Charolais Banner • October 2019
October 2019 VOL. 53, NO. 4 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email: ISSN 0824-1767
Helge By, Manager/Publisher
Charolais Charbray International AGM..................................16 Charolais Charbray International Youth Program ................20 World Charolais Technical Conference 2019 Ireland ..........32 Renfrew Fair ............................................................................48 Manitoba Charolais AGM ......................................................49 Obituary – Max Voegeli ..........................................................50 Obituary – Irvin Jacobson........................................................50 Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up............................................50 Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show ......................51 Classic Heritage Beef Show ....................................................52 Lindsay Exhibition Charolais Show ........................................54 Obituary – Gene Foat ..............................................................55 Ranch Ostiguy Dispersal Sale Report......................................56 Olds Fall Fair ............................................................................58 CCYA – Conference & Show....................................................60
Departments From the Field............................................................................6 Dans nos champs ......................................................................8 Canadian Charolais Association..............................................10 De La Charolais Association Canadienne ..............................12 Herd Health ............................................................................14 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report ..................................41 Charolais Life ..........................................................................46 Canadian Charolais Youth Association ..................................59 Magazine Rates and Deadlines ..............................................78 Calendar of Events ..................................................................79 Index of Advertisers ................................................................82
Candace By, Managing Editor Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 Sarah Wright, Admin Cell (306) 831-6332 FIELDMEN: Helge By Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res (306) 584-7937 • Cell (306) 536-4261 @CharolaisBanner Jon Wright Cell (306) 807-8424 Robbie Chomik Cell (780) 336-6424
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All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50 USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420
Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher. The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement.
On the cover… Photos from the CCYA Conference & Show. Extensive coverage begins on page 60.
Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810
Photos: Helge By & Jon Wright Design: Susan Penner
Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Charolais Banner • October 2019
From the Field Helge By
Here it is the end of September and fall hit with a bang in Western Canada, with snow across some of the western prairies. It has been a challenging summer and fall for many right across the country with excessive moisture and it has been tough to get dry feed or grain in the bin. Here is hoping we now have a long warm fall. Candace and I hosted nine young adults from six countries this summer for eight days around the CCYA Conference in Weyburn. This Charolais International initiative to get young adults together to learn how each do youth events in their countries, or to encourage them to get some started was great. The Charolais International Youth Program was supposed to go to Australia this year, but with the drought they were experiencing, they were forced to decline, so we hosted it for the second year in a row. Read the article on their time here in this issue. I think you will find their perspectives interesting. Next summer the International Youth program is going to the USA, which is hosting their Junior National in South Dakota. Also, full coverage of the CCYA event is in the issue and was a
larger event than the past number of years with 90 youth and 90 head of cattle. In this issue, you will see our coverage of the Charolais International Technical Conference held in Ireland in August. This too was a great educational event with 10 Canadians attending the eight days and covering several herds, their National show and research projects and presentations. Next summer is the World Charolais Congress in Australia from August 5th to 15th with pre and post tours available. The Australians will show you a great time, some excellent cattle, and it is interesting country. The Congress starts in Brisbane where a large show will be held, and it will end with sightseeing in Sydney. Information is on with a full program and registration coming later this fall. Many of the early fall shows in the east are finished and are reported in this issue. See who is out and about and doing the winning with what pedigrees. The National show is in Toronto and I hope many of you can make the trip. The Alberta Association is running the Player’s Club Bull Calf Futurity and Pair of Heifer Calves
Charolais Banner • October 2019
show again at FarmFair, in Edmonton. This was a great event last year and a large turnout made it a great place to network with fellow breeders. If you want to start a Charolais herd or expand your existing operation with some top quality females, there are a number on offer this fall. Check out the offerings from one end of the country to the other, with many breeders showcasing their operations with cattle from the top of the programs. You will never go wrong buying quality cattle to improve your herd. Also, in this issue is the calendar of events for all the spring bull sales. If yours is missing or incorrect, please let us know so we can have them correct in the Charolais calendar, if you have requested it to be there. If you haven’t been contacted by a youth member to be a part of the calendar, which is a fundraiser for the Provincial and National Youth Associations, again, please contact us. We are now off to Quebec for the start of the fall sales. If Jon Wright, Robbie Chomik or I can be of any assistance aiding in your sale participation this fall, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. Until next time, Helge
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Dans nos champs Helge By
Nous voici à la fin du mois de septembre et l’automne s’est pointée de force dans l’ouest Canadien, apportant avec elle de la neige pour certaines provinces. Les récoltes de la fin de l’été et du début de l’automne étaient un défi grâce à un taux d’excès d’humidité qui rend le séchage du foin et l’entreposage des grains beaucoup plus difficile. Espérons un automne long et chaud. Candace et moi étions les hôtes pour neuf jeunes adultes provenant de six pays pour une durée de huit jours lors de la conférence CCYA qui a eu lieu à Weyburn cette été. Cette initiative internationale a comme but de faire découvrir la façon que différents évènements se déroulent dans chaque pays et ainsi, promouvoir la création de nouvelles expériences. Le programme international des jeunes Charolais devait se déplacer en Australie cette année mais en raison de la dure sécheresse subie cette année, ce voyage fut annulé. Ceci est la raison pour laquelle nous avons été les hôtes pour une deuxième année consécutive. Je vous invite à lire l’article qui nous fait part de leur expérience dans cette publication. Je crois que vous allez aimer leurs perspectives. L’été prochain, le programme des jeunes se déroule aux États-Unis lors du congrès Junior National dans le Dakota du sud. Vous pourrez aussi lire notre section sur la conférence CCYA. Nous avons eu un groupe de
90 participants et 90 têtes de bovins. Ceci représente une hausse de participation comparativement aux années précédentes. Un résumé du congrès international technique Charolais qui s’est déroulé en Irlande au mois d’août se retrouve aussi dans le numéro. Un total de 10 canadiens ont participé à cet événement éducatif pour une durée de huit jours à travers plusieurs visites de troupeaux, une exposition nationale et des présentations de projets de recherches. Le prochain congrès international Charolais est prévu du 5 au 15 août 2020 en Australie. Ce congrès offre une option d’itinéraire pré et postconférence pour les intéressés. Les Australiens sauront vous divertir avec d’excellents bovins à travers leur charmant pays. Le congrès débute à Brisbane lors d’une grande exposition et se termine en visite touristique dans la ville de Sydney. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site: pour en connaitre d’avantage sur la totalité de l’événement et les inscriptions. Vous retrouvez les résultats sur la plupart des expositions dans se sont déroulées dans l’est du pays. Consultez ces résultats pour apprendre les différents ascendances de progénitures qui gagnent ces titres. L’exposition nationale se déroule à Toronto and j’espère y voir plusieurs d’entre vous. L’association Charolais de l’Alberta tiendra son concours Player’s Club lors de l’exposition FarmFair à Edmonton. Ce concours
Charolais Banner • October 2019
recherche le meilleur jeune taureau ainsi que la meilleure paire de taures. Cet évènement, qui est excellent pour côtoyer d’autres éleveurs, fut un succès l’an passé et l’association espère le répéter. Si vous souhaitez agrandir votre troupeau avec des femelles d’excellente qualité, plusieurs ventes d’automne vous permettrons de le faire. D’un coté de pays à l’autre, plusieurs éleveurs offrent des sujets au sommet de la progéniture actuelle. Personne s’est trompé en achetant des sujets de qualité pour améliorer leur troupeau. En préparation des ventes de taureau du printemps prochain, consultez la section de notre calendrier d’événements. Si vous n’y trouvez pas votre annonce ou que celui-ci est erronée, veuillez nous en aviser. Si vous n’avez pas été contacté par un membre de l’association junior pour participer au calendrier 2020, veuillez nous en faire part. Le calendrier sert à amasser des fonds pour l’association des jeunes du côté national et provincial. Nous sommes en direction vers le Québec pour le début des ventes d’automne. Je vous offre, en tout temps, la collaboration de Jon Wright, Robbie Chomik ainsi que moi-même pour le montage d’une vente ou pour vous conseiller comme acheteur lors d’une vente. N’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. À la prochaine, Helge
Charolais Banner • October 2019
CCA Updates CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais
PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES: ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secretary: Deb Cholak, Lamont SASKATCHEWAN President: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secretary: Saskatchewan Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA President: Jeff Cavers, La Riviere Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Josh Taylor, Dunsford Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES President: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI STAFF: General Manager: Craig Scott Registry: Lois Chivilo Registry/Member Services: Haylea Jones French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 • EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 2nd VICE-PRES: SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 PAST PRESIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 DIRECTORS: ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C 780.719.0264 RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046 ROD MCLEOD 293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986
Craig Scott, General Manager
With summer’s end and fall’s dramatic entrance, we need to remember why we do this agriculture thing. We as members of the Canadian Charolais Association are all tasked with the promotion and genetic improvement of Canadian Charolais cattle. There are various shows and sales planned in the upcoming months across this great nation of ours. To all the exhibiting and consigning producers, we tip our hat and thank you. You do a great job promoting our breed, up and down the road. The “show” thing is not for everyone and that is okay, but your support at these events is very much appreciated to the breeders who invest a great amount of both money and time into presenting their animals and showing the resting of the industry what we have to offer. Being a spectator allows you to see firsthand some of the newest genetics available, and attending sales illustrates your commitment to the breed as well as shows your interest in other breeding establishments. One concerning comment I hear is, “I don’t need a new bull so I’m not going to the sale.” Even the simple action of showing up and sitting in the stands is a great demonstrator of support. Some of the best networking happens at these events, so be sure to take advantage of the opportunity. On every occasion that we can get a bunch of like-minded people together good things can happen. It has been four and a half months since I began the role of General Manager here at the Canadian Charolais Association, and I can honestly say I have enjoyed every minute of it. We are very fortunate to have a progressive board who are committed to moving the breed forward and creating
new resources for our membership. One of the many projects we have been working hard to complete is the Homo/Polled test, and we are pleased to now offer it. If you add a Homo/Polled test to a 50K SNP test the cost is $10.00. As a stand-alone test, the cost of the Homo/Polled test is $30.00. The Leptin test is also in the works and will be offered shortly. The cost for this test will be $20.00, however if in conjunction with the 50K SNP test the cost will be $15.00. At the time of writing this article we have not received any results back on the joint evaluation pilot project that we are working on with the American International Charolais Association but expect the results very soon. I have been working along with our health care provider to explore the possibility of offering a health care plan to our membership, we hope to have more information in the very near future. The Canadian Charolais is currently accepting applications for this year’s scholarships. The CCA offers 3 scholarships annually, two $1,000.00 and one $1,500.00 Dale Norheim Memorial Scholarship. These scholarships are not limited to CCA members, if you or your family have purchased or are using a registered Charolais bull you can qualify. Please spread the word to your bull buyers to let them know this opportunity exists. We are passionate about helping our youth excel in the agriculture business and would like to extend this opportunity to all university students who are apart of our breed. The deadline for applications is October 30th, and all the information is on the CCA website: I look forward to seeing and chatting with all the breeders this fall. Craig Scott
CCA SCHOLARSHIPS Application Deadline – October 31st Two Canadian Charolais Association (CCA) Scholarships of $1,000 each and one $1500 Dale Norheim Memorial Scholarship are available Download the 2019 Scholarship Application at Charolais Banner • October 2019
Charolais Banner • October 2019
CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais
Mise à jour de l’Association canadienne Charolais
PROVINCIAUX REPRÉSENTANTS: ALBERTA Président: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secrétaire: Deb Cholak, Lamont SASKATCHEWAN Président: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secrétaire: Sask. Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA Président: Jeff Cavers, La Riviere Secrétaire: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO Président: Josh Taylor, Dunsford Secrétaire: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC Président: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secrétaire: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES Président: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secrétaire: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI PERSONNEL: Directeur général: Craig Scott Registry: Lois Chivilo Registre/Services aux membres: Haylea Jones Composition française: Bernard Dore 514.910.4935 • EXÉCUTIF: PRÉSIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 1er VICE- PRÉSIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 2e VICE- PRÉSIDENT: SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 ADMINISTRATION: ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C 780.719.0264 RYAN NESBITT 17100 Cedardale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905.242.2046 ROD MCLEOD 293113 Twnshp Rd 263, Rocky View County, AB T4A 0N5 403.540.7986
Craig Scott, directeur général
Avec l'entrée spectaculaire de l'automne garnie une tempête de neige dans l’ouest, nous devons nous rappeler pourquoi nous pratiquons l'agriculture. En tant que membres de l’Association canadienne Charolais, nous sommes tous chargés de la promotion et de l’amélioration génétique du cheptel canadien Charolais. Il y a plusieurs expositions et ventes de prévues dans les mois à venir d’un bout à l’autre de notre pays. À tous les exposants et les consignateurs, nous vous remercions. Vous faites un excellent travail de promotion pour notre race partout où vous allez. Faire des expositions n’est pas pour tout le monde et peu importe votre choix, c’est le bon. Mais votre soutien lors de ces événements est très apprécié par ceux qui investissent beaucoup d’argent et de temps pour présenter leurs animaux et montrer au reste de l'industrie la qualité de votre génétique. Quand vous assister aux expositions, vous appuyez vos collègues tout en vous informant des génétiques courantes. La participation aux ventes illustre votre engagement envers la race et témoigne votre intérêt pour d'autres établissements d'élevage. C’est décevant d’entendre un commentaire type « je n’ai pas besoin d’animaux, donc ce n’est pas nécessaire d’assister à la vente." Le simple geste de se présenter et de s’asseoir dans les gradins est un excellent démonstrateur de soutien. La formation des meilleurs réseaux se produisent lors de ces événements, alors assurez-vous de profiter de l'occasion. Chaque fois que nous pouvons réunir un groupe de personnes partageant les mêmes idées et la même passion, de bonnes choses peuvent en dériver. Ça fait déjà quatre mois et demi que j'ai pris le poste de directeur général ici à l'Association canadienne du charolais, et je peux honnêtement dire que je m’y plais beaucoup. Nous sommes très chanceux de pouvoir compter sur un conseil d'administration progressiste, déterminé à faire progresser la race et à créer de Charolais Banner • October 2019
nouvelles ressources pour nos membres. L’un des nombreux projets pour lesquels nous avons travaillé fort, est le test Homo / Polled, et nous sommes heureux de l’offrir maintenant. Si vous ajoutez un test Homo / Polled à un test 50K SNP, le coût est de 10,00 $. Si vous demandez que le test Homo / Polled seul, le coût est de 30,00 $. Le test de la leptine est également en préparation et sera proposé sous peu. Le coût de ce test sera de 20,00$; toutefois, si vous le demandez conjointement avec le test 50K SNP, le coût sera de 15,00$. Au moment de la rédaction de cet article, nous n’avons pas encore reçu les résultats concernant le projet d’évaluation commune avec l’American International Charolais Association, mais nous attendons les résultats très bientôt. Je travaille aussi avec notre fournisseur de bénéfices sociaux pour explorer les possibilités d'offrir un régime de bénéfices à nos membres. Nous espérons avoir plus d'informations dans un avenir très proche. L’Association Charolais accepte actuellement les applications pour les bourses d’études de cette année. Nous offrons trois bourses d’études par an, deux bourses d’études commémoratives Dale Norheim de 1 000,00 $ et une de 1 500,00 $. Ces bourses ne sont pas limitées aux membres de l'ACC. Si vous ou votre famille avez acheté ou utilisez un taureau charolais enregistré, vous pouvez être admissible. S'il vous plaît passez le mot à vos acheteurs de taureaux pour leur faire savoir que cette opportunité existe. Notre passion est d'aider les jeunes à exceller dans le secteur de l'agriculture et nous souhaitons épanouir cette opportunité à tous les étudiants universitaires qui font partie de notre race. La date limite pour appliquer est le 30 octobre. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site Web à: Au plaisir de vous rencontrer au court des activités de l’automne, Craig Scott
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Processing & Vaccinating Hints Roy Lewis DVM
This fall before processing your purebred or Charolais crossbred calves try to heed some of these straightforward points to make the process go smoothly and your calves get their maximal protection. Store vaccine in the middle area of fridge, according to label, maintain chain of refrigeration. Check fridge temperature 3-7degrees and maintain it. Keep thermometer in fridge. (Don’t store vaccines in door of the fridge) Cooler to keep cool in summer warm in winter use ice packs 3-7 degrees. Do not have ice packs directly in contact with vaccine. Keep vaccine in packaging until ready to use. Prevent vaccine from freezing or getting too hot Prepare in advance chute and alleyway working properly, no protruding or sharp bits, sliders working properly. Have emergency kit available stocked and labeled. (epinephrine, examethasone, antihistamine, blood stopper, wound spray etc,) Mix only enough modified vaccine to last 1-2 hrs. tops. Best to mix just as needed. Have a sharps container and use it. Check expiry and withdrawal dates of products before usage. Water based vaccines 21 days withdrawal. Oil based vaccines 60 days slaughter withdrawal. Swirl vaccine when rehydrate don’t shake vigorously. Agitate killed vaccine to have a uniform mixture (I.E. clostridial vaccines) Select appropriate needle size. 1618-19-20 depending on size and maturity of cattle and viscosity of product. As short as can to get under the skin for sc administration. Syringes well maintained and cleaned (hot water) store in fridge or freezer after vaccinating for the day. One drop of glycerin or cooking canola oil placed on the rubber o ring maintains sliding motion easily. 14
Callibrate syringes to make sure dispensing right amount. E.g. At 2cc a dose after 12 head a 50 cc syringe should be half gone. Oil based vaccines use syringes designed for that. YOU PAID GOOD MONEY FOR VACCINES & other products. LOOK AFTER THEM Change needles every 10-20 head or when bent, burred, dirty or dull. Inject subcutaneously wherever possible neck preferable behind elbow second choice or for show cattle Checked dosage of vaccines, syringes calibrated some selfcalibrated. i.e. mistake using draxxin with a zuprevo gun and vice versa. Properly restrain cattle Minimize shots often no more than two will cover all the antigens Give at least a handbreadth apart with vaccines (high low or across from each other or alternative site) other side of neck preferable. When in chute do as much as HUMANLY OR HUMANELY POSSIBLE to avoid another passage through the chute, as long as timing is appropriate. Weigh, BCS, fecal testing, other sampling, hair for DNA. NSAIDs may be used if appropriate. Do whatever you can in each pass through the chute. Intranasal vaccines proper cannula and use oral products to avoid needles Don’t mix syringes up – label syringe for which product. IE Colored tape or write on the syringe. Observe needle still on gun when you withdraw, if broken needle record. (VBP+) Always use needles with metal hubs. Discard unused doses of vaccine Antibiotics no more than 10 cc per site Don’t disinfect the vaccine needle Use vaccines with as low a dose as possible Make sure and go SC as possibility of giving vaccine into a muscle and hitting an arteriole giving an allergic reaction so watch these things Charolais Banner • October 2019
Don’t disinfect vaccination needles between animals. Only disinfect implant needles between uses. Make sure and agitate killed vaccines especially clostridial ones before using & same with products like safeguard suspension dewormer. If in doubt they got the full dose for any reason (vaccine on hide) repeat Use the one-handed subcutaneous technique where ever possible to avoid hand or arm injuries. One vaccine gun in each hand if giving two shots. Always catch for proper restraint. (safer for administrator and cattle) Use paddles flags or rattles at most for sorting – no whips, canes or prods. Try to avoid vaccinating in the rain (potential for abscesses) or with branding-scalding. Double and triple check the dosage i.e. Clostridials depending on the brand come in 2cc-5cc dosage. Critical to get the proper dosage. Try to use vaccines that have the lowest dosage. With all products read and follow label directions. Recheck label especially if you change trade names of products. Double check dosage route of administration and any warning signs or precautions or contraindications. The labels are in fine print but deserve a review from time to time. If an animal escapes have a process to rerun to vaccinate. We are vaccinating to establish herd immunity certain individual animals because of biological variation stress etc may not develop complete protection. Take the time to properly train new vaccinators and processors on your ranch farm or feedlot. It is the most critical job as far as disease prevention is concerned. Following all these recommendations will go a long ways to maintaining healthier cattle with good protection against the diseases for which you are vaccinating.
