Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.
Congregational Introit* Angels from the Realms of Glory #168 (v. 1) Prayer of Adoration*
Carol Medley** O Come, O Come Emmanuel #147 (v. 1, 3) It Came Upon a Midnight Clear #160 (v. 1, 4) Hark, the Herald Angels Sing #163 (v. 1, 3)
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Lighting of the Candles/Placing the Bible
Offering Our Gifts I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Prayer of Confession Gracious and loving God, in these days of Advent you invite us to live as a waiting and expectant people. We can feel the days of December moving quickly past us. We confess that we are often hurried and constantly in motion. Rather than being expectant, we begin to endure so much of what this season brings. Forgive our restless and distracted living. Like Simeon, we would keep Christmas well by being focused on the gift of your son and the good news of your saving love. In the familiar sights and sounds of worship, keep us attentive to your presence among us. Do so in these very moments as we continue our confession in silence…
arr. Cliff Duren
Assurance of God’s Forgiveness Congregational Response O Little Town of Bethlehem #171 (v. 4) Life of the Congregation
Invitation to Prayer Mary Did You Know? arr. Paul Langford
I heard the bells on Christmas day, Their old familiar carols play. And mild and sweet their songs repeat Of peace on earth, good will to men. And the bells are ringing, Like a choir they’re singing. In my heart I hear them: Peace on earth, good will to men.
Then ringing, singing on its way, The world revolved from night to day. A voice, a chime, a chance sublime Of peace on earth, good will to men. And the bells they’re ringing, Like a choir they’re singing. And with our hearts we’ll hear them. Peace on earth, good will to men! Hymn of Thanksgiving* Joy to the World #161 (v. 4)
KEEP CHRISTMAS WELL Luke 2:21–38 (Pew Bible 1591–1592) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
Hymn of Response* Good Christians All, Rejoice Not in hymnal Invitation and Benediction* Postlude
And in despair I bowed my head: “There is no peace on earth,” I said, “For hate is strong and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to men.” But the bells are ringing Like a choir they’re singing. Does anybody hear them? Peace on earth, good will to men. Then rang the bells more loud and deep: “God is not dead nor does He sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, With peace on earth, good will to men!”
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are dedicated to the: “Holy Elves” who decorated our Sanctuary and campus in celebration of our Lord’s birth
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Family Room off of the Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Shirley Cagle Piedmont Fred Cox Home Hospice Care
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Margie Glover Home Hospice Care Geraldine Hardnett Grady
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler
Amelia Holley Scottish Rite
Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas. Advent candles help us keep watch for the coming of Jesus. We begin in darkness, lighting a candle each Sunday until Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we light the Christ candle, celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Light of the World.
Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation
Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care
June Mindrup Home Hospice Care
Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Ned Stiemke Roswell Nursing Center
Lindsey & Laurel Phillips 8:45 Andrew Ellis & Eric Sharabura 10:00 Makayla Kontz 11:15
Toni Mills 12/7 Wife of Bill Mills, Sr.; Mother of Bill Mills, Jr.
