 1,862 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 26T, out of a DBLG’S Champ 9J daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Emil Daku, Kipling. Consigned by Campbell Charolais Lot 2, CAMPBELLS YOUR COOL


17Y (4th Gen. Polled, 85 lb. BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 23.6 Milk EPD, 1,518 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 26T, out of a Campbells Boo Boo 24G daughter Sold for $4,100 to Richard Tollefson, Weyburn Consigned by Campbell Charolais.

Cor nerstone Bull Sale

BRIMNER BULL 27Y (Polled, 101 lb. BW, 81 YW EPD, 1,450 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Rosso Red Cole 13S, out of a 4 G Grand Prix 229M daughter Sold for $4,000 to Highway 21 Feeders, Acme, AB

Cole 13S, out of a Twinbirch Lad 7L daughter Sold for $3,700 to Maurice Colleaux, Wauchope.

A big crowd came to select from the offering put forth by Brimner Cattle Co , Manor and Red Angus bulls from WRAZ Red Angus of Wawota The sale was solid in both breeds with no extreme highs but good solid support from many repeat customers.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

BRIMNER BULL 14Y (Polled, 78 lb BW, 1 9 BW EPD, 2 4 4 Milk EPD, 1,375 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by 4 G Riptide 18S, out of a Rosso Red Cole 13S daughter Sold for $4,350 to Bremner Charolais, Dauphin, MB

BRIMNER BULL 40Y (Polled, 1 4 BW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1,400 lbs 37 cm), sired by 4 G Riptide 18S, out of a KMAC Serio 32S daughter Sold for $4,000 to Willie Cowan, Whitewood.

BRIMNER BULL 51Y (Polled, Red Factor, 86 lb. BW, 3.3 BW EPD, 1,340 lbs , 38 cm), sired by HBC Encore 834U, out of a 4 G Riptide 18S daughter Sold for $4,000 to Paul Filteau, Wawota

BRIMNER BULL 64Y (Polled, Red Factor, 762 lb. 205 DW, 23.9 Milk EPD, 1,490 lbs, 37 5 cm), sired by Rosso Red

42 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Emil Daku purchased a high selling yearling Richard Tollefson was the volume buyer taking three Sale hosts Jim Duke, left, and Janelle Camp bell present a buyer’s draw jacket to Ryan Hanrieder who selected two bulls
Cor nerstone Bull & Female Sale April 21, 2012 • Whitewood, SK Gross Average 19 Yearling Bulls $61,400 $3,232 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manger: Doug Howe
Ed Miller purchased four bulls Cory & Jack Bremner selected the high selling bull

Canadian Charolais Youth Conference & Show


M O N D AY , J U LY 9T H

12:00 8:00 Cattle can begin arriving

T U E S D AY , J U LY 10T H

8:00 1:00 Cattle Arrive/Weigh In/Registration

*Please arrive before 1:00 p m

12:00 1:00 ....................................................................Lunch

1:00 4:00 ..............Intro Meeting/Educational Component 4:00 5:00 Chores 5:00 6:00 Supper

6:00 ....................................Welcome to CCYA and Synergy

7:00 Mixer

W E D N E S D AY , J U LY 11T H

8:00 9:00 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements

9:00 12:00 Showmanship (Synergy) 12:00 1:00 Lunch

1:00 4:00 ..............Team Grooming/Individual Marketing 4:00 4:30 Chores 5:00 Supper followed by Activities

T H U R S D AY , J U LY 12T H

7:00 8:00 Breakfast/Morning Announcements 8:00 11:00 ..........................Individual Judging (Synergy)

11:00 ..................................................................Group Photo 12:00 1:00 Lunch 1:00 4:30 Team Judging (Synergy)/Team Marketing 4:30 5:00 ....................................................................Chores 5:00 Keep and Cull & Supper

F R I D AY , J U LY 13T H

8:30 9:30 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 10:00 11:00 Team Grooming Finals 11:15 12:00 .............. Meetings/Annual General Meeting 12:00 12:45 ..................................................................Lunch 12:45 1:00 Closing Ceremonies

1:30 4:00 Conformation (Synergy)

4:30 ....Synergy Supreme Champion Judging of all Breeds (Inc Champion CCYA Commercial & Purebred Females)

6:30 Banquet & Awards Ceremony S A T U R D AY , J U LY 14T H

4:00 ......................Synergy Supreme Parade of Champions (Calgary Stampede Grounds)

8:30 Synergy Scholarship Presentations (Calgary Stampede Grandstand)

• “Synergy” indicates mandatory component for qualifying for Synergy Scholarships See www summersynergy ca for the individual marketing component (Synergy fee $60 payable on line)


Siesta Motel, Olds ..........................................1 403 556 3583

Olds College Townhouses 1 403 556 8330 (4 single bedrooms for $160 plus tax) Rooms/townhouses have been reserved under the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and will be held until July 1, 2012

If you wish to camp, there are fully serviced camping sites available at O R Hedges Park Campground, Olds, or no services camping located behind the Pavilion/Dome.


The Calgary International Airport is 45 minutes from Olds Please inform Russell Gallelli of your travel itinerary if you are flying to Calgary and transportation can be arranged if needed

For more information contact: Jordan Jamieson C: 403 324 1156 E: jamjam@gmail com Luke Marshall H: 403.227.2594 E: futureal@telusplanet net Russell Gallelli H: 403.946.5953 E:

Donations for the silent auction would be greatly a ppreciated from anyone to help raise funds for the conference.


Charolais Banner • May 2012 43
“ R O C K Y M O U N TA I N M E M O R I E S ” J u l y 9 t h t o 1 3 t h , 2 0 1 2
a l u o r i Pa v i l i o n , O l d s , A l b e r t a

1 EntryThe Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA) show and Conference is open to all youth members in Canada or foreign countries who are registered members of their respective associations Canadian members must have paid their $15 00 active membership fee to the CCYA or their $25 active membership fee to the CCA to be able to participate in the conference (see http://youth charolais com/membership for more information) CCYA members may include their $15 membership fee with their application form for the Conference and Show Registration for the Conference enters the youth members in all competitions

2 Ages The age division for the competitions will be: Junior: 12 and under; Intermediates: 13 16 years; Seniors; 17 21 years as of January 1 of the current year

3 Photography Competition The photography competition is open to all participants The photograph must be taken by the youth member exhibiting it Photos should depict the purebred or commercial Charolais industry Points will be awarded on clarity, quality, originality and relationship to the Charolais industry Presentation and/or framing is not permitted Photos must not be larger than 8” X 10” Bring your photo entry to the conference and enter when you register Only one photo per exhibitor will be accepted Pictures entered in past competitions will not be accepted

4 Art Competition The art competition is open to all participants All artwork must be done by the youth submitting it The artwork must depict something directly related to the Charolais industry It cannot contain photographs Any medium may be used: pencil, crayon, pastel, paint, fabric, wood, clay, etc Originality is the key Presentation and/or framing are encouraged but no points are awarded on this basis Artwork must be brought to the conference and entered when you register Only one entry per exhibitor will be accepted The highest placing between photography and artwork competitions will be used in aggregate and scholarship points Artwork entered in past competitions will not be accepted

5 Showmanship Competition The showmanship competition will be divided into the three age categories Animals will be made available for participants not exhibiting in conformation If the youth have their own animal, it must be used for the competition Showmanship will be a non fit/dry brush competition; animals that have been fitted will not be allowed to be used for the competition The assigned ring marshal’s decision will be final

