Aug 21 Bulletin

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Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to love God in heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Assemble in God's Name Prelude

Congregational Introit * Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*

Give Praise to God

Hymn of Praise ** Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee  #21 Lighting the Candles Placing of the Bible Prayer of Confession Merciful Savior, we confess that we have too often called on your name while allowing our hearts to wander far from you. We have heard your word, but we have disregarded it, choosing to trust in our own wisdom and strength. Rather than rely on your gift of abundant life, we have bought into the trappings of today’s wisdom. We find ourselves stressed, troubled, and less than joyful. In your mercy, forgive our sins, and restore to us the joy of your salvation. Hear us as we continue our confession in silence… Assurance of God’s Forgiveness Congregational Response* Glory Be to the Father  #546

Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Offering Our Gifts Hear Me, Redeemer

Henry Mollicone

Listen to God's Word

100% Chance of Rain

Matthew 7:24–27  (Pew Bible 15O6) Chuck Roberts  8:45, 1O:OO, 11:15

Go in God's Name

Hymn of Response* My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less  #368 Invitation and Benediction* Postlude

Hear me, Redeemer. Send down your love to cleanse my soul. Lord of lords, wash away my sinful ways. Show me the power of Your love! Lord of lords, shine Your light through all my days. Show me the power of your love. Mighty God, take my hand and lead the way. Show me the power of Your love! Mighty God, let me praise You every day. Show me the power of Your love! Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow  #544

Life of the Congregation ** The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of: Linda Borchers by the Borchers family


Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.


If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center.





Chuck Roberts  Pastor for Congregational Life Vicki Harrington Franch  Pastor for Pastoral Care 1O:OO

Chuck Roberts  Pastor for Congregational Life Vicki Harrington Franch  Pastor for Pastoral Care 11:15

Chuck Roberts  Pastor for Congregational Life Vicki Harrington Franch  Pastor for Pastoral Care

Lighting the Candles Ben Owen  8:45 Makayla Kontz  11:15

Placing the Bible Wendy Eavenson  8:45 Joe King  1O:OO Laura Little  11:15

Leading the Music

The Chancel Choir Mary Hoffman  Director of Music Andy Bayles  Associate Director of Music & Worship Steven Wooddell  Organist Benito Thompson  Violin Guang Wang  Cello Joel Morris  Percussion Nathan Munson  Soloist

Sharron Beck  No visitors Emory Linda Egan Gwinnett Medical Center

Member Deaths

Ned Steimke  8/14 Husband of Zeta Stiemke

next sunday, august 28 5–7 pm Meet fellow Peachtree people right in your community for a casual dinner you don’t want to miss! The agenda is simple: enjoy a picnic and make new friendships. RSVP: Red Dot connects people in communities across metro-Atlanta for spiritual growth and community impact.


Welcome to Peachtree.We’re glad you’re here! (  ) I/We are new to Peachtree (  ) I would like to learn more about joining Peachtree (  ) Please update my address/ contact information (  ) I would like to learn more about:


Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (please circle one) Your Name: Spouse’s Name: (if applicable) Street:

Registration is now open for all 8th grade students (and high school students who have not been confirmed) to join our 2O16 Confirmation Class! Orientation Sunday is August 28, and the first class will take place on Sunday, September 11. Confirmation Sunday is December 4. If you would like to volunteer to help with confirmation, contact Anne Kramer. |

City, State, Zip: Phone: Email:

(  ) Single

(  )


(  ) I/We have kids aged newborn– 4th grade (  ) I/We have kids 5th –12th grade I would like to join a volunteer team for: ( ) Usher/Greeter (  ) Children’s Ministry (  ) Student Ministry (  ) Music Ministry (  ) Prayer Ministry (  ) Media Production

It is our hope that everyone at Peachtree will find a place where they can grow spiritually and find genuine community in a group based on Peachtree’s Fall sermon series.

Student ministries is looking for small group leaders for this coming school year! This is an opportunity to connect with students and invest in the next generation. Email Leslie Lambert:

Women, join us as we take a journey together into a personal discovery using John Bevere’s book, The Holy Spirit: An Introduction. Thursdays from 1O:OO am– 12:OO pm starting September 8.

We all experience times when we need the support of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministers are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty.

I would like prayer:

* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.

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