Charolais Banner • May 2020
May 2020 VOL. 54, NO. 2 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email:
ISSN 0824-1767
Susan Penner Retires ..................6 Utilizing Media..........................16 P & H Ranching..........................20 Stephen Charolais & Guests......20 Rawes Ranches ..........................21 McLeod & Kay R ........................22 SanDan & Springside ................24 Obituary – Wayne Milliken ......24 Pro Char Charolais ....................25 Obituary – Jeff Barker ..............25 HEJ Charolais ............................26 Bob Charolais ............................26 Beck Farms ................................27 Maple Leaf & Guests ................28 Winsnes Farms ..........................28 M& L Cattle Co. ........................29 Legacy Charolais........................30 Obituary – Ernie Bayduza ........30 Social Media Marketing............31 Buffalo Lake Charolais ..............32 Wrangler Charolais ..................32 High Country ............................33 Built Right..................................34 Louber Farms ............................34 Steppler Farms ..........................35 Palmer Charolais........................36 Horseshoe E Charolais ..............36 Harvie Ranching ......................38 Wilkie Charolais ........................38 Nelson Hirsche ..........................39 CK Sparrow Farms ....................40 Simple as Black & White ..........41
Blackbern WhiteWater Kirlene ..41 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle ......42 Reese Cattle Company ..............42 High Bluff Stock Farm ..............43 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ..........44 Footprint Farms ........................46 TRI N Charolais ..........................46 Diamond W Charolais ..............47 HTA Charolais ............................48 Elder Charolais ..........................49 McTavish Farms..........................50 Impact ........................................50 Coyote Flats Charolais ..............51 Borderland Cattle Co. ..............52 Best of the Breeds ....................52 Obituary – Bob Palmer..............53 Prairie Distinction......................53 Howe – Rosso ............................54 C2 Charolais ..............................54 Hunter Charolais ......................55 Saunders Charolais ....................56 White Lake Colony ....................56 North of the 49th ......................57 Git ‘R Done ................................58 Gilliland Bros. ..........................60 Sliding Hills Charolais................60 Top Cut ......................................61 Cedardale Charolais ..................61 Cornerstone ..............................62 Sales in Brief ..............................63 Bull Sale Summary ....................65
From the Field ........................................................................................6 Dans nos champs ....................................................................................8 Canadian Charolais Association News ................................................10 De la Charolais Association Canadienne ............................................11 Charolais Life ........................................................................................14 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report ................................................15 Canadian Charolais Youth Association ..............................................16 Herd Health ..........................................................................................17 Calendar of Events ..............................................................................69 Magazine Rates and Deadlines ..........................................................76 Index of Advertisers ............................................................................78
Downeast Charolais, Belleisle Creek, New Brunswick
Candace By, Managing Editor Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 Sarah Wright, Admin Cell (306) 831-6332 FIELDMEN: Helge By Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res (306) 584-7937 • Cell (306) 536-4261 @CharolaisBanner Jon Wright Cell (306) 807-8424 Robbie Chomik Cell (780) 336-6424
Payable by credit card at
All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50
On the cover…
Helge By, Manager/Publisher
USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420
Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher. The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810
Photo: Helge By Design: Susan Penner
Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Charolais Banner • May 2020
From the Field Helge By
Well, that was the most interesting bull sale season I have ever experienced. What started out as a normal sale season ended with controlled crowd sizes, and more online and video sales than anticipated with the COVID-19 situation. All things considered, the spring was incredible. I commend the breeders who got on the phone and invited their customers to view the bulls in the days or weeks leading up to their sale. Many of these customers bid online or by telephone and helped make the sales very strong. I also commend the bull customers for not using every excuse to not buy, or to not spend as much money to get their bulls bought this spring. Some of the sales were the best they have ever been, and I think the additional phone calls and attention to customers and their wants and needs was appreciated and paid dividends. It was gut wrenching, though, to start a sale with four people in the crowd. At the end of the day, most breeders were relieved the sale was over and that it was better than they had anticipated. The best take away from this is that staying in touch with your customers and looking after them so
they are loyal repeat customers can’t be overstated. There was some scrambling by some producers as we got into this that hadn’t videoed before or didn’t have an online auction system in place, but in the end, it all got done and things worked out. I can see this changing everything in the future with everyone videoing their sale bulls and having an online auction system in place. I just hope that it doesn’t change the buyers’ patterns to where they don’t come out to sales and just buy online. It is hard to create atmosphere and a buzz with virtually no one in the seats. It is also great if the buyers can come to see the bulls and enjoy some hospitality provided by the consignors. We hope that many like to attend the sales and will be back next year sitting in the stands. Another thing that was proven this spring is that sale dates don’t matter. Whether you are in February or April, it really doesn’t matter. I heard the comment a few times this spring that, “Our sale is too late, and everyone will have their bulls bought and no purebred breeders will still be looking for herdbulls.” Of the three sales we managed in April this year, two of them were the best they have ever been, and in the
three, there were 27 bulls that sold to purebred breeders. I also know there were many more going to purebred breeders in other April sales, so that isn’t the case. You are in control of how good your sale is by the product, the promotion and the customer base you develop. Keep the quality strong and if you wonder if a bull should be culled from the offering, he should. The other unknowns at this time are when will things get back to a semblance of order with future shows and sales. The Canadian Charolais Association AGM has been postponed to an undetermined time and place. The World Charolais Congress that was to be held in Australia in August has been cancelled and no decisions can be made as to when or where the next World Charolais event will be. I know that many summer fairs have been cancelled and many 4-H clubs have become creative to finish their beef projects and market the steers. There are so many facets to this situation that will take some time to work out. In the meantime, I hope that everyone is doing well, and this is all behind us soon. Until next time, Helge
Susan Penner Retires Susan Penner, our graphic designer of almost fifteen years, is retiring from the Charolais Banner at the end of this issue. Susan brought a professional approach to her work and offered us dedication and diligence to keep up with increasing and ever-changing 6
demands. Many of you worked with her on advertising and sale catalogues. Her husband, Cliff, retired before her and they feel it is time to enjoy their love of camping and traveling. We will miss her skills, creativity and conscientious, thorough attitude. As she lives in the neighborhood, we look forward to continued friendship and shared humour. We wish her and Charolais Banner • May 2020
Cliff all the best! Thank you for a great job! Thank you all for 15 great years! I will think of you every time our travels take us by a pasture dotted with white cattle. (With Cliff’s penchant for taking “shortcuts” we may be more up close and personal to said cattle than desired… it wouldn’t be the first time!) ~ Susan
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Dans nos champs Helge By
Quelle saison de vente de taureaux que ce fut! Je n’ai jamais eu cette expérience auparavant. Ce qui a commencé comme une saison régulière se conclut en restriction de foule et un record de ventes et vidéos publiés en ligne en raison de la pandémie de la COVID-19. Prenant tout cela en considération, le printemps fut incroyable. Je félicite tous les éleveurs qui ont contacté leur clientèle par téléphone en les invitant à venir voir les sujets des jours ou semaines avant la vente. Plusieurs de ces acheteurs ont fait des mises en ligne ou par téléphone et pour cette raison, les ventes ont très bien rapportées. Je félicite aussi tous les acheteurs de taureaux pour ne pas avoir donné toutes les excuses possible pour ne pas acheter ou de ne pas dépenser autant qu’à l’habitude à chaque printemps. De ces ventes, certaines ont étés exceptionnelles. Je crois que le fait de rentrer en contact avec les clients par téléphone et de porter attention aux acheteurs et à ce qu’ils recherchaient a été apprécié et a rapporté en ristournes lors de la vente. Je peux vous dire que cela fait vraiment mal au coeur lorsqu’on commence une vente avec quatre personnes présentes. À la fin de la journée, les éleveurs étaient soulagés que cette étape soit complétée et que les ventes étaient meilleures que prévu. Le plus important à retenir est que rester en contact avec nos clients et d’en
prendre soin nous apporte des clients loyaux et répétitifs d’années en années. Certains vendeurs qui n’avaient pas de montage vidéo ou un système de mise en ligne lors du jour de l’encan se sont fait prendre à la dernière minute. En bout de ligne, nous avons été capable de les mettre en place et de rendre le tout opérationnel. Je peux voir que dans le futur, la plupart des encans auront un format en direct par vidéo ainsi qu’un système de mise en ligne. J’espère quand même que ces changements n’affecteront pas les habitudes traditionnelles des acheteurs où seulement des mises en ligne seraient la manière de procéder. Il est difficile de recréer l’atmosphère et l’anticipation d’une vente quand il y a personne dans les estrades. Il est plaisant pour les acheteurs de voir l’environnement des taureaux et de profiter de l’hospitalité des consignants. J’espère que la plupart d’entre vous aimez être présent lors de ces ventes et que vous serez parmi nous l’an prochain. Un autre propos qui a été prouvé faux est celui que la date de la vente fait une différence du côté revenu. Que nous soyons en février ou en avril, cela n’a peu d’importance. J’ai souvent entendu: « Notre vente est trop tardive. Tous le monde va déjà avoir son taureau. Quel acheteur pur sang recherche encore son taureau de troupeau à ce temps-ci? ». Des trois ventes que nous avons gérées au mois d’avril, deux de celles-ci ont obtenu leurs meilleurs revenus et 27 de ces taureaux ont été vendu à des éleveurs pur sang. Je sais qu’il y a eu plusieurs
Suivez, moi sur Twitter! Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 8
Charolais Banner • May 2020
autres taureaux destinés à des éleveurs pur sang pendant ce mois. Vous êtes en contrôle de votre produit, de votre réputation, du temps dédié à la publicité de votre vente et des rapports entretenus envers votre clientèle. Gardez seulement la qualité. Si vous vous demandez si un taureau est assez performant pour la vente, il y a de bonnes chances qui ne devrait pas être offert. On se demande tous quand le retour à la normale se fera pour les expositions et autres activités agricoles. La réunion annuelle de l’Association canadienne Charolais a dû être remise à une date ultérieure. Le congrès mondial Charolais qui devait avoir lieu en Australie au mois d’août fut également annulé. Pour le moment, il y a aucun détail qui a été communiqué par rapport à la prochaine rencontre ou l’endroit du prochain évènement. Je sais que plusieurs évènements agricoles ont dû être annulé ainsi que plusieurs rassemblements de groupe 4-H et de jeunes ruraux. Certains de ces groupes font preuve de créativité pour achever leurs projets bovins et le marketing de leurs bouvillons. Il y a plusieurs aspects de cette situation à prendre en considération et cela va prendre un certain temps pour les mettre en œuvre. En attente que les choses reprennent la normale, j’espère que vous vous portez tous bien et que cette situation sera derrière nous très bientôt. À la prochaine, Helge
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Why We Do What We Do CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais
PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES: ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secretary: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN President: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secretary: Saskatchewan Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA President: Jeff Cavers, La Riviere Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Josh Taylor, Dunsford Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES President: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI STAFF: General Manager: Craig Scott Registry: Lois Chivilo Registry/Member Services: Haylea Jones French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 • EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 2nd VICE-PRES: SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 PAST PRESIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 DIRECTORS: ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143
Craig Scott, General Manager
In the May issue of the Charolais Banner, we are usually publishing information about our upcoming CCA Annual Meeting, but with all that is happening in the world with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors has made the decision to postpone our AGM. We will continue to monitor the situation and be making the decision on when to reschedule our AGM. We will be keeping the membership informed by email blasts, updates on our website and on our social media sites. All of the staff in the CCA office have been working remotely for the pasted 30 days and will continue to do so, but saying that, it is still business as usual, we are still able to take all your calls and perform all the duties as required. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or require assistance. The CCA is pleased to report that the “Friends of Canadian Charolais” Foundation has been incorporated and is up and running. The purpose of this foundation is to aid in the advancement of education, youth, and research. There are many advantages to the members of the CCA, to name a few. Those that donate to the foundation will receive a tax receipt. The foundation will also fund special research projects, as well as youth travel and activities, and this Foundation will fund future Scholarships. We will be holding annual fund-raising auctions, but at this point we are not sure when we will host the first sale. A feed efficiency trial was started in February at Lakeland College in Vermillion. This trial is for purebred
JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C 780.719.0264 RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046 ROD MCLEOD 293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986
Charolais Banner • May 2020
replacement heifers. We were able to get 51 heifers for this first intake and would like to thank everyone involved. It is a 71-day trial and there is a 21 day warm up period, then a 50 day test. We will be doing another intake of heifers in the fall; more information will be available later this summer. As I write this article, most of the spring bull sales have been completed with great success. Many of these sales saw an increase in sale average and number of bulls offered and sold. I have talked to a lot of breeders about this very stressful sale season and want to congratulate the producers, sale staff and customers for not only dealing with but excelling in this uncharted way you do business. We pride ourselves in the hospitality and fellowship that we offer our customers and friends at these events, and this year we had to ask them not to attend the sales. I have earned my living in the Agricultural industry for close to 30 years and the way that all the producers rallied and adapted this year made me very proud to be a part of it. With the majority of the spring bull sales over, please remember to transfer all of the bulls you have sold. We have a growing trend of bulls not being transferred as some commercial producers don’t require the registration paper. The bylaws of the Canadian Charolais Association state: “In the case of the sale of an animal or the interest in an animal, a seller must furnish the Recording Secretary of the Association a certificate of registration and signed transfer, or said animal showing the purchaser’s ownership, within six (6) months of sale.”
CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais
Mise à jour de l’Association canadienne Charolais Craig Scott, directeur général
PROVINCIAUX REPRÉSENTANTS: ALBERTA Président: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secrétaire: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN Président: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secrétaire: Sask. Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA Président: Jeff Cavers, La Riviere Secrétaire: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO Président: Josh Taylor, Dunsford Secrétaire: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC Président: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secrétaire: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES Président: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secrétaire: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI PERSONNEL: Directeur général: Craig Scott Registry: Lois Chivilo Registre/Services aux membres: Haylea Jones Composition française: Bernard Dore 514.910.4935 • EXÉCUTIF: PRÉSIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 1er VICE- PRÉSIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 2e VICE- PRÉSIDENT: SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 ADMINISTRATION: ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C 780.719.0264 RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046
Habituellement dans le numéro de mai du Charolais Banner, nous publions les détails au sujet de notre prochaine assemblée générale annuelle, mais étant donné tout ce qui se passe dans le monde avec la pandémie de Covid-19, le conseil d’administration de l’Association canadienne Charolais (ACC) a décidé de reporter l’assemblée. Nous continuerons de surveiller la situation et prendrons la décision plus tard en ce qui concerne la date de l’assemblée générale annuelle. Nous tiendrons les membres informés par des diffusions courriels, des mises à jour sur notre site Web et sur nos sites de médias sociaux. Tout le personnel du bureau de l’ACC travaille à distance depuis les 30 derniers jours et continuera de le faire jusqu’à nouvelle ordre, mais cela étant dit, les affaires de l’association continuent comme d’habitude. Nous sommes toujours en mesure de répondre à tous vos appels et d’effectuer toutes les tâches requises. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions ou avez besoin d’aide. L’ACC est heureuse d’annoncer que la Fondation canadienne des amis du Charolais a été constituée et est maintenant opérationnelle. Le but de cette fondation est d’aider à l’avancement de l’éducation, de la jeunesse et de la recherche. Les membres de l’ACC jouiront de privilèges additionnels grâce à la fondation et ceux qui offrent un don, recevront un reçu fiscal. La fondation financera également des projets de recherche spéciaux, ainsi que des voyages et des activités pour la relève, et des futures bourses. Nos levés de fonds se feront par ventes aux enchères annuelles, mais à ce stade, nous ne savons pas quand nous organiserons la première vente. Une étude d’efficacité alimentaire chez les génisses pur-sang de remplacement a été lancé en février au Collège Lakeland de Vermillion. Nous avons rassemblé 51
génisses pour cette première admission et nous remercions tous les éleveurs qui se sont impliqués. Il s’agit d’un test de 71 jours comprenant une période de réchauffement de 21 jours suivi du test de 50 jours. Nous ferons une autre prise de génisses à l’automne ; plus d’informations seront disponibles cet été. Au moment où j’écris cet article, la plupart des ventes de taureaux de printemps se sont conclues avec grand succès. Plusieurs ont augmenté leur moyenne de prix ainsi que le nombre de taureaux offerts et vendus. J’ai parlé à plusieurs éleveurs au sujet de la saison de ventes qui s’est avérée très stressante cette année. Je tiens à féliciter les producteurs, le personnel de vente et les acheteurs pour avoir non seulement survécus, mais excellé durant cette période inexplorée de faire des affaires. Nous sommes fiers de l’hospitalité et de la camaraderie que nous offrons à nos clients et amis lors de ces événements, et cette année, nous avons dû leur demander de ne pas se présenter sur les lieux. Je fais partie du secteur agricole depuis près de 30 ans et la manière dont tous les producteurs se sont mobilisés et adaptés cette année me rendent très fier de notre industrie. Malgré que vos acheteurs ne se préoccupent peu des papiers d’enregistrement, il reste qu’il est très important de transférer tous les taureaux que vous avez vendus. Nous avons une tendance croissante à ce que les taureaux ne soient pas transférés. Je vous rappelle un règlement de la chartre de l’Association canadienne Charolais: Dans le cas de la vente d’un animal ou de l’intérêt dans un animal, le vendeur doit fournir au secrétaire archiviste de l’Association un certificat d’enregistrement et de transfert signé, ou ledit animal montrant la propriété de l’acheteur, dans les six (6) mois suivant vente."
Charolais Banner • May 2020
ROD MCLEOD 293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.
Blake – Kuske Wed Josie Blake and Matthew Kuske were married in Minot, North Dakota, USA, on October 12th, 2019. Josie and Matthew reside in Minot, where Josie works as a speech language pathologist with an early intervention program through the Minot State University. Matthew works for the Nedrose Public School in Minot. Josie is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of Murray and Nicole Blake, of Wood River Charolais, McCord, Saskatchewan. Weinbender Convocates Dale Weinbender convocated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture majoring in Animal Science. Dale is a CCYA Alumni and son of Carey and LeeAnn Weinbender, of Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, Saskatchewan. Blehm Convocates Keegan Blehm received his Diploma in Agriculture, from the University of Manitoba. Keegan is a current director of the CCYA National Board and the son of Jeff and Jackie Cavers, C2 Charolais, La Riviere, MB.
Brian & Heather Coughlin, Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, Ontario. It's A Girl! Shane and Ann Blake, along with daughter Finley, of McCord, Saskatchewan, welcomed a daughter, Delilah Rae, on February 3, weighing 8 lb., 8 oz. Grandparents are Murray and Nicole Blake, of Wood River Charolais. Shane is a CCYA alumni. It’s a Boy James and Sarah Hordos, Mission Ridge Herefords, Raymore, Saskatchewan, are excited to announce the arrival of Troy James born on February 17. He weighed 9 lb 14 oz, and measured 22.5 inches long. Sarah is a CCYA Alumni. Proud Grandparents are Carey and LeeAnn Weinbender, Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, Saskatchewan. It’s a Girl! Mila Audrey Lynn Doonanco was born on April 14, weighing 8 lb,. 2 oz. and measuring 20” long. Proud family are parents are Autumn (Jackson) and Remiel Doonanco, and brother Grayson, of Inglis, Manitoba. Mila is the 3rd grandchild of Carman & Donna Jackson, of High Bluff Stock Farm. Stepplers Win Manitoba OYF
It’s A Boy! Katrina (Coughlin), CCYA alumnus, and Ivor Thurston, Lanark, Ontario, are happy to announce the safe arrival of Leo Robert Thurston a few weeks early on March 15, 2020, weighing in at 4 lbs., 5 oz. Proud grandparents are 14
Charolais Banner • May 2020
continued on page 15
Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director
I want to recognize the effort from our breeders, sales staff, truckers, agricultural service providers and all the frontline workers who have persevered through the COVID-19 pandemic. Your ability to adapt while facing constantly changing market conditions, restrictions on number of attendees at events, increased sanitation measures and more all in the middle of bull sale season, one of the most important times of year for the seedstock sector. The fact that business has continued and sales were at or near last year’s averages is simply remarkable and has not gone unnoticed. Thank you to all those involved and stay safe as we still have significant challenges ahead of us as this is far from over. The industry organizations have coordinated efforts to ensure business continuity across the production chain. This includes the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattle Feeders Association, Canada Beef, Beef Cattle Research Council, Livestock Markets Association of Canada, provincial beef associations, the Canadian Beef Breeds Council and others. The goal has been to maintain
a functional market where supply lines for cattle, beef and agricultural services are uninterrupted. There are a number of ongoing initiatives to achieve this, but I will focus on a few that directly affect the seedstock industry. Industry has prioritized working with government to ensure that the border with the USA and Mexico remains open for agricultural products which includes live cattle and genetics. This is critical as we enter breeding season and producers need the ability to import or export bulls, replacement heifers, semen or embryos. Currently, cattle can be transported by private carriers (farms) or by commercial trucking companies. Health tests and other documentation are similar to what was required previously. However, if you are transporting cattle across the border, we do recommend that you proceed with caution and plan ahead, including reconfirming appointments with the port of entry before you leave your farm. Allow for additional time for services such as lab test results as they may be operating at reduced capacity. If you experience any significant challenges regarding crossing the border with livestock, feel free to contact me.
Our ongoing challenge will be to keep our farmers and ranchers safe. As the virus spreads and becomes more common, we may experience situations where employees are infected and unable to work resulting in the farm needing help to operate. Many farms are small family operations and not able to substitute a healthy employee in the place of a sick employee. We are likely to see cases where the farm is not able to function and not be able to tend to their livestock creating a possible animal welfare situation. As neighbours we need to be ready to step in to help but everyone needs to be well prepared and take precautionary proactive measures to avoid further spreading the virus or becoming infected themselves. We are starting the time of year when cattle are put out on pasture and community brandings will take place. It is important to remain safe during these gatherings and develop a plan ahead of time that works for your operation. There are a number of resources available online that will help you prepare your farm, family and employees to avoid spreading the virus or what to do in the event an employee or a family member becomes infected.
CHAROLAIS LIFE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Andre and Katie Steppler were recently honoured to receive the Outstanding Young Farmers award of
Manitoba. Andre and Katie manage the cattle division at Steppler Farms and are excited to compete in the
Charolais Banner • May 2020
national competition in Saskatoon, in the fall of 2020.
CCYA Programs Evan Jamieson
I hope everyone is excited for this upcoming summer because it is sure to be a memorable one with this year’s CCYA conference taking place in Olds, Alberta. We are excited to have the conference in conjunction with Summer Synergy again, like we have done in years past! For those not familiar with Summer Synergy, it is a program that encourages youth involvement in agriculture by having Beef and Sheep youth compete for over $70,000 in scholarships. We are very excited to offer this to all CCYA youth, however to be eligible for scholarships youth must complete the following CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Keegan Blehm Vice-President: Reegan McLeod Treasurer: Tyson Black Secretary: Haley Rosso
components; Individual Judging, Individual Marketing, Individual Grooming, Showmanship, and Confirmation. A change to the normal schedule that will occur is we will complete our individual judging in conjunction with Summer Synergy, and this will not only involve beef, but also other various livestock species. Also, through Summer Synergy, the Commercial and Purebred Champions of our show will be eligible to go to the Calgary Stampede in an opportunity to compete for Supreme Champion Female. In regard to registration, it will be done through the Summer Synergy Online Registration. There will be a link to this on the Summer
Synergy website, and simply follow the instructions prompted to register. If you are planning to compete for a Summer Synergy scholarship, you must register for the activities listed earlier. For accommodations in Olds, there is a Ramada, a Pomeroy Inn and Suites, along with the option to rent a townhouse at Olds College. There is also camping available with no utilities at the soccer field next to the Megadome, which is on a first come first serve basis. As of right now, we are intending for the conference to go on as planned amid this pandemic. If there is any change, we will be sure to relay the information out there. We hope to see you all at CCYA 2020!
