Charolais Banner • May 2018
May 2018 VOL. 52, NO. 2 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email:
Features Wilkie Charolais ....................20 Stephen Charolais..................20 P&H Ranching ........................21 Milestone Purchase ..............21 Rawes Ranches ......................22 Vikse Family Farm..................22 McLeod / Kay R ......................23 Prairie Cove............................24 World Champion ..................24 HEJ Charolais ........................27 SanDan/Springside ................28 Obituary – Ivan Walker ........28 Maple Leaf Charolais ............29 Pro Char Charolais ................29 Beck Farms ............................30 M&L Cattle Co. ......................32 High Country ........................32 Wrangler Charolais................35 Louber Farms ........................36 Legacy Charolais ....................36 Coyote Flats Charolais ..........37 Buffalo Lake Charolais ..........37 Horseshoe E Charolais ..........38 CK Sparrow Farms ................39 Footprint Farms ....................40 Benchmark ............................40 Steppler Farms ......................41 Palmer Charolais....................42 McTavish Farms......................44
Cornerview Charolais ............44 Obituary – Ron Kletzel ..........45 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle ..46 Reese Cattle Co. ....................48 Diamond W Charolais ..........48 High Bluff Stock Farm ..........49 Borderland Cattle Co.............49 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ......50 HTA Charolais ........................52 Candiac Bull Sale ..................52 Elder Charolais ......................53 High Point Bull Sale ..............53 Impact Bull Sale ....................54 Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor......54 Best of the Breeds ................56 Top Cut ..................................56 Prairie Distinction ..................58 Saunders Charolais ................58 OCA AGM ..............................59 TRI N Charolais ......................60 North of the 49th ..................61 Cedarlea Farms ......................62 Howe Family/Rosso Charolais ....64 Hunter Charolais....................65 Sliding Hills ............................66 Cornerstone ..........................68 Cedardale ..............................68 Sales in Brief ..........................69 Bull Sale Stats ........................71
Departments From the Field ................................................................................6 Du Champ........................................................................................8 Canadian Charolais Association ..................................................10 De l’Association de Charolais Canadien ......................................12 Herd Health ..................................................................................14 Profile – Rachael Verwey ..............................................................25 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report ........................................34 Charolais Life ................................................................................35 Road Tales......................................................................................45 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News ..............................75 Calendar of Events ........................................................................75 Magazine Rates and Deadlines ....................................................85 Index of Advertisers ......................................................................86
ISSN 0824-1767 Helge By, Manager/Publisher Candace By, Managing Editor Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 14 Keown Close, Olds, AB T4H 0E7 Res. (403) 507-2258 • Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 @craigscott222 Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Cell (306) 536-4261 @CharolaisBanner
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All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50 USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420 Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher. The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement.
On the cover… Green grass and white cows always look good. Taken at Buffalo Lake Charolais.
Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810
Photo: Helge By Design: Susan Penner
Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Charolais Banner • May 2018
From the Field Helge By
It is the end of April and after what was one of the longer winters on record, it has finally left and we are getting spring. The end of April also marks the end of the bull sale season and it was another very good run. At the back of the magazine you can see the Bull Sale Stats and Charts. This is the 37th year we have been keeping track of all the sales in Canada that we can get results from and this year was a record. Most sales ever recorded, most bulls ever sold at auction, largest gross of all time and the average up from last year. It was an interesting sale season with some 1st time auction sales being very positive. Some annual sales were down, and some were up, and in most cases, we did pass some bulls as breeders tried to sell more bulls than the year before and ended up selling about the same numbers. Should you keep that passed bull and try and sell him next year? Unless you had extenuating circumstances on sale day, probably your first loss is your cheapest. If you do sell bulls after the sale privately, make sure it is for sale average or higher or you will be training your customers with bad habits, and this will not benefit your future sales. There seem to be three factors that most affect bulls sales: Weather and you can’t control that, Management and this is a year-round job of getting the bulls weaned on time and on feed to be ready for pictures and then the sale and Marketing which is also a year-round job. The most successful sales from a marketing stand point go to the breeders who are in touch with their customers throughout the year. Whether it be a phone call, driving into their yard or visiting with them at the auction mart when they sell their calves. If you don’t have time to do these things, then you can’t expect to get top dollar for your offering. Sale 6
week marketers will never get the results they desire. This spring we saw more breeders do Homozygous Polled tests on their sale bulls and it is interesting the number that are out there. I am not promoting that we need to have all our bulls homo polled and I sure won’t discourage anyone from using a horned bull if it has what they are looking for, but providing more information for the buyers did pay dividends. I still can’t get my head around some commercial producers with straight Angus cow herds (that will be Homozygous Polled) thinking they need to use polled bulls. All the calves will be polled from a horned bull and if they aren’t keeping any replacements it is a non-issue. The number of scurred bulls out there has also increased. I believe there are a couple of reasons for this. The first one is that some of the Homozygous Polled bulls do carry the scur gene, but it is masked by being homo polled. The other is that many breeders have overlooked the scur and used bulls that are scurred. One thing I have seen is that small scurs breed small scurs and big scurs produce big scurs. In most cases the small scur in the commercial setting isn’t an issue as the offspring will be harvested before they even grow out past the hair so again should be a non-issue. I think as breeder’s though, we need to be correctly registering the scurred animals so the Charolais herdbook is accurate and also so the non-attending sale buyers don’t get any surprises when they get their bull home. We haven’t seen it yet, but if the animal isn’t catalogued as scurred and is bought as being smooth polled, there will be some unhappy customers that may request you take the bull back and they have a justified argument. I hope many of you plan to attend the Breeder School we are hosting in Weyburn in June. Please register with us as soon as you can and book a motel room. There is complete Charolais Banner • May 2018
information in this issue and it will be informative for all ages. I had one breeder say he was too old to attend and I jokingly asked if it was because he knew it all, or was too old to learn? I believe you aren’t old until you stop learning. The age variance of those registered so far is very encouraging. There are breeders with the experience to offer mentorship, some less experienced breeders and some very new breeders attending. It is good to see many breeders willing to challenge their knowledge and take advantage of the opportunity. We have breeders from across the country and even interest from outside Canada. Not only will the presentations be interesting and educational, but the networking and meeting other breeders is an essential part of this process too. With this mix of people, the after hours sessions should be thought provoking. Other events that you should try to attend include the Canadian Charolais Association in Ontario in early June. I am sure this will be a fun event with some herd tours and of course letting you have your input into the affairs of your association. The end of June is the Alberta Charolais Association tour in southern Alberta. Last year saw over 200 at the end of the day and there will be some great tours and hospitality for anyone attending. Again, a great day to meet and visit with fellow breeders in a relaxed atmosphere. This also goes for the Saskatchewan Pen Show and AGM in July. Of course the CCYA Conference and Show is in Brandon this summer and we have over a dozen young adults from eight countries participating this year as part of a Charolais International initiative to encourage more youth shows and interaction around the world. It will be a great learning experience for all involved and watching. Ads on all these events are in this continued on page 16
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Du Champ Helge By
Nous arrivons à la fin d’avril et après un hiver inlassable, le printemps se montre enfin. La fin du mois d’avril est aussi synonyme de la fin des ventes de taureaux. Vous trouverez à la fin du magazine nos donnés sur celles-ci. Depuis 37 ans, nous compilons les statistiques des ventes de taureaux à travers le pays et nous avons battu nos records. Cette année, le nombres de ventes a été surpassé ainsi que le plus grand nombre total de taureaux vendu, un nouveau record de prix de vente et une moyenne de vente plus élevée que l’an passé font parti de ces nouveaux résultats jamais connu. Ce fut une saison de ventes très intéressante avec des premières ventes annuelles positives. Certaines ventes annuelles étaient en baisse, d’autres en hausse mais dans la plupart des cas où certains producteurs ont essayé d’augmenter le nombre de taureaux à leur ventes ont finis avec des résultats semblable à l’année précédente. Devriez-vous garder le taureau qui ne s’est pas vendu et le remettre dans la vente l’an prochain? À moins d’avoir eu des circonstances qui ont empêché des acheteurs à se rendre à votre vente, c’est une perte minime. Si vous choisissez de vendre votre taureau après, assurez-vous de le vendre dans les prix de moyenne de la vente. Sinon, vous entraîner vos acheteurs à de mauvaises habitudes et cela aura aucun avantage pour vous aux prochaines ventes. Il semble avoirs trois facteurs qui peuvent affecter le rendement: la température, la gestion de la vente et la publicité. La température est hors de notre contrôle. La gestion de votre vente signifie la préparation de vos lots. Il est important de saillir au bon temps, que l’animal soit bien nourri et son apparence lors des photos. La publicité se fait au cours de l’année. Les meilleurs vendeurs parlent à leurs 8
clients soit par téléphone, en personne à l’année longue et les accompagnent lors des ventes de veaux d’automne. Si vous n’accordez pas de temps pour vos clients, vous ne pouvez pas surpasser vos objectifs de vente. Soyez pas vendeurs seulement la semaine qui précède votre vente. Nous avons remarqué une hausse pour le test d’homozygote sans cornes dans les vente de taureaux. Je ne fais pas de promotion des taureaux sans cornes comme je ne peux pas dissuader un acheteur de faire l’achat du taureau à corne si le reste du taureau représente ce qu’il recherche. Éduquer les clients apporte un profit. Je suis encore surpris quand on me dit dit que certains producteurs commercial avec des femelles Angus (homozygote sans cornes) ont besoin de trouver un taureau homozygote sans cornes. Si ces femelles sont saillies avec un taureau cornu, les veaux seront sans cornes. À moins de garder la progéniture comme femelles de remplacement, pourquoi s’en faire? Le nombre de taureaux avec un rudiment de corne(scur) est aussi à la hausse. Je crois qu’il y a deux facteurs qui favorisent cette augmentation. Le premier est que certain taureaux homozygote porte le gène du rudiment de corne mais il est dormant en étant homozygote sans corne. L’autre facteur serait que certains producteurs auraient négligés d’avoir indiqué que le taureau avait un rudiment de corne. J’ai remarqué que les races qui ont des petit rudiments transmettrons des petits rudiments et que celles avec de gros rudiments transmettrons des gros. Dans la plupart des cas dans un élevage commercial, un rudiment de corne n’est pas un problème car le veau sera traité avec la pâte à corne avant qu’il soit laissé au champ. Comme producteurs pur-sang, il est important que le registre Charolais soit à jour pour ne pas surprendre un acheteur qui s’attend à un sans corne. Comme vendeur, si vous annoncez Charolais Banner • May 2018
votre taureau dans une vente comme un sans corne(smooth polled) et que le nouveau propriétaire se rend compte que c’est plutôt un taureau qui produit de la progéniture avec des rudiments (scurred), il faut assumez les possibles répercussions de ce geste et les conséquences sur votre réputation d’éleveur. Nous avons la chance d’être vos hôtes pour l“École d’Éleveurs” qui sera présenté à Weyburn en Juin. Nous espérons que vous aurez la chance d’y participer. Ne tardez pas à nous envoyez votre inscription et de réservez votre chambre au Motel. Tous les détails sont dans le magazine. Cette formation éducative est ouverte et pour tous les groupes d’âges. Un producteur m’a dit qu’il était trop vieux pour y participer. En blaguant, je lui ai demandé s’il connaissait déjà tout où s’il était trop vieux pour apprendre? Selon moi, nous sommes pas trop vieux tant est aussi longtemps que nous voulons apprendre. L’écart d’âge parmi les inscriptions reçues varient et cela est encourageant pour la relève. Certains éleveurs avec l’expérience pourront offrir leurs conseil et sagesse aux autres éleveurs. Nous avons des nouveaux producteurs et d’autres avec un peu d’expérience. Ce qui compte, c’est de voir tant de producteurs prêts à relever le défi et de profiter de cette opportunité. Nous attendons des producteurs d’un coin à l’autre du pays et nous avons même de l’intérêt de l’extérieur du Canada. La formation seule vaut la peine mais oubliez pas tout le réseau de connaissance entre éleveurs que vous gagnerez. Avec la diversité des personnes présentent, les discussions hors sessions sauront faire réfléchir. La réunion de l’Association Charolais Canadienne aura lieu en Ontario en juin. Je vous conseille aussi d’y participer. Plusieurs visite de fermes sont à l’horaire et vous avez aussi la chance de participer à ce qui suite à la page 16
Charolais Banner • May 2018
CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais
You’re Invited to Get Involved Mel Reekie, General Manager
PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES: ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secretary: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN President: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secretary: Dave Blechinger, Rosetown MANITOBA President: Hans Myrhe, Dauphin Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES President: Ricky Milton, Cornwall, PE Secretary: Jennifer MacDonald, St. Mary’s, Kent Co., NB STAFF: General Manager: MEL REEKIE Registry Manager: LOIS CHIVILO Registry: SALLY STORCH French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 • EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: ALLAN MARSHALL 35266 Rg Rd 33, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 403.277.2594 C403.588.5282 2nd VICE-PRES: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C306.267.7730 PAST PRESIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 613.646.9741 C613.312.0270 DIRECTORS: BRENT SAUNDERS RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 519.986.4165 C519-372-6196 F519.986.4273 MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N3 819.682.2723 C819.213.3143 SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C204.856.6357 KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C780.656.6400 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C780.719.0264
Inclement weather has challenged many throughout the country the first part of 2018 and here we are well into spring, impatiently waiting on a positive change to the outdoors! Weather aside, we’ve come through another bull sale season with continued demand for Charolais bulls; bulls that will add value to many operations through Charolais genetics. Calving, bull sales and breeding keep everyone busy at the home place so as we move into the summer months we encourage you to get out and involved in the many functions available to breeders. The Ontario Charolais Association is pleased to host the 2018 Canadian Charolais Association’s Annual General Meeting in the picturesque area of Georgian Bay in Collingwood, Ontario. This is an annual opportunity to meet and greet with CCA Staff, Directors and Members alike. We welcome you to share in the fellowship of Charolais breeders from across Canada. To begin, we invite you to join us on Friday, June 8, 2018 for a day of touring! Friday morning there will be farm visits at Medonte Charolais and Echo Spring Charolais followed by an afternoon feedlot tour at Schaus Land & Cattle Co. Ltd.; we’ll finish the day with a farm visit at Sunrise Charolais for dinner and entertainment. The CCA Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 9, 2018 at 1:30pm in the Georgian Bay Hotel and Conference Centre, Collingwood, ON. We’ll discuss the business affairs of the Association and elect incoming directors. Banquet and Social will follow the formal setting of the meeting where we will recognize and appreciate our long-standing members and award the powerhouse dams of our Canadian herd book. To ensure we have enough seats on the bus and food on the table, please RSVP by May 15, 2018 with Doris Aitken via email: or phone 519.323.2538. The Canadian Charolais Association will be well represented with a large Charolais Banner • May 2018
group of enthusiasts at the World Charolais Congress in Sweden this June 29 through July 7. The Swedish have a full schedule planned as we initially meet in Stockholm and travel through the south of Sweden for farm, company and cultural visits before ending up in Copenhagen. These Charolais International events allow for networking that renews inspiration, gathers information and brings back some fresh ideas to apply to our own programs. If you’re unable to participate in the CCA AGM or the World Charolais Congress, there are a number of provincial field days and events. The Alberta Charolais Association is hosting their summer tour around Lethbridge, AB on June 30; for further details or to register please refer to their website. July 14 the Manitoba Charolais Association welcomes everyone to their Picnic and Annual Meeting in Belmont, MB and the Saskatchewan Charolais Association is holding their Annual Meeting July 22 in Moosomin, SK. Join the Charolais breeders of tomorrow July 25 through 28 for the Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show in Brandon, MB. Later in August you can take in the Canadian Beef Industry Conference in London, Ontario. The theme for the third annual CBIC is “Driving Demand” and the keynote speaker is Rex Murphy, a trusted face and voice across Canadian media. CCA is a proud sponsor of the CBIC and finds tremendous value in attending, definitely an event for everyone to consider. There is no shortage of happenings and gatherings to get involved with; the networking brings about positive messaging and innovative ideas that you may apply to your own operations. Should you have any questions about any events, you can always contact the CCA Office and we’ll gather the information that you require. Active participation from members is not only encouraged but also appreciated – see you on the road this summer!
Charolais Banner • May 2018
CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais
Vous êtes invités à participer Mel Reekie, directeur général
PROVINCIAUX REPRÉSENTANTS: ALBERTA Président: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secrétaire: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN Président: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secrétaire: Dave Blechinger, Rosetown MANITOBA Président: Hans Myrhe, Dauphin Secrétaire: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO Président: Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton Secrétaire: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC Président: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secrétaire: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES Président: Ricky Milton, Cornwall, PE Secrétaire: Jennifer MacDonald, St. Mary’s, Kent Co., NB PERSONNEL: Directeur général: MEL REEKIE Registry Manager: LOIS CHIVILO Registry: SALLY STORCH Composition française: BERNARD DORE EXÉCUTIF: PRÉSIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 1er VICE- PRÉSIDENT: ALLAN MARSHALL 35266 Rg Rd 33, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 • 403.277.2594 C403.588.5282 2e VICE- PRÉSIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C306.267.7730 ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 • 613.646.9741 C613.312.0270 ADMINISTRATION: BRENT SAUNDERS RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 519.986.4165 C519-372-6196 F519.986.4273 MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N3 819.682.2723 C819.213.3143 SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C204.856.6357 KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C780.656.6400 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C780.719.0264
La température défavorable au cours du premier trimestre de 2018, a représenté des gros défis pour plusieurs personnes au travers du pays et nous voilà maintenant bien installés au printemps, et toujours en en attente d’un changement positif à l'extérieur! Météo mise de côté, nous venons de terminer une autre saison de vente de taureaux où la demande pour les taureaux Charolais est restée élevée; puisque ceux-ci ajoutent de la valeur à de nombreuses opérations par voie de leur génétique. Une fois que la période de vêlages, de ventes de taureaux et de saillie qui vous a tenue bien occupés et restreints à votre ferme, sera terminée, il sera temps de sortir et de vous impliquer aux nombreuses fonctions disponibles pour les éleveurs. L’Association Charolais de l'Ontario est heureuse d'accueillir l’Assemblée générale annuelle 2018 de l'Association canadienne Charolais dans la région pittoresque de la baie Georgienne, à Collingwood, en Ontario. Il s'agit d'une occasion annuelle de rencontrer et de saluer le personnel, les administrateurs et les membres de l’ACC. Nous vous invitons à participer à la camaraderie des éleveurs Charolais de partout au Canada. Le programme débutera le vendredi 8 juin 2018, pour une journée de tournée! Vendredi matin, il y aura des visites à la ferme Medonte Charolais et Echo Spring Charolais suivi d’un parc d'engraissement en après-midi à Schaus Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. La journée se terminera avec une visite à la ferme à Sunrise Charolais pour le souper et le divertissement. La réunion annuelle aura lieu le samedi 9 juin 2018 à 13h30 à l'hôtel et centre de conférence de la baie Georgienne, Collingwood, Ontario. Nous allons discuter des affaires de l'Association et élire les nouveaux administrateurs. Un banquet suivra le cadre officiel de la réunion, où nous reconnaîtrons et apprécierons nos membres de longue date et nous décernerons les prix pour les meilleures femelles de notre livre généalogique canadien. Vous êtes tous Charolais Banner • May 2018
invités et encouragés à participer! Pour s'assurer que nous avons assez de sièges sur l’autobus et pour la prévision des repas, s'il vous plaît veuillez-vous inscrire avant le 15 mai 2018 avec Doris Aitken par courriel : ou par téléphone : 519.323.2538 L'Association canadienne Charolais sera bien représentée avec un grand groupe de passionnés qui se rendront au Congrès mondial Charolais en Suède du 29 juin au 7 juillet. Les suédois ont un calendrier complet de prévu qui débutera à Stockholm en passant par le sud de la Suède pour des visites de fermes, d’entreprises et des visites culturelles avant de se retrouver à Copenhague. Ces événements internationaux Charolais permettent de réseautage qui renouvelle l'inspiration, recueille des informations et ramène quelques idées fraîches applicable à nos propres élevages. Si vous ne pouvez pas participer à l'AGA de l’ACC ou au Congrès mondial des Charolais, il y a un plusieurs autres choix de journées champêtres et d'événements provinciaux. L’Association Charolais de l’Alberta organise sa tournée estivale autour de Lethbridge, en Alberta, le 30 juin; Pour plus de détails ou pour vous inscrire, veuillez consulter leur site Web. Le 14 juillet l’association Charolais du Manitoba vous accueille tous à leur pique-nique et à leur réunion annuelle à Belmont, en Manitoba, et l’Association Charolais de la Saskatchewan tient sa réunion annuelle le 22 juillet à Moosomin, SK. Il y a aussi le regroupement des juniors du 25 au 28 juillet lors de leur Conférence et leur concours annuel à Brandon, MB. Plus tard en août, vous pouvez participer à la Conférence canadienne sur l'industrie du bœuf à London, en Ontario. Le thème de cette troisième édition annuelle est «pousser la demande» et le conférencier principal est Rex Murphy, un visage et une voix de confiance dans les médias canadiens. L’ACC est un fier commanditaire de cette conférence et recommande cet événement à tous. suite à la page 16
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Lice in Canada Roy Lewis DVM
In spite of the usage of pour on endectocides over many years, this winter has been a bad one for lice infestations. In the practice I was in and others I have talked to, the incidence of lice both biting, and sucking lice are on the increase. It is very hard to completely control biting lice as they are always on the move. The pour on endectocides used to do an extremely thorough job at bringing the numbers of sucking lice to virtually zero on any recently treated animal. This article will review lice transmission and control, mention some different products on the market and hopefully encourage more producers to be on the lookout for lice. It is most definitely an economic concern to cattle producers and with rubbing and hair loss especially in purebred bulls it is a nuisance. If you suspect lice after repeated treatments get them checked out as there are other causes of hair loss in cattle. Lice are the most common and persistent parasite in wintered cattle in Western Canada. There is one species of biting lice (they cause severe irritation and scratching) and three of sucking lice (they cause anaemia and weight loss) on Canadian cattle. In one older two-year study of calves entering southern Alberta feedlots between 57-95% of calves were lousy to varying degrees. This indicates a very high infestation rate on some of our cow-calf herds. I know this to be true from examinations and autopsies we do especially on small herds, which often do not treat. We often identify lice when doing c-sections and once the area is clipped lice are very obvious. The life cycle varies between 21 and 30 days depending on the species. In this time an egg can hatch, grow to an adult,and start the cycle over again. It is easy to see why populations can increase almost exponentially after a 14
while and become a severe problem in some herds. The endectocides had a residual effect and continue to kill the eggs as they hatch, so controlled lice very well. There were a couple endectocides on the market, cydectin being the most well-known, that dewormed well but did a poor job on sucking lice. It is extremely important when you treat, to treat all in-contact animals, as transmission between incontact animals is very rapid. If some are missed, they reintroduce the lice to previously treated ones, restarting the whole lifecycle. Don’t forget to treat the bulls they can have the highest infection rates and can expose the cows and calves at the breeding season if they are missed. Cows rapidly transmit the lice to their calves. Herds will have carrier animals, ones that have an abnormally high population of lice. These animals may be immunosuppressed for some reason or have a concurrent disease. Cattle in poor nutritional shape will have lowered immune responses and allow lice to build up quickly. This is also true if cattle become extremely loaded with internal worms. Today’s confinement and larger herds can exacerbate lice transmission. Young calves are especially vulnerable since a lot of their energy is being put into growth. It is extremely important to have the cows lice free at the start of the calving season so the calves don’t become infested. The close proximity to each other and sucking the udder allow for easy transmission of lice between dam and calf. I have seen severe lice buildups in calves as young as two weeks. These lice infestations cause as already mentioned anaemia, itchiness with hair loss, irritation, increased susceptibility to disease and most importantly from an economic standpoint weight loss or poorer weight gains and feed efficiency. These growth slowdowns may seem invisible much like internal parasites are, but it most definitely makes sense Charolais Banner • May 2018
to treat. Even though direct studies involving economic loss to amount of lice have not been done, if 50 or more lice are found in an entire examination the infestation is considered heavy. Lice are found on different parts on the body but commonly the neck or brisket, around the eyes; top line, tailhead or the udder and scrotum are common spots to look for lice. Sucking lice are quite visible to the naked eye are adherent to the skin and a bluish colour. Biting lice are quite a bit smaller barely visible and a yellow colour. It is best to part the hair with a comb or clip an area especially around locations where scratching is occurring. Your veterinarian can do skin scrapings if mange is also being considered. All these parasites are easily identified with a microscope. Remember cattle normally scratch in day to day grooming procedures and there are several other causes of scratching or rubbing. The other causes of scratching may be determined in the examination process if no parasites are found. Lice prefer the cooler spring fall and mild winter weather. Lice populations are lowest in summer. I believe the hotter temperature under a bison’s thick hair coat discourages them from colonizing the buffalo. In fact, in my entire practise on bison I have yet to diagnose lice on bison. Lice calls and investigations are on the huge increase this year. Maybe it is the year or is resistance to the once very effective endectocides starting to develop. Researchers are gearing up to prove or disprove this possibility. Many producers if seeing the reoccurrence are switching to the category 3 permethroids such as Boss, Saber or Cylence as they have indications for both types of lice. These are also small dose pour-on products and because they are a different class of chemical seem to be effective and have quite short continued on page 16
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issue so read up on them and please try to get to as many as possible. You will always benefit from the time away. I hope seeding goes well for everyone and there are good moisture conditions for grass and hay everywhere this summer. Craig Scott
and I will be touring the country the next couple of months and now is a great time to get the herdsires pictured on grass and get some females pictured for websites or sale catalogues next spring. Give us a call early so we can plan our schedules and
get into as many yards as possible. The next issue is the 52nd Annual Herdsire edition. Be a part of it. Until next time, Helge
aurons une douzaine de participants de huit pays qui participent à l’initiative Internationale Charolais qui encourage la participation des jeunes autour du monde. Ce sera une excellente opportunité d’apprendre pour ces participants et pour nous. Vous trouverez tous les détails de ces évènements dans le magazine. On vous invite à participer à un de ceuxci et de profiter de quelques jours en dehors de la ferme. Je vous souhaite de la température idéale pour la saison des semences et la saison du foin. Craig Scott et moi
allons faire une tournée du pays pendant les deux prochaines mois. Aussitôt l’herbe verdie, voilà le temps de prendre des photos au champ en préparation des ventes de femelles et de votre troupeau au printemps prochain. Contactez nous bientôt si vous désirez ajouter la visite de votre ferme lors de la planification de notre tournée. Le mois prochain est la 52 ième édition annuelle du Taureau de troupeau. Nous comptons sur votre participation. À la prochaine, Helge
se passe dans l’Association même. À la fin juin, l’Association Charolais de l’Alberta a organisé sa tournée annuelle qui aura lieu au sud de la province. C’est une journée relaxante avec des gens très accueillants pour ceux qui auront la chance d’y être. Quelle meilleure façon de côtoyer d’autres producteurs? Si cette date vous convient pas, il y a aussi le “Pen Show” en Saskatchewan ainsi que la réunion annuelle en juillet. Il faut pas oublier la conférence pour nos jeunes CCYA qui aura lieu à Brandon au Manitoba cette été. Nous
Il n'y a pas de pénurie d'événements et de rassemblements pour s'impliquer; la mise en réseau apporte des messages positifs et des idées novatrices que vous pouvez appliquer à vos propres opérations. Si
vous avez des questions au sujet de tout événement, vous pouvez toujours contacter le Bureau de l’association et nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous renseigner. Une participation active des
membres est non seulement encouragée, mais très appréciée. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer-vous sur la route cet été!