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Charolais Charbray International AGM The Charolais Charbray International Annual General Meeting was held in conjunction with the Charolais World Technical Congress in Ireland in August. Eleven countries were represented. The financial report showed a deficit of 7,511.08 Euros, which was primarily due to the inception of the International Youth Program. The cash reserve is 86,297.54 Euros. Membership has shown some growth and there are some pending requests which require follow-up. The website has been updated as regularly as information has been provided to the secretary. Everyone was reminded to forward their information. Helge By, Canada, reported on the second International Youth Program. It was considered a success with nine youth attending from Hungary, Estonia, Australia, New Zealand, United States and Ireland. All youth participated in all the events at the Canadian Charolais Youth Conference. They also toured six breeders’ herds and some tourist attractions. David Hobbs reported the United States will host the program in 2020 in Brookings, South Dakota, probably
July 3-12. They will tentatively fly to Kansas City, Missouri, and travel to South Dakota doing herd visits along the way. The age will be 18-22 and he would like countries to declare their intent to attend at the next quarterly meeting so proper arrangements can be made. The 2021 International Youth Program will be held in Australia. The Genomics Subcommittee has not met since September. Colin Rex, Australia, was appointed the new chairperson. There will be a meeting in late September or early October. The 2020 World Congress will start in Brisbane and end in Sydney, Australia. There will be pre and post Congress tours offered. All itinerary and registration information will be posted on as soon as available. The 2021 World Technical Conference will be in Czech Republic in April. It will include the National Show in Brno, farm visits and tourist visits and the city of Prague. The post tour will include Bratislava (Slovakia), Vienna (Austria) and Budapest (Hungary). The 2022 World Congress will be in the United Kingdom and is tentatively
set for July 7-17, starting in London and ending in Belfast. It will include visits to England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. The 2023 World Technical Conference location is yet to be determined. France and New Zealand are considering this opportunity. Brendan Scheiwe, Australia, was elected as the new President. Vice Presidents are Kamil Malat, Czech Republic and Dominique Loulergue, France. Cécile Lainé, France, will continue as treasurer and Candace By, Canada, will continue as secretary. Under New Business, it was decided to compile some statistical information about each country’s registrations and memberships. Five years of data will be requested to start the project. Congratulations were expressed to Sweden on their 50th Aniversary as a Charolais Association. There was discussion about the possible topic for the 2021 Technical Conference and the length and direction of the event. This will be discussed further at the next quarterly meeting. The meeting was adjourned.
L-R: Anders Wiklert, Sweden; Pauline Michot, France; Chris Curry, United Kingdom; Candace By, Secretary, Canada; Lennart Nilsson, Sweden; Greta Harmon, New Zealand; Dominique Loulergue, Vice-President, France; Peter Phythian, United Kingdom; Kevin Maguire, Past President, Ireland; Kamil Malat, Vice-President, Czech Republic; Mike Schumacher, United States; David Hobbs, United States; Sue Stenner, United Kingdom; Colin Rex, Australia; Pepe Medina Chapa, Mexico; Roger Maloney, Canada; Zoltán Domokos, Hungary; Nevan McKeirnan, Ireland; Patrick Simon, France; Brian Coughin, Canada. Missing: Brendan Scheiwe, President, Australia; Cécile Lainé, Treasurer, France.
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Charolais Banner • October 2019
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Charolais Banner • October 2019
Charolais Charbray International Youth Program
Charolais International Youth Delegates received a welcome gift from the Canadian Charolais Association. L-R: Sarah Nesbitt, Australia; István (Stevie) Gosztola, Hungary; Kaitlyn Davlin, United States; Heather Gee-Taylor, New Zealand; Keiro Peeter Kottisse, Estonia; Emma Owen, New Zealand; Markus Ylikangas, Estonia; Sarah Armstrong, Ireland; Cathal Gormley, Ireland; Darwin Rosso, CCA Past-President, Moose Jaw; Craig Scott, CCA General Manager, Olds, AB
The planning for the second International Youth Program changed after last year’s event. Due to the severe drought in Australia, they decided to withdraw from hosting. As the United States was already committed for 2020 and other countries had projects on the go for this year, Helge and Candace By opted to host it again in Canada. The youth gathered in Regina on Monday, July 22nd, from Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, Ireland and the United States. Tuesday they spent a day walking off the travel cramps and adjusting to the time zone. They toured the city, the Legislative Building, Royal Saskatchewan National History Museum, RCMP Heritage Centre and went 5 Pin Bowling. It seems odd, but none of these guests had ever played 5 Pin. They only have seen or played 10 Pin.
Wednesday they arrived at CCYA and got introduced to their herdsman groups and started with the events of the week. They participated in every activity and for some of the group, they experienced many first. Some had never participated in a cattle show or showmanship competition. Many had never been in a meat packing facility and seeing the steers they judged at the start of the week was an exceptional experience. Even participants coming from established youth programs found the variety of opportunities to judge cattle in the Canadian Conference was more varied. Following the CCYA Conference and Show, they participants had an opportunity to tour Beck Farms, Elder Charolais, Rosso Charolais, Howe Family Farm, Horseshoe E Charolais and Palmer Charolais. They enjoyed The Chicago Connection Tunnels
of Moose Jaw tour and an evening at the Temple Gardens Mineral Spa. The Buffalo Plains Feedlot, with strong emphasis on calm cattle handling, nutrition and wellness, was a highlight. The nine youth returned to their respective countries with new friends, new ideas and a pledge to return to Canada in the future. Helge and I would like to thank the operations that welcomed these young people for tours, prepared food and answered their questions. We would also like to thank the CCYA participants and organizers for including them and making them feel welcome. Lastly, we would like to thank the international participants for being a great group. We look forward to seeing you in your home. Each of the participants shared some of their highlights: continued on page 22
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Kaitlyn Davlin, United States I really enjoyed learning new things about the Canadian youth association, how they run their Conference and see how the kids are so involved. It really is a youth event with very little adult involvement. I also really enjoyed getting to tour the farms and see everyone’s different type of cattle. What I will take home is the realization of the differences between the American and Canadian cattle. I also appreciated learning about some different bloodlines this week that some really great ranches have utilized that I would like to utilize in my program. The International Program is very important because we need to be open to learning new things and this program is an opportunity to do that. Especially for people that came from really far away. I know they have been enlightened to different types of cattle and I hope I can travel to their countries someday to see their cattle. István Gosztola, Hungary I liked everything about this trip. CCYA was a definite highlight. I really enjoyed Team Marketing with Sarah Nesbitt, from Australia, and Team Grooming with Cathal Gormley and Sarah Armstrong, both from Ireland. I will take home everything from this trip, the CCYA experience was all new and different for me. The international program is very valuable. Cathal Gormley, Ireland The herd visits were really great to see and Buffalo Plains feedlot was also wonderful. How the Charolais have adapted to a different 22
climate in this region is really something. They are structurally correct and are completely different from what is at home, which is a more muscled breed. I really like how the breeders are breeding for calving ease, which is what the commercial man wants. The pedigree breeders have adapted to that when purchasing their bulls as well. I really liked how enthusiastic they were in the feedlot, how they mind their cattle and that they are so concentrated on their data and their tags for tracability in the feedlot. I am definitely going to take some things from the youth program home. I thought it was a very friendly program. Definitely last year, the Irish representatives took ideas home. Michael (who works for the Irish Charolais Society) established a program with similarity to CCYA but I would like to take some other ideas home to improve our program and develop the youth in Ireland. The International program was wonderful, I have made 8 new international friends and many very friendly Canadians. I saw a different part of the world where they are breeding different cattle than I am and making it work for their customers. I enjoyed seeing the tourist attractions and the countryside where it is so flat in some parts and then hilly in other parts. I also see how the climate is similar to Ireland in some ways and very different in others and the cattle have to adapt. Emma Owen, New Zealand I really liked the CCYA show culture where all of the kids worked together. I really liked the herd tours and appreciated the principles behind the programs. I would like to take home the values behind the youth show. Heather and I would like to implement something like it in New Zealand and change the systems for our youth. The International Program is a great way to network with the other International youth and Canadians. Everyone has a different type of cattle to suit their country, it Charolais Banner • October 2019
was really interesting to see what other people liked, why they liked them and what works in their part of the world. Thank you for everything. Sarah Nesbitt, Australia I enjoyed CCYA the most and the involvement of all the youth, how they work together in herdsman groups and how it was run very hands on. I really enjoyed the Keep and Cull event. I thought is was very interesting, not only for the seniors, but also for the youth. It was good to understand what people are looking for in the industry. There was no right or wrong answer and it was your preference in the stock and how you explained it. The International Program is a very good experience and I have enjoyed it a lot and learned it a lot. It was great to come here and meet like minded individuals that share our passion for the Charolais industry. It was good to have a look at their programs and see how different, but alike we are in the breed, to see what they are breeding towards and how the industry works in Canada. Sarah Armstrong, Ireland My favourite part was getting to judge the steers and placing them how we thought they graded best. Then we actually got to see the steers hanging up. It was definitely something we would never see at home, we would never be allowed in the factory. Seeing them in the flesh alive and then dead and we could actually see where we graded them down, we could see that we were right. I will definitely take home some management pratises. Here you are very exact about calving at 24 months. At home we do that it but it isn’t emphasized like here. I will consider bringing it from 27 or 28 months to 24 at our farm to get that extra calf when they are younger and continued on page 24
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obviously more or a profit. I thought the International program was really well run and we were all involved in our groups, they really took us under their wing. The younger kids really thought it was interesting that we were from a different country and were always asking us what it was like in our home and how it was different from them. I enjoyed seeing all of the different farms, and how everybody is different here. Not everyone is painted with the same brush over here with livestock and they all have there own systems. It was good to see people developing their own program instead of everyone using the same genetics. It was really good and thank you for having me. Markus Ylikangas, Estonia I loved the last ten days. I learned so many new things, like fitting and showmanship. I have been at shows before but I have not ever participated in a show before. It was a really great experience for me. I learned something new every single minute. The positivity of Canadians was wonderful. In the International
program you meet people from all over the world and see how they manage their cows and breed their cattle. It is so different and there was so much to learn. I would really like to thank the Canadians and CCYA and Helge and Candace for having us. Keiro Peeter Kottisse, Estonia I liked the judging the competitions very much. I learned very much about the breeding programs here. It is going to help my family business back in Estonia. The International program was very much fun for me and I would recommend that anyone that has the opportunity should participate. Heather Gee-Taylor, New Zealand CCYA is a fantastic event that nothing in NZ even comes close to rivaling. I really appreciate how much passion your young people have for their cattle and the industry. New Zealand is really
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Below: Douglas Hill, Regina Right: Irish delegates standing by the Irish marble bases in the Saskatchewan Legislative building
lacking in passionate young beef breeders so it was refreshing to see such knowledge from all the youth at CCYA. I think the steer judging carcass was also a fantastic educational part of CCYA. In NZ we have quite a bit to do with prime cattle, however, I had never seen one from in the flesh to a dressed carcass. CCYA was my first ever cow show and gave me some great aspirations. Since returning home I have started to break in a yearling bull calf of mine to show later in the year. I think this is a fantastic way to get my stud name out there and also meet other Charolais breeders. Canada has some very good genetics and I look forward to my crop of calves to Braxton and Honcho hitting the ground after seeing their offspring on the tour. Big thank you to you, Candace and Helge. I think the tour covered off a great mixture of touristy things (caves and temple spa were very cool) and CCYA and stud visits. Your breeders are very passionate and the cattle were all done extremely well. The feedlot was another highlight, I enjoyed seeing the variation from cows on pasture to feedlot intensive systems – makes me appreciate our year round grass system we have here!
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Luggage tetris
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Showmanship tutoring
Beck Farms
Canola was a new crop to most Climbing Caste Butte
Elder Charolais
Rosso Charolais
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Howe Family Farm
Horseshoe E Charolais
Palmer Charolais
Buffalo Plains Feedlot
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he 2019 World Charolais Technical Conference was held in Ireland from August 4th to 11th. The Irish Charolais Cattle Society did a great job in all aspects of the Conference. Showing off their beautiful country, presenting some great technical seminars and tours, getting us through some of their top herds, watching their National show, including some entertaining tourist stops – it was excellent! A Technical Conference compared to a Congress is shorter and has more business and seminar events than a Congress. There were 62 delegates from 10 countries outside of Ireland including ten from Canada. Throughout the week there were many Irish Charolais breeders that joined in on segments of the Conference giving delegates more opportunity to visit with a vast array of farmers. The Conference started with everyone flying into Dublin and staying in the beautiful coastal suburb of Malahide. We were three nights in the Grand Hotel and bused from there each day to our stops. The first night was a meet and greet where it was 32
time to meet the hosts and visit with fellow Charolais breeders from around the world. The first day started with a walk around the beautiful Powerscourt Gardens which was voted No. 3 in the World by National Geographic. It was good for many to walk off the long plane rides and it was a beautiful day We found it interesting that pet
cemeteries were a thing amongst the wealthy, as we saw several of them around Europe. The one here, besides dogs and horses, featured a couple of their favorite cows. Weatherby’s Scientific’s facilities was the next stop and we were given a tour of the laboratory and an overview of this business which has continued on page 34
Candace visits at the meet and greet with Chris Curry, England; Conference organizers Nevan McKiernan & Kevin Maguire and Colin Rex, Australia, who is organizing the 2020 Congress.