Director: Evan Jamieson Director: Megan Perih Director: Calina Evans Director: Bradley Fergus
Vice-President: Logan Jamieson Treasurer: Robyn Young Secretary: Evan Jamieson CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Jill Debenham ON: Karen Black MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers AB: Kasey Phillips |
2020 CCYA Conference & Show Executive President: Reegan McLeod
Youth Coordinator: Shae-Lynn Evans
Utilizing Media Benefits the Breed Candace By
Many of you that are active on social media may have read an article entitled, Chris Streveler “Streveler Story is Bull, but It’s a Good One,” about a TRI-N Charolais bull named after a CFL Winnipeg Blue Bomber quarterback. It was an interesting little human interest story that would appeal to a wide audience, encompassing people with rural roots, sports fans, urbanites and meat eaters. Why is this note-worthy in the Charolais Banner? Quite simply, we are all trying to gain market share and 16
this was free – not only for TRI-N Charolais, but also for the breed. It is the only cattle story I can recall featuring a sports figure this spring and it included Charolais, not another breed. You can bet it was seen by lots of cattlemen in their province and on social media. What is gaining this type of coverage worth to a breeder? It is impossible to measure, but it certainly can’t do any harm. There may be one cattlemen out there that is a Chris Streveler fan who needs a bull, this year, this summer or next year and will remember TRI-N’s name. How did it happen? After the bull Charolais Banner • May 2020
sold in their sale, Jesse Nykoliation tweeted about it and tagged Chris Streveler. Streveler was intrigued and retweeted it, drawing more attention, which led a sports writer to contact Jesse for the full story. As Canadians we are often too polite to blow our own horn. We need to start speaking and spreading the word again. In the early days of the breed, breeders worked together to spread their beliefs in this new breed that would change the industry. Now when most people have their own bull sale, there isn’t quite the same approach to promote the breed over continued on page 18
Vaccinations Necessary for a Purebred/Commercial Cow/Calf Herd Roy Lewis DVM
I have had the request from several prominent breeders to give my opinion on the core or main vaccines necessary to raise healthy productive cattle. I will also mention a few others that are used in specific herds or groups of cattle for specific reasons. The science of vaccinology is ever evolving and we will continue to see more intranasal vaccines developed and potentially oral vaccines. More and more are used in combinations so the number of shots required at one time is often limited to two or less. The human COVID-19 pandemic is a very real reminder of how vaccines could prevent disease spread by vaccinating the vast majority of the population. You can bet manufacturers are frantically doing their best to make this a reality. Vaccination is one of the best forms of biosecurity on our farms and ranches. I will be focusing on the diseases in this article and will use specific brand names as a reference. Keep in mind there are three to four very large vaccine manufacturers out there, so most of these diseases you have three or four choices of product to get the job done. Some vaccines have slight advantages over each other, so rely on your herd veterinarian, fellow breeder or producer and your pharmaceutical rep to help determine the best combination of products for you. Let’s start with the calves and now if producers have trouble with pneumonia there are two intranasal products given early in life to help prevent pneumonia in the first two months of age. They‘re in force for the viruses and Once PMH IN for the bacteria. All calves at turnout to pasture are processed in this country generally at about the three months of age. Products used contain the clostridial or blackleg like diseases as well as histophilus. These often come
in combination together but remember when used in combination never contains tetanus. This only becomes necessary if you band large calves. Then tetanus must be given before the banding with a different clostridial shot. Calves are also given the viral and bacterial vaccines for pneumonia. They are often combined in one shot. Again there are three vaccines out there that get this job done. They are Vista Once or Pyramid Presponse or Bovishield Gold One Shot. That means hopefully you are giving one of these vaccines otherwise the vaccination program is pretty inadequate in my opinion. There are slight differences in these vaccines, such as in two the bacterial component is a killed vaccine and one of the products does contain Pasteurella Multocida, one additional bacterial cause of pneumonia. The combination of the bacterial histophilus and the pneumonia pathogens are again boostered at, or preferably just before, weaning by two weeks. This would be their booster shots. If these are commercial cattle, or ones not being kept as replacements, then notify the purchaser what they have received. Preconditioned or preimmunized cattle should indicate a superior product and that they are well managed. Heifer replacements before breeding need to receive a booster for the clostridial diseases with a nine way or eight-way clostridial, preferably with protection against tetanus and Redwater disease in them. To me, preferably the broader coverage against clostridial disease the better. New Zealand uses a 10-way clostridial diseases and I wish we had it here as the 10th component is sometimes seen in Canada more commonly in adult dairy cattle. It is a clostridium perfringens A infection but cant be licensed in Canada Charolais Banner • May 2020
unfortunately. The heifers will also at this same time before breeding get their 5 way modified live viral shot to protect mainly against the reproductive diseases The cows also need their clostridial protection and most do it on entry to pasture, but others fit it in at other times of the year. In some areas, depending on the disease prevalence and other factors may be given every couple of years but in other areas where Redwater is prevalent it is given every six months. The cows need their vaccines for IBR PI3 BVD (type 1 and 2) and BRSV. This is where it gets tricky. This comes in the form of the 5-Way viral vaccines most are modified live vaccines just like the ones we give the calves. Ideally they should be given after calving and before breeding. The idea is getting protection against the two main causes of cattle abortions as well as preventing what they call are persistently infected calves from BVD. Some veterinarians may suggest giving these live shots at other times because management is easier when given for instance at scour vaccine time but that is a discussion with your veterinarian. Also if the need arises to change brands of vaccines, some companies make this much easier than others, so always double check their labels. Most larger herds (> 100 cows) scours vaccinate and many small herds do as well. If we can boost immunity through the colostrum and prevent the first scours case, that is what we want. There again are three strong brands out there, Bovilus Guardian, Scour Bos, and Scourguard. The key here is the timing of the vaccines when they are given before calving. Heifers or new purchases always need the initial and booster shot. One of these vaccines is given subcutaneously and they all have 17
CORE VACCINATION TIMELINE Cow/Calf for Commercial and Purebred COWS Yearling Clostridial vaccine. May be more or less frequest depending on location, talk to your veterinarian. Modified live 5 way viral vaccine ideally 2 weeks before breeding. If given at other times talk to your veterinarian.
Bred Heifers 1st scour vaccine
Bred Heifers 2nd scour vaccine & Cows scour vaccine 6-16 weeks before 3-10 weeks before calving (depends calving (depends on on product) product)
Cows Breeding Modified live 5 way viral vaccine ideally two weeks before breeding. If given at other times talk to your veterinarian.
2 TO 3 MONTHS *Optional: Birth-2 weeks of age – intranasal vaccines against respiratory pathogens
Spring processing calves – Clostridials, histophilus, respiratory pathogens
2 weeks prior to weaning booster shot all calf diseases
BULLS Are on the same vaccines as cows, with the exception of scour vaccines. Do it at semen testing time.
protection against the main scour causing agents with slight differences. Remember some scours causing protozoa such as cryptosporidiosis there is no vaccination against. If have some scours, get it diagnosed so you know what you are fighting. Bulls generally do the same as the cow herd with the exception of the scour vaccines. Lots are administering foot rot vaccines to the bulls if required. A great time to vaccinate is usually semen testing time. Other
vaccines such as leptospirosis, vibriosis, and anthrax being examples may be given if these diseases are an issue in your area or herd. Again, rely on your herd veterinarian on specific advice about these. I would like to end by stating any purebred breeder in their sale catalogues, whether it be selling bulls or females, should state your vaccination protocol. The purchasers want to know, and you are looked on as leaders in biosecurity and
preventive medicine. Let others know what you are doing by either listing the specific diseases you are trying to prevent, or the specific trade names whatever you refer. Both are far superior to saying nothing or saying motherhood statements like cattle are vaccinated for all the common diseases. The whole cattle industry will benefit if vaccine programs, deworming and parasite control is listed.
UTILIZING MEDIA, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 one’s own program. We need to take advantage of each and every opportunity available to us to utilize various avenues of media for the betterment of the breed and individual programs. The bottom
line is simple, anytime the breed is mentioned favourably in the media, it is good for every breeder. We need to give credit where credit is due, nice job! The article was written by
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Jason Bell of the Winnipeg Free Press and can be viewed at football/bombers/streveler-story-isbull-but-its-a-good-one569900592.html.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
P&H Bull Sale
This sale offers one of the largest selections of two-year old bulls. Many repeat customers come to buy in volume. Bulls are sold across western Canada. High Selling Bulls Lot 33, PH PERSONA 42F (Polled, 102 lb BW, 59 WW, 101 YW EPD, 2000 lb, 43 cm), sired by LT Persona 0328P, out of a Keys Wishbone 40Y daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Church Ranching, Balzac. Lot 1, PH PLAYBOOK 9F (107 lb BW, 79 YW EPD, 1920 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by CML Touchdown 414B, out of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for
$10,500 to Brian Quast, Hanna. Lot 12, PH GENERAL LEE 96F (91 lb BW, 49 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 44 cm), sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of a PH Tatum 79A daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Highway 21 Feeders, Acme. Lot 34, CPC GENERAL LEE 72F (48 WW, 89 YW EPD, 1855 lb, 45 cm), sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Howe Ranch, Buffalo. Lot 2, PH ADVANCER 82F (100 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 1795 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by KAYR Sanction 102A, out of an LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Arrowwood Colony, Blackie. Lot 18, PH GENERAL LEE 55F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 61 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1895 lb, 44.5 cm), sired by
Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of a Schraderssmoothblend 8219 daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Cruickshank Farms, Red Deer County. Lot 15, PH PLAYBOOK 31F (Polled, 90 lb BW, 26 M EPD, 1765 lb, 46 cm), sired by CML Touchdown 414B, out of an LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Rey Creek Ranch, Logan Lake, BC. Lot 11, PH PERSONA 85F (Polled, 101 lb BW, 52 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD, 1810 lb, 46 cm), sired by LT Persona 0328P, out of a PH Banner 107X daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Nester Ranching, Reg Howe purchased Cessford. 5 bulls
Gordon and Rosemary Church purchased two bulls including the high selling bull
Gordon and Dennis Garthwaite purchased 10 lots to take back to their Rey Creek Ranch
Ron and Janine Schmidt purchased for themselves and Newell Grazing
P&H Ranching Bull Sale February 15, 2020 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 47 Two-Year-Old Bulls $285,200 $6,068
Auctioneer: Don Raffan
Stephen Charolais Bull Sale Stephen Charolais & Guests Bull Sale February 21, 2020 • Whitewood, SK Gross Average 3 Two-Year Old Bulls $12,800 $4,267 30 Yearling Bulls $170,550 $5,687 33 Lots
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock The 3rd Annual Stephen Charolais Bull Sale with guests DRD Charolais and Bar-H Charolais provided buyers the opportunity to purchase French, French Influenced, Purebred, Red Factor, Polled, Horned, Two-Year Old or Yearling Charolais Bulls. There was 20
something on offer for everyone in the market for Charolais bulls at one sale. Repeat buyers and new customers alike took the opportunity to purchase new bulls for their bull battery. High Selling Two-Year Old Lot 39, BARH FIREBALL 59F (3rd Gen Polled, 89 lb BW, -2.9 BW EPD, 87 YW, 38.5 cm), sired by LT Sundance, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Greg Weppler, Morse. Consigned by Bar H Charolais, Grenfell. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, SCF GRANIT 489G (Full French, 100 lb BW, 52 WW, 90 YW, 1,395 lb), sired by Jumper, out of a Charolais Banner • May 2020
Brad Hein took home two bulls including the high selling yearling bull
Keith Olson selected the second-high selling yearling bull
PCFL Ultimate 14R daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Lazy H5 Ranch Ltd, Makwa. Consigned by Stephen Charolais Farm, Moosomin. continued on page 21
Rawes Bull Sale
This sale features the largest selection of two-year old Charolais bulls in Canada. The EPD are excellent and the consistency improves every year with more bulls finding homes in purebred operations. The 37th annual sale was the largest offering to date and many repeat customers came to buy in volume. High Selling Bulls Lot 339, RAWES EMPEROR 339F (Polled, 97 lb BW, 62 WW EPD, 117 WW EPD, 40.5 cm), sired by Rawes Maxim 54C, out of a Rawes Aden 54U daughter. Sold for $22,500 to New Country Charolais, Trois Rivieres, QC. Lot 457, RAWES GUINNESS 457F (Polled, 66 WW EPD, 122 YW EPD, 56
TM EPD, 40 cm), sired by Rawes Baron 258A, out of a Rawes Ontrack 63W daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Wendt and Murray Farms Ltd., Lloydminster. Lot 398, RAWES EDITION 398F (Polled, 95 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Rawes Harris 190C, out of a Rawes Jamboree 103P daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Duncan Thompson, Mannville. Lot 529, RAWES EMPEROR 529F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 61 WW EPD, 117 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD, 43.5 cm), sired by Rawes Maxim 54C, out of a Rawes Aden 54U daughter. Sold for $12,250 to Nester Ranching, Cessford. Lot 172, RAWES AERO 172F (100 lb BW, 57 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Harris 383C, out of a Rawes Dallas 48Y daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Nester Ranching. Lot 511, RAWES DUKE 511F (Polled, 58 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 55 TM EPD, 42.5 cm), sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of a Rawes Ultimo 297L
Warren & Nicole Crow were on hand to purchase 6 bulls to take home to Thorsby
Morris & Greg Thalen of Morsan Farms were again volume buyers taking 15 lots
37th Annual Rawes Ranches Bull Sale February 18, 2020 • Strome, AB Gross Average 172 Two-Year Old Bulls$1,217,550 $7,078
Auctioneers: Brent Carey and Dean Edge
daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Gordon Jones, Unity, SK. Lot 133, RAWES HUDSON 133F (Polled, 93 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD), sired by Rawes Dallas 396B, out of a Rawes Sir T 123Y daughter. Sold for $9,900 to Clearwater Farms, Fort Assiniboine. Lot 97, RAWES TERRIFIC 97F (55 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD), sired by AAA Sir Terrific 418B, out of a Rawes Dividend 1X daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Matt & Shauna Elines, Big Valley.
Quinton & Cynthia Dolen purchased 5 lots
Repeat customers Nester Ranching bought a couple of high sellers
STEPHEN SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Lot 9, SCF GALLAGHER 505G (Full French, 100 lb BW, 22 M, 1,390 lb), sired by Voimo, out of an Agronome daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Keith Olson, Loon Lake. Consigned by Stephen Charolais Farm. Lot 5, SCF GROVER 501G (Full French, 90 lb BW, 5.4 CE, 1,330 lb), sired by Falcon, out of an SCF Zumba 159Z daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Johnston Ranches, Hanna, AB. Consigned by Stephen Charolais Farm. Lot 7, SCF GRIGGS 502G (Full French, 90 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 1,365
lb), sired by Sir International 27H, out of a Sidney daughter. Sold for $9,500 to SH Ranching, Delia, AB. Consigned by Stephen Charolais Farm. Lot 6, SCF GOLIATH 500G (Full French, 108 lb BW, 57 WW, 94 YW, 50 TM, 1,315 lb), sired by Jumper, out of a Russ daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Dale Tucker, Endiang, AB. Consigned by Stephen Charolais Farm. Lot 13, SCF GRISSOM 517G (Full French, 106 lb BW, 54 WW, 92 YW, 47 TM, 1,390 lb), sired by Casoar, out of a Maple Leaf Major Jag 620S. Sold for Charolais Banner • May 2020
$8,100 to Dale Tucker, Endiang, AB. Consigned by Stephen Charolais Farm.
Shawna Brunner and Lowell Johnston selected a new herd bull
McLeod & Kay-R Bull Sale Gerrard Evetta 39Y. Sold for $13,500 to Lowe Ranches. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 26, CML POUNDMAKER 977G (Homo Polled, 50K tested, 8.6 CE EPD, 92 lb BW, 1645 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of CML Desirae 558C. Sold for $13,500 to Lowe Ranches. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 39, KAYR GOOD KEY 11G (102 lb BW, 25 Milk EPD, 1,620 lb, 40 cm), sired by Sharodon Double Vision 1D, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Posta El Cuatro, Tepatitlan de Morelos, Jalisco, MX. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais.
These two operations had a great offering of both performance and calving ease bulls. Most of the McLeod bulls were embryo transplants. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat customers, with many purebred breeders purchasing herdsires. High Selling Bulls Lot 15, CML AMBUSH 939G (Homo Polled, ET, 50K tested, 95 YW EPD, 1610 lb, 41 cm), sired by CML Copyright 714E ET, out of Gerrard Evetta 39Y. Sold for $30,000 to White Lake Colony, Nobleford. Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane. Lot 23, CML RAINMAKER 948G (Homo Polled, ET, 50K tested, 8.5 CE EPD, 94 lb BW, 1505 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of CML Pld Wilma 3S. Sold for $22,000 to Doll Charolais, New Salem, ND. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 28, CML AVIATOR 947G (Polled, ET, 50K tested, 9.3 CE, 86 lb BW, 27 M EPD, 1530 lb, 46 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of PZC TR Desirae 012. Sold for $22,000 to
White Lake Colony. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 33, KAYR ADVOCATE 708G (Polled, 9.6 CE, 88 lb BW, 61 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1545 lb, 38 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a Keys Jaxson 151B daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Peter Heins & Sons Livestock Ltd, Diamond City. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau. Lot 7, CML COMMANDER 911G (Polled, ET, 50K tested, 10 CE, - 2.2 BW EPD, 80 lb BW, 1485 lb, 41 cm), sired by LT Affinity 6221 Pld, out of CML Pld Wilma 3S. Sold for $21,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 13, MMM GARRISON 951G (Homo Polled, ET, 50K tested, .2 BW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1615 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by RBM Fargo Y111, out of CML Pld Wilma 3S. Sold for $14,000 to HEJ Charolais, Innisfail. Consigned by Triple M Farms, Claresholm. Lot 24, CML PROSPECTOR 904G (Homo Polled, ET, 50K tested, 94 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 1460 lb, 38 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of Gerrard Evetta 39Y. Sold for $13,500 to Lowe Ranches, Nanton. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 25, CML PROSPERITY 961G (Homo Polled, ET, 50K tested, 48 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 1545 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Patriot 4004 Pld, out of
Wes Heins purchased one of the high selling bulls
Shelby Smith, Don Lowe and Dekoel Smith purchased in volume for Lowe Ranch
Curtis and Nannette Turnbull purchased one of the high selling bulls for Turnbull Charolais
Jeralyn & Marina Rasmussen purchased a new herdbull
McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Bull Sale February 19,2020 • Olds, AB Gross Average 47 Yearling Bulls $444,900 $9,466 1 Semen Lot (90 straws) $13,500 $13,500 48 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey
Jerry Hofer purchased 2 lots including the high selling bull for White Lake Colony
Suivez , moi sur Twitter ! @CharolaisBanner 22
Charolais Banner • May 2020
David Doll took the second high seller to North Dakota
Charolais Banner • May 2020
SanDan & Springside Bull Sale 23rd Annual SanDan Charolais and Springside Farms Bull Sale February 22, 2020 • Erskine, AB Gross Average 26 Two-Year-Old Bulls $121,758 $4,683 47 ¾ Yearling Bulls 398,617 8,348 73 ¾ Bulls
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. The quality these two breeders offer is the reason there was standing room only at the 23rd annual bull sale. If not the most well attended sale of the spring it is right up there. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 7, SDC 18F (Polled, 5.9 CE EPD, 98 lb BW, 85 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Wrangler Leader 15D, out of an MXS Irish Cream 973W daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Garnet Schultz, Stony Plain. Consigned by SanDan Charolais, Erskine. Lot 6, SDC FREE AND EASY 15F (56 WW EPD,120 YW EPD, 1885 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Camelot 666D, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Murray Rowledge, Erskine. Consigned by SanDan Charolais. Lot 9, SDC FREEMAN 21F (96 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 118 YW EPD, 54 TM EPD, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Camelot 666D, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Blue Acre, Stettler. Consigned by SanDan Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 29, SOS POUNDMAKER Pld
16G (Polled, 8 CE EPD, 94 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 1680 lb, 43 cm), sired by SOS Homegrown 15C, out of an Anchor Wrangler 14W daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $30,000 to Thistle Ridge Farms, Taber and Kattle Kountry, Mortlach, SK. Consigned by Springside Farms, Airdrie. Lot 56, SOS GRANITE Pld 8G (Polled, 49 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 45 TM EPD, 1610 lb, 41 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Classic 707C, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $21,000 to Alan Landaker Charolais, Brownvale and McTavish Charolais, Moosomin, SK. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 57, SOS GUNSMOKE PLD 2G (Polled, 1.2 BW EPD, 97 lb BW, 96 YW EPD, 1600 lb, 43 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Classic 707C, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold for $20,250 to Parsons Cattle Co, Tees. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 70, SOS VOLCANO 18G (Polled, 104 lb BW, 25 M EPD, 1585 lb, 41 cm), sired by SVY Grizzly Pld 521C, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $14,500 to Kattle Kountry. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 30, SOS TOMAHAWK 12G (Polled, 96 lb BW, 59 WW EPD, 117 YW EPD, 43 cm), sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of an SRK Canyon 2Y daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Matt & Shauna Elines, Big Valley. Lot 45, SOS ELDORADO 11G (6.5
Ben Tams and Kattle Kountry teamed up to purchase the high selling bull
Cole Parsons purchased the 3rd high selling yearling bull
Kevin, Hailey and Dennis Koehli purchased one of the high selling bulls to take back to Strome
Downie Lake Colony purchased in volume
CE, 103 lb BW, 49 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 1580 lb, 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of an MXS Irish Cream 973W daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Koehli Farms, Strome.
Wayne P. Milliken 1939 – 2020
Wayne Milliken, Killarney, Manitoba, passed away February 10th at the age of 80. Wayne is survived by his wife Lee, son Donald (Jo-Ann), daughter Vickie and grandchildren Dillon, Cody and Madison. 24
Wayne and Lee started WPM Charolais at Holmfield in 1973 and were both very active in the Charolais industry with Wayne being an MCA director as well sitting on the Douglas Test Station board for many years. Lee was always around to give a helping hand with the Charolettes as well. They were presented with the Charolais Banner • May 2020
Manitoba Pioneer Award at the Heart of Canada show in 1996. They had dispersed in 1989 at which time their son Don and his wife Jo-Ann built up their Char-Don Charolais herd. Their grandsons Dillon and Cody now have a Charolais herd under the name of Prairie Trail Charolais.
Pro-Char Bull Sale 9th Annual Pro-Char Charolais Bull Sale February 23, 2020 • Glenevis, AB Gross Average 3 Two-Year-Old Bulls $20,400 $6,800 52 Yearling Bulls 324,010 6,230 55 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey
A good crowd was on hand to select from a very strong offering of bulls from this family operation.. High Selling Two-Year-Old Bulls Lot 55, PRO-CHAR CARTER 160F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 48 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 1900 lb, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a Stutheits Sonny 603S daughter. Sold for $7,900 to Greystone Ranch Ltd., Hanna. Lot 56, PRO-CHAR BIGN TICKET 150F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 1885 lb, 42
Brian and Cliff Weeks purchased the high selling bull for their Twin Anchor Charolais outfit
cm), sired by Lakeview Big Ticket 18B, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $6,400 to Degner Farms, Barrhead. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, PRO-CHAR XAVATORO 53G (4th Gen Polled, 49 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD, 1445 lb, 38 cm), sired ABC Xavatoro Nicolas Poll D608, out of a Winn Mans Esperenza 835U daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $18,000 to Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor. Lot 8, PRO-CHAR STALINGRAD 66G (Dbl Polled, 6.6 CE EPD, 100 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a Pro-Char Blizzard 36A daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $11,250 to Peter Wyatt, Vulcan. Lot 6, PRO-CHAR BERETTA 17G (4th Gen Polled, 51 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Pro-Char Exotic
94D, out of a Pro-Char Cptn. Morgan 8U daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Keith Kessler, Glen Ullin, ND. Lot 18, PRO-CHAR FRANK 141G (3rd Gen Polled, 7 CE EPD, 87 lb BW, 47 TM EPD, 1400 lb, 38 cm), sired by ABC Xalvatoro Francisco Poll, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $8,750 to Legacy Charolais, Botha. Lot 2, PRO-CHAR BRUNO 62G (2nd Gen Polled, 105 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 1445 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of an HRJ Widow Maker 12A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Crooked Creek Cattle Co., Valleyview. Lot 36, PRO-CHAR BUSHNELL 58G (3rd Gen Polled, 102 lb BW, 49 WW EPD, 1445 lb, 41 cm), sired by ABC Xavatoro Nicolas Poll D608, out of a WC Doubletree 2009 P daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Josh Huber, Calmar.