only problem with oilers is they are expensive as an initial purchase and need a lot of maintenance. There is a lice guarantee on some of the endectocides provided they are applied properly and it is within the allowable time limits. This is providing there are no non-treated cattle mixed in after the lice treatment was applied and the proper dosage was given. Biting lice and chorioptic mange are surface feeders and move round so it is hard to get complete effectiveness all the time. Be sure to abide by the instructions, as there are long slaughter withdrawals on most of these products. In summary all cattle in Western Canada should be treated for lice at least once in the fall but again watch for reoccurrence and if necessary retreat maybe with a different product. We will wait and see if
resistance really is starting to become a problem in Western Canada specifically or whether the long cold winter made proper application harder. There have been herds which have treated two to three times and still are developing problems. Be careful when introducing new stock for the presence of lice and be ever vigilant for the signs of scratching and hair loss. Our climate is ideal for lice reproduction so we can’t let up in our preventative approach. These specialized products may be necessary mid winter to keep especially biting lice at bay. Talk to your veterinarian if you think lice are reappearing on your farm and work with them for a strategic treatment program. I believe the lice population possibly may be changing.
withdrawals. These are not long-term residual products so it is recommended to retreat cattle in two to three weeks if necessary. By changing up our treatments alternating between the endectocide’s to these permethroids may be a way to get greater effectiveness. Also, if you applied the endectocide’s in the cold winter and got icing up of the product that greatly reduces its effectiveness for sure. Endectocides have a freezing temperature not much below -10C so that potentially could have been a problem in application this year. For continual control of lice, oilers can be used at pasture and they also provide relief from flies and mosquitoes during the summer months. Several products can be used usually mixed with mineral oil or canola oil to provide this control. The 16
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Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale February 15, 2018 • Stettler, AB Gross Average 30 Two-Year Old Bulls $182,000 $6,066 1 Yearling Bull 8,500 8,500 31 Lots
Auctioneer: Allen McMillan
A very large crowd was on hand at this second annual sale. A very strong set of Full French and French influenced bulls were on offer. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat costumers right across the country. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 10, CWW DOUBLE TAKE 291D (Horned, Full French, 97 lb BW, 3.7 BW EPD, 43 cm SC) sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of an RDH Cabotin’s Lotto 121L daughter. Sold for $16,000 to M & L Cattle Co., Indian River, ON. Lot 16, CWW DEEDS 304D (Horned, Full French, 93 lb BW, 3.4 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Bar 7 Easy Pinay Lad 40T daughter. Sold for
$9,000 to Dave Shand, Delia. Lot 4, CWW DOUGIE 277D (Horned, Full French, 110 lb BW, 6.1 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave Jumpers Alamo 15P daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Dara and Cody Hallett, Byemoor. Lot 20, CEWW DALE 1D (Horned, 96 lb BW, 3.3 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Rollin Acres 14Y, out of a CEWW Jakes Butte Mr 42T. Sold for $8,500 to Allan and Kelsey Norlie, Craigmyle. Lot 21, CEWW DOUG 12D (Horned, 95 lb BW, 3.2 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Echo Springs Bravo 76B, out of a CEWW Jakes Butte Mr 42T. Sold for $7,250 to Jakes Butte Grazing Association. Lot 22, CEWW DAVEY 9D (Horned, 92 lb BW, 4 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Echo Springs Bravo 76B, out of a Bar 7 Easy Pinay Lad 40T daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Jakes Butte Grazing Association. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 23, CWW BIG EARL 321E
Roger Maloney, M & L Cattle Co., bought the high selling bull
Dave Shand took three bulls home to Delia
The Armstrongs bought 2 bulls
(Horned, Full French, 4.3 BW EPD, 36 cm SC) sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave Casoar JR 813U daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Dave Shand.
Stephen & Guests Bull Sale Stephen Charolais & Guests 1st Annual Bull Sale February 16, 2018 • Whitewood, SK Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $81,650 $5,443 21 Yearling Bulls 122,800 5,848 36 Lots
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock
The first Stephen Charolais Bull Sale with guests DRD Charolais and Bar H Charolais saw bulls sell across three provinces with 10 going to Alberta alone. The combination of the Full French of Stephen Charolais, the red factor yearlings of DRD and the polled two-year olds of Bar H had something for everyone. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 20, SCF DIESEL 335D (Full 20
French, 102 lb BW, 2135 lb), sired by Falcon, out of a PCFL Ultimate 14R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Keith Olson, Loon Lake. Consigned by Stephen Charolais, Moosomin. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 17, SCF EVEREEST 411E (Full French, 106 lb BW, 59 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,295 lb), sired by Impair, out of a Toulon daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Double P Stock Farm, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. Consigned by Stephen Charolais. Lot 1, SCF ELMO 409E (Full French, 110 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 1,360 lb), sired by Valdevie, out of an LIG Riotejo 101R daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Brad Hein, Makwa. Consigned by Stephen Charolais. Lot 32, DRD SOLIDGOLD 57E (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 936 lb 205 Charolais Banner • May 2018
DW, 1,550 lb, 40 cm) sold for $9,000 to Len Lawrence, Mirror, AB. Consigned by DRD Charolais, Sintaluta. Dale Tucker was the volume buyer taking four back to Alberta
Neil & Jared Preston selected the high selling yearling bull
P & H Ranching Bull Sale P & H Ranching Bull Sale February 17, 2018 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 46 Two-Year Old Bulls $378,500 $8,228 Auctioneer: Don Raffan
Once again, a great set of two year old bulls were offered for sale. 95% of the bulls were sold to repeat customers with most of those buying in volume. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, PH PERSONA 28D (Polled, 102 lb BW, 3.7 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by LT Persona 0328P, out of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Coyote Flats Charolais, Coaldale. Lot 3, PH ADVANCER 102D (Polled, 95 lb BW, 2.9 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by KAYR Sanction 102A, out
Nester Ranching bought 4 bulls
of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Church Ranches, Balzac. Lot 9, PH GENERAL LEE 54D (Polled, 101 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, 44 cm SC) sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of an LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Matt Elines, Big Valley. Lot 7, PH BANNER 44D (Polled, 94 lb BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by JSR Trophy 88T, out of a Schrader’s Smooth Blend 8219 daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Nester Ranching, Cessford. Lot 8, PH BANNER 21D (Horned, 93 lb BW, 1 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by PH Banner 107X, out of a Schrader’s Smooth Blend 8219 daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Nester Ranching. Lot 5, PH PERSONA 25D (Horned,
Keith Balcaen, Coldstream Ranch took 4 bulls to BC
Many time repeat buyer Gordon Church bought again
96 lb BW, 2.4 BW EPD, 43 cm SC) sired by LT Persona 0328P, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Ron Schmidt, Hanna. Lot 6, PH GENERAL LEE 48D (Scurred, 95 lb BW, .9 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of an LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Highway 21 Feeders, Acme. Lot 11, PH GENERAL LEE 59D (Polled, 93 lb BW, .7 BW EPD, 45 cm SC) sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold Matt Elines bought for $9,750 to again for his Big Nester Ranching. Valley operation
Coyote Flats Charolais selected the high selling bull
Milestone Purchase At the 32nd Annual Vermilion Charolais Group Bull Sale on April 7, Don and Marion, from Good Anchor Charolais, with much appreciation, presented Myron and Dale Sunderland, of Sunderland Hog Farms Ltd,, Paradise Valley, Alberta, with Good Anchor Charolais “100 Bulls” coats. The Sunderlands have purchased over 100 Charolais bulls from Good Anchor Charolais, over the past 20 years! “We are very proud to have their confidence in our bulls!”
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Rawes Ranches Bull Sale Rawes Ranches Performance Tested Charolais Bull Sale February 20, 2018 • Strome, AB Gross Average 163 Two Yr Old Bulls $1,165,050 $7,148 Auctioneer: Brent Carey and Dean Edge
This sale offers the largest selection of two-year old Charolais bulls in the country. Many repeat buyers bought in volume which put the gross up $59,350 over last year with 19 more bulls sold. Bulls were sold right across the western provinces. High Selling Bulls Lot 305, RAWES BRANT 305D (Polled, 102 lb BW, 2.6 BW EPD, 40.5 cm SC) sired by Rawes Dividend 235Z, out of a Rawes Preston 125W daughter. Sold for $13,750 to Anchor Lazy U, Killiam. Lot 97, RAWES DUKE 97D (Polled, 105 lb BW, 2.1 BW EPD, 43 cm SC) sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of a Rawes Aden 54U daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Norman Oram, Ponoka. Lot 290, RAWES DUKE 290D (Polled, 106 lb BW, 3.2 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of a Rawes Jamboree 85P daughter. Sold for $9,900 to Nester Ranching, Cessford.
Lot 191, RAWES BRANT 191D (Polled, 95 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Rawes Dividend 235Z, out of a Rawes Preston 162U daughter. Sold for Norman Oram $9,800 to Morsan selected the second Farms, Ponoka. high selling bull Lot 230, RAWES FARRON 230D (Polled, 106 lb BW, 3.2 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Rawes Dallas 57Z, out of a Rawes Aden 54U daughter. Sold for $9,600 to Ron Haesloop, Daysland. Lot 361, RAWES DUKE 361D (Polled, 102 lb BW, 3.7 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of an HTA Mojo 866U daughter. Sold for $9,200 to Morsan Farms, Ponoka. Lot 94, RAWES DUKE 94D (Polled, 94 lbBW, -.3 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of a Key’s Book-EM 204J daughter. Sold for $9,000 to John Buyer, Altario. Lot 72, RAWES GUINNESS 72D (Polled, 105 lb BW, 3.6 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by Rawes Dallas 269A, out of a Rawes Sir T 123Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Morsan Farms.
Kyle Primrose added 11 bulls to Primrose Livestock
John Buyer, many time repeat customer, took 6 bulls home
Morris and Greg Thalen bought 21 bulls for their Morsan operation
Nester Ranching took 3 bulls back to Cessford
Vikse Family Farm Bull Sale Vikse Family Farm “Tip the Scale” Bull Sale February 19, 2018 • Donalda, AB 30.5 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $223,250 $7,319
Auctioneer: Ron Pederson
The number of Charolais bulls on offer was down from last year and the demand drove the average up by $1,055. Many bulls were sold to first time buyers from right across western Canada. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, VIKSE QUICK START 107E 22
(Polled, 101 lb BW, 2.9 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of a VFF Vikse Ice 187Z daughter. Sold ½ interest and ½ possession for $17,000 to Kaiser Cattle Co. Hussar. Lot 30, VIKSE ENCORE 44E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 1.6 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of a Vikse Over Time 104A daughter. Sold for $11,500 to 7K Ranches, Lashburn, SK. Lot 31, VIKSE MOMENTUM 91E (Polled, 78 lb BW, -1 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Vikse Playboy 67B, out of a CML Encore 4Y daughter. Sold for
Many time repeat customer Brad Loesch bought again
Barry Kaiser bought the high selling bull
$11,250 to Madge Farms, Hanna. Lot 13, VIKSE ACCELERATOR 180E (Polled, 89 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, continued on page 23
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McLeod & Kay-R Bull Sale McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Cattle Bull Sale February 21, 2018 • Olds, AB 1 Long Yearling Bull 39 Yearling Bulls 40 Bulls
Gross Average $6,300 $6,300 319,900 8,202 $326,200
Auctioneer: Brent Carey
A large crowd was on hand to take part in this annual sale and receive some great hospitality from the McLeod and Phillips Families. Two of the high selling bulls of the spring came out of this sale. High Selling Bulls Lot 3, CML REBEL 716E (Polled, 96 lb BW, 3.1 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by CML Heisman 413B, out of a Gerrard Montezuma 6T daughter. Sold 1/2 interest and full possession for $45,000 to White Lake Colony, Nobleford. Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane. Lot 1, CML MOTIVE 728E (Polled, 93 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by CML Diablo 2X, out of an SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S daughter. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $35,000 to White Lake Colony. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
40 cm SC) sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of an SDC Time Out 88T daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Madge Farms. Lot 4, VIKSE KEVLAR 138E (Polled, 90 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of a TRI-N Prefix PLD ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Brad Loesch, Donalda. Lot 3, VIKSE JUDGE 154E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1.7 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by MR Louber Mike 813B, out of a TRI-N Prefix PLD ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Thomsen Farms, Chauvin.
Lot 39, KAYR CONTENDER 125E (Polled, 92 lb BW, 2.9 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by KAYR Providence 910C, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber. Consigned by Kay R Charolais, Waskatenau. Lot 5, CML DIVIDEND 713E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 2.8 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by CML Heisman 413B, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Wheatland Farming, Rockyford. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 7, CML TRAIL BLAZER 735E (Polled, 96 lb BW, 4.7 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by CML Heisman 413B, out of an HTA Tautus 555R daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Nostadt Farms, Kendal, SK. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 25, CML HIGH CALIBER 727E (Polled, 96 lb BW, 4.3 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Merit Vintage 4065P, out of a Target Derrick 11D daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Nostadt Farms. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 19, CML HOMERUN 723E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 3.9 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by CML Grand Slam 562C, out of a Merit Vintage 4065P daughter. Sold for $8,000 to TL Cattle Co. Nanton.
Roger Peters sent a high selling bull to Ben Tams’ Thistle Ridge Ranch
Delbart Nostadt bought 2 bulls
Jerry Hofer, White Lake Colony, who selected the two high selling bulls, visits with Rod McLeod after the sale
Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 26, CML PURSUIT 792E (Polled, 114 lb BW, 4.3 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Merit Vintage 4065P, out of a Target Derrick 11D daughter. Sold for $8,000 to KCP Farms, Three Hills. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.
Lot 7, VIKSE DOUBLE MINT 278E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 36 cm SC) sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of an SDC Time Out 88T daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Ray Unruh, Stettler. Lot 2, VIKSE DOUBLE UP 60E
(Polled, 102 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of an HTA Mantracker 958W daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Larry Mix, Castor.
CJS Farms bought in volume taking 3 bulls
Madge Farms selected 4 high selling bulls
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Prairie Cove Bull Sale
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 12, PCC LARIAT 710E (Polled, 82 lb BW, -4.3 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Circle CEE Legend 307A, out of an XAL Firestruck 3Z daughter. Sold ¾ Interest and full possession for $20,000 to Parsons Cattle Co., Tees
and Spruce View Charolais, Andrew. Lot 8, CAYS FULL HOUSE 22E (Polled, 104 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $17,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Consigned by Cay Charolais, Kinistino, SK. Lot 7, PCC CAYS LANCE 720E (Polled, 102 lb BW, 1.1 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $14,500 to D&L Plewis Charolais, Swift Current, SK. Lot 9, PCC IRON MOUNTAIN 715E (Polled 100 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Cattle Lac Charolais, Eddystone, MB. Lot 3, PCC BLAZE 712E (Polled, 94 lb BW, .4 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by LT Blue Value 7903 ET, out of a Willowvale Projector 90C daughter. Sold for $12,500 to the Cluny Colony, Cluny.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 2, PCC REBEL 635D (Polled, 90 lb BW, 2.7 BW EPD, 47 cm SC) sired by PCC Rome 437B, out of a Willowvale Projector 90C daughter. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $21,000 to Nordal Limousin and Angus, Simpson, SK High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 26 MISS PRAIRIE COVE 729E (Polled, 88 lb BW, 1.6 BW EPD) sired by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Peckman Family Farms, Stanton, ON. Lot 27, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 724E (Polled, 82 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD) sired by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for Andre Steppler added $7,500 to Justin the Agribition Junior Harcourt, Quill Bull Calf Champion to Lake, SK. his operation
Cole Parsons and Lorne Lakusta teamed up on the high selling yearling
Tyler visits with the boys from Cluny Colony who selected two bulls
Debbie and Laverne Steeves took two new bulls home for their Steeves Farm
Prairie Cove Charolais Bull & Select Female Sale February 22, 2018 • Bashaw, AB Gross Average 1/2 Two-Year Old Bull $21,000 $21,000 22 3/4 Yearling Bulls 247,000 10,857 8 Heifer Calves 47,500 5,937 31 1/4 Lots 6 Embryos
52 Semen Straws $135.00/Straw Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
This is not the first time Prairie Cove has put on a sale, but was the first sale at Tyler and Justine’s new place at Bashaw. A very strong set of cattle were on offer in both the bulls and heifers. Cattle sold right across Canada.
Canadian Charolais Female wins World 800 National Champions competed from 70 countries and 14 Supreme breeds and only one winner was seleteced as the 2018 All Breeds World Supreme Champion. Sponsored by Rod Patrick Bootmakers, Prairie Cove Charolais will receive a customer pair of boots with the engraving 2018 All Breeds World Supreme PZC Lily 5013 ET. PZC Lily 5013 ET, exhibited by Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, Alberta, won 2017 Farmfair International Champion Charolais Female; 2017 Alberta Supreme Champion Female (All Breeds); 2017 Agribition Champion Charolais Female; 2017 Agribition RBC All Breeds Supreme Female; 2017 Charolais - Miss North America; 2017 Charolais - Miss World and 2018 All Breeds World Supreme. 24
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In August 2017, I had the opportunity to go to the Canadian Beef Industry Conference in Calgary for the chance to be chosen for a mentorship spot with the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL). To get a spot in CYL, I competed in a number of round table discussions where I was judged on my knowledge of the industry, my passion, and my ability to listen and learn. It wasn’t until a month later that I found out I was one of the 16 youth chosen from across Canada to participate in one of the best mentorship programs in the world. At first I was shocked, as there was an extremely talented group of individuals I competed against. But after taking some time to reflect on why I was chosen, aside from 4-H, the Canadian Charolais Youth Association had a huge impact on who I am today within the beef industry. I have attended 7 conferences with CCYA and within those years, I had the privilege of being the Manitoba representative on the National Board for two terms. I also got more involved within Manitoba, and held the position of president of the Manitoba Junior Charolais Association for the 2014 conference in Portage la Prairie. This involvement within the Charolais breed has helped me grow into a position that I didn’t know I would be in. When I think about what I learned as a youth member at
the conferences, I learned the basics on how to select cattle, fitting and showing, and even marketing. These skills have strengthened the cattle knowledge side of me, but I think the most important skills for me came from the underlying meaning of all of the events within CCYA. The very first thing that you learn when you join CCYA is that we work as a team. The older members help the younger members, and it is truly something amazing to see. Come show day there is not a single parent in the barn, and the kids are working as a team to get their cattle in the ring. This team work showed me the leadership side of my personality, and after realizing the potential leadership roles I could play, it has helped me stand out in a crowd and excel at team work events. These leadership skills also helped me become a National Board Member, and my
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Rachael at CCYA 2006
knowledge of meetings and policy grew as I became more involved in the planning side of the organization. Another skill that CCYA taught me was how to network. When I became a member, I was a commercial breeder with a little bit of experience from 4-H, so in order to have fun at a conference I needed to make friends. It’s funny to look around now and see that some of the senior members I looked up to in my first years are now running successful purebred operations, and the friends I made at the conferences
are spread all across western Canada. It’s truly amazing to see how making friends turns into having a huge network of people that you can count on. One of the last skills that CCYA gave me was passion. Being able to work with and compete along side some amazing youth within the beef industry gave me the drive to always want to be better and try harder. It also helped me realize that you have to work for what you want, but it’s a whole lot easier when you are passionate about what you are working towards.
❝…the most important skills for me came from the underlying meaning of all of the events within CCYA❞
Rachael at CCYA 2010
Rachael was President of the MB Junior Charolais Association in 2014 and CCYA National Board member
Charolais Banner • May 2018
HEJ Charolais Bull Sale HEJ Charolais Bull Sale February 23, 2018 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 60 Yearling Bulls $335,250 $5,588 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
This was one of the largest selections of coloured genetics to be offered for sale in our country. The gross was up by $45,400, as well the average was up $591 and sold two more bulls. Bulls sold into four provinces. High Selling Bulls Lot 20, NINA EISENHOWER 50E (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 41 cm SC) sired by LT Rushmore 4024 PLD, out of an NCLP Triple Threat 914W daughter. Sold for $11,750 to The Red Rose, Red Deer County. Lot 9, HEJ EINSTEIN 28E (Polled, Red Factor, 102 lb BW, 41 cm SC) sired by HEJ Chester 1C, out of an Anchor J Jimmy 15Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Tri-N Charolais, Lenore, MB. Lot 28, HEJ EAGLE 109E (Polled, Red Factor, 110 lb BW, 41 cm SC) sired by LT Rushmore 4024 PLD, out of a HEJ Oasis 59Y daughter. Sold for
$8,500 to Kattle Kountry, Mortlach, SK. Lot 19, MINA ERMANNO 41E (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 40 cm SC) sired by LT Rushmore 4024 PLD, out of an HEJ Oasis 59Y daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Verle Pahl, Strathmore. Lot 36, HEJ ENDORPHINE 8E (Polled, Red Factor, 74 lb BW, 41 cm SC) sired by Main EL Lanzo 22B, out of an HEJ Armageddon 84A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Be-Rich Farms, Kitscoty. Lot 32, NINA ROADSTER 3E (Polled, 80 lb BW, -3.3 BW EPD, 36.6 cm SC) sired by HEJ Benz 62B, out of an HEJ Armageddon 84A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Warren Severtson, Innisfail. Lot 1, HEJ EASE OF MIND 7E (Polled, Red Factor, 78 lb BW, 40 cm SC) sired by HEJ Chester 1C, out of an Anchor J Jimmy 15Y daughter. Sold for Wendall Weston, Bricney Stock Farms $7,200 to Bricney bought 2 bulls
Stock Farm, Maidstone, SK. Lot 57, HEJ EIFFEL 6E (Polled, 88 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by HEJ Liberator 97X, out of a NINA All You Need 44Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Maddax Ranches, Eckville.
Merv Nykoliation selected the second high seller for Tri-N Charolais
Keith Balcaen, Coldstream Ranch, took 4 bulls back to BC
Richard and Bev Smith added a new bull to their Be-Rich herd
In the end, I’m sure CCYA has given me many more life lessons and skills, but the few I highlighted directly link me to how I ended up as a Cattlemen’s Young Leader. With the beef industry knowledge I gained as a junior, the leadership skills I found within myself, being confident in introducing myself to new people, and truly developing a passion for this breed and for the beef industry has helped me get where I am today, and I owe a lot of it to the amazing Canadian Charolais Youth Association for getting me here.
