April 17, 2022

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Order of Worship Prelude How Deep the Father’s Love For Us The Reading of the Gospel | John 20:1-18 Easter Acclamation Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Affirmation of Faith | Apostle’s Creed Doxology Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Life of the Congregation Gloria from Gospel Mass

The Easter Difference John 21:1-19 Dr. Richard Kannwischer | Senior Pastor In Christ Alone Invitation and Benediction Hallelujah from The Messiah Postlude

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

Peachtree Church is reading through the Bible together in 2022 with Quest: Exploring God’s Story Together. Each week, we encourage you to read the scripture selections for the week or listen to the readings through our podcast. Sunday sermons will reflect and expand on the weekly readings.

Reading Plan You can download the reading plan at PeachtreeChurch.com/Quest




Our Easter Offering benefits refugees impacted by the crisis in Ukraine. We are partnering with trusted Christian organizations, including Grain of Wheat International, Innovista, HOPE International, and The Outreach Foundation, to assist in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Your gifts will provide shelter, food, medicine, clothing, trauma counseling, and transportation for refugees.

3 WAY S T O G I V E O F F E R I N G P L AT E Place your contribution in the offering plate during the worship service

TEXT Text EASTER to 50-700

ONLINE PeachtreeChurch.com/Ukraine or scan the QR code

In Memory of Janis Batista Abernathy

Mrs. Patricia Demaray

Virginia Knight Allen

Mr. William Demaray

Lori Hetzel Andersen

Lois and Charles Deriso

Mary and Richard Arnold

Charles F. Dilcher

Muriel and Howard Ashworth

Virginia L. Dilcher

Lisa Ashworth

Mary E. Dilkes

Mary Bangert

James J. Dougherty

Thomas W. Barry

Rev. Randy Driggers

Mrs. Chris S. Bell

Dr. David O. Ellis

Julie Lawrence Bellem

Cromwell Evans

James Bennett

Donald D. Evans

Ginny Bishop

Katharine Cameron Evans

Win Bishop

Margaret Falk

William N. Blake

Emily Francis Fallon

Mrs. Dorothy Boice

Gene Ferrari

Vicki Wilson Bond

Conrad Fowler

Spencer Watson Bowles

Mrs. Lucille H. Friese

Al Bowman

Mrs. Mabel M. Friese

Bertha and Don Buffington

Mr. Richard G. Friese

Rachel and Louis Bunte

Mr. Robert M. Friese

Charles D. Burke

Jim Fuller

Norma Spencer Butt

Georgia Furlow-Houston

Mr. M. VanLeer Cannon

Katherine Garrard

Laverne Cantrell

F.D. Garrard

Dorothy Card

Kathy Goepp

Mr. and Mrs. Blucher H. Cooper

Katherine Payne Gooding

Blanche and Raymond Coppedge

Peggy and A.J. Gordon

James LeRoy Cotter

Kathryn and Al Grundeis

Marjorie Eicher Cotter

Jean Guest

Joan McKay Craft

Martha James Hagood

Mark Anthony Cross

Ruthe Harrill

Catherine C. Dalrymple

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Harris, Sr.

Dorrance F. Dalrymple

James Harris

Jane Darby-Day

Bo Hayes

Mr. Harold A. Deal, Jr.

Shannon Hayes

Mrs. Martha H. Deal

Mr. and Mrs. George Head, Jr.

Mr. Drew Demaray

J.L. “Pa” Heath

David R. Hendrick

Agnes A. Maichle

Shirley Ann Hendrick

Nicholas Marshall

Pat Hennessy

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Martin

Bob Hoffman

Denny McClelland

Anna Campbell Horn

Luanne McClelland

H. Clinton Horn

Mrs. Roxie Horne Merrill

Charlotte Hotaling

Mrs. Alice DePass Miller

Danal Hotaling

Iva Jean and Wylie Mitchell

Arthur Howell

John Monroe

Carrie Howell

Alex Mullen

Jenny Howell

Dorris and Melvin Myers

Shin Dong In

Mr. J. James Naphin

Dr. Paul and Martha Isler

Mr. and Mrs. James Naphin

Arthur Johnston

Thomas E. Neal

Shelley Johnston

Mr. Alan Neal

Darryl Jordan

Helen Nemesnyik

Paul Keb

John C. Nemesnyik

Juanita Keeton

Noah Patrick Noble

Frances Garrard Keim

Mr. Joel V. O’Neal

Michael Cassat Keleher

Camille Oden Pace

Mr. John Finley Kiser, Sr.

William Stirlen Pace

Grace Knight

Katy Anne Pappas

Anne Woodworth Krause

Mary Vlahos Pappas

Dorothy W. Krause

Clay Parramore

Robert F. Krause, Sr.

