Aug 17 Bulletin

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Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.

Assemble in God’s Name Prelude

Congregational Introit * Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*

Give Praise to God

Hymn of Praise ** Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven #31 Lighting of the Candles/Placing the Bible

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Offering Our Gifts He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Robert DeCormier

Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544

Prayer of Confession Merciful God, you have called us to love others just as we have been loved by you. Your steadfast love reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. We confess today the limits of our love. Forgive us for loving only those who are most like us, those who deal kindly with us, those who speak well of us. Forgive our fear of the stranger and our hostility to those who threaten us. By your grace, fill our hearts with your love that we might carry it to the world. Begin that work among us in these very moments as we offer our silent prayers of confession…


Get to know fellow Peachtree people in your neighborhood over a fun and relaxing picnic located in one of these parks scattered throughout Atlanta: alpharetta/johns creek: newton park

Listen to God’s Word

brookhaven: ashford park


dunwoody: brook run park

JOHN 4:4–9, EPHESIANS 3:14–19 Vic Pentz (10:00) | Chuck Roberts (8:45 & 11:15)

buckhead: chastain park marietta/east cobb: east cobb park ponce/va highlands/decatur: grant park

Go in God’s Name Hymn of Response* Amazing Grace

sandy springs: hammond park smyrna: taylor-brawner park vinings: vinings umc park

Invitation and Benediction*

Congregational Response* Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing #379 (v. 3)


Life of the Congregation** Invitation to Prayer Fairest Lord Jesus

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of:

Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

Sally and Austin Wagner by their daughter-in-law and son, Debbie and Craig Wagner and family

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

* Those who are able, please stand.

** Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center.





Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Steve Huntley Pastor for Grand Adults

Zsalina Belen Atkins Lori & Chad Atkins



Brooks William Bundy 7/28 Ashley & Richard Bundy

Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care

Margot Grace Nixon 8/9 Ansley & Coby Nixon


Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Nancy Matossian Minister to Families

The Chancel Choir Mary Hoffman Director of Music Andy Bayles Staff Pianist Jerry Black Guest Organist Jonathan Swygert Trumpet Michael Kurth Bass Butch Sievers Percussion Jonathan Hart Soloist Nathan Munson Soloist Stephanie Adrian Soloist

Ron Toland Wellstar Cobb

Member Deaths Loyce Sandifer 8/10 Wife of Milton Sandifer

Family Member Deaths

Fenton Barnes Mother of Taylor Barnes; Grandmother of Keller Barnes

Lighting the Candles

Placing the Bible William Hull 8:45 Donna Hyland 10:00 Nancy Ike 11:15

In the Hospital Doug Tauber Shepherd Center

Leading the Music

Noah Gerrick, Will Gerrick 8:45 Makayla Kontz, Hayden Shoup

Elizabeth Patton Thrasher 7/11 Mary Beth & Michael Thrasher




The Session has called a congregational meeting today during the 10:00 am service for the purpose of electing the 2017 class of Elders and receiving the 2013 annual report. Below is a list of Elder Candidates with bios and pictures.

Shanon Bell

Shanon Bell joined Peachtree in 1994 right after she was married to her husband Glenn. They have 13 year old twins, Brandon and Kayla, who have grown up at Peachtree. She has worked as a professional model for 28 years and has built a family lifestyle photography business over the last 8 years. Shanon is active in the Pathfinders class, speaking in KidJam, baptism ministry and before children, she served in Peachtree’s youth ministry. She is looking forward to her third term on Session.

Stefan Brecher

Stefan Brecher has been a Peachtree member for 24 years. He is a Field Director/Financial Representative at Northwestern Mutual. Stefan has previously served as an elder, traveled to Jamaica on a family mission trip and serves as a table leader at IRONMEN. He volunteers as a coach in both football and basketball. He and his wife, Mischa, have three children, Hollis, Jack and Max.

Bruce Cook

Julianna Cagle

Julianna Rue Cagle grew up at Peachtree. She attended Camp Rutledge 15 summers, leads a small group of college girls, is active in two weekly small groups, serves on the Missions committee and been on 8 mission trips, and has served in various leadership roles for the Connections class. She met her husband, Spencer, at Peachtree. Julianna is a Development Officer for the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She attended Pace Academy, Furman University and plans to begin a MBA this fall. Julianna recently completed LEAD Atlanta and serves on the LaAmistad Board, Friends Junior Committee and the Pace Academy Alumni Board.

Bruce Cook is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Harvard Business School. He is president/CEO of Choosing the Best Publishing LLC which provides character-based health curricula to public schools to reduce at-risk teen behavior. Bruce has been involved in Georgia government and community affairs serving as Board Chair of the Department of Human Resources, Board member of the Department of Community Health and member of the Commission for a New Georgia. Bruce and his wife, Donna, met 44 years ago through Campus Crusade for Christ and are involved in Cru’s ministry in Eastern Europe reaching business and professional leaders. Bruce and Donna founded Peachtree’s Builders class for young couples. They have two grown children and three grandchildren.

