Isaiah 9:2-7
December 1, 2013 | 8:45, 10:00 and 11:15 AM Services | 1st Sunday of Advent | Baptism Sunday
Offering Our Gifts
And the Glory of the Lord from Messiah
Prelude *Doxology *Congregational Introit
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone Chosen of the Lord and precious, Binding all the church in one. Holy Zion’s help forever, And her confidence alone! *Prayer of Adoration
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow - #544 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all Creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
LISTEN TO GOD’S WORD Father Christmas.....................................................................Vic Pentz Isaiah 9:2-7.........................................................Pew Bible, page 1072
GIVE PRAISE TO GOD **Hymn of Praise
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel - #147 *Hymn of Response Lighting of the Candles
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates - #152
Lighting of the Advent Wreath
*Invitation and Benediction
Placement of the Bible
Sacrament of Baptism *Congregational Response (all singing, remain seated)
Away in the Manger Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.
Vic Pentz, senior pastor - 8:45AM Jay Madden, pastor for mission Steve Huntley, pastor for grand adults
**Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Vic Pentz, senior pastor - 10:00AM Mark Crumpler, pastor for teaching and spiritual formation Marnie Crumpler, executive pastor Vic Pentz, senior pastor - 11:15AM Chuck Roberts, pastor for congregational life Vicki Harrington Franch, pastor for pastoral care
LEADING THE MUSIC The Chancel Choir Mary Hoffman, director of music ministries Nicholas Bowden, principal organist
ADVENT SUNDAY Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas. Advent candles help us keep watch for the coming of Jesus. We begin in darkness, lighting a candle each Sunday until Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we light the Christ candle, celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Light of the World. The first Advent candle, which we light this morning, reminds us of the hope promised by the Old Testament prophets. LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH - 8:45, 10:00 & 11:15 Sloane and Brad Alford, Huston, Wyatt and Addie Sarah and Bill Gray, Mary Stuart, Julia, Jackson and Millie Louise and John Meister LIGHTING THE CANDLES - 8:45 & 10:00 Kate Moore & Terry Moore Emilie Jacobus & Katie Jacobus
*Those who are able, please stand. ** Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in The Williams Center, and the Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center.
MILESTONES BIRTHS Kristen & Matthew Stokes Twin girls: Maggie Christian and Charlotte Grace, 11/14 Grandparents: Nancy & David Andersen FAMILY MEMBER DEATH Ella Gay Potter, 11/18 Grandmother of Susanne O’Neal and Great Grandmother of Addie Gray & Louise O’Neal
This summer, explore the long sunsets and lemonade days of the The Chronicles Narnia, the faithoflife. classic novels by Christian writer C. S. Lewis, tell the story of four London children who are sent to a professor’s country home for protection during World War II. There, they find a magic wardrobe leading to a mystical land called Narnia. To defeat the White Witch, who holds the land under her evil spells, they must join forces with Aslan the lion. While not allegories, these delightful stories are filled with Christian symbolism and profound insight, especially through the noble character of Aslan, King of Narnia. November, 2013, marks the fiftieth anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis. We dedicate our Advent preaching to his memory for having shaped our vision of what it means to live as children of the King.
Strengthen your Summer with our Daily Devotional at peachtreepres.org/devotional
BAPTISMS December 1, 2013
10:00 am Service Parents: John Martin & Mary Atkinson Daughter: Virginia Brown Date of Birth: March 7, 2013 Siblings: Janie: age 3 Grandparents: Roy (and Virginia) Torbert Jane Atkinson (Jack Atkinson) Scripture: Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith— and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God…
10:00 am Service Parents: Stuart & Peyton Johnston Son: Collier McMath Date of Birth: April 11, 2013 Grandparents: Louise Dillard Susan & Len Hoshall Tracy & Stuart Johnston Scripture: Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.
10:00 am Service Parents: Blake & Annie King Daughter: Stella Ann Date of Birth: July 16, 2012 Grandparents: Marsh & Mary Gossett King Sally & Charles Ruffin Steve & Kelly Spires Scripture: Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
10:00 am Service Parents: Brian & Kelly Munn Son: Carter Robert Date of Birth: July 29, 2011 Siblings: Madeline: age 6 Grandparents: Robert & Linda Cortelyou John & Mary Munn Scripture: Romans 12:15-18
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
BAPTISMS December 1, 2013
11:15 am Service Parents: Thomas & Sandra Doyle Son: Nicholas Thomas (Nick) Date of Birth: August 22, 2013 Siblings: Samuel: age 4 Grandparents: Morgan & Sharon Doyle Hans Joachim & Ursula Fischer Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:5-6
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.