Maria Wohlgemuth purchased in volume for Crooked Creek Cattle Co
Troy & Diana Walgenbach purchased a high seller
Lorne Prat purchased three lots
Jeffrey Winston “Jeff” Barker 1967 - 2020
Jeff Barker passed away Sunday, February 16th at the age of 53 after a threeyear battle with ALS. Jeff grew up on the family farm Bar-Lin Acres at Hagersville, ON and will be remembered by many Charolais friends as he was a CCYA Alumni. He is survived by his wife Stacey and
children Kelsey and Josh, Kyle, Ciara and Dylan, his parents Charlie and Linda Barker and his siblings Connie and Pete, Brad and Marsha and Danny. Jeff, nicknamed Hank, will be remembered as a witty and dedicated family man to many aunts, uncles and cousins, nieces and nephews. Jeff worked tirelessly for 19 years at Harwil Farms and was dedicated and passionate about his job. He strove to Charolais Banner • May 2020
ensure that his customers received the best service and advice possible. He was a member of the Jarvis Lions Club for 30 years and took great pride in serving the community. At the Ontario Charolais Association AGM on March 7th in Peterborough, Jeff was awarded the OCA Recognition Award.
HEJ Charolais Bull Sale HEJ Charolais 15th Annual Bull Sale February 28, 2020 • Innisfail, AB 54 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $287,928 $5,332
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. HEJ Charolais offered and sold more bulls this year over last. Majority of the bulls were sold to repeat buyers. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, NINA GUY LIKE ME 47G (Homo Polled, 93 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1430 lb, 40 cm), sired by Dogpatch Gillette 7E, out of a MAIN El Lanzo 22B daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Don Swiston, North Battleford, SK. Lot 20, NINA GOLDEN EYE 123G (Polled, Red Factor, 49 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 1308 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 4024 Pld, out of an NCLP Triple Threat 914W daughter. Sold for $11,500 to David Royer, Coon Rapids, Iowa. Lot 34, NINA GIBBS 28G (Red Factor, 52 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 51 TM EPD, 1510 lb, 46 cm), sired by HEJ Benz 62B, out of an HTA Malachi
946W daughter. Sold for $11,000 to David Royer. Lot 14, NINA GRAFFITI 134G (Polled, Red Factor, 64 WW, 116 YW, 54 TM EPD, 1447 lb, 42 cm), sired by Dogpatch Gillette 7E, out of an HEJ Oasis 59Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to David Royer. Lot 3, NINA GOLDEN BOY 110G (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 111 YW EPD, 55 TM EPD, 1380 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an HEJ Oasis 59Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to R-7 Farms, Crossfield. Lot 42, HEJ GOOD VIBRATIONS 23G (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 78 lb BW, 88 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by HEJ Data Bank 41D, out of an HEJ Chester 1C daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Ryan and Jess Eliuk, Olds. Lot 44, HEJ GENERATOR 96G (Polled, Red Factor, 52 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 52 TM EPD, 1464 lb, 41 cm), sired by HEJ Data Bank 41D, out of a Celestial Red Hot 22Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Flying W Ranch, Longview.
David Royer took 3 of Jeff Havens the high selling bulls purchased 3 lots back to Iowa
Brant Barkley was a volume buyer for Flying W
Don Swistun purchased the high selling bull
Lot 5, HEJ GREAT WHITE 60G (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 1330 lb, 40 cm), sired by Dogpatch Gillette 7E, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Keith Evans, Carstairs.
Bob Charolais Bull & Select Female Sale Bob Charolais Bull & Select Female Sale February 24, 2020 • Stettler, AB 1 Two-Year Old Bull 52 Yearling Bulls 10 Heifers 63 Lots
Gross Average $5,200 $5,200 334,620 6,435 32,800 3,280 $372,620
Auctioneer: Dean Edge The Bob Charolais first annual sale was well attended and had top quality yearling bulls and replacement heifers on offer. Bulls sold across Canada. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 99F, BOB’S TIN MAN 99F (Double Polled, 52 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 1731 lb, 42 cm), sired by Winn 26
Mans Chavez 826Y, out of an Elder’s Stinger 115S daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Justin Tateson, Scandia. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 31G, BOB’S Luc Tellier purchased CHASE THE ACE two lots including one of the high 31G (Double Polled, 102 lb BW, selling bulls 50 WW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 43 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223P, out of an Elder’s Stinger 115S daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Future Farms, Red Deer County. Lot 109G, BOB’S SPURRED ON Charolais Banner • May 2020
Ron Vanlanduyt took one of the high selling bulls back to Botha
Alan Marshall purchased the high selling bull for his Future Farms outfit
109G (3rd Gen Polled, 7 CE, 101 lb BW, 1564 lb, 40 cm), sired by SOS Chuckwagon 54C, out of an Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Jack and Betty Gibb, Chauvin. continued on page 27
Beck Farms Bull Sale Beck/McCoy 11th Annual Bull Sale February 26, 2020 • Milestone, SK 8 Two-Year Old Bulls 42 Yearling Bulls 50 Lots
Gross Average $48,500 $6,062 263,000 6,262 $311,500
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. A big crowd was in attendance again on a very nice February day to select from the good offering of Charolais and Herefords bulls. Both breeds sold very steady with all 97 bulls offered selling. The 46 2/3 Polled Hereford yearlings averaged $5,058 and 30 F1 Hereford x Gelbvieh open heifers, selling in groups of 3, averaged $1,898 a piece. The Sparrows Braxton sons lead the sale with good breeder and commercial interest. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 25, BECK’S INNOVATION 939G (Homo Polled, 89 lb BW,
Repeat customer Jeff Cavers selected Delbert Nostadt the high selling bull purchased a high seller
-3.3 BW EPD, 11.9 CE EPD, 1,460 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Beck’s Bounty 206Z daughter. Sold for $12,500 to C2 Charolais, LaRiviere, MB. Lot 39, BECK’S ACCLAIM 905G (Polled, 87 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 1,485 lb, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a High Bluff Craftsman 112C daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Dave & Michelle Andrews, Wilcox. Lot 1, BECK’S INSIGHT 952G (Polled, 100 lb BW, 24 Milk EPD, 1,402 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Steppler Orch 103A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to McCracken Charolais, Powell, WY. Lot 33, BECK’S REFLECT 960G (87 lb BW, -3.5 BW EPD, 11.5 CE EPD, 805 lb 205 DW, 1,405 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Debenham Cattle Co., Kennedy.
Lot 8, BECK’S GRIT 935G (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 1,432 lb, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for 7,500 to Nostadt Farms, Ltd., Kendal. Lot 13, BECK’S BRASS 929G (87 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 10.4 CE EPD, 1,425 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Steppler Orch 103A daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Trevor & LeeAnn Warkin, Stoney Beach. Lot 24, BECK’S STATIC 942G (Polled, 105 lb BW, 905 205 DW, 107 YW EPD, 1,400 lb, 38 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Sparrows Braxton 519C daughter. Sold for $7,250 Many time volume to Salty Lake buyer Woody Klassen Farms, Watrous. took three for their Salty Lake Farm
Michelle & David Andrews bought two including the second high seller
Larry & Jill Debenham bought a high selling horned bull
BOB CHAROLAIS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Lot 88G, BOB’S COTTON EYED JOE 88G (Double Polled, .9 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 1533 lb, 41 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Ron Vanlanduyt, Botha. Lot 114G, BOB’S NORTH COUNTRY 114G (5th Gen Polled, 95 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Angle H Northern Spirit 367D, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Tellier Bar LD Ranch Inc., Bonnyville. Lot 41G, BOB’S LOCK’N LOAD
41G (Double Polled, 11.2 CE EPD, 1630 lb, 42 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223P, out of an Anchor Wrangler 14W daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Ernie Lee, Richdale. Lot 43G, BOB’S CRUSHING IT 43G (90 YW EPD, 1631 lb, 41 cm), sired by Bob’s Integrity 126E, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Cory and Dana Hallet, Byemoor. High Selling Heifers Lot 119G/120G, Flushmates BOB’S MARSHMELLO 119G and BOB’S SENORITA 120G (3rd Gen Polled, .5 BW, 49 WW, 95 YW, 23 M EPD), sired Charolais Banner • May 2020
by Pleasantdawn Classic 707C, out of a Stepplers Distinction38T daughter. Sold for $5,000 each to Good Anchor Charolais, Vermillion.
Don Good purchased both high selling heifers
Brad Resch bought in volume taking home three bulls
Maple Leaf & Guests Bull Sale Maple Leaf & Guest 16th Annual Bull Sale February 28, 2020 • Ponoka, AB Gross Average 1 Mature Bull $5,750 $5,750 30 Two-Year Old Bulls $176,900 $5,897 11 Yearling Bulls $46,550 $4,232 42 Lots
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock
Maple Leaf Charolais, together with their guests Ross Lake Charolais, Norway Valley Farm and Southside Charolais, once again put fourth an exceptional group of French and French influenced Charolais bulls to sell. Strong demand in their offering resulted in a $208 increase in the sale average. A large active crowd was on hand to participate in the sale of the largest offering of French & French Influenced Charolais genetics in Canada. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 20, MAPLE LEAF FIRST 848F (Full French, 94 lb BW, 45 cm, 1,720 lb), sired by Maple Leaf First 32D, out of a M&L 28Y daughter. Sold for $14,500 to D & L Plewis Charolais, Swift Current, SK. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais, Millet. Lot 6, MAPLE LEAF SNOOPY 818F (Full French, 90 lb BW, 55 WW, 94 YW, 39.5 cm, 1,750 lb), sired by Snoopy, out of a Till daughter. Sold for $14,250 to
Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. Lot 12, MAPLE LEAF TEMPO 835F (Full French, 116 lb BW, 41.5 cm, 1,820 lb), sired by Tempo, out of an HXL Dragon 82D daughter. Sold for $8,500 to SH Ranching, Delia. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. Lot 19, MAPLE LEAF UNTEL 841F (106 lb BW, 44 cm, 1,875 lb), sired by M&L Roger 49A, out of a Maple Leaf Reward 11X daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Dean Smith, Heinsburg. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. Lot 14, MAPLE LEAF FIRST 837F (Full French, 105 lb BW, 39 cm, 1,620 lb), sired by Maple Leaf First 32D, out of a Maple Leaf Pinay 8136U daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Renjay Farms, Mannville. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. Lot 7, MAPLE LEAF BIJOU 822F (Full French, 108 lb BW, 40 cm, 1,680 lb), sired by Bijou, out of an HXL Dragon 82D daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Valley View Ranch, Valleyview. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. Lot 9, MAPLE LEAF UNTEL 827F (Full French, 112 lb BW, 42.5 cm, 1,755 lb), sired by M&L Roger 49A, out of a Maple Leaf Major Jag 620S daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Allan Norlie, Craigmyle. Consigned by Maple Leaf Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 31, ROSS LAKE GERALDO
BWW 1G (94 lb BW, 1,300 lb), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3190A, out of a Maple Leaf Pinay 237Z daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Tim Duncan, Stettler. Consigned by Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler. Lot 33, ROSS LAKE GERALD BWW 2G (Polled, 99 lb BW, 23 M, 1,150 lb), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3190A, out of a Sisteron daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Blaine Davidson, Sedgewick. Consigned by Ross Lake Charolais.
Jim Pulyk purchased a Darwin Plewis took top bull two home including the high selling two-year old bull
Dave Shand selected a high selling twoyear old bull
Byron Wilkie added two new bulls to his herd
Winsnes Bull Sale Winsnes Farms 1st Annual Bull Sale February 29, 2020 • Viking, AB 9 Two-Year Old Bulls 21 Yearling Bulls 30 Lots
Gross Average $42,642 $4,738 $89,292 $4,252 $131,934
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. A stormy, March day hindered the crowd on Winsnes Farms first sale. However, many commercial buyers 28
purchased their first Charolais herdsire. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 38, BRWW FERDINAND 39F (Polled, 90 lb BW, 41 cm), sired by Circle Cee Lucifer 608D, out of a THJ Sawyer 6S daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Cleanin Farms, Bawlf. Lot 34, BRWW FORTWORTH 19F (Polled, 91 lb BW, 52 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by BRWW Gold Member 30A, out of a Beaver Creek Whiskey 211W daughter. Sold for Charolais Banner • May 2020
$5,500 to Jeff Holte, Amisk. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, WINSNES GUSTO 956G (103 lb BW, 84 YW EPD, 44.5 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Leatherwood Ranch, Lamont County. Lot 16, WINSNES TOP GUN 962G (Polled, 10 CE, 83 lb BW, 85 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Chavez continued on page 29
M&L Bull & Female Sale M&L Cattle Company Bull & Female Sale March 6, 2020 • Indian River, ON Gross Average 12 Two-Year Old Bulls $68,200 $5,683 5 Yearling Bulls 24,200 4,840 17 Lots
8 Open Heifers
25 Total Lots
Auctioneer: Carl Wright Sale Manager: By Livestock A consistent, quality Full French offering saw a steady sale with breeder and commercial interest from across the country. A nice set of open heifers were also added to the sale this year. Held on the Maloney farm, the homemade hospitality was great. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 13, M&L ECLAIR 29F (Full French, ET, 98 lb BW, 1,900 lb, 38 cm), sired by Éclair, out of WR Yvette 241Y. Sold for $8,500 to Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmar & George McCall, Annan.
Lot 7, M&L PERFORMER 102F (Full 930 lb), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C. Sold for $3,300 each to Cockburn French, 94 lb BW, 1.9 BW EPD, 1,680 Farms, Iroquois Falls. lb, 43 cm), sired by M&L Performer 92C, out of a PCFL Wildfire 9T daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Ross Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB. Lot 5, M&L 97F (Full French, 98 lb BW, 52 WW EPD, 1,900 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C, out of an Impair daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Tony Hofstrand, Miller Lake. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 20, M&L DOUBLE TAKE 131G Chester Tupling & George McCall teamed up (Full French, 109 lb BW, 1,485 lb, 41 on the high selling bull cm), sired by CWW Double Take 291D, out of a PCFL Cotano 4X daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Double S Land & Cattle Ltd., Mirror, AB. High Selling Open Heifers Lots 26, 27 & 30 Byron Wilkie Chris Sargent bought Dave Cockburn (Full French, purchased the second the high selling selected four open weighing 865 lb to high seller yearling bull heifers
WINSNES, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 28 826Y, out of an Anchor Zeus 13Z daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Double R Farms, Crossfield. Lot 3, WINSNES MEGA 960G (102 lb BW, 56 WW, 110 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of a CJC Big Sky X623 P daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Spring Hill Cattle, Nanton. Lot 13, WINSNES IMPACT 972G (Polled, 96 lb BW, 50 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of a Sparrows
Mark Fletcher bought Ryley Blake bought in in volume, purchasing volume for his 3 bulls Nanton ranch
Tyson and Brody O’Shea purchased their first Charolais bull
Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for
$5,000 to Spring Hill Cattle.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Legacy Bull Sale Legacy Charolais 3rd Annual Bull Sale March 1, 2020 • Botha, AB 37 1/2 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $277,750 $7,407
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock The third annual sale saw a great set of bulls on offer. Many repeat and volume buyers were on hand who appreciated the offering. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 20, LEGACY’S GAME DAY 45G (Homo Polled, 56 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 1527 lb, 39 cm), sired by LAE Memphis 767E, out of a Pro-Char Curly daughter. Sold 1/2 semen interest and full possession for $42,000 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin. Lot 17, LEGACY’S GRANDMASTER 63G (3rd Gen Polled, 87 lb BW, 52 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 45 TM EPD, 1383 lb, 38 cm), sired by LAE Memphis 767E, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Big Johnson Charolais, Amisk. Lot 31, LEGACY’S GERONIMO
85G (3rd Gen Polled, 99 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 1419 lb, 39 cm), sired by Elder’s Donaldson 73D, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for John Taylor added a $13,000 to Knobel top herdsire to their Holdings Inc., Poplar Bluff Stock Farm Landis, SK. Lot 7, LEGACY’S GUNNER 6G (51 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 45 TM EPD, 1514 lb, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Amaro 652D, out of a Legacy’s Atomizer 18A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to John Blomquist, Big Valley. Lot 38, LEGACY’S GAMBLER 44G (Homo Polled, 9.6 CE EPD, 85 lb BW, 84 YW EPD, 1398 lb, 37 cm), sired by LT Affinity 6221 Pld, out of a CML Grand Slam 562C daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Paradise Ranch, Medicine Hat. Lot 39, LEGACY’S GREAT GUNS 30G (3rd Gen Polled, 7.8 CE EPD, 85 lb BW, 1311 lb, 36 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Circle
Byron Johnson purchased the second-high selling bull
Scott Anderson was a volume buyer
Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Jonust Farms, Ponoka. Lot 29, LEGACY’S GOMEZ 23G (3rd Gen Polled, 55 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1583 lb, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Donaldson 73D, out of an MXS Vermillion daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Larry and Candace Mix, Castor. Lot 34, LEGACY’S GRIFFIN 39G (-.4 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 51 TM EPD, 1432 lb, 38 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an LAE Cairo 579C daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Micheal Olesen, Spruce View.
Ernie Bayduza 1938-2020
Arnold Ernest “Ernie” Bayduza, Breezy Dawn Farm, Dauphin, Manitoba, passed away April 21st at the age of 81 after a long battle with cancer, and his wife, Alvina (Al), is not well now battling brain cancer. When Ernie left home, he worked in British Columbia at sawmills, and he later returned to work in construction and farming with his parents. In 1977,
he married Alvina (Al) the love of his life and carried on working the family farm. Ernie and Al enjoyed entertaining at their cabin where many family and friends would gather for barbecues. He was very active in his community and sat on numerous boards. He was a councillor of the RM of Dauphin for 9 years including six as Reeve. He was a founding member and sat on the Intermountain Conservation board for 25 years. He
Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 30
Charolais Banner • May 2020
was also very involved with 4-H and the Dauphin Ag society, where he was president for many years and helped spearhead the Manitoba Heart of Canada shows and CCYA Conference when it was held there in 2002. Ernie also sat on the Manitoba Charolais Association board of directors for six years until 2015 including a couple years as 1st Vice-President. He was passionate and enjoyed the sport of curling on and off the ice throughout his life.
Social Media Marketing Chris Lane, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Western Agribition
What if you sent out birthday invitations but didn’t have a place to host the party? I see a lot of social media marketing that’s doing exactly that. We can be forgiven for launching full-fledged into social media marketing on the big platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; that’s what we keep hearing we need to do to stay relevant and profitable. It’s a great invitation, but we still need somewhere to go. Social media is certainly unmatched when it comes to connecting and reaching a very specific group of people – or customers. We’re getting better at it all the time. A few years ago, we were just learning how to read analytics and metrics around “reach,” “impressions,” “views” and “engagements.” Now, we’re learning the techniques to increase and manipulate each one of those measures. Problem is, most of us still don’t really know what all those numbers really mean or if they’re driving business as well as they could. Why? Well, just BEING on social media isn’t the whole picture. It’s a great tool for building your brand and advertising the benefits of your program but it’s rarely where any actual business takes place. It can do an excellent job of reaching your potential customers, but it’s actually pretty bad at getting the deal done.
Here’s why: 1) Social media is too brief and fleeting to fully inform anyone who’s really doing their homework. If you can reduce your entire program to a tweet, are you inspiring confidence that you’re managing the complexities of a top-shelf breeding program? 2) Your posts are competing with everyone else’s. The average Facebook video view is less than 5 seconds before they start scrolling, looking for the next thing. Social media is built to generate and turn over a lot of content, hoping something sticks with an audience. Most doesn’t. Need proof? Count how many tweets you scroll past before you engage with one. 3) Social media has trust issues. For better or worse, people are suspect of the claims they see on social media and there’s a lot of suspicion about how much we see in our feeds is factually true. Your marketing campaign may not be “fake news,” but there’s a lot of cynicism out there to get past. Another big factor is that unless a social media post actually clicks through to somewhere more private, secure and without all the cacophony of the platform, it’s simply not a good place to make a deal. In other words, a lot of invitations to come to the party but we still need somewhere to go. That’s why it’s still important – even in 2020 – to spend as much time on your website as it is on your social
Charolais Banner • May 2020
media. Digital marketing is a holistic operation: a website without any reach is just as bad as a social media campaign with no website to anchor it. The website is where you build a bigger brand experience and a more credible customer touchpoint. It’s the delivery of the promise your social media posts are making. If your social posts aren’t telling people where to go once you’ve got their attention, you’ve just given them an invitation with no address! One of the best examples out there is the airline industry. They drive a significant amount of their sales traffic via social media but they still need a top-quality website to handle the booking, sell the ad-ons and build the brand. What’s more, customers still want the option to talk to someone, so airlines are still one of the biggest users of person-to-person interactions. Imagine that: a business strategy that relies on old fashioned human contact in 2020! And in agriculture, it’s even more important. We’re still lucky enough to be in an industry that values a deal done with words and a handshake. We don’t always get the chance to do business like that, but spending as much time managing your website as your social media will ensure that next time you send out the invitations, your guests will know where they’re going.
Buffalo Lake Bull Sale 14th Annual Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale March 5, 2020 • Stettler, AB 35 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $215,635 $6,161
Auctioneer: Brent Carey At this annual sale, many repeat and volume buyers took home topquality yearling bulls. The big performance bulls or the easy calving bulls were in demand. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 7, BLC GASKET 62G (Polled, 107 lb BW, 62 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1776 lb, 38 cm), sired by High Bluff Bootlegger 73B, out of an RPJ Manchee 9X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Legacy Charolais, Botha. Lot 21, BLC GUNNER 106G (Polled, 110 lb BW, 66 WW EPD, 116 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1746 lb, 41 cm), sired by High Bluff Bootlegger 73B, out of an FFBB Emille Pld 1102Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Eric Haustein, Erskine. Lot 3, BLC GOLIATH 4G (90 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 114 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1640 lb, 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Camelot 666D, out of a Sparrows Caracas 230S daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Rowledge Farms, Erskine. Lot 35, BLC GUAGE 69G (Polled, 57
WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 27 M EPD, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of an HC Amigo 389A daughter. Sold for $9,100 to Merv and Ryan Toews, Stettler. Lot 2, BLC GRENADE 3G (Polled, 74 lb BW, 23 M EPD, 1547 lb, 43 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Rawes Duke 401B daughter. Sold for Dave Shand Eric Haustein was a $8,750 to Dave Shand, Delia. purchased one of the repeat buyer taking Lot 11, BLC GATSBY 33G (Polled, high selling bulls home another high seller 82 lb BW, 50 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 36 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of a Rawes Duke 401B daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Jordan Smith, Stettler. Lot 16, BLC GRAVITY 27G (Polled, 78 lb BW, 49 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of a JSR Hipster 40B daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Merv and Ryan Toews. Volume buyers, Wanda, Merv and Ryan Lot 26, BLC GRANT 105G (Polled, Toews purchased 4 lots 57 WW EPD, 114 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Camelot 666D, out of a JSR Hipster 40B daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Steve and Betty Saruga, Troy, Dianna and Rhonda Walgenbach purchased a high selling bull Alliance. for their Legacy operation.
