Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.
Life of the Congregation**
Congregational Introit* Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Prayer of Adoration*
GIVE PRAISE TO GOD Hymn of Praise** God of Grace and God of Glory #358 Lighting of Candles Placing the Bible Prayer of Confession Merciful God, you have instructed your people to pray for the city—to seek its good and to make it flourish. We confess that we gladly use the city for the benefits it offers us. Just as often, we avoid the city because of the dangers it harbors. Forgive what is selfish and fearful in us and help us to heed your call to redeem the city. Make us ready for acts of risky obedience, loving our city in the name of Jesus. Empower us to follow his lead, to see with his eyes, to think with his mind, and to serve with his heart. Do so even now, as we continue our confession in silence… Assurance of God’s Forgiveness Congregational Response* Go to the World
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
Offering Our Gifts Timothy Miller, soloist City Called Heaven arr. Josephine Poelinitz
GOD AND THE CITY Jeremiah 29:4–7 (Pew Bible 1221) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
Hymn of Response* Glorify Your Name Not in hymnal Congregational Meeting 10:00 Elder Nomination See pages 4–6 2014 Annual Report Invitation and Benediction* Postlude
I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow, I’m left in this old, wide world alone! Oh, I ain’t got no hope for tomorrow. I’m trying to make it, make heaven my home. Sometimes I’m tossed, and I’m driven, Lord. Sometimes I just don’t know which way to turn. Oh, I heard of a city called heaven. I’m trying to make it, make heaven my home. Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of: Sally and Austin Wagner by their daughter-in-law and son, Debbie and Craig Wagner and family
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Family Room off of the Williams Center.
Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Mark Crumpler
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Cody Watts & Alex Frank 8/15 Kellett Chapel
Lane Florence Brinkley 8/7 Emily & Paul Brinkley Wylder James Matheson 8/2 Jessie & Chris Matheson Hannah Ruth Williams 8/3 Sarah & Branston Williams
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation
Vicki Harrington Franch
Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music
LIGHTING THE CANDLES Lindsey & Laurel Phillips 8:45 Jackson & Dylan Mathis 10:00
PLACING THE BIBLE Sheldon Staples 8:45 Howard Young 10:00 Eric Zimmerman 11:15
Shelby Boles Peachtree Christian Hospice Fred Cox Home Hospice Care Margie Glover Home Hospice Care Ann McClurkin William Breman Jewish Home Betty Morris Dogwood Assisted Living Hospice Care Betty Taylor Piedmont
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The Session has called a congregational meeting for the purpose of electing the 2018 class of Elders and receiving the 2014 annual report this morning following the 10:00 am service.
As America has become more secular, the city can seem less welcoming than rural areas. But the truth is that Christianity is more at home in cities than in any other setting. Perhaps like no other time in Christian history, first-century New Testament life strategies for work and love and truth and sex have relevance and instructional power for us today. Christianity has always been an urban faith. Learn how to follow Jesus in one of the most dynamic cities in the world — Atlanta, 2015. Four week series begins today.
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Class of 2018 Elder Nominees
Jennifer Armstrong
Betsy Bunte
Jennifer was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida. After graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor and Master of Accounting, she moved to Atlanta and began attending Peachtree. Jennifer and her husband, Scott, were married in 2004 and have two children, Abby (8) and James (5). They are past officers of the Outfitters Sunday School Class and teach children’s Sunday School. She has co-directed the VBS Planning team, volunteers at her children’s school, and works part-time as a CPA.
A member of Peachtree since childhood, Betsy grew up loving youth fellowship and Rutledge. A graduate of Wesleyan College, B.A. and the University of North Carolina, M.A., she taught high school English in Cobb County and was the 2001 Cobb County Teacher-of-the-Year. Since retiring she has worked for Kennesaw State University. Betsy has previously served as an elder, teaches adult Sunday School, and is a member of Church and Community Circle, the Memorial Guild, and the Seekers Class. She and Lou are blessed with three wonderful daughters, sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren.
Kitty Correll Kitty was born in Atlanta, grew up in Florida, and returned to Atlanta after graduating from LSU. Kitty came to Peachtree nine years ago with her husband, Alston, and three children, when the children were in KidJam and The Pond. She has served in various ministries and currently hosts the Exploring Peachtree new member orientation class. The children who brought her to Peachtree are now in middle school, high school, and college. Kitty works for lululemon athletica.