11:15 am (Summit) Service Parents: Adam & Jessica Klein Daughter: Ella Forsyth Date of Birth: August 6, 2013 Grandparents: Joe & Joanne Sinkey Jeff & Lynn Klein Scripture: Romans 12:11-13
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2013 | CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS CONCERT “AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM” | 4:00-5:00 PM IN THE SANCTUARY Let the children of Peachtree show you the way to the Christ Child, in the first of our three annual Christmas Concerts. All of our children’s ensembles will be featured: the Cherub Choir, Praise Singers, Kingdom Singers, Praise Ringers and Kingdom Ringers. This fun, festive family concert features music of Advent and Christmas. The concert is free and open to the public; nursery is available for children 3 and under. Join us from 5:00-7:00PM in the Fellowship Hall for Journey to Bethleham, a family Advent experience. For more information visit peachtreepres.org/journey.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2013 LEGENDS AND CAROLS: A CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL CONCERT 6:00-7:30PM IN THE SANCTUARY That wonderful, intimate feeling of caroling with your family and friends. To compliment Dr. Pentz’s sermon series, Christmas That Never Ends, based on C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe, the Music Ministry presents Christmas carols based on poetry and legend — the human expression of wonder and amazement as we encounter the Christ child. After the concert, be our guests for a “Homemade Sweets and Treats” reception hosted by our own Presbyterian Women in the Williams Center. The concert is free and open to the public; nursery is available for children 6 and under.
FILL THE SANCTUARY WITH CHRISTMAS LOVE The Sanctuary will soon be decorated with beautiful Christmas greenery and poinsettias! If you would like to take part by honoring or remembering your loved ones or special friends, please contribute $10.00 for each person you wish to remember (Mr. and Mrs. are two persons). Names of those being honored will be published in the December 22nd bulletin. Simply fill out this form, make checks payable to Peachtree Presbyterian Church and mail both to Kristy Blackmon, Hospitality Coordinator, Peachtree Presbyterian Church, 3434 Roswell Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30305. Checks mailed must be received by Wednesday, December 11th. Checks dropped at the Welcome Center desk will be received until Sunday, December 15th. Please do not place orders in the collection plate. In Memory of: _____________________________________ In Honor of: _______________________________________ Given by: _________________________________________
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2013 NICHOLAS BOWDEN AND FRIENDS CHRISTMAS CONCERT — 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION 6:00-8:00PM IN THE SANCTUARY The long-awaited night is here! It is the 20th anniversary; 20 years of Nicholas Bowden and all his friends gathered for one of the most spectacular concerts in Atlanta’s Christmas season! Our featured guest is internationally acclaimed soprano Sylvia McNair, along with many other artists “coming back” to celebrate with us, including: Dr. Deanna Joseph and the Georgia State University Chorus, Daniel Solberg, piano, Scott Atchison, organ, Amy Little, soprano, Clay Hilley, tenor, Nathan Munson, tenor, John Irvin, tenor...and many others. Also, to celebrate this occasion, the Peachtree Music Ministry has commissioned British organist, Simon Johnson (St. Paul’s Cathedral, London) to write a “Gloria” for choir, organ and orchestra, which will be premiered at this concert. And what would Nick and Friends be without an act of giving? That surprise will be revealed at the concert. Don’t miss it. The concert is free and open to the public, and a free-will offering will be taken. Childcare provided for children 6 and under.
Phone Number: ___________________________________
CONNECT CARD Welcome to Peachtree. We’re glad you are here!
❏ I / We are new to Peachtree ❏ I would like to learn more about joining ❏ I would like to learn more about: ❏ Please update my address / contact information: Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (please circle one) Your Name
Sunday , December 8, 2013 • 4 -5pm Sanctuary
Children’s Christmas Concert
Spouse’s Name (if applicable) Street City
Let the children of Peachtree show you the way to the Christ Child, in the first of our three annual Christmas Concerts. This fun, festive family concert features music of Advent and Christmas. The concert is free and open to the public; nursery is available for children 3 and under.
Phone Email ❑ Single
❑ Married
❑ I / We have kids aged newborn - 4th grade ❏ I / We have kids 5th - 12th grade
Generosity 2014
I would like to join a volunteer team for ❏ Usher / Greeter ❏ Children’s Ministry ❏ Student Ministry ❏ Music Ministry-Instrumental / Vocal
If you haven’t yet made your commitment for 2014, turn in your card in the offering plate or visit
❏ Worship Video Production
I would like prayer
*Please fold and drop in the offering basket
For more information go to peachtreepres.org/news
YOUNG ADULT TOY & COAT DRIVE CHRISTMAS GATHERING Toys and coats are needed for December 5th at 7:00pm families in need this holiday Bring a gift card to benefit season. Drop off items by local foster children. December 8th. For more For more information, visit information, visit peachtreeyoungadults.org peachtreepres.org/mission