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The depth of netball at the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth was again highlighted when three of their players were selected for national duty. Vice-captain Zanele Mdodana and Mampho Tsotetsi, who recently helped the SPAR-NMMU alumni to the local league title, have been named in the senior side for the three-test series against Jamaica in June. SPAR-NMMU first team netball captain Zanele Vimbela (pictured here) has been included in the national student side for the inaugural World University Netball Championships in Cape Town in July. Read full story on page 8.. Photo: FRANCOIS DU PLESSIS
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Solomon Mahlangu High School girls were part of the Take a Girl Child to Work Programme last week. They are, seated from left, Thuletu Nyathi, Athule Sali and Siphokazi Rayisa. Standing from left are; Siphosethu Matyu and Ntombesizwe Stali.
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Standing far left is Portfolio Councillor Thembani Mafani and (far right) Children’s Desk Head Cllr. Veliswa Ndidi with Limekhaya High School teacher Namhla Johnson (middle) and pupils Nompumelelo Majola (left) and Thandokazi Ndyenge. Seated left are, Anelisa Dlabathi, Geraldine Bosman and Siyanonwabisa Qhalo.
McCarthy Comprehensive School pupils were part of the Take a Girl Child to Work Programme. Seated from left are, Shirleen Koraan, Caryn Plaatjies and Amaney Dolph. Standing from left are, Shinantah Williams, Priscilla Phakela and Sadie Monie. Photos: NCEBA DLADLA
Portfolio Councillor Thembani Mafani (at the back left) and Children’s Desk Head Cllr. Veliswa Ndidi (right) are seen with Thanduxolo High School pupils (seated from left) Lerato Ncalu, Nonkululeko Cekiso and Busisiwe Tsenene and standing from left, Xolelwa Mtana, Khanyisa Beliwa, Siphosethu Ngcola and Aletta Gamedze.
Portfolio Councillor Thembani Mafani (at the back left) and Children’s Desk Head Cllr. Veliswa Ndidi (right) are seen with Zanolwazi High School pupils (seated from left) Nomaxabiso Ntamo, Bulelwa Mpali, Nominentle Magwa and Simnikiwe Mtakatana. Standing from left are, Lelethu Blouw, Sesethu Mens, Mandilakhe Sizani and Asemahle Ntantiso.
Port Authority gave female learners sneak peek into maritime world
Learners of Newell School were part of TNPA’s ‘Take a Girl Child to Work’ initiative.
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From old to new...Major General Zamuthango Mki (left) passes the baton to Brigadier Ruphus Pandela to command the Uitenhage Police Station Cluster. Photo: SUPPLIED
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The BlackBerry lunchtime campus events tour reached an end with Wits, Tshwane University of Technology, University of Johannesburg and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University being the last campuses to be hit by this hip-hop packed wave. Students at each campus showed off their impeccable skills, competing for a chance to win a brand-new BlackBerry Curve 9380 smartphone and a mentorship programme with the award winning hip hop star, AKA. The students also enjoyed performances by AKA himself. Here are some of the students during BlackBerryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s visit to the NMMU campus. Photo: SUPPLIED
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Nino Manxoyi is a photographer with business-savvy !" $%"$%"
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Among the VW employee volunteers who renovated a home in the SOS Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Village were (from left) Sithembile Madonda, Hazel Mjadu, Babalwa Lamani, Japie van Schalkwyk and Simon Lelaka.
VW staff gives SOS Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Village their first 30th birthday present
Ngiyazisa Kule Zinkinga UKuhola ingane R270 ukuvusa induku nomaz ukukhulisa R400. Imali engapheli ebamkimi lakho R300. Bheka minagnedwa R200. Isikhwama semalie R500. Dichitho sokuhlukanisa abathandayo R350. Ufuna imali yamadlozi one day R600. Sibolekisa ngamagundame alanda imali, 5 days, R400. Ukuphelelwa yimali ungayiboni R100. Lotto and casino. Pay after job was done. Contact Atupelle 084 927 1492 PE & Uitenhage area
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Udume ngokubuyisa isithomwa 3 hrs, R600. Ngibolekisa ngamagundane akuzisela imali endlini 2 days, R1 000. Puma ajele, R500. Bheka mina ngedwa, R400. Thola ingane, R300. Thola imali yamadlozi, R700. Ukunyamalalisa isusu ngomoya 1 day, R400. Fumama umsebenzi lula, R300. Lotto and Casino. Pay after job is done.
