July 23, 2023 | In-Person

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JULY 23, 2023

MATTHEW 27:27-29,37
Prelude Rejoice, the Lord is King Welcome and Prayer of Adoration Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Great Is Thy Faithfulness Life of the Congregation How Great Thou Art Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer My Eternal King NEW KING MATTHEW 27:27-29,37 REV. VICKI FRANCH ASSOCIATE PASTOR
Him with Many Crowns Invitation and Benediction Postlude
8:45 10
Congregational songs are listed in bold italic
O Praise Him (All This For A King) Call to Worship What A Beautiful Name It Is Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Cry Out To Jesus NEW KING MATTHEW 27:27-29,37 REV. VICKI FRANCH ASSOCIATE PASTOR King of Kings Invitation and Benediction Postlude ORDER OF WORSHIP 11:15


As part of our commitment to Renewing the Promise, we are investing in the church as well as the community and world around us. One of our mission partners receiving transformational support is Kidz2Leaders—a Christ-centered organization serving children of inmates to break the cycle of incarceration in families. Just a week ago, Peachtree high school students, college fellows, staff and church members spent a week serving at Camp Hope with Kidz2Leaders. Peachtree has been instrumental to the growth of Camp Hope as they welcomed 70 new campers this summer! We invite you to join us in Renewing the Promise as we invest in the future.

You can complete the online commitment card by visiting renewingthepromise.com/pledge or snapping the QR code with the camera on your smartphone.


up your free journal from outside the Summit, in the Lodge Lobby, or the outside patio.
ROMANS BEGINS AUGUST 6 Join us beginning August 6 as we rediscover the story and significance of Jesus through Paul’s Letter to the Romans. PEACHTREECHURCH.COM/NEW


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.


Tom Abernathy | Northside

Grayson James Baskin | Northside NICU RC Dear | Northside

Mary Jordan | Salude Rehab (Suwannee)

The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Betty and Phelps Guild

3434 Roswell Rd NW | Atlanta, Georgia 30305 PeachtreeChurch.com We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree! We want to know more about you, and are happy to answer any questions you may have. CONNECT WITH US Text Connect to 50700 PeachtreeChurch.com/Connect 3 WAYS TO GIVE ONLINE Text Give to 50700 PeachtreeChurch.com/Give Disclosure: Message and data rates may apply. Reply STOP to opt out or HELP for help. Visit PeachtreeChurch.com/Text for privacy and terms info.

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