April 9, 2023 | In-Person

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All Creatures of Our God and King

Easter Acclamation

Crown Him with Many Crowns

Affirmation of Faith | Apostles’ Creed


Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Life of the Congregation

Hallelujah from Mount of Olives


MATTHEW 27:62-66 AND 28:11-15

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

Invitation and Benediction

Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah


Congregational songs are listed in bold italic .



The prevailing theme of Jesus’ ministry is the idea of new life — renewal and restoration, forgiveness and freedom, grace and growth, a new covenant between God and His people.

The Gospel of Matthew reveals the story of Jesus. The letter to the Romans explains the significance of Jesus. As we explore this narrative together, we invite God to write a new chapter in our lives and the life of Peachtree Church.


Pick up a free Matthew journal and reading plan as you exit the sanctuary and in the Williams Center. Bring it to church each week during the 2023 series.

Learn more about our 2023 sermon series



Presbyterian churches were planted in Iran by American missionaries in the 1800s and have existed ever since. Following the Iranian Revolution, these congregations face continual persecution, harassment, economic, and social pressure because of their Christian faith. This has forced many Iranian Christians to flee their homes and seek refuge elsewhere.

Peachtree is partnering with an Iranian Presbyterian Church in Nuremberg, Germany that ministers to refugees. With our support, they will be able to purchase a building to house their growing congregation, providing stability and belonging for a dislocated community of believers.



Place your contribution in the offering plate during the worship service


Text EASTER to 50-700


PeachtreeChurch.com/EasterGift or scan the QR code


Earlier this year, a group of staff members from Peachtree traveled to Nuremberg, Germany, to meet with members of the Iranian Presbyterian Church that we are supporting. During our visit, we had the privilege of hearing the stories of several members, including Masoumeh. This is her story in her own words.

Against our will, my family and I had to travel from Iran to Germany. I didn’t really like leaving my country. I thought God was being cruel to us. Once we arrived in Greece, my husband found a copy of Luke’s Gospel in Farsi on the beach.


He became very passionate about Jesus Christ. When we finally arrived in Germany, he wanted to visit a church. I resisted the idea of going. I felt isolated and missed home, but whenever we went to the church, I had peace.

I had never called anyone father, so it was amazing that I would be able to call the God that I thought was cruel to me, Father, and to believe that He’s a God full of love and compassion. I had this beautiful feeling and wondered if I would be able to call Him Father as well and share in this passion with other believers. After a year, I believed and got baptized. Today, I’m joyful in our Lord for giving me this Christian life and having Christ as my guide.

I thank the Lord for opening the doors of this place for His children so we could have a place to worship the living God in unity and share His love together. The Lord never leaves us stranded. He showed us as strangers in this country that wherever we are, He is always with us.



Mary and Richard Arnold

Virginia Allen

Lori Hetzel Anderson

Howard and Muriel Ashworth

Lisa Ashworth

Bonnie Tibbs Baber

Doris Condon Baird

Robert Baird

Eileen R. Young Baliko

Mary Dolores Bangert

John Beauchamp

James Bennett

William N. Blake

Spencer Watson Bowles

Arlene R. Bradley

Bettye Bond Matthews Breen

William Hixson Breen, Jr.

William Hixson Breen, III

Anne T. Brown

Jim and Charlotte Brown

Rachel Bunte

Louis Bunte

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Byers

Dorothy Card

Charles D. Chandonia

Mrs. Margaret Chappell

Mr. W. Bates Chappell

James T. Cheatham

Carolyn Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. and Nell G. Cope

Raymond and Blanche Coppedge

Carlton Bruce Corley

Janice Cox

Gwendolyn Diane Cross

Drew Demaray

Patricia Demaray

William Demaray

Ava Devine

Mary Emma Dilkes

William Still Dixon

Philip William Dodge

Rev. Randy Driggers

Lee A. Duley

Drew Dunn

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, II

Dr. David O. Ellis

Eunice Ellis

Joe Ellis, Sr.

Cromwell Evans

Donald P. Evans

Emily Frances Fallon

Catherine Farley

Vincent Farley

Hugh Thomas Freeman

Madeleine Baker Freeman

F. D. Garrard

Katherine Garrard

Maggie Gignilliat

Kathy Goepp

Katherine Payne Gooding

A.J. Gordon, III

Bea Graham

Sarah Grissom

Kathryn and Al Grundeis

Jean Guest

Martha James Hagood

Mr. George C. Harden

James Harris

Michelle Harvey

Dave Henderson

Eleanor Henderson

Rachel Hinton

Bob Hoffman

Jeffrey Lee Hollingsworth

Sallie H. Holt

Minnie Blair and John Troy Horn

Albert and Ruth Ike

Martha and Paul Isler

Arthur Johnston

Shelley Johnston

Teri Joyer

Frances G. Keim

J.D. Keller

Jim Kincaid, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. King

Jo Allen and Joseph Earl Kloppenberg

David Paterson Lanier, Jr.

John Laubach

Kimberly Wilson Lauerman

Eddie Laws

Louise and William Lewis

Robert Williams Long

Sarah Monroe Lopes

Patricia Lynch Lovell

John F. Loyd

Mr. and Mrs. John Irving Lynch, Jr.

