JUNE 25, 2023

Welcome and Prayer of Adoration
Reckless Love
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
MATTHEW 23:1-12
City Called Heaven
Invitation and Benediction
Congregational songs are listed in bold italic .
It’s a big church but we have found so many small communities within it. There are so many close friendships we have formed. We have loved ushering and Bible study. Many friendships were made there as well.
We are so happy to be a part of the Renewing the Promise campaign. The church needs a lot of work to really prepare for the future. It’s our pleasure to help this happen.

Make your commitment to Renewing the Promise today.
You can complete the online commitment card by visiting renewingthepromise.com/pledge or snapping the QR code with the camera on your smartphone.
Earlier this month, over one hundred students and volunteers in Middle School Ministry traveled from Peachtree Church to Ducktown, Tennessee, to discover what it means to be a Christian and to seek out God’s Kingdom. During a spiritually engaged week at camp, they found the answer through four words: God, Jesus, Man, and Response.

Guest Speaker Alex Alderman put it this way: “Every time we hear this good news of the Gospel, it has the opportunity to hit us in a new and infectious way.”
Through a week of fun, prayer and worship, Camp Ducktown gives our Middle School students the opportunity to develop close friendships, explore their faith, and study God’s word together. The camp has been significant in the lives of so many Peachtree students. Our prayer for our middle schoolers is that they would continue to trust Jesus in their daily lives here at home.
Construction Closures
As our Main Campus undergoes construction, you will notice signage posted throughout the 1st and 2nd floors indicating which access points are closed for renovation and which remain available. The Peachtree Hospitality Team is available to answer any questions about Main Campus access.
The Connector
With our 2nd floor “Main Street” hallway under construction, we have created The Connector— an alternate outdoor passageway located behind our main campus. The Connector will be the most reliable passageway between the rear entrances of the Peachtree Gym and Family Commons during the renovation process.
On Sunday, July 2, we will have one in-person worship service at 10am in The Summit. There will be no children’s or student’s programming this day, but nursery will be available. We invite you to join us in person or online at 10am.