Mrs. Calico Perry

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kuykendall

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Petrachek

William Graham Kuykendall

Lynn Wachinski Platt

John Laubach

Jean-Claude Antonio Porson

Polley Lawrence

Laura Frances and Hershell Prather

Min Hyung Lee

Mrs. Nell S. Pritchett

Mary Ann and Lee Liggett

Louise and Fred Ratchford

Thomas S. Livengood

Hope Nicole Ray

Sarah Monroe Lopes

Sarah J. Richardson

Ms. Luciellen

Lt. Col. RD Richey

Jacqueline and Clarence MacDonald

Vera Best Richey

Gordon M. MacGregor

Peggy Roark

Mary B. MacGregor

William Morris Robertson

Annemarie and Edwin Robins

William Robert “Bobby” Smith, Jr.

Sheila Rose

Kim In Soon

Camille Pace Ryan

Dr. James Thomas Spencer

Alice Jane Sanders

Frances Wilson Spencer

Jacquelyn Ann Savchuk

Sarah Florence Spencer

John Charles Savchuk

Mr. and Mrs. St. Amand

Logan Everett and Winifred Sawyer

Dorothy and Douglas Stahle

Brent Schofield

Lawrence Starkey

Dolores Schubert

Mrs. Polly DePass Stephenson

Dr. Melvin Schubert

Mr. Robert M. Stephenson

Mrs. Roxanna Merrill Seely

Mr. John P. Stevens, Jr.

Edward Seikus

Frank G. Stevenson, Jr.

Henry W. Sharp

Ms. Sutrati

Rebekah J. Sharp

Mrs. Eva S. Taylor

Virginia Shenk

Caroline Thome

Virginia and Basil Sherrill

Ruth Trager

Nonnette Sherry

Mr. and Mrs. John and Ann Turinsky

Sara (Sally) McArthur Shigley

Dr. John Neal Walker

Mrs. Clarice S. Shipp

Dr. Henry F. Warden, Jr.

Ben S. Shippen

Mrs. Henry F. (Sally) Warden, Jr.

Arthur G. Schoeck

Mrs. John A. Wayt, Jr. (Martha Kiser Wayt)

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sipos Mr. and Mrs. John Sipos Ruth Anne and Frank Skinner Alma Rita Lester Smith Bob Smith Mr. C. Elmer Smith Daisy and Bob Smith Caroline Elise Smith Dick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Smith, II Homer Wilson Smith Julius Bell Smith, Jr. Richard (Dick) Wakefield Smith Rita Smith Robert Homer Smith

Mr. John Augustus Wayt, III (Gus) Adelaide Amelia Western Mr. and Mrs. Tom White Wylene Mitchell Whiting John A. Williams Madera White Wilson Hayden Mugler Wood Ann R. Wotton Grigsby H. Wotton George W. Wray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yakobowski Todd M. Yates, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zazworsky

In Honor of Richard D. V. Armstrong

Lebby Neal

Wil Brown

Mrs. Lynn Neal

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Burkardt

Stephen Newby

Hope Carter

Peachtree Sextons

Marnie Crumpler

Peachtree Music Ministry

Sarah Dempster

Peachtree Musicians

Kathleen Ellis

Peachtree Choir

Heather Ellison

Peachtree Video and Communications Ministry

Faithmates Sunday School The Franch Family Vicki Franch’s Bible Study Patty and Bob Fryer The Gaeddert Family Malcolm Gailey God’s Love Bea Graham Shannon Hagood The Harrington Family Heritage Sunday School Class The Hodnett Family Mary Hoffman The Hoffman Family Raleigh Evangelos Jared The Jensen Family The Kannwischer Family Kelli Keb Tom and Lee Kent The David Kirkpatrick Family The Madden Family Blake Maguire Liam Maguire Matt Maguire Virginia Maguire Melissa and Austin Merritt The M. Moore Family Tripp Mullen Mrs. Elvera Naphin

Peachtree IT Department Peachtree Business Office Peachtree Missions Ministry Peachtree Staff Peachtree First Responders Peachtree Hospitality Ministry Peachtree Children’s Ministry Peachtree Presbyterian Women Holly Pollock The Reilly Family The Roberts Family Alana Shepherd Sarah Shepherd Elizabeth Fowler Smith Carson Staples Jack Staples Mandy Thome Audra Thompson Anne Trammell Jude Trammell Lauren and Scott Tucker The Tucker Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward Ash Williamson Carter Williamson Ward Williamson Steven Wooddell Anne Carson Wray


Following each Sunday morning Easter service, Children and Family Ministry will be hosting a walk through experience of the empty tomb. Join us for this interactive experience and an opportunity for your children to help decorate our own CFM Flower Cross.

Milestones Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God. HOSPITALS

Bill Banner | Hospice Care

MEMBER DEATH Merrie Ann Park 4/8

Connect with Us We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree! We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have. Please visit PeachtreeChurch.com/ConnectCard, fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!

Flowers Sunday morning flowers may be dedicated in the memory or honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion such as a baptism. For details or to reserve a date, contact Marsha Sims at 404-842-3146 or MSims@PeachtreeChurch.com

3434 Roswell Rd NW | Atlanta, Georgia 30305 PeachtreeChurch.com

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