PE Express Indaba 30.05.2012

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Little patients and their mothers from the Children’s Ward at Dora Nginza Hospital, social workers and nurses marched to the hospital’s administration office yesterday morning to hand over a petition against the abuse of children to members of the KwaZakhele Police Station. Photo: WERNER HILLS 4," 'A Q'$-= !/'7 % ' H(*!1$$-"' D *!"%'/!1' R*),'53'*'-!6!-6 EHDRRF )( ?M :)*% !" $/") !-3)/3'0 !- $ D !/0 ?*)%'+%!)- G''1 +$&5 2$!6- = !+ "%$*%'0 )- Q)-0$.A

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< < Nceba Faku, Nelson Mandela Bay chairman of the ANC, carries the ANC centennial torch during the ANC’s Centennial Celebrations at the Nangoza Jebe Community Hall in New Brighton on Sunday. Photo: SUPPLIED

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1. Sonwabile Makhongo (25) 2. Menzi Zekane (19) 3. Ntlantla Mvoko (23) 4. Zwelithini Gibeni (24)

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Where is Zukile Ntlanjeni? Photo: SUPPLIED

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Sizwe “Slyso” Saliso, Wayne Hart and Viv Bozack are some of Algoa FM DJs, who visited Cleary Park and Motherwell last Friday and Saturday to “mix it up” with the residents. Photo: SUPPLIED

Algoa FM boost Masinyusane Community project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Algoa FM Jocks like Sizwe “Slyso” Saliso had a chance to get down on it with Motherwell residents during their visit last Saturday. Photo: SUPPLIED

Loyiso High School Grade 10 learners from left, Sinazo Maqosha, Zenande Mali, Ncebakazi Njongi, Sinathi Thandani and Asanda Bukani started last week writing June exams. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

Schools write mid-year exams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Babalwa Klaas, Zikhona Mountain, Phelokazi Madolwana, Sinazo Mannie and Sinesi pho Maranti all of Zwide attend Grade 11 at Hillside High School in Windvogel. They will be writing Afrikaans Paper 1 tomorrow (Thursday). Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

Problem solved for little Phumezani’s poor vision !" $%"$%" PRS =+')" 57!* .3' @",+0 ;!)0 (:)3.L"0+ Z7!!/*!!3 !@ ]:";. +/':" +0 ^+/.0:" . <+ *. " /:+0 !@ /:. 5"'/8 /:"06' /! "0 +0+/+"/+=. *; P:. ]+1' -+ :/ /! Z!!1 G+ :/ $!)01"/+!0H Z7"1. _ 5)5+ "/ B!'+5:! (7+3"7; G,:!! 8 (:)3.L"0+ AMDC8 <:! 7.[)+7.1 !5:/:" 3! ! +," "//.0/+!08 +' /:. "/4 .'/ *.0.@+,+"7; !@ /:. 5"7/0.7':+5 *.4 /<..0 P:. ]+1' -+ :/ /! Z!!1 G+ :/ $!)01"/+!0 "01 /:. ^+/.0:" . >.'4 5"/,: >.=. !53.0/ `0+/+"/+=. A^>>`CH JP:7!) : /:. :. 5 !@ ,!33+//.1 !54 /!3./7+'/' <. .3*"76.1 !0 " ',7..0+0 17+=. +0 ^+/.0:" . +0 %"7,: /:+' ;."7 ."1+0 /! /:. +1.0/+@+,"/+!0 !@ !=.7 DTa +// . ,:+ 17.0 0..1+0 '5.,/", .'8Q '"+1 (7!\.,/ 2!!71+0"/!7 ? <./:) B6!06+ !@ G5.,'"=.7'H

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Eye and Laser Institute’s Ophthalmic Assistant Cheryl Smith checks the sight problem facing Nosipho Primary School’s Phumezani Grootboom in Cape Road last week. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

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Architect Monde at helm of Opera House’s vision !" $%"$%" 3I% "77 ,*'@)*' = > *+) -? *#"B @" "! '0) _)*)("4 >"*"?)( = '0) $% K7)(" I /!) * 3/)!+"# 4"!' 6))A 0"! .))* 0",4)+ "! '0) .)!' '0,*? '0"' 0"! ):)( 0"77)*)+ ,* -)4! * >"*+)B 4" X"# ()&)*'4#2 >)@.)(! = '0) "('! ,*+/!'(# !"# -? *#"@" ,! "* )*?,*))(5 "* "(&0,B ')&'5 " :,!, *"(# "*+ !'("')?,!'2 I) '"A)! :)( =( @ >"(,"* V/& /6 60 0)4+ '0) 7 !,', * * "* "&',*? &"7"&,B '#2 8* "+@,*,!'("' (5 ')"&0)( "*+ "('B

Professional actress Nobesuthu Rayi wants local artists to work together in order to benefit from the art. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