Mark Dodson Mark has been attending Peachtree since 1989. He is from Montgomery, AL, and is the President of Mortgage Capital Advisors. This will be Mark’s fifth term on Session, and he has previously served as Clerk of Session. Mark’s primary service at Peachtree has been with the Evangelism Committee. He participated in a mission trip to Cuba and has taken Disciple I–IV. Mark presently serves as a host in the Summit.
Lisa Dempster Lisa joined Peachtree in 1983. She and her husband, Hazen, met and married at Peachtree and have three daughters, Sarah, Katie, and Amy. Lisa has served as Clerk of Session as well as on Personnel Committee, Christian Education Committee, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Sacraments Committee. Lisa is a cabi stylist and has owned her business since 2010. She has volunteered in the community and through her children’s schools.
Wendy Eavenson Wendy and husband, Bill, joined Peachtree in 1985. Their two adult children, William and Annie, were baptized and raised at Peachtree. Wendy is from Pennsylvania and a family of seven generations of pastors. She graduated from Wake Forest University and recently retired after forty years with IBM and Lenovo. She has chaired committees for Children’s Ministry, Education, Preparation for Ministry, and the 1994 Billy Graham Committee. She sings in the choir and is a MOPS mentor.
Joe Ellis
Mike Elting
Joe grew up in Oklahoma City and has been a member of Peachtree since 1994. Joe is a graduate of Vanderbilt University where he met his wife, Lina. They have two children, Matt and Addie. They are a host family for Childspring International and members of the Builders Sunday School Class. Joe has served as a tutor for LaAmistad, is a table leader at IRONMEN, and has been a member of build teams in Ecuador. Joe has been with Wells Fargo for 27 years.
Mike grew up Presbyterian in McComb, MS, and moved to Atlanta in 1971 after graduating from Vanderbilt University. He and Pam were married and joined Peachtree in 1977 and have two daughters, Lindsay and Pamela. They have served as co-presidents of Anchor Class and on the Young Life committee. Mike has been involved in Atlanta Community Ministry, Reflection Ministries, and has built houses with IRONMEN in Ecuador and through Habitat for Humanity. He serves on community and industry boards and is a graduate of Leadership Atlanta. Mike has been with Cushman and Wakefield for 36 years.
Tim Gartland Tim grew up in Atlanta and began attending Peachtree in 2000. Tim graduated from University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture. He and wife, Emily, were married at Peachtree in 2004 and have three children, Ford, Bea, and George. Tim is a member of the Explorers Sunday School class and assists Exploring Peachtree classes and Red Dot events. Tim is President of Hamilton Land Services.
Doug Justice Doug is a graduate of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. He and his wife, Mary, joined Peachtree in 1986. They have a son, Clint, a daughter-in-law, Kimberly, and grandson, Jonathan. Doug and Mary are members of the Anchor Sunday School Class. Doug has taught Sunday School, has previously served as elder and on the missions committee, and currently chairs the Peachtree Trust. He teaches and counsels at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center and serves on their Advisory Committee. He has worked at Merrill Lynch for 36 years.
Stiles Kellett Stiles A. Kellett, Jr. has been a member of Peachtree since 1972. He is a native Atlantan and a graduate of the University of Georgia. This will be his fourth term on the Session. Stiles and his wife, Carol, have two grown children and five grandchildren. Both of his children, Stiles III and Kappy deButts, are members of Peachtree. Stiles has served in various committees, the most recent being the Personnel Committee.
Bill Gaston Bill Gaston and his wife, Nancy, joined Peachtree in 1970. They have three children and six grandchildren. Two of their children, Anna Patton and William Gaston, are members of Peachtree. Bill has served three previous terms on the Session and has chaired the Stewardship and Benevolence Committees. He has served in global and community ministries. Bill is a graduate of Presbyterian College and has served as a trustee of that school. Bill now serves as a trustee for Whitefield Academy. Bill has had an extensive career in banking and business and continues to invest in small businesses.
Jon Naphin Jon is from Niagara Falls, Ontario, and has lived in Atlanta for 25 years. Jon and Angela have two children, Alex and Julia. He earned his Bachelor degree from Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute) in Flint, MI, and his Masters from Harvard Business School. This is Jon’s second term on session. He served as Chairman of the LaAmistad Board of Directors from 2006–2014 and has held leadership positions in his Sunday School class and in local chapters of Literacy Volunteers of America, Junior Achievement, and Sigma Chi Fraternity. He is a Vice President with TalentQuest.
Aaron Pelz
Sylvia Ratchford
Aaron joined Peachtree with his wife, Charlotte, shortly after moving to Atlanta in 2004. They have two children, Joseph and Ali. Aaron is a regular at IRONMEN, volunteers on the Tech Team for The Pond, and is a teacher and member of the Pathfinders Sunday School Class. He works at Southeast Pet and is a Senior in the MATS Program at Columbia Theological Seminary.