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Beautiful Powerscourt Gardens
been family owned since 1770 and been involved in Parentage Testing since 1985. Today they are one of Europe’s premier facilities doing Genomic Testing, parentage Verification, SNP Parentage Verification, Pedigree Scanning, Breed Assignment, and Genetic Disease and Major Gene testing in Bovine animals for many cattle herd books around the world. Skidoo Pedigree Charolais is a premier herd on the outskirts of Dublin. They announced the dispersal of the herd on September 14th, and as a result a large group of Irish breeders took part in this portion of the tour to get a pre-sale view of this top herd of 100 plus purebred females and 160 commercial cows. The day ended in a traditional Irish pub with song and dance performed by some very talented musicians and dancers. We enjoyed Irish stew and jovial hospitality.
Amazing views
The next morning was spent at the Teagasc Grange Research Centre. We had three presentations covering agriculture in Ireland, the role of Charolais and the Research centre. We were also able to tour their 570-acre farm where they conduct research in surroundings as similar to how the farming community operates as possible. Ireland has a total land area of 17 million acres, of which 11 million acres is farmland and of that, about 69% is grass land. There are 140,000 farm holdings with the average farm size being 80 acres and the average beef herd being 17 cows. Over 90% of all beef and dairy products produced go to export with England being their biggest market. Brexit has caused them much uncertainty as to the future of that market. Limousin is the number one beef bred in Ireland with Charolais number two. Calving ease seems to be the reason that the
Huge attendance at the Skidoo herd
Limousin breed is ahead of the Charolais and Angus is the most used AI sire on the dairy cows. The beef price in Ireland is very low by their standards and the trend is switching to dairy. At present there are about 1 million beef cows and 1.4 million dairy cows with some predicting the beef numbers could drop to 500,000 beef cows and push the dairy cow numbers up by that much. Ireland has the longest growing season in the Northern Hemisphere and because of the gulf stream they have a mild climate with plenty of rain which gives them a sustainable, grass based production system. Most animals are finished on grass, with the steers finishing at 28 months and the heifers at 25 months. They like larger animals, and many are calving at 36 months although some are aiming at 30 months and some even trying to do it at 24 months. continued on page 36 Tombstone for a 17-year old Jersey cow and 11-year old Champion Angus cow in a pet cemetery
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Sample of the quality at Skidoo
Because of the smaller herd size, it is hard to get top dollars for breeding bulls but the strive for top quality is not diminished. The tour of the Research Centre showed us the work they are doing on different projects. They have 1200 head of cattle and can house that many indoors for the winter. They have 90 on staff and do research on Genetics and Breeds, Animal Reproduction, Nutrition and Feeding, Forage Conservation, Grassland, Animal Welfare and Health, Beef Quality, Beef Systems and Computational Biology. Some of the projects seem somewhat redundant, as they have been completed in other parts of the world before, but the research grants keep everyone going. Lunch was served followed by some free time at the Guiness Storehouse in Dublin. This is an incredible seven story facility showing the Guiness story from beginnings, to
Some of the many great musicians we enjoyed
how they brew their beer, to sampling areas, souvenir shops, restaurant, night clubs, to roof top bar. The afternoon allowed us to spend some time in downtown Dublin before supper and evening entertainment of the famous “Riverdance”. This was spectacular! Day three started at the Kepak Feedlot. This 1,500 head lot is owned by a packing plant, so they finish predominately bulls for slaughter. There are 60 to 80 head/week in and out, so they feed 3,500 to 4,000 each year. They have four products in their ration which include distillery maize, grass sileage, corn sileage and beet pulp. It is interesting to note, the morning we were there, farmers were protesting in front of the packing plant that owns this facility to draw attention to the low prices they are getting paid for their finished animals. The next stop was the Tully Test Performance Centre which is the Irish
The mixed commercial herd at Grange Research Centre
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Cattle Breeding Federation’s progeny performance test station. Each year 500 young animals are purchased from breeding farms and tested for numerous efficiencies. The animals are fed to slaughter with the bulls being shipped at 15 to 18 months, steers at 17 to 23 months and heifers at 15 to 20 months. Besides Residual Feed Intake trials, they are doing methane gas research, rumen research and are gathering data on the eating quality of the meat, to develop an index. Lunch was at the National Stud and Japanese Gardens. The National Stud is a nationally owned facility breeding top quality racehorses with some of the top stallions in Ireland. The tour of this sprawling facility was well done. The Japanese garden is an immaculately kept space featuring some unique plants from Japan. Thursday morning was the Charolais International AGM chaired continued on page 38
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Looking at some finished bullocks at Kepak feedlot
by president Kevin Maguire. Reports on the Charolais International Youth Program, Genomic Subcommittee and updates on the upcoming Congresses and Conferences were given with discussion on topics for the future. Elections of the new executive were held with Brendan Scheiwe, from Australia elected the new president. The rest of the morning and afternoon was information packed with the top geneticists from the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation giving very informative presentations on who and what the ICBF is and what they are doing. It amazes me when DNA testing has taken the industry from the basic parentage verification to the extensive gene marking for abnormalities and ways of increasing profitability with this information. This was followed by presentations from the attending countries on where they are with genomic testing and what is currently important to their members and pedigree herdbook. It is interesting that some countries like the British Charolais, Irish Charolais, Mexican Charolais-Charbray are testing for Myostatins. Some are looking for positives and some are negative Myostatins. The positives are to identify calving ease and increased meat yields while also testing to remove the myostatin for double muscling in their populations. Because of the decades of selection criteria for calving ease and fertility in Canada, the need to test for these negative myostatins is not necessary. We feel the incidence of these in our population is negligible. Australian breeders are doing more testing for Homozygous polled animals with more than 1,350 tested in the last three years identifying 581 as Homo polled. The question was also asked about the liability of breeders who sell an animal with the wrong pedigree. In Australia, an Angus breeder was ordered to pay more than $200,000 after selling an animal with an incorrect pedigree. More parentage verifying is now being done before sales or right after on bulls going into pedigree herds. It is not an issue here with all walking bulls being parentage verified, but it is interesting how things around the world shift due to circumstances. The delegates that did not participate in the Technical Conference had the opportunity to tour Kilkenny, in the heart of Ireland’s Medieval capital. continued on page 40
Intricate wood sculptors at the National Stud farm
Typical cow at the Knockmahon herd
Centuries old walled Church courtyard
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Irish Charolais president Noel McGoldrick singing at the Barn Dance
Galileo, a great champion and an even better breeding stallion, whose stud fee is 600,000 Euro with no live foal guarantee. This season he bred over 180 mares.
The skeleton of Salder’s Wells, in the racehorse museum, the stallion that helped build Coolmore Stud Farm
The evening saw us travel to the Knockmahon herd in County Kilkenny. This is a top-quality herd not only with the pedigree Charolais cattle winning in the show ring, but the commercial herd consistently wins best pen of Charolais weanlings in the Kilkenny Mart for the past number of years. Following the tour of the impressive set of cattle a barbeque was held in their barn and was followed with a barn dance with live music. It was a fun evening of laughter, dancing and visiting. The famous Coolmore Stud farm considered to be the world’s biggest and best thoroughbred racehorse breeding operation was a highlight for many. It is an immaculate, impressive operation. It is an incredible example of how having a couple of top breeding and racing stallions can take you to the top and beyond. They now have farms near Lexington, Kentucky, in the U.S.A and in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. Because of the different breeding seasons, they had just sent 25 stallions to Australia for mating there before bringing them back to Ireland for next spring. Lunch was at the Tullamore Distillery followed by a tour of the makers of Tullamore Dew a very famous triple continued on page 42
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Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director
Collaboration across the beef industry will be an important aspect that determines whether or not the industry will remain viable for the next generation. The various sectors of the beef industry have traditionally operated independent of the next link in the chain, primarily through buy and sell transactions. Since 2003, we have lost more than a million head of cattle from the national beef herd. Our farmers and ranchers are getting older and are not being replaced through farm succession at the same rate they are leaving. Since 2014 the price signals have indicated that the herd should be expanding, but it hasn’t, in fact it has decreased as our older farmers and ranchers are using it along with high land prices as the exit (retirement) strategy or shifting land use to grow more crops. This indicates that there needs to be change in the structure of the industry from the grass roots farmers and ranchers through to the industry associations. The beef industry has lagged behind other agriculture in adopting new technology, but we are now at a point where the cost to use various technologies on beef operations is
feasible. New technology doesn’t always mean a physical hardware. It can be systems and software programing that use existing hardware. Data flow and information sharing is an evolving and important avenue that will allow for enhanced collaboration. Various technology platform development will be driven by both industry associations and private enterprise, with input from producers. The additional information will provide producers a new tool that allows them to make operational decisions that are precise and create efficiencies leading to increased profits and save valuable time. Information transfer and analytics on animals, crop production, and other types of production will become more common. Systems are designed so they can work together in networks, where each partner benefits. There will be minimal additional work required by producers as most of this data will be recorded automatically and uploaded to the network (with producer approval). Collaboration through a systems approach is one factor of many, that will help the beef industry to remain relevant and profitable into the future. The Canadian beef breed
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associations have collaborated on various projects for 25 years through CBBC. This has generally been on international marketing initiatives but more recently on genetic improvement programs. However, there is always room for improvement, and we know we can do better. The breeds associations through CBBC have been working with other national industry organizations such as the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattle Feeders, Canada Beef, BCRC, Canadian Meat Council and the Canadian Round Table for Sustainable beef on the 2020-2024 National Beef Strategy which will be released this fall. The strategy identifies the importance of genetic improvement to the beef industry, and the gains that can be made to our national cow herd. Considerable resources have been dedicated to developing the Canadian Beef Innovation Network (CBIN) which will be the platform for collaboration across the Canadian beef industry for genetic improvement. It will build upon the work currently done by the breed associations and tie in data from commercial cattle, feedlots and the packers. This is an exciting new opportunity and we will keep you posted on progress.
distilled whiskey. We enjoyed the Irish scenery as we ventured to Athlone and prepared for a cruise to the Wineport Lodge, where we dined in the finest setting. Saturday morning saw a two-hour bus ride to the west coast of Ireland to the Bostonia Pedigree and
Commercial Charolais herd on the banks of the Atlantic Ocean. This beautiful setting with quality cattle, was enjoyed along with a weight guessing contest and lunch in their extravagant barn. On the way back to Athlone, we stopped at Cathal Gill’s commercial operation. The liquid
sunshine poured down on us, and did shorten our tour of this operation that grass finishes some top quality Charolais steers every year. It was interesting to see the meat and structure of what they are producing in their commercial herds. The final day we attended the Irish continued on page 44
No bleachers around the show rings, you lean on the rail to watch
The heavy muscled steers being fed at Cathal Gill’s operation
Fitting is different than here but hard work too
Powerful cow who has been many times champion in years past
Crossane 4 Niamh National Grand Champion Female at 25 months of age (photo David Hobbs)
Sagesse Pierre National Grand Champion Bull at 7 months of age (photo David Hobbs)
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More great background music at the final gala dinner
National Charolais Show held at the Tullamore National Livestock Show. This is the largest one day show in Ireland which attracts the best cattle, sheep and equine breeders. The show averages 60,000 visitors with 700 Trade Stands from Agri Sectors, Home Industry, Farm Produce, Innovation, Forestry and Agri Machinery. Nearly 100 Charolais animals were paraded with one judge sorting the bulls and another judge in another ring sorting the females. The way they fit their animals and their selection criteria
were very interesting. One thing we have found travelling the world is that cattlemen will produce the type of cattle they feel are the most profitable for them, and in a couple of generations, you can really change the style of the animal. The other thing is that when you get into the herds there are some animals that will work anywhere in the world and a country’s cattle cannot be judged by their show strings. Charolais have proven to be a very adaptable breed and can meet the industry standards required in many countries. The final evening included the gala dinner back at the hotel with attending countries making presentations to the hosts for a tremendous, excellently organized and informative event. The Irish hospitality was superb, their country is beautiful, and they have top quality Charolais cattle with a definite place in the cattle industry there.
Canadians attending: Helge & Candace By; Bob & Diane Eastwood; Roger Maloney & Helen Lynett; Brian & Karissa Weeks; Brian & Heather Coughlin
Brian Couglin presented Nevan McKiernan & Noel McGoldrick a gift from the Canadian Charolais Association for hosting the Conference
Candace By received a Waterford Crystal vase from Kevin Mcguire, Nevan McKiernan & Noel McGoldrick of the Irish Society for her help and work on Charolais International
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Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.
Diamond - Hicks Wed
Sandra Lee Diamond and Bryan Hicks were married on March 16 at the Elora Mill, Elora, Ontario. Bryan and Sandy live in Kenilworth, Ontario, where they operate Hicks Charolais and Bryan practises veterinary medicine in his clinics.
in Toronto, ON. She recently accepted a position at Global Affairs Canada in the Counter -Terrorism and AntiCrime Capacity Building Programs Division as a Project Officer in Ottawa, ON. Courtney is a CCYA alumni, from Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls, Ontario. Kemp – Baron Wed
It’s A Boy!
Thurston Livestock these days and the Cornerview crew has been seen working on some red and whites. It’s Twin Boys! On April 24th, Charles and Philippe Audet were born to Geneviève Dubuc and Mickael Audet. They weighed 5 lb., 13 oz. and 5 lb., 4 oz. respectively. Geneviève is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of the very excited grandparents Chantal Raymond and Gilbert Dubuc, Dubuc Charolais, Ste-Eulalie, QC. It's a boy!
Samm and Jesse Houghton, Sunrise II Charolais, Stayner, Ontario, are pleased to announce the arrival of Clifford William on July 11, weighing 7 lb., 6 oz. Sharing in their joy is proud grandpa Jim Baker, Stayner. Black Convocates Courtney Black graduated with a Post -Graduate Certificate in International Development Project Management, from the Humber School of Business 46
Megan Kemp and Scott Baron were married on July 20 at their Hidden Lake Stock Farm, in Carberry, Manitoba. Their daughter Paisley joined the joyful celebration. Scott is a CCYA Alumni. Coughlin – Thurston Wed On May 19, CCYA Alumni, Katrina Coughlin and Ivor Thurston were married on the farm at Cornerview Charolais in Cobden, Ontario. There’s a little more white in the fields at Charolais Banner • October 2019
Proud parents Andre and Katie Steppler, along with big sister Brynn and big brother Brayden, are so excited to welcome Declan Isaac Steppler! Declan was born April 29. Grandparents are Pat and Dan Steppler, Steppler Farms, Miami, Manitoba. Andre, Brayden and Brynn are all CCYA Alumni. continued on page 47
Robertson Receives Service Award
Craig Scott, Olds, Alberta, received a 20 Year Service Award from the Charolais Banner at the Canadian Charolais Youth Conference. Craig just completed his twentieth year as fieldman and partner before exiting the company to start his new position as General Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association. We wish him all the best.
Dalyse Robertson, Neepawa, Manitoba, received a 20 Year Service Award from the Charolais Banner at the Canadian Charolais Youth Conference. Dalyse started as a receptionist and office assistant and now manages web design and subscription services. We look forward to continuing our work with her.