Doug Gooding

Steve Hunter

Terry Moore

Raechel Moorhead

Douglas Gooding is originally from Dallas, Texas. He and his wife, Missie, and their three daughters, Emily (20), Haley (19) and Katherine (17) joined Peachtree shortly after moving to Atlanta from Boca Raton, Florida, in 2003. Doug is a Managing Director and Senior Client Portfolio Manager with Invesco. While this will be his second term on Session, he has also served on the church’s Finance Committee, the Peachtree Trust, as an usher and greeter and on mission trips. Doug and Missie are members of the Faithmates Sunday School class. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin.

Terry Moore has been a member of Peachtree since 1993 when he moved to Buckhead after attending Emory University. He married his wife, Suzann, at Peachtree in 1997 and they have two children, Kate (12), and Terry V (9). Terry currently serves as an Elder, on the Session’s Personnel Committee, and as a Sunday School teacher in the children’s ministry. Terry also serves on the advisory board for the Atlanta Mission and is a member of the Mission’s Agape Society. Terry has worked at Accenture for the past 23 years where he is currently the Senior Managing Director, Accenture Credit Services.

Steve Hunter is a Pennsylvania native and has lived in Atlanta since 1996. He has been an active member of Peachtree since 1998. Steve is a graduate of Bucknell University and Harvard Business School. He is a Managing Director for Greene Holcomb Fisher, a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm, where he runs the firm’s private equity practice. Steve has been married to Ann Hart Hunter, a lifelong member of Peachtree and active Sunday School teacher in KidJam, for 15 years. Steve was a member of the BreadBreakers class for many years and served as its President. He is a former Cub Scout leader and coaches youth basketball. Steve and Ann Hart have three children, Jack (12), Sydney (12) and Lizzie (8).

Andy McGhee

Andy McGhee grew up at Peachtree and attended Camp Rutledge while being an active member in the youth fellowship group. Andy and his wife, Carolyn, have three children, Lindsay, Andrew and Ansley who have all been active at Peachtree. Andy and Carolyn taught Sunday School for a number of years and have participated in Habitat for Humanity and Feed My Starving Children. Andy is a graduate of The University of Georgia and serves as a member of the Terry College of Business Alumni Board and is a member of the Advisory Board for The Terry Business School’s Student Managed Investment Fund. Andy co-founded AloStar Bank of Commerce in 2011.

Raechel Moorhead moved to Atlanta in 2008 and soon joined Peachtree. A native of Grand Blanc, Michigan, Raechel graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a BS in Manufacturing Engineering. She has been married to her college sweetheart, Andy, for the last ten years and they have two children: Luke (6) and Reese (3). On Sunday mornings, they can be seen teaching together in the Pond. Raechel has served as Coordinator for the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) ministry; is active in the Women Mentoring Women ministry and is a regular VBS volunteer. Raechel works part-time as a project manager for the YMCA for Metropolitan Atlanta.


Robert Owen, a native of Richmond, Virginia, is a lifelong Presbyterian. He and his wife, Laura, have been attending Peachtree since 2001. They have 3 children, Ben (6), Cooper (4), and Campbell (1). Laura and Robert are active in the Explorer’s Sunday School class and volunteer in the Pond. Robert is also a table leader at IRONMEN and is involved in the usher ministry. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has an MBA from the University of Virginia. Robert is a Partner of Tucker, Midis & Owen, a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm.

Mitch Purvis

Mitch Purvis has been a member of Peachtree since 1984. A business attorney and partner at Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs, LLP, he graduated from Davidson College and Vanderbilt Law School. Mitch is actively involved in IRONMEN at Peachtree and has served twice previously on the Session. Mitch is married to Dixie Purvis, and they have 3 sons and 3 grandsons.

Donna Ray

Donna Ray grew up on St. Simons Island and was a member of the First Methodist Church. After graduating from the University of Georgia, she moved to Atlanta and in 1985 joined Peachtree. She currently serves as a Trustee of the Peachtree Trust. Previous service includes three terms as an Elder, chairing the Evangelism Committee, Word Before Work leadership team and The Gift Goes On planning committee. She is Chief Operating Officer for Momar, Inc. and has been married to Mike for twenty-six years.

Sheldon Staples

Stephanie Sparkmon

Stephanie Sparkmon was raised in Conyers, Georgia, and grew up attending Presbyterian and Baptist churches. Stephanie received a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt University and later earned an M.B.A. from Wake Forest University. Living in Atlanta since graduation, Stephanie works for The Coca-Cola Company as part of the mergers and acquisitions team. After joining Peachtree in 2006, Stephanie began volunteering in the Children’s Ministry as a small group leader in KidJam. Stephanie is now entering her sixth year as large group leader for Tool Time, Peachtree’s Kindergarten program.