CYL 2018
Charolais Banner • May 2018
SanDan & Springside Bull Sale SanDan Charolais/ Springside Farms Bull Sale February 24, 2018 • Erskine, AB Gross Average 6 Two-Year Old Bulls $45,750 $7,625 18 long Yearling Bulls 101,800 5,655 54 Yearling Bulls 458,750 8,615 78 Bulls
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. A great selection of both yearling and extra aged bulls were on offer at this year’s sale. The average was off from last year but there were 18 more bulls sold. Bulls were sold to many repeat customers, from neighbours to producers right across the west. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 87, SOS DARK HORSE 152D (Polled, 81 lb BW, -.9 BW EPD, 47 cm SC) sired by SDC Bullhorn 11B, out of a Winn Mans Chavez 826Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Rob Penno, Kenaston, SK. Consigned by Springside Farms, Airdrie. Lot 86, SOS HOUCH 142D (Polled, Red Factor, 91 lb BW, 43 cm SC) sired by SDC Bullhorn 11B, out of an SVY On Star PLD 222Z daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Gardner Ranch, Horse Fly, BC. Consigned by Springside Farms. High Selling Long Yearling Lot 18, SDC KING OF HEARTS 39D (Polled, 96 lb BW, 1.8 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of a Merit Roundup 9508 daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Ken
Christianson, Fenn. Consigned by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a CJC Big SanDan Charolais, Erskine. Sky X623P daughter. Sold for $10,500 to TK Cattle Co. Vanderhoof, BC. High Selling Yearling Bulls Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 55, SOS VESELKA PLD 124E (Polled, 87 lb BW, .7 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of an CSS Sir Navigator 20Y daughter. Sold for $20,500 to SanDan Charolais. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 31, MXS RICHMOND 722E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 2.7 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a CJC Big Sky X623P daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Dog Patch Acres, Leroy, Marion Smyth and Don Good took 2 bulls home SK. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 49, SOS GRASSROOTS 113E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 1.6 BW EPD, 41.5 cm SC) sired by Winn Manns Chavez 826Y, out of an HTA Ice 19X daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Fleming Livestock Corp., Winfield and McKeary Charolais, Compeer. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 26, MXS RIVERDALE 721E Pole River Ranch Mic Zentner, Dog (Polled, 98 lb BW, 2.7 BW EPD, 39 cm bought in volume Patch Acres, bought SC) sired by JWX Downtown 7C, taking 3 bulls home the second high selling yearling bull out of a CJC Big Sky X623P daughter. Sold for $11,250 to New Pine Colony, Athabasca. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 29, MXS GLOBETROTTER 709E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 3.8 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Billy Fleming teamed up with McKeary Charolais on a high selling bull
Ivan Walker 1936 – 2018
Ivan Elmer Walker passed away April 5th at the age of 81. Ivan was born in the Golburn, Saskatchewan, area near Tisdale and started working at 28
Eldersley as a grain buyer and then at Prairie River until 1976 when they went full-time farming. In 1960 he married Ethel Block and in 1971 they were blessed with one son, Orland. Ivan really enjoyed his cattle and in his spare time he enjoyed fishing, Charolais Banner • May 2018
hunting and especially horseback riding and chuck wagon racing. Ivan was a big man who always had time to have a visit and share advice. He was a very honest and sincere gentleman.
Maple Leaf & Guests Bull Sale Maple Leaf & Guests 14th Annual Bull Sale February 23, 2018 • Ponoka, AB 28 Two-Yr Old Bulls 21 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $188,350 $6,727 105,100 5,005
49 Lots
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock
A big crowd was again on hand for this largest Full French and French influence bull sale in Canada. The Stewarts and Wilkies were joined this year by Southside Charolais with some polled Full French. Many repeat customers held the sale very steady. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 19, MAPLE LEAF REWARD JR 641D (91 lb BW, .2 BW EPD, 20 Milk EPD, 1,640 lb, 38 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Reward 11X, out of a Maple Leaf Major 52X daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Norway Valley Farm, Heinsburg. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais, Millet. Lot 56, SOUTHSIDE MUSCAT 13D (Polled/s, Full French, 80 lb BW, 41 cm), sired by Southside Muscat 15A, out of an Enrico SC daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Maple Leaf Charolais and Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler. Consigned by Southside Charolais, Burns Lake, BC. Lot 2, MAPLE LEAF SISTERON 612D (Full French, 105 lb BW, 1,950 lb, 40 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 2141Z, out of a PCS Timber Jack 14T
daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Norway Valley Farm. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. Lot 54, SOUTHSIDE BANJO 60D (Homo Polled, Full French, 84 lb BW, 1.4 BW EPD), sired by Southside Banjo 13B, out of a JR Double Paladin 725T daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Dale & Margaret Czwil, Athabasca. Consigned by Southside Charolais. Lot 55, SOUTHSIDE BANJO 25D (Polled, Full French, 88 lb BW, 39 cm), sired by Southside Banjo 13B, out of a JR Double Paladin 725T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Allan Olson, Rimbey. Consigned by Southside Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 32, ROSS LAKE EZEKIAL 3E (Full French, 82 lb BW, 1.1 BW EPD, 20 Milk EPD), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3190A, out of a Maple Leaf Pinay 8130U daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Wade Williams, Hanna. Consigned by Ross Lake Charolais. Lot 34, MAPLE LEAF BUCKSHOT 10E (Full French, 106 lb BW, 1,385 lb, 36 cm), sired by CWW Buckshot 209B,
out of a Maple Leaf Pinay 8136U daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Dave Shand, Delia. Consigned by Ross Lake Charolais. Lot 35, MAPLE LEAF SISTERON 11E (Full French, 108 lb BW, 1,310 lb), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteeron 3190A, out of a Mapleleaf Major Jag 620S daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Hub Charolais, Saskatoon. Consigned by Ross Lake Repeat buyer Allan Norlie selected a Charolais. top bull
Repeat customers the Barstads of Norway Valley Farm purchased a couple high sellers
Byron Wilkie & Tom & Carey Stewart teamed up on a polled bull
Volume buyer Dave Shand took four
Pro-Char Charolais Bull Sale Pro-Char Charolais with Guests Johnson Charolais Bull Sale February 26, 2018 • Glenevis, AB 54.25 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $338,500 $6,239
Auctioneer: Brent Carey
A large crowd was on hand to select from this great set of bulls. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat customers. Many producers bought in volume.
High Selling Bulls Lot 7, PRO-CHAR RONALDO 53E (Polled, 97 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold ½ interest and ½ possession for $17,500 to Johnson Charolais, Barrhead. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis. Lot 2, PRO-CHAR FRONTIER 125E (Polled, 81 lb BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 36 cm Charolais Banner • May 2018
SC) sired by Sparrows Casino 511E, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $15,000 to Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 8, PRO-CHAR CARMELLO 71E (Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb BW, -.7 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a KCH Sandstone continued on page 30
45S daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Gray Stone Ranching, Hanna. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 20, PRO-CHAR RUDY 38E (Polled, 94 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Sparrows Hombre 449B, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $8,400 to Panylyk Farms, Rochester. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 5, PRO-CHAR NIKRTORO 114E (Polled, Red Factor, 111 lb BW, 1.7 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Lakeview Big Ticket 18B, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold ¾
interest and full possession for $8,000 to Letniak Charolais, Consort. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 1, PRO-CHAR HUGO 4E (Polled, 78 lb BW, -2.4 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Sparrows Hombre 449B, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession to Kody Czwil, Rochester. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 45, HRJ EL TORO 721E (Polled, 78 lb BW, -2.6 BW EPD, 37.5 cm SC) sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of a WC Doubletree 2009P daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $7,000
to Desertland Cattle Co, Sedalia. Consigned by Johnson Charolais. Lot 9, PRO-CHAR BUSTER 9E (Polled, 84 lb BW, -.8 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Sparrows Hombre 449B, out of an HRJ Widow Maker 12A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Doug Christianson, Innisfree. Consigned by Pro- Char Charolais.
Johnson Charolais chose the high selling bull
The Weeks family of Twin Anchor Charolais selected the second high selling yearling
Letniak Charolais took a bull back to Consort
Dwane Panylyk, repeat buyer, bought again
Beck Farms Bull Sale Beck/McCoy 9th Annual Bull Sale February 28, 2018 • Milestone, SK 6 Two-Year Old Bulls 42 Yearling Bulls 48 Lots
Gross Average $36,000 $6,000 303,750 7,232 $339,750
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
A beautiful day and a big crowd combined with a quality set of bulls made for their best sale yet. Lead by the first offering of Sparrows Braxton sons, it was a very solid sale. 37 Hereford bulls averaged $5,295. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 13, BECK’S TOWER 720E
Mac & Cody Creech added the high seller to their M.C. Quantock herd
(Polled, 92 lb BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 1,645 lb, 44 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $26,000 to M.C. Quantock, Lloydminster, AB. Lot 33, BECK\S ENTOURAGE 745E (Polled, 94 lb BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 1,505 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Virgil SC daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Prairie Sky Farms, Avonlea. Lot 3, BECK’S ICON 705E (Polled, 77 lb BW, -4.7 BW EPD, 1,360 lb, 38 cm), sired by Beck’s Bounty 206Z, out of a Sparrows Hombre 128Y daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB. Lot 21, BECK’S TORNADO 730E
Repeat customer Lloyd Daniel bought the second high seller
Rob Murray purchased the third high seller
Charolais Banner • May 2018
(Polled, 101 lb BW, 815 lb 205 DW, 1,430 lb, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Salty Lake Farms, Watrous. Lot 12, BECK’S REGIMENT 717E (103 lb BW, 802 lb 205 DW, 1,480 lb, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of an SM Anchor Y124 daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Lohse Farm & Ranch, Beaubier. Lot 40, BECK’S EXCEL 756E (Polled, 104 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 1,430 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Beck’s Revival 5F daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Nostadt Farms, Kendal.
Rick Klassen was again a repeat, volume buyer
Delbert Nostadt selected a high seller
Charolais Banner • May 2018
M & L Bull & Female Sale M & L Cattle Company Bull & Female Sale March 2, 2018 • Indian River, ON Gross Average 10 Two-Year Old Bulls $68,050 $6,805 18 Yearling Bulls 101,150 5,619 28 Lots
6 Heifer Calves 1 Semen Lot 2 Flushes 1 Embryo Lot
$23,250 2,450 6,500 1,250
$3,875 2,450 3,250 1,250
Total Sale Gross
Auctioneer: Carl Wright Sale Manager: By Livestock
A frosty evening didn’t stop the crowd from participating in this 1st Annual bull and female sale. Full French and French influence bulls and females saw good action from purebred breeders with sales from Quebec to Alberta. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 16, M&L 59D (Full French, 1,975 lb, 42 cm), sired by M&L Toulon 311A, out of a PCFL Vegas 85S daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Wilkie Charolais, Big Valley, AB. Lot 11, M&L MAX 131D (Full French, 100 lb BW, 1,875 lb, 42 cm), sired by M&L Toulon 311A, out of a PCFL Maximilian 106G daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Gork Farms, Birnie, MB. Lot 13, M&L JUGURTHA 231D
(Full French, 86 lb BW, 1,850 lb, 39 cm), sired by M&L Toulon, out of a Snoopy daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Cockburn Farms, Iroquois Falls. High Selling Casey Wilkie bought Yearling Bulls a couple high sellers Lot 6, M&L WHITE KNIGHT 13E (Full French, ET, 805 205 DW, 1,500 lb, 38 cm), sired by Silverstream Performer P38, out of a Habit daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Wilkie Charolais. Lot 1, M&L CASTOR 45D (Full French, 95 lb BW, 1,610 lb, 41 cm), sired by Castor, out of a PCFL Quantas 97L daughter. Sold for $12,250 to Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB & Maple Leaf Charolais, Millet, AB. Lot 7, M&L PERFORMER 27E (Full French, ET, 93 lb BW, 778 lb 205 DW, 94 YW EPD), sired by Silverstream Performer P38, out of a Habit daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Larry Greenly, Warkworth. High Selling Open Heifer Lot 37A, M&L SILVERSTREAM 7E (Full French, ET, 49 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 27 Milk EPD), sired by Silverstream Performer P38, out of a Toulon daughter. Sold
Bernard Dore bought Dave Cockburn a couple lots on order bought a high selling for a Quebec breeder bull and the high selling heifer calf
Byron Wilkie teamed up with Tom Stewart on a new herdbull
Ryan, Erin & Cory Briggs were volume buyers for their Echo Springs and EMB operations
for $6,750 to Cockburn Farms.
High Country Bull Sale 43rd Annual High Country Bull Sale March 3, 2018 • Pincher Creek, AB Gross Average 16 Two Year Old Bulls $100,000 $6,250 41 Yearling Bulls 271,500 6,621 57 Bulls
Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins
Despite the weather, there was a very large crowd on hand at this annual sale. A great selection of calving ease, along with performance bulls were on offer, which helped keep the average strong. 32
High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 5, TURNBULLS DARWIN 506D (Polled, 91 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 42.5 cm SC) sired by HC Anchor 306A, out of an MLM Laredo 3Y daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Bird Land and Cattle Co., Blackie. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 10, TURNBULL’S ELITE 322E (Polled, 100 lb BW, -2.7 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a JWX Buckle 1X daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Cedarlea Charolais Banner • May 2018
Ralph Retzlaff, Saddle Ridge Charolais, bought a new bull for his heifers
Garner Deobald bought the high selling bull for his Cedarlea operation
continued on page 34
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director
Spring will eventually arrive in Canada and put an end to one of the longest coldest winters in recent memory. It is always a refreshing time of year when the snow melts and cattle move from winter feeding areas to pasture. I was encouraged to see another year of strong bull sales, which is a good indication of confidence in the cattle markets for the year ahead. The CBBC held its AGM in Calgary on March 28, 2018, which was attended by producers, industry staff and government officials. Roger Peters, of Peterosa Exports, was elected President and I look forward to working with him to represent the Canadian seedstock industry. I would like to thank Garner Deobald for his dedication and steadfast leadership during his tenure as President of CBBC the past two years. There has been a lot of discussion in the media regarding international trade agreements. This includes the CPTTP, NAFTA and CETA. They are often referred to as ‘free trade’ agreements which is misleading in
that the word ‘free’ refers to fewer restrictions on the movement of goods and services and not ‘free’ as in no cost. These agreements lay out the terms of trade between two countries and are vital to industries that are based on international trade. The beef cattle industry is one of those industries as we rely heavily on exports to increase the value of our genetics, live cattle and beef products. The recent signing of the CPTTP was an important step toward securing meaningful access in the growing Asian markets. This is especially important regarding access to the important Japanese market. Previous to the agreement coming into effect, we are at a significant tariff disadvantage on beef products as compared to several competing nations. The Japanese consumer prefers and is willing to pay for a high-quality (high marbling) beef product, which Canada produces in abundance. It is also important because it doesn’t require altering the current production methods used in Canada to raise beef cattle which also allows packing plants the flexibility to
market beef from an individual animal into several countries, thus utilizing the carcass and increasing its value. The Canadian Beef Industry Conference themed “Driving Demand” will be held in London, Ontario from August 14-16, 2018. This will be the third annual conference and the first time it will be held outside of Alberta. The keynote speaker is Rex Murphy who is certain to inform and entertain with his provocative commentary on Canadian politics. CBBC will once again host a Technical Forum which will feature prominent scientists and industry leaders and will focus on advanced scientific aspects of the cattle industry. Registration is now open, and I encourage cattle producers from across Canada to attend as this conference is the meeting place for the Canadian beef industry. It will be a great opportunity to network with fellow cattle producers, learn new information regarding various aspects of the beef industry and it will be filled with cool entertainment.
HIGH COUNTRY, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32 Farms, Hodgeville, SK. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 35, TURNBULLS EQUIPPED 216E (Polled, 94 lb BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a CJC Ulysses Gold 1U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Blackbern Farm, Forester’s Falls, ON. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 20, TURNBULLS EARL 3E (Polled 101 lb, BW, .1 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Cedarlea Grid Master 22Z, out of a Diamond W Whiteman 43T daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Casey Lippa, Coutts. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. 34
Lot 29, TURNBULLS EASY-BOY 423E (Polled, 98 lb BW, -1 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of an LAE Blue Sky 806U daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Saddle Ridge Charolais, Rosemary. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 24, TURNBULLS EQUINOX 419E (Polled, 85 lb BW, -4.5 BW EPD, 38.5 cm SC) sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of an LAE Blue Sky 806U daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Taylor Ridge Ranch, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 49, TURNBULLS ENTREPRENEUR 433E (Polled, 106 lb BW, 1.1 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Steppler Blue Print 64C, Charolais Banner • May 2018
out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Casey Lippa, Coutts. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 11, Keith Black selected a TURNBULLS new bull for his EXPERT 427E Ontario herd (Polled, 103 lb BW, 1.9 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Steppler Blue Print 64C, out of an LAE Blue Sky 806U daughter. Sold for $7,500 to JD Ranching, Fort Steele, BC. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais.
Wrangler Charolais Bull Sale Wrangler Charolais Bull Sale March 3, 2018 • Westlock, AB 2 Two Year Old Bulls 50 Yearling Bulls 52 Bulls
Gross Average $9,750 $4,875 337,000 6,750 $346,750
Auctioneer: Don Raffan
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, WRANGLER MAXIMUS 74E (Polled, 94 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Ossum Livestock, Didsbury. Lot 24 WRANGLER BLACK MAPLE LEAF 41E (Polled, Black, 100 lb BW, 3.3 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Wrangler Joker 43B, out of an HEJ Black Intensity 91T daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Burt Cattle Co., Bellville, KS. Lot 62, WRANGLER NITRO 109E (Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb BW, 2.1 BW
EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Wrangler Big Ben 29C, out of a Pro-Char Roadster 4Y daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Ossum Livestock, Didsbury. Lot 21, WRANGLER WATCHMAN 2E (Polled, 87 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C, out of a Keys All State 149X daughter. Sold for $11,500 to HTA Charolais, Rivers. Lot 11, WRANGLER HOCUS POCUS 35E (Polled, Red Factor, 94 lb BW, .1 BW EPD, 43 cm SC) sired by Wrangler Joker 43B, out of an MXS Irish Cream 973W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to New Pine Colony, Boyle. Lot 20, WRANGLER MAVERICK 32E (Polled, 80 lb BW, -2.7 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C, out of a Charheads Mister Mel 24Z. Sold for $9,750 to DanG Charolais, Colburn, ON. Lot 6, WRANGLER THE CHOSEN
Shawn Airey added a new bull to his HTA Operation
Cole Parsons, a repeat buyer, bought again
ONE 50E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 1.5 BW EPD, 44 cm SC) sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Parsons Cattle Co., Tees. Lot 12, WRANGLER ROYAL RED 18E (Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb BW, 2.1 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Wrangler Joker 43B, out of an MXS Irish Cream 973W daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Hebneer Cattle Co., Westlock.
Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.
By Received Volunteer Pin
Brown - Sparrow Wed
Saskatoon where Kristine is an accountant with MNP and Brandon works at Cervus Equipment John Deere. Brandon is a CCYA Alumni, son of Morley and Patti Sparrow. It’s a Girl!
John By received his Canadian Western Agribition 5 Year Volunteer Pin from CEO Chris Lane. John has volunteered in the International Business Centre hosting foreign delegations. He is a CCYA Alumni and son of Helge and Candace By, Regina. He currently resides in Paraguay.
Kristine Brown married Brandon Sparrow on the Island of Hawaii Febraury 4, 2018. They live in Charolais Banner • May 2018
Finley Marie was born September 29th, weighing 7 lb., 7 oz. to Shane and AnnMarie Blake. Shane is a CCYA Alumni and co-owner of Wood River Charolais with his parents, Murray and Nicole Blake, McCord, SK.
Louber Farms Bull Sale Louber Farms 14th Annual Bull Sale March 3, 2018 • Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC 32 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $153,600 $4,800
Auctioneer: Charles Menard
High Selling Bulls
MR LOUBER DETERMINATOR 225D (3rd Gen. Polled, 88 lb BW, 91 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 39.5 cm), sired by CML Heisman 413B, out of an HTA Mantracker 958W daughter. Sold for $11,700 for ¾ interest to Kelvin Egan, Low.
MR LOUBER DOLLAR 273D (3rd Gen. Polled, 83 lb BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an LAE Juice Box 190Y daughter. Sold for $8,900 to Vincent Gagnon, Rimouski.
Legacy Charolais Bull Sale Legacy Charolais with guest BOB Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale March 4, 2018 • Botha, AB 60¾ Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $415,850 $6,845
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
A powerful set of yearling bulls were on offer at this first time sale. With many commercial and purebred producers in attendance, this video sale was very successful. Bulls were sold into three provinces. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 42, BOB’S INTEGRITY 126E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 2.2 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $13,250 to Tellier Bar LD Ranch, Bonnyville. Consigned by BOB Charolais, Stettler. Lot 16, LEGACYS TORQUE 12E (Polled, 98 lb BW, .6 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by LAE Cairo 579C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold ¾ interest full possession for $12,000 to Gordon Wiebe, Prespatou, BC. Consigned by Legacy Charolais, Botha. Lot 21, EASY TO SEE 56E (Polled, 87 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Circle CEE Legend 307A, out
of a Silverstream Geddes G102 daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Letniaks Charolais, Consort. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 64, BOB’S EMPIRE 103E (Polled, 81 lb BW, -2.5 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Winn Mans Chavez 826Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Harvie Ranching, Olds. Consigned by BOB Charolais. Lot 14, LEGACYS END ZONE 6E (Polled, 102 lb BW, 1.1 BW EPD, 38.5 cm SC) sired by LT Blue Grass 4017P, out of a Granadas Red Ace 17B daughter. Sold for $8,800 to John Blomquist, Big Valley. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 29, LEGACYS ENERGY 94E (Horned, 102 lb BW, 3 BW EPD, 36.5 cm SC) sired by Legacys Atomizer 18A, out of an SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Lee Lake Farms, Big Valley. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 15, LEGACYS EXCALIBUR 30E (Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by LT Blue Grass 4017P, out of a JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET daughter. Sold for $8,300 to Steve Saruga, Alliance. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 37, LEGACYS EASY MONEY
Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 36
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Lawrence and Ron Letniak took a high seller back to Consort
Steve Saruga selected a new herd sire
Scott Anderson bought 3 bulls
83E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 2.6 BW EPD, 43 cm SC) sired by HTA Vegas 134Y, out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N daughter. Sold for $ 8,100 to Glen Morbeck, Erskine. Consigned by Legacy Charolais.
Ian Harvie bought a bull for Harvie Ranches
Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale Coyote Flats Charolais 3rd Annual Bull Sale March 5, 2018 • Coaldale, AB Gross Average 37 Two-Year Old Bulls $238,650 $6,450 29 Yearling Bulls 136,450 4,705 66 Bulls 375,100 15 Commercial c/c Pairs $43,500
5,683 $2,900
Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sale Manager: By Livestock
A storm that blew through southern Alberta the day before the sale hindered producers from attending. The buyers that did make it were treated to a very strong set of two year old and yearling bulls. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 65, CFC POWER PLAY 186D (Polled, 84 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 45 cm SC) sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of an M6 Gridmaker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Colter Ellefson, Rainer.
Merv and Jesse Nykoliation selected a new bull for their heifers
Lot 45, CFC GIT R DONE 188D (Polled, 111 lb BW, 3.1 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by Pleasantdawn Splendor 53Z, out of a Moore’s Legacy 117L daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Wallace Fraser, Gem. Lot 40, CFC PERFECT STORM 142D (Polled, 98 lb BW, 1.3 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of a P-3 Unlimited Poll 1-69A daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Colter Ellefson, Rainer. Lot 41, CFC BIG TIME 162D (Polled, 96 lb BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of a CFC Major League 25U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to H&K Ranch, Hilda. Lot 82, CFC CINCH UP 144D (Polled, 83 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an M6 New Standard 842 P ET daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Muzyka Farms, Cereal.
High Selling Yearling Lot 9, CFC ECLIPSE 10E (Polled, 102 lb BW, .7 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Marvin Berg, Gem. Lot 13, CFC HEAVY HITTER 26E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1.6 BW EPD, 38.5 cm SC) sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Lomond Grazing, Lomond. Lot 1, CFC MEGATRON 4E (Polled, 95 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 35 cm SC) sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of a Diamond W Whitehot 7W daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Colter Ellefson, Roy Schweitzer of Lazy S Charolais took Rainer.
George and Mark Lohues thank Colton Ellefson (middle) for buying the high seller along with two other bulls
Brian Hicken and Jackie Sproule receive thanks from Mark Lohues for being the volume buyer taking 11 bulls
a new bull home
Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale March 8, 2018 • Stettler, AB 35 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $222,250 $6,350
Auctioneer: Allen McMillan
The Bignells have received very good support from many repeat buyers. A great selection of performance bulls were on offer which kept the sale very strong. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 21, BLC ESCOBAR 71E (Polled,
104 lb BW, 3.1 BW EPD, 35.5 cm SC) sired by High Bluff Bootlegger 73B, out of a Maple Leaf Benchmark 501R daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Rodney and Sandra Sargent, Mirror. Lot 25, BLC EYLAGH 74E (Polled, 110 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, SC 39 cm SC) sired by High Bluff Bootlegger 73B, out of an RGP Senator 761S daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Maureen & Jim Wasdel, Endiang. Lot 9, BLC EQUITY 15E (Polled, 103 lb BW, 2.8 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired Charolais Banner • May 2018
Merv Teows, many time repeat buyer, bought five bulls
Brian Garlock bought a high seller
continued on page 38
BUFFALO LAKE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 by FFBB Emille PLD 1102Y, out of a LEGL Navajo 135S daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Merv Teows, Stettler. Lot 29, BLC EDITOR 85E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 1.9 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by High Bluff Bootlegger 73B, out of an RGP Senator 716S daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Brian and Emma Garlock, Youngstown. Lot 35, BLC EARL 39E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 2 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of an HC Augustus 369A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Rowledge Farms, Erskine. Lot 17, BLC EDIT 27E (Polled, 98 lb BW, 3.1 BW EPD, 39.5 cm SC) sired by FFBB Emille PLD 1102Y, out of an RGP Senator 716S daughter. Sold for
Maureen and Jim Wasdel took the second high selling bull to Endiang
$8,750 to Merv Teows, Stettler. Lot 13, BLC ECLIPSE 35E (Horned, 105 lb BW, 3.2 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by JSR Hipster 40B, out of an FFBB Emille PLD 1102Y daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Erik Houstien, Erskine.