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Renfrew Fair Renfrew Fair Charolais Show September 8, 2019 • Renfrew, ON Judge: Mitch Hennekam, Oakwood, ON 39 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2019 1. CRG MISS MONTIE 903G (M & M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Charolais, Cobden; 2. BAKER FARMS GORGEOUS 17G (TR Mr. Firewater 5792R ET), Baker Farms, Madoc; 3. CORNERVIEW GRACE 21G (SVY Monument Pld 159Y), Cornerview Charolais, Cobden; 4. CORNERVIEW CERVETTA 13G (SVY Monument PLD 159Y), Cornerview Charolais; 5. BLACKBERN GABBIE 24G (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls. Heifer Calf Champion CRG MISS MONTIE 903G, Oattes Charolais Reserve Calf Champion BAKER FARMS GORGEOUS 17G, Baker Farms Females Born in 2018 – Split 1 1. CRG MISS MONTIE 8F (M & M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Charolais; 2. CORNERVIEW WILLOW 13F (Gerrard New York 41A), Cornerview Charolais; 3. CRG FLASHY GAL 22F (CRG Fresh Prince 42B), McCord Farms, Kanata; 4. BAKER FARMS FENDI 4F (SOS Chuckwagon 54C), Baker Farms; 5. BAKER FARMS BELLE 10F (SOS Chuckwagon 54C), Baker Farms. Females Born in 2018 – Split 2 1. CRG FREAKIN’ AWESOME 57F,
Grand & Supreme Champion Female - CRG FREAKIN’ AWESOME 57F, Oattes Charolais & Stanhow Farms
(CRG Fresh Prince 42B), Oattes Charolais & Stanhow Farms; 2. CRG PLAY TOY 55F (CRG Legal Ledger 52D), Wil-B Cattle Co., Renfrew. Junior Champion Female CRG FREAKIN’ AWESOME 57F, Oattes Charolais & Stanhow Farms Reserve Junior Champion Female CRG MISS MONTIE 8F, Oattes Charolais Females Born in 2017 1. GOLDEN MEADOW ELLA 20E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z, calf - Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A), Cornerview Charolais; 2. MCTAVISH PURE CREAM 24E (SVY Monument Pld 159Y, calf – SOS Hooey Pld 127D), Blackbern Farms; 3. BLACKBERN ELSA 18E (Rosso Double Down 8Z, calf – WR Travel Agent A602), Blackbern Farms. Females Born Prior to 2017 1. CORNERVIEW DREAM DATE 13D (TR Mr. Firewater 5792R ET, calf – Cornerview Express 2E), Cornerview Charolais; 2. SHARODON ALWAYS EASY 16A (Shelco Made Easy 512R, calf – XAL Fire It Up 5A), Sharodon Farm, Omemee. Senior Champion Female CORNERVIEW DREAM DATE 13D, Cornerview Charolais Reserve Senior Champion Female SHARODON ALWAYS EASY 16A, Sharodon Farms Grand & Supreme Champion Female CRG FREAKIN’ AWESOME 57F, Oattes Charolais & Stanhow Farms
Reserve Grand Champion Female CRG MISS MONTIE 8F, Oattes Charolais Bulls Born in 2019 1. BAKER FARMS GOD’S PLAN 3G (Baker Farms Edgar 9E), Baker Farms; 2. CRG OUTTA HERE 954G (M & M Outsider 4003 Pld), Oattes Charolais; 3. BAKER FARMS GRETZKY 15G (Baker Farms Charming 6E), Baker Farms; 4. CORNERVIEW GUINNESS 33G (Cornerview Evinrude 1E), Cornerview Charolais; 5. CORNERVIEW GUNNER 3G (Cornerview Express 2E), Cornerview Charolais. Bull Calf Champion BAKER FARMS GOD’S PLAN 3G, Baker Farms Reserve Bull Calf Champion CRG OUTTA HERE 954G, Oattes Charolais Bulls Born in 2017 1. CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E (SVY Monument Pld 159Y), Cornerview Charolais; 2. MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Southview Farms, Courtice. Senior Champion Bull CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E, Cornerview Charolais Reserve Senior Champion Bull MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farms Grand Champion Bull CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E, Cornerview Charolais continued on page 55
Grand Champion Bull - CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E, Cornerview Charolais
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Reserve Grand Champion Bull - MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farms
Manitoba Charolais AGM The Manitoba Charolais Association’s 52nd Annual General Meeting was hosted by Sunblade Charolais, Tyler and Nicki Stewart, at the Birtle Ag Society Grounds on Saturday, August 3rd. 21 members of the Manitoba Charolais Association attended the meeting on this scorching hot day. All members and guests were treated to a pen show and enjoyed the hospitality offered by the hosts. Jeff Cavers, of La Riviere, was elected President of the Manitoba Charolais Association. Hans Myhre, Dauphin, was elected 1st Vice President and Michael Hunter, Roblin, was elected to fill the roll of 2nd Vice President. Rae Trimble-Olsen, Portage La Prairie, will remain the SecretaryTreasurer for the board. Bert McDonald, Brookdale, and Merv Nykoliation, Lenore, were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Matthew Ramsey, Strathclair was re-elected. They join Erin Jackson, Inglis; Kevin Stebeleski, Oakburn; Scott Johnston, Rathwell; Tyler Stewart, Foxwarren; Shawn Airey, Rivers and Jim Olson, Portage La Prairie, to complete the MCA Board. Brad Cline, Belmont, and Andre Steppler, Miami, retired from the board.
At the year end of 2018, the financial report showed assets of just over $16,000, total revenue of $29,637, and total expenses for the year of $28,597, resulting in a slight revenue over expenses of $1,040. The Manitoba Charolais Bulletin, the semi-annual publication put out by the MCA, was the largest expenditure, followed by sponsorship. There were 63 water pails awarded to 4-H members in Manitoba in 2018 who exhibited a Charolais or Charcross animal. The 2018 MCA scholarship was awarded to Nathan Olmstead. Craig Scott, General Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association, was in attendance and gave an update on the CCA. Attendees of the meeting were given the opportunity to view the cattle in the pen show, with Cam and Kaitlin Nykoliation judging the show. They were tasked with evaluating bred heifers, purebred and commercial cow/calf pairs and bull calves. Top pens were awarded prior to the start of supper. Also awarded at the meeting was Purebred Breeder of the Year and Commercial Producer of the Year, which was voted on earlier in the day. Receiving the honour of Breeder of the Year was Sunblade Charolais,
Tyler and Nicki Stewart. Commercial Producer of the Year was awarded to Darcy and Barb Kozack, of Shoal Lake. To conclude the day, a supper and evening of visiting with fellow cattlemen and friends wrapped up the meeting for another year.
Tyler & Nicki Stewart were presented Purebred Breeder of the Year by Jeff Cavers
Darcy & Barb Kozack were presented Commercial Producer of the Year by Hans Myhre
2019 MCA Board of Directors: L-R-Back: Rae Trimble Olson, Secretary, Portage La Prairie; Erin Jackson, Inglis; Shawn Airey, Rivers; Jim Olson, Portage La Prairie; Kevin Stebeleski, Oakburn; Ron McDonald, Sidney; Bert McDonald, Brookdale; Tyler Stewart, Foxwarren; Merv Nykoliation, Lenore. Front: Hans Myhre, 1st Vice-President, Dauphin; Jeff Cavers, President, La Riviere; Michael Hunter, 2nd Vice-President, Roblin. Missing: Matthew Ramsay, Strathclair; Jared Preston, Ste. Rose du Lac and Scott Johnston, Rathwell
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Max Voegeli 1932-2019
Max Voegeli passed away on August 25, 2019, at the age of 87. He was still actively helping out in any way he could. Max along with his brother, Norman, and sister-in-law, Dorothy, were the founders of Voegeli Bros. Charolais. They became Lifetime Members of the Canadian Charolais Association in 1976. He was known as Uncle Max to many of you. He was our truck driver to get us to the many shows where we exhibited, then once there, he became our ‘PR person’. As the PR person he was involved in many ‘safety meetings’ – these usually started at night chores and lasted past tie out and bed making. If they happened sooner he and some of his Charolais friends could be found in the feed alley swapping stories. A couple of the ‘crown royal’ highlights for Max was winning Canadian National
Champion Female in 1992 and 1995. We were members of the Hub Breeders Club. Along with selling in the Hub Sale we also sold females in the Northwest Treasure Chest Sale and the Sterling Collection. The bulls were sold in the Basic Bull Sale, Last Chance Bull Sale and the Lloydminster Bull Sale. Max spent many hours visiting with fellow breeders, which is what he enjoyed most. He dispersed his commercial herd in 2017. Another one of his favorite outings were the bred cow sales at SLS, he made a point to go regardless of what the weather was like. We think he first started going to these sales to bug us because you never knew if he was going to come home with some new purchases. Max may have been a bachelor but he was never short of female opinions. He had his sister-in-law, along with four nieces to try to keep him in line, which wasn’t always that easy. Max along with our dad, Norman, gave us
our start in the cattle business. They let us have pick of the steer calves to use as our 4-H steers and also bought heifer calves for us to use in 4-H. We all still have a connection to the Charolais breed in one form or another. As I am writing this it brings back many memories (too many to mention) but one thing is certain, Max was a believer in the Charolais breed. Max leaves to mourn his passing a brother Allen (Lorraine), sister-in-law Dorothy, nieces Audrey Seib (Richard) and their daughter Stephanie McIntosh (Blair) along with their boys Seth and Carter; Darlene Voegeli; Debbie Payne (Rocky); Lissa Serhienko (Dennis) and their girls Katie and Cassidy. Max was predeceased by his brother Norman in 2015. In closing, one thing I have learned since Max’s passing is never take for granted what past generations do for you. ~ Submitted by Darlene Voegeli
Irvin Jacobson 1953-2019
Irvin (I.J.) Jacobson passed away September 4th in Manning, Alberta after nearly a two year battle with cancer at the age of 66. Irvin was born in northern Alberta in Manning in 1953 and after graduating with a diploma from the
Fairview College of Agriculture he purchased a farm in 1973. Soon after, he developed his interest in Charolais and started building his herd, also known as Triangle J Charolais. He married Mary Glasier in 1982 and they raised three children. In 1998 he moved back to his parents homestead and farmed there until 2017. He also had a passion for horses
and volunteered at the Manning Rodeo for several years. Together with Mary, they started and ran the Battle River Agricultural Horse show for many years. Irvin was a good neighbour and always had time for a cup of coffee, a game of cards or to lend a helping hand.
Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up 2019, Charolais Highlights August 2-4, 2019 • Neepawa, MB The CCYA was well represented at this junior show. Below are some of the highlights of their achievements.
Junior Champion & Reserve Champion Showmanship Cade Wright, Pangman, SK, and Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa Reserve Champion Individual Judging Cade Wright
Grand Champion Intermediate Judging Kamryn Gilliland, Carievale, SK Reserve Champion Peewee Team Judging Lukas Cavers, La Riviere, and Jorja continued on page 51
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Young Ranchman’s Charolais Highlights Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show, Charolais Highlights September, 2019 • Swift Current, SK The Charolais breed was well represented by the CCYA youth who were in attendance. The kids participated in several events which included public speaking, judging, team grooming, showmanship, an educational seminar, and confirmation classes with their animals. Below are some of the highlights of their achievements. Grand Champion Charolais BECK’S TEQUILA 69F (Sparrow’s Braxton 519C), Jorja Beck, Milestone Reserve Grand Champion Charolais MISS PRAIRIE COVE 905G (TR PZC Mr. Turton 0794 ET), Scarlet Fowler, Bowden, AB
Grand Champion Peewee Team Show Judging Scarlet Fowler & Joss Pittman, Kyle Grand Champion Junior Team Show Judging Indy Fowler, Bowden, AB & Owen Wilms, Dundurn Grand Champion Intermediate Team Show Judging Georgia Pawlitza, Hazlet & Kylie Berner, Verwood
Grand Champion Charolais – BECK’S TEQUILA 69F, Jorja Beck, Milestone
Grand Champion Senior Team Show Judging Mason Beck, Milestone & Kylie Beck, Milestone Reserve Intermediate Grand Champion Aggregate Georgia Pawlitza Reserve Grand Champion Charolais – MISS PRAIRIE COVE 905G, Scarlet Fowler, Bowden, AB
MB YOUTH BEEF ROUNDUP, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50 Best, Harding Reserve Champion Junior Team Judging Cade Wright and Madisyn Robertson Reserve Champion Intermediate Team Judging Zach Baron, Carberry, and Ty Nykoliation, Crandall Grand and Reserve Champion Junior Aggregate Madisyn Robertson and Fischer Cavers, La Riviere Grand Champion Charolais Female STEPPLER CCYA 2018 41E (Sparrows Braxton 519C, calf - Pro-Char Winchester 6D), Zach Baron Reserve Champion Charolais Female G. BROS ALEXIS 620F (PCC Rome 437B), Kamryn Gilliland Reserve Champion Steer Kamryn Gilliland
Grand Champion Charolais Female STEPPLER CCYA 2018 41E, Zach Baron
Reserve Grand Champion Charolais Female - G. BROS ALEXIS 620F, Kamryn Gilliland
Reserve Champion Steer – Kamryn Gilliland
Grand Champion Junior Aggregate – Madisyn Robertson
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Classic Heritage Beef Show Classic Heritage Charolais Show Friday September 20, 2019 • Windsor, NS Judge: Tyson Hertz, Fir Mountain, SK 28 Entries (A BOSS Show) Bulls Born in 2019 HUNTER ACRES GEORGIE 4G (WR Wrangler W601), Hunter Acres Charolais, Hunter River, PEI; 2. HUNTER ACRES GEORGE 3G (Merit Roundup 9508W), Hunter Acres Charolais; 3. MNH GUNNER 1G (Cumberland Eliot 1E), M&H Lake Farm, Newport; 4. PCHF MASTERPIECE 2G (WC Milestone 5223P), Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle, Windsor. Bull Calf Champion HUNTER ACRES GEORGIE 4G, Hunter Acres Charolais Reserve Bull Calf Champion HUNTER ACRES GEORGE 3G, Hunter Acres Charolais Bulls Born in 2018 PCHF BIGG YIPPER 4F (Winn Mans Big Rig 639Y), Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle. Grand Junior Champion Bull PCHF BIGG YIPPER 4F, Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle Grand Champion Bull PCHF BIGG YIPPER 4F, Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle Reserve Champion Bull HUNTER ACRES GEORGIE 4G, Hunter Acres Charolais Females Born in 2019 HUNTER ACRES GERALDINE 2G (WR Wrangler W601), Hunter Acres Charolais; 2. CNB GEORGETTE 23G (Mr Louber Prefix 638A), Jack & Jeff McAffee, Lower Knoxford, NB; 3. CNB GRACEFUL 1G (WR Wrangler W601), Jack & Jeff McAffee; 4. HUNTER ACRES GAIL 1G (Merit
Roundup 9508W), Hunter Acres Charolais; 5. FUNDY PLD GLACIER 907G (Steppler Tulo 340E), Fundy Charolais Farm, Fenwick. Heifer Calf Champion HUNTER ACRES GERALDINE 2G, Hunter Acres Charolais Reserve Heifer Calf Champion CNB GEORGETTE 23G, Jack & Jeff McAffee Females Born in 2018 Split 1 FUNDY PLD FANTASY ET 805F (SOS Home Grown 15C), Fundy Charolais Farm; 2. LADY FANE FANCY 27F (Steppler Rhett 71D), Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle; 3. CNB FANCY 109F (OBR New Direction 1B), Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle; 4. LXL FANCY LXL 10F (Dubuc Abby 314A), Knowles Bros Charolais, Hants County; 5. LXL FANNY LXL 6F (Dubuc Abby 314A), Knowles Bros Charolais. Females Born in 2018 Split 2 HUNTER ACRES FLORENCE 2F (Merit Roundup 9508W), Hunter Acres Charolais; 2. MOYER’S FINE’N’DANDY 4F (S.S.S. Demon Within 3D), Golden Brook Farms, Upper Malagash; 3. BALAMORE FREEWAY 1F (WR Wrangler W601), M&H Lake Farm; 4. HUNTER ACRES FARRAH 3F (WR Wrangler W601), Hunter Acres; 5. DRK FRANKIE 3F (SVY Uproar PLD 331A), Knowles Bros Charolais. Female Born Prior to 2017 LAE TIGER LILY 89X (LAE Textile 734T, calf – Cornerview Dashboard 39D), Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle. Senior Champion Female LAE TIGER LILY 89X, Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle Grand Champion Female HUNTER ACRES FLORENCE 2F, Hunter Acres Charolais
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Grand Champion Bull - PCHF BIGG YIPPER 4F, Kingsmeadow Land & Cattle
Reserve Champion Bull - HUNTER ACRES GEORGIE 4G, Hunter Acres Charolais
Reserve Champion Female - HUNTER ACRES GERALDINE 2G, Hunter Acres Charolais
Reserve Champion Female HUNTER ACRES GERALDINE 2G, Hunter Acres Charolais Breeders Herd Hunter Acres Charolais Get of Sire Hunter Acres Charolais (WR Wrangler W601) Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Hunter Acres Charolais
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Lindsay Charolais Show Lindsay Exhibition Charolais Show September 21, 2019 • Lindsay, ON Judge: Mike Early, Kerwood, ON 53 Entries (A BOSS Show) Bulls Born in 2019 1. CEDARDALE GRETZKY 69G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais, Nestleton; 2. CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 3. BAKER FARMS GOD’S PLAN 3G (Baker Farms Edgar 9E), Baker Farms, Madoc; 4. CEDARDALE GUSTO 122G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 5. EMB RIGGINS 85G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais, Oro-Medonte. Bull Calf Champion CEDARDALE GRETZKY 69G, Cedardale Charolais Reserve Bull Calf Champion CEDARDALE GUNNER 99G, Cedardale Charolais Bulls Born in 2018 Split 1 1. HICKS FRONT N CENTRE 44F (WSS Budweiser 480B), Hicks Charolais, Arthur; 2. MR. SOUTHVIEW XPLORER 50F (MVY Xplorer 21X), Southview Farms, Courtice.