KwaMagxaki actress Nobesuthu Rayi appointed NAF panelist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Monde Ngonyama has been appointed the new PE Opera House General Manager. Photo: SUPPLIED ,!'5 -? *#"@"5 60 ,! * 6 " J()B ',()+L !&(,7'6(,')( "*+ +,()&' ( = * ') 0"! .))* !)(:,*? "! '0) R,()&' ( = '0) $% K7)(" I /!) X "(+ 6,'0 " 6)"4'0 = )G7)(,)*&) !)(:,*? ,* '0) %"!')(* Q"7) $)(= (@)(! "*+ Q/4B '/("4 Q /*&,4 ;%Q$8QQ<2 I) 0"! "4! !)(:)+ "! '0) %Q ()7()!)*'"',:) *

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Presenting during the announcement of new boss at Opera House are from left, out-going Acting General Manager Marian Lucouw, Hombakazi Combined School Principal Nomhle Sali and actress Nobesuthu Rayi. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

Motherwell father wins kitchen for Mothers’ Day

Motherwell resident Luyanda Dlanga shows his delight at winning a fully equipped kitchen worth R20 000 during the Mothers’ Day promotion at Pier 14 Shopping Centre. Photo: RICHARD HUGGARD

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Lelethu Mahambehlala aka Poetic Soul (left) and Cingiwe Skosana of Love-Loud are the brains trust behind the HER WORDS programme at the PE Opera House tomorrow. Photo: Nceba Dladla

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Mio Khondleka and Queenie Grootboom are the only married couple presenting a show together on commercial radio in SA. Photo: SUPPLIED

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KQ FM’s young DJ loves PE

Algoa FM welcomes radio power couple

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Andile Adam (left) and Fezekile Kana (right), SAGDB graduates from the Port Elizabeth area, have risen through the ranks and are currently ranked sixth and second on the Eastern Province Order of Merit. Photo: SAGDB


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NEBFA Junior League prize-giving function !" $%&'(%) L9c=I )+-< # A-.MM+4.0A V4.,+& A.U.0A N;07M.10 #M L+* c4.A)M& 10 KU#- 6M#<.;! c1#4<411! M1 )101;4 .M$ 1;M$M#0<.0A W;0.14 `+#A;+ M+#!$ N14 M)+ B%''DB%'B $+#$10 10 B% 8#5G J)+ V4.,+$ *+0M #$ N1--1*$[ :5(;15 =,--52*C 6788K 6789L 678M (-4 678NC "1-4%=-* :5(;15 I1--52*710 F&''[ @.M5 ?+N+0<+4$ F&'E[ c1-< J.A+4$ F&'] #0< F&'\[ @.M5 ?+N+0<+4$ G-%+O H1& P%<05&,&,%=,--52*C F&''[ =4.+0<-5 @.M5 F&'E c1#$M 3.4#M+$

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Imbasa Primary School beat Ikhwezelihle PS 3-0.

SASFA Motherwell Sports results !" $%&'(%) "# $%%&'()) #**%+,(&,%."#"$#/ "012 3(*,4)()5 6789 :5(;15 ;(<5* =525 0)(>54 (& ?6@ *&(4,1< %- @9 3(>A B,2)* 6789 *5+&,%-C !"#$# %&' ()*+,+-.)-+ /#0121-1 34.!#45 67)11- %&% 8"10.$+-1 36 90:.-+0. 34.!#45 36 '&% 9-;0& <.0. 36

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Iziphumo zemidlalo yeNodefa VW Community Trust League SELBY MADIKANE c LaF8cK 0182+$."+ 0A+M);"# #!#:+-# +")1-# +()#M5*#51 V)#0M$. (*+L1";)-+ ?+$V#M7) =11M"#-- I$& $17.#M.10 QLK?9=IR +"+)-#0A+0+ (;!#"#-# #$+W#"#U; (*#L1";)-+ (*.!V+-#&U+(. +$.5.$).5#51G :+-# .&I4A+0M.0# 6M#4$P +-.".,*#

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Motherwell netball teams ready for the Youth Month tourney

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Real Madrid punishes Samba boys SELBY MADIKANE

NEBFA Deputy President Mike Matanzima presents an U-15 trophy to Spar League winners Roaring Tigers captain Lwando Matshanga and Siyabonga Ntonga (coach). Standing far left is NEBFA PRO Philip Tsoaelo, Abongile Mbambisa and second from far right is Xolisa Siko. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE

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Ikamva Movers are MOFA Build It Premier League Champions SELBY MADIKANE

N;P J)#".$1 8.0#0# #0< # "4#7+ "5 /;(1 8<#5.G

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Big Surprises in NEBFA Premier League games

Ford Pirates FC striker launching an attack on Dynamos. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE

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Strikers United player attempts to beat Morning Stars player.

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Boast Pirates players jostle for a ball with Bush Bucks players. Photo: Selby Madikane

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