Kelly Trotter 8:45 Wendy Turner 10:00 Donna Ray 11:15
Carol Bell 12/11
Wendy & Mark Ray, Charles, Caroline & William
Jane Young; Margaret & Bill Young, Jr., Bill, III; Becky & Howard Young, Jana Young and Coley and Judson Cuttino; Steve & Jena &, Hailey and Talbot
Andrew Beck 12/8 Son of Diane Beck
Brigadier General Harold A. Dye 12/9 Uncle of Mercer Dye
Lisa & Gavin Harris, Claire & Graham
December 27 Worship Schedule 10:00, 11:15 — Sanctuary 11:15 — Summit
No 8:20 or 8:45 worship or Sunday School
Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Abernathy Janis Basista Abernathy Rena & Bill Adams J. T. Allison, Jr. Virginia K. Allison Clark Amos Bette & Harold Andersen Emmett N. Andrews, Jr. Mary & Richard Arnold Ann & Paul Baker Eileen R. Baliko Wendell Baliko Denise Barauskas Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Barnhardt Thomas Warwick Barry Jaynes Ellen Bartlett Sally Bartlett Kitty & Willie Baxley Willie Baxley Mrs. Ken Beacham R. S. Beacham Julie Lawrence Bellem Mr. Jack Benson Mrs. Miriam Benson James P. Bing Bridgette Black William N. Blake C. Harold Blankenship Paul Blumensaadt Paul & Odette Blumensaadt Lois A. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kelley Bogle Mr. & Mrs. G. Barry Boswell John Harden Breedlove Paula & Bob Breedlove Mack & Rose Brees Sam A. Brook, Jr. Evelyn Brooks Vivian Brooks Louis F. & Rachel Bunte Ken Byers, Sr. Darby Byrd Elizabeth Camp Thomas Camp Mr. M. Van Cannon Angelo Caruana Lindy Castle Lee Ed Chalmers
Cliff & Raymoth Chapman Jane C. Chapman Fred P. Christian Nina Cotton Owen Cotton Mike Coulon “Mr. Phil” Cox Gwendoln Diane Cross Peter K. Daniel Mr. Robert C. Davies Mrs. Betty Davis Patricia Coyne Demaray Coyne Drew Demaray Thomas A. DePolo Charles & Lois Deriso Helen Dillon Rev. Randy Driggers Arthur DuHaime Lee A. Duley Gene Dyke Elizabeth Emery Katharine Cameron Evans D. L. Fair, Jr. Louise & Edgar Farr Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fischer Ray Fisher Mr. Robert F. Flickinger Charlie Flowers Harold S. Floyd Harold & Aramella Fossum Dorothy J. Foulke Robert Fricke Mrs. Lucille H. Friese Mrs. Mabel M. Friese Mr. Richard G. Friese Mr. Robert M. Friese Brenda Haynie Gailey Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Garrard Patricia & Ray Gooding Mr & Mrs A. J. Gordon Melissa Grady David Graham Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Graham Randolph John Gregson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Frank Grundeis Darryl Guttery Sadie Guttery Martha James Hagood
Thomas W. Haish Richard Winolow Hale, Jr. Ila Mae Hamilton James O. Hamilton Bevelyn L. Hardy Betsy Harrell James Harris Mr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Harris James Harris George L. Harris, Jr. George L. Harris, III Allen & Claudia Haynie Winifred Hazelton Mr. & Mrs. George Head, Jr. Wayne & Florene Heflin Patrick Hennessy David Heurick Mr. Bob Hilliard Bob Hoffman Mrs. Carroll Hilliard Naomi Hood Harry A. Hope Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hoppe Kenneth N. Horton Ridley Howard Caroline Howard Pierre Howard David Shaun Ingalls Mr. Hugh M. Inman Mrs. Betty Ann Inman Jan Johnson Larry Jones Scott Jones Martha Turner Jones Paul Keb Frances Garrard Keim Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Kennedy Angela Kennedy Chuck & Helen Kennedy Helen R. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Cecil W. Kent James C. Kincaid, Jr. Dr. Richard E. King Laurie King Mrs. Karen Kohn Thomas Koteski Mr. & Mrs. Donald Krafft William Graham Kuykendall