6 Team Grooming Competition The team grooming competition will be twenty minutes in length Teams of junior, intermediate and senior participants will be arbitrarily made prior to the show Yearling heifers will be used exclusively for the competition Heifers are to be washed and clipped prior to the competition but dressing prior to commencement will result in disqualification Teams will be evaluated on the use of equipment knowledge skill involvement final appearance and presentation of the heifer The judge will select up to three teams in each split to bring their heifer back to compete for the overall title Teams that qualify for the final if available will have an hour to groom an unclipped animal If not available teams will have an additional 5 minutes per team to touch up the original animal in the show ring The use of unethical or artificial fitting practices will result in immediate disqualification and under no circumstances will be tolerated

7 Team Selling/Judging Competition All participants will choose between team marketing and team judging This will be chosen at the time of registration Teams will be made up of two members who are in the same age category Teams will be made prior to the conference, but the committee reserves the right to modify teams based on actual attendance a Team Selling Each team will have approximately 5 7 minutes to sell an animal, embryo, semen or related product to a prospective buyer Teams will be judged on knowledge, enthusiasm, group cooperation/involvement, and overall ability to convince and sell b Team Judging The hosting province has the authority to choose if one or two classes will be judged If expected to judge two classes in the first class one team member will be responsible for the ring person duties and the other will place the class and give a set of oral reasons to the audience In the second class the team members will alternate positions

8 Individual Marketing Individual marketing evaluates participant’s ability to promote a product (or service) Time is given at the conference; participants are not permitted to use/submit materials in advance Forty five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign

Junior: Individuals are given a choice of individual selling or developing promotional item one of: a radio ad, or a magazine ad Tape recorders and art supplies will be provided for the ads Forty five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign

Intermediate: Participants will be required to compare and critique two advertisements of the same medium, and will be judged on logic and effectiveness Participants will be judged in originality, and content Forty five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to complete their questionnaire

Senior: Individuals will be required to develop a marketing plan for a specific scenario The product/service will be selected by the organising committee prior to the conference A set of questions will be provided as a template for the plan, as well as necessary background information Forty five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing plan Plans will be submitted in writing and will be judged on logic, clarity, creativity and originality, and effectiveness For Intermediates and Seniors the top 5 participants, based on their written marketing piece, may be asked to return and given a face to face sales pitch to the judge

9 Keep and Cull Competition Participants will compete individually and learn the basics of keeping females in the herd on the criteria of past performance and appearance Members will be given EPD’s and a farm based scenario according to the competitors age category as developed by the judge prior to competition and will be expected to select three females from a pen of five A class will be held by the judge prior to the competition to explain the fundamentals of EPD’s and what the industry is looking for in today’s producing animals

10 Judging Competition Members will compete individually and will judge classes of steers females and bull calves Participants will be expected to complete written reasons on three classes and oral reasons on one class, as determined by the organizing committee The time limit for each class will be 20 minutes FOR 2012 ONLY the judging competition will be run in conjunction with the Synergy show multi judging competition Individual scores from the multi judging will be used to determine prizes for CCYA and in the aggregate calculation

11 Oral Reasons Members will compete individually by presenting one set of oral reasons on previously judged steers, yearling heifers or bull calves Only junior members will be allowed to refer to their judging cards while giving their oral presentation There will be a time limit of two minutes FOR 2012 ONLY the oral reasons competition will be run in conjunction with the Synergy show multi judging competition Individual scores from the multi judging will be used to determine prizes for CCYA and in the aggregate calculation

12 Herdsmanship Competition The organizing committee will group youth exhibiting with those youth without cattle at the Conference and Show This allows for juniors without cattle to help those with cattle and to meet new people All members are encouraged to help keep their alley swept and clean and to help one

another out Teams will be limited to a maximum of six members and will be made by organizers according to the youth members’ experience/age and the number of animals to be cared for by the team A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners All families with cattle will be in the same herdsman group unless notified by the families that this is unwanted Farm signs will not be permitted

13 The Grant Moffat Memorial Ambassador Award Members will be evaluated on the helpfulness, willingness encouragement spirit and general attitude towards the conference and fellow participants A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners Members will be evaluated in their respective age categories A ballot will be filled out by CCYA members attending the Conference and Show and will also be used in the judging process

14 Education Awards Education award monies will be awarded on an overall point basis at the conference and show Eligibility requirements are listed in the CCYA Policies and Procedures, section 21 The amount of education award monies will be $1800 with $1000 for 1st $500 for 2nd and $300 for 3rd place based on the breakdown of the following competitions: Judging & Oral reasons 35%, Ambassador 20%, Showmanship 10%, Photography or Art (best of) 5% Keep & Cull 10% Individual Marketing 15% Essay Competition 5%

15 Aggregate Competition Members will compete for the aggregate award in each of the three age divisions Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art best 5%, judging 25%, showmanship 10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, oral reasons 5% and 5% for bringing cattle The first and second place winners in each division will be awarded belt buckles to recognise their accomplishments Additional monies may be awarded at the discretion of the Conference and Show organising committee

16 Conformation Classes Offered


a Bull Calf born in 2012

b Heifer Calf born in 2012

c Yearling Heifer born in 2011

d Female born in 2010 with natural 2012 calf

e Female born in 2009 or previous with natural 2012 calf

f Champion & Reserve Purebred Female (top 2 animals from classes I(b e))

II COMMERCIAL (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross)

a Heifer Calf born in 2012

b Yearling Heifer born in 2012

c Female born in 2010 with natural 2012 calf d Female born in 2009 or previous with natural 2012 calf

e Champion & Reserve Commercial Female (top 2 animals from classes II(a d))


a Best purebred, designated red factor animal in the show b Market steer (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross)

Supreme Champion Charolais Female will then be selected from the top 2 animals from classes I(f) and II(e) Entry deadline is June 1st, 2012 and no entries postmarked after this date will be accepted

17 Prizes All prizes and placings will be announced only at the banquet on the final night, with the exception of conformation


1 Absolutely NO parent/adult participation will be allowed Barn bosses and ambassador volunteers will be monitoring the barn, wash rack, and tie out areas at all times Any parent/adult participation may result in a deduction of aggregate and scholarship points from the youth member in question Senior members are encouraged to help the junior members This includes the set up and take down of the stall

2 All purebred animals entered must be registered with the CCA Crossbred heifers do not need to be registered Calves should be registered and must be tattooed by show day No tattooing will be permitted on the grounds Original registration certificates must accompany purebred cattle to the show, including all calves Tattoos will be checked upon arrival

3 Members showing animals that are owned by them or their family can enter as many head as they choose, keeping in mind that they are responsible for showing their entries Members who cannot bring their own cattle but wish to enter the conformation show may enter an animal belonging to another Charolais breeder However, members entering cattle not owned by them or their family are limited to only one entry

4 Animals must be shown by the youth member entering them unless more than one entry is in the class

5 There is no limit placed on the number of entries per class however the youth will be responsible for finding other youth to help them show

6 The entry fee is $20 per animal Calves may be split off cows, but in the case of a pair that goes on to the finale, the heifer calves will be ineligible to be shown in the heifer calf division

7 Classes will be determined after the entry deadline and will contain approximately eight to ten animals

8 All animals are expected to be broke to lead If in a case where the animal in question poses a threat to the safety of the other participants, the owner will be asked to remove the animal from the show barn The Barn Boss will have final say

