Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.
Congregational Introit* Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*
Hymn of Praise** Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee #21 Placing the Bible Life of the Congregation** Invitation to Prayer God of This City Chris Tomlin Jonathan Hart, soloist
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Offering Our Gifts I’d Rather Have Jesus John Rutter Stephen McCluskey, soloist
I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold; I’d rather be His than have riches untold; I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands; I’d rather be true to His nail-pierced hand Than to be the king of a vast domain, And be held in sin’s dread sway; I’d rather have Jesus than anything This world affords today.
Revelation 2:18–29 (Pew Bible 1915–1916) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
Hymn of Response* Great Is Thy Faithfulness Not in hymnal Invitation and Benediction* Postlude
I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause; I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause; I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame; I’d rather be true to His holy name. Than to be the king of a vast domain, And be held in sin’s dread sway; I’d rather have Jesus than anything This world affords today. Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544 The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of: June Murrans by her family
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Family Room off of the Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Katherine Holley & Ryan Dowling 8/29 Sanctuary
Eden Marie Barry 8/19 Tera & Dave Barry Grandmother: Lynn Barry
Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Samuel Moore Robinson 8/20 Mazi & Jay Robinson Grandmother: Carol & Abner Moore
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Mark Crumpler
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation
Vicki Harrington Franch
Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music
PLACING THE BIBLE Shanon Bell 8:45 Deborah Ashendorf 10:00 Stefan Brecher 11:15
Fred Cox Home Hospice Care Margie Glover Home Hospice Care Mary Elizabeth Hollingsworth Lenbrook Nursing Unit—Hospice Care June Mindrup Lenbrook Nursing Unit—Hospice Care Betty Morris Dogwood Assisted Living Hospice Care Ned Stiemke Budd Terrace
FAMILY MEMBER DEATHS Col. Spencer Windham Smith, Sr. (USMC—Ret.) 8/21 Brother of Alana Shepherd
The keynote speaker for the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast and the author of multiple New York Times bestsellers including Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, is coming back for another inspirational evening. Eric’s latest book, Seven Women, and its predecessor, Seven Men, offer inspiring examples of how followers of Jesus can live by the virtues of the gospel in our contemporary cultural context. Peachtree hosted an electric evening for Metaxas in 2013 and looks forward to the opportunity to again host this great “thinking Christian.” Don’t miss this special, free event sponsored by Peachtree. peachtree-church.org/metaxasreturns
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Have you every wondered how many of your neighbors are Peachtree members? Join us for a picnic at a park near you today from 5–7 pm, and meet fellow Peachtree people and friends in your community. peachtree-church.org/reddot
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Find genuine community and a place to grow spiritually. Join a group for a six-week journey on prayer, based on the fall sermon series, beginning September 13. peachtree-church.org/communitygroups
Go “all in” at Peachtree and become a small group or confirmation Student Ministries leader this year. Contact Joe Ryan for more information. jryan@peachtreepres.org
Are you operating a bit too close to the edge? Financial Peace University teaches a better way to handle your money. Next class starts September 23. peachtree-church.org/fpu
Ministry Lab Network’s Immersion Experience is a small gathering that creates the opportunity to ask specific questions and engage in pivotal discussions. ministrylabnetwork.com/atlanta
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* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.