Clarence J. MacDonald

Jacqueline A. MacDonald

Gordon M. MacGregor

Mary B. MacGregor

Helen Martin

James E. Martin, Jr.

John Martin

Sarah McAuliffe

Andrew P. McCullough

John Monroe

Francis F. Murphy

Tommie Lou Murphy

Mr. J. James Naphin

Mr. and Mrs. James Naphin

Lebby R. Neal

Helen E. Nemesnyik

John C. Nemesnyik

Dr. and Mrs. John L. and Scottie Newton

Linda Newton

Alexander Nix

Franklin Nix

Betty and Randy Nord

Jane M. Oglesby

Bob Palik

Shirley Palik

Mary Louise Parker

Ward and Barbara Peacock

Robert D. Pee

Calico Perry

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Petrachek

Eleanor Stuart Pettit

William Pickard

Jane Winn Pollitzer

Richard Sprott Pollitzer

Hope Nicole Ray

William Robertson

Edwin and Annemarie Robins

Grattan Rowland, Jr.

Logan Everett and Winifred Sawyer

Dolores Schubert

Dr. Melvin Schubert

Ruth Schubert

Edward G. Seikus

Basil and Virginia Sherrill

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sipos

Mr. and Mrs. John Sipos

Caroline Elise Smith

Cleve Smith

Daisy A. Smith

Julius Bell Smith, Jr.

Shirley Smith

William Robert “Bob” Smith

William Robert Smith, Sr.

William Robert “Bobby” Smith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. St. Amand

Sherron E. St. John

Dorothy and Doug Stahle

Jack Stanton

Joseph Stanton

Larry Starkey

Mary Gladys Stephenson

Elizabeth Hope Tallmadge

Keith Tash

Woo and Bill Thomason

Coach Calvin R. Triplett

Calvin “Dusty” Triplett, Jr.

Joyce Salter Triplett

Lynda Helms Triplett

Jack and Charlotte Troutman

Mrs. Janet Y. Tucker

Mr. James M. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. John Turinsky

Wiley Virden

Dr. J. Neal Walker

Dr. Henry F. Warden, Jr.

Mrs. Henry F. (Sally) Warden, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom White

Hayden Mugler Wood

Ann R. Wotton

Grigsby Hart Wotton

George W. Wray, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yakobowski

Terry V. Young

Van Howard Young


Mr. and Mrs. Nick Burkardt

William Michael Baber

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Brody

Sam Brody

Jamie Lynn Catrett

Linda S. Christian

Elizabeth Cooper

Gwen Catherine Cross

Deborah Elizabeth Dawson

Nancy Jane Dawson

Joseph B. Deeds

David D. Duley

Jonathan L. Duley

Jacqueline Dunn

Kathleen E. J. Ellis

Franch Family

Vicki Franch’s Bible Study

Dr. and Mrs. Bob Fryer

Malcolm Gailey

Annie Glass

Meriwether Glass

Robert Glass

God’s Love

Missie Gooding

Shannon Wood Hagood

Harrington Family

Paula and Lash Harrison

Heritage Sunday School Class

Hodnett Family

Hoffman Family

Mary Hoffman

Jensen Family

Alison Jowers

Dale Jowers

McKamie Jowers

Sam Jowers

Kannwischer Family

Tom and Lee Kent

Roy Kent

Richard M. King

Cooper Kirwan

Isla Kirwan

Lula Kirwan

Darla Lanier

Holt Loyd

Rivers Loyd

Madden Family

Blake Maguire

Liam Maguire

Matt Maguire

Virginia Maguire

Madeleine Elizabeth McKelvey

Lauren Womack Milmine

M. Moore Family

Mrs. Elvera Naphin

Newby Family

Peachtree Business Office

Peachtree Children’s Ministry

Peachtree Choir

Peachtree Elders

Peachtree First Responders

Peachtree Hospitality Ministry

Peachtree IT Department

Peachtree Missions Ministry

Peachtree Music Ministry

Peachtree Musicians

Peachtree Pastoral Care Ministry

Peachtree Sextons

Peachtree Staff

Peachtree Stephen Ministry

Peachtree Video Ministry

Presbyterian Women

Kathy Ray

Roberts Family

Kathryn Roberts

Sheehan Family

Carson Staples

Jack Staples

Lauren Tash

Liz Tash

Garrett and Selden Tash

Townsend Family

Tucker Family

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tucker

Sharon and Joe Wilson

Brandy Womack

Cheryl Womack

Anne Carson Wray

Suzanne Zoller-Brinson


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.


RC Dear | Northside Steve Huntley | Home Hospice Care


Judy King | 3/23 Mother of David King

Sunday morning flowers may be dedicated in the memory or honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion such as a baptism. For details or to reserve a date, contact Marsha Sims at 404-842-3146 or MSims@PeachtreeChurch.com


We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have. Please scan the QR code or visit PeachtreeChurch.com/ConnectCard, fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!

3434 Roswell Rd NW | Atlanta, Georgia 30305 PeachtreeChurch.com

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