9 A bedding base will be provided to all participants Exhibitors will be responsible for their own feed for the duration of the conference Night tie outs will be available, as well as pens for nurse cows

10 For all CCYA members the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited on show grounds or during any show activities Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the remainder of the Conference and Show

11 Unethical fitting practices are not allowed in any of the competitions This includes the use of artificial tail heads, and artificial fillers such as stomach filling; unless deemed necessary by a veterinarian

12. Surgical alterations are not permitted on any animal being exhibited, unless a valid veterinarian certificate is produced that explains the reason for them

13 All participants are expected to participate in all events, unless illness forces them out of competition Youth not participating in all events will lose aggregate and scholarship points Any youth that chooses not to participate in all events may be disqualified from all competitions and show, and forfeit any prizes or awards that they may have otherwise earned

14 The show shirt is expected to be worn for conformation showmanship and team grooming Name tags are to be worn at all times

15 The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee, Agricultural Society, or any of the show advisors or volunteers is not responsible for loss, injury or accident to animals, property or humans for the duration of the Conference and Show

16 By submitting the entry form and signing the Code of Conduct the youth member agrees to abide by all the above rules and regulations for the competitions and the cattle show A group of adult advisors, including the Youth Coordinator have been appointed by the hosting Conference and Show Organizing Committee to enforce the rules and regulations The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee has the power to, at any time, intervene to settle disputes or clarify the rules

44 Charolais Banner • May 2012

Mail or fax entries by June 1st to: Russell Gallelli, Box 10, Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Fax: (403) 946 4804 • Make cheques payable to 2012 CCYA Conference * Separate cheque required for CCYA Membership ($15 75) payable to CCYA



The Canadian Charolais Youth Association strives to promote respectful behavior in all areas of its Conference and Show by youth participants and parents Both the participant and their parents/guardian must sign this form prior to the youth participating in any Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show As a participating youth in the Canadian Charolais Youth Association I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct:

1 Offer constructive support of my fellow participants

2 Show appreciation of good work by competitors

3 As a visitor to conference/show facilities and motel/hotel, respect the property and regulations of the host facility/motel

4 Recognize the integrity of the judges and officials and respect the difficulty of their decisions and accept their decisions with good sportsmanship

5 Respect the feelings of all participants and the efforts made by all 6 Learn at least one new skill during the course of the conference/show

7 Express thanks to organizing members, sponsors, and officials for helping to present the Conference and Show

8 By word and deed offer leadership to new conference/show members

9 Refrain from using alcohol or drugs during the entire time of the Conference and Show



Adult Registration $150 Children under 5 FREE Name: Address: Name: Address: Adults & Guests will have the opportunity to sign up for various activities or volunteer positions at the youth registration booth


• All youth members attending the show are required to pay their annual CCYA member ship of $15 75 which funds the semi annual newsletter, purchase incentive program, leadership scholarship and essay competition Please enclose a separate cheque for this amount payable to the Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA)

• Animals can be borrowed from a family who does not have a participating youth member, but ONLY ONE (1) animal can be registered per participating member

• Members showing animals owned by them, their family, or a family with a participating youth member can enter multiple animals

• List each entry separately

• Additional livestock entries can be submitted on a separate sheet of paper

• Photocopies of livestock registration papers must accompany entry form

• Please note the changes to this year ' s rules and regulations and make sure that you have met all of the requirements

• A signed Code of Conduct must accompany all youth member registrations, absence of the signed form will render youth member ineligible to partake in the Conference & Show

• Registration fee is $150 per youth This includes merchandise, meals for Tuesday lunch through Friday night Banquet and all competitions except the cattle show Registration fee for Adults includes all meals and banquet ticket

• First time participants will receive a $50 rebate from the CCYA after the conference, but should pay the full registration amount

• Cheques should be made payable to 2012 CCYA Conference

Charolais Banner • May 2012 45
2 Date
Signature Print Name of Participant AS PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) OF THE YOUTH PARTICIPANT,
Signature Print name PARENT/GUARDIAN
Signature Print name Parent/Guardian
Do you want your family as one herdsman group or in mixed groups? q One Group q Mixed Groups Class Name/Tattoo Registration # Birthdate Entry Fee
Address: ...................................................................................................................
................................................................... Postal Code: ............................... Email
.............................................. # of Conferences Attended: Allergies (asthma, dietary restrictions, etc ) Individual Marketing Competition Juniors only have a choice between: (Check One) q Individual Marketing q Magazine Ad or m Radio Ad (time and materials will be provided) or q Individual Selling Team Event (choose one) q Team Selling or q Team Judging Jackets: Youth (Circle size) XS S M L Adult (Circle size) S M L XL CCYA 2012 CONFERENCE & SHOW OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FORM LIVESTOCK FEE @ $20/ANIMAL $ CONFERENCE
$150.00 *CCYA
Livestock Registration
Name: Birthdate:

Bull Sales in Brief

Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale

February 4, 2012 • Lloydminster, AB

Gross Average

28 Two Year Old Bulls $139,050 $4,966

40 Yearling Bulls 161,000 4,025

68 Lots $300,050 $4,413

Rawes Ranches 29th Annual Bull Sale

February 21, 2012 • Strome, AB

Gross Average

106 5 Two Year Old Bulls$606,650 $5,696

93rd Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale

March 5, 20l2 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average

4 Two Year Old Bulls $16,100 $4,025 21 Yearling Bulls 71,500 3,404

25 Bulls $87,600 $3,504

9th Annual Norther n Classic Bull Sale

March 9, 2012 • Grand Prairie, AB

Gross Average

10 Yearling Bulls $44,900 $4,490

9th Annual Norther n Classic Bull Sale

March 9, 2012 • Grand Prairie, AB Gross Average

10 Yearling Bulls $44,900 $4,490

South Central Charolais Breeders Bull Sale

March 9, 2012 • Innisfail, AB

Gross Average

18 Two Year Old Bulls $73,700 $4,094

58 Yearling Bulls 199,900 3,446

76 Bulls $273,600 $3,600

Range Ready Bull Sale

March 10, 2012 • Yorkton, SK

Gross Average

17 Two Year Old Bulls $62,900 $3,700

Vente Synergie

March 10, 2012 • Ste Sophie de Levard, QC

Gross Average

12 Yearling Bulls $40, 350 $3,360

Regina Bull Sale

March 11, 2012 • Regina, SK

Gross Average

4 Two Year Old Bulls $14,500 $3,625

7 Yearling Bulls 18,900 2,700

11 Lots $33,400 $3,036

Double L Ranch/Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale

March 16, 2012 • Innisfail,AB

Gross Average

37 Yearling Bulls $141,895 $3,835

North Central Charolais Breeders Bull Sale

March 17, 2012 • Clyde, AB Gross Average

1 Three Year Old Bull $3,900 $3,900

15 Two Year Old Bulls 68,600 4,573 21 Yearling Bulls 100,500 4,786 37 Lots $173,000 $4,675

Lanoie Brothers Bull Sale March 17, 2012 • Moose Jaw, SK

Gross Average

40 Yearling Bulls $103,300 $2,583

Sandan Charolais Farm Bull Sale March 17, 2012 • Erskine, AB

Gross Average

5 Two Year Old Bulls $31,40 $6,280

12 Long Yearling Bulls 61,050 5,087 33 Yearling Bulls 138,700 4,203 50 Bulls $231,150 $4,623

Maple Leaf Charolais Bull Sale March 22, 2012 • Falun, AB Gross Average

4 5 Yearlings $17,000 $3,777

14.5Long Yearlings 51,150 3,527

15.5 Two Year Old Bulls 76,350 4,925 34 5 Lots $144,500 $4,188

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale March 25, 2012 • Bonnyville, AB Gross Average

