Dear Friends, The lights really do seem to shine brighter at this time of year, reminding us that the longing and promise of Christmas is that God is nearer than we realize. God comes to unlikely times and places and people to offer His loving reign and hope. My prayer for you this Christmas is that celebration will turn into vocation for the whole year. One of my professors, Dallas Willard, used to say “more people have lost their faith due to a lack of imagination than reason.” An example of faithful creativity is C. S. Lewis’s beloved The Chronicles of Narnia, a timeless classic for all ages to enter deeper into the Christian journey. At the conclusion of today’s service, we would love for you to take home our present to you, one of the copies of one of the stories of Narnia. I have read them numerous times throughout my life, and they have never failed to inspire and enrich my own story with God. Starting in January, we will draw from each of the seven books as we gather for worship on Sunday mornings. I will deliver all of the messages, while professional actor, Tom Key, will be providing dramatic readings every week from Lewis’s story. “Further up and further in!” was the cry of the Narnians to explore the vast beauty of God’s heavenly, new creation together, and it is my hope that this season will draw us further into the wonder of that expedition. For decades, Peachtree’s Christmas offering has served to construct a new home for a family through Atlanta Habitat for Humanity. This year, we continue the tradition with our 156th home for a family in our community. Join me in extending shelter to a family in need as a signpost of God’s great welcome to each and every one of us into “the house of the Lord forever” (Ps. 23:6). With Christmas joy,
Dr. Richard Kannwischer Peachtree Presbyterian Church Atlanta, GA
— PR ELUDE — — S T R IK ING OF T HE HOUR — — W ELCOM E — — CHR IS TM A S C A ROL — O Come, All Ye Faithful
— T HE CHR IS TM A S S TOR Y — Journey to Bethlehem: No Room The Stable: Silent Night Jesus Is Born: Born in Bethlehem Shepherds in the Field: Hurry, Hurry, Shepherds Journey of the Shepherds: Born in Bethlehem The Wise Men: Follow the Star Journey of the Wise Men: O Come, Let Us Adore Them The Wise Men Return Home: Go, Tell It on the Mountain
— OFFER ING — — CHR IS TM A S PR AY ER — — BENEDIC TION — Joy to the World
LEADING IN WORSHIP Dr. Richard Kannwischer Senior Pastor Deanne Townsend Minister to Children & Families The Cherub Choir Heather Ellison Director of Children’s Music Jennifer Hanna, Sarah Dempster Cherub Choir Directors Kristi Holmes, Julia Metry, Jeanne Scarborough Cherub Choir Staff
John Phillips Children’s Music Accompanist Steven Wooddell Organist
LIGHTING THE ADVENT WREATH Mary Frances & Eric Christiansen; Mary Jane, Anders, and Felix
CAST Baby Jesus Jack Manning Mary Whitney Manning Joseph Kevin Manning Gabriel Kayla Bell
Wise Men Richard Ellison Brandon Bell Foard Martin Shepherds Bruce Edenfield Bobby Thomson Olivia Schramkowski
C HIL DR E N ’ S MINISTRY S TA FF Deanne Townsend Minister to Children & Families Carol Cooper Elementary Coordinator Jennifer Edenfield Director of early Childhood Isabelle Heard Director of Elementary Ministry Danielle Jones Director of Early Development Megan Longoria Early Childhood Curriculum Coordinator Jeannie Magnon Administrative Assistant Cori Temple Director of Nursery Meg Williams Director of Programs
3434 Roswell Road NW Atlanta, Georgia 30305