Wrangler Made Charolais Bull Sale Wrangler Made Charolais Bull Sale March 7, 2020 • Westlock, AB Gross Average 9 Two-Year Old Bulls $64,550 $7,172 39 Yearling Bulls $213,400 $5,472 48 Lots
Auctioneer: Don Raffan The Meakins once again had a great offering of yearling and two-year old bulls. This year more bulls sold with the average up over last year. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 61, WRANGLER WHITEWALKER 167F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 57 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 51 TM 32
EPD, 2100 lb, 40 cm), sired by Wrangler Durango 108C, out of a Harvie Spitfire 255Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Randy and Jamie Friesen, Big River, SK. Lot 58, WRANGLER MERIDIAN 138F (Polled, 87 lb BW, 97 YW EPD, 2060 lb, 44 cm), sired by Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C, out of an Elder’s Baltista 348B daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Pibrock Colony, Westlock. Lot 59, WRANGLER BRONSON 150F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 62 WW EPD, 111 YW EPD, 55 TM EPD, 2025 lb, 45 cm), sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of a Sparrows Caracas 230S Charolais Banner • May 2020
Ben Tams took the second-high selling yearling bull to Thistle Ridge Ranch
Allan Marshall purchased the high selling bull for his Future Farms outfit
daughter. Sold for $8,400 to Kevin Andersen, Athabasca. continued on page 33
High Country Bull Sale High Country Bull Sale March 7, 2020 • Pincher Creek, AB Gross Average 13 Two-Year Old Bulls $65,150 $5,011 57 Yearling Bulls $343,350 $6,024 70 Lots
Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins A heavy snowfall the day of the sale did hamper crowd size but the producers didn’t disappoint with a great set of bulls. In the end the average was up over last year. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 2, CHAR-LEWS FLINT 3F (Polled, 84 lb BW, 95 YW EPD, 28 M EPD, 52 TM EPD, 40 cm), sired by MAIN Magico Lanzo 36D, out of a CTP MR Arrow 156A daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Mike Hirsche, Cardston. Consigned by Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek. Lot 7, CHAR-LEWS FLYNN 14F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 36.5 cm), sired by Char-Lews Denim 3D, out of a JWX Thunderstruck 179T daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Reed Conley, Pincher Creek. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 49, TURNBULL’S GROUND BALL 740G (3rd Gen Polled, 11.1 CE, 84 lb BW, 27 M EPD, 49 TM EPD, 1,470 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C, out of a Cedarlea
Bourbon 93B daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake, MB. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. Lot 36, TURNBULL’S GOOD TIMES 558G (Homo Polled, 7 CE, 105 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 105 Y EPD, 1,495 lb, 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Hernandez 17E, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Casey Lippa, Coutts. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 23, TURNBULL’S GOLDEN BOY 227G (Homo Polled, 99 lb BW, 52 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 51 TM EPD, 38 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a BDSC Redemption 9 daughter. Sold for $9,750 to McKeary Charolais, Compeer, HEJ Charolais, Innisfail and Border Ridge Farms, Hilda. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 19, TURNBULL’S GUN POWDER 427G (Homo Polled,10.1 CE EPD, 92 lb BW, 50 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1,440 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of an LAE Blue Sky 860U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Dan Pighin, Fort Steele, BC. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 39, TURNBULL’S GRAYSON 515G (Double Polled, 88 YW EPD, 1,425 lb, 38 cm), sired by Elder’s Hernandez 17E, out of an LAE Blue
Casey Lippa was on hand to purchase the second-high selling yearling bull
Mike Hirsche took home the high selling two-year old bull
Jimmy Nelson took a Logan Nelson was a new herd sire back to volume buyer Del Bonita selecting 4 lots
Sky 806U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Thompson Colony, Fort Macleod. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 46, TURNBULL’S GO-BETWEEN 739G (Homo Polled, 12.8 CE EPD, 89 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C, out of an HC Anchor 306A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Nelson Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais.
Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner WRANGLER, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32 High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 7, Wrangler Remington 34G (Polled, 89 lb BW, 58 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 52 TM EPD, 23 M EPD, 1620 lb, 43 cm), sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $16,500 to Future Farms, Red Deer County. Lot 1, WRANGLER KING RANCH 2G (Polled, -.2 BW, 61 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 1525 lb, 41 cm), sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of a NOR
Hot Hand 11S daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber. Lot 5, WRANGLER POWER STROKE 25G (Polled, 96 lb BW, 61 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 15756 lb, 42 cm), sired by SKW Expedition 89C, out of a Keys All State 149X daughter. Sold for $9,000 to New Pine Colony, Boyle. Lot 21, WRANGLER MAJOR LEE 71G (Polled, 92 lb BW, 57 WW, 109 YW, 51 TM, 23 M EPD, 1400 lb, 40 cm) sired by Wrangler Durango 108C, Charolais Banner • May 2020
out of a Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A daughter. Sold for $8,250 to New Pine Colony. Lot 37, WRANGLER WHITEWALKER 82G (Polled, -.3 BW, 23 M EPD, 1270 lb, 45 cm), sired by DCR Mr Silver Gun E516, out of a Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Warburg Colony, Warburg.
Louber Farms Bull Sale Louber Farms 16th Annual Bull Sale March 7, 2020 • Ste. Marie de Beauce,QC 32 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $175,300 $5,478
Auctioneer: Charles Menard This Charolais and Angus bull sale saw the Charolais average move up over $750 from last year. High Selling Bulls Lot 8, MR LOUBER FISCAR 603F (73 lb BW, 724 lb 200 DW, 102 YW EPD, 29 M EPD, 1,498 lb, 41 cm), sired by HVA Baron 483D, out of a Ritmo daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Kelvin Egan, Low. Lot 2, MR LOUBER GINO 698G (Polled, 96 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 111 Gain Index, 1,452 lb, 41 cm), sired by HC Cross Fire 504C, out of a Silverstream Geddes G102 daughter.
Sold for $8,200 to Ferme Eric Lambert, Stornoway. Lot 18, MR LOUBER FISTON 654F (Polled, 94 lb BW, 52 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,424 lb), sired by Vikse Quick Start 107E, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Jerome Beaulieu, Lac au Saumon & Ranch TM, Saint-Florence. Lot 10, MR LOUBER GRIGORENKO 678G (Polled, 95 lb BW, -.4 BW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 28 M EPD, 108 Gain Index, 5.8 Frame), sired by HVA Baron 483D, out of an HTA Mantracker 958W daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Eric Manningham, Laurieville. Lot 17, MR LOUBER FABIO 666F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 109 Gain Index, 1,406 lb, 40 cm), sired by Louber Mr Determinator 225D, out of a McTavish
Eric Manningham purchased the first bull in the ring
Patrick Proulx bought a high seller
Realastate 42U daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Patrick Proulx, Saint-Isidorede-Clifton. Lot 9, MR LOUBER BARON 701G (99 lb BW, 109 YW EPD, 28 M EPD, 120 Gain Index 6.6 Frame, 1,574 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by HVA Baron 483D, out of a Vikse Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Robin Quirion, Beaulac-Garthby.
Built Right Bull Sale Big Johnson Charolais “Built Right” Bull Sale March 10, 2020 • Provost, AB 28 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $192,750 $6,884
Auctioneer: Jesse Lawes A full house of buyers was on hand for the 7th Annual Built Right bull sale. Two progressive breeders brought 3 breeds to town for the sale. Bulls were sold to purebred and commercial producers. High Selling Bulls Lot 2, WJS GODADDY 56G (3rd Gen Polled, 108 lb BW, 48 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 41.5 cm, 1,750 lb), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C out of an SDC Xerox 8X daughter. Sold for $17,750 to XXX Farms, Kitscoty. Lot 1, WJS GOOGLE PLAY 16G (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 41.5 cm, 1,630 lb), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of an XXX Mr Beef 44U 34
daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Doug Paulgard, Provost & Wallgren Farms, Edgerton. Lot 11, WJS GRAND AM 25G (3rd Gen Polled, 99 lb BW, 47 WW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,650 lb), sired by Vikse Quick Start 104E, out of an HFV Mr Lucky 13W daughter. Sold for $11,750 to Morlock Farms, Delia. Lot 28, WJS GAMEOY 41G (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 46 WW EPD, 37.5 cm, 1,490 lb), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Silver Shadow JimDandy 7T daughter. Sold for $11,250 to Nathen and Kelly Cook, Coronation. Lot 5, WJS GATSBY 29G (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,490 lb), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of a Winn Mans Chavez 826Y daughter. Sold for $9,750 to TL Hawkins & Sons, Provost. Lot 19, WJS GODFATHER 49G (Polled, 44 WW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 1,650 lb), sired by HVA Triple Threat Charolais Banner • May 2020
Dean Davidson selected the high selling bull for his XXX Farms operation
Brad Lumley selected a new herdsire
Kelly and Nathen Cook bought a high seller
112E, out of a CML Encore 4Y daughter. Sold for $9,500 to TL Hawkins & Sons.
Steppler Farms Bull Sale Steppler Farms Ltd. 9th Annual Bull Sale March 8, 2020 • Miami, MB Gross Average 18 Two-Year Old Bulls $104,450 $5,803 86 ¼ Yearling Bulls $539,700 $6,257 104 ¼ Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sales Manager: By Livestock The trend of the last few years continued as Steppler Farms increased the number of bulls sold from 95 lots last year to 104 ¼ lots sold this year. Demand and prices were strong. Bulls sold to producers in six provinces and two states. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 94, STEPPLER SUIT 395F (3rd Gen Polled, 88 lb BW, -2.5 BW EPD, 27 M, 43 cm, 1,901 lb), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Dusty Lane Charolais, Winkler. Lot 106, STEPPLER SWAGGY 366F (Double Polled, 99 lb BW, 47 WW, 98 YW, 45.5 cm, 2,009 lb), sired by LAE Canadiana 561C, out of a Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to T &M Olmstead Farms, Carberry. Lot 95, STEPPLER GREENVILLE 411F (Double Polled, 93 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 31 M, 45.5 cm, 1,985 lb), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Peter Driedger, Elm Creek. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, STEPPLER AXEL 320G (3rd Gen Polled, 98 lb BW, 23 M, 38 cm, 1,438 lb), sired by CAYS Full House 22E, out of an HC Zip Lock 212Z daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $22,000 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB, Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor, AB, and CK Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK. Lot 33, STEPPLER MAGNUM 99G (4th Gen Polled, 93 lb BW, -.9 BW EPD, 45 WW, 90 YW, 27 M, 49 TM, 40.5 cm, 1,407 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a Steppler Jacksonsville 335Z daughter. Sold for
$16,500 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 31, STEPPLER BRONX 194G (3rd Gen Polled, 94 lb BW, -3.5 BW EPD, 50 WW, 101 YW, 46 TM, 41 cm, 1,402 lb), sired by Sparrows Legendary 743E, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Clayton Charolais, Gladstone. Lot 32, STEPPLER COWBOY 218G (3rd Gen Polled, 90 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 50 WW, 102 YW, 25 M, 50 TM, 41 cm, 1,433 lb), sired by Sparrows Legendary, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Clayton Teeple, Emo, ON. Lot 89, STEPPLER ALDEAN 281G (3rd Gen Polled, 100 lb BW, 60 WW, 110 YW, 50 TM, 44 cm, 1,485 lb), sired by JWX Burnin It Down 613B, out of a Steppler Blue Bomber 74Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Travis Black, McHenry, ND. Lot 65, STEPPLER NEW YORK 28G (3rd Gen Polled, 93 lb BW, -2.5 BW EPD, 88 YW, 28 M, 49 TM, 42 cm, 1,458 lb), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Diamond R Sensation 20S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Candy Sullivan, KY. Lot 25, STEPPLER NEW SPIN 269G (3rd Gen Polled, 100 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 56 WW, 103 YW, 50 TM, 45 cm, 1,430 lb), sired by Sparrows Legendary 743E, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter. Sold for $8,700 to Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND. Lot 22, STEPPLER POWER PLAY 283G (3rd Gen Polled, 105 lb BW, 58 WW, 115 YW, 25 M, 54 TM, 38 cm, 1,364 lb), sired by Sparrows Legendary 743E, out of a Steppler Pursuit 178A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Murray McDonald, Stratton, ON. Lot 47, STEPPLER MARVEL 118G (Double Polled, 86 lb BW, -3.7 BW EPD, 26 M, 46 TM, 40 cm, 1,346 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a Steppler Jacksonville 335Z daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Coyote Flats Charolais, Coaldale, AB. Lot 71, STEPPLER BRAND 302G (Polled, 94 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, Charolais Banner • May 2020
Travis Black took a couple bulls to North Dakota
Abe Driedger bought one of the high selling two-year old bulls
Nikki & Bryce Olmstead bought one of the high selling two-year old bulls
Todd & Tara Clayton selected a new herd bull
Many time repeat customers, Tracey & Clayton Teeple, bought two including a high seller
52 WW, 114 YW, 25 M, 51 TM, 41 cm, 1,402 lb), sired by Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Robbie Lamoureux, Lundar. 35
Palmer Charolais Bull Sale Palmer Charolais Bull Sale 9th Annual Bull Sale March 9, 2020 • Bladworth, SK Gross Average 6 Two-Year Old Bulls $42,000 $7,000 50 Yearling Bulls $389,350 $7,787 56 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sales Manager: By Livestock Palmer Charolais put forth a tremendous group of high performing, quality bulls that saw purebred and commercial cattlemen offer strong support buying Palmer genetics to add to their herds. Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D sons were in high demand again this year, with bulls selling to purebred breeders in three provinces and one state. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 59, RGP GANGSTER 41F (Horned, 98 lb BW, 52 WW, 110 YW, 24 M, 50 TM, 42 cm, 2,210 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Chartop Charolais, Gull Lake. Lot 60, HVA FREEDOM 438F (Horned, 92 lb BW, 59 WW, 115 YW, 24 M, 53 TM, 42 cm, 2,200 lb), sired by High Bluff Bushwacker 27B, out of an RGP Remington 101Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to K McLeod Farms Ltd, Biggar. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 6, RGP EVERGLADE 31G
(Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, -.1 BW EPD, 55 WW, 115 YW, 24 M, 40 cm, 1,695 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $27,500 to Highway 21 Feeders, Acme, AB. Lot 8, HVA MASTERCRAFT 262G (Polled, 98 lb BW, 55 WW, 115 YW, 27 M, 54 TM, 1,620 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a High Bluff Bushwacker 27B daughter. Sold for $24,000 to Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora. Lot 1, HVA MOOMBA 176G (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD, 56 WW, 110 YW, 51 TM, 40 cm, 1,550 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a High Bluff Bismark 82B daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Duane Domek, Wibaux, MT. Lot 2, HVA CATAMARAN 951G (3rd Gen Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 63 WW, 122 YW, 52 TM, 40 cm, 1,610 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Thurston Charolais, Irma, AB. Lot 7, HVA CENTURION 1614G (Polled, 102 lb BW, 61 WW, 122 YW, 23 M, 53 TM, 39 cm, 1,625 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Clipper Cattle Co., Fillmore. Lot 4, HVA GAUL 870G (Polled, 96 lb BW, -.1 BW EPD, 54 WW, 107 YW, 46 TM, 38 cm, 1,595 lb), sired by
Woody Klassen, Salty Lake Farms, was the volume buyer of the day, taking 5 bulls
Dale Weinbender took the second highest selling yearling bull home
Ed Miller bought the high selling yearling bull
Duane Domek bought a Duty-Free son for his operation
Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of MVY Showcase 8A daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB. Lot 11, RGP GIZMO 61G (Polled, 100 lb BW, -.1 BW EPD, 64 WW, 126 YW, 24 M, 56 TM, 40 cm, 1,620 lb), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Rob & Neil Hoffman, Oyen, AB.
Horseshoe E Bull Sale Horseshoe E Charolais 22nd Annual Bull Sale March 14, 2020 • Kenaston, SK Gross Average 17 Two-Year Old Bulls $103,250 $6,074 46 Yearling Bulls 266,200 5,787 63 Lots
Auctioneer: Ryan Hurlburt High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 64, LAE FORT WORTH 8207F 36
(3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb BW, 102 YW EPD, 2,195 lb, 44 cm), sired by Cedarlea Winslow 89B, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $8,750. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 32, LAE GREEN BAY 9121G (Double Polled, 94 lb BW, -2.6 BW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,375 lb, 41 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Charolais Banner • May 2020
Sold for $9,250 to Lyle Wilson, Admiral. Lot 8, LAE GUNSLINGER 920G (Double Polled, 86 lb BW, -2.8 BW EPD, 810 lb 205 DW, 1,450 lb, 37 cm), sired by HRJ Maverick 556C, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to TK Cattle Company, Vanderhoof, BC.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Harvie Ranching Bull Sale Harvie Ranching 11th Annual Bull Sale March 10, 2020 • Olds, AB 32 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $225,000 $7,031
Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Harvie Ranching put on offer two breeds of quality bulls. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat and volume buyers. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 39, HARVIE CONONAIL 111G (Polled, 94 lb BW, 8 CE EPD, 51 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1500 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by DCR MR Cononail C94 ET, out of a Vikse Over Time 104A daughter. Sold for $20,750 to Triple C Charolais, Steep Rock, MB. Lot 54, HARVIE LOCAL LEGEND 141G (Polled, 86 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1410 lb, 40 cm), sired by Harvie Legend 207D, out of a Whitecap Laredo 232T daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Wheatland Colony, Rockyford. Lot 57, HARVIE LEGEND 47G (Polled, 79 lb BW, 9.6 CE EPD, 1410 lb, 41 cm), sired by Harvie Legend 207D, out of a Harvie Pounder 91X daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Wheatland Colony.
Lot 35, HARVIE MR CONONAIL 161G (Polled, 81 lb BW, 10.6 CE, 86 YW EPD), sired by DCR MR Cononail C94 ET, out of a Vikse Over Time 104A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Ron Sperber Land & Cattle, Rimbey. Lot 36, HARVIE CONONAIL 101G (Polled, 102 lb BW, 8 CE EPD, 51 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by DCR MR Cononail C94 ET, out of a Harvie Stout 124X daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Cody and Emma Longson, Cayley. Lot 44, HARVIE MR CONONAIL 171G (Polled, 102 lb BW, 4.6 CE EPD, 54 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD), sired by DCR MR Cononail C94 ET, out of a Whitecap Laredo 232T daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Cody and Emma Longson.
Lot 65, HARVIE JAGER 100G (Polled, Red Factor, 47 WW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by Harvie Jager 65J, out of a DJW Tayten 303A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Bernald Link, Maple Creek, SK. Lot 41, HARVIE CONONAIL 123G (Polled, 96 lb BW, 7 CE EPD, 51 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by DCR Mr Cononail C94 ET, out of a KCH Trademark 21A daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Wheatland Colony.
John and Darren Cook purchased the high selling bull for Triple C Charolais
Emma and Cody Longson were repeat and volume customers
Rocky Mountain Grazing bought in volume again, taking home 10 lots
Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale Wilkie Charolais with Cutbank Cattle Red Angus March 12, 2020 • Stettler, AB Gross Average 23 Two-Year Old Bulls $124,500 $5,413
Auctioneer: Dean Edge Sale Manager: By Livestock The Wilkie families brought a great set of two-year old Full French and French Influenced Charolais bulls to town again this year. The sale date may have moved back a month later than in past years, but the buyers showed up to support the Wilkie programs. Many repeat buyers 38
continued to show their confidence in Wilkie bulls, and new buyers took home bulls as well. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, CWW FORTY CREEK 384F (106 lb BW, 40 cm, 1,720 lb), sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave Nelson’s Brigade 701T daughter. Sold for $10,250 to SH Ranching, Delia. Lot 19, CEWW FLUBBER 28F (Full French, 98 lb BW, 38 cm, 1,705 lb), sired by Echo Springs Bravo 76B, out of a Rollin Acres 14Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur, ON.
Chester Tupling, of Rollin’ Acres Charolais, took one bull to Ontario
Dave Shand a repeat buyer, bought the high seller
Lot 11, CWW FRANKLIN 418F (106 lb BW, 87 YW, 1,680 lb), sired by continued on page 39
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Charolais Bull Sale
Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Spring Bull Sale featured three breeds of bulls. Commercial producers bought in volume. This sale will continue to thrive in the coming years. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 46, GH PROVIDENCE 982F (Polled, 54 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 2015 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by KAYR Providence 910C, out of a JWX Domino 23Z daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Blair Land & Cattle, Pine Lake. Lot 26, GH CHUNKY MILES 665F (56 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 2020 lb, 40 cm), sired by RRMM Chunky
Monkey 1C, out of an RRMM Miles Lady Onyx 17U daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Trevor Virostek, MountainView. Lot 49, GH DAGGER MISTER 1132F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 1805 lb, 38 cm), sired by RRMM Dagger 20D, out of an Elder’s Poncho 923W daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Craig Palmer, Raymond. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, GH COPYRIGHT GATSBY ET 107G (Polled, 99 lb BW, 23 M, 44 TM EPD, 1580 lbs, 35 cm), sired by CML Copyright 714E ET, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $9,750 to John and Bobbi Jo Sever, Rocky Mountain House. Lot 24, GH COPYRIGHT IMMERSE 873G (Homo Polled, 53 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1500 lb, 36 cm), sired by CML Copyright 714E ET, out of a BLKC Legacy 5Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Hawkview Charolais, Calgary. Lot 11, GH COPYRIGHT OUTLOOK 11G (Polled, 78 lb BW,
Bobbi Jo and John Sever purchased the high selling yearling bull
Mary and Bruce Bamford purchased the second-high selling yearling bull
Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Spring Bull Sale March 12, 2020 • Del Bonita, AB Gross Average 27 Two-Year Old Bulls $110,000 $4,074 23 Yearling Bulls $117,500 $5,109 50 Lots
Auctioneer: Bob Balog Sale Manager: Balog Auction Services
1515 lb), sired by CML Copyright 714E ET, out of a Mountain Rock 511R daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Kevin Reese, Milk River. Lot 5, GH 1D WHITE GOLD ET 13G (Homo Polled, 78 lb BW, 1520 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sharodon Double Vision 1D, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Clarence Vessar, Sterling. Lot 13, GH COPYRIGHT MILES 102G (Polled, 86 lb BW, 49 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 1510 lb, 36 cm), sired by CML Copyright 714 ET, out of an LT Ledger 0332P daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Casey Lippa, Coutts. Lot 3, GH COPYRIGHT GENERAL ET 9G (Polled, 84 lb BW, 1435 lb, 36 cm), sired by CML Copyright 714 ET, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Hicken Ranch, Raymond. Clarence Visser was a volume buyer
Mike and Austin Schmidt bought in volume, taking 3 bulls to Fallun
WILKIE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 38 Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave Nelson’s Brigade 701T daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Jim & Maureen Wasdel, Endiang. Lot 24, DWK FRANKLIN 11F (102 lb BW, 92 YW, 40 cm, 1,890 lb), sired by Echo Springs Big Delight 52D, out of a Maple Leaf Pinay 8136U daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Blue Acres
Farm, Stettler. LOT 14, CWW FORSBERG 429F (96 lb BW, 40 cm, 1,780 lb), sired by Echo Springs Devils Eye 43D, out of an NBC Image 20L daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Jim Norlie, Craigmyle.
Maureen & Jim Wasdel bought a high seller
Charolais Banner • May 2020
CK Sparrow Bull Sale CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale March 13, 2020 • Vanscoy, SK 3 Two-Year Old Bulls 58 Yearling Bulls 61 Lots
Gross Average $14,300 $4,766 531,000 9,155 $545,300
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury
Bringing the bulls back through the sale ring helped increase the excitement for the annual CK Sparrow Farms bull sale. A large crowd was on hand for this year’s sale. Many repeat customers and both purebred and commercial breeders took bulls back to their programs. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 48, SPARROWS FLATLINER 971G (59 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 36 cm, 1,535 lb), sired by Sparrows Liriano 660D, out of an LT Blue Value 7903 ET daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB., Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne, AB., and Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Lot 53, SPARROWS FINAL NOTICE 987G (Polled, 48 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 36 cm, 1,457 lb), sired by Sparrows Nairobi 615D out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Circle 7 Charolais, Shaunavon, and Soderglen Ranches, Rocky View County, AB. Lot 25, SPARROWS RESURRECTION 905G (Polled, 89 lb BW, -1.4 BW EPD, 27 M EPD, 38 cm, 1,515 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Sugar Loaf Charolais, Minburn, AB, and C2 Charolais, La-Riviere, MB. Lot 20, SPARROWS MECHANIC
924G (Double Polled, -.2 BW EPD, 47 WW EPD, 91 YW EPD 39 cm, 1,492 lb), sired by SKW Settler 92D, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Kyle Lockert, Odessa. & Delbert Nostadt, Kendal. Lot 13, SPARROWS ADMIRAL 901G (4th Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.8 BW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,553 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a Sparrows Braxton 519C daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Saunders Charolais, Markdale, ON. Lot 42, SPARROWS OPEN RANGE 950G (Polled, 50 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 38 cm, 1,463 lb), sired by Sparrows Liriando 660D, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Moose Creek Angus, Kisbey. Lot 28, SPARROWS TRMP CARD 934G (Double Polled, 46 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 42 cm, 1,488 lb), sired by Sparrows Aquarius 493B, out of a Sparrows Chiapas 57R daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Miller Land & Livestock, Jarvis, ON. Lot 15, SPARROWS ALLOCATE 907G (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, 89 YW EPD, 38 cm, 1,483 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a BHD Stout X41 daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Sid Hansen, Maple Creek. Lot 56, SPARROWS GUNSLINGER 972G (Polled, 50 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Liriano 660D, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Willow Park Colony, Tessier. Lot 12, SPARROWS BENTLEY 908G (Polled, -.9 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,592 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an ABC Bernardo
Marshall & David Prokuda, Rob Murray and Andre Steppler teamed up to buy the high seller
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Toro B180 daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Ronnie Colborn, Delisle. Lot 1, SPARROWS SHOCK TOP 913G (Polled, 85 lb BW, -3.3 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 1,595 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Brian Diesen, Shell Lake. Lot 31, SPARROWS LAST CALL 932G (Double Polled, 93 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 40.5 cm, 1,459 lb), sired by Sparrows Aquarius 493B, out of a Sparrows Mexx 126Y daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Prouse Ranch, Invermay.
