AUGUST 6, 2023

AUGUST 6, 2023
Welcome and Prayer of Adoration
What A Beautiful Name It Is Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer WHAT A MESS!
In Christ Alone
Invitation and Benediction
Congregational songs are listed in bold italic .
Join us as we rediscover the story and significance of Jesus through Paul’s Letter to the Romans.
Within twenty-five years, the Good News of Jesus Christ had already made its way from Jerusalem to Rome. The Apostle Paul longed to be with the new Christian community in the heart of the Empire. Since he was delayed from traveling there, he sent them a letter that would become one of the most important pieces of correspondence ever written. Without it, we would still have the gospel, but we would not know the full scope of its significance. Our journey this year has taken us deeper into the promise of how God makes “all things new,” including us. As Paul states, “But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit…” Romans 7:6). God’s presence will indeed release us from the dark captivity of sin and make everything right again. Come and discover what a difference Jesus makes.
The Renewing the Promise campaign is not simply an effort to transform physical spaces. Each renovation project is rooted in our call to restore lives, defined through five initiatives: Worship, All Generations, Growing in Faith, Fellowship, and Our City and Beyond. Each week we will highlight one of the five initiatives in the bulletin.
Grand adults and kindergartners, teenagers and empty nesters, young professionals and retirees—every generation plays an essential role in the life of Peachtree Church. Updates to our Family Commons, classrooms, and the upper level of the Lodge will result in more welcoming and inviting spaces for each age and stage.
You can complete the online commitment card by visiting renewingthepromise.com/pledge or snapping the QR code with the camera on your smartphone.
We have a very simple purpose at IRONMEN: To encourage and equip men to become a positive impact for Jesus Christ, not only when we are together at church, but especially when we are scattered outside the church, at home, at work and in the community.
Coffee and Chick-fil-A biscuits will be provided to celebrate the start of a new year together. Please register at the link below to let us know you’re coming!
Following the 11:15 Service | Room 4107
Are you longing to grow deeper in your faith? Would you like to experience God in community with other believers? Come to the Spiritual Formation Cohort Interest meeting and learn about a 9 month journey offered at Peachtree where you engage with long established spiritual practices, learn more about your mission in the world, and hopefully look a little more like Jesus along the way.
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Grayson James Baskin | Northside NICU
Mary Jordan | Salude Rehab (Suwannee)
Alice Stevens | Wellstar Hospital
Tom Abernathy | 7/27
RC Dear | 7/27
Tom Abernathy | 7/27
Husband of Calland Abernathy
RC Dear | 7/27
Husband of Jane Dear
Robert Millikan | 8/1
Father of Kitty Correll
Grandfather of Katherine, Kaylee, and Pete Correll
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Lyle Cheves Meeks by Laney and Rabun Lewis