Rodney Sargent selected the high selling bull
Eric Haustien purchased a new herd sire
Lot 22, BLC EXPLORER 55E (Horned, 112 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of an HBSF Red River 61Z daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Rowledge Farms, Erskine.
Horseshoe E Bull Sale Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale March 10, 2018 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $76,400 $5,093 51 1/2 Yearling Bulls 302,850 5,881 66 1/2 Lots
Auctioneer: Ryan Hurlburt
Many repeat and volume buyers came to select from the solid offering put forth by the Evans family in this annual bull sale. Some good buying was made throughout with six bulls going into purebred operations. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 71, LAE DELIARDO 6209D (Polled, .4 BW EPD, 2.015 lb, 43 cm), sired by ABC Bernardo Toro B180, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton, ON. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 23, LAE MEMPHIS 767E (Double Polled, 108 lb BW, 971 lb 205 DW, 61 WW EPD, 120 YW EPD, 1,760 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Escobar 429B, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $17,500 for ½ interest to Legacy Charolais, Botha, AB. Lot 18, LAE EVERETT 753E (3rd Gen. Polled, 94 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 38
58 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,570 lb, 42 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Silverstream Geddes G102 daughter. Sold for $11,000 to L & N Miller & Sons, Avonlea. Lot 44, LAE ENTOURAGE 7108E (Double Polled, 78 lb BW, -4.5 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an LAE Aggregate 372A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB & Misty Hills Charolais, Vermilion, AB. Lot 1, LAE EASTON 702E (Homo Polled, 87 lb BW, -3.4 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 1,430 lb), sired by HRJ Maverick 556C, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont, AB. Lot 8, LAE EXPERT 717E (4th Gen. Polled, 92 lb BW, -3.1 BW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1,510 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a McTavish High Voltage 51A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Merlyn Craig, Mossbank. Lot 40, LAE ELITE 7102E (104 lb BW, -,3 BW EPD, 56 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 1,580 lb, 41 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W. Sold for $9,000 to Terry Sliworsky, Winnipegosis.
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Troy & Diana Walgenbach added the high seller to their Legacy operation
Bruce Miller purchased the second high seller
Stephen Cholak bought two for their Circle Cee herd
Jarred Schollar was the volume buyer
Repeat customer Terry Sliworsky took three back to Manitoba
CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale CK Sparrow Farms Annual Bull Sale March 9, 2018 • Vanscoy, SK 49 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $509,600 $10,400
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury
Changes at the Sparrow Farm this year included going to a video sale. With many repeat customers buying in numbers, the sale was strong as usual with the quality running deep. The average moved up $700 from last year, making it one of the highest averaging bull sales in North America. Led by the sons of Skaggs, herdbulls sold from Ontario to Alberta with strong internet support as well. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 50, SPARROWS LEGENDARY 743E (Polled, .5 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD 26 Milk EPD, 897 lb 205 DW, 1,640 lb, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $54,000 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB & Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Lot 9, SPARROWS SPLENDID 752E (Polled, -.2 BW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 1,575 lb, 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for
Brian Coughlin took another Sparrow bull to Ontario
Scott Johnston purchased a high seller
ARCHITECT 725E (Polled, -.3 BW $29,000 to Circle 7 Charolais, EPD, 1,505 lb, 37 cm), sired by Winn Shaunavon & Soderglen Ranches, Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Sparrows Airdrie, AB. Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for Lot 40, SPARROWS CHICAGO 724E (Polled, .5 BW EPD, 94 YW EPD, $15,000 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. 909 lb 205 DW, 1,550 lb, 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Lot 15, SPARROWS FORTUNE Sparrow Alliance 513G daughter. Sold 703E (Polled, -3.1 BW EPD, 52 WW for $20,500 to Cornerview Charolais, EPD, 106 YW EPD, 28 Milk EPD, 853 Cobden, ON. lb 205 DW, 1,560 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Winn Mans Lot 35, SPARROWS LOWRY 777E Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $13,000 (Polled, .8 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 103 to Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn, AB. YW EPD, 920 lb 205 DW, 1,540 lb, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs Lot 24, SPARROWS PIONEER 735E 663X, out of a Sparrows Cerveza 106S (103 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 110 YW daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Moose EPD, 1,645 lb), sired by Winn Mans Creek Cattle, Kisbey. Skaggs 663X, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $12,250 Lot 47, SPARROWS BUCCANEER to Willow Park Colony, Tessier. 742E (Polled, -.6 BW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 1,570 lb, 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Johnston Charolais, Kelly Oberle & Jared Sherman partnered on Darren Ippolito selected Rathwell, MB. the second high seller a new herdbull for Lot 19, their Moose Creek operation SPARROWS
Marshall & David Prokuda teamed up with Steppler Farms on the high selling bull
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Scott & Eric Anderson added two to their Sugarloaf operation
Footprint Farms Bull Sale
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 48, FOOTPRINTS SIR 6129D (Polled, 103 lb BW, 1.1 BW EPD, 41 cm SC) sired by Winn Man’s Chavez 826Y, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $9,700 to B&G
Peacock, Cereal. Lot 51, FOOTPRINTS SIR 6134D (Polled, 100 lb BW, 3 BW EPD, 46 cm SC) sired by SVY Rushmore PLD 145Y, out of a JS Riggins 6R daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Lawerence and Linda Wilson, New Brigden. Lot 76, FOOTPRINTS SIR 6184D (Horned, 103 lb BW, 4.8 BW EPD, 42.5 cm SC) sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of a PCC Dakota 46K daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Sun Rayz Ranching, Spondin. Lot 45, FOOTPRINTS SIR 6131D (Polled, 97 lb BW, 4.9 BW EPD, 37 cm SC) sired by SVY Blitz 125Y, out of an SVY pilgrim PLD 655S daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Adam Smith, Sibbald. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 1, FOOTPRINTS SIR 11E (Polled, 80 lb BW, .1 BW EPD, 40 cm
Trevor and Brad Fawcett bought 2 bulls including the high seller
Greg Johnson and Brad Osadczuk both bought in volume
Footprint Farms “Charolais Power” Bull Sale March 9, 2018 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 31 Two-Year Old Bulls $195,550 $6,308 31 Yearling Bulls 204,150 6,585 62 Bulls
Auctioneer: Cliff Pahl
With this being one of the largest selections of Charolais bulls in east central Alberta, many producers come to buy in volume. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat buyers within 100 miles of the sale.
SC) sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a JWX Redneck Crazy 26A daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Fawcett Cattle Co., Consort. Lot 6, FOOTPRINTS SIR 8E (Polled, 85 lb BW, .6 BW EPD, 40 cm SC) sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a JWX Redneck Crazy 26A daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Osadczuk Cattle Co., Jenner. Lot 2, FOOTPTINTS SIR 12E (Polled, 88 lb BW, 2 BW EPD, 38.5 cm SC) sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a JWX Redneck Crazy 26A daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Osadczuk Cattle Co. Lot 3, FOOTPRINT SIR 1E (Polled, 82 lb BW, -1 BW EPD, 38.5 cm SC) sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an LT Blue Grass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Steve Saruga, Alliance.
George Peacock selected 2 bulls
Sun Rayz Ranch bought 3 bulls
Benchmark Bull Sale Benchmark 7th Annual Bull Sale March 10, 2018 • Cobden, ON 29 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $119,500 $4,120
Auctioneer: Stewart James
A large crowd came out for a great set of bulls, with over 65% selling to repeat customers. High Selling Bulls Lot 7, BLACKBERN ELEVATION 8E (Homo Polled, .7 BW EPD, 839 lb 205 DW, 1,616 lb, 39 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 7Z, out of a Pleasant Dawn Presto 141L. Sold for $6,900 to James & Bennet Wagar, Landsdowne. Consigned by Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls. Lot 4, BLACKBERN ENFORCER 1E 40
(Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1,444 lb), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 1E, out of an Amabec Y’s Guy 2Y daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Gary Whitford chose Whitford, Ingleside. Gary the second high seller Consigned by Blackbern Farms. Lot 3, BLACKBERN DURANGO 45D (Homo Polled, 1,800 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Marshall 25U, out of a Bridor Travis 15T daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Todd Brownlee, Shawville, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farms. Charolais Banner • May 2018
James & Bennet Wagar bought the high seller
Lot 11, BLACKBERN EXCLUSIVE 23E (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 918 lb 205 DW, 60 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 1,404 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn Digest 146C, out of an SRK Canyon 2Y daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Paul Ferguson, Jasper. Consigned by Blackbern Farms.
Steppler Bull Sale Steppler Farms 7th Annual Bull Sale March 11, 2018 • Miami, MB Gross Average 12 Two-Year Old Bulls $81,600 $6,800 71 Yearling Bulls 443,850 6,251 83 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
This Sunday sale really brought out a big crowd and they pushed the average up with more bulls selling and all bulls selling. A dozen bulls sold into purebred operations in six provinces and one state. From their 400 plus head cowherd there were many ½ and ¾ brothers for volume buyers to put consistency in their program. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 80, STEPPLER REVOLVER 266D (4th Gen. Polled, 84 lb BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 1,956 lb, 43 cm), sired by Steppler Jacksonville 335Z, out of a Whitecap Revolver 69Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB. Lot 83, STEPPLER PALLITER 513D (3rd Gen. Polled, 96 lb BW, 0 BW EPD 92 YW EPD, 1,982 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Milan 453B, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Foggy Mountain Farm, Mountain Road. Lot 85, Steppler Pedersen 5186D (3rd Gen. Polled, 97 lb BW, .2 BW EPD, 1,850 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Milan 453B, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Windy Ridge Farms, Darlingford. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 15, STEPPLER 100 PROOF 193E (3rd Gen. Polled, 96 lb BW, -2.7 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 1,510 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of an LAE Titanium 797T daughter. Sold for $20,000 to LEJ Charolais, Portage la Prairie.
Lot 42, STEPPLER JACK DANIELS 312E (3rd Gen. Polled, 99 lb BW, 864 lb WW, 1,467 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Valley Charolais & Harolyn Farms, Shawville, QC. Lot 64, STEPPLER CASH DAY 127E (Polled, 96 lb BW, 822 lb WW, 103 YW EPD, 34 Milk EPD, 1,568 lb, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND. Lot 1, STEPPLER TRUE BLOOD 249E (Polled/s, 100 lb BW, -.8 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 1,560 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of an SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S daughter. Sold for $9,750 to White Pride Charolais, Melita. Lot 10, STEPPLER LIVING IT UP 182E (3rd Gen. Polled, 99 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 1,442 lb), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Berlin 30M daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Dusty Lane Charolais, Winkler. Lot 60, STEPPLER FAVOURITE HABIT 58E (Polled, 87 lb BW, -3.1 BW EPD, 1,332 lb), sired by LAE Cruise 502C, out of a Steppler Pursuit 178A daughter. Sold for $8,750 to SKE Charolais, Hartney. Lot 51, STEPPLER AIR TIME 2E (Double Polled, 94 lb BW, -.5 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 1,436 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Versace 408B, out of a Steppler Tanner 241Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Watkins Charolais, Clearwater.
Repeat customers Dick & Sandra Hamilton bought two two year olds
Lot 58, STEPPLER CRUISE 22E (Polled/s, 83 lb BW, -3.8 BW EPD, 1,303 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by LAE Cruise 502C, out of a Steppler Jacksonville 335Z daughter. Sold for $8,500 to SKE Charolais.
Jim Olson purchased the high selling bull
Lane Bina added the third high seller to his North Dakota herd
Charlie Watkins bought two top yearlings
Shane Eastman selected a couple high dollar bulls
Kevin Erixon & Scott Murray both bought
Carolyn Closs & Donna Courchesne teamed up and took the second high seller to Quebec
Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner Charolais Banner • May 2018
Palmer Charolais Bull Sale Palmer Charolais & Nielson Land & Cattle Co. 7th Annual Bull Sale March 12, 2018 • Bladworth, SK Gross Average 12 Two-Year Old Bulls $74,600 $6,217 47 Yearling Bulls 289,800 6,166 59 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
Palmer Charolais offered more bulls in this 7th Annual sale and saw bulls in everyone’s budget all find homes. With a good mix of two year olds and yearlings this solid performance offering had many repeat customers come back for more. The 33 Red & Black Angus bulls averaged $4,244. Volume buyer was again Buffalo Plains Cattle Co., Moose Jaw. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, HVA TRIPLE TREAT 112E (Polled, Leptin TT, 98 lb BW, 1,040 lb WW, 1,670 lb, 42 cm), sired by High Bluff Bushwacher 27B, out of an HTA Parker 12X daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Big Johnson Charolais, Amisk, AB. Lot 33, RGP BELL RINGER 133E
Repeat customers Rob Hoffman & Cal Logan were back
(3rd Gen. Polled, 102 lb BW, 57 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,570 lb), sired by High Bluff Bodacious 78B, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 6, HVA SHARP SHOOTER 15E (Polled, Leptin TT, 102 lb BW, 1,090 lb WW, 1,665 lb, 38 cm), sired by High Bluff Bushwacker 27B, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Hazeldean Farms, Lumsden. Lot 10, HVA BUCKAROO 852E (Polled, 104 lb BW, 1,040 lb WW, 61 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 1,710 lb, 44 cm), sired by High Bluff Bushwacker 27B, out of an HTA Parker 12X daughter. Sold for $9,750 to WendtMurray Farms, Lloydminster, AB. Lot 27, HVA BRAVEHEART 482E (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 96 lb BW, 29 Milk EPD, 1,500 lb, 40 cm), sired by High Bluff Bodacious 78B, out of a Sparrows Durango 585P daughter. Sold for $9,000 to HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB. Lot 45, RGP EXCEL 1E (4th Gen. Polled, 98 lb BW, 1,005 lb WW, 109
Tanya & Shawn Airey bought a herdbull
YW EPD, 1,560 lb, 42 cm), sired by HTA Statego 562C, out of a CSS Sir Jr Navigator 44Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Tyler & Shauna Getz, Lucky Lake. Lot 44, HVA SATELLITE 90E (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 1,550 lb, 40 cm), sired by HTA Stratego 562C, out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N daughter. Sold for $8,300 to K & C Cattle Co., Holdfast. Lot 5, HVA BERT 732E (Polled, 86 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 1,035 lb WW, 1,530 lb, 40 cm), sired by High Bluff Bushwacker 27B, out of a BXB Dateline Son 65R daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Rob & Neil Hoffman, Oyen, AB.
Byron Johnson added the high seller to his Big Johnson Charolais herd
Tyler Getz purchased a high seller
Nanette & Curtis Turnbull took home the second high seller
Some great online advertising options at By the week or month… you will get noticed 42
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Charolais Banner • May 2018
McTavish Bull Sale McTavish & Guest 7th Annual Bull Sale March 13, 2018 • Moosomin, SK 3 Two-Year Old Bulls 30 Yearling Bulls 33 Lots
Gross Average $13,400 $4,467 135,100 4,503 $148,500
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
McTavish Farms, Moosomin, and Charla Moore Farms, Redvers, again offered a very solid set of bulls that found a softer market than they deserved. The quality was there but the buyers willing to spend the dollars weren’t. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 6, MCTAVISH TITAN 16E (3rd Gen. Polled, 85 lb BW, .4 BW EPD, 1,515 lb, 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Big Rig 639Y, out of a Pleasant Dawn
Matthew Ramsey bought a new herdbull
Carolyn Closs took a high seller back to Quebec
Magnum 49Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. Lot 5, MCTAVISH UNDISPUTED 112E (3rd Gen. Polled, 104 lb BW, 1,065 lb WW, 1,710 lb, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Cuervo 4A, out of a Gilliland Diago 7R daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Kruk Charolais, Virden, MB. Lot 2, MCTAVISH IDENTITY 81E (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 1,085 lb WW, 60 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 1,745 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans Cuervo 4A, out of a Gilliland Diago 7R daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Rammer Charolais, Strathclair. Lot 26, MCTAVISH BREAKOUT 64E (105 lb BW, 905 lb WW, 1,460 lb, 42 cm), sired by SVY Monument Pld 159Y, out of an MNE Park Model 50P daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Harolyn Farms, Shawville, QC. Lot 37, CHARLA MOORE
Richard Van Sprundel purchased a high seller
Repeat volume buyer Hugh Garrett selected three
CUSTOM MADE 23E (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 815 lb 205 DW, 1,550 lb, 38 cm), sired by XAL Custom Made 1C, out of a JWX Wheel N Deal 708W daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Richard Van Sprundel, Manor. Lot 3, MCTAVISH MATTERHORN 104E (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb BW, 1,030 lb WW, 1,550 lb, 37 cm), sired by Winn Mans Cuervo 4A, out of a Rolling D Design 730T daughter. Sold for $5,900 to ABK Livestock, Grenfell.
Jared McTavish & buyer Brad Speidelsbach
Harper & Brenda Wilgenbusch were there to help Craig buy the high seller
Cornerview Bull Sale Cornerview Charolais 3rd Annual Bull & Heifer Sale March 24, 2018 • Cobden, ON 23 Yearling Bulls 5 Open Heifers
Gross Average $116,850 $5,080 $15,700 $3,140
Auctioneer: Stewart James
The Couglins moved their sale home to their shop and ran a video sale with the bulls penned outside. The results assured this was the right thing to do, as the averaged moved up over $350 from last year, with less cost and trucking to the market and back. 44
High Selling Bulls Lot 15, CORNERVIEW EDISON 15E (Polled, 88 lb BW, .5 BW EPd, 60 WW EPD, 113 YW EPD, 1,540 lb, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Mr Louber Synergie 457Z daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Kevin Frieburger, Elmwood. Lot 42, CORNERVIEW HEMI 42E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 61 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,490 lb, 37 cm), sired by McTavish Hallelujah 79B, out of a Hicks Remington 31U daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Stephane Charolais Banner • May 2018
& Christian Merenger, Gatineau, QC. Lot 9, GERRARD ODYSSEY 9E (Polled, 2.2 BW EPD, 56 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, Kevin Frieburger chose 1,590 lb, 40 cm), a high selling bull sired by PH Persona 153A, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Tom Hughson, Manitowaning. continued on page 46
Road Tales Candace By
As Helge and I remembered a friend and former Charolais breeder, we recalled stories that everyone could appreciate. There were some very strong characters in the Charolais industry in the early days and Ron Kletzel was definitely one of them. He was a very colourful character and challenged many things. On the summer show circuit one year, Ron brought a cow and calf that created quite a stir. He picked his very best cow and his very best calf and brought them to town. He wasn’t breaking the rules, just testing them. At the time, the rules didn’t say it had to be that cow’s calf. He didn’t hide it, he made no bones about it. As you can imagine, the talk in the barn wasn’t really favourable towards the entry. The Hays Classification was quickly revised to read cow with her natural born calf at foot and he is the reason why. He was also known to say what he was thinking, without a filter. Once when he was judging in Saskatoon he spoke about a cow/calf pair he had placed first by saying, “I really like this cow, but she couldn’t help what
she was bred to.” He knew the breeder and he knew who the sire of the calf was. Talk about hopping mad to stand first in class. The breeder happened to be doing some heavy promoting of that calf’s sire. Some people may have got a chuckle over it, but it really wasn’t appreciated. Ron knew cattle. Doug Howe said, “If you want someone to buy you a herd of cows, there is no one better.” He had an eye for cattle that is a gift you just can’t learn. Many people recognized this and got Ron to select cattle for them across North America. He had a bull in partnership that didn’t turn out as he hoped. In fact, he would later say it pretty much took him out of the industry. He phoned a judge before a show, a friend whom he had bought many cattle for, and said, “I don’t care what you do, but you can’t let my bull win.” He liked to stir the pot, but when it came down to it, he never wanted to hurt the industry, he was just having fun. More recently, Helge was visiting him and Ron introduced him to his pet cat, Smokey. Ron was explaining that he was definitely a res. cat (from the reserve). (Ron himself was native and had been adopted.) He did get him from a reserve. “Smokey only
likes KFC, he doesn’t like those roast chickens you buy in the grocery store ready to serve and this is proof of his res background.” Ron thought this was hillarious. Helge proceeded to tell him about a time when we were travelling in South Dakota with our family at Easter break to the Lindskov-Thiel sale. We happened to go by a bunch of KFC garbage that had been left at the side of the road. Bartley, probably about 12 at the time, passed the comment that we must be close to a reserve. I, being the socially conscious person I am, started to give him a really bad time about being racist, how that was not appropriate, how he should not pass such racial judgement… and before I could even finish my rant we came to a sign that read Welcome to the something Reservation. Well Ron thought this was the funniest thing ever. Helge was sure he would have to call an ambulance he was laughing so hard he couldn’t breath. This was a guy who was living with the aid of an oxygen supply at the time. That was Ron, quick to laugh, quick to say what he thought and all the time in the world to visit.
Ron Kletzel Ron Kletzel was involved with Charolais from a very early age. His grandfather purchased the first purebred bull that Rudiger Charolais sold the fall of 1960. They purchased their first females from the Michaelis Ranch in Texas in 1961 as well as the 1st purebred female sold in the 1st consignment sale in Canada from Rodney James. His family imported 1 bull and 2
females in the first French Importation and over the years imported 4 bulls and 8 females from France. They had the 1st and 3rd high gaining bulls, the same year, twice at the U of S Test Station sired by their own herd bulls. Ron, whose farm name was Char-Ron Charolais from Denzil, Saskatchewan, had the 1977 Agribition Grand Champion Bull and the 1980 Grand Champion Female both sired by their own herd sires. He successfully showed his own Charolais Banner • May 2018
cattle at shows like the World Show, Agribition and Denver as well as sticking cattle for other breeders at shows including the Toronto Royal, Denver, Houston and more. He was one of the first Canadians to be placed on the American Charolais judging list. Ron retired living in Edmonton. He was an art dealer for many years and donated his remaining prints to different organizations to help out, including women’s shelters and the CCYA. He passed away on February 21, 2018. 45
Creek’s Edge Bull Sale Creek’s Edge 1st Annual Bull Sale March 15, 2018 • Yellow Creek, SK Gross Average 10 Two-Year Old Bulls $76,150 $7,615 42 Yearling Bulls 279,000 6,643 52 Lots
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Manager: By Livestock
It is always nerve racking, but exciting when you have your first sale, but with the results from this one Stephen and Kristin knew they made the right decision. This video sale was held in their new heated shop with the bulls in display pens in the yard. A nice day, a big crowd and many repeat customers they have built up over the past years came to support. Eight bulls sold into purebred operations. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 46, SKW SETTLER 92D (Polled, 89 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 911 205 DW, 2,240 lb, 42 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an LAE Land Baron 232Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to CK Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 8, SKW DAKOTA 55E (Homo
Mike Elder purchased the second high seller
Allan Marshall took one to Future Farms
Polled, 1 BW EPD, 60 YW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 916 lb 205 DW, 1,690 lb), sired by LT Stagecoach 8068 Pld, out of a Steppler 83U daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Silver Shadow Charolais, Vermilion, AB. Lot 37, SKW FOXLEY 129E (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, 59 WW EPD, 111 YW EPD, 1,550 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an LT Sundance 2251 Pld daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Lot 14, SKW SLAM JAM 159E (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, 1 BW EPD, 1,410 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Steppler 83U, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T. Sold for $10,500 to Charworth Charolais, Airdrie, AB. Lot 10, SKW WEEKENDER 112E (3rd Gen. Polled, 95 lb BW, .5 BW EPd, 1,550 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Future Farms, Red Deer County, AB. Lot 36, SKW TALON 77E (3rd Gen. Polled, 85 lb BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 1,600 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum
216A, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Howard Robertson, Weldon. Lot 2, SKW WINNER MAN 42E (Double Polled, -.3 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 1,600 lb, 43 cm), sired by CJC Symbol B1067P, out of a Russ Char Roadhammer 10R daughter. Sold for $8,000 to R & F Livestock, Warman. Lot 3, SKW CROSSROADS 100E (Double Polled, 108 lb BW, 62 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 891 lb 205 DW, 1,600 lb, 37 cm), sired by CJC Symbol B1067P, out of a Steppler 83U daughter. Sold for $8,000 to K McLeod Farms, Biggar. Lot 39, SKW DEALER 22E (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, -.7 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 869 lb 205 DW, 1,530 lb), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Steppler 83U daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Foster’s Rocky Darryl Shuttleworth Top Ranch, added a herdbull to Birch Hills.
Cam Sparrow bought the high selling two year old
Brad & Amanda Rudyck were volume buyers taking four
Howard Robertson selected a top seller
their Charworth herd
CORNERVIEW, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 44 Lot 18, CORNERVIEW ESPOSITO 18E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 1,460 lb, 39 cm), sired by McTavish Hallelujah 79B, out of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter. Sold
for $6,600 to Wade Schroeder, Pembroke. High Selling Open Heifer Lot 60, CORNERVIEW ELLIE 60E (Polled, 54 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD),
sired by McTavish Hallelujah 79B, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $3,600 to Darren McCord, Kanata. • All the news, all the time. 46
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 15, 2018 • Innisfail, AB 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 22 Yearling Bulls 24 Bulls
Gross Average $10,500 $5,250 108,350 4,925 $118,850
Auctioneer: Mark Daines
The number of bulls on offer was down from the last few years. Many repeat buyers came and supported. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, REESE ESTEVAN 6D (Polled, 81 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD,36 cm SC) sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of a Sparrows Patriot 24X daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Gerald Wilsie, Caroline. Lot 12, REESE EMILIO 153E (Polled, 91 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 37 cm
SC) sired by JDJ Northern Star A109P, out of an Anjou Xtra PLD 147X daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Herter Ranch, Red Deer. Lot 16, REESE ESAU 202E (Polled, 84 lb BW, -.9 BW EPD, 32 cm SC) sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of a Sparrows Patriot 24X daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Double S Cattle, Olds. Lot 9, REESE EFRAM 131E (Polled, Red Factor, 99 lb BW, 2.8 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Elder’s Chrome 107C, out of an HTA Quantum PLD 26R daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Larry Robinson, Innisfail. Lot 19, REESE ERICKSON 214E (Polled, 84 lb BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 32.5 cm SC) sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of an HTA Quantum PLD
26R daughter. Sold for $5,750 to LeRoy Wilsie, Caroline. Lot 8, REESE EDWIN 127E (Polled, 96 lb BW, .7 BW EPD, 33 cm SC) sired by Gerald Wilsie many Elder’s Chrome time repeat buyer 107C, out of an took 3 bulls home. LAE Uncanny 879U daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Ed Krebs, Olds. Lot 11, REESE ELLIOT 152E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 0 BW EPD, 40.5 cm SC) sired by JDJ Northern Star A 109 P, out of a KMAC Cigar Spur 23T daughter. Sold for $5,250 to Shawn Lelek, Duchess.