Brian Diesen selected a new herdbull
Kelly Oberle and Jared Sherman teamed up to buy the second high seller
Delbert Nostadt teamed up with Amber and Kyle Lockert and selected a high seller
Simple as Black & White Bull Sale Simple as Black and White 1st Annual Bull Sale March 16, 2020 • Medicine Hat, AB Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $84,150 $5,610 13 Yearling Bulls $64,900 $4,992 28 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock Flat Valley Cattle Co. along with their sale partners K Lazy T Cattle Co. put forth a solid offering for their first sale out of the gate. Along with their guest consignors, Snake Valley Farm Charolais and Cash Cattle Co., their offering of yearling and two-year old Charolais bulls and Black Angus bulls had strong support. They had something on offer for everyone, and steady demand and prices made their first sale a success. 23 Angus yearling bulls averaged $5,217. 4 Angus two-year old bulls averaged $5,713. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 41, SVC HEZA ROADS 22F
(Polled, 103 lb BW, 49 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 49 TM EPD, 40 cm, 2,225 lb), sired by SOS Country Roads 95D, out of an ABC Zavier Z264 daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Church Ranching, Calgary. Consigned by Snake Valley Farm Charolais, Champion. Lot 21, FVC FERRARI 7F (3rd Gen Polled, 98 lb BW, 46 cm, 1,815 lb), sired by SOS Rage 128C, out of a JMB Boomer 106Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to H & K Ranch, Hilda. Consigned by Flat Valley Cattle Co., Hilda. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 6, FVC GARTH 12G (3rd Gen Polled, 94 lb BW, 47 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 48 TM EPD, 38 cm, 1,535 lb), sired by FVC Duke 14D, out of an LAE Avalanche 327A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Wilfred & David Jans, Medicine Hat. Consigned by Flat Valley Cattle Co. Lot 1, FVC GUNS A’BLAZING 26G (3rd Gen Polled, 59 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 1,510 lb), sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of a Sparrows Dublin
Gordon & Rosemary Church selected the high selling bull
236Z daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Murray Lake Colony Farming Ltd, Medicine Hat. Consigned by Flat Valley Cattle Co. Lot 5, FVC Tom Herman GAME ON 9G purchased a herd bull (4th Gen Polled, 104 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 41.5 cm, 1,420 lb), sired by SOS Rage 128C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Elkwater Farming Co. Ltd., Irvine.
Blackbern-WhiteWater-Kirlene Blackbern-WhiteWater-Kirlene 9th Annual Bull Sale March 14, 2020 Cobden, ON 24 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $107,500 $4,479
Auctioneer: Stewart James A full house was once again on hand for this annual sale. An active bidding crowd along with good online presence saw solid demand for the bulls on offer. All bulls sold with the top four sellers being low BW bulls. High Selling Bulls Lot 11, BLACKBERN GRAPHITE 16G (Homo Polled, 77 lb BW, -3.9 BW EPD, 37.5 cm), sired by HRJ Maverick 556C, out of a Stepplers Tandem 157A daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Stephen &
Janet Edwards, Cobden. Consigned by Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls. Lot 16, BLACKBERN GERRARD 28G (Polled, 87 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Gerrard Cleveland 24A, out of a Steppler Tandem 157A daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Patrick Kavanagh, Campbells Bay, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farms. Lot 6, BLACKBERN GIDEON 3G (Homo Polled, 83 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 1,390 lb), sired by WR Travel Agent A602, out of a KAYR Velocity 812Z daughter. Sold for $5,400 to William Brus, Stanstead, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farms. Lot 17, WHITEWATER GUNNER 1G (Polled, 87 lb BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 1,340 lb, 37 cm), sired by WR Travel Charolais Banner • May 2020
Agent A602, out of a Sparrows Fargo 811U daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Kim Weedmark, Merrickville. Consigned by WhiteWater Livestock, Haley Station. Lot 13, BLACKBERN GARRET 20G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 793 lb 205 DW, 1,545 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Whitewater Premium 2P daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Mack’s Charolais, Campbellford. Consigned by Blackbern Farms. Wayne Mack bought a new herdsire
Creek’s Edge Bull Sale Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle 3rd Annual Charolais Bull Sale March 19, 2020 • Yellow Creek, SK 6 Two-Year Old Bulls 38 Yearling Bulls 45 Lots
Gross Average $33,000 $5,500 175,250 4,612 $208,250
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Manager: By Livestock With COVID-19 fears ever increasing in Saskatchewan, there was a small gathering of people at the Wielgosz sale barn. Ten in-house buyers were present for the third annual sale. Many long time and new customers used telephone and internet bidding from the comfort of their home. The sale was a success, selling only one less bull then in 2019. High quality bulls were sold into two provinces, and three purebred herds. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 60, SKW HUSTLER 224F (Double Polled, 88 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 41.5 cm, 2,230 lb), sired by SKW Settler 92D, out of a Misty Creek Vision 1G daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Craig Stochmanski, Shellbrook. Lot 54, SKW ADDITION 57F (3rd Gen Polled, 80 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 39.5 cm, 2,100 lb), sired by
WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Terry Weiman, Bruno. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 41, SKW GREG 135G (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 23 M EPD, 43.5 cm, 1,450 lb), sired by G. Bros Asteroid 459E, out of an LT Ledger 0322 P daughter. Sold for $8,250 to HEJ Charolais, Red Deer County, AB. Lot 5, SKW GOTTOMUS 9G (3rd Gen Polled, 78 lb BW, -5 BW EPD, 29 M EPD, 38.5 cm, 1,435 lb), sired by LT Venture 3198 PLD, out of a Russ Char Roadhammer 10R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Bricney Stock Farms, Maidstone. Lot 4, SKW GALAHAD 7G (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, -3.7 BW EPD, 22 M EPD, 42.5 cm, 1,600 lb), sired by LT Venture 3198 PLD, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Craig Stochmanski. Lot 35, SKW GALLOWAY 127G (4th Gen Polled, 89 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 36.5 Tim Oleksyn selected cm, 1,450 lb), a new herdsire
sired by SKW Roadhammer 5C, out of an HTA Platinum 678S daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Oleksyn Brothers, Shellbrook. Lot 11, SKW GENERAL 55G, (3rd Gen Polled, -.4 BW EPD, 23 M EPD, 39.5 cm, 1,650 lb), sired by LT Venture 3198 PLD, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Henderson Farms, Lumsden.
Jeralyn & Marina Rasmussen selected a new heifer Bull
Wendall & Leanne Weston purchased the second high seller
Reese Bull Sale Reese Cattle Company Charolais Bull Sale March 20, 2020 • Innisfail, AB 32 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $140,128 $4,379
Auctioneer: Mark Daines More bulls were offered and sold again this year to many volume and repeat buyers. High Selling Bulls Lot 12, REESE GIDEON 135G (94 lb BW, 45 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 1305 lb, 38 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Cave Flash’s Brisk 181N daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Gerald Willsie, Caroline. 42
Lot 3, REESE GALVIN 112G (Polled, 50 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 52 TM EPD, 39.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of an HTA Betley 107Y daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Straws Milan, Cochrane. Lot 22, REESE GABRIEL 203G (Polled, 97 lb BW, 1440 lb, 41 cm), sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of a KMAC Cigar Spur 23T daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Graham Overguard, Sundre. Lot 2, REESE GRADY 107G (Polled, 99 lb BW, 45 WW EPD, 1360 lb), sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of a JDJ Northern Star A109P daughter. Sold for $5,750 to J Bar C Ranch, Charolais Banner • May 2020
Straws Milan selected the second high selling bull
Cody Meston also bought in volume
Sylvan Lake. Lot 4, REESE GLYNN 113G (Polled, 102 lb BW, 53 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack continued on page 43
High Bluff Stock Farm High Bluff Bull Sale March 20, 2020 • Inglis, MB 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 39 Yearling Bulls 37 Lots
Gross Average $11,000 $5,500 265,000 6,795 $276,000
Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock Corp. An outstanding set of bulls was on offer at this long running sale. A large selection of heavy haired, performance bulls helped drive the average up by $132 over last year. Bulls were sold right across western Canada. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 38, HIGH BLUFF GUINESS 162G (Double Polled, 68 WW EPD, 116 YW EPD, 39.5 cm, 1,510 lb),sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of an SCR Triumph 2135 daughter. Sold for $17,000 to CK Sparrow,Vanscoy, SK. Lot 36, HIGH BLUFF GRAND DESIGN 58G (Horned, .8 BW EPD, 61 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 38 cm,1,570 lb), sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of an HTA Durmax 642S daughter. Sold
for $15,000 to JohnsonCharolais, Barrhead, AB. Lot 3, HIGHBLUFF THE GREAT GATSBY 24G (3rd Gen Polled, 45 WW EPD, 85 YW EPD, Cam Sparrow selected 42 cm, 1,630 lb), the high selling bull sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Saddleridge Charolais, Rosemary, AB. Lot 12, HIGH BLUFF GAME PLAN 93G (Double Polled, 23 MILK EPD, 42 cm, 1,500 lb), sired by CJC Symbol B1067P, out of a Winn Mans Esperenza 835U daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn. Lot 39, HIGH BLUFF GIRSHAM 186G (3rd Gen Polled, -.2 BW EPD, 64 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,440 lb), sired by SCX Triumph 50B, out of a Silverstream Geddes G102 daughter. Sold for $9,500 to John Van Eaton, Maryfield, SK. Lot 14, HIGH BLUFF GEAR UP 145G
John & Denise Van Eaton bought a performance bull
Kevin Stebeleski took home a high selling herd bull
Stephen Johnson bought a herd bull
(Horned, 51 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,630 lb), sired by High Bluff Cowboy 84C, out of an SCR Triumph 2135 daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Terry Sliworsky, Winnipegosis.
REESE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 42 788B, out of an HTA Quantum Pld 26R daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Lochend Ranch, Madden. Lot 10, REESE GUNNER 13G (Polled, 82 lb BW, 37 cm), sired by BHD Duplicitous A 144, out of a Reese Butte 43A daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Scott Regdner, Linden. Lot 15, REESE GUSTAV 141G (Polled, 97 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 106
YW EPD, 1420 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an HTA Quantam Pld 26R daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Don Passuto, Sylvan Lake. Lot 16, REESE GERMAIN 142G (Polled, 95 lb BW, 47 WW EPD, 87 YW EPD, 1300 lb, 36 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a JR Zing’s Gunshot 718G daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Eugene Miluch, Edson.
Gerald and Katelyn Willsie purchased three lots, including the high selling bull
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO 50K TEST BREEDING STOCK? EPDs contain information from an animal’s pedigree, performance and possibly DNA (50K Testing) which are directly used to calculate the EPD for that animal in each specific trait. The use of DNA in the EPD calculation allows us to dramatically increase the accuracy of the EPD for animals that have been 50K tested. These genomically-enhanced EPDs allow us to greatly enhance our selection process and better predict the genetic potential of that animal, particularly in your cattle (calves, yearling bulls and heifers) that have no offspring to evaluate. For example, in the evaluation of an animal’s DNA (50K test), it is roughly equivalent to the reporting of: • 10 offspring from the tested animal when calculating Calving Ease • 25 offspring from the tested animal when calculating Birth Weight • 15 offspring from the tested animal when calculating Weaning Weight • 8 offspring from the tested animal when calculating Yearling Weight So in summary, it goes without saying that if you were selecting a bull for Birth Weight, it would be a lot more predictable to select a bull that already had information on 25 calves than a bull that didn’t have information on any calves and only relied on information from his sire and dam and his own birth weight.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale Pleasant Dawn 18th Annual Bull Sale March 21, 2020 • Oak Lake, MB 46 ¾ Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $317,400 $6,789
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock The Pleasant Dawn operation built a sale barn that will double as a heated shop and moved the sale to the farm. What a great move. If there is ever doubt about taking a sale to the farm, this should answer the question. Seven more bulls were sold, and the average went up $633 from last year. Ten bulls sold to purebred herds from five provinces and two states. High Selling Bulls Lot 9, PLEASANTDAWN CONNECTION 195G (Homo Polled, .2 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,517 lb), sired by PleasantDawnBarracuda413D, out of a Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A daughter. Sold for $32,000 to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin, SK. and Kelly and Julianne Howe, Moose Jaw, SK. Lot 25, PLEASANTDAWN COLUMN 730G (Homo Polled, -2.3 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 41.5 cm, 1,586 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Bremner Charolais Farm, Dauphin, and Myhre Land and Cattle, Dauphin. Lot 6, PLEASANTDAWN FIBROUS 104G (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 24 MILK EPD, 39 cm, 1,540
lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Reload 19E, out of a Pleasant Dawn Sidney 20W daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND. Lot 2, PLEASANTDAWN ACE 416G (Homo Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 27 MILK EPD, 42 cm, 1,596 lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Reload 19E, out of an HBSF Extra 2X daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Taylor Farms, Dunsford, ON. Lot 1, PLEASANTDAWN SERENITY 507G (Homo Polled, 72 lb BW, -4.1 BW EPD, 47 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,450 lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Hydro 675E, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Rocky Coulee Ranch, Airdrie, AB. Lot 22, PLEASANTDAWN PATTERN 453G (Homo Polled, -3.9 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 38.5 cm, 1,556 lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Essence 701E, out of a Pleasantdawn Empire 14A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Rocky Coulee Ranch, Airdrie, AB. Lot 16, PLEASANTDAWN SAFARI 84G (Homo Polled, -2 BW EPD, 45 WW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 41 cm, 1,534 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Pleasant Dawn Sidney 20W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Vanbeselaere Farms, Medora. Lot 13, PLEASANTDAWN RANGER 153G (3rd Gen Polled, -.7 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 42 cm, 1,616 lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Reload 19E, out of a Rawes Duke 401B daughter. Sold for
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Kelly Howe and Jared McTavish teamed up to buy the high selling bull
Jack Bremner was on hand to select a herd bull
Lane Bina selected a herd bull for his operation
Danny Hansen selected Josh Taylor took a two herd bulls top bull to Ontario
$8,750 to Clifford Whittle, Virden. Lot 40, PLEASANTDAWN AXEL 202G (4th Gen Polled, .7 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 41cm, 1,670 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chris 42E, out of a Pleasant Dawn Sidney 20W daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Crocus Valley Charolais, Killarney.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Footprint Bull Sale
The crowd was down due to Covid-19, but the quality of bulls on offer was high. Bulls sold to many purebred breeders and commercial producers alike. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 74, FOOTPRINTS SIR 8132F (Homo Polled, 103 BW, 48 WW EPD, 87 YW EPD, 1950 lb, 44 cm), sired by SVY Marksman 436B, out of a PCC Lucus 439P daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Neilson Cattle Company, Willowbrook, SK. Lot 76, FOOTPRINTS SIR 8138F (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 48 WW
EPD, 95 YW EPD, 1904 lb, 40 cm), sired by SVY Marksman 436B, out of an Elder’s Special Edition 835U daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Lawrence and Linda Wilson, New Brigden. Lot 75, FOOTPRINTS SIR 8136F (Homo Polled, 47 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 51 TM EPD, 2002 lb, 47 cm), sired by SVY Marksman 436B, out of a BLC Bonanza 8Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Kurt and Jordan Christensen, Oyen. Lot 53, FOOTPRINTS SIR 42F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 50 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by DPS Smokescreen 35D, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Mark Andrews, Drumheller. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 9, FOOTPRINTS SIR 15G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 44 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a Merit
Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Hopewell Charolais Farm, Kerrobert, SK. and June Rose Charolais, Simpson, SK. Lot 1, FOOTPRINTS SIR 2G (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 85 YW EPD, 23 M EPD, 1645 lb, 43 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Kattle Kountry, Mortlach, SK. Lot 3, FOOTPRINTS SIR 5G (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, 1352 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a CSS Sir Clearcut 29U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock, Innisfail. Lot 14, FOOTPRINTS SIR 25G (Polled, 85 lb BW, 45 WW EPD, 85 YW EPD, 40.5 cm), sired by LT Signature 6136 Pld, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Future Farms, Red Deer County.
Kody Meier was on hand to purchase the high selling yearling bull
Quinn Wagstaff was buying in volume for Sounding Creek Grazing Association
Wyatt Daines & Kyle O’Neill purchased a new herdsire
Footprint Farms Bull Sale March 19, 2020 • Esther, AB Gross Average 36 Two-Year Old Bulls $222,250 $6,174 41 Yearling Bulls $228,750 $5,579 77 Lots
Auctioneer: Cliff Pahl
Mike Neilson took the high selling twoyear old bull back to Saskatchewan
Ray Suntjans purchased two lots for his Sunrayz Cattle Co. operation
HIGH OF $45,000
TRI-N Charolais Bull Sale TRI-N Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale March 23, 2020 • Lenore, MB 1 Two-Year Old 41 Yearling Bulls 42 Lots
Gross Average $5,500 $5,500 277,250 6,762 $282,750
Auctioneer: Brennin Jack Sale Manager: Jack Auction Group
Strong US and Canadian buyer support drove prices up on the largest group of tan and red Charolais genetics offered for sale in Canada. A 46
smaller crowd was on hand to partake in the sale, but with active phones and internet orders, the day was a success. High Selling Bulls Lot 30, TRI-N STREVELER 971G (Homo Polled, Homo Red, 89 lb BW, -2 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 39 cm, 1,502 lb), sired by TRI-N Red Baron 765E, out of a Pro-Char CPTN. Morgan 8U daughter. Sold 2/3 interest and full possession for $45,000 to Cliff Lee Enterprise, Milan, MO. Lot 15, TRI-N DOCTOR MERV Charolais Banner • May 2020
975G (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 1,525 lb), sired by SCX Thriller 898B out of an SDC Laredo 17N daughter. Sold 2/3 interest and full possession for $11,250 to Beery Ranch, Richey, MT. Lot 11, TRI-N VENDICATOR 1017G (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 39 cm, 1,491 lb), sired by Winn Mans Terantino 913Y, out of a TRI-N Prefix PLD ET 54Y daughter. Sold 2/3 interest and full possession continued on page 47
Diamond W Bull Sale Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black Angus 18th Annual Bull Sale March 24, 2020 • Minitonas, MB 4 Two-Year Old Bulls 30 1/2 Yearling Bulls 34 1/2 Lots
Gross Average $19,500 $4,875 150,050 4,903 $169,550
Auctioneer: Randy Hart Sale Manager: By Livestock Again, many repeat customers from the valley and beyond took advantage of the good quality offering at reasonable dollars in this 18th annual sale. Many buyers bought in volume with bulls selling across the prairie provinces to a very loyal clientele. 16½ red and black Angus bulls sold for just under a $4,000 average. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 10, DIAMOND W CASHMERE 28G (Polled/s, -1.3 BW EPD, 880 lb WW, 1,600 lb, 42 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold ½ interest and full possession for $7,300 to Prouse Ranch, Invermay, SK. Lot 11, DIAMOND W SHEPARD 11G (3rd Gen. Polled, -.9 BW EPD,
890 lb WW, 1,595 lb, 40 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an HC Yoda 105Y daughter. Sold for $6,750 to John Dubyk, Minitonas. Lot 7, DIAMOND W MILESTONE 7G (3 rd Gen. Polled, 10.3 CE EPD, -2.6 BW EPD, 30 Milk EPD), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Jim Todosichuk, Minitonas. Lot 13, DIAMOND W SHADOW 74G (Double Polled, 94 lb BW, 840 lb WW, 102 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Barbato 643D, out of an Eatons Royal Dynasty 9164 daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Watmough Farms Ltd, Lethbridge, AB.
Lot 17, DIAMOND W BLUEBELLE 83G (Double Polled, 90 lb BW, 810 lb WW, 1,400 lb), sired by Sparrows Barbato 643D, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Ranhart Farms Inc, Minitonas. Lot 6, DIAMOND W REGAL 44G (4th Gen. Pld, 11.4 CE EPD, -3.4 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,425 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Marcellus 398A daughter. Sold for $5,250 to Marvin Lychuk, Kenville. John Dubyk bought
Jim Todosichuk bought the third high seller
Charlene & Darrell Prouse selected five including the high seller
Marvin Lychuk took a high seller
the second high seller
TRI-N CHAROLAIS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 46 for $10,000 to CK Stock Farms, Candiac, SK. Lot 43, TRI-N DEMSKI 9421G (Homo Polled, Tan, 93 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 43 cm, 1,602 lb), sired by HEJ Einstein 28E, out of a Pro-Char CPTN. Morgan 8U daughter. Sold for $9,700 to Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND. Lot 37, TRI-N TOP DOG 945G (Polled, .7 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 93
YW EPD, 41.5 cm, 1,685 lb), sired by HEJ Einstein 28E, out of a Pro-Char CPTN. Morgan 8U daughter. Sold for $9,200 Duchsherer Grain and Livestock, Balfour, ND. Lot 35, TRI-N HOMELAND 917G (-2 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 37.5 cm, 1,545 lb), sired by Cedarlea Homeland 90E, out of a Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W
daughter. Sold for $8,600 to Leonard Zdan, Alonsa. Lot 8, TRI-N PEDRO 9420G (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 38 cm, 1,548 lb), sired by Winn Mans Terantino 9131Y, out of a CML Encore 4Y daughter. Sold 2/3 interest and full possession for $7,750 to Berry Ranch, Richey, MT.
Lane & Vicki Bina selected a new herd bull
Ron & Lanette Beery took a couple high sellers to Montana
Cody & Kayla Englot added a herdbull to their CK operation
Charolais Banner • May 2020
HTA Charolais Bull Sale DOC HOLLIDAY 917G (Double Polled, 101 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 47 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 48 TM EPD, 43 cm, 1,670 lb), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of a Winn Mans Quigley 539X daughter. Sold for $11,750 to Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau, AB. Lot 9, HTA SPECTRUM 936G (4th Gen Polled, 104 lb BW, 25 M EPD, 47 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,680 lb), sired by SHSH High Class 43D, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Palmer Charolais Land & Cattle Co., Bladworth, SK. Lot 13, HTA DOUBLE BARREL 943G (Homo Pld, 109 lb BW, 53 WW, 100 YW, 22 M, 48 TM, 40.5 cm, 1820 lb), sired by SHSH High Class 43D, out of an LAE Youngstown 134Y daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB.
HTA Charolais moved the sale home to the farm this year and the change was well received by customers. Sixteen purebred breeders took home nineteen bulls to add to their operations. HTA Astroid 603D sons were in high demand, with many of his sons being the high sellers of the sale. Sale average was up $594 from last year. High Selling Bulls Lot 28, HTA EXPEDITION 981G (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 38 cm, 1,660 lb), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of an RGP Remington 101Y daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Peter Heins & Sons Ltd, Diamond City, AB. Lot 24, HTA BILLY THE KID 974G (4th Gen Polled, 93 lb BW, 62 WW EPD, 119 YW EPD, 48 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,625 lb), sired by Wrangler Watchman 2E, out of an RGP Remington 101Y daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Nish Charolais, Cardston, AB. Lot 29, HTA PRECISION 983G (Homo Polled, 84 lb BW, 54 WW EPD,
94 YW EPD, 23 M EPD, 50 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,655 lb), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of an HTA Reliable 4101B daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Ferme Cardin Charolais Inc, St Bonaventure, QC. Lot 40, HTA AVALANCHE 9120G (Homo Polled, 93 lb BW, 58 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 50 TM EPD, 38.5 cm, 1,780 lb), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of an HTA Challenge 161Y. Sold for $14,500 to La Ferme Patry de Weedon, Weedon, QC. Lot 32, HTA SWITCHBLADE 993G (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 54 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 46 TM EPD, 43 cm, 1,690 lb), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of a CJC Symbol B1067P daughter. Sold for $14,500 to McAvoy Charolais, Arelee. Lot 49, HTA GAME CHANGER 9141G (4 th Gen Polled, Red Factor, 104 lb BW, 63 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 52 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,690 lb), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of a C2 Zeplin 45Z daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Steppler Farms Velon Herback was Ltd, Miami. the volume buyer, taking home 3 bulls Lot 6, HTA
Lyle Bignell selected a new herd bull for his Buffalo Lake operation
Sis, Wes, Justin & James Heins took home the high seller.