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Nino Manxoyi, a streetwise businessman and photographer and videographer from New Brighton in Port Elizabeth. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA
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Kuyasa United Brothers player (blue kit) beats Celtics player.
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Ncedo player chased by Ndzondelelo players.
SASFA Nelson Mandela Bay Dept of Education Eliminations played !" $%&'(%) X;VBLcB1 "# *8:""4 8:/40- 7-5C 0 +: 8:/449 2 5+: - 8" 0/< +/" * 2: 1(1'( V 4*" J5 0 45 F59 B ,5-+. + "# c0=85+/" #""+< 7544 4/./ 5+/" * 2 - ,459 0 5+ %"4#*" 1+50/=. " >H J59@ (88"-0/ 3 +" 1(1'( VJF * 8- < +5-9 5 0 8""-0/ 5+"-D B=.W5 U:9*D +: 7/33 *+ 8:544 3 /* +:5+ *". W" 54 + 5.* 0" "+ :5C +: ,-", 0"8=. +* *" +:5+ +: 9 85 7 4/3/< 74 +" ,5-+/8/,5+ / +"=- 5. +*@ d& 25 + +" 5,, 54 +" +: ,5- +* +" .56 *=- +:5+ +: /- 8:/40- :5C 7/-+: 8 -+/#/85+ * 5 0 /0 +/+9 0"8=. +*@ &# ,5- +* 8"= + ,-"74 .*D +: 9 .=*+ 3" +" +: /8:/40- )* *8:""4 +" 3 + 50C/8 "
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Vulumzi High U-17 SASFA NMB Department of Education winners. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE
Young Professionals clinched SAFA NMB SAB trophy !" $%&'(%) &U 25* O=7/45+/" 5 0 8*+5*9 2: K"= 3 Q-"# **/" 54* 4/#+ 0 +: 1('( V 4*" J5 0 45 1(F L < 3/" 54 E 53= ,- *+/3 +-",:9 / #-" + "# +: /- #5 * 2:" 85. / +: /- := 0- 0* +" 25+8: +: /*/0 )* 45*+ 0-52 "# +: * 5*" ZP<P[ 2/+: L 0 M/+9 5+ $2/0 1+50/=. " J59 >a@ U: 3=+*9 K"= 3 -* ,459 0 >T 35. * 5 0 8"44 8+ 0 a> ,"/ +* +" +56 +: :" "=-*@ U: /- -= -*< =, L"954 F=885 -* #/ /*: 0 2/+: H? ,"/ +*@
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Youngers captain Qalisile Pondo is presented with a trophy by SAFA NMB secretary Sikhumbuzo Wakashe and SAFA EC secretary Isaac Klaas. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE
56787 '9:;< Three SPAR-NMMU netballers get national nod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Build It EC boosts Mandela Bay professional boxing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
SPAR-NMMUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zanele Mdodana will be the most-capped player in the SPAR Protea team to take on Jamaica in a three-test series in July Photo: FRANCOIS DU PLESSIS
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Itembelihle High School defend its FNB Classic Clash Rugby title # &'( )*+,-*. B/ #-! #0 &, 0;3$3 0! 2.!& B%!->!" ) .)! Y <. 5 .,,) +!?!&+!+ %0 N9Z E)#00 E)#0. 8;<>4 % %)! 2 %. # KL"SV .#3+"?,;<.% 2 & ,=!3 %.! 3 #3 ."3 " =#)0 9+[,&+!)!), Y <. 5 .,,) #% D,)?0,& 5%#+ ;- ,& *#4 KM *#4A N9Z 0%#??1 ), #) 3;<>4 ? <;3!0 #&+ .;&+3!+0 ,? )!#3&!30 2!3! & #%%!&+" #& !A 9+[,&+!)!), Y <. +3;- -#" T,3!%%!0 -#+! %.! #%-,0$.!3! !)! %3 " ?4 &< >!?,3! %.! C C,??A B%!->!) .)! 2!3! #<<3!00 =! ?3,%.! ,;%0!% #&+ 9+[,&+!)!), #)0, 0%#3%!+ %.! <#-! ) C! # .,;0! ,& ? 3!1
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Ndzondelelo forwards take on their counterparts.
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