Sheldon Staples, has been attending Peachtree since 1973. She met her husband, Max, in the youth group. They have two children, Jack (17), and Carson (15). She graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1989 and, before children, worked in retail marketing with Wachovia Bank. Sheldon is currently an Administrative Assistant at St. Benedict’s Episcopal School. She chaired The Gift Goes On, directed VBS, chaired Community Ministries, served on the Benevolence Committee, LifeGate Counseling Center Board, and the Preschool Board. Currently, she coordinates the annual Kirkin’ of the Tartans and teaches adult Sunday School. This will be her third term serving as Elder.

Kelly Trotter

Betty Williams

Nancy Williams

Steve Wray

Michael Wren

Ben Wright

Kelly Trotter grew up in Virginia and has lived in Atlanta since 1995. She and her husband, Andy, joined Peachtree in 2002. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in Commerce and works for Deloitte in the corporate income tax field. Kelly has enjoyed serving as a small group leader in KidJam and volunteering in various capacities in her children’s schools. She and Andy are parents of 3 boys, Hugh (11), Jack (8) and George (5), all of whom are active in Peachtree Presbyterian’s youth programs.

Steven Wray is a native of Atlanta and a lifelong member of Peachtree Presbyterian. Steve was active in the youth program and attended Camp Rutledge, where he met his wife, Jennifer. He is a member of Breadbreakers class. Steve received a Biomedical Sciences degree from Auburn University, an MD degree from The Medical College of Georgia, and completed a Neurological Surgery residency at Wake Forest University. He is a neurosurgeon at Piedmont Hospital and is a partner with Atlanta Brain and Spine Care. Steve also serves on the executive board of Safe House Outreach community ministry. Steve and Jennifer have the blessing of three wonderful children; Margaret (Maggie), Jack, and Rachel.

Betty Williams is a native Atlantan who was baptized, confirmed and raised in the Methodist church. Betty joined Peachtree in 1980, and she and her husband, Jimmy, have been active members since then. She has previously served as an Elder and is currently on the Property Committee and the Memorial Guild. They have three married children, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Michael Wren is a native of Tucson, Arizona, but grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. He is a graduate of Auburn University. Mike works for a multi-national company providing tax-leveraged financing for Fortune 500 companies. He and his wife, Elise, have been members of Peachtree Presbyterian since 1985. They are the parents of three adult children: David (27), Mason (25) and Anna (23). Mike and Elise are active members of the Credence Sunday School class. Mike is also active in IRONMEN, the Summit hospitality team, Red Dot Community Groups, Summit Prayer team and the Intercessory Prayer Committee.

Nancy Williams became a member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church 26 years ago, prior to marrying her husband, John, who was already an active member of the church. Both their children, Sarah Brook (21) and Parker (19) ,have grown up at Peachtree. Nancy’s passions include spending time with family and friends, cooking, entertaining, snow s kiing and sailing. Nancy has been a member of WCBS for 7 years and has been a community volunteer with The Lovett School, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Open Hand, Project Horizon and the National Charity League.

Ben Wright was born on raised on Prince Edward Island in eastern Canada and graduated from Atlantic Baptist University in Moncton, New Brunswick, before earning a Master’s in Communication from Wake Forest University. While at Wake, Ben met lifelong Peachtree member, Meg Carriere, and became convinced Southern life was for him. He moved to Atlanta in 2005 and began attending Peachtree and married Meg in 2006. The Wrights were founding members of the Proclaimers Sunday school class (now Connections) and have served in leadership roles within the class. They have two children, Nathan (4) and Molly (2), and live in East Cobb. Ben is a digital communications specialist in the Georgia Tech College of Engineering Dean’s office.


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Only the transforming work of the Holy Spirit strengthens and changes us. What do we do? Open our eyes to the dimensions of Christ’s love —its width, length, height, and depth. Only then can we be filled with the fullness of God.

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Dimensions. A new four-week series starts today.

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[ ] I/We have kids aged newborn–4th grade [ ] I/We have kids 5th –12th grade I would like to join a volunteer team for: [ ] Usher/Greeter [ ] Children’s Ministry [ ] Student Ministry [ ] Music Ministry—Instrumental/Vocal [ ] Worship Video Production

Join us Wednesday, August 20, as we begin our 2014–2015 Chancel Choir season 6:00 pm Dinner in the Canyon of the Lodge

7:00–8:30 pm Kick-off Rehearsal in the Chancel Choir room, 4403

I would like prayer:

EXPLORING PEACHTREE * Please fold and drop in the offering plate.

Want to know more about Peachtree? Learn more about our community, a relationship with Jesus Christ, how to get involved, and how to join the church, today in room 2315 from 10:00 am–12:15 pm.

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