Burk & Jenni Nish took home the 2nd high seller
Jean-Pierre & Pierre Marc Patry purchased a bull for their Quebec herd
HTA Charolais Bull Sale March 25, 2020 • Rivers, MB 42 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $331,100 $7,883
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sales Manager: By Livestock
Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 48
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Jean-Francois Cardin took the third high seller to Quebec
Elder Charolais Farms Bull Sale
The 10th Annual Bull Sale at Elder Charolais is one that won’t soon be forgotten. The number of people in the barn may have been few, but the buyers showed up to support the Elder’s program. Internet bidding was offered for the first time and was well utilized due to the COVID-19 restrictions that were in full effect. Commissioner sons led the charge and were in high demand with many being the high sellers of the sale. High Selling Bulls Lot 2, ELDER’S PLATINUM 906G (Homo Polled, 101 lb BW, -.8 BW EPD, 56 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 40.5 cm, 1,705 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P out of a Grant’s Playboy 3X daughter. Sold 2/3 interest for $45,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 43, ELDER’S TARZAN 9114G (4th Gen Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb BW, 46 WW EPD, 82 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 45 TM EPD, 38.5 cm, 1,475 lb), sired by Pro-Char Slugger 49D, out of
an HBSF Red River 61Z daughter. Sold for $20,500 to Palmer Charolais Land & Cattle, Bladworth and Spruce View Charolais, Andrew, AB. Lot 10, ELDER’S GARCIA 907G (Double Polled, 84 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 37 cm, 1,385 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a KAYR Extender 804C daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, and Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Lot 3, ELDER’S GEMINI 940G (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, -.4 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 47 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,543 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an Elder’s Blackjack 788B daughter. Sold for $13,750 to Jessica P. Wyatt, Arrowwood, AB. Lot 11, ELDER’S GANGSTER 915G (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 39.5 cm, 1,479 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an Elderspecialedition 835U daughter. Sold for $10,750 to 7 Pillars Ranch Ltd., Shell Lake. Lot 1, ELDER’S LEGACY 953G (Homo Polled, 89 lb BW, -1.8 BW EPD, 56 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 46 TM EPD, 42 cm, 1,522 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a Keys Jaxson 151B daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Wilgenbusch Charolais &
Darel & Calvin Planz added three more Elder bulls to their herd
Jessica and Neeltje Wyatt selected a Commissioner son to take home
Elder Charolais Farms 10th Annual Bull Sale March 26, 2020 • Coronach, SK 41 2/3 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $316,500 $7,596
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sales Manager: By Livestock
Hunter Charolais. Lot 7, ELDER’S TROOPER 980G (Double Polled, 105 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,548 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a Elder’s Blackjack 788B daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Planz Farms Ltd., Coronach. Lot 4, ELDER’S GILLIGAN 991G (Double Polled, 91 lb BW, -3.2 BW EPD, 39.5 cm, 1,439 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Lohse Farm & Ranch Ltd, Beaubier.
Repeat customer Blaine Lohse purchased a top bull
Curtis & Nanette Turnbull, of Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB, took home the high seller
Doug Hunter and Craig Wilgenbusch teamed up and selected 2 high selling bulls
Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner Charolais Banner • May 2020
McTavish & Guest Bull Sale McTavish Farms & Guest 9th Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Moosomin, SK 31 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $159,650 $5,150
Auctioneer: Brent Carey The 9th Annual McTavish Farms Bull Sale with guest Charla Moore Farms sale average was up $708 with only 3 buyers on site. Internet and telephone bidding were well utilized by the buyers, lending their support of these programs. High Selling Bulls Lot 29, MCTAVISH HERITAGE 115G (Polled, 89 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, 26 M, 48 TM, 39.5 cm, 1,600 lb), sired by Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D, out of a Gilliland Diago 7R daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Bricney Stock Farm Ltd., Maidstone. Lot 22, MCTAVISH MARVEL 88G (Polled, 94 lb BW, 0.9 BW EPD, 46 WW, 26 M, 49 TM, 38.5 cm, 1,495 lb), sired by Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D, out of a Pleasant Dawn Magnum 49Y
daughter. Sold for $9,000 to DRD Charolais, Sintaluta. Lot 7, MCTAVISH MOGUL 27G (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 88 YW, 40.5 cm, 1,560 lb), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of a BXB Dateline Son 65R daughter. Sold 2/3 interest for $8,750 to 7 Pillars Ranch Ltd, Shell Lake. Lot 17, MCTAVISH DOUBLE BARRELL 49G (Polled, 104 lb BW, 42 cm, 1,685 lb), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of a Scarth Red Adair 333U daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Bossence Farms Ltd., Mortlach. Lot 5, MCTAVISH ICON 20G (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, 89 YW, 40.5
Merv & Jesse Nykoliation selected a new heifer bull
cm, 1,500 lb), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of a Winn Mans Cuervo 4A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to TRI-N Charolais, Lenore, MB. Lot 6, MCTAVISH BOURBON 26G (Polled, 104 lb BW, 46 WW, 97 YW, 38 cm, 1,520 lb), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Kruk Charolais, Virden, MB. Don Railton selected the second-high seller
Wendall & Leanne Weston selected the high selling bull
Impact Bull Sale 12th Annual Impact Charolais & Angus Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Saskatoon, SK 36 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $181,800 $5,050
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sales Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. More Charolais bulls were sold this year, which was complemented by the sale average also increasing $721 over last year. The quality of the offering, from McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, was on point, and many purebred and commercial producers took the opportunity to add some exciting new herd sires to their bull battery. High Selling Bulls Lot 42, MVY GENERAL 15G (Polled, 100 lb BW, 48 WW, 93 YW, 44 cm, 1,765 lb), sired by SVY Fortress 50
703E, out of an HTA Ice 19X daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Charla Moore Farms, Redvers. Lot 66, MVY GENIUS 72G (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 48 WW, 98 YW, 47 TM, 40 cm, 1,575 lb), sired by Whitecap Mr Blade 5B, out of a JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET daughter. Sold for $8,500 to 7 Pillars Ranch Ltd., Shell Lake. Lot 45, MVY GUS 20G (Polled, 82 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 51 WW, 100 YW, 26 M, 52 TM, 41 cm, 1,475 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Whitecap Mr Blade 5B daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Fleming Livestock Corp., Winfield, AB. Lot 44, MVY GOODYEAR 19G (Pld, 102 lb BW, 46 WW, 87 YW, 43 cm, 1550 lb), sired by SVY Fortress 703E, out of an HBC Rock 142Y daughter. continued on page 51
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Jordan Moore selected the high selling bull
Billy Flemming selected a new heifer bull
Kennedi, Priscilla, Shane & Levi Quist selected the second high seller
Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale Coyote Flats Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Coaldale, AB Gross Average 46 Two-Year Old Bulls $290,850 $6,323 11 Yearling Bulls $ 46,450 $4,223 57 Lots
Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sales Manager: By Livestock Coyote Flats Charolais put forth another group of consistent quality two-year old and yearling bulls for offer for their 5th annual sale. New customers and repeat customers alike took the opportunity to add Coyote Flats bulls to their bull battery and take advantage of the unique Win-Win program. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 1, CFC 125Z PERFECT STORM 167F (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 86 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 41.5 cm, 2,081 lb), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a CFC Solution 79Y daughter. Sold for $10,500 to F. Nestor Ranching, Cessford. Lot 8, CFC 125Z COWBOY COFFEE 158F (3rd Gen Polled, 97 lb BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 48 TM EPD, 43 cm, 1,966 lb), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Gouw Quality Onions, Taber. Lot 45, CFC 53Z RAZOR 130F (4th
Gen Polled, 106 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 53 TM EPD, 42 cm, 2,236 lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Splendor 53Z, out of a CFC Pound Maker 52Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Curtis Calvert, Brooks. Lot 40, CFC 31B UPGRADE 175F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 63 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 47 TM EPD, 37 cm, 1,964 lb), sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of a CFC Yield Grade 44W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Laidlaw Ranching Co. Ltd., Bow Island. Lot 28, CFC 43Y FRONTIER 147F (Double Polled, 78 lb BW, 46 WW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 48 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,873 lb), sired by Elder’s Raptor 43Y, out of a CML Maxxam 320A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Hays Stock Grazing Co-Op Ltd, Hays. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 49, CFC 31B FRANK’S RED HOT 15G (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 65 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD, 48 TM EPD,
39 cm, 1,461 lb), sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Flat Valley Cattle Co. Ltd., Hilda. Lot 48, CFC 31B FORTRESS 25G (3rd Gen Polled, 65 WW EPD, 115 YW EPD, 50 TM EPD, 38 cm, 1,432 lb), sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Casey Lippa, Coutts. Lot 54, CFC 31B LIMITED EDITION 41G (Homo Pld, 101 lb BW, 68 WW EPD, 115 YW EPD, 52 TM EPD, 1,400 lb), sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Watmough Farms Ltd, Lethbridge. Lonnie Thorson selected a high selling two-year old for Hays Grazing
Natalie & Les Nestor Selected the high seller
Jamie & Amy Ehret selected the high selling Yearling Bull
Charolais, Rosetown. Lot 61, MVY GREGOR 62G (Pld, 88 lb BW, 0.7 BW EPD, 39 cm, 1400 lb), sired by Mr Louber Mantracker 830B, out of a WC Benelli 2134 P ET daughter. Sold for $6,500 to MC Quantock Livestock Corp,
Lloydminster, AB. Lot 50, MVY GORON 30G (Pld, 92 lb BW, 43 cm, 1565 lb), sired by Mr Louber Mantracker 830B, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Luke Mike, Duck Lake.
IMPACT, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50 Sold for $7,000 to Winsnes Farms Inc., Ryley, AB. Lot 58, MVY GROVER 57G (Pld, 90 lb BW, -1 BW EPD, 44 cm, 1530 lb), sired by MVY Vennom 21Z, out of a Mr Louber Mantracker 830B daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Wheatland
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Borderland Bull Sale Borderland Cattle Co. 22nd Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2020 Rockglen, SK 3 Two-Year Old Bulls 25 Yearling Bulls 28 Lots
Gross Average $13,750 $4,583 96,750 3,870 $110,500
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Lots of interest and busy phone lines pushed this two breed sale along with more bulls selling. This powerpoint sale on the farm saw 33 Angus bulls average $3,848. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 37, BORDERLANDS FARIS 4F
(90 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 1,930 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Eatons White Vortex 60149 Pld, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 381L daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Ager Land & Cattle, Scout Lake. Lot 38, BORDERLANDS FORD 52F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1,848 lb, 45 cm), sired by Eatons White Vortex 60149, out of a Borderlands Mack 135R daughter. Sold for $4,250 to Mitch Fisher, Scout Lake. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 59, BORDERLANDS GLIDE 5G (Polled, 102 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 7 year old dam, 1,267 lb, 37 cm), sired by Eatons White Vortex 60149 Pld, out of
LAE X-Plosive 29X daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Wayne Heatcoat, Assiniboia. Lot 46, BORDERLANDS GRITT 49G (Polled, 93 lb BW, Repeat customer -1.6 BW EPD, Marc Spagrud bought ten-year old dam, a high selling 1,245 lb, 37.5 cm), yearling sired by Eatons White Vortex 60149, out of a Borderlands Mack 135R daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Belmar Farms, Rockglen. Consigned by Wyatt Ching.
Best of the Breeds Bull Sale 16th Annual Best of the Breeds Bull Sale March 29, 2020 • Yorkton, SK 5 Two-Year Old Bulls 32 Yearling Bulls 37 Lots
Gross Average $25,750 $5,150 155,950 4,539 $181,700
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.
This sale held at Heartland Livestock during COVID-19 had the policy of no public admitted, just sale staff and consignors. Between the internet and the telephones the sale was remarkable, with 100 bulls of five breeds selling to average $5,256. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 22, DOGPATCH FORTRESS 84F (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 2,050 lb, 43 cm), sired by Dogpatch Grid Road 11D, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $5,750 to G & L Farms, Cupar. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres, Leroy.
High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 32, HBC WHITE ROCK 903G (Double Polled, 93 lb BW, 1,660 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by JWX Downhome 6D, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake. Lot 19, DOGPATCH RICHMOND 85G (Polled, 105 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 1,610 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by MVY All Star 61A, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Tradewinds Charolais, Lintlaw. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres. Lot 34, HBC CUERVO 913G (4th Gen. Polled, 80 lb BW, 9.5 CE EPD, -1.4 BW EPD, 1,460 lb, 36 cm), sired by SOS Gaucho 139D, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold Michael Hunter for $8,000 to bought the high Tradewinds selling bull Charolais Banner • May 2020
Charolais. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais. Lot 20, DOGPATCH WYOMING WIND 59G (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, .9 BW EPD, 1,565 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld, out of an MVY All Star 61A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Ken-Ray Stock Farm, Melville. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres. Lot 38, HBC KINGPIN 921G (Polled, 94 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 1,505 lb), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Cedardale Zeal 125Z daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Barry Coulter, Yorkton. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.
Spray Bros. purchased two high sellers
Robert (Bob) Palmer 1938 – 2020
Robert Gordon Palmer (Bob) passed away April 7th at the age of 81 after a battle with cancer. Bob was predeceased by his wife of 57 years, Monette, in December 2019. Bob’s and Monette’s passion, aside from grain farming, became purebred cattle. In 1974 they joined the Canadian Charolais Association and were active for many decades. In 1983 Bob and Monette were awarded the Saskatchewan Charolais Association (SCA) Breeder of the year award, in 2001 the SCA Honor Scroll and in 2017 were presented with the Canadian Charolais Association Honor Roll. They took great pride in their cattle and were proud their nephew Velon took an interest in the cattle and joined their operation in 1991.
Bob truly loved the farm. In the last few years as his mobility started to decline, it didn’t stop him from keeping an eye on what was going on. He still had the energy to make it to his truck in seeding and harvest, where he would spend the day driving from field to field making sure the “boys” were doing what they should be. Nothing gave him more pride then watching his nephews Velon, Doug, Len and most recently, Hunter, putting in and harvesting the crop. He never missed a day in the field, even this past fall, when harvest seemed to go on forever. He was always waiting to give someone a ride for parts, or to help move trucks from field to field. Sometimes this involved interrupting the nap he would take while sitting in his truck, but he was always more than willing to drive anyone, anywhere. He also loved the cattle and spent
countless hours watching the cameras until the wee hours of the morning during calving season. He would sit at the kitchen table and stare at the screen for hours on end. One of his last wishes was to attend the on farm bull sale on March 9th. He had been in Davidson long term care for a few weeks prior to this, and we weren’t sure if he would be able to make it. But thanks to the staff there, they made his last wish come true. He was able to come out to the sale and spent the afternoon visiting with many friends from near and far. Bob is survived by his nephews Velon (Leah) Herback, Len (Richelle) Palmer and Doug Palmer as well as numerous nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. A memorial service will follow this summer, pending gathering restrictions. Arrangements entrusted to Hanson’s Funeral Home.
Prairie Distinction Bull Sale Prairie Distinction 6th Annual Bull Sale March 31, 2020 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 9 Two-Year Old Bulls $ 51,450 $5,717 22 Yearling Bulls $104,900 $4,768 31 Lots
Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sales Manager: By Livestock Prairie Distinction 6th Annual Bull Sale consisted of a solid offering of two-year old and yearling Charolais bulls from 5 progressive Manitoba Charolais breeders. Prices were steady throughout the day, with bulls in everyone’s price range. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 15, JFC FRANK 840F (Red Factor, 4th Gen Polled, 96 lb BW,
.1 BW EPD, 23 M, 37.5 cm, 2,020 lb), sired by JFC Red Green 535C, out of an HTA Tuff Enuff 947W daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Effertz Key Ranch, Velva, ND. Consigned by Johnston Charolais, Rathwell. Lot 17, JFC FRED 883F (Red Factor, 3rd Gen Polled, 93 lb BW, 24 M, 40.5 cm, 1,840 lb), sired by JFC Red Green 535C, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Ronald & Shirley Allan, Rathwell. Consigned by Johnston Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, RAMM GRANDSLAM 41G (Homo Polled, 108 lb BW, 61 WW, 116 YW, 49 TM, 44 cm, 1,760 lb), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, out of a Bar J Steel 32S daughter. Sold for $9,100 to Campbells Charolais, Griffin, SK. Charolais Banner • May 2020
Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney. Lot 7, RAMM GRAYSTROKE 20G (Homo Polled, 78 lb BW, -3.5 BW EPD, 25 M, 45 TM, 38 cm, 1,475 lb), sired by Pleasantdawn Polar 19D, out of Steppler Elite 166A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Adrien & Amanda Jacques, Carnduff, SK. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock. Lot 10, RAMM GRANDSTAND 3G (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, -.6 BW EPD, 46 WW, 96 YW, 43.5 cm, 1,670 lb), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Kevin Harmon, Melita. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock.
Howe/Rosso Bull Sale Howe Family Farm/Rosso Charolais 30th Annual Bull Sale April 1, 2020 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 49 Two-Year Old Bulls $250,450 $5,111 21 Yearling Bulls 98,150 4,674 70 Lots
Auctioneer: Brent Carey The COVID-19 crowd restrictions were definitely a factor in this long running sale. Having said that, the average was very close to last year with just a few less bulls finding homes. The quality of the Charolais and Red Angus bulls on offer was strong with many repeat customers purchasing bulls again. Bulls sold across the prairies. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 117, ROSSO RENO 113F (Homo Polled, .7 BW EPD, 9-year-old dam, 2,020 lb, 45.5 cm), sired by WMM Arthur 328A, out of an LAE XCeptional 46X daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Tee M Jay Charolais, Ashern, MB. Consigned by Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw. Lot 91, ROSSO CRANE 16F (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 1,865 lb, 46 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a WWM Arthur 328A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Red Rock Land & Cattle, Eastend. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 88, ROSSO DECISION 5F
(Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -.4 BW EPD, 1,895 lb, 44 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of an HBSF Specialist 108U daughter. Sold for $6,750 to GWB Tams bought the Farms, Bengough. Ben high selling bull Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 98, ROSSO MARSHALL 44F (Polled, -.7 BW EPD, 1,830 lb, 40 cm), sired by McTavish Hot Hand 34D, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Crosbie Holdings, Caron. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 71, WHITECAP FORTITUDE 306F (Polled, 842 lb 205 DW, 1,448 lb 365 DW, 117 YW EPD), sired by HBC Divergent 517C, out of a Whitecap Certainty 263Y daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Tomda Enterprises, Mossbank. Consigned by Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 54, WHITECAP GHOST RIDER 32G (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 869 lb 205 DW, 1,440 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Whitecap Embargo 7E, out of an Elder’s Banadero 321B daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber, AB. Consigned by Howe Family Farm. Lot 62, WHITECAP GUSTO 131G
Don Banford added another Rosso bull to his Red Rock operation
John Howe selected a high selling two-year old
Marilyn & Terry Johnson purchased the high selling two-year old bull
(Polled, 80 lb BW, -3.1 BW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 39 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593, out of a Cedardale Zeal 125Z daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Kress Livestock, Odessa. Consigned by Howe Family Farm. Lot 48, WHITECAP GRAND PRIX 1G (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 896 lb 205 DW, 1,630 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by HBC Divergent 517C, out of an HC Wells Faro 943W daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Lazy J Ranch, Fox Valley. Consigned by Howe Family Farm.
C2 Bull Sale C2 Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2020 • Killarney, MB 38 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $157,150 $4,136
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sales Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. C2 Charolais held their second annual bull sale. More bulls were offered for sale this year, which led to good buying opportunities for cattlemen in the hunt to add quality Charolais genetics to their herd. 54
High Selling Bulls Lot 23, C2 GIOVANNI 53G (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 37.5 cm, 1,480 lb), sired by JMB Fisher 604D, out of an Elder’s Armageddon 148A daughter. Sold for $8,000 to White Farms, Macdonald. Lot 27, C2 GUNSMOKE 60G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 45 WW, 97 YW, 39 cm, 1,480 lb), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of an HVA Wallet 91W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to John Lovett, Killarney. Charolais Banner • May 2020
Martin, Deona & Amy Horan added a new herdbull
continued on page 55
Hunter Charolais Bull Sale $8,750 to Don & Joanne Saquet, Ste. Rose du Lac. Lot 2, HC GAMBLER 944G (3rd Gen Polled, 108 lb BW, 60 WW, 113 YW, 48 TM, 40 cm, 1,600 lb), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $8,700 to Hrebenik Farms, Yorkton, SK. Lot 15, HC GUN SMOKE 927G (Double Polled, 80 lb BW, -.7 BW EPD, 44 WW, 40.5 cm, 1635 lb), sired by DCR Mr Dual-Threat D112, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Momotiuk Farms, Winnipegosis.
Hunter Charolais hosted their 9th annual bull sale at the farm and saw strong support of their program from both purebred and commercial cattlemen. Bulls were sold into the three prairie provinces, trading for strong and steady prices. Along with the Charolais bulls, two Hereford yearling bulls sold for an average of $3,100. Also, on offer were three lots of Charcross commercial open heifers, which were well received by their fellow cattlemen, topping at $1,850 per head. High Selling Bulls Lot 31, HC GIBSON 964G (Double Polled, 102 lb BW, 89 YW, 40.5 cm, 1,600 lb), sired by CML Copyright 714E, out of an HC Zone Point 203Z daughter. Sold 2/3 interest for $15,500
to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB. Lot 44, HC GRIFFIN 9139G (Double Polled, 98 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 51 WW, 99 YW, 25 M, 51 TM, 40.5 cm, 1,470 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for $9,500 to HTA Charolais, Rivers. Lot 36, HC GRAND SLAM 908G (Homo Polled, 78 lb BW, -3.3 BW EPD, 39 cm, 1,580 lb), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an HC Zone Point 203Z daughter. Sold 2/3 interest for $9,000 to Oakstone Land & Cattle Co., Bawlf, AB. Lot 40, HC GAME BOY 9126G (3rd Gen Polled, 102 lb BW, 55 WW, 106 YW, 38 cm, 1,400 lb), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Wrangler Doubleshot 11S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Rammer Charolais, Strathclair. Lot 9, HC GLACIER 967G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 52 WW, 102 YW, 41 cm, 1,570 lb), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T daughter. Sold for
Shawn Airey purchased a new heifer bull
Rob & Heather Murray selected the high selling yearling bull
Matthew & Sarah Ramsey selected a new tan herd bull
Wade & Jeremy Hrebenik selected a new herd bull
Hunter Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2020 • Roblin, MB Gross Average 42 5/6 Yearling Bulls $248,850 $5,810
Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sales Manager: By Livestock
Repeat customer Don Saquet bought a top bull
C2, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 54 Lot 20, C2 GAMECHANGER 48G (Polled, 108 lb BW, 47 WW, 90 YW, 41.5 cm, 1,585 lb), sired by HTA In Focus 721E, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter. Sold for $6,500 to J & B Livestock, Baldur. Lot 30, C2 GIDEON 68G (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 100 YW, 39.5 cm, 1,510 lb), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a C2 Bauer 16B daughter. Sold for $6,500 to White Farms, Macdonald. Lot 15, C2 GEORGE 35G (Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 50 WW, 92 YW,
46 TM, 40 cm, 1,430 lb), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an Elder’s Armageddon 148A daughter. Sold for $5,500 to SouraHoran Farms Ltd., Bowsman. Sherry and John Lovett selected the second Terry Sliworsky Lot 29, C2 high selling bull bought a horned bull GENERAL 62G (100 lb BW, 0.8 BW daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Terry EPD, 1,535 lb), sired by JMB Fisher Sliworsky, Winnipegosis. 604D, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P Charolais Banner • May 2020
Saunders Bull Sale Saunders Charolais Bull Sale April 4, 2020 • Markdale, ON 29 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $158,100 $5,452
Online Only Sale With the COVID-19 restrictions, Saunders Charolais of Markdale chose to keep the bulls at home and have an online only sale. Buyers came the days leading up to the sale to view the offering and then bid online or on the phone on sale day. This worked well for them as they sold more bulls and the average was up. High Selling Bulls Lot 18, JSR GORDON 53G (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, 101 YW EPD, 1,620 lb, 43 cm), sired by LAE War Paint 620D, out of a Rawes Duke 401B daughter. Sold for $7,500 to John
Stutzman, Desboro. Lot 15, JSR GANNON 44G (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, -2.8 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 1,538 lb, 40 cm), sired by JSR Estrada 52E, out of a Shelco Made Easy 512R daughter. Sold for $7,200 to Garnet Gatrix, Elmvale. Lot 21, JSR GOLIATH 67G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 56 WW EPD 108 YW EPD, 1,560 lb, 45 cm), sired by JSR Estrada 52E, out of a TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Joe Morris, Bristol, QC. Lot 13, JSR GALVESTON 37G (Polled, 98 lb BW, 1,460 lb, 42 cm), sired by SVY Wizard 707E, out of a JSR Trophy 88G daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Fourth Lane Farms, Consecon. Lot 23, JSR GUELPH 74G (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 60 WW EPD, 114
Scott and Sarah Colton purchased a new herdsire for their Fourth Lane operation
YW EPD, 1,610 lb, 41 cm), sired by JSR Estrada 52E, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Robert Seffler, Mildmay. Lot 2, JSR GRIMSBY 6G (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -1 BW EPD, 1,592 lb, 48 cm), sired by Sparrows Alvarez 620D, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Ron Hare, Meaford.