19 Two Year Old Bulls $86,575 $4,556

Wawedash Farms Bull Sale March 26,2012, • Veteran, AB Gross Average

29 Two Year Old Bulls $112,500 $3,880

Harvie Ranching Bull Sale March 26, 2012 • Olds, AB Gross Average

20 Yearling Bulls $112,200 $5,610

North West Bull Sale

March 26, 2012 • North Battleford, SK Gross Average

1 Two Year Old Bull $4,600 $4,600

8 Yearling Bulls 29,050 3,631

9 Lots $33,650 3,739

Thistle Ridge Bull Sale

March 30, 2012 • Taber, AB Gross Average

19 Yearling Bulls $84,750 $4,460

K Cow Ranch Family Bull Sale

March 30, 2012 • Elk Point, AB Gross Average

15 Two Year Old Bulls $64,500 $4,300

5 Yearling Bulls 15,700 3,140

20 Lots $80,200 $4,010

Southland Breeders Bull Sale

March 31, 2012 • Rockglen, SK Gross Average

2 Two Year Old Bulls $ 4,900 $2,450

16 Yearling Bulls 36,500 2,281

18 Lots $41,400 $2,300

The PIC Bull Sale

March 31, 2012 • Listowel, ON Gross Average

4 Yearling Bulls $14,000 $3,500

Maritime Beef Test Station Bull Sale

April 7, 2012 • Nappan, NS Gross Average

14 Yearling Bulls $49,950 $3,568

Vermillion Charolais Group Bull Sale April 7, 2012 • Vermilion, AB Gross Average

55 Two Year Old Bulls $290,350 $5,279

14 Yearling Bulls 47,425 3,387

69 Lots $337,775 $4,895

Saunders Charolais Bull Sale

April 7, 2012 • Keady, ON Gross Average

29 Yearling Bulls $104,850 $3,615

Manitoba Bull Test Sale

April 7, 2012 • Carberry, MB Gross Average

13 Yearling Bulls $35,150 $2,704

46 Charolais Banner • May 2012

2012 Spring Bull Sale Summary

Highest Average Ever • Largest Grossing Spring Ever at Over 11.25 Million

According to statistics, the 2012 overall sale average and overall gross were the highest in the 31 years that the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results

There were 77 sales reporting in 2012 with the overall average up $763 and 236 5/6 more lots selling Total gross sales were up by $2,806,200

A quick overview shows that of the 59 sales reporting in both 2011 and 2012, 84% of those sales had an increase in their average and 19 sales had an increase in overall average of over $1000! There were 19 sales grossing more than $200,000.

There were 20 sales selling more than 40 lots.

Mature bulls were up in average $1800 with one less selling in 2012

There were 22 1/2 more two year old bull lots selling in 2012 with an increase in average of $1040 There were 19 sales, or over 43%, with two year olds selling that had a two year old average above $4500

There were 263 2/3 more yearling lots selling in 2012, realizing an increase in average of $658 Of all the sales with yearling bulls selling, 23 of the yearling sales averaged over $4500.

Of the 77 sales reporting and included in

the chart, 63% had overall sale grosses of more than $100,000

Bull Sale Chart Notes:

• Statistics are from fall 2011 sales with more than 10 bulls and spring 2012 bull sales

• No U S bull sales are included in the chart.

• The sales with fall long yearlings were treated as two year old bulls.

Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale April 12, 2012 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $7,000 $3,500 11 Yearling Bulls 30,900 2,809 13 Lots $37,900 $2,915

Easter n Select Bull Sale

April 14, 2012 • Campbellford, ON Gross Average

18 Yearling Bulls $65,600 $3,644

Cedardale Bull Sale

April 21, 2012 • Nestleton, ON

Gross Average

23 Yearling Bulls $100,050 $4,350

Char Maine Ranching Bull Sale

December 2, 2011 • Fort MacLeod, AB

Gross Average

53 Yearling Bulls $194,550 $3,671

White Is Right Bull Sale

March 26, 2012 • Lethbridge, AB

Gross Average

33 Yearling Bulls $134,150 $4,065

2012 Quebec Test Station Sales

Gross Average

Lac St Jean • February 4

7 Yearling Bulls $18,825 $2,690

St Martin • February 18

32 Yearling Bulls $105,600 $3,300

Asbestos I • February 25

11 Yearling Bulls $27,050 $2,459

Vinoy Quyon • March 17

16 Yearling Bulls $47,450 $2,966

Charolais Banner • May 2012 47
TOP 10 SELLING BULLS IN CANADA – SPRING 2012 PRICE BULL’S NAME SELLER $37,000 Tri-N Prefix Pld ET 54Y Tri-N Charolais $35,000 Sparrows Kingston 139Y A.Sparrow Farms $34,000 VFF Time Out 172Y Vikse Family Farm $34,000 KCM Ultimate 144Y Perrot Martin Charolais $27,500 SRK Canyon 2Y Sand Rose & Wilgenbusch Charolais $23,000 LAE Juice Box 190Y Horseshoe E Charolais $20,000 Pro-Char Roadster 4Y Pro-Char Charolais $20,000 CSS Sir Navigator 20Y Wilgenbusch Charolais $18,500 Sparrows Hombre 128Y A Sparrow Farms $18,500 HTA Bradack 137Y HTA Charolais Select Genetics Bull Sale April 9, 2012 • Herbert, SK Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $4,100 $4,100 7 Yearling Bulls 33,350 4,764 8
Lots $37,450 $4,681 JTA Diamond Charolais Bull Sale April 10, 2012 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 14 Two Year Old Bulls $45,500 $3,250 9 Yearling Bulls 22,300 2,478 23 Lots $67,800 $2,948 Top Cut Bull Sale April 11, 2012 • Mankota, SK Gross Average 15 Yearling Bulls $50,300 $3,353

Alameda Bull Sale 28 3/4 $3,040 28 3/4 $3,040 $87,400

Asbestos 1 Bull Test Station 20 $1,890 11 $2,459 20 $1,890 11 $2,459 $37,800 $27,050

Beck Farms Bull Sale 2–$3,900 4 $5,150 28 3/4 $4,080 27 $4,213 30 3/4 $4,068 31 $4,334 $125,100 $134,350

Best of the Breeds Bull Sale

4–$3,425 2–$3,775 22 $3,355 23 $3,082 26 $3,365 25 $3,138 $87,500 $78,450

Buffalo Lake Charolais 19 $3,568 13 $6,300 27 $3,744 37 $5,383 46 $3,671 50 $5,622 $168,900 $281,100

Calgary Bull Sale 4–$2,400 4–$2,400 $9,600

Cattleman's Classic 1–$4,250 2–$2,600 11 $3,109 21 1/3 $5,496 12 $3,204 23 1/3 $5,248 $38,450 $122,450

Cedardale Charolais 23 $3,835 23 $4,350 23 $3,835 23 $4,350 $88,200 $100,050

Cedarlea Farms 28 $4,239 28 $4,239 $118,700

Char Maine Ranching 57 $3,118 53 $3671 57 $3,118 53 $3671 $177,700 $194,550

Charolais Power 76 $3,550 60 $5,695 18 $4,805 30 $5,086 94 $3,790 90 $5,492 $356,100 $494,300