Robert Payne Kuykendall John Lapelle John Laubach Ruth Lavelle Mr. & Mrs. William Lewis Sarah Lopes John Lubniewski Mr. Charles H. Lyles Clarence J. MacDonald Jacqueline A. Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macy Brock Madden Jane Maddox Jane & Beans Marsden Virginia Marshall Prevost Marshall Mrs. Helen L. Martin Virginia McAskill Dr. John Turney McAskill Henry McGee Mae McGee James Harold McKesson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McLain Betty Sagterthwaite Meekins Maria Angelova Milcheva Helen Millians Frank Millians George & Mary Miltner Kyser Miree David Mizell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morse Charles & Mary Mutz Mr. Charles “Poppy” Nelson John C. Nemesnyik Dr. Waldo B. & Iva-Marie Newell, Jr. Joseph Newton C.B. Harman Nicholson Mr. William (Al) Nix Mr. & Mrs. Randell K. Nord Mr. Joel V. O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Orin Owens Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Owens Cam Owens Kent Owens Steve Owens Mary Elizabeth Paris Joyce Payne Mr. Robert D. Pee
Brandon Pentz Barbara & John Peterson Joe Pinson Jim Pittman Dr. & Mrs. James E. Poe Edward Powers Edward D. Powers William “Tom” Prim Mrs. Nell S. Pritchett Bob & Helen Randolph Louise & Fred Ratchford Helen S. Ratcliffe Junius & Helen Ratcliffe Junius C. Ratcliffe Jr. Hope Nicole Ray Sarah Richardson Donald Richardson Alan Richardson Ernest Robertson Jacqueline Roblek Ethel J. Rowan Kelso C. Rowan Kevin Brian Rudder Kenneth F. Sapp Al Saylor Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Scheible Arthur G. Schoeck Mary M. Seward Maj. William H. Seward, USMC Mrs. Clarice S. Shipp Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Shippey Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Signore Richard & Betty Simmons John Smith Robert Boynton Smith Mr. C. Elmer Smith William Robert (Bob) Smith William Robert (Bobby) Smith Lorene C. Smith Brenda Smith Mr. & Mrs. Geo. L. Smith, II Richard & Roberta Sprain Louise Stackhouse Mr. & Mrs. Glade Staflin Dorothy & Doug Stahle Jack Stanton Bill Starnes Beth Stembridge
Mrs. Polly DePass Stephenson Mr. Robert Stephenson Mary Gladys Kincaid Stephenson John P. Stevens, Jr. Frank Stevenson Harold J. Stout Joan Strassmann B. Payton Szpindor Keith Tash Mrs. Eva S. Taylor W. Jack Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Hank Thompson Ronnie Thornton Cary Bowen Thorpe Mrs. Cary Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Toulon Betty & Klaus Traumann Hazel Unser Patricia A. Vaughan Marina Arellano Vazquez Mrs. Henry F. Warden Jr. (Sally) Dr. Henry F. Warden, Jr. Helen Wartman Mrs. Susan Yancey Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Tom White Eloise M. Whitlow George & Eloise Whitlow George W. Whitlow Jr. Ellen & Eugene Williams Wilmont Williams Ethel Williamson Gwen Williamson H. P. Williamson Harriett F. Wolfe Lucille & Fred Wolters Carolyn Nicholson Worley Owen Russell Worley Ann R. Wotton Grigsby Hart Wotton Archille & Cyril Wright Rev. & Mrs. Harold Wright Margaret Shepherd Yates J. Warren Yoder Terry V. Young Van H. Young Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zazworsky
Rebecca A. Allison Ken Axelson The Baldwin Family Andy Bayles Ellen Blake Emily Boedecker & Chris McAnally Frances Elliott Bogle Barbie Bosshardt Harold & Jeneve Brooks Lou Bunte Lindsay Capobianco J. David Carr Peachtree Chancel Choir Linda S. Christian Betty Crawford Elle Crawford John Crumpler Mark & Marnie Crumpler Nancy Jane Dawson Lindsay & Brandon Deviney David D. Duley Jonathan L. Duley Heather Ellison Virginia Coyne Ezzell Edith M. Floyd Demi Folds Karen Folds Mr. & Mrs. Bud Fortner Conrad & Rachel Fowler Vicki Franch Malcolm Gailey
Meriwether Glass Robert Glass Robert Glass, Jr The Goodwin Family Joanne Grady Roxanne Gross Shannon Wood Hagood The Hale Family Ruthe Harrill Mr. & Mrs. David “Grandpa & Grandma” Hathaway Mary Hoffman Lori, Hank, Henry & Lucy Hultquist The Jones Family Don & Mary Jordan Mary Jordan Richard M. King Andy Laws Win Laws Paige LeBel Dean (“Papa”) Loomis Sue (“Nina”) Loomis Will Mack Blake Maguire Liam Maguire Matt Maguire Virginia Maguire Kaye Manross Alden McDonald Eloise McDonald Hudson McDonald