White Lake Colony Bull Sale White Lake Colony Charolais Bull Sale March 31, 2020 • Lethbridge, AB Gross Average 27 Two-Year Old Bulls $169,128 $6,264
Auctioneer: Bob Balog Once again, this sale was heavily supported by volume and repeat buyers, with the average up over last year’s sale. High Selling Bulls Lot 10, KRW MR. GUSTO 128F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 2070 lb, 46 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D. Sold for $7,750 to Keho Lake Colony, Barons. Lot 9, KRW MR. GUSTO 199F (Polled, 47 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 1725 lb, 39 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a Sparrows Terrace 110Y daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Acadia Colony Farming, Oyen. Lot 4, KRW MR. GUSTO 145F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 1830 lb, 42 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a CML Encore 4Y daughter. Sold for 56
$7,000 to Schmidt Farms, Rainier. Lot 6, KWR MR. GUSTO 184F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 42 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a KRW Survivor 62T daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Lomond Colony, Lomond. Lot 16, KRW MR. EXACTA 149F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 24 M EPD, 1810 lb, 41 cm), sired by CML Exacta 514C, out of a Harvie Red Vinaza 48Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Lomond Colony. Lot 28, KRW MR. IMPULSE 171F (Polled, 90 lb BW, 25 M EPD, 38.5 cm), sired by KAYR Impulse 117D, out of a KAYR Sanction 102A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Keho Lake Colony. Lot 1, KRW MR. GUSTO 124F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 46 WW EPD, 87 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a Rawes Dividend 1X daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Hicken Ranches, Raymond. Lot 29, KRW MR. IMPULSE 189F (Polled, 90 lb BW, 25 M EPD, 39.5 cm), Charolais Banner • May 2020
Brian Hicken bought 4 bulls
Gerald Williamson purchased a new bull
Sam and Dave Wurz bought in volume for Keho Lake Colony
sired by KAYR Impulse 117D, out of a KAYR Sanction 102A daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Keho Lake Colony.
North of the 49th Bull Sale Wilgenbusch Charolais North of the 49th Bull Sale April 6 • 2020 Halbrite, SK 89 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $602,300 $6,767
Auctioneer Brent Carey The number of buyers onsite may have been limited for this year’s North of the 49th Bull Sale, but quality bulls and loyal customer support carried the day. Twenty bulls were sold to purebred herds across Canada. There were many volume buyers that day, with Douglas Lake leading the way acquiring 8 bulls. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, JWX GUINNESS 787G (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 37cm, 1,590 lb), sired by Cedarlea Epic 14E, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $30,000 to CSS Charolais, Payton. Lot 25, JWX GAME ON 7514G (Polled, 89 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 39 cm, 1,520 lb), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a JWX Cactus Cut 1187C daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Mike Howe, Moose Jaw. Lot 53, JWX GOVERNOR 6823G (Polled, Red Factor, 40.5 cm, 1,520 lb), sired by Pro-Char Slugger 49D, out of a Wrangler Red Rock 48A daughter. Sold for $16,500 to Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan and Spruce View Charolais, Andrew, AB. Lot 19, JWX GATEWAY 7254G (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 42 cm, 1,550 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a KAYR Velocity 812Z daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Diamond R Stock Farm, Wawota. Lot 18, JWX GROWLER 7527G (Polled, 83 lb BW, .3 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,300 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $10,000 to McCaw Livestock, Whitewood. Lot 61, JWX GRITT 535G (Polled, Red Factor, 54 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 39 cm, 1,400 lb), sired by TRI-N Enforcer 649D, out of a HBSF Express
77X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Border Ridge Farms, Hilda, AB. Lot 21, JWX GRAFFITI 7908G (Polled, 88 lb BW, -.8 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 40 cm, 1,550 lb), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $ 9,750 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek. Lot 7, JWX GERMAN 7125G (Polled, 89 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, 47 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by Cedarlea Epic 14C, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Martens Ranch, Swift Current. Lot 46, JWX GALLAGHER 804G (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 53 WW WPD, 96 YW EPD, 41 cm, 1,610 lb), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a JWX Domino 23Z daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin, AB. Lot 26, JWX GRANDSTAND 301G (Polled, 52 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 39 cm, 1,580 lb), sired by JWX Estrada 114E, out of an LAE Juice Box 190Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek. Lot 29, JWX GENERAL 823G (Homo Polled, 41cm, 1,440 lb), sired by JWX Diplomat 254D, out of a KCM Ultimate 144Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Charred Creek Ranch, Weyburn. Lot 66, JWX GROUND ZERO 6812G (Polled, Red Factor, .5 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD), sired by TRI-N Enforcer 649D, out of an SRK Solid 12U daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Cordel Frischolz, Minton. Lot 2, JWX GOLDEN EYE 7201G (Polled, .2 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD), sired by Cedarlea Epic 14E, out of an Elder’s Blackjack 788B daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Terry Iluk, Glenavon. Lot 3, JWX GUITAR TOWN 619G (Polled, 56 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,495 lb), sired by Cedarlea Epic 14E, out of a Silverstream Kevin Gomke selected a dark red bull Evolution E Charolais Banner • May 2020
daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Hay’s Grazing, Hays, AB. Lot 15, JWX GUESS WHO 776G (Polled, -.7 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Cedarlea Epic 14E, out of a Pale Mr Pure Power 2A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Lot 59, JWX GENIUS 6153G (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 58 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD), sired by TRI-N Enforcer 649D, out of an SKR Solid 12U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Wood River Charolais, McCord. Lot 62, JWX GOLF PRO 302G (Homo Polled, .4 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 1,480 lb), sired by TRI-N Enforcer 649D, out of an SRK Solid 12U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Dogpatch Charolais, Leroy. Lot 68, JWX GLOBAL 7973G (Homo Polled, 50 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 42 cm, 1,505 lb), sired by MVY Direct Deposit 22D, out of a JWX Downtown 7C daughter. Sold for $9,000 Briar Ridge Stock Farm, Bay Tree, AB. Lot 40, JWX GRADUATE 3217G (Polled, Leptin TT, 53 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 39 cm, 1,515 lb), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Dry Valley Ranch, Grenfell.
Cam Stewart selected the high selling bull
Mike Howe selected the second-high selling bull
Kurtis Phillips and Lorne Lakusta teamed up on the third high-selling bull
Git ‘R Done Bull Sale Cedarlea Farms “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale April 7, 2020 • Hodgeville, SK 53 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $425,250 $8,024
Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sales Manager: By Livestock Cedarlea Farms once again joined with Angus breeder Windy Willows Farms for their annual “Git ‘R Done” bull sale. There was an increase in the number of Charolais yearling bulls on offer, with 53 bulls sold. The sale average also increased $936 from last year’s average. There was strong support from purebred and commercial breeders. 15 breeder bulls were sold from the Cedarlea program. High Selling Bulls Lot 17G, CEDARLEA TAPADERO 17G (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, 48 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 47 TM EPD, 39 cm, 1,605 lb), sired by RBM Fargo Y111, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Kay-R Land & Cattle Ltd., Waskatenau, AB. Lot 70G, CEDARLEA HAVANA 70G (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 48 WW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 45 TM EPD, 38.5 cm, 1,540 lb), sired by RBM Fargo Y111, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Misty Hills Charolais, Vermilion, AB and Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB. Lot 26G, CEDARLEA GALLERY 26G (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, -.3 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 28 M EPD, 52 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,580 lb), sired by Turnbull’s Elite 322E, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Charworth Charolais, Airdrie, AB. Lot 45G, CEDARLEA BANDITO 45G (Polled, 98 lb BW, -.9 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 52
TM EPD, 38.5 cm, 1,505 lb), sired by Turnbull’s Elite 322E, out of a PCC Rome 437B daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON. Lot 145G, CEDARLEA FIRESTONE 145G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, -.7 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 23 M EPD, 45 TM EPD, 39 cm, 1,405 lb), sired by LT Affinity 6221 PLD, out of an HRJ Mr Apache 3A daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. Lot 13G, CEDARLEA GOLD RUSH 13G (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 27 M EPD, 53 TM EPD, 39 cm, 1,545 lb), sired by LT Affinity 6221 PLD, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Cline Cattle Co., Belmont, MB. Lot 10G, CEDARLEA GANGSTER 10G (Double Polled, 71 lb BW, -5.5 BW EPD, 25 M EPD, 47 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,390 lb), sired by LT Affinity 6221 PLD, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $11,000 to CK Sparrow Farms Ltd., Vanscoy. Lot 32G, CEDARLEA GIB 32G (Homo Polled, 75 lb BW, -3.4 BW EPD, 45 WW EPD, 90 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 48 TM EPD, 42 cm, 1,510 lb), sired by Turnbull’s Elite 322E, out of an HRJ Mr Apache 3A daughter. Sold for $11,000 to K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB. Lot 79G, CEDARLEA BOOTLEGGER 79G (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, .6 BW EPD, 62 WW EPD, 119 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 56 TM EPD, 1,625 lb), sired by RBM Fargo Y111, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Stolson Farms, Hodgeville. Lot 91G, CEDARLEA BOWIE 91G (Homo Polled, 101 lb BW, 55 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 49 TM EPD, 40 cm, 1,640 lb), sired by RBM Fargo Y111, out of an SOS Polled Detonator
Rob Murray and Brian Chrisp teamed up to select the second high seller
Brad & Juanita Cline purchased a red factor herdsire
Kasey Phillips selected Layne Evans bought a the high selling bull new herdsire
Darryl Shuttelworth selected a new herd bull
8M daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Destiny Cattle Co., Moosehorn, MB.
Follow us on Twitter ! @CharolaisBanner 58
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Brian Coughlin took a herd bull back to Ontario
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Gilliland Bull Sale Gilliland Bros. Bull Sale April 7, 2020 • Carievale, SK 31 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $133,200 $4,297
Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock With the COVID-19 situation, the sale was moved from the Auction Mart in Alameda back to the farm, with a video sale and online bidding available. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 28, G.BROS DUKE RGCG 4G (Polled/S, 94 lb BW, 56 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 1,610 lb, 44 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Beaver Creek Redzone 211S daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Wrangler Charolais,
Westlock, AB. Lot 1, G.BROS ARCHER 1002G (Polled, 93 lb BW, 1,580 lb, 40 cm), sired by SVY Fortress 703E, out of an HBSF Specialist 108U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Layne Lamport, Alida. Lot 5, G.BROS KINCAID 1046G (Polled, -1.6 BW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1,570 lb, 41 cm), sired by LAE Clyde 527C, out of a Sunrise Sunburst 21Y daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone & Meakin took Payne Livestock, Wade two including the Lloydminster. high seller
Lot 30, G.BROS PURSUIT RGCG 26G (Polled, 82 lb BW, -11.1 CE EPD, 2.9 BW EPD, 1,435 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by HRJ Maverick 556C, out of a Sunrise Sunburst 21Y daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Kirby Land & Cattle Ltd, Gainsborough.
Wendall Weston & Rocky Payne teamed up on a bull
Sliding Hills Bull Sale Sliding Hills Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale April 9, 2020 • Canora, SK 20 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $80,500 $4,025
Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Many repeat buyers selected new herd bulls from the 14th annual Sliding Hills Bull Charolais bull sale. Some good buying was made throughout the sale with four bulls going into purebred herds. Six Hereford bulls from Mission Ridge Herefords averaged $3,500 with a top of $5,000. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 16G, SHSH VALOUR 16G
(Polled, 89 lb BW, 0 BW EPD, 39 cm, 1,585 lb), sired by SOS Veselka PLD 124E out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Dave Baron, Yorkton. Lot 91G, SHSH HOME OPENER 91G (Homo Polled, 91 lb BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,410 lb), sired by SHSH Hometown 25D, out of an HVA Realtor 1010B daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Chad Poyser, Roblin MB Lot 18G, SHSH ASSURE 18G (Polled, 96 lb BW, -.7 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 43.5 cm, 1,585 lb), sired by SHSH HD 14Y, out of an Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Monte Frick, Duff.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Dave Baron selected the high selling bull
Monte Frick bought the third high seller
Lot 69G, SHSH BRIXTON 69G (Polled, 87 lb BW, -2.0 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 1,440 lb), sired by SOS Veselka PLD 124E, out of an LT Blue Blood 1131 PLD daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Murray Bowes, Kamsack.
Top Cut Bull Sale 30th Annual Top Cut Bull Sale April 14, 2020 • Mankota, SK 21 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $127,000 $6,048
Auctioneer: Bruce Switzer Wood River Charolais & Blake’s Red Angus of McCord put forth another quality offering that saw the Charolais average move up $1,600 over last year. 21 Red Angus averaged $4,275 and 4 Black Angus averaged $4,063. High Selling Bulls Lot 76G, WOOD RIVER GEICO 76G (Polled, 90 lb BW, .6 BW EPD, 1,540 lb, 37 cm), sired by SOS Harvester Pld 61C, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Top Land & Cattle Ltd, Eastend.
Lot 7G, WOOD RIVER HILTI 7G (Polled/S, 78 lb BW, -3.1 BW EPD, 29 M EPD, 1,540 lb, 39 cm), sired by TRIN Hammer Time 5148E. Sold For $8,000 to J & C Crooks Farms, Lafleche. Lot 120G, WOOD RIVER LONESTAR 120G (Double Polled, 115 lb BW, 51 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 1,565 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by SOS Harvester
Pld 61C. Sold for $7,500 to TD Collins Farms Ltd, Meyronne. Lot 64G, WOOD RIVER FULL THROTTLE 64G (Double Polled, 102 lb BW, -1.1 BW EPD,90 YW EPD, 27 M EPD, 1,520 lb, 39 cm), sired by Tri-N Hammer Time 5148E, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville.
Kelly Topham purchased the high selling bull
Lori & Garner Deobald added a herdsire to their Cedarlea herd
Tom Collins purchased the third high seller
Cedardale Bull Sale Cedardale Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale April 18, 2020 Nestleton, ON 28 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $149,250 $5,330
Auctioneer: Carl Phoenix Cedardale Charolais moved to an online sale with the COVID-19 crowd restrictions. They had online bidding available for a few days before the sale, ending with an online auction sale day. The sale was off from last year’s average, but all bulls sold and went into 4 provinces. Five purebred breeders also selected herdbulls from this longest running Charolais bull sale in Ontario. High Selling Bulls Lot 27, CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -.5 BW
EPD, 1,790 lb, 39 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Cedardale Winchester 70W daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Borderland Cattle Co., Rockglen, SK. Lot 18, CEDARDALE GRETZKY 69G (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, 906 lb 205 DW, 1,680 lb, 43 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Andy McDougall, Kirkfield. Lot 3, CEDARDALE GALILEO 10G (Homo Polled, 89 lb BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 1,430 lb, 40 cm), sired by Cedardale Abracadabra 123A, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Ferme Cardin Charolais, St. Bonaventure, QC. Lot 11, AGA GERALD 43G (Double Polled, 85 lb BW, -3.6 BW EPD, 28 M EPD, 1,345 lb, 41 cm), sired by Circle Charolais Banner • May 2020
Cee Legend 307A, out of a Cedardale Yellowstone 25Y. Sold for $6,100 to Rail Haven Farm, Gananoque. Jean-Francois Cardin selected a herdsire for his Quebec operation
Glenn & Wendy Ching purchased the high seller for their Borderland operation
Cornerstone Bull Sale Cornerstone Bull Sale April 18, 2020 • Whitewood, SK 18 Yearling Bulls
Gross Average $119,550 $6,642
Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock For anyone questioning if an April bull sale is too late to have breeder interest, the Brimner Cattle Company, Manor, offering at the Cornerstone bull sale should answer that question. Six bulls went to five progressive breeders in two provinces and one state. The Charolais portion of the sale was complimented with the strong offering of Red Angus bulls from the WRAZ Red Angus operation, who had a steady sale as well averaging $5,407. This year also featured 30 open replacement heifers that averaged
$1,668, with the high selling pen of three being straight bred Charolais heifers at a steamy $2,075 per head. High Selling Bulls Lot 10, BRIMNER BULL 190G (3rd Gen Polled, 92 lb BW, 40 cm, 1,475 lb), sired by McTavish Excel 20B, out of a Pleasantdawn Infusion413A daughter. Sold for $16,250 to Mike Howe, Moose Jaw. Lot 1, BRIMNER BULL 59G (3rd Gen Polled, 95 lb BW, 778 lb 205-day weight, 39 cm, 1,475 lb), sired by SOS Game of Thrones 98D, out of an HBC Encore 834U daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Wienk Charolais, Lake Preston, SD. Lot 18, BRIMNER BULL 188G (4th Gen Polled, 87 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 45 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 39 cm, 1,450
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Mike Howe selected the high selling bull
Matt Jones selected a new herdsire
lb), sired by BNE Conga 9C, out of a G. Bros Standout 8S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to North of 50 Charolais, McCreary, MB. Lot 20, BRIMNER BULL 126G (4th Gen Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.9 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 87 YW EPD, 41 cm, 1,450 lb), sired by BNE Conga 9C, out of an XAL Custom Made 1C daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Wienk Charolais.
Bull Sales in Brief M.C. Quantock Bull Sale January 25, 2020 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 31 Two-Year Old Bulls $233,500 $7,532
RRTS Bull Sale February 29, 2020 • Kamloops, BC Gross Average 18 Yearling Bulls $87,100 $4,839
Northwest Bull Sale March 16, 2020 • North Battleford, SK Gross Average 10 Yearling Bulls $47,050 $4,705
Moose Creek Bull Sale January 29, 2020 Kisbey, SK Gross Average 18 Two-Year Old Bulls $103,550 $5,753
Acadia Colony Charolais Bull Sale March 3, 2020 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 32 Yearling Bulls $145,600 $4,550
Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale March 19, 2020 • Beaverlodge, AB Gross Average 4 Two-Year Old Bulls $16,100 $4,025 35 Yearling Bulls $157,250 $4,493
Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale February 1, 2010 • Lloydminster, AB Gross Average 44 Two-Year Old Bulls $278,500 $6,330 32 Yearling Bulls 171,250 5,352
Select Charolais Bull Sale March 6, 2020 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 27 Two-Year Old Bulls $136,377 $5,051 92 Yearling Bulls $469,200 $5,100
39 Lots
76 Lots
119 Lots
Soderglen Ranches Select Bull Sale February 8, 2020 • Airdrie, AB Gross Average 39 Two-Year Old Bulls $313,500 $8,038
Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale March 9, 2020 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 3 Two-Year Old Bulls $14,900 $4,967 18 Yearling Bulls $75,950 $4,219
Prairie Cove Charolais & Guests Annual Bull and Female Sale February 20, 2020 • Bashaw, AB Gross Average 4 Two-Year Olds $31,250 $7,813 24 1/2 Yearling Bulls 233,750 9,541 7 Heifer Calves 50,800 7,258
21 Lots
35 1/2 Lots 15 Embryos 8 Semen Packs
Denbie Ranch & Guests Myhre Land & Cattle & Bar J Charolais Bull Sale February 22, 2020 • Ste. Rose du Lac, MB Gross Average 18 Two-Year Old Bulls $86,850 $4,825 5 Yearling Bulls 27,450 5,490 23 Lots
Saddleridge Charolais and Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale February 26, 2020 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 29 Yearling Bulls $134,450 $4,636
McKeary Charolais and Fleming Livestock Corp. Tradition Bull Sale March 12, 2020 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 30 Two-Year Old Bulls $186,000 $6,200 3 Yearling Bulls $14,250 $4,750 33 Lots
$21,450 $3,375
Northern Classic Charolais Bull Sale March 13, 2020 • Grande Prairie, AB Gross Average 13 Yearling Bulls $82,250 $6,327 Meridian Agriculture Co. Ltd. Charolais Bull Sale March 13, 2020 • Acadia Valley, AB Gross Average 17 Two-Year Old Bulls $70,150 $4,126 Grassroots Charolais Bull Sale March 16, 2020 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 7 Two-Year Old Bulls $42,500 $6,071 29 Yearling Bulls $162,700 $5,610 36 Lots
Northern Impact Charolais Bull Sale March 21, 2020 • Clyde, AB Gross Average 30 Two-Year Old Bulls $176,965 $5,899 21 Yearling Bulls $82,050 $3,907 51 Lots
Balamore Farms “Thickness Sells” Bull Sale March 21, 2020 • Great Village, NS Gross Average 3 Two-Year Old Bulls $19,000 $6,333 10 Yearling Bulls 71,750 7,175 13 Bulls
3 Open Heifers
Rollin’ Acres & Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale March 21, 2020 • Hanover, ON Gross Average 3 Two-Year Old Bulls $22,800 $7,600 25 Yearling Bulls 135,800 5,432 28 Lots
Select Genetics Bull Sale March 21, 2020 • Herbert, SK Gross Average 12 1/2 Yearling Bulls $57,000 $4,560 Neilson Cattle Company Bull Sale March 23, 2020 • Willowbrook, SK Gross Average 31 Two-Year Old Bulls $171,400 $5,529
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Poplar Bluff and Twin Anchor Charolais Bull Sale March 24, 2020 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 35 Two-Year Old Bulls $197,225 $5,635 14 Yearling Bulls $64,792 $4,628 49 Lots
Alanville Bull Sale March 24, 2020 •Tisdale, SK Gross Average 18 Two-Year Old Bulls $79,200 $4,400 Thistle Ridge Ranch Charolais Bull Sale March 27, 2020 • Lethbridge, AB Gross Average 24 Yearling Bulls $118,350 $4,931 Chomiak Charolais and Oakstone Land & Cattle Co. Charolais Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Viking, AB Gross Average 22 Two-Year Old Bulls $81,650 $3,711 6 Yearling Bulls $26,250 $4,375 28 Lots
K-Cow Ranch Charolais Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Elk Point, AB Gross Average 1 Mature Bull $7,700 $7,700 9 Two-Year Old Bulls $41,000 $4,556 11 Yearling Bulls $47,900 $4,335 21 Lots
Lazy S Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Rimbey, AB Gross Average 12 Two-Year Old Bulls $65,050 $5,421 Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Cobden, ON Gross Average 21 Yearling Bulls $96,000 $4,570 High Point Charolais Bull & Female Sale March 28, 2020 • Stayner, ON Gross Average 11 Yearling Bulls $48,000 $4,364 6 Open Heifers $13,800 $2,467
Alameda Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 8 Yearling Bulls $31,200 $3,900 Tee M Jay Bull Sale March 28, 2020 • Ashern, MB Gross Average 23 Yearling Bulls $117,300 $5,100 Elite Genetics Bull Sale March 29, 2020 • Brandon, MB Gross Average 3 Yearling Bulls $13,300 $4,433 Fleming Stock Farm & R J Livestock Bull Sale April 3, 2020 • Stavely, AB Gross Average 6 Yearling Bulls $26,750 $4,458 Maritime Bull Test Station Sale April 4, 2020 • Nappan, NS Gross Average 10 Yearling Bulls $41,600 $4,160 Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale April 4, 2020 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 7 Two-Year Old Bulls $42,400 $6,057 Acadia Ranching Charolais Bull Sale April 4, 2020 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 27 Two-Year Old Bulls $167,650 $6,209 Candiac Choice Bull Sale April 5, 2020 • Candiac, SK Timed Online Only Gross Average 2 Two-Year Old Bulls $7,800 $3,900 14 Yearling Bulls 49,050 3,500 16 Lots
Spirit of the North Bull Sale April 9, 2020 • Spiritwood, SK Gross Average 7 Two-Year Old Bulls $46,100 $6,586 8 Yearling Bulls 36,700 4,588 15 Lots
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock Charolais Bull Sale April 9, 2020 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 21 Yearling Bulls $89,750 $4,274 Vanderhoof Bull Sale April 11, 2020 • Vanderhoof, BC Gross Average 3 Yearling Bulls $10,750 $3,583 Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale April 11, 2020 • Campbellford, ON Gross Average 1 Mature Bull $4,100 $4,100 7 Two-Year Old Bulls 29,600 4,228 6 Yearling Bulls 24,100 4,017 14 Bulls 2 Cow/Calf Pairs 1 Bred Cow 1 Bred Heifer 4 Females
$57,800 $7,200 2,800 4,000 $14,000
$4,129 $3,600 2,800 4,000 $3,500
Cattle Capital Bull & Female Sale April 13, 2020 • Ste. Rose du Lac, MB Gross Average 1 Two-Year Old Bull $3,500 $3,500 16 Yearling Bulls 65,800 4,113 17 Lots
Top Cut Bull Sale April 14, 2020 • Mankota, SK Gross Average 21 Yearling Bulls $127,000 $6,048 Williams Lake Bull Sale April 17, 2020 • Williams Lake, BC Gross Average 2 Yearling Bulls $8,000 $4,000
TOP SELLING BULLS OVER $20,000 IN CANADA • FALL 2019 SPRING 2020 BULL Elder's Platinum 906G TRI-N Streveler 971G CML Raindance 996G Legacy's Game Day 45G Pleasantdawn Connection 195G SOS Poundmaker Pld 16G CML Ambush 939G JWX Guinness 787G Cays Outlaw 2G RGP Everglade 31G HVA Mastercraft 262G Rawes Emperor 339F Sparrows Flatliner 971G Steppler Axel 320G CML Rainmaker 948G CML Aviator 947G KAYR Advocate 708G Cedarlea Tapadero 17G HTA Expedition 981G SOS Granite Pld 8G CML Commander 911G Harvie Cononail 111G Elder’s Tarzan 9114G MAIN Eldorado 45G SOS Gunsmoke Pld 2G Pleasantdawn Column 730G Sparrows Final Notice 987G MAIN Sedona 1G PCC Brewitt 929G
SIRE WCR Commissioner 593 P Tri-N Red Baron 765E LT Patriot 4004 Pld LAE Memphis 767G Pleasantdawnbarracuda 413D SOS Homegrown 15C CML Copyright 714E ET Cedarlea Epic 14E M & M Outsider 4003 Pld Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D Rawes Maxim 54C Sparrows Liriano 660D Cays Full House 22E LT Patriot 4004 Pld Winn Mans Lanza 610S WCR Commissioner 593 P RBM Fargo Y111 HTA Astroid 603D Pleasantdawn Classic 707C LT Affinity 6221 Pld DCR Mr Cononail C94 ET Pro-Char Slugger 49D JSR Estrada 52E Pleasantdawn Classic 707C Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A Sparrows Nairobi 615D MAIN Ledger Up 4C CCC WC Resource 417P
SOLD FOR $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $42,000 $32,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $28,000 $27,500 $24,000 $22,500 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 $20,750 $20,500 $20,500 $20,250 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000
PURCHASER Turnbull Charolais Cliff Lee Entperprise White Lake Colony Poplar Bluff Stock Farm McTavish Charolais & Howe Family Farm Thistle Ridge Farms & Kattle Kountry White Lake Colony CSS Charolais Horseshoe E Charolais & Legacy Charolais Highway 21 Feeders Sliding Hills Charolais New Country Charolais Pro-Char, Lakeview & Steppler Farms Pro-Char, Twin Anchor & CK Sparrow Farms Doll Charolais White Lake Colony Peter Heins & Sons Kay-R Land & Cattle Peter Heins & Sons Landaker Charolais & McTavish Charolais Turnbull Charolais Triple C Charolais Palmer Charolais & Spruceview Charolais Triple C Charolais Parsons Cattle Company Bremner Charolais & Myhre Land & Cattle Circle 7 Charolais & Soderglen Ranches Triple C Charolais Glen & Sue Mills
SOLD BY Elder Charolais Farm Tri-N Charolais McLeod Livestock Legacy Charolais Pleasant Dawn Charolais Springside Farms McLeod Livestock Wilgenbusch Charolais Cays Cattle Palmer Charolais Palmer Charolais Rawes Ranches CK Sparrow Farms Steppler Farms McLeod Livestock McLeod Livestock Kay-R Charolais Cedarlea Farms HTA Charolais Springside Farms McLeod Livestock Harvie Ranching Elder Charolais Farm Char-Maine Ranching Springside Farms Pleasant Dawn Charolais CK Sparrow Farms Char-Maine Ranching Prairie Cove Charolais
2020 Spring Bull Sale Summary According to statistics, the 2020 Spring Bull Sales sold the most bulls, had the highest overall total gross dollars, the highest number of sales reporting and the sixth highest overall average in the 39 years the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results. There were 99 sales reporting in 2020, 6 more than 2019. The overall numbers were up 198 1/12, and gross dollars $1,002,692, with the overall average falling by only $51. A quick overview shows that of the 91 sales
reporting in both 2019 and 2020, 47% of those sales had an increase in overall average. There were 39 sales grossing more than $200,000 and one sale grossing over $1,000,000. There were 24 sales selling more than 50 lots. Mature bulls were up $425 in average with one less bull selling in 2020, compared to 2019. There were 22 more two-year old bull lots selling in 2020 with the average down by $57. 71% of the sales with two-year olds selling had a two-year old average above $5000.