Chomiak Charolais 19 $2,915 19 $2,915 $55,400

Clear Lake Annual Sale 3–$2,883 6–$2,650 16 $2,493 21 $3,052 19 $2,547 27 $2,962 $48,400 $80,000

Cornerstone Annual Sale 18 $3,100 19 $3,232 18 $3,100 19 $3,232 $55,800 $61,400

CSS Bull Sale 5 $3,460 34 $3,533 39 $3,573 $139,350

Diamond W Charolais 3 $3,350 1 $2,750 28 $3,104 29 $3,229 31 $3,127 30 $3,213 $96,950 $96,400

Double L Ranch 39 $3,804 37 $3,835 39 $3,804 37 $3,835 $140,750 $141,900

Eastern Select Sale 20 $2,600 18 $3,644 20 $2,600 18 $3,644 $52,000 $65,600

Elder Charolais 34 $3,840 34 $4,535 34 $3,840 34 $4,535 $130,550 $154,200

Family Tradition Bull Sale 7–$3,286 11 $4,972 41 1/4 $3,776 20 $4,100 48 1/4 $3,705 31 $4,410 $178,750 $136,700

Forsyth & Tee M Jay 2–$2,900 42 $2,931 56 $3,550 44 $2,930 56 $3,550 $128,900 $187,600

Gilliland Bros Bull Sale 1–$3,750 38 3/4 $4,067 39 3/4 $4,059 $161,350

Harvie Ranching Sale 2–$4,250 2–$3,842 20 $5,610 23 $3,878 20 $5,610 $89,200 $112,200

HEJ Charolais Sale 43 3/4 $3,659 44 $4,361 43 3/4 $3,659 44 $4,361 $160,100 $191,900

High Country Breeders 24 $3,541 26 $5,500 18 $3,650 23 $4,578 42 $3,588 49 $5,067 $150,700 $248,300

High Point Bull Sale 1–$4,400 26 $3,778 27 $3,800 $102,600

Hill 70 Quantock 29 $3,760 28 $4,966 29 $3,659 40 $4,025 58 $3,709 68 $4,413 $215,150 $300,050

Hi Weigh Breeders 50 1/2 $4,627 47 $4,920 50 1/2 $4,627 47 $4,920 $233,600 $231,250

Horseshoe E Charolais

8–$4,450 10 $4,810 40 2/3 $4,175 40 1/4 $5,496 48 2/3 $4,221 50 1/4 $5,359 $205,400 $269,300

Hunter Charolais 34 3/4 $3,701 34 3/4 $3,701 $128,600

Impact Bull Sale 6 $4,058 23 3/4 $2,602 21 $4,512 23 3/4 $2,602 27 $4,411 $61,800 $119,100

JTA Diamond Charolais

5–$3,240 14 $3,250 6 $2,650 9–$2,478 11 $2,918 23 $2,948 $32,100 $67,800

K Cow Ranch Family Sale 15 $4,300 5 $3,140 20 $4,010 $80,200

Lac St Jean Test Station 5–$4,260 7–$2,690 5–$4,260 7–$2,690 $21,300 $18,825

Lanoie Bros Annual 34 $2,222 40 $2,583 34 $2,222 40 $2,583 $75,550 $103,300

Lloydminster Bull Sale 3–$4,466 4–$4,025 20 $3,425 21 $3,404 23 $3,561 25 $3,504 $81,900 $87,600

Louber Farms 29 2/3 $3,473 31 $3,550 29 2/3 $3,473 31 $3,550 $103,050 $110,050

Maple Leaf Annual Sale 35 $3,070 19 $3,587 15 1/2 $4,925 35 $3,070 34 1/2 $4,188 $107,450 $144,500

Maritime Test Station Sale 14 $3,568 21 $2,814 14 $3,568 $59,100 $49,950

MB (Douglas) Bull Test 18 2/3 $2,689 13 $2,704 18 2/3 $2,689 13 $2,704 $50,200 $35,150

McTavish Charolais 3–$3,000 24 $4,027 27 $3,913 $105,650

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale 17 $4,447 19 $4,556 17 $4,447 19 $4,556 $75,600 $86,575

New Country & Guests 2–$5,550 33 3/4 $4,786 35 3/4 $4,829 $172,650

North Central AB Breeders 1–$3,900 17 $3,765 15 $4,573 26 3/4 $3,940 21 $4,786 43 3/4 $3,872 37 $4,675 $169,400 $173,000

North of 53rd (Wilgenbusch) 38 1/4 $6,128 38 1/4 $6,128 $234,400

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) 8–$4,600 14 $5,925 53 3/4 $4,746 45 1/4 $5,209 61 3/4 $4,727 59 1/4 $5,378 $291,900 $318,650

North West All Breeds 2–$290 1–$4,600 8 $3,319 8 $3,631 10 $3,235 9–$3,739 $32,350 $33,650

Northern Alliance 2–$3,950 1–$5,500 32 $3,341 33 $5,250 34 $3,376 34 $5,260 $114,800 $178,850

Northern Classic Bull Sale 10 $3,520 10 $4,490 10 $3,520 10 $4,490 $35,200 $44,900

P & H Ranching Co Ltd 39 $4,671 39 $6,130 39 $4,671 39 $6,130 $182,200 $236,100

P Bar 3 Charolais 16 $3,737 56 $3,105 72 $3,245 $233,700

Palmer Neilson 32 $4,369 32 $4,369 $139,800

Perrot Martin Charolais 16 $4,681 17 $5,117 39 3/4 $5,764 34 1/2 $4,730 55 3/4 $5,453 51 1/2 $4,858 $304,000 $250,200

Pleasant Dawn 3–$3,233 44 1/3 $3,768 46 $4,990 47 1/3 $3,734 46 $4,990 $176,750 $229,550

Pro Char Bull Sale 12 $5,208 26 $5,363 38 $5,314 $201,950

Quyon Bull Test Station 11 $3,064 11 $3,064 $33,704

Range Ready Bull Sale 17 $2,850 17 $3,770 17 $2,850 17 $3,700 $48,450 $62,900

Rawes Ranches 92 $4,588 106 1/2 $5,696 92 $4,588 106 1/2 $5,696 $422,050 $606,650

Regina Bull Sale 2–$3,550 4 $3,625 15 $3,850 7–$2,700 17 $3,797 11 $3,036 $64,550 $33,400

Rollin Acres Whiskey Hollow & Patton 4–$3,575 21 $3,788 28 $5,300 25 $3,754 28 $5,300 $93,850 $148,400

S E Sask Breeders 1–$5,400 6 $3,833 23 1/2 $3,902 14 $3,336 23 1/2 $3,902 21 $3,576 $91,700 $75,100

Saint Martin Bull Test Stn 36 $2,791 32 $3,300 36 $2,791 32 $3,300 $100,476 $105,600

48 Charolais Banner • May 2012
2012 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics
(no average $) (no average $) (no average $) (Bulls Only) Sales 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012

2012 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics

MATURE BULLS TWO-YEAR-OLDS YEARLINGS TOTAL SALE GROSS (no average $) (no average $) (no average $) (no average $) (Bulls Only)

Sales 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012

Sandan Charolais

23 $3,200 17 $5,438 27 $3,396 33 $4,203 50 $3,306 50 $4,623 $165,300 $231,150

Saunders Bull Sale 25 $4,048 29 $3,615 25 $4,048 29 $3,615 $101,200 $104,850

Select Genetics Bull Sale 1–$4,100 7–$4,764 8–$4,681 $37,450

Size Matters Annual Sale 38 3/4 $3,439 24 3/4 $3,212 38 3/4 $3,439 24 3/4 $3,212 $133,250 $79,500