Diamond W Bull Sale Diamond W Charolais & Red Angus 16th Annual Bull Sale March 20, 2018 • Minitonas, MB 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 36 Yearling Bulls 38 Lots
Gross Average $9,000 $4,500 181,050 5,028 $190,050
Auctioneer: Randy Hart Sale Manager: By Livestock
Word is getting out that this is a good place to buy quality bulls for a decent dollar as we saw more buyers from outside the Swan Valley come and participate in this year’s sale. The local buyers have been very loyal to the sale and were again this year. The Charolais average moved up slightly, while the 18 Angus bulls moved up a $1,000 with all 56 Charolais and Angus bulls offered selling. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 30, DIAMOND W BOND 104E (3rd Gen. Polled, -.4 BW EPD, 805 lb WW, 1,506 lb, 39 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Tri-N Prefix Pld ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Bev Christian, Bowsman. 48
Lot 25, DIAMOND W PERFORMER 37E (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, .8 BW EPD, 910 lb WW, 1,615 lb, 38 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows Bolivar 121S daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Soura-Horan Farms, Bowsman. Lot 31, DIAMOND W PREMIUM 50E (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb BW, -.9 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 28 Milk EPD, 1,550 lb, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrow Chitek 930W daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Voegeli Bros. Charolais, Maymont, SK. Lot 1, DIAMOND W HOTWIRE 72E (3rd Gen. Polled, 85 lb BW, 1,600 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Marcellus 398A, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Prouse Ranch, Invermay, SK. Lot 33, Buddy Prouse DIAMOND W selected a high seller Charolais Banner • May 2018
PERFECTION 46E (3rd Gen. Polled, 95 lb BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 30 Milk EPD, 1,525 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $6,400 to John Dubyk, Minitonas.
Bev Christian bought another high seller this year
Lyle Marchuk swept the ring on a good pair of bulls
Martin, Deona & Amy Horan buy every year
High Bluff Bull Sale High Bluff Stock Farm Bull Sale March 16, 2018 • Inglis, MB 8 Two-Year Old Bulls 23 1/2 Yearling Bulls 31 1/2 Lots
Gross Average $52,750 $6,594 213,750 9,096 $266,500
Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock Corp.
This sale got renamed from Family Tradition and moved to the home farm at Inglis this year. The Jackson family put forth a top set of bulls that saw seven go into purebred herds and their average move up. Their 16 Simmental bulls averaged $6,516 which was also up $1,500 from last year. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 15, HIGH BLUFF EL PASO 15E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 876 lb 205 DW, 1,675 lb, 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Escobar 428B, out of a Winn Mans Original 548R daughter. Sold for $37,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami.
Stephen & Kristin Wielgosz bought the second high seller
Lot 7, HIGH BLUFF EXTRA 90E (Polled, 98 lb BW, 875 lb 205 DW, 65 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 1,595 lb, 40 cm), sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of a SHSH HD 14Y daughter. Sold for $17,250 to Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK. Lot 17, HIGH BLUFF ENFORCER 103E (Polled, 98 lb BW, 926 lb 205 DW, National Jr. Champion Bull, 1,695 lb, 44 cm), sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $15,250 for ½ interest to Triple C Charolais, Steep Rock. Lot 8, HIGH BLUFF EXPO 93E (Pollled, 100 lb BW, 967 lb 205 DW, 74 WW EPD, 123 YW EPD, 1,630 lb, 40 cm), sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of an SHSH HD 14Y daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Lonesome Eagle Charolais, Ste. Anne. Lot 1, HIGH BLUFF EXCALIBUR 69E (Polled, Agribition Res. Jr.
Champion, 97 lb BW, 1003 lb 205 DW, 72 WW EPD, 121 YW EPD, 1,685 lb, 45 cm), sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of an SHSH HD 14Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Van Eaton Farms, Maryfield, SK. Lot 16, HIGH BLUFF EXPLORER 25E (Polled, 105 lb BW, 907 lb 205 DW, 1,690 lb, 42 cm), sired by HIGH Bluff Casanova 13C, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G. Sold for $10,000 to Dunning Farms, McCreary.
Andre Steppler purchased El Paso
Martin, Deona & Amy Horan were presented a jacket from Erin Jackson
Repeat buyers John & Denise Van Eaton bought again
Brian Digby selected a bull for their Lonesome Eagle herd
Borderland Cattle Co. Bull Sale Borderland Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Rockglen, SK 4 Two-Year Old Bulls 13 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $17,300 $4,325 49,250 3,788
17 Bulls
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury
This 20th bull sale for the Chings saw an increase in price and numbers sold on the Charolais side. This is a video sale at the farm, with the bulls displayed outside the sale facility. Good genetics at affordable prices.
High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 37, BORDERLANDS KRACKEN 62D (91 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD), sired by Winn Mans Kracken 635Z, out of a Borderlands Mack 138R daughter. Sold for $4,700 to Mitch Fisher, Lisieux. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 41, BORDERLANDS ESMOND 35E (Polled, Red Factor, 83 lb BW, -2.4 BW EPD), sired Tri-N Game Changer 61C, out of an LAE X-Plosive 29X daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Belmar Farms, Rockglen. Charolais Banner • May 2018
Lot 45, BORDERLAND ENERGY 953E (Polled, 94 lb BW, -1.2 BW EPD), sired Winn Mans 9116A, out of a KCM Rio Chico 429P daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Jim Henderson, Assiniboia.
Marc Spagrud bought the high selling yearling bull
Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale Pleasant Dawn 16th Annual Bull Sale March 17, 2018 • Virden, MB 3/4 Mature Bull 44 3/4 Yearling Bulls 45 1/2 Bulls
Gross Average $16,000 $16,000 295,950 6,613 $311,950
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock
With Tully and Arlene’s dispersal last fall this sale was Trent and Ashley’s first solo event and it was solid. Bulls sold into five provinces and one state with eight going to purebred herds. Volume buyer was Char-Maine Ranching, of Pincher Creek, AB, who bought seven bulls. High Selling Mature Bull Lot 10, PLEASANT DAWN CAPTAIN 675C (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, -4.9 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 2,250 lb, 44.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $16,000 for ¾ interest to Du Plessis Ranch, Toutes Aides. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 2, PLEASANT DAWN RELOAD 19E (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 81 lb BW, -3.6 BW EPD, 821 lb 205 DW, 1,620 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an SVY Monument Pld 159Y daughter. Sold for $15,000 for ¾ interest to Bremner Charolais & Myhre Land and Cattle, Dauphin. Lot 1, PLEASANTDAWN
PINNACLE 908E (3rd Gen. Polled, Leptin CT, 102 lb BW, 975 lb 205 DW, 59 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 1,605 lb, 41 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P daughter. Sold for $11,500 for ¾ interest to R Lazy B Charolais, Nome, ND. Lot 4, PLEASANTDAWN ESSENCE 701E (Homo Polled, 83 lb BW, -3.6 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 1,530 lb, 41 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an Eatons Big Bud 10402 P daughter. Sold for $11,000 for ¾ interest to Terry Creek Charolais, Baltimore, ON. Lot 3, PLEASANTDAWN HYDRO 675E (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, -.9 BW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 30 Milk EPD), sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 for ¾ interest to Terry Creek Charolais. Lot 6, PLEASANTDAWN PACKER 709E (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, -2.9 BW EPD, 1,446 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a CTP Mr Arrow
David Reykdal purchased a high seller
Jan Du Plessis selected the mature bull
156A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Reykdal Farms, Winnipeg Beach. Lot 34, PLEASANTDAWN HYDRO 14E (3rd Gen. Polled, 93 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,530 lb, 40 cm), sired by ZWB Pleasantdawn Ledger 34B, out of an HBSF Extra 2X daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Ferme Bernier/Freres, St. Eugene, QC. Lot 24, PLEASANTDAWN LEAD 648E (4th Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 28 Milk EPD, 1,640 lb, 44 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a Pleasant Dawn Hydro 713R daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Galen Keller, Karlsruhe, ND.
Lori & Jack Bremner bought the high selling bull
Galen Keller took a red factor bull to North Dakota
Steve Quinton took seven bulls for some of his customers
Plan to attend Canadian Charolais Youth Association 2018 Conference & Show • July 25-28, Brandon, MB
Leaders of Tomorrow
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Charolais Banner • May 2018
HTA & Guest Bull Sale Creek Dividend 43M daughter. Sold for $8,600 to Ken & Cindy Routledge, Lenore. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 9, HTA FIREPOWER 723E (4th Gen. Polled, 89 lb BW, 788 lb 205 DW, 1,505 lb, 40 cm), sired by HTA Reliable 4101B, out of an SVS Nobleman 546C daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Double P Stock Farm, Ste. Rose du Lac. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 12, HTAPRECISION 724E (Double Polled, 101 lb BW, 1,510 lb, 38 cm), sired by Keys All State 149X, out of a Merit 5323R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Brad Yaciuk, Ashville.
High Selling Bulls Lot 18, HTA BRIGHT LIGHTS 742E (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, BW% of dam 5.12, 102 YW EPD, 1,660 lb, 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Merit 5323R daughter. Sold for $16,500 for ¾ interest to Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais, Rivers. Lot 6, HTA IN FOCUS 721E (Homo Polled, 104 lb BW, BW% of dam 5.83, 799 lb 205 DW, 58 WW EPD, 119 YW
EPD, 1,705 lb, 39 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of an HTA Bravia 855U daughter. Sold for $13,500 for ¾ interest to FDKL Charolais, Ochre River & C2 Charolais, LaRiviere. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 2, HTA EASTON 706E (3rd Gen. Polled, 95 lb BW, 827 lb 205 DW, 117 YW EPD, 1,645 lb, 41 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of a Keys All State 149X daughter. Sold for $13,250 to KYR Farms, Neepawa. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 48, RAMMER EDDIE 730E (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 107 lb BW, 25 Milk EPD, 1,573 lb, 38 cm), sired by HRJ Canadian Gold 518C, out of a WMM Crimson Red 912W daughter. Sold for $10,000 for ¾ interest to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK. Consigned by Rammer Charolais, Strathclair. Lot 25, HTA BREAKING NEWS 751E (3rd Gen. Polled, 92 lb BW, 12 year of dam, 1,620 lb, 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Dim
Repeat customer Ken Routledge selected a top bull
Carey & LeeAnn Weinbender bought the high selling bull
Jeff Cavers & Kris Kristjanson teamed up on the second high seller
Kelly & Paul Roberston bought the 3rd high seller for their good commercial herd
HTA Charolais with Guest Rammer Charolais Bull Sale March 21, 2018 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 49 1/4 Yearling Bulls $279,000 $5,665 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
This again was as powerful a set of bulls as was sold this spring. With many repeat customers, you know these bulls are working. Five bulls sold into purebred herds in three provinces with 10% more bulls offered and sold.
Jared Preston took one to their Double P purebred herd
Candiac Choice Bull Sale Candiac Choice Bull Sale March 31, 2018 • Candiac, SK
Auctioneer: Brad Stenberg
3 Two-Year Old Bulls 16 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $10,950 $3,650 57,950 3,621
19 Bulls
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 40, SWR ELWAY 3E (Polled, 96 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 24 Milk EPD), sired by CRG Crown Royal 19B, out of a Merit 5257R daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Kress Livestock, Odessa. Charolais Banner • May 2018
Lot 45, SWR Eddy Shack 9E (Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb BW, .8 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD), sired by CRG Crown Royal 19B, out of a KBK Rally 24T daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Preston Kotylak, Glenavon.
Elder Charolais Bull Sale Lot 4, ELDER’S COLUMBO 35E (Homo Polled, Red Factor, .6 BW EPD, 30 Milk EPD, 1,623 lb, 38 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a Bar J Silverado 14S daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Belmar Farms, Rockglen. Lot 14, ELDER’S MAGNUM 50E (Double Polled, Leptin TT, 89 lb BW, 1,524 lb, 39 cm), sired by Keys Jaxson 151B, out of a Silverstream Evolution E daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Bar J Charolais, Amaranth, MB.
This quality offering found interest from across the country from both purebred and repeat commercial producers. The feature sire group of Blackjack were again a highlight. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, ELDER’S HONCHO 72E (4th Gen. Polled, National Sr. Bull Calf Champion, Agribition President’s Classic Champion, 1,615 lb, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of Bar J Design 70X. Sold for $20,000 for ½ interest to Rod Bauck, Moose Jaw. Lot 2, ELDER’S AMIGO 98E (4th Gen. Polled, ET, 104 lb BW, 795 lb 205 DW, 1,717 lb, 43 cm), sired by Elder’s
Blackjack 788E. out of Bar J Design 70X. Sold for $20,000 for 2/3 interest to CSS Charolais, Paynton & KAY-R Charolais, Waskatenau, AB. Lot 15, ELDER’S HERNANDEZ 17E (Double Polled, 96 lb BW, 795 lb 205 DW, 1,618 lb, 39 cm), sired by Keys Jaxson 151B, out of a Grant’s Playboy 3X daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 21, ELDER’S LARIAT 29E (Homo Polled, ET, 105 lb BW, 1,697 lb, 40 cm), sired by KAYR Extender 804C, out of Bar J Design 70X. Sold for $14,500 to Coyote Flats Charolais, Coaldale, AB. Lot 3, ELDER’S HOOCH 21E (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 789 lb 205 DW, 26 Milk EPD, 1,650 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of an Elder’s Wahkamo 919W daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Caul Charolais, Devlin, ON.
Rod Bauck bought two including Honcho
Kasey Phillips teamed up with Cam Stewart on Amigo
Cody & Kayla Englot selected a new herdsire for their CK operation
Justin & Jack Robertson added one to their Bar J herd
Elder Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2018 • Coronach, SK Gross Average 36 1/6 Yearling Bulls $274,000 $7,576 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
Marc Spagrud bought the high selling red factor bull
High Point Bull Sale 7th Annual High Point Bull Sale March 31, 2018 • Stayner, ON 31 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $152,900 $4,932
Auctioneer: Carl Wright
This was the 7th Annual sale held at Sunrise Charolais with four consignors. High Selling Bulls Lot 25, SUNRISE EDWARDO 23E (Scurred, 96 lb BW, 1,195 lb 205 DW, 1,677 lb, 43 cm), sired by CML Distinction 318A, out of a Cornerview Wallstreet 3W daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Randy Pendleton, Mulmur. Consigned by Sunrise Charolais, Stayner. Lot 22, SUNRISE EXPLORER 9E
(Polled, ET, .2 BW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 33 Milk EPD, 1,602 lb, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of an EC No Doubt 2022 P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Tom Cunningham, Wiarton. Consigned by Sunrise Charolais. Lot 23, SUNRISE ENTERPRISE 16E (Polled, ET, 1,185 lb 205 DW, .2 BW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 33 Milk EPD, 1,570 lb, 45 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of an EC No Doubt 2022 P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Lee Timbers, Sunderland. Consigned by Sunrise Charolais. Lot 9, MOYER’S ENFORCER 1E (Polled, 98 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 1,490 lb, 43 cm), sired by TR PZC Charolais Banner • May 2018
Mr Turton 0794 ET, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Hicks Charolais, Arthur. Consigned by Moyer Cattle Company, Arthur. Bryan Hicks purchased Lot 13, EMB a top seller ESTRADA 63E (Full French, 93 lb BW, 818 lb 205 DW, 1,420 lb, 36 cm), sired by Hamm Mogo U23, out of a PCFL Wildfire 9T daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Lee Spry, Mindenmoya. Consigned by EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte. 53
Impact Bull Sale 10th Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Sasktoon, SK 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 31 2/3 Yearling Bulls 35 2/3 Bulls
Gross Average $10,000 $5,000 167,250 4,966 $167,250
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
A winter storm the day before seemed to hamper the attendance at this two breed sale with the quality strong as usual. McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, are the Charolais consignors to the sale. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 52, MVY EXPOSION 17E (Polled, 102 lb BW, 840 lb 205 DW, 26 Milk EPD, 1,655 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by
Mr Louber Mantracker 830B, out of an SVY Epic Pld 127Y daughter. Sold for $12,500 for 2/3 interest to Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 54, MVY FREE RIDE 22E (Polled, Lloydminster Grand Champion Bull, 92 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 811 lb 205 DW, 1,565 lb, 39 cm), sired by MVY All Shook Up 18C, out of an SVY Epic Pld 127Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 for 2/3 interest to Midnight Lake Charolais, Glaslyn. Lot 77, MVY EDISON 86E (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 1,620 lb, 40 Brant Lewis bought cm), sired by the high selling bull Silverstream
Geddes G102, out of a JMB Thor 735T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Neilson Cattle Co., Willowbrook. Lot 63, MVY EVEREST 52E (103 lb BW, 1,715 lb, 42 cm), sired by Silverstream Geddes G102, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Meredian Agriculture, Acadia Valley, AB.
Michael Hicks chose a herdbull for his Midnight Lake herd
Mike Neilson took one back to Willowbrook
Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor Bull Sale Poplar Bluff Stock Farms and Twin Anchor Charolais Bull Sale March 27, 2018 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 35 Two-Year Old Bulls $218,850 $6,253 12 Yearling Bulls 58,550 4,879 47 Bulls
Auctioneer: Kirk Goldsmith
The Taylor and Weeks families teamed up on this second annual sale to bring a tremendous set of yearling and two year old bulls. These two breeders are known for their extremely quiet bulls and that was evident when you must push them out of the way in the pens. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 23, AHT FLO 612D (Polled, 89 lb BW, 2.4 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by LAE Flo-Rida 1111Y, out of a Footprints Sir 711T daughter. Sold for $11,000 to George Porucknek, Wainwright. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin. Lot 11, THJ DURANGO 44D (Polled, 84 lb BW, 3.2 BW EPD, 43 cm 54
SC) sired by SKW Merchant 32A, out of an LAE Blue 1103Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Jackson Bros., Unity, SK. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm. Lot 29, THJ DRY-RUN 107D (Polled, 91 lb BW, 3.3 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by LAE Flo-Rida 1111Y, out of an MNE Most Impressed 28M daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Lee McGonigle, Unity, SK. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm. Lot 30, AHT BULLET 617D (Polled, 78 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 42 cm SC) sired by DRG Alta Pride 2B, out of an LAE Flo-Rida 1111Y daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Greg and Janice Liboiron, Irma. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm. Lot 32, THJ DENNIS 125D (Polled, 90 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, 44 cm SC) sired by LAE Blast-Off 425B, out of an MNE Most Impressed 28M daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Dale Stammers, Oyen. Consigned by Poplar Bluff Stock Farm. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 35, TAC INTENSITY 10E Charolais Banner • May 2018
(Polled, 94 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Schetzsle Grahan Schetzle Marketing Corp, bought the high Veteran. selling yearling Consigned by Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor. Lot 39, TAC EASTON 19E (Polled, 101 lb BW, 2.1 BW EPD, 39 cm SC) sired by Pro-Char El Paso 99B, out of a MAC Smith 108Y daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Fred Schooler, Consort. Consigned by Twin Anchor Charolais. Lot 38, TAC ESPOSITO 15E (Polled, Red Factor, 86 lb BW, -2.8 BW EPD, 38 cm SC) sired by Pro-Char Rango 2C, out of a MAC Silver Surfer 102Y daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Greg Kelts, Consort. Consigned by Twin Anchor Charolais.
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Best of the Breeds Bull Sale Best of the Breeds 14th Annual Bull Sale March 25, 2018 • Yorkton, SK 1 Two-Year Old Bull 29 1/3 Yearling Bulls 30 1/3 Bulls
Gross Average $7,000 $7,000 170,000 5,796 $177,000
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
The Harcourts and Zentners again put forth a strong set of bulls in this multi breed sale. They offered and sold more bulls and had the high average of the sale. Some quality breeder bulls sold and went into five provinces. In total 97 ¾ lots of 5 breeds averaged $5,088. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 74, HBC HERCULES 607D (Double Polled, .8 BW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 30 Milk EPD, 2,365, 44 cm), sired by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, out of a Sparrows Divergent 104Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Dog Patch Acres, Leroy. Consigned by Harcourt
Joe & Robert Cooper took the third high seller to Nova Scotia
Charolais, Quill Lake. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 75, HBC RUSHMORE 705E (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -.1 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 1,545 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a PCC Sudden Impact 848U daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Southview Farms, Courtice, ON. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais. Lot 53, DOGPATCH GILLETTE 7E (Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, 1,105 lb WW, 101 YW EPD, 1,580 lb, 39 cm), sired by MVY All Star 61A, out of a Rolling D Summit 21S daughter. Sold for $11,000 to HEJ Charolais, Innisfail, AB. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres. Lot 80, HBC RANSOM 717E (Polled/s, 93 lb BW, 1,580 lb, 41 cm), sired by HBC G2 430B, out of a Winn Mans Vistazo 740X daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Balamore Farms, Great Village, NS. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais. Lot 59, DOGPATCH TRUMP 66E (Polled, 110 lb BW, 1,168 lb WW, 1,690
Lenore & Barry Wourms selected a top bull
lb, 44 cm), sired by MVY All Star 61A, out of a PCC Sudden Impact 848U daughter. Sold for $8,200 to Dwayne Gebhart, Mankota. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres. Lot 71, DOGPATCH KRACKEN 45E (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, 1,116 lb WW, 1,655 lb, 39 cm. Sold for $7,750. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres. Lot 61, DOGPATCH FULL THROTTLE 64E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 1,023 WW, 1,590 lb, 39 cm), sired by MVY All Star 61A, out of a Dogpatch Triple X 36S daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Barry & Lenore Wourms, Humbolt. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres.
Jeralyn & Marina Rasmussen bought a high seller for their HEJ herd
Repeat customers Wade & Jeremy Hrebenik bought again
Top Cut Bull Sale 28th Annual Top Cut Bull Sale April 10, 2018 • Mankota, SK 24 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $99,750 $4,156
Auctioneer: Bruce Switzer
The Blake Family of Wood River Charolais & Blake’s Red Angus of McCord provided the quality offering
again this year. Affordable prices for the quality are found at this sale. High Selling Bulls Lot 98E, WOOD RIVER PRESIDENT 98E (Polled, 84 lb BW, 2.6 BW EPD, 750 lb WW, 1,435 lb, 38 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an LAE X-Ceptional 46X
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daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Don & Karen Blake, McCord. Lot 28E, WOOD RIVER ROUGE 28E (Polled, Red Factor, 83 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 740 lb WW, 1,370 lb, 37 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an HTA Geronimo 749T daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Masefield Grazing Co-op, Masefield.
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Prairie Distinction Bull Sale Prairie Distinction 4th Annual Bull Sale March 27, 2018 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $82,150 $5,477 36 Yearling Bulls 175,250 4,868 51 Bulls
Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Manager: By Livestock
Eight Manitoba Breeders again brought a strong set of bulls to town with many repeat customers coming back. More bulls were offered but just one more than last year sold with bulls in everyone’s price range. The quality is there with five bulls selling into purebred operations across the country, from Quebec to Alberta. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 39, JFC DIESEL 645D (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 1,940 lb, 42 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a TMR Uncas
Terry Sliworsky bought a high seller
Dwayne Wasylenko purchased a high seller
8U daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Footprint Farms, Esther, AB. Consigned by Johnston Charolais, Rathwell. Lot 42, JFC DIEGO 600D (Double Polled, 102 lb BW, -.1 BW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 2,035 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of an Anchor Nobleman 22W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Eric Linde, Hilbre. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 21, CATTLE LAC PREFIX 12E (98 lb BW, 798 lb 205 DW, 101 YW EPD, 1,704 lb, 38 cm), sired by Tri-N Prefix Pld ET 54Y, out of a FFBB Cappy Pld 291Z daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Terry Sliworsky, Winnipegosis. Consigned by Cattle Lac Charolais, Eddystone. Lot 63, TWN EASTWOOD 18E (Double Polled, Red Factor, 88 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 31 Milk EPD, 1,505 lb), sired by MVY Ace 3A, out of a Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Dwayne Wasylenko,
Sandy Lake. Consigned by Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren. Lot 1, C2 EDUARDO 49E (Homo Polled, -2 BW EPD, 30 Milk EPD, 1,495), sired by Elder’s Armageddon 148A, out of an MXS Allegro 701T daughter. Sold for $7,600 to SouraHoran Farms, Bowsman. Consigned by C2 Charolais, La Riviere. Lot 33, RAMM ELECTRIC 23E (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, 927 lb WW, 1,610 lb, 40 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Gerrard Montezuma 6T daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Glenn Denbow, Souris. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney. Lot 2, C2 EMPIRE 46E (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 810 lb WW, 56 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 1,470 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a Winn Mans Quigley 539X daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK. Consigned by C2 Charolais.