Sylvia is a native of Gastonia, NC, and graduated from the University of Georgia. A member of Peachtree since 1988, she has served on the Long Range Planning Committee, the Peachtree Trust, assisted in the development of Word Before Work, sings in the choir, is a member of the Finance Committee, and is a returning elder. Sylvia has served as the Executive Director of The Hinman Dental Society where her responsibilities include the production of the Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting that attracts 22,000 dental professionals to Atlanta each year.
Melinda Rue Melinda is a native of Rome, GA, and has been a member of Peachtree since 1986. Melinda and her husband, Jon, are the parents of four adult children, Julianna Rue Cagle, Elizabeth, Jonathan, and Daniel. Melinda has previously served as an elder, taught Sunday School, volunteered with VBS, led a youth mission trip to Mexico, and has been a member of WCBS. Melinda is a third grade co-teacher at The Lovett School.
Michelle Tart Michelle grew up in Clairton, PA, and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a BSN in Nursing. She is the Director of Clinical EHR for Piedmont Physician Practices. She, her husband, Steve, and son, Preston, joined Peachtree in 2005. They are members of the Faithmates class and have served as Presidents and on the Social Committee. Michelle has served with Women Mentoring Women, Word Before Work, and on the Malawi Mission trip. They are leaders in their Sandy Springs Red Dot group.
Anne Wray Anne is a native of Savannah, GA, and was educated at Savannah Country Day School and Mary Washington College. After marrying George, they lived in Dallas, TX, and Cheshire, CT, before moving to Atlanta in January, 1973. Their family joined Peachtree later that year. She has served on the Wedding Guild, taught Sunday School, served as a crew leader at VBS, and has been an active member of the Covenant and Anchor Sunday School Classes. She coordinates the annual Kirkin’ of the Tartans and serves as a greeter on the Memorial Guild and with the Sanctuary Saints. Anne is the mother of Sheldon Staples and Will Wray and has four grandchildren.
Frank Skinner Frank is a native of Virginia and a graduate of the University of Richmond. He is a long-time member of Peachtree and has served as an Elder; chaired two Long Range Planning Committees; led the initiative that resulted in the Living, Lasting Legacy Planning Giving Program and revitalization of the Peachtree Trust; and chaired the Pastoral Nominating Committee that brought Vic Pentz to Peachtree. He is a former Trustee of Columbia Theological Seminary, serving five years as Chair of the Board of Trustees. He retired as Chairman and CEO of Bellsouth Telecommunications, Inc. Mr. Skinner has two daughters, Ruthanne Suttles, a member of Peachtree, and Christian Kirkland of Charlotte, NC, and five grandchildren.
Cheryl Windom Cheryl has been a member of Peachtree since 1995. She was raised in Austin, TX, and moved to Atlanta after graduating from the University of Georgia. Cheryl and her husband, Kevin, have three children, Ritter, Greer, and Wix. At Peachtree she has served as a Small Group Leader in KidJam and has been a Vacation Bible School crew leader. Cheryl volunteers in her children’s schools and has worked with many non-profit organizations, both professionally and as a volunteer.
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picnic in the park august 30, 2015
brookhaven buckhead dunwoody intown marietta/east cobb roswell/alpharetta sandy springs smyrna vinings
RSVP: peachtree-church.org/reddot
The author of multiple New York Times bestsellers, including Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and the keynote speaker for the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast is coming back for another inspirational evening. Eric’s latest book, Seven Women, and its predecessor, Seven Men, offer inspiring examples of how followers of Jesus can live by the virtues of the gospel in our contemporary cultural context. Peachtree hosted an electric evening for Metaxas in 2013 and looks forward to the opportunity to again host this great “thinking Christian.” Don’t miss this special event! Register now for free at: peachtree-church.org/metaxasreturns
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Join a community group and take a six-week journey on prayer, based on Peachtree’s Fall 2015 sermon series. You’ll meet in a group of your choosing, among women’s groups, men’s groups, young adult groups, couples groups, and larger community groups. For more information or to sign up, visit us online. peachtree-church.org/communitygroups
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Join the music ministry and share your musical gifts with Peachtree. Your new friends have your spot waiting. Sign up to take part in the music ministry now! peachtree-church.org/music
Looking for ways to grow your faith and build relationships? Peachtree offers a breadth of opportunities to study with other believers to learn more about God’s Word. peachtree-church.org/biblestudies