There were 177 1/12 more yearling lots selling in 2020 with the average down $66. 52% of all sales with yearlings selling had a yearling average above $5000.
Bull Sale Chart Notes: • Statistics are from fall 2019 sales with more than 5 bulls and spring 2020 bull sales. • No U.S. bull sales are included in the chart. • The sales with fall long-yearlings were treated as two-year old bulls.
It is the breeders’ responsibility to submit a sale summary to the Charolais Banner office (by fax, email or phone) to ensure that their sale is included in the chart and further statistics. Unless the Charolais Banner office receives a report, no information will be shown for that sale.
Sales Grossing $300,000 plus Rawes Ranches $1,217,550 Steppler Farms $644,150 Select Charolais Bull Sale $605,577 Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) $602,300 CK Sparrow Farms $545,300 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms $520,375 Char-Maine Ranching $457,400 Footprint Farms $451,000
Hill 70 Quantock McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Palmer Charolais Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) High Country Horseshoe E Charolais Howe Family Farm (White Cap)/Rosso Pro-Char Charolais
$449,750 $444,900 $431,350 $425,250 $408,500 $369,450 $348,600 $344,410
Charolais Banner • May 2020
BOB Charolais Coyote Flats HTA Charolais Pleasant Dawn Charolais Elder Charolais Soderglen Ranches Beck Farms
$339,820 $337,300 $331,100 $317,400 $316,500 $313,500 $311,500
2020 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales
MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2019 2020
TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2019 2020
Acadia Colony
YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2019 2020 19
$4,703 32
$5,176 27
$3,700 8
$4,295 18
$5,038 13
$5,484 50
31 2/3 $5,582 37
$4,712 24
Alameda Bull Sale
Allanville Farms
Balamore Farms "Thickness Sells"
Beck Farms
31 2/3 $5,582
28 1
Blackbern/Whitewater/Kirlene BOB Charolais Borderland Cattle Co.
Buffalo Lake Charolais
SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2019 2020
Acadia Ranching Ltd.
Best of the Breeds
TOTAL (no. – average $) 2019 2020
$4,210 28
$4,952 35
Built Right
23 3/4 $7,703
23 3/4 $7,703 28
C2 Charolais
36 1/2 $5,681
36 1/2 $5,681 38
$157,150 $56,850
Candiac Bull Sale
$4,119 16
$5,356 17
$6,165 28
$7,088 53
$7,798 60
$8,145 61
Cornerstone (Brimner)
$4,542 18
Cornerview Charolais
$4,209 21
$6,193 57
$337,300 $208,250
Cattle Capital Cedardale Charolais Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) Char-Maine Ranching
Chomiak Charolais & Oakstone Land & Cattle
CK Sparrow Farms
Coyote Flats
Creek's Edge
$5,292 44
$4,763 21
Daines/O'Neill Livestock Denbie Ranch & Guests (Myhre & Bar J)
1 $9,100
Diamond W Charolais Eastern Select
$4,398 23
30 1/2 $4,903
$4,536 34 1/2 $4,914
$3,940 14
41 2/3 $7,596
$8,270 41 2/3 $7,596
Elder Charolais Elite Genetics Bull Sale
Fleming Stock Farm & R J Livestock
Footprint Farms
$4,455 31
$5,522 36
Harvie Ranching
$7,393 32
HEJ Charolais
$5,305 54
Gilliland Bros.
$6,262 77
High Bluff (Family Tradition)
$6,600 41
High Country
$5,300 70
$4,283 11
$6,362 76
$449,750 $369,450
High Point Hill 70 Quantock
Horseshoe E Charolais
$5,247 63
Howe Family Farm (White Cap)/Rosso
$5,059 70
$7,289 42
HTA Charolais Hunter Charolais
34 3/4 $6,167
42 5/6 $5,810
34 3/4 $6,167 42 5/6 $5,810
Impact (McAvoy)
31 2/3 $4,329
31 2/3 $4,329 36
10 1/2 $4,914
17 1/2 $5,074 21
$7,395 12
$6,062 39
K-Cow Ranch (Family)
Lazy S Cattle Co.
Lazy S Charolais
Legacy Charolais
64 1/2 $6,125
37 1/2 $7,407
64 1/2 $6,125 37 1/2 $7,407
Louber Farms
$4,695 32
M & L Cattle Co. Maple Leaf & Guests
$5,084 17
$5,249 42
Charolais Banner • May 2020
2020 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales
MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2019 2020
TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2019 2020
Maritime Test Station
YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2019 2020 12
MC Quantock
McKeary Charolais & Fleming Livestock
McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais McTavish Farms & Guests
Meridian Agriculture Co. Ltd.
TOTAL (no. – average $) 2019 2020
SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2019 2020
$4,217 10
$7,359 31
$233,500 $200,250
$5,900 33
39 1/2 $10,508
39 1/2 $10,508 47
$4,442 31
Moose Creek
$5,713 18
Neilson Cattle Co.
$5,150 31
Nelson Hirsche
14 22 3/4 $6,527
15 10
P & H Ranching Co. Ltd.
Palmer Charolais
Northern Classic Northern Impact NorthWest Bull Sale
Pleasant Dawn Charolais Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor
Prairie Cove Charolais & Guests
$4,410 50
$5,339 13
37 3/4 $5,776 51
$5,660 10
$8,127 47
$8,304 56
46 3/4 $6,789
$6,156 46 3/4 $6,789
$5,552 49
25 1/2 $11,007
24 1/2 $9,541
25 1/2 $11,007 28 1/2 $9,298
$265,000 $156,350
Prairie Distinction
$4,726 31
Pride of the Prairies
$4,825 21
Pro-Char Charolais
3 3/4 $12,026
49 3/4 $7,296 55
Rawes Ranches
$6,328 172
$7,078 $1,050,400
$5,100 32
$140,125 $158,600
Reese Cattle Co. Rollin Acres/Whiskey Hollow
RRTS (Valley ) Saddleridge Charolais/Kaiser Cattle
Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms
Saunders Charolais
Select Charolais Bull Sale
Select Genetics Simple as Black & White
Sliding Hills Charolais
$5,884 28
$3,382 18
$5,200 29
54 1/4 $8,298
47 3/4 $8,348
72 1/4 $7,521 73 3/4 $7,055
$4,996 29
$5,220 119
12 1/2 $4,560
$5,121 12 1/2 $4,560
Soderglen Ranches Spirit of the North Stephen Charolais & Guests
28 24
3 $4,200
4 3/4
23 3/4 $5,749
$5,489 20
$57,000 $149,050
$80,500 $313,500
$5,358 15
31 1/2 $5,783 33
Steppler Farms
86 1/4 $6,257
$6,400 104 1/4 $6,179
Tee M Jay
$4,645 23
$5,586 24
Top Cut
$4,446 21
Transcon's Advantage
$4,975 7
36 1/3 $6,881
36 1/3 $6,881 42
$3,875 3
Thistle Ridge
Tri-N Charolais
Vermilion Charolais Group
Vikse's Tip The Scale White Lake Colony
Wilkie Charolais
37 3/4 $5,934
Williams Lake
Wisness Farms Bull Sale Wrangler Charolais # Lots - Average $ Gross Dollars
4 $5,425 $21,700
$5,850 $17,550
$6,416 $5,912 27
$7,103 89
$602,300 $124,500
89 23
37 3/4 $5,934 23
2320 1/6 $5,970
$6,075 1087
9 6
Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th)
2497 1/4 $5,904
Charolais Banner • May 2020
$4,867 2 30
$5,529 48
$8,000 $131,925
3389 1/6 $5,989 3587 1/4 $5,938 $20,298,575 $21,301,250
39 Year (1982-2020) Charolais Bull Sale Trends Year 2020
# of Sales 99
MATURE BULLS No. Average 3
TWO-YEAR-OLDS No. Average 1087
YEARLINGS No. Average 2497 ¼
TOTAL LOTS No. Average 3587
$5,938 $21,301,250
2320 1/6
3389 1/6
$5,989 $20,298,575
5 3/4
1012 1/4
2400 1/4
3,419 1/4
$6,160 $21,062,925
$6,103 $19,713,525
932 3/4
2119 23/30
3058 1/6
$6,631 $20,279,909
854 1/2
2082 5/12
2940 11/12
$6,617 $19,459,300
2 3/4
827 1/2
1854 1/4
2684 1/2
$4,730 $12,698,800
8 1/6
765 1/2
1813 1/12
2586 1/2
$4,095 $10,591,900
667 1/2
1876 5/6
2537 1/3
$4,435 $11,252,175
1652 1/2
2300 1/2
546 5/12
1597 1/4
2151 2/3
$3,288 1552 13/60
2158 13/60
565 1/2
1495 7/12
2072 4/5
4 1/2
544 3/4
1433 7/10
1983 19/20
1277 11/12
1838 11/12
644 1/2
1088 5/12
1735 11/12
1159 1/2
1751 1/2
799 3/4
2202 5/6
1667 5/6
2637 5/6
2896 1/12
1521 1/4
2495 1/4
1325 1/2
2262 1/2
1545 1/4
2467 1/4
13 1/4
1038 3/4
1383 1/2
2434 1/2
11 1/4
1587 2/3
2682 11/12
2019 1/3
3169 1/3
1487 1/4
3084 1/4
1382 1/4
3151 1/4
1325 1/4
1482 1/4
2936 1/4
1315 3/4
1407 1/2
2745 1/4
12 1/2
1335 1/8
1167 7/8
2574 1/2
2399 3/4
1112 1/2
671 1/4
1829 1/2
20 1/2
1122 1/3
714 1/4
1,391 3/4
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Sales Selling 50 plus lots Rawes Ranches Select Charolais Bull Sale Steppler Farms 104 Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Footprint Farms Hill 70 Quantock Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms 73
172 119 1/4 89 77 76 3/4
Howe Family Farm (White Cap)/Rosso High Country Horseshoe E Charolais CK Sparrow Farms Char-Maine Ranching Coyote Flats Palmer Charolais
70 70 63 61 60 57 56
Pro-Char Charolais HEJ Charolais Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) BOB Charolais Northern Impact Nelson Hirsche Beck Farms
55 54 53 53 51 50 50
Yearling Sales Averaging $6000 plus with more than 5 Prairie Cove Charolais & Guests McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais CK Sparrow Farms Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms Cedarlea Farms (Git'R Done) HTA Charolais Palmer Charolais Elder Charolais Legacy Charolais
$9,541 $9,466 $9,155 $8,348 $8,024 $7,883 $7,787 $7,596 $7,407
Char-Maine Ranching Balamore Farms "Thickness Sells" Harvie Ranching Built Right High Bluff (Family Tradition) Pleasant Dawn Charolais Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Tri-N Charolais Cornerstone (Brimner)
$7,221 $7,175 $7,031 $6,884 $6,795 $6,789 $6,767 $6,762 $6,642
BOB Charolais Northern Classic Beck Farms Steppler Farms Pro-Char Charolais Buffalo Lake Charolais Top Cut High Country
$6,435 $6,327 $6,262 $6,257 $6,230 $6,161 $6,048 $6,024
Two Year Old Sales Averaging $6000 plus with more than 5 Char-Maine Ranching Soderglen Ranches Prairie Cove Charolais & Guests Rollin Acres/Whiskey Hollow MC Quantock Wrangler Charolais Rawes Ranches Palmer Charolais
$8,227 $8,038 $7,813 $7,600 $7,532 $7,172 $7,078 $7,000
Pro-Char Charolais Spirit of the North Balamore Farms "Thickness Sells" Hill 70 Quantock Coyote Flats White Lake Colony Acadia Ranching Ltd. McKeary Charolais & Fleming Livestock
$6,800 $6,586 $6,333 $6,330 $6,323 $6,264 $6,209 $6,200
Footprint Farms Horseshoe E Charolais Grassroots P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Beck Farms Transcon's Advantage
$6,174 $6,074 $6,071 $6,068 $6,062 $6,057
Calendar of Events June 18 – 20 Canadian Charolais Association AGM & 60th Anniversay Celebration, Russell, MB ***POSTPONED***
July 25 Manitoba Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, at C2 Charolais, La Riviere, MB
September 25 Classic Heritage Show, Windsor, NS (A BOSS Show)
July 5 – 10 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show, Olds, AB
August 5 – 15 Charolais World Congress in Australia***CANCELLED***
September 26 Platinum Picks Female Sale, 4:00 p.m., Hoards Station, Campbellford, ON
July 18 Saskatchewan Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, at Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales
September 12 Louber Farms Charolais & Angus Production Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC
October 16 Uppin’ the Ante Charolais Sale, 7:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON October 17 Fall Feature Female Sale, 2:30 p.m., Hoards Station, Campbellford, ON
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Advertise Your Services Here! Call today and get your name out there! 306.584.7937
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Alberta Breeders
Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155
Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0
T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE
Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
Charolais Banner • May 2020
caught you looking! Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
British Columbia Breeders
Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemary, AB •
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Ontario Breeders
Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 |
Your ad should be here Call today! 306.584.7937 Charolais Banner • May 2020
Quebec Breeders
Saskatchewan Breeders Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672
“Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.” R.R. #3, Markdale, Ontario N0C 1H0
Brent 519.372.6196 • Darrell 519.373.6788 email: John & Marie • Brent & Marni • Darrell & BillieJo
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Be Wise. Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937 KLR
Visitors Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 •
Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801
Ron & Donna Elder 306.267.4986 C 306.267.7693• @ElderElderly • Michael & Judy Elder C 306.267.7730 Box 37, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 •
Charolais Banner • May 2020
AD RATES Charolais Banner Ads Black & White Full Page $725 2/3 Page 610 1/2 Page 490 1/3 Page 345 1/4 Page 285 1/6 Page 190 1/8 Page 145 1” Business Card 350/Year Classified 1”x1 column 45 Classified 2”x1 column 80 (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)
Full Colour $1050 840 685 505 410 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.
Charolais Connection Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a 1” Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1”x1 column 80 n/a Classified 2”x1 column 140 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)
USA Breeders
• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request
July 15
July 22
August 11
FALL Connection
September 2
September 9
September 24
September 23
September 30
October 14
The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Advertisers Index Alta Genetics Inc. .........................................70
Future Farms.................................................71
Phillips Farms................................................75
Amabec Charolais ........................................73
Gilliland Bros. Charolais ...............................75
Pleasant Dawn Charolais ........................45,73
Annuroc Charolais........................................73
Good Anchor Charolais................................71
Potter Charolais............................................74
B Bar D Charolais..........................................73
H.S. Knill Company Ltd. ...............................70
Prairie Cove Charolais ..................................72
Baker Farms ..................................................73
Happy Haven Charolais................................73
Prairie Gold Charolais ..................................75
Bar H Charolais .............................................74
Harcourt Charolais .......................................75
Pro Char Charolais .................................IFC,72
Beck Farms....................................................74
Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co. .......................73
Be Rich Farms ...............................................71
Harvie Ranching ..........................................71
Blackbern Charolais .....................................73
HEJ Charolais ...............................................71
Bob Charolais ...............................................71
Hicks Charolais .............................................74
Bo Jan Enterprises ........................................74
High Bluff Stock Farm ..................................73
Borderland Cattle Co. ..................................74
Holk Charolais ..............................................71
Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. .............................70
Hopewell Charolais ......................................75
Rollin' Acres Charolais .................................74
Bricney Stock Farms .....................................75
Horseshoe E Charolais..................................75
Ross Lake Charolais ......................................72
Bridor Charolais............................................73
Howe Family Farm .......................................75
Rosso Charolais.............................................75
Brimner Cattle Company .............................75
HTA Charolais Farm ...........................12,13,73
Royale Charolais ...........................................74
Buffalo Lake Charolais ................................71
Hunter Charolais ...................................73,IBC
RRTS Charolais ..............................................72
Campbells Charolais .....................................75
JMB Charolais ..............................................73
Saddleridge Farming Co. .............................72
Carey, Brent ..................................................70
Johnson Charolais ........................................71
SanDan Charolais Farms ..............................72
Cedardale Charolais .....................................73
Johnstone Auction .......................................70
Saunders Charolais .......................................74
Cedarlea Farms........................................59,75
June Rose Charolais .....................................75
Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co........................76
Charla Moore Farms.....................................75
Kaiser Cattle Co............................................71
Sharodon Farms ...........................................74
Char Lew Ranch ...........................................71
Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd..........................23,71
Skeels, Danny ...............................................70
Char Maine Ranching ..................................71
KCH Charolais ...............................................72
Charolais Journal..........................................70
Kirlene Cattle ...............................................74
Chartop Charolais ........................................75
La Ferme Patry de Weedon .........................74
Charworth Charolais Farms .........................71
Lakeview Charolais ................................IFC,71
Chomiak Charolais ......................................71
Land O' Lakes Charolais ...............................74
Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...........................71
Langstaff Charolais ......................................74
Cline Cattle Co..............................................72
Leemar Charolais..........................................71
Spruce View Charolais..................................72
Cockburn Farms............................................74
Legacy Charolais...........................................71
Stach Farms Charolais ..................................72
Cougar Hill Ranch ........................................72
LEJ Charolais.................................................73
Stephen Charolais Farm ...............................76
Coyote Flats Charolais..................................71
Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch ...................76
Steppler Farms Ltd. ............................IFC,3,73
Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co. ...................75
M&L Cattle Co. .............................................74
Stock, Mark...................................................70
C2 Charolais..................................................73
Mack's Charolais...........................................74
Sugarloaf Charolais ......................................72
Davis Rairdan ...............................................70
Maple Leaf Charolais ...................................71
Sunshine Oak Charolais ...............................73
Demarah Farms ............................................75
Martens Cattle Co. .......................................75
T Bar C Cattle Co. ......................................9,70
Diamond W Charolais ..................................75
Martens Charolais ........................................73
Temple Farms................................................76
Dorran, Ryan ................................................70
McAvoy Charolais Farm ...............................75
Thistle Ridge Ranch......................................72
Double P Stock Farms ..................................73
McKay Charolais ...........................................73
Transcon Livestock Corp...............................70
Dowell Charolais ..........................................71
McKeary Charolais .......................................72
Dubuc Charolais ...........................................74
McLeod Livestock .........................................70
Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ..............74
McTavish Farms.............................................75
Eaton Charolais ............................................76
Medonte Charolais.......................................74
Edge, Dean ...................................................70
Miller Land & Livestock................................74
Elder Charolais Farms................................5,75
Mutrie Farms ................................................75
Fergus Family Charolais ...............................74
Myhre Land and Cattle ................................73
White Lake Colony .......................................72
Fischer Charolais...........................................71
Nahachewsky Charolais ...............................75
White Meadow Charolais Ltd......................73
Flat Valley Cattle Co.....................................71
Norheim Ranching .......................................70
Wilgenbusch Charolais ........................76,OBC
Fleury, Michael .............................................70
P & H Ranching Co. ......................................72
Wilkie Ranch.................................................72
Flewelling, Craig ..........................................70
Packer Charolais ...........................................74
Wood River Charolais ..................................76
Footprint Farms ...........................................71
Palmer Charolais .....................................37,75
Wrangler Charolais ......................................72
Charolais Banner • May 2020
Qualman Charolais ......................................75 R & G McDonald Livestock...........................73 Raffan, Don ..................................................70 Rawes Ranches .............................................72 Reeleder, Andrew.........................................70
Sliding Hills Charolais...................................76 Southside Charolais......................................72 Southview Farms ..........................................74 CK Sparrow Farms .......................................IFC Springside Farms ..........................................72
TRI N Charolais .............................................73 Turnbull Charolais ........................................72 Twin Anchor Charolais .................................72 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. ........................72 Western Litho Printers .................................70