Rodney & Kathy Milligan Joel & Pat Milne Jack Neill Morgan Neill Mrs. Mary “Mimi” Nelson Peachtree Presbyterian MOPS Mentor Moms Peachtree Presbyterian MOPS Steering Team Kristen Petersen Adelaide Raville Griffin Reen Allyson Rees Lawson Rees Chuck & Lib Roberts Molly Remmert Rossell Miriam Ryan Richard A. Schmuckal Jack, Mary Ellis, & John Shiver Rita Buckner Smith Elizabeth Fowler Smith Vara & Jackson S. Smith, Jr. The Staff at Peachtree Presbyterian Church Toni Stanton Jeanne Starnes Lois Stout Jack J. Vaughan Burton Whitney Carlton Whitney Caroline Whitney Ellen Whitney Todd, Kerin, Ethan & James Wright
Young Families Service
Family Candlelight Services
This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Sing your favorite carols and experience God’s story in a fresh way.
Experience the story of Christmas. Hear the great story of Jesus’ birth. Join with the angels, shepherds and wise men as we worship the Christ child through song, word, and a special candle lighting experience. Visit the nativity animals on the front lawn before or after the service.
10:00 am | Sanctuary
Communion Service
2:00 pm, 4:00 pm | Sanctuary
12:00 pm | Kellett Chapel Come and adore Him through instrumental music, the singing of familiar carols, and communion.
A Summit Christmas 12:00 pm | The Lodge
Celebrate the story of Christmas with favorite carols and a special candle lighting experience in the casual urban oasis of the Summit.
Traditional Candlelight Services
6:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm | Sanctuary The majesty of music and the message of Jesus’ birth fill these candlelight services. The Chancel Choir, accompanied by a brass ensemble, leads us in our celebration on this Holy Night. Vic Pentz’s inspiring meditation is followed by candle lighting as we worship the baby Jesus, the Light of the World.
Childcare for children birth – 5 years is available for all services.
Parking is available on campus and at our Peachtree Express Satellite locations.
Peachtree Express Shuttle CATES CENTER LOT
Located on E. Andrews between Roswell Road and West Paces Ferry, 3:00 – 7:15 pm
Located at Powers Ferry and Roswell Road, 1/4 mile north of church, 3:00 – 7:15 pm
Sing with the Chancel Choir on Christmas Eve! Choose your service: 6:00, 8:00 and/or 10:00pm Traditional Candlelight Services Rehearsal on Monday, December 21, 6:30 – 8:30 pm For more information, contact Mary Hoffman at 404-842-5814 or mhoffman@peachtreepres.org
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Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (please circle one) Your Name:
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( ) I/We have kids aged newborn– 4th grade ( ) I/We have kids 5th –12th grade I would like to join a volunteer team for: ( ) Usher/Greeter ( ) Children’s Ministry ( ) Student Ministry ( ) Music Ministry ( ) Prayer Ministry ( ) Media Production
The story of the loaves and fish is the only miracle recorded in all four gospels. There’s no more important message to hear from Jesus’ ministry: God does great things with our simple resources. Discover what God will do with your gift to the ministry of Peachtree in 2016. Make your estimate of giving now. peachtreechurch.org/2016giving
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* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.
The Bible can seem like an intimidating book to read. Perhaps you’ve wanted to read the whole Bible but get bogged down and overwhelmed, not knowing how to get started or how to keep going. Sign up online now. peachtreechurch.org/readthebook