McCall, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle
Reserve Female Calf Champion EMB MADDIE 30G, EMB Charolais
Reserve Bull Champion MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Southview Farms
Females Born in 2018 Split 1 1. CEDARDALE MISS 138F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Stonewood Grange, Lakefield; 2. CEDARDALE MISS 136F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co., Melancthon; 3. S.S.S. FRENCH MAID 3F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Bogart Cattle Co., Tweed.
Grand Champion Bull ROLLIN’ ACRES EMMETT 37E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, George McCall, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle Reserve Grand Champion Bull ROLLIN’ ACRES FRONT RUNNER 38F, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Females Born in 2019 1. LBL GRACE 65G (HAMM Mogo U23), Little Bitty Livestock, Woodville; 2. EMB MADDIE 30G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais; 3. EMB SERENDIPITY 22G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), EMB Charolais; 4. FOURTHLANE GLAMOUR 11G (WC Milestone 5223P), Fourthlane Farms, Consecon; 5. BRIDOR GRACEFUL 12G (Elder’s Blackjack 788B), Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest. Female Calf Champion LBL GRACE 65G, Little Bitty Livestock
Females Born in 2018 Split 2 1. CEDARDALE MISS 84F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 2. BAKER FARMS FENDI 4F (SOS Chuckwagon 54C), Baker Farms; 3. WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co. & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 4. CEDARDALE MISS 30F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais; 5. CEDARDALE MISS 29F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Cedardale Charolais. Junior Champion Female CEDARDALE MISS 84F, Cedardale Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female BAKER FARMS FENDI 4F, Baker Farms
Bulls Born in 2018 Split 2 1. ROLLIN’ ACRES FRONT RUNNER 38F (SCF Gunner 317D), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Mulmur; 2. MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F (MCF Bohannon 305A), Moyer Cattle Co., Arthur. Junior Bull Champion ROLLIN’ ACRES FRONT RUNNER 38F, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Junior Bull Champion MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F, Moyer Cattle Co Bulls Born in 2017 1. ROLLIN’ ACRES EMMETT 37E (SCF You Betcha 94Y), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, George McCall, Annan & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley; 2. MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Southview Farms. Senior Bull Champion ROLLIN’ ACRES EMMETT 37E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, George 54
Grand Champion Bull - ROLLIN’ ACRES EMMETT 37E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, George McCall, Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle
Reserve Grand Champion Bull - ROLLIN’ ACRES FRONT RUNNER 38F, Rollin’ Acres Charolais
Grand Champion Female - MVY STELLA 20E, Rollin’ Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.
Reserve Grand Champion Female CEDARDALE MISS 84F, Cedardale Charolais
Charolais Banner • October 2019
RENFREW FAIR, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 48 (Cornerview Confetti 34C); 3. Baker Reserve Grand Champion Bull Farms (BF Cinderella Z 14C); 4. Wil-B MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E, Cattle Co. (CRG Miss Playtoy 38D). Southview Farms Progeny of Dam 1. Oattes Charolais (TR Miss Montie 2716 ET); 2. Cornerview Charolais
Get of Sire 1. Oattes Charolais (M & M Outsider 4003 Pld); 2. Cornerview Charolais
LINDSAY CHAROLAIS SHOW, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 54 Females Born in 2017 with Calf Senior Champion Female 1. MVY STELLA 20E (MCF Bohannon MVY STELLA 20E, Rollin’ Acres 305A, calf – MVY Caous 64D), Rollin’ Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co. Acres Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co.; Reserve Senior Champion Female 2. LBL EVELYN 16E (HAMM Mogo ECHO SPRINGS ORIANNA 13C, U23, calf – CJC Symbol B1067P), Little EMB Charolais Bitty Livestock. Grand Champion Female Female Born Prior to 2017 with Calf MVY STELLA 20E, Rollin’ Acres 1. ECHO SPRINGS ORIANNA 13C Charolais & BZBT Cattle Co. (HAMM Mogo U23, calf -PCFL Reserve Grand Champion Female General Lee 15B), EMB Charolais; CEDARDALE MISS 84F, Cedardale 2. SHARODON ALWAYS EASY 16A Charolais (Shelco Made Easy 512R, calf – XAL Breeder’s Herd Fire It Up 5A), Sharodon Farms, 1. Cedardale Charolais; 2. EMB Omemee.
(SVY Monument Pld 159Y). Breeders Herd 1. Oattes Charolais; 2. Cornerview Charolais; 3. Baker Farms; 4. Blackbern Farms.
Charolais; 3. Little Bitty Livestock; 4. Baker Farms; 5. Southview Farms. Get of Sire 1. Cedardale Charolais (Cedardale Zeal 125Z); 2. EMB Charolais (Cedardale Zeal 125Z); 3. Southview Farms (Cedardale Zeal 125Z). Progeny of Dam 1. Little Bitty Livestock (AGA A Turdy Girl 6A); 2. Cedardale Charolais (Cedardale Miss 35A); 3. Fourthlane Farms (Medonte Bombshell 8B); 4. Baker Farms (BF Cinderella Z 14C); 5. Southview Farms (ONL Sugar Baby 25D).
Gene Foat 1945-2019
Gene Foat passed away in the Foothills hospital on September 25, 2019 due to complications from a farming accident. He grew up on a mixed farm in the Cremona area and loved the farming lifestyle growing up. He was active with cattle but all things mechanical really captivated him. He earned his Automotive Mechanics license in Calgary and his Heavy-Duty Mechanc license in Edmonton and worked for a few companies. His last mechanical job was constructing a dam in Newfoundland where he left the ends of 2 fingers under an end dump scraper. That was enough for him and he changed course to return to
farming. Gene went farming with his brothers Irvine and Roy. They had a mixed farm with cattle, hay and grain. Gene married Joan Kramer in 1974 and they had two boys. Gene raised purebred Shorthorns until he and son Mike got into Charolais in 2003, when they bought the Brisco Charolais herd. Foat Charolais dispersed in 2016. One of Gene’s passions was in bettering the lives of young people. He employed his nephews and many other students from the nearby Cremona School. After he started his partnership with his brother, Irvine, they began to employ Agricultural Trainees. Over the course of his farming life he employed 29 different trainees from different countries who were always treated like a part of the family. Gene was active in the Charolais Banner • October 2019
Cremona 4-H club where he acted as beef leader. He was the President of the Ag Society during the fundraising and building process of the Cremona Arena. He didn’t want his sons to have to push snow off the outdoor rink like he had to. Gene was a farmer right up to the end. He eased back and was only feeding 30 cows, but it got him out of the house every day. Unfortunately, he had a run in with a cow while tagging her calf as he couldn’t quite move like he used to. Gene will be missed by his wife Joan and two sons. Mike (Heather) and sons Jacob, Isaac, and Thomas. Phil (Michelle) and daughters Kyra and Kenzie. He is survived by his brother Irvine and his sisters Irma and Dwila as well as numerous nieces and nephews. 55
Ostiguy Dispersal Sale Ranch Ostiguy Complete Dispersal Sale October 5, 2019 • St-Cesaire, QC 16 Cow/Calf Pairs 15 Bred Cows 7 Bred Heifers 1 Mature Bull
Gross Average $126,100 $7,881 49,150 3,277 29,100 4,157 7,500 7,500
39 Lots
Auctioneer: Luc Breton Blockman: Eric Trepannier Sale Manager: By Livestock After 30 years in Charolais, Pierre, who turned 65 the day after the sale, decided to retire from the cattle business. He was very active over decades at both shows and sales and was president of the Quebec Charolais Association for a few years as well. This quality offering, with many AI sires used over the years, saw good support from the Quebec breeders and cattle sold into six provinces. High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 32, MISS LOUBER REMINGTON 265Z (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 22 Milk EPD), sired by Hicks Remington 31U, out of a KCM Tazer 720T daughter, bred to SVY Wizard 707E. Sold for $5,500 to Ferme Coujo Charolais, Nortre-Dame-DuBon-Conseil. Lot 32A, POST GRACIA 265G (Polled, 922 lb, 82 YW EPD), sired by First. Sold for $6,000 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie. Lot 2, POST ZOE 601Z (3rd Gen. Polled, 93 YW EPD), sired by Mr Louber Heavy Weight 594U, out of an LT Rio Bravo 3183 P daughter, bred to SVY Wizard 707E. Sold for $5,000 to 21 Genetics, Acme, AB.
Eric Manningham & Claude Lemay were both volume buyers
Lot 2A, POST GYGY 601G (Polled, 933 lb, 52 WW EPD), sired by First. Sold for $6,100 to 21 Genetics. Lot 27, CMED TIMAY NOUMA 904A (Double Polled, 50 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD), sired by PCC Sudden Impact 848U, out of an SVS Mastercard 2M daughter, bred to MRF Pure Power 3D. Sold for $6,500 to Claude Lemay, St-Gerard Des-Lauren. Lot 27A, POST GESHA 904G (3rd Gen. Polled, 740 lb), sired by POST Denver 61D. Sold for $4,400 to Claude Lemay. Lot 10, POST MISS BANNER 836B (Double Polled, -.5 BW EPD, 70 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter, bred to SVY Wizard 707E. Sold for $7,100 to Valley Charolais, Shawville. Lot 10A, POST GEORGIO 836G (3rd Gen. Polled, 980 lb, -.9 BW EPD, 98 YW EPD), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A. Sold for $3,300 to Dale Sutton, Havelock, ON. High Selling Bred Cow Lot 26, POST DIANA 84D (4th Gen. Polled, -2.8 BW EPD, 91 YW EPD), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter,
bred to Sparrows Eldorado 361L. Sold for $4,950 to Golden Brook Farms, Upper Malagash, NS. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 12, POST MISS ELDORAO 36E (Double Polled, 80 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter, bred to HRJ Maverick 556C. Sold for $7,500 to Kaiser Cattle Co., Hussar, AB. Lot 13, POST FRNCESCA 836F (3rd Gen. Polled, -5.7 BW EPD, 15.1 CE EPD), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter, bred Red Angus. Sold for $5,700 to 21 Genetics. High Selling Mature Bull Lot 14, MRF PURE POWER 3D (Polled/s, .1 BW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 22 Milk EPD), sired by Anjou Pure Power 184Y, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold Francois Couture for $7,500 to purchased two top 21 Genetics, females for his Ferme Acme, AB. Coujo herd
Kaven Begin & Caroline Fortin added the high selling heifer calf to their Ferme Louber herd
Andrew Simms & Donna Courchesne purchased the second high selling female of the day
Lee, Linda & Ed Miller with Huey Ross. The Millers were volume buyers taking 15 head to Alberta
Leanne & Barry Kaiser bought the high selling bred heifer
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Charolais Banner • October 2019
OLDS FALL CLASSIC Olds Fall Classic Charolais Show Olds, AB • Oct 6, 2019 Judge: Cheramie Viator, Turnbull, TX 34 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born In 2019 Split 1 1. CML DESIRAE 990G (RBM Fargo Y111), McLeod Livestock, Cochrane; 2. ONL MISS EVETTA 20G (JIL Thunder Roll 69Z), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock, Red Deer County; 3. SOS LIP GLOSS 86G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Springside Farms, Airdrie; 4. MISS PRAIRIE COVE 939G ( LT Landmark 5052 Pld), Kemp Farms, Red Deer County. Females Born 2019 Split 2 1. ONL MISS HOT Dam 4G (KCM Spectacular Bid 240Z), Daines Cattle/ O’Neill Livestock; 2. SOS IVANKA 24G (SOS Home Grown 15C), Springside Farms; 3. HRJ MISS PARIS 990G (TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET), Johnson Charolais, Barrhead; 4. JIL MS CUFF 66G (Baker Farms Con Artist 3C), Future Farms, Red Deer County; 5. JIL SHES MY KIND 152G (Bar Diamond Hank 22M), Future Farms; 6.CIRCLE CEE DEFIANT 901G (LAE Easton 702E), Kemp Farms.
Reserve Junior Champion Female ONL SMOOCH 3F, Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock
Reserve Champion Female RRMM MS MILES BABY 18E, Nelson Hirsche Purebreds
Females Born in 2017 with Calf 1. CEDARLEA WREN 13E (Circle Cee Legend 307A, calf - LT Affinity 6221 Pld), McLeod Livestock; 2. RRMM MS MILES BABY 18E (PCC Balistik 441P, calf - CML Copyright 714E ET), Nelson Hirsche Purebreds, Del Bonita; 3. SHSH SHANIA 9E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, calf - Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Springside Farms.
Bull Born in 2019 1. MMM BISMARK 950G (RBM Fargo Y111), Triple M Farm; 2. JIL RAZZLE DAZZLE 51G (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Future Farms; 3. MMM LINCOLN 953G (RBM Fargo Y111), Triple M Farm; 4. JIL PONDEROSA 27G (LT Del Rey 6161), Future Farms.
Females Born in 2016 with Calf 1. MMM LADY DI 60D (CML Diablo 2X, calf - CML Copyright 714E ET), Triple M Farm; 2. HRJ MISS PARIS 607D (LT Ledger 0332P, calf - Sparrows Kingston 139Y), Johnson Charolais.
Reserve Champion Bull Calf JIL RAZZLE DAZZLE 51G, Future Farms
Senior Champion Female CEDARLEA WREN 13E, McLeod Livestock Reserve Senior Champion Female RRMM MS MILES BABY 18E, Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Grand Champion Female CEDARLEA WREN 13E, McLeod Livestock
Bull Calf Champion MMM BISMARK 950G, Triple M Farm
Bull Born n 2018 1. BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Springside Farms; 2. HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Sparrows Estevez 471B), Johnson Charolais; 3. JWX FORENSIC 691F (MVY Class Act 3C), Daines Cattle/ O’Neill Livestock. Champion Junior Bull BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F, Springside Farms continued on page 59
Females Born in 2019 Split 3 1. CML EVETTA 903G (LT Patriot 4004 Pld), McLeod Livestock; 2. MMM WILMA 93G (RBM Fargo Y111), Triple M Farm, Claresholm; 3. WGD SAUCY TUCKER 2G (MCF Bohannon 305A), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock. Heifer Calf Champion CML DESIRAE 990G, McLeod Livestock Reserve Heifer Calf Champion ONL MISS EVETTA 20G, Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock
Grand Champion Female – CEDARLEA WREN 13E, McLeod Livestock
Reserve Champion Female – RRMM MS MILES BABY 18E, Nelson Hirsche Purebreds
Grand Champion Bull – CML COPYRIGHT 714E, McLeod Livestock
Reserve Champion Bull – BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F, Springside Farms
Females Born in 2018 1. CML DESIRAE 846F (CML Gunslinger 410B), McLeod Livestock; 2. ONL SMOOCH 3F (PH General Lee 5C), Daines Cattle/O’Neill Livestock; 3. SOS DESIRAE PLD 7F (Winn Manns Chavez 826Y), Springside Farms. Junior Champion Female CML DESIRAE 846F, McLeod Livestock 58
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CCYA 2019 Highlights Haley Rosso, Secretary
The Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show “Whiteout in Weyburn” was once again a highlight of this past summer. This year’s conference brought together 111 junior participants from near and far to the Weyburn Ag Society from July 24-27. We once again hosted the Charolais International Youth Program, where we welcomed 9 International senior members from Australia, Estonia, Ireland, Hungary, New Zealand and the United States. These members competed in their own category in all our regular CCYA events, which CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Keegan Blehm Vice-President: Reegan McLeod Treasurer: Tyson Black Secretary: Haley Rosso
allowed them to learn how these events are done in Canada, but it also gave us Canadians the opportunity to see some differences in showing and fitting techniques around the world. This year the planning committee switched up the schedule a bit. We started the conference with judging of three classes; market steer, bull calf and yearling heifers. Once the competition was concluded, the steers were sent to Western Prime Meat Processors to be butchered. On Friday the 26th, we attended Western Prime to evaluate the carcasses of the steers we had judged on the first day. This opportunity showed us the finished product of our efforts to
produce market animals, and what factors are most important to do this efficiently. Instead of the mixer, this year we had “Barnyard Olympics”, which was another highlight of the week, and even included an all parent team. It was a week for the books in all aspects, and I know many members are excited for the 2020 Conference in Alberta. For more information on CCYA and our programs make sure to check out our website at or find us on Facebook and Twitter @charolaisyouth!