Eric Linde selected two including the second high selling two year old
Darwin Rosso added a herdbull to their Moose Jaw herd
Travis Foot bought the high selling two year old
Steve Quinton took the top bull to Alberta
Kevin Frieburger bought the second high seller
Glenn Denbow took two including a high dollar yearling
Saunders Bull Sale Saunders Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale April 7, 2018 • Keady, ON Gross Average 27 1/2 Yearling Bulls $199,150 $7,070 Auctioneer: Scott Kuhl
The 13th sale was a good one for the Saunders as their average moved up and was their best sale to date. High Selling Bulls Lot 52, JSR ESTRADA 52E (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 65 WW EPD, 121 YW EPD, 881 lb 205 DW, 1,810 lb, 42 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of 58
Dwayne Miller purchased the third high seller
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continued on page 60
Ontario Charolais Association AGM The Ontario Charolais Association AGM was held in Peterborough, March 3rd.
Above: The OCA Recognition Award was presented to the Ontario Charolais Fieldman, John Mielhausen. Right: 2018 Board of Directors: Front Row (L to R): Doris Aitken, Mount Forest (Sec/Treasurer); Evan Moyer, Arthur; Frank Degruse, Komoko. Middle Row (L to R): Dave Cockburn, Iroquois Falls; Sherry Baker, Madoc (2nd Vice Pres); Josh Taylor, Dunsford. Back Row (L to R): Scott Colton, Consecon; Ryan Briggs, Oro-Medonte; Shane Cramp, Hillsdale (1st Vice Pres); Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton (President). Absent: Kurtis Black, Haley Station & Brent Saunders, Markdale
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TRI-N Charolais Bull Sale
High Selling Bulls Lot 1, TRI-N RELOAD 5109E (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, 920 lb 205 DW, 56 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 1,745 lb, 39 cm), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of an HTA Senator 8130U daughter. Sold for $15,000 for 2/3 interest to Reed Brasher, Huntington, UT & Dennis Charolais, Saint Jo, TX. Lot 19, TRI-N DRESSLER 740E (4th
Gen. Polled, Homo Red, 89 lb BW, -6 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 32 Milk EPD, 1,622 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Tri-N Captain Morgan 340A, out of a Tri-N Payday 419P daughter. Sold for $13,000 for 2/3 interest to Walters Charolais, Minot, ND. Lot 2, TRI-N GUNNER PLD 705E (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, -5.2 BW EPD, 948 lb 205 DW, 1,685 lb, 42 cm), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of an SDC Laredo 17N daughter. Sold for $11,000 for 2/3 interest to Crocus Valley Farms, Killarney. Lot 5, TRI-N X-FACTOR 5136E (Double Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb BW, -2.3 BW EPd, 936 lb 205 DW, 54 WW EPD, 1,525 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of a TRI-NPayday 419P. Sold for $10,500 to Kinvara Charolais, Cartwright. Lot 3, TRI-N GO NORTH 731E (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 94 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,628 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of an SOS Crimson Tide 97S daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Charla
Moore Farms, Redvers, SK. Lot 21, TRI-N BONDI 734E (Homo Polled, Homo Red, 93 lb BW, 1,586 lb, 40 cm), sired by TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A, out of an SOS Crimson Tide 97S daughter. Sold for $9,500 to RockingX5, Hebron, ND. Lot 4, TRI-N MR COOL 764E (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 91 lb BW, 926 lb 205 DW, 27 Milk EPD, 1,525 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of a TRI-N-Payday 419P daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Graf Charolais, Burlington, ND. Lot 8, TRI-N IRON CLAD 713E (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, -1 BW EPD, 870 lb 205 DW, 31 Milk EPD, 1,586 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of an SDC Laredo 17N daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Jordan Moore took a Jeff Romans, top bull to his Charla Harper, OR. Moore herd
Sherry & John Lovett selected the third high seller
Gwen Moffat & Stuart Ganske bought a high seller
Ron & Lanette Beery came from Montana and purchased five bulls
TRI-N Charolais & Guests 3rd Annual Bull Sale March 31, 2018 • Virden, MB Gross Average 27 2/3 Yearling Bulls $224,250 $8,105 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock
The Nykoliations have built a reputation in the USA with their Red Factor genetics and this sale saw not only the Red Factors but the whites find homes there. When you have over 47% of the sale go State side and them being the high sellers, it is impressive.
SAUNDERS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 58 an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $26,000 for ¾ interest to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB. Lot 53, JSR ELIMINATOR 53E (3rd Gen. Polled, 105 lb BW, 855 205 DW, 61 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 1,770 lb, 45 cm), sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of a Shelco Made Easy 512R daughter.
Sold for $13,000 to Kevin Frieburger, Walkerton. Lot 49, JSR EVOLUTION 49E (Double Polled, 101 lb BW, 812 lb 205 DW, 59 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,555 lb, 41 cm), sired by MXS Constellation 464B, out of a Shelco Made Easy 512R daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Miller Land & Cattle, Jarvis. Dwayne Miller purchased the third high seller
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North of the 49th Bull Sale 15th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale April 2, 2018 • Halbrite, SK Gross Average 11 Two-Year Old Bulls $61,050 $5,550 72 1/4 Yearling Bulls 541,550 $7,496 83 1/4 Bulls
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
A big, active bidding crowd filled the sale barn at Wilgenbusch Charolais for the large high-quality offering of bulls. Bulls sold across the west and into the USA with many repeat customers buying in numbers. Volume buyer was Douglas Lake Cattle Co. who took 10 back to British Columbia and Hays Stock Grazing Co-op who selected five for their Alberta operation. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 93, JWX DUNCAN 941D (Double Polled, Red Factor, 115 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 2,435 lb), sired by JWX Reality Red 73U, out of an MSW Craven Red 29M daughter. Sold for $7,000 to S.R.A. Enterprises, Lloydminster, AB. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 9, JWX EVEREST 235E (Homo Polled, ET, Leptin CT, 91 lb BW, 809 lb 205 DW, 98 YW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,790 lb, 42 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $27,000 to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB. Lot 6, JWX ESTRADA 114E (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 101 lb BW, 833 lb 205 DW, 17.52 REA, 1,645 lb, 40 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter. Sold
Jodi Hawken & Terry Iluk bought a couple including another big ribeye bull
for $20,500 for ¾ interest to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB & Misty Hills Charolais, Vermilion, AB. Lot 42, JWX EXIT 902E (Double Polled, Leptin CT, 89 lb BW, -1.1 BW EP, 67.04% LMY, 1,470 lb, 42 cm), sired by DCR Mr Commissioner C49, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter. Sold for $16,500 to Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND. Lot 5, JWX EXCHANGER 101E (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 101 lb BW, 1,505 lb, 38 cm), sired by Crystal D Pierce 40P, out of a JWX Silver Buckle 524U daughter. Sold for $16,000 for ¾ interest to Future Farms, Red Deer County, AB & Charworth Charolais, Airdrie, AB. Lot 4, JWX EQUALIZER 865E (Homo Polled, ET, Leptin CT, 58 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 18.07 REA, 1,630 lb, 42 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of Bar J Design 70X. Sold for $15,500 to Jodi Hawken & Terry Iluk, Glenavon. Lot 1, JWX EXECUTIVE 364E (Homo Polled, Leptin CT, 98 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 68.5% LMY, 1,730 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by KAYR Velocity 812Z, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $15,000 for ¾ interest to Nahachewsky Charolais, Norquay. Lot 66, JWX EXCHANGE 528E (Homo Polled, 72 lb BW, -2.7 BW EPD, 749 lb 205 DW, 1,330 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $14,500 to CSS Charolais, Paynton. Lot 53, JWX EAST BOUND 1051E (Polled, 101 lb BW, 17.02 REA, 1,525 lb, 40 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a JWX Silver Buckle
John & Kirsten Taylor bought a heifer bull for their Poplar Bluff herd
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524U daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Clipper Cattle Co., Fillmore. Lot 82, JWX EMPIRE 5E (3rd Gen. Polled, 87 lb BW, .1 BW EPD, 61 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 68.09% LMY, 1,520 lb, 44 cm), sired by JWX Maverick 630Z, out of a JWX Fifty Shades 706Z. Sold for $10,500 to L&N Miller & Sons, Avonlea. Lot 27, JWX EDINBURGH 573E (Double Polled, 90 lb BW, .8 BW EPD, 795 lb 205 DW, 32 Milk EPD, 1,490 lb, 41 cm), sired by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $10,500 to E&C Degelman Farm, Odessa. Lot 24, JWX EXIT PLAN 1125E (4th Gen. Polled, 93 lb BW, 1 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 20.19 REA, 70.29% LMY, 1,565 lb, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T daughter. Sold for continued on page 62
Greg & Barry Reese purchased the high selling bull
Rob Murray & Brian Chrisp took the second high seller
Lonny & Ty Thorson selected five for Hays Stock Grazing Co-op
Git ‘R Done Bull Sale Git ‘R Done Bull Sale April 3, 2018 • Hodgeville, SK Gross Average 53 3/4 Yearling Bulls $375,750 $6,991 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock
Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, again joined with Windy Willows Angus for a joint sale with great results. This year they added more bulls to the offering as their cowherd grows and the number of quality bulls increases for them. A dozen bulls sold into purebred herds and many repeat commercial customers bought multiple bulls giving them another great sale. Over half of the sale was tested Homozygous polled and with complete ultrasound data, the information was plentiful. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 14E, CEDARLEA EPIC 14E (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, 851 lb 205 DW, -2.5 BW EPD, 25 Milk EPD, 1,595 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $19,000 for ¾ interest to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.
Kelly Topham bought a top bull again this year
Bryce Weiss bought a bull to breed sale heifers
Lot 90E, CEDARLEA HOMELAND 90E (4th Gen. Polled, 87 lb BW, -3.2 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,5050 lb, 37 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Wood River Charolais, McCord. Lot 47E, CEDARLEA ESTEVEZ 47E (Polled/s, 85 lb BW, 804 lb 205 DW, 4.7 BW EPD, 32 Milk EPD, 1,565 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Twin Valley Ranch, Rockglen. Lot 129E, CEDARLEA EINSTEIN 129E (3rd Gen. Polled, 103 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 58 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 1,675 lb, 43 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Double P Stock Farm, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. Lot 81E, CEDARLEA FUSION 81E (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -3.2 BW EPD, 847 lb 205 DW, 16 in2 REA, 1,645 lb, 37 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Top Land & Cattle Ltd, Eastend. Lot 32E, CEDALREA CORONA 32E
Shane & Murray Blake selected the second high seller
(Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -6.2 BW EPD, 5.15 Marbling, 17.22 in2 REA, 1,475 lb, 39 cm), sired by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Diamond K Cattle Co., Maple Creek. Lot 148E, CEDARLEA VOLD 148E (4th Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, -3.9 BW EPD, 871 lb 205 DW, 29 Milk EPD, 1,505 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Strutt Charolais, Leader. Lot 87E, CEDARLEA EASTWOOD 87E (101 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, 845 lb 205 DW, 1,540 lb, 38 cm), sired by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET, out of a G.Bros Ultimate 918X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek.
Eric Thomson added Jared Preston bought one to his Twin Valley one for their Double Ranch P herd
Stan & Margie Perrin bought four again this year
N OF 49, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 61 $10,000 to Palmer Charolais Land & Cattle, Bladworth. Lot 65, JWX ENCORE 576E (Double
Polled, 70 lb BW, -2.3 BW EPD, 1,350 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W.
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Sold for $10,000 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin, AB.
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White Cap/Rosso Bull Sale White Cap/Rosso and Howe Red Angus 28th Annual Bull Sale April 4, 2018 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 40 Two-Year Old Bulls $240,150 $6,004 15 1/6 Yearling Bulls 82,950 5,468 55 1/6 Bulls
Auctioneer: Brent Carey
Many repeat customers were back for this video sale at the Howe ranch. A very strong, steady sale was had with the 37 Angus bulls average $5,301. The Charolais averaged moved up a bit with similar numbers to last year. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 111, ROSSO DOUBLE STEEL 110D (Polled, 2.5 BW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 1,890 lb, 40 cm), sired by Rosso Touch Down 70B, out of an LT Excell 2381 Pld ET daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Stuart Family Farm, Cabri. Consigned by Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw. Lot 87, ROSSO DEMOLITION 20D (Polled, 2.5 BW EPPD, 2,000 lb, 40 cm), sired by Rosso Touch Down 70B, out of a Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Edward Misuga, Parkbeg. Consigned
Logan & Brad Cline selected the high selling bull
by Rosso Charolais. Lot 84, ROSSO CAPTION 7D (Polled, 92 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,955 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an Impair daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Kevin McLaren, Moose Jaw. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 107, ROSSO DEADLINE 99D (Homo Polled, .1 BW EPD, 10 year old dam, 1,885 lb, 40 cm), sired by LAE XCeptional 46X, out of an HTA Crown Prince 152L daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Kevin McLaren. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 80, WHITECAP DEEDS 276D (Polled, 881 lb 205 DW, 64 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 2,017 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Banadero 321B, out of an MXS Caviar 515R daughter. Sold for $7,800 to Lohse Farm & Ranch, Beaubier. Consigned by Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw. Lot 115, ROSSO CANCUCK 119D (Homo Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 1,890 lb, 43 cm), sired by LAE X-Ceptional 46X, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Tyson McLaren, Moose Jaw. Consigned by
Kim Seaborg & Edward Misuga again purchased a good bull
Rosso Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, WHITECAP EMBARGO 7E (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, .8 BW EPD, 818 lb 205 DW, 1,585 lb, 37 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 1125Z, out of an LAE Land Baron 232Z daughter. Sold for $14,500 for 2/3 interest to Cline Cattle Co., Belmont, MB. Consigned by Howe Family Farm. Lot 8, WHITECAP EVERLAST 80E (Polled, 84 lb BW, -2.5 BW EPD, 60 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 1,572 lb, 38 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an Elder’s Hercules 149A daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Claudette Halloway, Tuxford. Consigned by Howe Family Farm.
Robbie Stuart again bought a top bull
Blaine Lohse purchased a high selling two year old
Tyson & Kevin McLaren took three ✓ News ✓ Videos
Charolais Banner • May 2018
✓ Catalogues ✓ Breeder Pages
Hunter Bull Sale Hunter Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale April 5, 2018 • Roblin, MB Gross Average 36 1/2 Yearling Bulls $194,050 $5,316 Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock
A big crowd filled the sale barn at Hunter Charolais for their 7th video sale. The local support is very rewarding as sometimes the hardest ones to sell bulls to are your neighbours. This consisitent set of bulls sold across the three prairie provinces into both purebred and commercial operations. Along with the Charolais bulls there were 7 Polled Hereford bulls that averaged $3,857. High Selling Bulls Lot 9, HC EMPIRE 7107E (Double Polled, 104 lb BW, 57 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,450 lb, 37 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an SVY Northstar 153Y daughter. Sold for $8,600 to Randy Bartel, Roblin. Lot 14, HC EXPO 7149E (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 91 YW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,400 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn. Lot 2, HC ELLIOTT 748E (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 105
YW EPD, 759 205 DW, 1,525 lb), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an Elder’s Zeus 22Z daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Don & Joanne Saquet, Ste. Rose Du Lac. Kevin Stebeleski Repeat customer Craig Randy Bartel took Lot 27, HC added a herdbull to Pihach bought two home the high seller EVOLUTION his Happy Haven herd more Hunter bulls 7117E (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, 783 lb 205 DW, 12 year old dam, 1,520 lb, 38 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of an HTA Blockbuster Pld 620F daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB. Lot 10, HC ECLIPSE 7111E (Polled, 98 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 1,415 lb, 39 cm), sired by JWX Lynn & Kevin Wenzel purchased a high selling bull Downtown 7C, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Sold for $7,400 to Kevin & Lynn Wenzel, Minitonas. Lot 35, HC EASTMAN 7152E (Homo Polled, 106 lb BW, 776 lb 205 DW, 1,530 lb), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Bendickson Farms, Gladmar. Lot 21, HC EXTRA SPECIAL 745E (Homo Polled, ET, 2.9 BW EPD, 104 YW Travis & Don Saquet bought again Vendetta 14H daughter. Sold for $7,250 EPD, 1,610 lb, 40 cm), sired by Winn to Momotiuk Farms, Winnipegosis. Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows
306.584.7937 • Charolais Banner • May 2018
Sliding Hills Bull Sale Sliding Hills Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale April 12, 2018 • Canora, SK Gross Average 21 3/4 Yearling Bulls $118,400 $5,444 Auctioneer: Mike Fleury
A nice crowd filled the stands in the Sliding Hills calving barn converted to sale barn for the week for their video sale. Lots of data was provided from Gestation Lengths to Ultrasound and many tested Homozygous Polled. Purebred and commercial producers participated with bulls selling into the three prairie provinces. High Selling Bulls Lot 2E, SHSH IMPULSE 2E (Homo Polled, 87 lb BW, 272 day Gestation Length, -2.2 BW EPD, 898 lb WW, 62 WW EPD, 111 YW EPD, 1,690 lb, 39 cm), sired by SHSH HD 14Y, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $11,750 to Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush & Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone. Lot 24E, SHSH RAVE 24E (Homo Polled, 107 lb BW, 269 day Gestation Length, 866 lb WW, 103 YW EPD, 1,555 lb, 38 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $10,500 for ¾ interest to Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont, AB.
Lot 68E, SHSH DESPACITO 68E (Polled, 104 lb BW, 944 lb WW, 72 WW EPD, 128 YW EPD, 17.42 in2 REA, 1,715 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by SHSH HD 14Y, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Marvin Lychuk, Kenville. Lot 17E, SHSH BANK NOTE 17E (Polled/s, 100 lb BW, 856 lb WW, 102 YW EPD, 1,525 lb, 40 cm), sired by HVA Realtor 1010B, out of an Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Randy & Martha Kruda, Yorkton. Lot 36E, SHSH THRIVE 36E (Polled, 110 lb BW, 288 day Gestation Length, 886 lb WW, 55 WW EPD, 114 YW EPD, 31 Milk EPD, 1,525 lb, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Serengeti 521N daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Rod & Janet Wegner.
Randy & Martha Kruda purchased a high seller
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Sylvan Marten teamed up with Wendall Weston on the high seller
Marvin Lychuk bought another top bull
Les Danyluk took another Sliding Hills bull home
Repeat customers Rod & Janet Wegner bought again
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Cornerstone Bull Sale Cornerstone “More Bang for Your Buck” Bull & Female Sale” April 21, 2018 • Whitewood, SK 22 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $97,100 $4,414
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock
Brimner Cattle Co., Manor put forth a very consistent set of Charolais bulls that sold very consistently with great buying for the quality. Many repeat customers came back for more as these bulls have really worked for them. The 32 ¾ Angus bulls from WRAZ Red Angus averaged $4,782 while 12 commercial cow/calf pairs sold for $2,998 and 33 commercial open heifers averaged $1,513. High Selling Bulls Lot 27, BRIMNER BULL 130E (4th Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, -2 BW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 1,500 lb, 42 cm), sired by BNE Conga 9C, out of a Pleasantdawn Match 465X daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Neilson Cattle Co., Willowbrook Lot 25, BRIMNER BULL 186E (4th
Gen. Polled, 91 lb BW, -.8 BW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 1,625 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion 413A, out of a KMAC Renshaw 35R daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Darrell Petterson, Wawota. Lot 15, BRIMNER BULL 11E (3rd Gen. Polled, 95 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 841 lb 205 DW, 1,545 lb, 37 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion 413A, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $5,250 to Maurice Colleaux, Wauchope. Lot 18, BRIMNER BULL 63E (4th Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 1,510 lb., 39 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion 413A, out of a G.Bros Crew 607Y daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Gordon Dickson, Wawota. Lot 16, BRIMNER BULL 46E (4th Gen. Polled, 101 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 911 Greg Freitag bought lb 205 DW, 1,610 a top bull
lb, 41 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion 413A, out of an HBC Encore 834U daughter. Sold for $4,750 to Greg Freitag, Alameda.
Mike Neilson selected two bulls for his Willowbrook operation
Darrell Petterson again sold commercial heifers and bought a bull
Gordon Dickson visits with Kelly Brimner after the sale
Cedardale Bull Sale Cedardale 15th Annual Bull Sale April 21, 2018 • Nestleton, ON 23 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $125,400 $5,450
Auctioneer: Carl Phoenix
This longest running Charolais bull sale in Ontario was again very steady. 10 of the 23 bulls offered for sale were DNA tested Homozygous Polled. Powerful set of bulls with an average weight of 1,667 lbs and an average scrotal circumference of 40.8 cm. This was the second year for a video sale in their heated shop. 68
High Selling Bulls Lot 16, CEDARDALE END GAME 60E (Double Polled, 94 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, 820 205 DW, 1,795 lb, 41 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Cedardale Winchester 70W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Fern Charolais, Fassett, QC & Beck Farms, Lang, SK. Lot 22, CEDARDALE EMPOWER 82E (Polled, 98 lb BW, -.5 BW EPD, 822 lb 205 DW, 1,810 lb, 45 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Gilles Mathieu, Kinburn. Lot 3, CEDARDALE ESCAPE 12E Charolais Banner • May 2018
(Double Polled, 94 lb BW, -.4 BW EPD, 832 lb 205 DW, 1,790 lb, 41 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Cedardale Winchester 70W daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Cambray Cattle Co., Woodville.