Souris Valley Breeders 3 $2,600 13 $2,593 16 $2,594 $41,500

South Central AB Breeders 18 $4,094 58 $3,446 76 $3,600 $273,600

Southland Breeders 3–$2,800 2–$2,450 25 $2,350 16 $2,281 28 $2,398 18 $2,300 $67,150 $41,400

A Sparrow Farms 2–$3,300 3–$6,417 48 $4,854 52 $7,028 50 $4,792 55 $6,995 $239,600 $384,700

Stauffer (Ranchers Select) 4 $3,713 34 $3,316 38 $3,358 $127,600

Steppler Farms 3–$4,000 49 $3,585 52 $3,609 $187,650

The PIC Bull Sale 4–$3,500 4–$3,500 $14,000

Thistle Ridge Bull Sale 19 $4,460 19 $4,460 $84,750

Tip The Scale Bull Sale 19 $4,631 38 $6,001 19 $4,631 38 $6,001 $88,000 $228,050

Top Cut Bull Sale 1–$2,000 24 $3,290 15 $3,353 25 $3,238 15 $3,353 $80,950 $50,300

Transcon's Cattle Country 2–$3,500 11 $2,809 13 $2,915 $37,900

Transcon’s Mountain View 12 $3,813 6–$4,029 8 $4,906 22 $5,029 20 $4,250 28 $4,814 $85,000 $134,800

Valley Charolais Bull Sale 22 $3,460 22 $3,460 $76,000

Vente Synergie 12 $3,360 12 $3,360 $40,350

Vermillion Charolais Group 73 $3,976 55 $5,279 15 $2,743 14 $3,387 88 $3,766 69 $4,895 $331,400 $337,775

Vinoy Bull Test Station 8–$2,094 16 $2,966 8 $2,094 16 $2,966 $16,752 $47,450

Wawedash Farms 33 $3,480 29 $3,880 33 $3,480 29 $3,880 $114,840 $112,500

White Cap/Rosso 24 $4,350 27 $4,372 17 3/4 $3,583 17 1/2 $5,320 41 3/4 $4,024 44 1/2 $4,745 $168,000 $211,150

White Is Right Bull Sale 33 $4065 33 $4065 $134,150

Winn Man Farms Bull Sale 5–$4,070 8 $4,269 44 $3,431 21 $4,143 49 $3,496 29 $4,177 $171,300 $121,150

GROSS Dollars $ $8,500 $9,300 $2,503,340 $3,285,075 $5,875,332 $7,957,750 $8,445,972 $11,252,175

LOTS Average 3–$2,833 2–$4,650 645 $3,881 667 1/2 $4,921 1631 1/12 $3,602 1867 5/6 $4,260 2300 1/12 $3,672 2537 1/3 $4,435

Yearling Averages Over $4500

A Sparrow Farms $7,028

North of 53rd (Wilgenbusch) $6,128

Tip The Scale Bull Sale $6,001

Harvie Ranching Sale $5,610

Cattleman's Classic $5,496

Horseshoe E Charolais $5,496

Buffalo Lake Charolais $5,383

Pro Char Bull Sale $5,363

White Cap/Rosso $5,320

Rollin Acres Whiskey Hollow & Patton $5,300 Northern Alliance $5,250 North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $5,209 Charolais Power $5,086 Transcons Mountain View $5,029 Pleasant Dawn $4,990 Maple Leaf Annual Sale $4,925

Sales Overall Average over $4500

A Sparrow Farms $6,995

P & H Ranching Co Ltd $6,130

North of 53rd (Wilgenbusch) $6,128

Tip The Scale Bull Sale $6,001

Rawes Ranches $5,696

Buffalo Lake Charolais $5,622

Harvie Ranching Sale $5,610

Charolais Power $5,492

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $5,378

Sales Grossing $200,000

Rawes Ranches


Charolais Power $494,300

A Sparrow Farms $384,700

Vermillion Charolais Group $337,775

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $318,650

Hill 70 Quantock $300,050

Buffalo Lake Charolais $281,100

Horseshoe E Charolais $5,359

Pro Char Bull Sale $5,314

Rollin Acres Whiskey Hollow & Patton $5,300

Northern Alliance $5,260

Cattleman's Classic $5,248

High Country Breeders $5,067

Pleasant Dawn $4,990

Hi Weigh Breeders $4,920

Vermillion Charolais Group $4,895

Hi Weigh Breeders $4,920

North Central AB Breeders $4,786

Select Genetics Bull Sale $4,764

Perrot Martin Charolais $4,730

High Country Breeders $4,578 Elder Charolais $4,535 Impact Bull Sale $4,512

Perrot Martin Charolais $4,858

Transcons Mountain View $4,814

White Cap/Rosso $4,745

Select Genetics Bull Sale $4,681

North Central AB Breeders $4,675

Sandan Charolais $4,623

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale $4,556

Elder Charolais $4,535

South Central AB Breeders


Horseshoe E Charolais $269,300

Perrot Martin Charolais $250,200

High Country Breeders $248,300

P & H Ranching Co Ltd $236,100

North of 53rd (Wilgenbusch) $234,400

Hi Weigh Breeders $231,250

Sandan Charolais


Pleasant Dawn $229,550

Tip The Scale Bull Sale $228,050

White Cap/Rosso $211,150

Pro Char Bull Sale $201,950

Charolais Banner • May 2012 49

31 Year (1982-2012) Charolais Bull Sale Trends

Year # of Sales No. Average No. Average No. Average No. Average GROSS

2012 77 2 $4,650 667 1/2 $4,921 1876 5/6 $4,282 2537 1/3 $4,435 $11,252,175

2011 68 3 $2,833 645 $3,881 1652 1/2 $3,592 2300 1/2 $3,672 $8,445,975

2010 69 8 $4,050 546 5/12 $3,227 1597 1/4 $3,092 2151 2/3 $3,130 $6,734,050

2009 70 1 $4,000 606 $3,288 1552 13/60 $3,223 2158 13/60 $3,242 $6,999,675

2008 68 3 $5,783 565 1/2 $3,076 1495 7/12 $2,905 2072 4/5 $2,933 $6,079,275

2007 65 4 1/2 $5,011 544 3/4 $3,330 1433 7/10 $2,820 1983 19/20 $2,964 $5,879,625