Director: Evan Jamieson Director: Megan Perih Director: Calina Evans Director: Bradley Fergus
Vice-President: Logan Jamieson Treasurer: Robyn Young Secretary: Evan Jamieson CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Jill Debenham ON: Karen Black MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers AB: Kasey Phillips |
2020 CCYA Conference & Show Executive President: Reegan McLeod
Youth Coordinator: Shae-Lynn Evans
OLDS FALL CLASSIC, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 58 Reserve Champion Junior Bull HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F, Johnson Charolais
Senior Champion Bull CML COPYRIGHT 714E, McLeod Livestock
Bull Born in 2017 1. CML COPYRIGHT 714E (CJC Trademark H45), McLeod Livestock.
Grand Champion Bull CML COPYRIGHT 714E, McLeod Livestock
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Reserve Champion Bull BRIDOR FORTUNE MAKER 6F, Springside Farms
“White Out in Weyburn” The conference started with individual judging for the participants, and the Little Char program for younger CCYA members
2019 National Board: L-R: Back: Haley Rosso, Secretary, SK; Calina Evans, SK; Tyson Black, Treasurer, ON; Bradley Fergus, ON; Megan Perih, MB; Front: Shae-Lynn Evans, Youth Co-Ordinator; Keegan Blehm, President, MB; Reegan McLeod, Vice-President, AB
Above: Judges Joe Barnett and Aaron Birch go over some judging tips with senior members and international delegates. Right: Our youngest CCYA members learned about feeding, washing cattle, the parts of a cow, and how to judge a class of cheezies!
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The opening mixer was Barnyard Olympics. Some parents formed a team to provide even numbers for the competition.
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“Senior” Showmanship CCYA Alumni participated in a surprise showmanship class judged by Seniors, but not even a $20 bribe could help win the class
Education The juniors judged a class of steers on Wednesday, and Friday they evaluated the carcasses at Western Prime Meats
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Team Judging, Keep & Cull and Team Grooming
2nd Generation Awards
Dallas & Dean McAvoy
Shelby Evans, CCYA president, presented Kirstin Voice with the 2019 CCYA Honouree Award for Kirstin’s dedication to the youth program
Brody & Alison Cramp
Ed & Sawyer Williams
Colin & Cash Wilgenbusch
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Ava, Carter, Anna & Stephen Wielgosz
Danna & Karen Bouchard
Canadian Charolais Youth Conference 2019 National Show Canadian Charolais Youth Association National Show July 27, 2019 • Weyburn, SK Judge: Tyler Smyth, Herbert 79 Entries Purebred Bulls Born in 2019 1. LAE GUNSLINGER 920G (HRJ Maverick 556C), Shelby Evans, Kenaston; 2. KMT GREGORY 932G (Steppler 100 Proof 193E), Kiernan Olson, Portage La Prairie, MB; 3. BORDERLANDS GRIDIRONS 9G (Baldridge Fasttrack 82F), Wyatt Ching, Rockglen; 4. RPH GAMBLER 10G (WC Big Ben 9036), Dakota Williams, Strasbourg.
Innisfail, AB; 2. STEPPLER MISS ZEAL 19G (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Brayden Steppler, Miami, MB; 3. SHSH SHANIA 34G (Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Dale Weinbender, Canora; 4. ROSSO MS SNOW WHITE 24G (Rosso Intensita 20E), Hillary Sauder, Hodgeville; 5. CLIPPER MS 801G (JWX East Bound 1051E), Dylan Grieve, Fillmore. Grand Champion Heifer Calf JIL MS CUFF 66G, Bret Marshall Reserve Champion Heifer Calf STEPPLER MISS ZEAL 19G, Brayden Steppler
Reegan McLeod, Claresholm, AB; 5. SHSH DEW DROP 1F (Circle Cee Legend 307A), Brooklyn Cramp, Hillsdale, ON. Females Born in 2018 – Split 2 1. BECK’S DISCO 9F (Beck’s Bounty 206Z), Mason Beck, Milestone; 2. HRJ FEELING CRAZY 821F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Keegan Blehm, La Riviere, MB; 3. STEPPLER MISS 98F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Brynn Steppler, Miami, MB; 4. BECK’S DISCO 15F (Beck’s Bounty 206Z), Jack Wright, Pangman.
Purebred Heifer Calf Born in 2019 1. JIL MS CUFF 66G (Baker Farms Con Artist 3C), Bret Marshall,
Females Born in 2018 – Split 1 1. HC EMERALD 808F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Halle Vermeulen, Ceylon; 2. HBC TEMPTATION 802F (WC Milestone 223P), Justin Harcourt, Quill Lake; 3. GOLD-BAR UPTOWN GIRL 101F (JWX Downtown 7C), Saige Buchanan, Caronport; 4. MMM LADI DI 80F (CML Gusto 662D),
Females Born in 2018 – Split 3 1. KAY-R FARYN 814F (Sharodon Double Vision 1D), Kord Phillips, Waskatenau, AB; 2. MCKEARYS JESSICAH GLAM 79F (SOS Chuckwagon 54C), Danna Bouchard, Compeer, AB; 3. PINE BLUFF STEPHANIE 46F (Pleasant Dawn Bud 276C), Dakota Williams; 4. DRD MISS ELIGABLE 31F (LT Ledger 0332P),
Grand Champion Bull Calf – LAE GUNSLINGER 920G, Shelby Evans
Reserve Champion Bull Calf – KMT GREGORY 932G, Kiernan Olson
Grand Champion Heifer Calf – JIL MS CUFF 66G, Bret Marshall
Grand Champion Bull Calf LAE GUNSLINGER 920G, Shelby Evans Reserve Champion Bull Calf KMT GREGORY 932G, Kiernan Olson
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Zach Baron, Carberry, MB; 5. RAMMER BUTTERCUP 823F (HRJ Canadian Gold 518C), Claire Ramsey, Strathclair, MB; 6. STEPPLER MISS 252F (Sparrows Versace 408B), Kade Phillips, Estevan. Females Born in 2018 – Split 4 1. SOS KHALASAR PLD 87F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Garrett Liebreich, Radville; 2. G. BROS ALEXIS 620F (PCC Rome 437B), Kamryn Gilliland, Carievale; 3. C2 CHELAINE 28F (JMB Fisher 604D), Fischer Cavers, La Riviere, MB; 4. JMB DALYSE 816F (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y), Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa, MB; 5. DRD MISS SMOKING GOOD 35F (LAE Avalanche 327A), Tyson Black, Forester’s Falls, ON; 6. RAMMER FRANCIS 824F (HRJ Canadian Gold 518C), Myra Ramsey, Strathclair, MB; 7. HTA WYONNA 840F (HTA Contender 605D), Chase Airey, Rivers, MB.
(Palgrove Justice J603E), Calina Evans, Kenaston; 3. LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 89F (Palgrove Justice J603E), Shelby Evans; 4. SKW EDISON 141F (Sparrows Cascade 608D), Anna Wielgosz, Yellow Creek; 5. PCCX LADY REY 1F (DCR Mr Ledger 200 ET), Payton Caldwell, Weyburn; 6. MCTAVISH FAYETTE 92F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Kiera Phillips, Estevan. Females Born in 2018 – Split 6 1. BECK’S TEQUILA 69F (Sparrows Braxton 519C), Jorja Beck, Milestone; 2. GWL CLASSY ZEAL 8F (Cedardale Zeal 125Z), Brooke Kleinsasser, Midale; 3. BECK’S MIST 65F (Sparrows Braxton 519C), Cade Wright, Pangman; 4. PCCX LADY CHARA 2F (ONL Chara 4B), Hannah Caldwell, Weyburn.
Females Born in 2018 – Split 8 1. WHITE CAP JAVA 203F (OCR Done Deal D101), Matthew Howe, Moose Jaw; 2. MCCAW DARLA 69F (MCL Sparrow Moty 411C), Tyson Buist, Swift Current; 3. SHSH CALLIE 92F (SHSH Hometown 25D), Bradley Fergus, Laurel, ON; 4. MCCAW GRETCHEN 70F (MCL Sparrow Moty 411C), Nolan Glover, Wawota; 5. McCAW CORRENE 839F (MCL Sparrow Moty 411C), Nolan Glover. Junior Yearling Champion Female ELDER’S REVEALING 8066F, Cassidi Elder Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Female LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F, Calina Evans
Females Born in 2018 – Split 5 1. ELDER’S REVEALING 8066F (HVA Baron 483D), Cassidi Elder, Coronach; 2. LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F
Females Born in 2018 – Split 7 1. ROSSO MS ROXY 11F (Rosso Double Down 8Z), Raelynne Ray, Moose Jaw; 2. SHSH CALLIE 73F (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C), Dale Weinbender; 3. WHITE CAP MS ASTER 167F (SOS Hooey PLD 127D), Elise Howe, Moose Jaw; 4. BORDERLANDS FALLON 58F (BHD Dunnet D441P), Riley Keller, Rockglen; 5. GWL WHAT-A-GIRL 6F (KRF What-A-Boy 104Y), Caitlin Graham, Estevan.
Female Born in 2017 with Natural 2019 Calf 1. LAE EBONY 797E (Circle Cee Legend 307A, calf - HRJ Maverick 556C), Shelby Evans, Kenaston; 2. SHSH SHANIA 9E (HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, calf - Sparrows Aquarius 493B), Dale Weinbender; 3. BORDERLANDS ESSENCE 9E (LHD Cigar E46, calf - Baldridge Fasttrack 82F), Wyatt Ching; 4. ROSSO MS SNOWWHITE 8E (LT Ledger 0332P, calf - Rosso Intensita 20E), Haley Rosso, Moose Jaw; 5. RPH
Reserve Champion Heifer Calf – STEPPLER MISS ZEAL 19G, Brayden Steppler
Senior Yearling Reserve Champion Female – KAY-R FARYN 814F, Kord Phillips
Junior Yearling Champion Female – ELDER’S REVEALING 8066F, Cassidi Elder
Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Female – LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F, Calina Evans
2017 Reserve Champion Female – SHSH SHANIA 9E, Dale Weinbender
2016 Champion Female – MMM LADY DI 60D, Reegan McLeod
Senior Yearling Champion Female BECK’S DISCO 9F, Mason Beck Senior Yearling Reserve Champion Female KAY-R FARYN 814F, Kord Phillips
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2016 Reserve Champion Female – JWX COVERGIRL 807C, Cassidy Vermeulen
2017 Champion & Champion Purebred Female – LAE EBONY 797E, Shelby Evans
Senior Yearling & Reserve Champion Purebred Female – BECK'S Disco 9F, Mason Beck
Champion Commercial Bull Calf – BULLSEYE, Megan Perih
Champion Commercial Yearling Female – NINA, Dallas McAvoy
Reserve Champion Commercial Yearling Female – JIGGER 10F, Kaycee Buchanan
Champion Market Steer – TCCO POOH BEAR 845F, Casie Brokenshire
Reserve Champion Market Steer – TEDDY, Cassidy Vermeulen
PINE BLUFF BLUE 52E (JWX Boardwalk 65B, calf - WC Big Ben 9036), Dakota Williams. 2017 Champion Female LAE EBONY 797E, Shelby Evans 2017 Reserve Champion Female SHSH SHANIA 9E, Dale Weinbender Female Born in 2016 or Previous with Natural 2019 Calf 1. MMM LADY DI 60D (CML Diablo 2X, calf - CML Copyright 714E), Reegan McLeod; 2. JWX COVERGIRL 807C (Kay-R Velocity 812Z, calf - JWX Duke 1114D), Cassidy Vermeulen, Ceylon; 3. STEPPLER MISS WATKINS 22B (Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, calf - Steppler 100 Proof 193E), Kiernan Olson; 4. STEPPLER MS 14A, (Merit Roundup 9508W, calf - JWX East
Bound 1051E), Dylan Grieve. 2016 Champion Female MMM LADY DI 60D, Reegan McLeod 2016 Reserve Champion Female JWX COVERGIRL 807C, Cassidy Vermeulen Champion Purebred Female LAE EBONY 797E, Shelby Evans Reserve Champion Purebred Female BECK’S DISCO 9F, Mason Beck Commercial Male Calf Born in 2019 1. BULLSEYE, Megan Perih, Dauphin, MB. Commercial Yearling Heifer 1. NINA, Dallas McAvoy, Arelee; 2. JIGGER 10F, Kaycee Buchanan, Caronport; 3. FLORENCE, Luke Haggert, Onoway, AB; 4. DIXIE,
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Morgan Debenham, Kennedy; 5. PIPER, Brodyn LaBatte, Gladmar; 6. ROSIE, Keegan Blehm. Commercial Female born in 2017 with Natural 2019 Calf 1. BAILEY, Megan Perih. Champion Commercial Yearling Female NINA, Dallas McAvoy Reserve Champion Commercial Yearling Female JIGGER 10F, Kaycee Buchanan Market Steer – Split 1 1. TCCO POOH BEAR 845F, Casie Brokenshire, Estevan; 2. OUTLAW STUD, Bret Marshall; 3. KAYSON, Kamryn Gilliland; 4. TROUBLE, Lukas Cavers, La Riviere, MB; 5. BIG BANG, Will Rosso, Moose Jaw. Market Steer – Split 2 1. TEDDY, Cassidy Vermeulen; 2. STITCH, Haley Debenham, Kennedy; 3. GRIZZ, Halle Vermeulen; 4. CASH, Kylie Beck, Milestone; 5. FERNANDE 19F, Ethan Myhre, Dauphin, MB. Champion Market Steer TCCO POOH BEAR 845F, Casie Brokenshire Reserve Champion Market Steer TEDDY, Cassidy Vermeulen
CCYA Conference & Show – Awards
2019 Weyburn, SK
HERDSMAN 1. Dylan Grieve, Fillmore; Reegan McLeod, Claresholm, AB; Kiernan Olson, Portage La Prairie, MB; Zach Baron, Carberry, MB; Kelly Turnbull, Pincher Creek, AB; Cash Wilgenbusch, Halbrite; Brooke Kleinsasser, Midale; Cathal Gormley, Ireland. 2. Bret Marshall, Innisfail, AB; Kamryn Gilliland, Carievale; Justin Harcourt, Quill Lake; Morgan Debenham, Kennedy; Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa, MB; Reese Spenst, Waldeck; Blake Airey, Rivers, MB; Kaitlyn Davlin, United States. 3. Keegan Blehm, La Riviere, MB; Megan Perih, Dauphin, MB; Jorja Beck, Milestone; Kim Turnbull, Pincher Creek, AB; Brynn Steppler, Miami, MB; Kaycee Buchanan, Caronport; Saige Buchanan, Caronport; Markus Ylinangas, Estonia. 4. Kylie Beck, Milestone; Nolan Glover, Wawota; Tyson Buist, Waldeck; Cassidi Elder, Coronach; Haley
Debenham, Kennedy; Chase Airey, Rivers, MB; Kris Phillips, Estevan; Ava Wielgosz, Yellow Creek. 5. Raelynne Ray, Moose Jaw; Haley Rosso, Moose Jaw; Hillary Sauder, Hodgeville; Will Rosso, Moose Jaw; Kiera Phillips, Estevan; Dakota Williams, Strasbourg; Anna Wielgosz, Yellow Creek; Sarah Scott, Olds, AB; Emma Owen, New Zealand. 6. Garrett Liebreich, Radville; Wyatt Burgomaster, Omemee, ON; Mason Beck, Milestone; Cade Wright, Pangman; Jack Wright, Pangman; Brayden Steppler, Miami, MB; Fischer Cavers, La Riviere, MB; Noah Myhre, Dauphin, MB; Sarah Nesbitt, Australia. 7. Dale Weinbender, Canora; Brad Fergus, Laurel, ON; Brodyn LaBatte, Gladmar; Kaden Beck, Milestone; Brooklyn Cramp, Hillsdale, ON; Brody Cramp, Hillsdale, ON; Carter Wielgosz, Yellow Creek;
Dylan Grieve, Zach Baron, Kiernan Olson, Cathal Gormley, Brooke Kleinsasser, Cash Wilgenbusch, Reegan McLeod, Kelly Turnbull
Claire Ramsey, Strathclair, MB; Sarah Armstrong, Ireland. 8. Shelby Evans, Kenaston; Calina Evans, Kenaston; Samantha Frost, Kingsey Falls, QC; Lukas Cavers, La Riviere, MB; Tiffany Frost, Kingsey Falls, QC; Danna Bouchard, Compeer, AB; Sawyer Williams, Macrorie; Stevie Gosztola, Hungary. 9. Tyson Black, Forester’s Falls, ON; Cassidy Vermeulen, Ceylon; Halle Vermeulen, Ceylon; Casie Brokenshire, Estevan; Cole Marcinkoski, Canora; Ethan Myhre, Dauphin, MB; Dyllan Turnbull, Pincher Creek, AB; Braden Scott, Olds, AB. 10. Kord Phillips, Waskatenau, AB; Luke Haggart, Onoway, AB; Caitlyn Graham, Estevan; Payton Caldwell, Weyburn; Hannah Caldwell, Weyburn; Dallas McAvoy, Arelee; Kade Phillips, Estevan; Heather Gee-Taylor, New Zealand.