Wade Beck teamed with Eric Trepanier on the high seller
Bull Sales in Brief Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Sale November 4, 2017 • Del Bonita, AB Gross Average 11 Bull Calves $75,750 $6,886 Acadia Colony Charolais & Angus Bull Sale November 29, 2017 • Oyen, AB Gross Average 41 Long Yrlg Bulls $284,750 $6,945 Char-Maine Ranching Bull Sale December 15, 2017 • Fort McLeod, AB Gross Average 25 White Bull Calves $196,250 $7,850 21 White Two Yr Olds 191,250 9,107 8 Black Bull Calves 48,000 6,000 54 Lots
M.C. Quantock Bull Sale January 27, 2018 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 33 Two Yr Old Bulls $209,500 $9,108 Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale February 3, 2018 • Lloydminster, AB Gross Average 33 Two Yr Old Bulls $252,300 $7,645 28 Yearling Bulls 161,300 5,760 61 Lots
Denbie Ranch & Guests Myhre Land & Cattle & Bar J Charolais Bull Sale February 10, 2018 • Ste. Rose, MB Gross Average 16 Two Year Old Bulls $64,750 $4,047 6 Yearling Bulls 24,900 4,150 22 Lots
St-Martin Bull Test Sale February 17, 2018 • Beauce, QC Gross Average 27 Charolais Yrlg Bulls$118,125 $4,375 Saddleridge Charolais & Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale February 28, 2018 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 3 Two Year Old Bulls $16,500 $5,500 19 2/3 Yearling Bulls 100,000 5,084 22 2/3 Lots
37th Annual Future Farms & Charworth Charolais Select Bull Sale March 2, 2018 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 27 Two Year Old Bulls $159,000 $5,888 84 Yearling Bulls 502,650 5,983 111 Lots
Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale March 5, 2018 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 1 Mature Bull $7,250 $7,250 5 Two Year Old Bulls 18,650 3,750 13 Yearling Bulls 80,000 6,153 19 Lots
Big Johnson Charolais “Built Right” Bull Sale March 6, 2018 • Provost, AB Gross Average 27 Yearling Bulls $154,800 $5,733 RRTS Bull Sale March 6, 2018 • Kamloops, BC Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $10,200 $5,100 16 Yearling Bulls 70,700 4,419 18 Lots
Northern Classic Bull Sale March 9, 2018 • Grand Prairie, AB Gross Average 11 Yearling Bulls $70,500 $6,909 White Lake Colony Three Choice Bull Sale March 9, 2018 • Lethbridge, AB Gross Average 21 Two Year Olds Bulls$130,725 $6225 8 Yearling Bulls 46,900 5,863 29 Lots
Harvie Ranching Bull Sale March 13, 2018 • Olds, AB Gross Average 22 Yearling Bulls $146,100 $6,630 McKeary Bull Sale March 15, 2018 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 23 Two Yr Old Bulls $165,140 $7,180 9 Yearling Bulls 46,683 5,187 32 Lots
Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale March 15, 2018 • Beaverlodge, AB Gross Average 43 Yearling Bulls $210,150 $4,887 Northern Impact Charolais Bull March 17, 2018 • Clyde, AB Gross Average 29¾ Two Yr Old Bulls $188,600 $6,339 21 Yearling Bulls 96,800 4,609 49¾ Lots
Select Genetics Bull Sale March 17, 2018 • Herbert, SK Gross Average 11 Yearling Bulls $57,875 $5,261 Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale March 17, 2018 • Hanover, ON Gross Average 29 Yearling Bulls $163,550 $5,640 Ferme Palerme Bull Sale March 17, 2018 • Cheneville, QC Gross Average 9 Yearling Bulls $39,900 $4,433 Neilson Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 19, 2018 • Willowbrook, SK Gross Average 25 Two Yr Old Bulls $121,050 $4,842 Grassroots Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale March 19, 2018 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 8 Two Year Old Bulls $51,650 $6,456 17 Yearling Bulls 89,100 5,241 25 Lots
North West Bull Sale March 19, 2018 • North Battleford, SK Gross Average 9 Yearling Bulls $38,900 $4,322 Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale March 23, 2018 • Taber, AB Gross Average 32 Yearling Bulls $144,000 $4,500 K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Elk Point, AB Gross Average 9 Two Year Old Bulls $45,100 $5,011 9 1/2 Yearling Bulls 46,100 4,853 18 1/2 Lots
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Balamore Farm Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Truro, NS Gross Average 3 Two Year Old Bulls $26,500 $8,833 6 Yearling Bulls 28,700 4,783 9 Lots
Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 8 Two Year Old Bulls $30,750 $3,844
Ranaman Ranch Bull Sale March 29, 2018 • Olds, AB Gross Average 20 Yearling Bulls $68,350 $3,417 Gilliland Bull Sale April 3, 2018 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $3,500 $3,500 33 Yearling Bull 144,350 4,374 34 Lots
Tee M Jay Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Ashern, MB Gross Average 49 Yearling Bulls $232,000 $4,735
Maritime Test Station Sale April 7, 2018 • Nappan, NS Gross Average 16 Yearling Bulls $58,250 $3,640
Alameda Bull Sale March 24, 2018 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 5 Yearling Bulls $16,600 $3,320
Vermilion Charolais Bull Sale April 7, 2018 • Vermilion, AB Gross Average 63 Two Yr Old Bulls $416,600 $6,613 10 Yearling Bulls 56,500 5,650
Allanville Bull Sale March 26, 2018 • Tisdale, SK Gross Average 13 Two Year Old Bulls $59,000 $4,600
73 Lots
Acadia Ranching Charolais & Angus Bull Sale April 7, 2018 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 34 Two Yr Old Bulls $187,000 $5,500 Spirit of the North Bull Sale April 8, 2018 • Spiritwood, SK Gross Average 12 Yearling Bulls $55,150 $4,596 Cattle Capital Bull Sale April 9, 2018 • Ste. Rose du Lac, MB Gross Average 12 Yearling Bulls $52,800 $4,400 Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock Bull Sale April 12, 2018 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 11 Yearling Bulls $70,750 $6,431 Eastern Select Sale April 14, 2018 • Campbellford, ON Gross Average 3 Two Year Old Bulls $14,200 $4,733 11 Yearling Bulls 42,700 3,881 14 Lots
Charolais Banner • May 2018
SIRE HRJ Crowd Favorite 515C
SOLD FOR $55,000
Sparrows Legendary 743E SVY Omaha 709E CML Rebel 716E High Bluff El Paso 15E CML Motive 728E Sparrows Splendid 752E JWX Everest 235E Beck's Tower 720E JSR Estrada 52E McKeary Outrider 63E HVA Triple Threat 112E PCC Rebel 635D SOS Veselka Pld 124E JWX Estrada 114E GH Domino 23Z Embargo 303E Steppler 100 Proof 193E Elder's Honcho 72E Elder's Amigo 98E Elder's Hernandez 17E PCC Lariat 710E KAYR Contender 125E
Winn Mans Skaggs 663X HRJ Crowd Favorite 515C CML Heisman 413B Sparrows Escobar 429B CML Diablo 2X Winn Mans Skaggs 663X JWX Downtown 7C Sparrows Braxton 519C Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A SOS Chuck Wagon 54C High Bluff Bushwacher 27B PCC Rome 437B SOS Home Grown 15C Elder's Blackjack 788B JWX Domino 23Z Sparrows Braxton 519C Elder's Blackjack 788B Elder's Blackjack 788B Keys Jaxson 151B Circle Cee Legend 307A KAYR Providence 910C
$54,000 $45,000 $45,000 $37,000 $35,000 $29,000 $27,000 $26,000 $26,000 $21,500 $21,000 $21,000 $20,500 $20,500 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000
PURCHASER Gold-Bar, Rollin Acres, Saunders & Dudgeon-Snobelen Pro-Char Charolais & Steppler Farms Agricola & Ganadera LA Altena, Mexico White Lake Colony Steppler Farms White Lake Colony Circle 7 Charolais & Soderglen Ranches Reese Cattle Co MC Quantock Livestock Char-Maine Ranching XXX Charolais Big Johnson Charolais Nordal Limousin & Angus SanDan Charolais Lakeview Ranch & Misty Hills Charolais Greg Romeril LEJ Charolais Rod Bauck CSS Charolais & Kay-R Charolais Turnbull Charolais Parsons Cattle Co & Spruce View Charolais Thistle Ridge Ranch
SOLD BY Serhienko Cattle Co. CK Sparrow Farms Serhienko Cattle Co. McLeod Livestock High Bluff Stock Farm McLeod Livestock CK Sparrow Farms Wilgenbusch Charolais Beck Farms Saunders Charolais McKeary Charolais Palmer Charolais Prairie Cove Charolais Springside Farms Wilgenbusch Charolais Nelson Hirshe Steppler Farms Elder Charolais Elder Charolais Elder Charolais Prairie Cove Kay-R Charolais
2018 Spring Bull Sale Summary According to statistics, the 2018 Spring Bull Sales sold the most bulls, had the highest overall total gross dollars and third highest overall average in the 37 years the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results. There were 96 sales reporting in 2018, 6 more than 2017, with the overall average up by $57. There were 189 more lots selling with the overall gross dollars up $1,349,400. A quick overview shows that of the 83 sales reporting in both 2017 and 2018, 45%
of those sales had an increase in overall average. There were 34 sales grossing more than $250,000 and one sale grossing over $1,000,000. There were 21 sales selling more than 50 lots. Mature bulls were up $3414 in average, with 8 ¼ less selling in 2018. . There were 26 ¾ less two-year-old bull lots selling in 2018 with an increase in average of $147. 75% of the sales with twoyear olds selling had a two-year old average above $5000. There were 222 more yearling lots
selling in 2018 and the average up $28. 61% of all sales with yearlings selling had a yearling average above $5000.
Bull Sale Chart Notes: • Statistics are from fall 2017 sales with more than 5 bulls and spring 2018 bull sales. • No U.S. bull sales are included in the chart. • The sales with fall long-yearlings were treated as two-year-old bulls.
It is the breeders’ responsibility to submit a sale summary to the Charolais Banner office (by fax, email or phone) to ensure that their sale is included in the chart and further statistics. Unless the Charolais Banner office receives a report, no information will be shown for that sale.
Sales Grossing $250,000 plus Rawes Ranches $1,165,050 Select Charolais $661,650 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms $606,300 Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th)$602,600 Steppler Farms $525,450 Sparrow Farms $509,600 Vermilion Charolais Group $473,100 Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais $415,850 Hill 70 Quantock $413,600 Footprint Farms "Charolais Power" $399,700 Char-Maine Ranching $387,500 Horseshoe E Charolais $379,250
P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) Coyote Flats High Country Palmer - Nielson Creek's Edge Wrangler Charolais Beck Farms Pro-Char & Guests HEJ Charolais McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais White Cap/Rosso
$378,500 $375,750 $375,100 $371,500 $364,400 $355,150 $346,750 $339,750 $338,500 $335,250 $326,200 $323,100
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Pleasant Dawn Annual Maple Leaf & Guests Northern Impact Acadia Colony HTA Charolais & Rammer Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor Elder Charolais Prairie Cove Charolais High Bluff (Family Tradition) Prairie Distinction
$311,950 $293,450 $285,400 $284,750 $282,000 $277,400 $274,000 $268,000 $266,500 $257,400
2018 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales Acadia Colony Acadia Ranching Ltd. Alameda Allanville Farms Balamore Farm Beck Farms Benchmark Best of the Breeds Borderland Cattle Co. Buffalo Lake Charolais Built Right (Big Johnson) Canada's Red, White & Black Candiac Choice Cattle Capital Cedardale Charolais Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) Char-Maine Ranching Cornerstone Cornerview Charolais Bull & Hfr Sale Coyote Flats Creek's Edge Daines O'Neill Livestock Denbie Ranch & Guests (Myhre & Bar J) Diamond W Charolais Eastern Select Elder Charolais Ferme Palerme Foat Valley Stock Farm Dispersal Footprint Farms "Charolais Power" Gerrard Cattle Co. Dispersal Gilliland Bros. Grassroots Harvie Ranching HEJ Charolais High Bluff (Family Tradition) High Country High Point Hill 70 Quantock Horseshoe E Charolais HTA Charolais & Rammer Hunt Dispersal Hunter Charolais Impact (McAvoy) K-Cow Ranch (Family) Lazy S Cattle Co. Lazy S Charolais Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais Louber Farms M & L Cattle Co. Maple Leaf& Guests Maritime Test Station Martens Cattle Co. MC Quantock McKeary Charolais McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais McTavish Farms & Charla Moore Neilson Cattle Co. Nelson Hirsche North West Northern Classic Northern Impact P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Palmer - Nielson
MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2017 2018 1 $4,100 7 $3,629 3 $5,983 1 $7,500 -
1 -
3,300 -
TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2017 2018 23 $3,821 29 $6,630 14 $3,810 5 $5,850 3 $4,000 2 $3,000 6 $3,575 24 $5,646 40 $6,933 17 $4,780 6 $5,750 7 $4,500 32 $3,500 34 $7,428 5 $7,950 8 $6,875 12 $4,908 30 $7,533 12 $6,083 7 $4,714 10 $7,795 32 $5,978 50 $6,905 14 $6,267 3 $4,400 25 $4,840 29 3/4 $5,928 53 $7,304 11 $7,064
41 $6,945 34 $5,500 13 $4,600 3 $8,833 6 $6,000 1 $7,000 4 $4,325 3 $3,650 21 $9,107 37 $6,450 10 $7,615 16 $4,047 2 $4,500 3 $4,733 31 $6,308 13 $5,461 1 $3,500 8 $6,456 8 $6,594 16 $6,250 33 $7,645 15 $5,093 3 $3,067 2 $5,000 9 $5,011 10 $6,805 28 $6,727 23 $9,108 23 $7,180 1 $6,300 3 $4,467 25 $4,842 29 3/4 $6,339 46 $8,228 12 $6,217
YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2017 2018 8 39 25 26 12 38 22 3 8 8 29 45 24 26 17 27 8 27 10 37 11 36 28 21 30 58 32 41 30 31 53 45 32 30 8 41 28 16 16 32 30 41 27 9 12 18 35
3/4 3/4
1/4 1/2
3/4 3/4
$3,744 $6,622 $4,164 $5,798 $3,166 $6,901 $6,794 $3,333 $3,800 $4,444 $5,700 $7,939 $7,629 $5,171 $5,270 $6,369 $4,631 $4,746 $4,000 $7,366 $3,691 $6,600 $4,355 $6,036 $5,583 $4,997 $6,313 $7,163 $5,012 $5,935 $6,142 $5,768 $6,338 $5,862 $4,150 $5,455 $4,737 $4,101 $3,388 $5,877 $6,125 $9,219 $5,622 $5,000 $6,187 $4,731 $7,710
5 6 42 29 29 1/3 13 35 27 1 16 12 23 53 3/4 25 22 21 29 42 11 6 36 11 36 1/6 9 31 3 33 17 22 60 23 1/2 41 31 28 51 1/2 50 1/4 36 1/2 31 2/3 9 1/2 43 60 3/4 32 18 21 16 9 39 30 11 9 11 21 47
Charolais Banner • May 2018
$3,320 $4,783 $7,232 $4,120 $5,796 $3,788 $6,350 $5,733 $3,100 $3,621 $4,400 $5,450 $6,991 $7,850 $4,414 $5,080 $4,705 $6,643 $6,431 $4,150 $5,028 $3,881 $7,576 $4,433 $6,585 $5,166 $4,374 $5,241 $6,630 $5,588 $9,096 $6,621 $4,932 $5,760 $5,881 $5,612 $5,316 $4,966 $4,853 $4,887 $6,845 $4,800 $5,619 $5,005 $3,640 $5,187 $8,202 $4,503 $6,886 $4,322 $6,909 $4,609 $6,166
TOTAL (no. – average $) 2017 2018 23 29 8 14 44 25 26 15 38 22 5 14 8 29 45 48 26 17 67 25 33 18 37 11 39 70 28 26 30 58 40 53 30 61 65 45 32 30 15 10 41 28 51 16 32 50 45 41 30 25 9 12 48 53 46
3/4 3/4
1/4 1/2
3/4 3/4
$3,821 $6,630 $3,744 $3,810 $6,536 $4,164 $5,798 $3,333 $6,901 $6,794 $3,200 $3,704 $4,444 $5,700 $7,939 $6,638 $5,171 $5,270 $6,715 $4,732 $4,928 $4,394 $7,366 $3,691 $3,565 $7,002 $4,355 $6,404 $5,583 $4,997 $6,425 $6,652 $5,012 $6,721 $6,131 $5,768 $6,338 $5,862 $4,413 $7,795 $5,455 $4,737 $5,371 $3,388 $5,877 $6,905 $6,202 $9,219 $5,500 $4,840 $5,000 $6,187 $5,275 $7,304 $7,555
41 34 5 13 9 48 29 30 17 35 27 1 19 12 23 53 46 22 21 66 52 11 22 38 14 36 9 62 16 34 25 22 60 31 57 31 61 66 50 4 36 35 18 43 60 32 28 49 16 23 32 40 33 25 11 9 11 49 46 59
1/2 1/4 1/2 2/3 1/2
SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2017 2018
$6,945 $5,500 $3,320 $4,600 $6,133 $7,078 $4,120 $5,835 $3,915 $6,350 $5,733 $3,100 $3,626 $4,400 $5,450 $6,991 $8,424 $4,414 $5,080 $5,683 $6,830 $6,431 $4,075 $5,001 $4,064 $7,576 $4,433 $6,445 $5,406 $4,349 $5,630 $6,630 $5,588 $8,460 $6,517 $4,932 $6,780 $5,703 $5,612 $2,956 $5,316 $4,968 $4,930 $4,887 $6,845 $4,800 $6,043 $5,989 $3,640 $9,108 $6,619 $8,155 $4,500 $4,842 $6,886 $4,322 $6,909 $5,736 $8,228 $6,176
$87,900 $192,250 $29,950 $53,350 $292,500 $104,100 $155,100 $50,000 $262,250 $149,450 $16,000 $51,850 $35,550 $165,700 $357,250 $318,600 $134,450 $89,550 $450,000 $118,300 $162,650 $79,100 $275,000 $40,600 $139,050 $490,150 $121,950 $166,500 $167,500 $289,850 $257,000 $352,600 $150,400 $410,000 $398,500 $261,000 $206,000 $175,850 $66,200 $77,950 $223,650 $136,200 $277,950 $54,200 $188,050 $345,250 $279,100 $382,600 $165,000 $121,000 $45,000 $74,250 $265,050 $387,100 $347,550
$284,750 $187,000 $16,600 $59,000 $55,200 $339,750 $119,500 $177,000 $66,550 $222,250 $154,800 $3,100 $68,900 $52,800 $125,400 $375,750 $387,500 $97,100 $106,700 $375,100 $355,150 $70,750 $89,650 $190,050 $56,900 $274,000 $39,900 $399,700 $86,500 $147,850 $140,750 $146,100 $335,250 $266,500 $371,500 $152,900 $413,600 $379,250 $282,000 $12,500 $194,050 $167,250 $91,200 $210,150 $415,850 $153,600 $169,200 $293,450 $58,250 $209,500 $211,800 $326,200 $148,500 $121,050 $75,750 $38,900 $70,500 $285,400 $378,500 $364,400
2018 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales Pleasant Dawn (T & A Hatch) Dispersal Pleasant Dawn Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor Prairie Cove Charolais Prairie Distinction Pride of the Prairies Pro-Char & Guests Rainalta & Guests (Dispersal) Ranaman Ranch Rawes Ranches Reese Cattle Co. Rollin Acres/Whiskey Hollow RRTS (Valley ) Saddleridge Charolais/Kaiser Cattle Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms Saunders Select Charolais (Future Farms/Charworth) Select Genetics Seven Quarter Circle & Charmil Ranch Sliding Hills (Size Matters) Source for Success CK Sparrow Farms Spirit of the North Stephen Charolais & Guests Steppler Farms St-Martin Bull Test Tee M Jay Thistle Ridge Top Cut Transcon's Advantage Tri-N & Guests Vanderhoof Vermilion Charolais Group Vikse's Tip The Scale White Cap/Rosso White Lake Colony Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Wilkie Charolais Williams Lake Wrangler Charolais # Lots - Average $ Gross Dollars
MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2017 2018 2 $7,400 14$4,986 $69,800
3 7,250 3/4 16,000 1 7,250 5 3/4 $8,400 $48,300
TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2017 2018 25 $6,690 11 3/4 $5,268 6 $5,300 3 $6,250 148 $7,471 6 $7,283 23 $7,424 22 $5,697 7 $3,921 20 $5,253 1 $5,000 19 $5,782 1 $3,750 3 $4,933 72 $7,640 8 $6,181 41 $6,448 25 $5,998 16 $5,384 27 $6,201 10 $6,205 1039 $6,360 $6,604,650
35 $6,253 1/2 $21,000 15 $5,477 5 $3,750 163 $71,448 2 $5,250 2 $5,100 3 $5,500 24 $6,148 27 $5,888 15 $5,443 12 $6,800 8 $3,844 63 $6,613 40 $6,004 21 $6,225 11 $5,550 30 $6,066 2 $4,875 1012 1/4 $6,507 $6,587,165
YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2017 2018 52 1/4 $5,743 16 $5,966 38 $5,026 14 $3,907 58 $9,180 2 $4,375 31 $5,522 35 $6,905 25 $3,400 24 $3,940 36 1/2 $10,328 29 $5,843 86 $5,170 11 $6,600 20 $3,240 20 $6,588 2 $5,100 58 $9,719 20 $3,953 57 $4,875 38 $3,940 25 $5,036 31 $4,540 29 $5,972 4 $3,275 8 $4,781 36 $6,454 17 $3,861 71 3/4 $6,810 2 $3,900 46 $6,469 2178 $5,987 $13,039,075
TOTAL (no. – average $) 2017 2018
31 $5,169 44 3/4 $6,613 12 $4,879 22 3/4 $10,857 36 $4,868 13 $6,153 56 $6,044 20 $3,417 22 $4,925 29 $5,640 16 $4,419 19 2/3 $5,084 53 1/4 $8,615 27 1/2 $7,070 84 $5,983 11 $5,261 21 3/4 $5,444 49 $10,400 12 $4,596 21 $5,848 71 $6,251 27 $4,375 49 $4,735 32 $4,500 24 $4,156 27 3/4 $8,105 2 $4,800 10 $5,650 30 1/2 $7,319 15 1/6 $5,468 8 $5,863 72 1/4 $7,496 1 $8,500 2 $3,600 50 $6,750 2400 1/4 $6,015 $14,438,583
52 1/4 41 49 3/4 20 61 4 148 31 35 25 30 59 1/2 29 108 11 27 20 2 58 20 77 38 25 32 19 30 7 80 44 58 25 87 3/4 27 2 56 3230
$5,743 $6,407 $5,083 $4,325 $9,036 $5,888 $7,471 $5,522 $6,905 $3,400 $4,608 $9,205 $5,843 $5,306 $6,600 $3,417 $6,588 $5,100 $9,719 $3,953 $4,973 $3,940 $5,036 $4,555 $5,782 $5,898 $3,986 $7,354 $6,264 $5,690 $5,998 $6,550 $6,201 $3,900 $6,422 $6,103
SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2017 2018
34 $5,353 $182,000 45 1/2 $6,856 $300,050 $311,950 47 $5,902 $262,700 $277,400 23 1/4 $11,527 $268,000 51 $5,047 $252,900 $257,400 19 $5,573 $86,500 $105,900 56 $6,044 $551,200 $338,500 $23,550 20 $3,417 $68,350 163 $7,148 $1,105,700 $1,165,050 24 $4,952 $171,200 $118,850 29 $5,640 $241,675 $163,550 18 $4,606 $85,000 $82,900 22 2/3 $5,140 $138,250 $116,500 77 1/4 $7,849 $547,750 $606,300 27 1/2 $7,070 $169,450 $199,150 111 $5,960 $573,050 $661,650 11 $5,261 $66,000 $57,875 $92,250 21 3/4 $5,444 $131,750 $118,400 $10,200 49 $10,400 $563,750 $509,600 12 $4,596 $79,050 $55,150 36 $5,679 $204,450 83 $6,331 $382,950 $525,450 27 $4,375 $118,125 49 $4,735 $149,700 $232,000 32 $4,500 $125,900 $144,000 24 $4,156 $145,750 $99,750 8 $3,844 $109,900 $30,750 27 3/4 $8,105 $176,950 $224,250 2 $4,800 $27,900 $9,600 73 $6,481 $588,350 $473,100 30 1/2 $7,319 $275,650 $223,250 55 1/6 $5,856 $330,000 $323,100 29 $6,125 $144,950 $177,625 83 1/4 $7,238 $574,750 $602,600 31 $6,125 $167,450 $190,500 2 $3,600 $7,800 $7,200 52 $6,668 $359,650 $346,750 3419 1/4 $6,160 $19,713,525 $21,062,925
Sales Selling 50 plus lots Rawes Ranches 163 Select Charolais 111 Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) 83 1/4 Steppler Farms 83 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms 77 1/4 Vermilion Charolais Group 73 Horseshoe E Charolais 66 1/2
Coyote Flats Footprint Farms "Charolais Power" Hill 70 Quantock Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais HEJ Charolais Sale Palmer - Nielson High Country
66 62 61 60 3/4 60 59 57
Pro-Char & Guests White Cap/Rosso Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) Creek's Edge Wrangler Charolais Prairie Distinction HTA Charolais & Rammer
56 55 1/6 53 3/4 52 52 51 50 1/4
Yearling Sales Averaging $6500 plus with more than 5 Prairie Cove Charolais $10,857 CK Sparrow Farms $10,400 High Bluff (Family Tradition) $9,096 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms $8,615 McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais $8,202 Tri-N & Guests $8,105 Char-Maine Ranching $7,850 Elder Charolais $7,576
Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Vikse's Tip The Scale Beck Farms Saunders Charolais Cedarlea Farms (Git’ R Done) Northern Classic Nelson Hirsche Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais
$7,496 $7,319 $7,232 $7,070 $6,991 $6,909 $6,886 $6,845
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Wrangler Charolais Creek’s Edge Harvie Ranching High Country Pleasant Dawn Footprint Farms “Charolais Power”
$6,750 $6,643 $6,630 $6,621 $6,613 $6,585
37 Year (1982-2018) Charolais Bull Sale Trends Year
# of Sales
TOTAL LOTS No. Average
5 3/4
1012 1/4
2400 1/4
3,419 1/4
$6,160 $21,062,925
$6,103 $19,713,525
932 3/4
2119 23/30
3058 1/6
$6,631 $20,279,909
854 1/2
2082 5/12
2940 11/12
$6,617 $19,459,300
2 3/4
827 1/2
1854 1/4
2684 1/2
$4,730 $12,698,800
8 1/6
765 1/2
1813 1/12
2586 1/2
$4,095 $10,591,900
667 1/2
1876 5/6
2537 1/3
$4,435 $11,252,175
1652 1/2
2300 1/2
546 5/12
4 1/2
13 1/4
1994 1993
1597 1/4
2151 2/3
$3,288 1552 13/60
2158 13/60
565 1/2
1495 7/12
2072 4/5
544 3/4
1433 7/10
1983 19/20
1277 11/12
1838 11/12
644 1/2
1088 5/12
1735 11/12
1159 1/2
1751 1/2
799 3/4
2202 5/6
1667 5/6
2637 5/6
2896 1/12
1521 1/4
2495 1/4
1325 1/2
2262 1/2
1545 1/4
2467 1/4
1038 3/4
1383 1/2
2434 1/2
11 1/4
1587 2/3
2682 11/12
2019 1/3
3169 1/3
1487 1/4
3084 1/4
1382 1/4
3151 1/4
1325 1/4
1482 1/4
2936 1/4
1315 3/4
1407 1/2
2745 1/4
12 1/2
1335 1/8
1167 7/8
2574 1/2
2399 3/4
1112 1/2
671 1/4
1829 1/2
20 1/2
1122 1/3
714 1/4
1,391 3/4
Two Year Old Sales Averaging $6500 plus with more than 5 MC Quantock Char-Maine Ranching P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Hill 70 Quantock Creek's Edge
$9,108 $9,107 $8,228 $7,645 $7,615
McKeary Charolais Rawes Ranches Acadia Colony M & L Cattle Co. Steppler Farms
$7,180 $7,148 $6,945 $6,805 $6,800
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Maple Leaf & Guests Vermilion Charolais Group High Bluff (Family Tradition)
$6,727 $6,613 $6,594
2018 Conference & Show Keegan Blehm, Manitoba Director
Hello everyone, I hope that you are getting excited for the summer show season. This year CCYA will be held in Brandon, MB at the Keystone Center from July 25-28. This facility has fantastic amenities and Brandon is well known for their hospitality for agricultural events. This will be a conference to remember as we are introducing new elements such as the CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Shelby Evans Vice-President: Wyatt Ching Treasurer: Aidan Jamieson Secretary: Raelynne Rosso
steak cook off, the Little Chars program, and for the first time welcoming International members to our conference. Instead of the annual Mixer, we will be doing a “Steak Cook Off”, where Herdsman groups compete against each other to prepare the best steak supper for the judges. The Little chars program is where past members from CCYA will take the Peewee members for a morning and teach them about cattle and the cattle industry. Brandon will be the first
Director: Bret Marshall Director: Keegan Blehm Director: Tyson Black Director: Bradley Fergus Ex-Officio: Shae-Lynn Evans
time that International members will be attending the conference. We will have members from Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, USA, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden. The host hotel will be Canad Inns which is attached to the barns. Brandon does have an airport and transportation to and from can be arranged by contacting me. I look forward to seeing you all in Brandon in July.
