July 18, 2021

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Order of Worship Prelude Welcome and Prayer of Adoration How Great Thou Art Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Firm Foundation? Luke 6:46–49 Rev. Cody Jensen, Pastor For Young Adults

Solid Rock Invitation and Benediction Postlude

K I C K-O F F BRE AKFA ST T U E S DAY, AU G U S T 1 0 7- 8 A M   |   S U M M IT Join Peachtree's IRONMEN to celebrate the start of a new ministry year. Bring yourself and a friend to the Summit at Peachtree and enjoy a chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-A, coffee, and connect with the men of Peachtree. It doesn't matter if it is your first time attending or your 100th; all are welcome.





FALL 2021 AT PE ACHTREE FALL 2021 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Rejoice with us as we Behold in Worship with four Sunday morning services. On August 15, our morning worship schedule will include three in-person services and one online


After more than a year of pandemic restrictions, Peachtree is celebrating a return to our fully open facilities and in-person opportunities. BELONG COMMUNITIES S U N D AY M O R N I N G S E R I E S

RETURN | REJOICE | RESTORE August 15, 22, and 29 | 10:00am Fellowship Hall and Online

worship service.

Special guest, Reverend Katie Sundermeier,

8:45 and 10am Traditional Services

Executive Directorof the Samaritan Counseling

11am Peachtree Online Service

Center of Atlanta, and Dr. Barry Gaeddert, Peachtree’s Pastor for Spiritual Formation, will lead this launch of the new season of Belong Communities. Come and explore God’s call for us to worship, to be


together in community, and to participate in

Contemporary Service

Christ’s mission in the world.


TH Y K INGDOM COME Beginning August 15 Jesus taught his followers to pray, “Thy Kingdom Come.” Pastor Rich will lead us on principles of Kingdom living, covering topics including Kingdom Prayer, Kingdom Vision,

Stay tuned for more information on upcoming events and opportunities for fellowship at Peachtree this fall. 2020 was a challenging and difficult season, but your faithfulness and generosity accomplished much for the Kingdom. Now, let’s prepare to return, rejoice, and continue to restore hope and joy as we pray, “Thy Kingdom Come!”

Kingdom Power, Kingdom Witness, and Kingdom Spirit. Our new Minister of Worship, Dr. Stephen Newby, will provide engaging opportunities for you to prepare your hearts and mind for this Kingdom experience.


Milestones Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

Connect With Us We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree!


Joe McNamara Tapestry House Craig Mackenzie Piedmont


Duncan Gray 7/4 Betty Crawford 7/9 Dr. Ward Bourdeaux 7/12

We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have. Please visit PeachtreeChurch.com/ConnectCard, fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!

Curtis Walker Piedmont

FAMILY MEMBER DEATHS Duncan Gray 7/4 Husband of Judy Gray

Dr. Ward Bourdeaux 7/12 Husband of Judy Bourdeaux

Peggie Stewart Coleman 7/5 Mother of Don Stewart, Jr, Grandmother of Donald Stewart III and Millie Stewart Sloan, Great Grandmother of Bain, Charlie and Allison Stewart

Judy Turner 7/13 Sister of Peggy Farris, Mother of Shelley Moses, Grandmother of Chandler Quintrell

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in celebration of: The Baptism of Charles Gray Bernhardt By his loving family

3434 Roswell Rd NW | Atlanta, GA 30305 PeachtreeChurch.com

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