Bret Marshall, Kaitlyn Davlin, Kamryn Gilliland, Morgan Debenham, Madisyn Robertson, Justin Harcourt, Blake Airey, Reese Spenst
Kaycee Buchanan, Chase Airey 1. Kaycee Buchanan; 2. Chase Airey; 3. Blake Airey; 4. Jack Wright; 5. Cade Wright; 6. Saige Buchanan; 7. Brooklyn Cramp; 8. Brody Cramp; 9. Ethan Myhre; 10. Haley Debenham
Kaden Beck, Cassidi Elder 1. Kaden Beck; 2. Cassidi Elder; 3. Mason Beck; 4. Jorja Beck; 5. Zach Baron; 6. Samantha Frost; 7. Cole Marcinkoski
Bret Marshall, Shelby Evans 1. Bret Marshall; 2. Shelby Evans; 3. Kylie Beck; 4. Kord Phillips; 5. Calina Evans; 6. Tyson Black; 7. Wyatt Burgomaster; 8. Keegan Blehm
Chase Airey, Brody Cramp 1. Chase Airey; 2. Brody Cramp; 3. Kaycee Buchanan; 4. Matthew Howe; 5. Brayden Steppler; 6. Haley Debenham; 7. Braden Scott; 8. Hannah Caldwell; 9. Lukas Cavers; 10. Blake Airey
Cassidi Elder, Justin Harcourt 1. Cassidi Elder; 2. Justin Harcourt; 3. Mason Beck; 4. Jorja Beck; 5. Zach Baron 6. Brodyn LaBatte; 7. Kaden Beck; 8. Samantha Frost; 9. Will Rosso; 10. Reyhan Machmer, Avonlea
Shelby Evans, Halle Vermeulen 1. Shelby Evans; 2. Halle Vermeulen, Ceylon; 3. Kylie Beck; 4. Megan Perih; 5. Tyson Black; 6. Reegan McLeod; 7. Kord Phillips; 8. Haley Rosso; 9. Luke Haggart; 10. Raelynne Ray
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Morgan Debenham, Noah Myhre 1. Morgan Debenham; 2. Noah Myhre; 3. Madisyn Robertson; 4. Kaycee Buchanan; 5. Brooke Kleinsasser; 6. Hannah Caldwell; 7. Ava Wielgosz; 8. Tiffany Frost; 9. Chase Airey; 10. Carter Wielgosz
Cassidi Elder, Casie Brokenshire 1. Cassidi Elder; 2. Casie Brokenshire; 3. Kim Turnbull; 4. Justin Harcourt; 5. Kamryn Gilliland; 6. Cole Marcinkoski; 7. Caitlyn Graham; 8. Kelly Turnbull; 9. Jorja Beck; 10. Samantha Frost
Riley Keller, Dale Weinbender 1. Riley Keller; 2. Dale Weinbender; 3. Shelby Evans; 4. Megan Perih; 5. Reegan McLeod; 6. Kord Phillips; 7. Hillary Sauder; 8. Luke Haggart; 9. Gracie Anderson, Big Beaver; 10. Garrett Liebreich
Madisyn Robertson, Brooklyn Cramp 1. Madisyn Robertson; 2. Brooklyn Cramp; 3. Brooke Kleinsasser; 4. Kade Phillips; 5. Tiffany Frost; 6. Fischer Cavers; 7. Cade Wright; 8. Dakota Williams; 9. Saige Buchanan; 10. Morgan Debenham
Cassidi Elder, Will Rosso 1. Cassidi Elder; 2. Will Rosso; 3. Kamryn Gilliland; 4. Justin Harcourt; 5. Kaden Beck; 6. Caitlyn Graham; 7. Mason Beck; 8. Jorja Beck; 9. Casie Brokenshire; 10. Kiernan Olson
Kord Phillips, Luke Haggart 1. Luke Haggart; 2. Kord Phillips; 3. Riley Keller, Rockglen; 4. Keegan Blehm; 5. Dylan Grieve; 6. Shelby Evans; 7. Bret Marshall; 8. Raelynne Ray; 9. Calina Evans; 10. Reegan McLeod
Cade Wright, Kaycee Buchanan 1. Cade Wright; 2. Kaycee Buchanan; 3. Morgan Debenham; 4. Hannah Caldwell; 5. Payton Caldwell; 6. Brooke Kleinsasser; 7. Saige Buchanan; 8. Madisyn Robertson; 9. Haley Debenham; 10. Danna Bouchard
Mason Beck, Jorja Beck 1. Mason Beck; 2. Jorja Beck; 3. Will Rosso; 4. Justin Harcourt; 5. Cassidi Elder; 6. Casie Brokenshire; 7. Brodyn LaBatte; 8. Kaden Beck; 9. Caitlyn Graham; 10. Kamryn Gilliland
Bret Marshall, Luke Haggart 1. Bret Marshall; 2. Luke Haggart; 3. Shelby Evans; 4. Kord Phillips; 5. Dale Weinbender; 6. Reegan McLeod; 7. Brad Fergus; 8. Kylie Beck; 9. Tyson Black; 10. Wyatt Burgomaster.
Dakota Williams, Madisyn Robertson 1. Dakota Williams; 2. Madisyn Robertson; 3. Cash Wilgenbusch; 4. Chase Airey; 5. Claire Ramsey; 6. Kris Phillips; 7. Morgan Debenham; 8. Anna Wielgosz; 9. Ava Wielgosz; 10. Ethan Myhre
Kamryn Gilliland, Cassidi Elder 1. Kamryn Gilliland; 2. Cassidi Elder; 3. Brodyn LaBatte; 4. Jorja Beck; 5. Kaden Beck; 6. Cole Marcinkoski; 7. Kelly Turnbull; 8. Justin Harcourt; 9. Will Rosso; 10. Casie Brokenshire
Bret Marshall, Garret Liebreich 1. Bret Marshall; 2. Garret Liebreich; 3. Nolan Glover; 4. Reegan McLeod; 5. Kord Phillips; 6. Luke Haggart; 7. Calina Evans; 8. Dale Weinbender; 9. Gracie Anderson; 10. Tyson Buist
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Madisyn Robertson, Morgan Debenham 1. Madisyn Robertson; 2. Morgan Debenham; 3. Chase Airey; 4. Braden Scott; 5. Ava Wielgosz; 6. Brooklyn Cramp; 7. Cade Wright; 8. Dakota Williams; 9. Ethan Myhre; 10. Payton Caldwell
Cade Wright, Elise Howe, Brynn Steppler, Cash Wilgenbusch 1. Cade Wright & Elise Howe, Moose Jaw; 2. Brynn Steppler & Cash Wilgenbusch; 3. Matthew Howe, Moose Jaw & Dyllan Turnbull; 4. Blake Airey & Brooke Kleinsasser and Madisyn Robertson & Dallas McAvoy; 6. Payton Caldwell & Myra Ramsey, Strathclair,MB; 7. Jack Wright & Ethan Myhre; 8. Sawyer Williams & Claire Ramsey; 9. Fischer Cavers & Braden Scott; 10. Hannah Caldwell & Chase Airey
Morgan Debenham, Saige Buchanan, Haley Debenham, Braden Scott Junior Team Marketing, continued: 1. Morgan Debenham & Saige Buchanan; 2. Haley Debenham & Braden Scott; 3. Ava Wielgosz & Danna Bouchard; 4. Brody Cramp & Dakota Williams and Kade Phillips & Sarah Scott; 6. Kris Phillips & Kaycee Buchanan; 7. Carter Wielgosz & Tiffany Frost and Anna Wielgosz & Brooklyn Cramp
Mason Beck, Zach Baron, Cassidi Elder, Kelly Turnbull 1. Mason Beck & Zach Baron; 2. Cassidi Elder & Kelly Turnbull; 3. Casie Brokenshire & Kim Turnbull; 4. Jorja Beck & Justin Harcourt; 5. Reyhan Machmer & Kiernan Olson
Kiera Phillips, Caitlyn Graham, Cole Marcinkoski, Will Rosso Intermediate Team Marketing, continued: 1. Kiera Phillips & Caitlyn Graham; 2. Cole Marcinkoski & Will Rosso; 3. Samantha Frost & Brodyn LaBatte; 4. Kamryn Gilliland & Kaden Beck
Garret Liebreich, Nolan Glover, Shelby Evans, Wyatt Burgomaster 1. Garrett Liebreich & Nolan Glover; 2. Shelby Evans & Wyatt Burgomaster; 3. Kord Phillips & Dale Weinbender; 4. Luke Haggart & Brad Fergus; 5. Bret Marshall & Megan Perih; 6. Keegan Blehm & Gracie Anderson; 7. Dylan Grieve & Tyson Buist; 8. Tyson Black & Riley Keller
Hillary Sauder, Kylie Beck, Calina Evans, Christina Franks 1. Hillary Sauder & Kylie Beck; 2. Calina Evans & Christina Franks; 3. Raelynne Ray & Cassidy Vermeulen; 4. Wyatt Ching, Rockglen & Reegan McLeod; 5. Haley Rosso & Halle Vermeulen
Mason Beck, Justin Harcourt 1. Mason Beck; 2. Justin Harcourt; 3. Jorja Beck; 4. Cassidi Elder; 5. Will Rosso; 6. Kaden Beck; 7. Kamryn Gilliland; 8. Casie Brokenshire; 9. Brodyn LaBatte; 10. Samantha Frost
Shelby Evans, Bret Marshall 1. Shelby Evans; 2. Bret Marshall; 3. Luke Haggart; 4. Kylie Beck; 5. Kord Phillips & Reegan McLeod; 7. Dale Weinbender & Nolan Glover; 9. Keegan Blehm; 10. Garrett Liebreich
1. Morgan Debenham, Brynn Steppler & Cade Wright; 2. Claire Ramsey, Kaycee Buchanan & Elise Howe; 3. Madisyn Robertson, Hannah Caldwell & Jack Wright; 4. Blake Airey, Braden Scott & Brooke Kleinsasser; 5. Reese Spenst, Kade Phillips & Danna Bouchard; 6. Payton Caldwell, Anna Wielgosz & Dallas McAvoy; 7. Fischer Cavers, Haley Debenham & Sarah Scott; 8. Ava Wielgosz, Dakota Williams & Sawyer Williams; 9. Brody Cramp, Noah Myhre & Cash Wilgenbusch; 10. Myra Ramsey, Matthew Howe & Tiffany Frost Cade Wright, Morgan Debenham, Brynn Steppler, Kaycee Buchanan, Elise Howe, Claire Ramsey
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Reyhan Machmer, Kamryn Gilliand, Mason Beck, Justin Harcourt, Kaden Beck, Kelly Turnbull 1. Mason Beck, Kamryn Gilliland & Reyhan Machmer; 2. Justin Harcourt, Kaden Beck & Kelly Turnbull; 3. Cole Marcinkoski, Cassidi Elder & Zach Baron; 4. Will Rosso, Jorja Beck & Caitlyn Graham; 5. Casie Brokenshire, Brodyn Labatte & Kim Turnbull; 6. Kiernan Olson, Kiera Phillips & Samantha Frost
Bret Marshall, Luke Haggart, Kylie Beck, Calina Evans, Riley Keller, Wyatt Burgomaster 1. Bret Marshall, Kylie Beck & Luke Haggart; 2. Riley Keller, Calina Evans & Wyatt Burgomaster; 3. Raelynne Ray, Shelby Evans & Dylan Grieve, 4. Haley Rosso, Garrett Liebreich & Gracie Anderson; 5. Dale Weinbender, Wyatt Ching & Reegan McLeod; 6. Megan Perih, Tyson Buist & Haley Vermeulen; 7. Hillary Sauder, Tyson Black & Kord Phillips; 8. Keegan Blehm, Christina Franks, Scout Lake & Cassidy Vermeulen, 9. Nolan Glover & Brad Fergus.
Morgan Debenham, Payton Caldwell 1. Morgan Debenham; 2. Payton Caldwell; 3. Braden Scott; 4. Jack Wright; 5. Hannah Caldwell; 6. Sawyer Williams
Cassidi Elder, Kamryn Gilliland 1. Cassidi Elder; 2. Kamryn Gilliland; 3. Kiera Phillips; 4. Kim Turnbull; 5. Casie Brokenshire; 6. Brodyn LaBatte; 7. Reyhan Machmer; 8. Kelly Turnbull; 9. Will Rosso; 10. Caitlyn Graham
Shelby Evans, Gracie Anderson 1. Shelby Evans; 2. Gracie Anderson; 3. Dylan Grieve; 4. Hillary Sauder; 5. Riley Keller; 6. Calina Evans; 7. Wyatt Burgomaster; 8. Kylie Beck; 9. Reegan McLeod; 10. Christina Franks
Kaycee Buchanan, Braden Scott 1. Kaycee Buchanan; 2. Braden Scott; 3. Morgan Debenham; 4. Brooke Kleinsasser; 5. Payton Caldwell; 6. Haley Debenham; 7. Brynn Steppler; 8. Anna Wielgosz, 9. Danna Bouchard; 10. Madisyn Robertson
Mason Beck, Cassidi Elder 1. Mason Beck; 2. Cassidi Elder; 3. Kaden Beck; 4. Casie Brokenshire; 5. Justin Harcourt; 6. Kamryn Gilliland; 7. Will Rosso; 8. Jorja Beck; 9. Kiera Phillips; 10. Brodyn LaBatte
Hillary Sauder, Kord Phillips 1. Hillary Sauder; 2. Kord Phillips; 3. Garrett Liebreich; 4. Luke Haggart; 5. Wyatt Burgomaster; 6. Kylie Beck; 7. Nolan Glover; 8. Shelby Evans; 9. Tyson Black; 10. Raelynne Ray
Ethan Myhre, Cade Wright 1. Ethan Myhre; 2. Cade Wright; 3. Noah Myhre; 4. Dakota Williams; 5. Kaycee Buchanan; 6. Fischer Cavers; 7. Claire Ramsey; 8. Brooke Kleinsasser; 9. Brynn Steppler; 10. Chase Airey
JUNIOR ESSAY 1. Brooklyn Cramp; 2. Haley Debenham; 3. Matthew Howe; 4. Tiffany Frost; 5. Ava Wielgosz; 6. Cash Wilgenbusch; 7. Kris Phillips; 8. Sarah Scott; 9. Blake Airey; 10. Lukas Cavers
1. Matthew Howe ($125); 2. Madisyn Robertson ($75) Brooklyn Cramp, Haley Debenham
Matthew Howe, Madisyn Robertson
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Samantha Frost, Justin Harcourt 1. Samantha Frost ($200); 2. Justin Harcourt ($100)
Calina Evans, Tyson Black 1. Calina Evans ($300); 2. Tyson Black ($200)
Shelby Evans, Bret Marshall, Kord Phillips 1. Shelby Evans ($1,000); 2. Bret Marshall ($500); 3. Kord Phillips ($300)
Bret Marshall, Dale Weinbender, Reegan McLeod 1. Bret Marshall ($1,400); 2. Dale Weinbender ($900); 3. Reegan McLeod ($700)
Madisyn Robertson, Dakota Williams 1. Madisyn Robertson; 2. Dakota Williams; 3. Kaycee Buchanan; 4. Cade Wright; 5. Haley Debenham; 6. Lukas Cavers; 7. Fischer Cavers; 8. Morgan Debenham; 9. Braden Scott; 10. Elise Howe & Chase Airey
Mason Beck, Jorja Beck 1. Mason Beck; 2. Jorja Beck; 3. Justin Harcourt; 4. Will Rosso; 5. Cassidi Elder; 6. Kaden Beck; 7. Kiernan Olson; 8. Kim Turnbull; 9. Cole Marcinkoski; 10. Samantha Frost
Bret Marshall, Haley Rosso 1. Bret Marshall; 2. Haley Rosso; 3. Shelby Evans; 4. Brad Fergus; 5. Dylan Grieve; 6. Tyson Black & Calina Evans; 8. Kord Phillips; 9. Keegan Blehm & Dale Weinbender
Morgan Debenham, Kaycee Buchanan 1. Morgan Debenham; 2. Kaycee Buchanan; 3. Braden Scott; 4. Haley Debenham; 5. Madisyn Robertson; 6. Payton Caldwell; 7. Cade Wright; 8. Dakota Williams; 9. Brooklyn Cramp, Anna Wielgosz & Saige Buchanan
Mason Beck, Cassidi Elder, Justin Harcourt 1. Mason Beck & Cassidi Elder; 2. Justin Harcourt; 4. Kaden Beck & Will Rosso; 6. Jorja Beck; 7. Kamryn Gilliland; 8. Casie Brokenshire; 9. Brodyn LaBatte; 10. Kiernan Olson
2019 • Weyburn, SK Bret Marshall, Kord Phillips, Shelby Evans 1. Bret Marshall; 2. Kord Phillips & Shelby Evans; 4. Hillary Sauder; 5. Reegan McLeod, Luke Haggart & Garrett Liebreich; 8. Calina Evans & Kylie Beck; 10. Dale Weinbender & Dylan Grieve
Sarah Nesbitt, Kaitlynn Davlin, Cathal Gormley 1. Sarah Nesbitt; 2. Kaitlyn Davlin & Cathal Gormley; 4. Sarah Armstrong; 5. Emma Owen; 6. Heather GeeTaylor; 7. Markus Ylikan; 8. Stevie Gosztola; 9. Kiero Peeter Kottisse, Estonia
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Advertise Your Services Here! Call today and get your name out there! 306.584.7937
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Alberta Breeders
Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155
Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0
T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE
Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS HOME OF “GOOD” CATTLE! Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 780.853.2220 •
Charolais Banner • October 2019
caught you looking! Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937
British Columbia Breeders
Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemary, AB •
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Ontario Breeders
Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 |
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Quebec Breeders
Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672
“Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.”
