SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

Kidz2Leaders serves approximately 250 children and family members annually through their four program platforms designed to support a child for more than a decade—starting at age eight and continuing into young adulthood. As one of our Renewing the Promise partners, Peachtree has supported Kidz2Leaders with volunteers and financial gifts. Just this summer, Peachtree sent a group of volunteers including 11 high schoolers, 4 college students, and 5 adults to serve at Camp Hope.
We invite you to join us in Renewing the Promise by completing the online commitment card at RenewingthePromise.com/Pledge or snapping the QR code with the camera of your smartphone.

My biggest takeaway from Camp Hope, was that no matter how hard life gets, no matter how distant God may seem, that you can and should always put your trust in Jesus because he has always been there for us, right by our side.

Camp Hope is a week-long, overnight summer camp that empowers children with an incarcerated parent. This special week allows the children the chance to build community, draw closer to God, experience new opportunities, and find hope for their future. The goal of Camp Hope is to introduce the campers to the hope of the gospel. The relationships these children build with God, one another, and their volunteer counselors is unlike any other they have experienced.
Worship in Fellowship Hall
Beginning Sunday, September 24, we will be relocating our three Sunday morning worship services to our newly renovated Fellowship Hall, located on the second floor of our main campus. This space will provide increased capacity for worship attendance until the completion of our Sanctuary renovation in Fall 2024.
Our service times will remain the same with traditional worship at 8:45am and 10am and contemporary worship at 11:15am.
Beginning Sunday, September 24, we will also be changing our online services to a livestream format, with a traditional livestream at 10am and a contemporary livestream at 11:15am. Both services will be available to watch on demand on Sunday afternoons.
When you arrive on campus, we will have greeters and signage across our campus to make sure you can find where you need to go. Please see PeachtreeChurch.com/FH for specific parking recommendations during this season.
Children will not be dismissed to programming during the 8:45am and 11:15am services. They can attend the entire worship service with parents or be dropped off directly in classrooms prior to the beginning of each service.
Learn more about our move at PeachtreeChurch.com/FH
| Check-In

8:45AM | Opening Prayer
As we prepare to reopen our Fellowship Hall and St. Andrews Room, we invite you to join us for a very special Prayer Walk on Saturday, September 23. This unique experience will include a 3 mile walk that will begin and end on Peachtree’s campus—our finish line will take you directly into the newly redesigned Fellowship Hall!