Order Worshipof

Prelude Welcome and Prayer of Adoration Psalm 130 I Believe Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Crucified Mark 15:16-41 Dr. Richard Kannwischer | Senior Pastor Remembrance Invitation and PostludeBenediction Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

February 11-21 India – Women March 4-11 Costa Rica – High School April 1-8 Costa Rica – Families Spring Cuba – Young Adults April Guatemala – Men Mid-July Malawi, Africa Glimpses Into Going Global 2023 MISSION TRIPS Learn more PeachtreeChurch.com/MissionTripsIndiaWomen’sMissionTripInformationalMeeting October 9 | 10am and 12pm | Room 4307 Contact Nancy Ike at NIke@PeachtreeChurch.com

PeachtreeChurch.com/ServeTuesday,October4 | St. Andrews Room Join the Mission Ministry team for a night of serving recaps, upcoming projects, and mission partner updates. We are excited to share all that is possible for the coming year with Mission Ministry! A boxed meal from Chick-fil-A will be served, so please be sure to RSVP to Missions@PeachtreeChurch.com (and include the number of people attending). 6PM DINNER | 6:30PM PROGRAM

Today, during the 10:00am service, we will ordain and install the 2025 Class of Elders. *To be ordained Liz Cooper Mary Kent Ellis* Mike Elting Tim Gartland Janie Jeter SpenceLindaKennardMcClelland*Neal*Schaeffer Will ElizabethMichaelDanaThomason*Tucker*WrenZielinski* ELDER INSTALLATION

Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Tom Allison
William Breman Jewish Home
Mike Beard Emory
Dick Friese St. Joseph
Dr. Steve Huntley Home Hospice Care
Doris Atteridge Whalen 9/14 Mother of Susan Swain
Georgia Ann Weiss 9/17 Mother of Glenn Weiss
David Steele 9/18
Father of Thomas Steele, Grandfather of Fitz and Max Steele
Ron Panarelli 9/22
Husband of Ginny Panarelli and Father of Anthony Panarelli
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Linda Barton Egan by her husband, Richard David Egan
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Us We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree! We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have. Please visit PeachtreeChurch.com/ConnectCard , fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!