2006 66 4 $2,988 557 $3,101 1277 11/12 $2,930 1838 11/12 $2,982 $5,483,175

2005 64 3 $2,400 644 1/2 $2,858 1088 5/12 $2,657 1735 11/12 $2,739 $4,754,928

2004 67 3 $2,367 589 $2,427 1159 1/2 $2,390 1751 1/2 $2,403 $4,208,325

2003 69 3 $3,583 799 3/4 $2,968 1389 $2,826 2202 5/6 $2,877 $6,338,363

2002 76 9 $3,161 961 $3,204 1667 5/6 $3,095 2637 5/6 $3,114 $8,215,407

2001 71 11 $3,391 1084 $3,596 1801 $3,087 2896 1/12 $3,272 $9,476,325

2000 73 3 $3,467 971 $3,216 1521 1/4 $2,752 2495 1/4 $2,935 $7,323,043

1999 61 9 $3,092 928 $2,851 1325 1/2 $2,486 2262 1/2 $2,638 $5,968,094

1998 66 10 $3,445 912 $2,884 1545 1/4 $2,534 2467 1/4 $2,667 $6,580,454

1997 62 13 1/4 $4,925 1038 3/4 $2,756 1383 1/2 $2,503 2434 1/2 $2,624 $6,388,423

1996 73 11 1/4 $3,053 1091 $2,436 1587 2/3 $2,338 2682 11/12 $2,381 $6,386,758

1995 76 11 $3,152 1139 $2,901 2019 1/3 $2,521 3169 1/3 $2,660 $8,429,677

1994 77 16 $2,734 1287 $3,122 1487 1/4 $2,872 3084 1/4 $2,884 $8,893,468

1993 87 14 $3,043 1337 $2,736 1773 $2,479 3294 $2,593 $8,543,440

1992 81 31 $2,889 1382 1/4 $2,577 1503 $2,255 3151 1/4 $2,396 $7,550,565

1991 78 11 $2,543 1325 1/4 $2,592 1482 1/4 $2,296 2936 1/4 $2,500 $7,340,941

1990 71 22 $2,645 1315 3/4 $2,839 1407 1/2 $2,408 2745 1/4 $2,616 $7,181,960

1989 65 12 1/2 $3,304 1335 1/8 $2,817 1167 7/8 $2,484 2574 1/2 $2,662 $6,854,090

1988 60 22 $3,040 1179 $2,943 1154 $2,468 2354 $2,742 $6,453,080

1987 52 21 $3,154 1286 $2,572 880 $2,284 2223 $2,513 $5,586,000

1986 46 32 $2,150 1212 $2,396 664 $2,019 1941 $2,314 $4,491,650

1985 52 39 $2,642 1141 $2,302 714 $1,889 2399 3/4 $2,201 $5,280,900

1984 44 37 $2,098 1112 1/2 $2,633 671 1/4 $2,121 1829 1/2 $2,521 $4,611,675

1983 38 20 1/2 $2,832 857 $2,739 398 $2,391 1122 1/3 $2,473 $3,686,050 1982 27 15 $2,898 714 1/4 $2,203 224 $2,066 1,391 3/4 $2,648 $2,775,600

Averages Up More Than $1000 from 2011

A Sparrow Farms $2,203

Cattleman's Classic $2,044

Buffalo Lake Charolais $1,951

Northern Alliance $1,884

Impact Bull Sale $1,809

Harvie Ranching Sale $1,732

Charolais Power $1,702

Rollin Acres Whiskey Hollow & Patton $1,546

High Country Breeders $1,479

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. $1,459

Tip The Scale Bull Sale $1,370

Sandan Charolais $1,317

Pleasant Dawn $1,256

Horseshoe E Charolais $1,138

Vermillion Charolais Group $1,129

Maple Leaf Annual Sale $1,118

Rawes Ranches $1,108

Eastern Select Sale $1,044



Over $4000

Two Year Old Averages over $4000

A Sparrow Farms $6,417

Buffalo Lake Charolais $6,300

P & H Ranching Co Ltd $6,130

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $5,925

Rawes Ranches $5,696

Charolais Power $5,695

High Country Breeders $5,500

Northern Alliance $5,500

Sandan Charolais $5,438

Vermillion Charolais Group $5,279

Pro Char Bull Sale $5,208

Beck Farms Bull Sale $5,150

Perrot Martin Charolais $5,117

Family Tradition Bull Sale $4,972

Hill 70 Quantock $4,966

Horseshoe E Charolais $4,810

North West All Breeds $4,600

North Central AB Breeders $4,573

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale $4,556

Sales with 40+ Lots

Rawes Ranches 106 1/2

Charolais Power 90

South Central AB Breeders 76

Vermillion Charolais Group 69

Hill 70 Quantock 68

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) 59 1/4

Forsyth & Tee M Jay 56

A Sparrow Farms 55

Char Maine Ranching 53

Steppler Farms 52

Perrot Martin Charolais 51 1/2

Horseshoe E Charolais 50 1/4

Sandan Charolais 50

Buffalo Lake Charolais 50

High Country Breeders 49

Hi Weigh Breeders 47

Pleasant Dawn 46

White Cap/Rosso 44 1/2

HEJ Charolais Sale 44

Lanoie Bros Annual 40

50 Charolais Banner • May 2012

Ser vices

Charolais Banner • May 2012 51

Alberta Breeders

52 Charolais Banner • May 2012
Charolais Banner • May 2012 53 High Bluff Stock Farm Carman & Donna Jackson Box 75, Inglis, Manitoba R0J 0X0 Ph.(204) 564-2547 British Columbia Breeders Manitoba Breeders
54 Charolais Banner • May 2012 Maritime Breeders Ontario Breeders Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt Bryce &Dana Hakkesteegt T:613.475.3532 F:613.475.5128 Cell:613.848.6917 13 Lawson Settlement Road,RR #3,Brighton,ON K0K 1H0
Charolais Banner • May 2012 55
Quebec Breeders Saskatchewan Breeders
56 Charolais Banner • May 2012 John & Brenda, Colin, Conrad & Erica, Craig & Tricia Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite , SK S0C 1H0 T 306 458 2688 • Cell 306 458 7873 • Craig’s cell 306 458 7482 wilgenbusch@sasktel net • www wilgenbuschcharolais com USA Breeders Be Wise... Advertise! 306.546.3940

• 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt)

• Overruns are $1 each

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• Catalogue prices available on request

• $400 sale attendance fee, plus 2 pages in the Charolais Banner or 1 page in the Connection

• Business Card in the Banner & Connection $350/yr

Charolais Connection

Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a Classified 80 n/a 1”x1 column (add $10 00 to put on web for 1 month) Classified 140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

• Pictures $10

• Photos taken by fieldmen $25

• Yearly contract buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt)

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• Catalogue prices available on request


May 29

Last Chance Bull Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK

June 4

Pasture Ready Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK June 9

Heart of Canada Show, Lundar, MB (A BOSS Show)

June 9

Saskatchewan Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, 1:00 p.m., Manitou Springs Resort & Hotel, Watrous, SK

June 10-27

World Charolais Congress, United Kingdom June 19 20

T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK

June 23 24

Manitoba Charolais Picnic, hosted by Myhre Land & Cattle & Breezy Dawn Charolais, Dauphin, MB

July 9-13

Canadian Charolais Youth Conference and Show, Olds, AB July 11

Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, 3:00 p.m., Olds (AB) College

September 22

7th Annual Uppin’ the Ante Female Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON

October 5 7

Alberta Designate Show at Olds Fall Classic, Olds, AB (A BOSS Show)

October 6

Canadian National Charolais Show, 8:00 a.m., at Expo Boeuf, Victoriaville, QC (A BOSS Show)

October 6

Canadian National Charolais Sale, 6:00 p m , at Expo Boeuf, Victoriaville, QC

October 13

Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 p.m, Lindsay (ON) Sale Barn

November 1 – 3

Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show)

November 2 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Charolais Show, Toronto, ON (A BOSS Show)

November 3-11

Farmfair International Charolais Show, Edmonton, AB (A BOSS Show)

November 7 10

Saskatoon Fall Fair, Prairieland Exhibition, Saskatoon, SK (A BOSS Show)

November 22

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Sale, 3:30 p.m., in the Auditorium, Regina, SK

November 23

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, 2:30 p m , in the Stadium, Regina, SK (A BOSS Show)