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Saskatchewan Breeders
Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 •
Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801
Be Wise. Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937 Charolais Banner • October 2019
AD RATES Charolais Banner Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1”x1 column 45 n/a Classified 2”x1 column 80 n/a (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.
Charolais Connection Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a 1” Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1”x1 column 80 n/a Classified 2”x1 column 140 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)
USA Breeders
• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request
DEC Banner
Nov 28
Dec 12
FEB Connection
Jan 13
Jan 27
FEB Banner
Jan 22
Feb 5
MARCH Connection
Feb 18
Mar 4
The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Calendar of Events October 24 Ag-Ex Charolais Show, 2:00 p.m., Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show)
December 12 Alberta Charolais Association Annual Meeting, 4:00 p.m., Red Deer, AB; Western Grounds
November 1 Canadian National Charolais Show, Exhibition Place, Toronto, ON (A BOSS Show)
December 12 ACA Individual Bull Show, 7:00 p.m., Red Deer, AB; Western Grounds
November 1 Canadian National Charolais Sale, 7:30 p.m., Exhibition Place, Toronto, November 7 Charolais Players Club, 6:00 p.m., at Farmfair International, Edmonton (AB) Northlands Hall B November 8 Farmfair International Charolais Show & Pick of Heifer Calves, 1:00 p.m., Edmonton (AB) Northlands (A BOSS Show) November 9 Atlantic Elite Sale, 1:00 p.m., Atlantic Stock Yards, Truro, NS November 15 Maple Leaf Charolais Complete Female Dispersal Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart
December 13 ACA Pen of 3 Bull Show 11:00 a.m., Red Deer, AB; Western Grounds December 13 Alberta Select Sale 1:30 p.m., Red Deer, AB; Western Grounds December 14 Transcon’s ”Working Girls” Charolais Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Market December 16 Wilgenbusch Charolais “Volume III” Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Halbrite, SK December 18 Steppler Farms “A Piece of the Program” Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB
February 18 Rawes Ranches 37th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Strome, AB February 19 McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Livestock Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Cow Palace February 20 Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Bashaw, AB February 21 “Muscle Up” at Stephen Charolais and Guests Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart February 22 SanDan Charolais/Springside Farms 23rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Erskine, AB February 22 Myhre Land & Cattle Co./Bar J Charolais Bull Sale (Denbie Ranch & Guests) Ste. Rose du Lac, MB February 22 Quebec Select Bull Sale, Danville, QC
November 18 Turnbull & Wrangler Charolais, Sharing Our Genetics Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Cow Palace
December 20 Char-Maine Ranching “Heart of the White Herd” Female Sale and 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange, Fort McLeod, AB
February 23 Pro-Char and Guests 9th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Glenevis, AB
November 21 Ossim Livestock Complete Charolais Dispersal Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Market
December 28 Premier Livestock & Guests Falls View Production Sale, Niagara Falls, ON
February 26 Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Milestone, SK
November 28 Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Sale, 3:30 p.m., Regina, SK
2020 Events
November 29 Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, 2:00 p.m., Regina, SK (A BOSS Show) December 4 Genetic Edge Sale, 2:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Cow Palace December 6 Sterling Collection Sale, 1:30 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales December 10 No Borders Select Sale, 1:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB
January 29 Moose Creek Red Angus & Charolais Two-Year Old Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Kisbey, SK
February 24 BOB Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m, Stettler (AB) Agriculture Society
February 26 Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB
February 13 Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart
February 28 Maple Leaf Charolais & Guests 16th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Calnash Ag Events Centre, Ponoka, AB
February 15 Saint Martin Test Station Sale, Saint Martin, QC
February 28 HEJ Charolais 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart
February 17 Tip the Scale Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB
February 29 Winsnes Farms Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Viking (AB) Auction Mart
Charolais Banner • October 2019
March 1 Legacy Charolais 3rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Botha, AB
March 13 CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Vanscoy, SK
March 1-2 100th Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds
March 13 16th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie, AB
March 2 Acadia Colony Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp., Veteran, AB March 3 Built Right 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Provost (AB) Livestock Exchange March 3 RRTS Charolais Bull Sale, 12:30 p.m., BC Livestock Co-op, Kamloops, BC March 5 Buffalo Lake Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart March 6 M & L Cattle Company Bull & Female Sale, 6:30 p.m., at the farm, Indian River, ON March 6 39th Annual Select Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 7 High Country 46th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Pincher Creek (AB) Ag Grounds March 7 Wrangler Made 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Westlock, AB March 7 Ferme Louber Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC
March 13 Meridian Agriculture Co. Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Acadia Valley, AB March 14 Horseshoe E Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Kenaston, SK
March 21 K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Elk Point, AB March 21 Select Genetics Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Forsyth Angus, Herbert, SK March 21 Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK
March 16 Flat Valley Cattle Co. & K Lazy T Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Medicine Hat (AB) Feeding Company
March 23 TRI-N Charolais Farms & Guests Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Lenore, MB
March 16 Grassroots Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp, Veteran, AB
March 23 Neilson Cattle Co. 29th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Willowbrook, SK
March 16 North West Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Kramer’s Big Bid Barn, North Battleford, SK
March 24 Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black Angus 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Minitonas, MB
March 19 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Yellow Creek, SK
March 24 Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Twin Anchor Charolais 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp., Veteran, AB
March 19 Footprint Farms Bull Sale, 3:30 p.m., at the ranch, Esther, AB March 19 Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Beaverlodge, AB March 20 High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Inglis, MB
March 9 Palmer Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Bladworth, SK
March 20 Reese Cattle Co. 11th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart
March 10 Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olds, AB
March 21 Pleasant Dawn Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Oak Lake, MB
March 21 Northern Impact VII Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., North Central Livestock, Clyde, AB
March 14 Benchmark Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Renfrew Pontiac Livestock Facility, Cobden, ON
March 8 Steppler Farms 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. DST, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB
March 12 McKeary Charolais Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB
March 21 Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow & Guests 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON
March 25 HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Rivers, MB March 26 Elder Charolais 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coronach, SK March 27 McTavish Farms & Guest 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Moosomin, SK March 27 Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber (AB) Agriplex March 28 Coyote Flats Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coaldale, AB March 28 Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales
Charolais Banner • October 2019
March 28 Lazy S Cattle Co. Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Rimbey, AB
April 4 Transcon’s 24th Annual Advantage Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales
March 28 Borderland Cattle Company Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Rockglen, SK
April 6 North of the 49th 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK
March 28 Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Cobden, ON March 28 Alameda Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Alameda (SK) Auction Mart March 28 8th Annual “Thickness Sells” Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Atlantic Stockyards, Truro, NS March 28 High Point Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., at Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON March 28 Chomiak Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Viking (AB) Auction Market March 28 Candiac Choice Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Candiac (SK) Auction Mart March 29 Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK March 31 Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB April 1 White Cap/Rosso Charolais & Howe Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw, SK April 2 Hunter Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Roblin, MB April 2 C2 Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Killarney (MB) Auction Market April 4 Vermilion Charolais Group 34th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB April 4 Maritime Bull Test Station Sale, at the test station, Nappan, NS April 4 Saunders Charolais 15th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Keady (ON) Livestock Market
April 7 Cedarlea Farms “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale, at Windy Willows Angus, Hodgeville, SK April 7 White Lake Colony Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB April 7 Gilliland Bros. Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at Chopper K Auction Mart, Alameda, SK April 9 Sliding Hills Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Canora, SK April 9 Daines Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart April 10 Spirit of the North Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Spiritwood (SK) Auction Mart April 11 Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Hoards Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON April 11 Acadia Ranching Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB April 13 Cattle Capital Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Ste. Rose (MB) Auction Mart April 14 Top Cut Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Stockman’s Weigh Co., Mankota, SK April 18 Brimner Cattle Co., Cornerstone Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart April 18 Cedardale Charolais 17th Annual Bull & Select Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Nestleton, ON April 18 Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Advertisers Index Alberta Charolais Association .....................29 Alta Genetics Inc. .........................................72 Amabec Charolais ........................................75 Annuroc Charolais........................................75 B Bar D Charolais..........................................75 Baker Farms ..................................................75 Bar H Charolais ........................................47,76 Beck Farms....................................................76 Be Rich Farms ...............................................73 Blackbern Charolais .....................................75 Bob Charolais ...............................................73 Bo Jan Enterprises ........................................76 Borderland Cattle Co. ..................................77 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. .............................72 Bricney Stock Farms .....................................77 Bridor Charolais............................................75 Brimner Cattle Company .............................77 Buffalo Lake Charolais ................................73 By Livestock ..............................15,17 19,33,35 Campbells Charolais .....................................77 Carey, Brent ..................................................72 Cedardale Charolais .....................................75 Cedarlea Farms...................................11,15,77 Charla Moore Farms.....................................77 Char Lew Ranch ...........................................73 Char Maine Ranching .............................33,73 Charolais Journal..........................................72 Chartop Charolais ........................................77 Charworth Charolais Farms .........................73 Chomiak Charolais ......................................73 Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...........................73 Cline Cattle Co..............................................74 Cockburn Farms............................................76 Cougar Hill Ranch ........................................75 Coyote Flats Charolais..................................73 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. ..............15,77 C2 Charolais..................................................75 Davis Rairdan ...............................................72 Demarah Farms ............................................77 Diamond W Charolais ..................................77 Dorran, Ryan ................................................72 Double P Stock Farms ..................................75 Dowell Charolais ..........................................73 DRD Charolais...............................................41 Dubuc Charolais ...........................................76 Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ..............76 Eaton Charolais ............................................78 Echo Spring Charolais ..................................76 Edge, Dean ...................................................72 Elder Charolais Farms................................5,77 Fergus Family Charolais ...............................76 Fischer Charolais...........................................73 Flat Valley Cattle Co.....................................73 Fleury, Michael .............................................72 Flewelling, Craig ..........................................72 Footprint Farms ...........................................73 Future Farms.................................................73 Gilliland Bros. Charolais ...............................77
Golden Brook Farms ....................................23 Good Anchor Charolais................................73 H.S. Knill Company Ltd. ...............................72 H/H Farms .....................................................23 Happy Haven Charolais................................75 Harcourt Charolais .............................15,39,77 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co. .......................75 Harvie Ranching ..........................................73 HEJ Charolais ...............................................73 Hicks Charolais .............................................76 High Bluff Stock Farm ..................................75 Holk Charolais ..............................................73 Hopewell Charolais ......................................77 Horseshoe E Charolais........................15,25,77 Howe Family Farm .......................................77 HTA Charolais Farm .....................................75 Hunter Acres Charolais ................................23 Hunter Charolais ..............................15,75,IBC J&J Mcaffee Charolais ..................................23 JMB Charolais ..............................................75 Johnson Charolais ........................................73 Johnstone Auction .......................................72 Jones Charolais .............................................15 June Rose Charolais .....................................77 Kaiser Cattle Co............................................73 Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd...............................73 KCH Charolais ...............................................74 Kirlene Cattle ...............................................76 Lady Fane Charolais .....................................23 La Ferme Patry de Weedon .........................76 Lakeview Charolais ......................................73 Land O’Lakes Charolais ................................76 Langstaff Charolais ......................................76 Leemar Charolais..........................................73 Legacy Charolais...........................................73 LEJ Charolais.................................................75 Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch ...................78 LXL Charolais Farm.......................................23 M&L Cattle Co. .............................................76 Mack’s Charolais ...........................................76 Maple Leaf Charolais ..............................17,73 Martens Cattle Co. .......................................77 Martens Charolais ........................................75 McAvoy Charolais Farm .....................15,27,77 McCaw Livestock ..........................................39 McKay Charolais ...........................................75 McKeary Charolais .......................................74 McLeod Livestock ....................................21,72 McTavish Farms.............................................77 Medonte Charolais.......................................76 Miller Land & Livestock................................76 Mutrie Farms ................................................77 Myhre Land and Cattle ................................75 Nahachewsky Charolais ...............................77 Norheim Ranching .......................................72 P & H Ranching Co. ......................................74 Packer Charolais ...........................................76 Palmer Charolais ..........................................77
Charolais Banner • October 2019
Parklane Charolais .......................................74 Phillips Farms...........................................27,77 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ..........................7,75 Potter Charolais............................................76 Prairie Cove Charolais ..................................74 Prairie Gold Charolais ..................................77 Pro Char Charolais .......................................74 Qualman Charolais ......................................77 R & G McDonald Livestock......................43,75 Raffan, Don ..................................................72 Rawes Ranches .............................................74 Reeleder, Andrew.........................................72 Ringuette Charolais .....................................23 Rodney Hilltop Charolais .............................23 Rollin’ Acres Charolais .................................76 Ross Lake Charolais ......................................74 Rosso Charolais.............................................78 Royale Charolais ...........................................76 RRTS Charolais ..............................................74 Saddleridge Farming Co. .............................74 SanDan Charolais Farms ..............................74 Saskatchewan Charolais Association .....45,53 Saunders Charolais .......................................76 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co........................78 Sharodon Farms ...........................................76 Skeels, Danny ...............................................72 Sliding Hills Charolais...................................78 Smart, John...................................................23 Southside Charolais......................................74 Southview Farms .....................................30,76 CK Sparrow Farms .......................................IFC Springside Farms .....................................21,74 Spruce View Charolais..................................74 Stach Farms Charolais ..................................74 Stephen Charolais Farm ...............................78 Steppler Farms Ltd. ..................................3,75 Stock, Mark...................................................72 Sugarloaf Charolais ......................................74 Sunshine Oak Charolais ...............................75 T Bar C Cattle Co. .......................9,13,29,72,81 Temple Farms................................................78 Thistle Ridge Ranch......................................74 Transcon Livestock Corp..........................31,72 TRI N Charolais .............................................75 Turnbull Charolais ..............................18,19,74 Twin Anchor Charolais .................................74 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. ........................74 Western Litho Printers .................................72 White Lake Colony .......................................74 White Meadow Charolais Ltd......................75 WhiteWater Livestock..................................76 Wilgenbusch Charolais ........................78,OBC Wilkie Ranch.................................................74 Winsnes Farms ..............................................43 Wood River Charolais .............................37,78 Wrangler Charolais ............................18,19,74