OCTOBER 8, 2023
OCTOBER 8, 2023
8:45 10
Welcome and Prayer of Adoration
O For A Thousand Tongues
Life of the Congregation
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
How Lovely Are the Messengers
Raise A Hallelujah
King of Kings
The Apostles’ Creed
Life of the Congregation
Pastoral Prayer
In Christ Alone
The Apostles’ Creed
Invitation and Benediction
If you haven’t yet made your commitment, we ask you to prayerfully consider what you could pledge to give over the next three years. This is our moment in time to invest back into the church that has done so much for us and others.
To learn about all of the updates and enhancements we’re planning as a part of this capital investment campaign, visit renewingthepromise.com.
We invite you to join us in Renewing the Promise by completing the online commitment card at RenewingthePromise.com/Pledge or snapping the QR code with the camera of your smartphone.
Grow in grace. Live your faith. Become more like Jesus.
Volunteer as an usher or a greeter on Sunday mornings. You only need a smile and a Christ-like heart to help welcome all to Peachtree Church.
You can sign-up to serve at: PeachtreeChurch.com/Hospitality
Mark your calendar and join us for a Hospitality Training Session
October 29 | 12:15pm | Room 2202
If you have any questions, please reach out to Marsha Sims at MSims@PeachtreeChurch.com
In Malawi, the government provides free education through primary school. If a child wishes to go to high school or further in education, they must pay those fees themselves. In the Chitipa district in Northern Malawi, the annual income for a family is $500 a year and a year of high school costs $250.
This year, we have a total of 200 high school students, 60 technical school students, and 83 college students needing support.
To sponsor a student or learn more information, please visit PeachtreeChurch.com/Serve or connect with Nancy Ike, Global Missions Director, at the sponsorship table in the Family Commons after each service in October.
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Sylvia Adams
Glancy Jones Rehab (Duluth)
Dick Deaner
Dick Reinhold
St. Joseph (No Visitors)
Bob Randolph Lenbrook Rehab
Curtis Walker
The Terraces at Peachtree Hills Rehab
Girl: River Kirby Buchanan | 8/3
Taylor and Brad Buchanan
Boys: Thomas Henry and Charles Matthew Johnson | 10/1
Lauren and Matt Johnson
Arthur Solis | 10/4
Brother of Roy Castillo
Sunday morning flowers may be dedicated in the memory or honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion such as a baptism. For details or to reserve a date, contact Marsha Sims at 404-842-3146 or MSims@PeachtreeChurch.com
The Flowers this morning are donated by The Peachtree Flower Fund
Please scan the QR code or visit PeachtreeChurch.com/ConnectCard, fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!
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3434 Roswell Rd NW | Atlanta, Georgia 30305