November 30

Sterling Collection Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution A D
• Pictures $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen $25
Charolais Banner
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Charolais Banner • May 2012 57
Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 45 n/a Classified 80 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

Advertisers Index

Alta Genetics 51

Amabec Charolais 54

Anchor J Charolais 52

Arntzen, Dean 51

B Bar D Charolais 54

Bar H Charolais 55

Bar Punch Ranch 52

Bar 7 Easy Charolais 52

Beau Char Charolais 52

Beck Farms 55

Be Rich Farms 52

Blackbern Charolais ......................................54

Bo Jan Enterprises 55

Bow Valley Genetics Ltd 51

Bricney Stock Farms 55

Bridor Charolais 54

Brimner Cattle Company ..............................55

Buffalo Lake Charolais 52

Canadian Charolais Association 31,39

CCYA 19,43 45

Carey, Brent 51

Cattle In Motion ............................................51

Cavandown Charolais 54

Cedardale Charolais 54

Cedarlea Farms (Cypress) 18

Charhead Ranch 55

Charla Moore Farms .....................................55

Char Maine Ranching 52

Charolais Journal 51

Char Top Charolais (Cypress) 18

Charworth Charolais Farms 52

Chomiak Charolais .......................................52

Circle Cee Charolais Farms 13,52

Clear Lake Charolais 52

Cornerstone Charolais 54

Cornerview Charolais 54

Cougar Hill Ranch .........................................55

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co 55

CSS Charolais 55

C2 Charolais 53

Davis Rairdan 51

Diamond W Charolais ...................................55

Dorran, Ryan 51

Double L Ranch 52

Dubuc Charolais 55

Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle 54

Eaton Charolais .............................................56

Elder Charolais Farms 56

Ericson Livestock Services 51

Everview Charolais (HiWeigh) 54

Excel Charolais 13

Fawcett Cattle Company Inc. .......................52

Fischer Charolais 52

Fleury, Michael 51

Foat Valley Stock Farm 52

Footprint Farms 52

Forsyth Bros. Charolais (HiWeigh) ...............54

4 G Charolais Ranch 56

Future Farms 52

Gerrard Cattle Co 52

Gilliland Bros Charolais 56 Grant Farms 52 GRP Ltd 51

H S Knill Company Ltd 51

Happy Haven Charolais ................................53

Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co 53

Harvie Ranching 52

HEJ Charolais 52

Hicks Charolais 54

High Bluff Stock Farm 53

Horseshoe E Charolais 56

HTA Charolais Farm (HiWeigh) 54 Hunter Charolais (HiWeigh) .........................54

JMB Charolais (HiWeigh) 54 Johnson, Herb IFC

Johnstone Auction 51

Jordan River Charolais 56

Kaiser Charolais Farm 52 Kanewischer, Jerry 51 Kay R Charolais ............................................52

Kirlene Cattle 54

Kruk Charolais 53

La Ferme Patry de Weedon 55

Land O' Lakes Charolais 54

Langstaff Charolais 54 Leemar Charolais 52

LEJ Charolais 53

Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch ....................56

LiveAuctions TV 51

M & L Cattle Co 54

Maple Leaf Charolais 52

Martens Cattle Co 21,56

Martens Charolais 53

McAvoy Charolais Farm 56

McKay Charolais ............................................53

McKeary Charolais 52

McLeod Livestock 51

McTavish Charolais 56

Meadows Charolais 53 Medonte Charolais 55

Miller Land & Livestock 55

Murphy Livestock 53

Mutrie Farms .................................................56

Myhre Land and Cattle 53

Nahachewsky Charolais 56 Norheim Ranching 51

N3 Stock Farms (Cypress) 18

P & H Ranching Co 53

P Bar 3 Charolais Inc 53

Packer Charolais 55

Palmer Charolais 56

Parklane Charolais 53

Patton Charolais 55

Perrot Martin Charolais 56

Pleasant Dawn Charolais 25,53

Poley, Chris 51

Potter Charolais 55

Prairie Cove Consulting 51

Prairie Gold Charolais 56

Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress) 18

Pro Char Charolais IFC,53

Qualman Charolais 56

Rammer Charolais (HiWeigh) 54

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais 55

Rawes Ranches 53

Reykdal Farms Charolais 54

Ringuette Charolais 54

Rollin' Acres Charolais 55

Ronos 55

Rosso Charolais (Cypress) 18

RRTS Charolais 53

Saddleridge Charolais 53

Sand Rose Charolais 56,IBC

Sandan Charolais Farms 53

Saskatchewan Charolais Association 23

Saunders Charolais 55

Scarth Cattle Co 54

Sharodon Farms 55

Skeels, Danny 51

Sliding Hills Charolais 56

A Sparrow Farms IFC

Sproule Charolais 53

Spruceview Charolais 53

Stephen Charolais Farm 56

Steppler Farms Ltd (HiWeigh) 28,54

Stock, Mark 51

Stockmen's Insurance 51

Sunrise Charolais 55

Temple Farms 56

Transcon Livestock Corp 51

Tri N Charolais 35

Turnbull Charolais 53

Vikse Family Farm 13

Wawedash Farms Ltd 56

Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company 55

White Cap Charolais 3,56

White Heather Charolais 53

Wienk Charolais 56

Wilgenbusch Charolais 56,OBC

Wood River Charolais (Cypress) 18

Wrangler Charolais IFC,53

58 Charolais Banner • May 2012 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE?
Stop by Wilgenbusch Charolais and see the quality red factor females I have been working years to develop LANOIE BROS CHAROLAIS SRK Yahtzee 839Y • Polled/s, 3rd Gen Red Lang ’ s Red Soldier 22S x LA Supremacy 49R SRK CANYON 2Y • Double Polled, 4th Gen Red • SRK Solid 12U x Lang ’ s Red Soldier 22S Thank you to Elder
for purchasing this future great!
SRK Solid Prosper 410Y • Polled, Double Red SRK Solid 124U x Cr ystal D Pierce 40P Thank you to all our other buyers of red factor cattle in the North of the 49th sale including these purebred breeders: High Selling Red Factor Bull in Canada , Spring 2012
Forsyth Bros. Charolais
John & Brenda, Colin, Conrad & Erica, Craig & Tricia Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 • Tel 306-458-2688 Cell: John 306-458-7873 Craig 306-458-7482 E: • See more at We invite you to stop by this summer and see our 400 females on grass with next year’s prospects . CSS Sir Navigator 20Y Forsyth Bros Charolais, Eriksdale, MB Myhre Land & Cattle Co., Dauphin, MB CSS Sir Jr Navigator 78Y Charwor th Charolais, Balzac , AB CSS Sir Jr Navigator 44Y Palmer Land & Cattle, Bladwor th Effer tz Key Ranch, Velva, ND McKay Ranches, Glenella, MB (2) EJ Shepherd Charolais, Stuar t, IA Wood River Charolais, McCord Alta Pride Charolais, Chauvin, AB Norheim Ranching, Saskatoon AM Sunrise Charolais, Battleford JWX Yearbook 173Y Vee R Bar Charolais, Ceylon JWX Wheel N Deal 632Y Phillips Farms, Estevan JWX Year Round 971Y Swan Lake Farm, Stoughton Qualman Charolais, Dundur n Railhaven Farms, Gananoque, ON B Bar D Charolais, Mount Forest, ON Erixon Charolais, Lyleton, MB Lanoie Bros Charolais, St Victor Plus: Plus:

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