2018 CCYA Conference & Show Executives President: Lindsay Verwey Vice-President: Keegan Blehm Treasurer: Randi Verwey Secretary: Kiernan Olson CYA Provincial Advisors SK: Suzanne Smyth | ON: Karen Black | MB: Donna Jackson | AB: Kasey Phillips | Youth Coordinator: Kirstin Sparrow |
Calendar of Events June 8-10 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, Collingwood, ON June 22-24 Think Outside the Fence, Charolais Banner Breeder School, Weyburn, SK June 29-July 7 World Charolais Congress, Sweden June 30 Alberta Charolais Association Summer Tour & Live Auction, Lethbridge, AB
July 14 Manitoba Charolais Association AGM & Pen Show, Cline Cattle Co., Belmont, MB July 21 Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM & Pen Show, McTavish Farms, Moosomin, SK July 25-28 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB
August 14-16 Canadian Beef Industry Conference, London, ON September 29 Land O’ Lakes Charolais Dispersal Sale, Hoard’s Station, Campbellford, ON October 13 Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 PM, Hoard’s Station, Campbellford, ON October 20 Uppin’ the Ante Sale, 2:00 PM, Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON
If Charolais influenced animals do well at 4-H regionals near you, please send us the info and a photo so we can share the news!
Email • Tel 306.584.7937 Charolais Banner • May 2018
Canadian Charolais Youth Association 2018 Conference & Show • July 25-28, Brandon, MB
Leaders of Tomorrow AGENDA
TUESDAY, JULY 24 12:00 - 8:00 ..........................................Cattle begin to arrive WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 8:00 - 12:00 ................Cattle Arrive/Weigh-In/Registration *Please arrive before 1:00 p.m. 12:00 - 1:00 ....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 3:30 ............................................Educational seminars 4:00 - 5:00 ......................................................................Chores 5:00 - 6:00......................................................................Supper 6:15 - 8:00 ..................................................................Cook Off THURSDAY, JULY 26 8:00 - 9:00 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 9:00 - 12:00 ........................Individual Judging/Little Chars
Canad Inns ........................................................204.727.1422 Deluxe Queen rooms $131 plus taxes/night. Childrens theme room $135 plus taxes/night. Executive suites and boardroom suites $161 plus taxes/night. Block of rooms under “Manitoba Junior Charolais”. Book by June 25th. Days Inn & Suites ............................................204.727.3600 Deluxe Queen rooms $123 plus tax per night.
TRANSPORTATION Brandon does have an airport and transportation to and from can be arranged by contacting Keegan Blehm, 204.384.6913, email:
12:00 - 1:00 ....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 4:00 ..........................Team Judging/Team Marketing 4:00 - 4:30 ......................................................................Chores 5:00 ........................................................Keep & Cull/Supper
Donations for our silent auction are greatly appreciated
FRIDAY, JULY 27 8:00 - 9:00 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 9:00 - 9:30 ..........................................................Group Photo 9:30 - 11:30 ......................................................Showmanship 11:30 - 12:30 ....................................................Demonstration 12:30 - 1:30 ....................................................................Lunch 1:30 - 4:30..................................Team Grooming/Individual ..................................................Marketing/Junior Radio Ad 4:30 - 5:00 ......................................................................Chores 4:30 - 5:00 ..............................................Provincial Meetings 5:00 ................................................................Supper/Activity SATURDAY, JULY 28 8:30 - 9:30 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 10:30 - 11:30 ........................................................CCYA AGM 11:45 - 12:30 ..................................................................Lunch 12:30 - 1:00 ............................................Closing Ceremonies 1:45 - 4:00 ........................................................Conformation 4:30 - 5:00 ........................................Chores/Cattle Released 6:30 ..............................................................Banquet/Awards • Schedule is subject to change
Charolais Banner • May 2018
CCYA 2018 CONFERENCE & SHOW OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FORM Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Birthdate: Address: ____________________________________________________________ Town:
Postal Code: __________ Email: __________________________________________________ Tel: ______________________ # of Conferences Attended: ______ Allergies (asthma, dietary restrictions, etc.) ____________________________________ Individual Marketing Competition – Juniors only have a choice between: (Choose One) Magazine Ad or Radio Ad (time and materials will be provided) or Individual Selling Team Event (choose one) Team Selling or Team Judging Pants: Mens (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL Womens (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL Kids (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL Shirts: Mens (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL Womens (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL Kids (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL Mail entries by June 1st to: c/o MCA, Box 413, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B7 or email: • Make cheques payable to CCYA 2018 Livestock Registration Do you want your family as one herdsman group or in mixed groups? One Group Mixed Groups Class
Registration #
CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION CODE OF CONDUCT The Canadian Charolais Youth Association strives to promote respectful behavior in all areas of its Conference and Show by youth participants and parents.Both the participant and their parents/guardian must sign this form prior to the youth participating in any Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show. As a participating youth in the Canadian Charolais Youth Association I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct: 1. Offer constructive support of my fellow participants. 2. Show appreciation of good work by competitors. 3. As a visitor to conference/show facilities and motel/hotel, respect the property and regulations of the host facility/motel. 4. Recognize the integrity of the judges and officials and respect the difficulty of their decisions and accept their decisions with good sportsmanship. 5. Respect the feelings of all participants and the efforts made by all. 6. Learn at least one new skill during the course of the conference/show. 7. Express thanks to organizing members, sponsors, and officials for helping to present the Conference and Show. 8. By word and deed, offer leadership to new conference/show members. 9. Refrain from using alcohol or drugs during the entire time of the Conference and Show. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I DO NOT COMPLY IN ANY WAY WITH THE ABOVE CODE OF CONDUCT, THAT I WILL FORFEIT ANY PRIZES/AWARDS I MAY HAVE EARNED, AND I WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE REMAINDER OF THE CONFERENCE AND SHOW.I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY BE SUSPENDED FROM ATTENDING THE FOLLOWING YEAR’S SHOW AND CONFERENCE. MY REINSTATEMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SHOW/CONFERENCE WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS/THE CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE.
YOUTH PARTICIPANT Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Print Name of Participant ____________________________________________ AS PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) OF THE YOUTH PARTICIPANT, I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE RULES AND BY MY SIGNATURE, AM IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS CODE OF CONDUCT. PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Print name ________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________
Entry Fee
$ $150.00 $ $ $
Adult Registration $150 – Children under 5 FREE Name:____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Adults & Guests will have the opportunity to sign up for various activities or volunteer positions at the youth registration booth.
INSTRUCTIONS • All youth members attending the conference are required to pay their annual CCYA membership of $40.00, which funds the semi-annual newsletter, Purchase Incentive program, Genetics program, Buy & Show program and essay competition. Please enclose a separate cheque for this amount payable to the Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA). • Animals can be borrowed from a family who does not have a participating youth member, but ONLY ONE (1) animal can be registered per participating member. • Members showing animals owned by them, their family, or a family with a participating youth member can enter multiple animals. • List each entry separately. • Additional livestock entries can be submitted on a separate sheet of paper. • Photocopies of livestock registration papers must accompany entry form. • Please note the changes to this year's rules and regulations and make sure that you have met all of the requirements. • A signed Code of Conduct must accompany all youth member registrations, absence of the signed form will render youth member ineligible to partake in the Conference & Show. • Registration fee is $150 per youth. This includes merchandise, meals for Wednesday lunch through Saturday night Banquet and all competitions except the conformation show. Registration fee for Adults includes all meals and banquet ticket. • First time conference participants will have their CCYA membership fees waived for the following year.
Print name Parent/Guardian __________________________________________
Charolais Banner • May 2018
The Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show • COMPETITION AND SHOW RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Entry The Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA) show and Conference is open to all youth members in Canada or foreign countries who are registered members of their respective associations. Canadian members must have paid their $20.00 active membership fee to the CCYA by January 1 ($40.00 after January 1) or their $25 active membership fee to the CCA to be able to participate in the conference (see for more information). CCYA members may include their $40.00 membership fee with their application form for the Conference and Show. Registration for the Conference enters the youth members in all competitions. All first time conference participants will have their next year CCYA membership waived. 2. Ages The age division for the competitions will be: Junior: 12 and under; Intermediates: 13-16 years; Seniors; 17-21 years, as of January 1 of the current year. 3. Photography Competition The photography competition is open to all participants. The photograph must be taken by the youth member exhibiting it. Photos should depict the purebred or commercial Charolais industry. Points will be awarded on clarity, quality, originality and relationship to the Charolais industry. Presentation and/or framing is not permitted. Photos must not be larger than 8” X 10”. Bring your photo entry to the conference and enter when you register. Only one photo per exhibitor will be accepted. Pictures entered in past competitions will not be accepted. 4. Art Competition The art competition is open to all participants. All artwork must be done by the youth submitting it. The artwork must depict something directly related to the Charolais industry. It cannot contain photographs. Any medium may be used: pencil, crayon, pastel, paint, fabric, wood, clay, etc. Originality is the key. Presentation and/or framing are encouraged but no points are awarded on this basis. Artwork must be brought to the conference and entered when you register. Only one entry per exhibitor will be accepted. The highest placing between photography and artwork competitions will be used in aggregate and scholarship points. Artwork entered in past competitions will not be accepted. 5. Showmanship Competition The showmanship competition will be divided into the three age categories. Animals will be made available for participants not exhibiting in conformation. If the youth have their own animal, it must be used for the competition. Showmanship will be a nonfit/ dry-brush competition; animals that have been fitted will not be allowed to be used for the competition. The assigned ring marshal’s decision will be final. Split up members in a random fashion so that ages are mixed. Top ten will be selected from each age group no matter on which split they are in. 6. Team Grooming Competition The team grooming competition will be twenty minutes in length. Teams of two or three members from the same age group will be arbitrarily made prior to the show. Yearling heifers will be used exclusively for the competition. Junior members will be allowed to use calves. Heifers are to be washed and clipped prior to the competition but dressing prior to commencement will result in disqualification. Teams will be evaluated on the use of equipment, knowledge, skill, involvement, final appearance and presentation of the heifer. The use of unethical or artificial fitting practices will result in immediate disqualification and under no circumstances will be tolerated. Details can be decided at the discretion of the organizing committee. 7. Team Marketing/Judging Competition All participants will choose between team marketing and team judging. This will be chosen at the time of registration. Teams will be made up of two members who are in the same age category. Teams will be made prior to the conference, but the committee reserves the right to modify teams based on actual attendance. a. Team Marketing. Each team will have approximately 5-7 minutes to sell a product or service to a prospective buyer. Teams will be judged on knowledge, enthusiasm, group cooperation/involvement, and overall ability to convince and sell. b. Team Judging The hosting province has the authority to choose if one or two classes will be judged. If expected to judge two classes, in the first class one team member will be responsible for the ring-person duties and the other will place the class and give a set of oral reasons to the audience. If there is time for a second class, the team members will alternate positions. This is encouraged. 8. Individual Marketing Individual marketing evaluates participant’s ability to promote a product (or service). Time is given at the conference; participants are not permitted to use/submit materials in advance. c. Junior: Individuals are given a choice of individual selling, or developing promotional item - one of: a radio ad, or a magazine ad. Tape recorders and art supplies will be provided for the ads. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign. d. Intermediate: Participants will be required to compare and critique two advertisements of the same medium, and will be judged on logic and effectiveness. Participants will be judged in originality, and content. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to complete their questionnaire. e. Senior: Individuals will be required to develop a marketing plan for a specific scenario. The product/service will be selected by the organising committee prior to the conference. A set of questions will be provided as a template for the plan, as well as necessary background information. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing plan. Plans will be submitted in writing and will be judged on logic, clarity, creativity and originality, and effectiveness. For Intermediates and Seniors the top 5 participants, based on their written marketing piece, may be asked to return and given a face-to-face sales pitch to the judge. 9. Keep and Cull Competition Participants will compete individually and learn the basics of keeping females in the herd on the criteria of past performance and appearance. Members will be given EPD’s and a farm based scenario according to the competitors age category, as developed by the judge prior to competition, and will be expected to select three females from a pen of five. A class will be held by the judge prior to the competition to explain the fundamentals of EPD’s and what the industry is looking for in today’s producing animals. Members will have one hour to complete the class and seniors are expected to help juniors complete their card. Judge and conference committee are expected to clarify expectations of keep and cull card before the competition. 10. Judging Competition Members will compete individually and will judge classes of steers, females, and bull calves, or other class as determined by the organizing committee. Junior participants will be expected to complete written reasons on three classes and oral reasons on one class, as determined by the organizing committee. The time limit for each class will be 20 minutes. The Intermediate and Senior participants will complete the same classes and be required to submit placing cards as well as complete oral reasons on all three classes. For the 2016 Conference, members will follow the expectations of Summer Synergy. 11. Oral Reasons Members will compete individually by presenting their oral reasons on previously judged steers, yearling heifers or calves. Junior members will only complete one set of reasons on a chosen class. Only junior members will be allowed to refer to their judging cards while giving their oral presentation. There will be a time limit of two minutes. 12. Herdsmanship Competition The organising committee will group youth exhibiting with those youth without cattle at the Conference and Show. This allows for juniors without cattle to help those with cattle and to meet new people. All members are encouraged to help keep their alley swept and clean and to help one another out. Teams will be limited to a maximum of six members and will be made by organisers according to the youth members’ experience/age and the number of animals to be cared for by the team. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. All families with cattle will be in the same herdsman group unless notified by the
families that this is unwanted. Farm signs will not be permitted. 13. The Grant Moffat Memorial Ambassador Award Members will be evaluated on the helpfulness, willingness, encouragement, spirit, and general attitude towards the conference and fellow participants. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. Members will be evaluated in their respective age categories. A ballot will be filled out by CCYA members attending the Conference and Show and will also be used in the judging process. 14. Education Awards Education award monies will be awarded on an overall point basis at the conference and show. Eligibility requirements are listed in the CCYA Policies and Procedures, section 21. The amount of education award monies will be $1800, with $1000 for 1st, $500 for 2nd and $300 for 3rd place, based on the breakdown of the following competitions: Judging & Oral reasons 35%, Ambassador 20%, Showmanship 10%, Photography or Art (best of) 5%, Keep & Cull 10%, Individual Marketing 15%, Essay Competition 5%. 15. Aggregate Competition: Juniors: Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 25%, showmanship10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, oral reasons 5% and 5% for bringing cattle. Intermediates & Seniors: Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 30%, showmanship 10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, and 5% for bringing cattle. The first and second place winners in each division will be awarded belt buckles to recognise their accomplishments. Additional monies may be awarded at the discretion of the Conference and Show organising committee. 16. Conformation Classes Offered I. PUREBRED a. Bull Calf born in 2018 b. Heifer Calf born in 2018 c. Yearling Heifer born in 2017 d. Female born in 2016 with natural 2018 calf e. Female born in 2015 or previous with natural 2018 calf f. Champion & Reserve Purebred Female (top 2 animals from classes I (b-e)) II. COMMERCIAL (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross) a. Male Calf born in 2018 b. Heifer Calf born in 2018 c. Yearling Heifer born in 2017 d. Female born in 2016 with natural 2018 calf e. Female born in 2015 or previous with natural 2018 calf f. Champion & Reserve Commercial Female (top 2 animals from classes II(b-e)) III. SPECIAL CLASSES A. Market steer (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross) Entry deadline is June 1, 2018 and no entries postmarked after this date will be accepted. 17. Prizes All prizes and placings will be announced only at the banquet on the final night, with the exception of conformation. CONFERENCE AND SHOW REGULATIONS 1. Absolutely NO parent/adult participation will be allowed. Barn bosses and ambassador volunteers will be monitoring the barn, wash rack, and tie-out areas at all times. Any parent/adult participation may result in a deduction of aggregate and scholarship points from the youth member in question. Senior members are encouraged to help the junior members. This includes the set-up and takedown of the stall. 2. All purebred animals entered must be registered with the CCA. Crossbred heifers do not need to be registered. Calves should be registered and must be tattooed by show day. No tattooing will be permitted on the grounds. Original registration certificates must accompany purebred cattle to the show, including all calves. Tattoos will be checked upon arrival. 3. Members showing animals that are owned by them or their family can enter as many head as they choose, keeping in mind that they are responsible for showing their entries. Members who cannot bring their own cattle but wish to enter the conformation show may enter an animal belonging to another Charolais breeder. However, members entering cattle not owned by them or their family are limited to only one entry. 4. Animals must be shown by the youth member entering them unless more than one entry is in the class. 5. There is no limit placed on the number of entries per class, however, the youth will be responsible for finding other youth to help them show. 6. The entry fee is $15 per class. Calves may be split off cows, but in the case of a pair that goes on to the finale, the heifer calves will be ineligible to be shown in the heifer calf division. 7. Classes will be determined after the entry deadline and will contain approximately eight to ten animals. 8. All animals are expected to be broke to lead. If in a case where the animal in question poses a threat to the safety of the other participants, the owner will be asked to remove the animal from the show barn. The Barn Boss will have final say. 9. A bedding base will be provided to all participants. Exhibitors will be responsible for their own feed for the duration of the conference. Night tie-outs will be available, as well as pens for nurse cows. 10. For all CCYA members the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited on show grounds or during any show activities. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the remainder of the Conference and Show. 11. Unethical fitting practices are not allowed in any of the competitions. This includes the use of artificial tail heads, and artificial fillers such as stomach filling; unless deemed necessary by a veterinarian. 12. Surgical alterations are not permitted on any animal being exhibited, unless a valid veterinarian certificate is produced that explains the reason for them. 13. All participants are expected to participate in all events, unless illness forces them out of competition. Youth not participating in all events will lose aggregate and scholarship points. Any youth that chooses not to participate in all events may be disqualified from all competitions and show, and forfeit any prizes or awards that they may have otherwise earned. 14. The show shirt is expected to be worn for conformation, showmanship and team grooming. Name tags are to be worn at all times. 15. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee, Agricultural Society, or any of the show advisors or volunteers is not responsible for loss, injury or accident to animals, property or humans for the duration of the Conference and Show. 16. First time participants will have their CCYA membership fees waived for the following year. 17. By submitting the attached entry form and signing the Code of Conduct, the youth member agrees to abide by all the above rules and regulations for the competitions and the cattle show. A group of adult advisors, including the Youth Coordinator have been appointed by the hosting Conference and Show Organizing Committee to enforce the rules and regulations. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee has the power to, at any time, intervene to settle disputes or clarify the rules.
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Charolais Banner • May 2018
GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS HOME OF “GOOD” CATTLE! Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 780.853.2220 •
Alberta Breeders
Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155
Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0
T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE
Charolais Banner • May 2018
British Columbia Breeders
Manitoba Breeders
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Ontario Breeders
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Saskatchewan Breeders
Quebec Breeders
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
Charolais Banner • May 2018
USA Breeders
Your ad should be here Call today! 306.546.3940
AD RATES Charolais Banner
Charolais Connection
Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1"x1 column 45 n/a Classified 2"x1 column 80 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)
Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1" x 1 column 80 n/a Classified 2" x 1 column 140 n/a (add $10 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)
• • • • •
Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) Position pages will be given to yearly contracts Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.
• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request
July 17
July 24
August 14
FALL Connection
Sept 5
Sept 12
Sept 26
Sept 26
Oct 3
Oct 17
The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Charolais Banner • May 2018
Advertisers Index Alberta Charolais Association ...........................17 Alta Custom Programs .....................................79 Amabec Charolais ............................................82 Annuroc Charolais............................................82 B Bar D Charolais .............................................82 Baker Farms .....................................................82 Bar H Charolais ................................................83 Beck Farms..................................................31,83 Be Rich Farms...................................................80 Blackbern Charolais..........................................82 Bob Charolais...................................................80 Bo Jan Enterprises ............................................83 Borderland Cattle Co........................................83 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. ..................................79 Bricney Stock Farms..........................................83 Bridor Charolais................................................82 Brimner Cattle Company ..................................84 Buffalo Lake Charolais .....................................80 Canadian Beef Industry Conference....................7 Canadian Charolais Association........................11 Carey, Brent .....................................................79 Cedardale Charolais .........................................82 Cedarlea Farms ...........................................63,84 Charla Moore Farms.........................................84 Char Lew Ranch...............................................80 Char Maine Ranching.......................................80 Charolais Banner .........................................18,19 Charolais Charbray Herd Book of Mexico .........13 Charolais Journal..............................................79 Chartop Charolais ............................................84 Charworth Charolais Farms ..............................80 Chomiak Charolais ..........................................80 Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...............................80 Cline Cattle Co.................................................81 Cockburn Farms ...............................................82 Cougar Hill Ranch ............................................81 Coyote Flats Charolais ......................................80 Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co....................47,84 C2 Charolais ....................................................81 Davis Rairdan ...................................................79 Defoort Stock Farm ..........................................81 Demarah Farms ................................................84 Diamond W Charolais ......................................84 Dog Patch Acres...............................................57 Dorran, Ryan ....................................................79 Double P Stock Farms.......................................82 Dowell Charolais ..............................................80 Dubuc Charolais...............................................83 Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ....................82 Eaton Charolais ................................................85 Echo Spring Charolais.......................................82 Edge, Dean ......................................................79 Elder Charolais Farms ....................................5,84 Ericson Livestock Services .................................79 Fergus Family Charolais ....................................82 Ferme Palerme .................................................83
Fischer Charolais ..............................................80 Flat Valley Cattle Co. ........................................80 Fleury, Michael .................................................79 Flewelling, Craig...............................................79 Footprint Farms ...............................................80 Future Farms ....................................................80 Gerrard Cattle Co.............................................80 Gilliland Bros. Charolais....................................84 Good Anchor Charolais ....................................80 H.S. Knill Company Ltd.....................................79 Happy Haven Charolais ....................................82 Harcourt Charolais ......................................57,84 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.............................82 Harvie Ranching ..............................................80 HEJ Charolais ..................................................80 Hicks Charolais.................................................83 High Bluff Stock Farm.......................................82 Holk Charolais..................................................80 Hopewell Charolais ..........................................84 Horseshoe E Charolais ......................................84 Howe Family Farm............................................84 HTA Charolais Farm .........................................82 Hunter Charolais .......................................82,IBC JMB Charolais .................................................82 Johnson Charolais ............................................80 Johnston Charolais ...........................................59 Johnstone Auction ...........................................79 June Rose Charolais..........................................84 Kaiser Cattle Co. ..............................................80 Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd. ..................................80 KCH Charolais..................................................81 Kirlene Cattle ...................................................83 La Ferme Patry de Weedon...............................83 Land O' Lakes Charolais ...................................83 Langstaff Charolais...........................................83 Laurel Creek Ranch ..........................................84 Leemar Charolais..............................................80 LEJ Charolais ....................................................82 Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch.........................85 M & L Cattle Co. ..............................................83 Mack's Charolais ..............................................83 Maple Leaf Charolais........................................80 Martens Cattle Co............................................84 Martens Charolais ............................................82 McAvoy Charolais Farm....................................84 McKay Charolais ..............................................82 McKeary Charolais ...........................................81 McLeod Livestock .............................................79 McTavish Farms................................................84 Medonte Charolais...........................................83 Miller Land & Livestock.....................................83 Murphy Livestock .............................................81 Mutrie Farms....................................................84 Myhre Land and Cattle.....................................82 Nahachewsky Charolais....................................84 Norheim Ranching............................................79
Charolais Banner • May 2018
P & H Ranching Co...........................................81 Packer Charolais...............................................83 Palmer Charolais .........................................43,84 Parklane Charolais............................................81 Phillips Farms....................................................84 Pleasant Dawn Charolais .............................51,82 Potter Charolais................................................83 Prairie Cove Consulting ....................................79 Prairie Gold Charolais .......................................84 Pro Char Charolais .....................................IFC,81 Qualman Charolais ..........................................84 Raffan, Don......................................................79 Rawes Ranches.................................................81 Rebuild with Steel ............................................79 Reeleder, Andrew.............................................79 Rollin' Acres Charolais ......................................83 Ross Lake Charolais ..........................................81 Rosso Charolais ................................................84 Royale Charolais...............................................83 RRTS Charolais .................................................81 Saddleridge Farming Co. ..................................81 SanDan Charolais Farms ...................................81 Saskatchewan Charolais Association...................9 Saunders Charolais...........................................83 Scarth Cattle Co...............................................82 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.............................84 Sharodon Farms ...............................................83 Skeels, Danny...................................................79 Sliding Hills Charolais ..................................67,85 Southside Charolais..........................................81 Southview Farms ..............................................83 CK Sparrow Farms...........................................IFC Springside Farms ..............................................81 Spruce View Charolais......................................81 Stephen Charolais Farm....................................85 Steppler Farms Ltd. .................................IFC,3,82 Stock, Mark......................................................79 Stockmen's Insurance.......................................79 Sugarloaf Charolais ..........................................81 T Bar C Cattle Co. .......................................15,79 Temple Farms...................................................85 Thistle Ridge Ranch ..........................................81 Transcon Livestock Corp...................................80 Tri N Charolais .................................................82 Turnbull Charolais .......................................33,81 Twin Anchor Charolais .....................................81 Western Litho...................................................80 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company .....................83 White Lake Colony ...........................................81 WhiteWater Livestock.......................................83 Wilgenbusch Charolais .............................85,OBC Wilkie Ranch ....................................................81 Wood River Charolais ......................................85 Wrangler Charolais...........................................81