Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.
ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME Prelude Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Offering Our Gifts 11:15 Behold the Lamb arr. Andy Albritton
arr. Douglas E. Wagner
Choral Introit 11:15 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God arr. Mark Patterson
Congregational Introit* Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*
Hymn of Praise Hor Firm a Foundation (not in hymnal) **
Lighting of the Candles Placing the Bible Life of the Congregation** Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Offering Our Gifts 8:45, 10:00 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross arr. Jay Rouse
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away, Slain for us—and we remember The promise made that all who come in faith Find forgiveness at the cross. So we share in this bread of life, And we drink of His sacrifice As a sign of our bonds of peace Around the table of the King. The body of our Savior Jesus Christ, Torn for you— eat and remember The wounds that heal, the death that brings us life Paid the price to make us one. So we share in this bread of life, And we drink of His sacrifice As a sign of our bonds of love Around the table of the King. The blood that cleanses every stain of sin, Shed for you— drink and remember He drained death’s cup that all may enter in To receive the life of God. So we share in this bread of life, And we drink of His sacrifice As a sign of our bonds of grace Around the table of the King.
Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544
PERSEVERANCE: PUSHING THROUGH THE PAIN James 1:1– 4 (Pew Bible 1880) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
Hymn of Response* Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (not in hymnal)
Invitation and Benediction* Postlude*
And so with thankfulness and faith we rise To respond—and to remember Our call to follow in the steps of Christ As His body here on earth. As we share in His suffering We proclaim Christ will come again! And we’ll join in the feast of heaven Around the table of the King.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Mothers and Infants Room off ofthe Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Steve Huntley Pastor for Grand Adults 10:00
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Jay Madden Pastor for Mission 11:15
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation
Vicki Harrington Franch
Alison (Ali) Gaines Baker 2/1 Lindsay & Brendan Baker Grandparents: Sandy & Michael Lamberth Margaret (Maggie) Doris Olsen 2/11 Melissa & Rob Olsen
HOSPITALS Jim Bicknell Piedmont
David Brinkley Fountainview
Pastor for Pastoral Care
The Chancel Choir 8:45, 10:00 The Peachtree Youth Choir 11:15 Andy Bayles Associate Director of Music & Worship Kenneth Axelson Interim Organist
Jennifer Hanna
Interim Director of Peachtree Youth Choir John Phillips Youth Choir Accompanist Mitch Gerding Soloist, 11:15 Benito Thompson Violin Guang Wang Cello Butch Sievers Percussion
Rachel Axelson, Gabriella Lewis 8:45 Lily Sprain, Jostlyn Pierce 10:00 Ella Hart, Kate Lim 11:15
Fred Cox Home Hospice Care Diane Currier Northside Amelia Holley Cohen’s Children’s Hospital (Hyde Park, NY) Matthew Macy Grady Cantey Smith Home Hospice Care Payton Szpindor Home Hospice Care
MEMBER DEATH Hugh Bate 1/4
Dot Cording 1/2 Corrie Hendrix 1/23
FAMILY MEMBER DEATH Frank Specht 2/14 Father of Alicia Specht
How fitting that the author of the phrase “be doers of the word” was James, Joseph’s biological son and Jesus’ half-brother. Both Jesus and James grew up in Joseph’s carpenter’s shop, and carpenters tend to be practical people. Like his father, James was about tools. Tools help us shape reality and impact the world. In his book, James helps us learn the craftsmanship of faith. What are the practices we can apply daily to create a life of true beauty and excellence? A new series starts today.
CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT THE COMMUNION PRAYER Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Pastor: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord. Pastor: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Pastor: Holy and loving God, we gather at this table giving you thanks for the gift of your kindness shown to us in your Son Jesus Christ. In his life, he was a friend to sinners, touching the outcast, healing the broken, and proclaiming your love for the world. In his death, he paid the price for our sin that we might stand before you joyfully and without fear. As we receive the bread and the cup, pour out your Holy Spirit on us that we might extend your kindness to the world. Through your Son Jesus Christ, all honor and glory is yours, Almighty God, now and forever. Amen.
“I am the bread of life. All who come to me shall not hunger, and all who believe in me shall never be thirsty.” —John 6:35
WORDS OF INSTITUTION/DISTRIBUTION OF THE BREAD & CUP To symbolize our individual experience of God’s grace, please partake of the bread* as it is served. To symbolize our common experience together of God’s grace, please retain the cup until all have been served. * The communion bread was made gluten free but not cut in a dedicated facility.
UNISON PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Gracious and loving God, you have made us one in the body of Christ, and nourished us at your table with holy food and drink. Thank you for feeding our hunger and relieving our thirst. Now send us into the world to do the work you have given us to do: to find the lost and lonely, to heal broken souls, to free prisoners, and to love in Jesus’ name. Grant us strength to persevere in resisting evil, and to proclaim in all we say and do your good news in Christ Jesus our Savior. Amen.
GET YOUR WORK GLOVES READY! Join Peachtree for our
151st Habitat Home Build
This year, we build an entire house in 1 week... Day 1 – April 25 Day 2 - April 27 Day 3 - April 28 Day 4 - April 29 Day 5 - April 30 Day 6 - May 1 Day 7 - May 2
Floor decking and joists, raise walls, paint foundation, start porch Install trusses, deck and felt roof, install windows, interior framing Shingle roof, insulate walls and ceiling, siding and caulking Finish siding and caulking, interior and exterior painting More painting, interior trim, cabinets and countertops, soffit and fascia More painting, finish soffit and fascia, finish porch Install hardware, clean house interior, landscape, finish misc items, Dedication
2015 PEACHTREE BLITZ BUILD APRIL 25-MAY 2 (no build on April 26)
Sign-up NOW: www.peachtree-church.org/habitat
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Learn more about your relationship with God, specific ways to get involved with the church, and about joining Peachtree next week in this exciting, interactive class. Exploring Peachtree takes place next Sunday, March 1, in room 2315 from 10:00 am –12:15 pm. peachtree-church.org/exppeachtree
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Lace up your running shoes and come help us make miles of progress in closing the education gap that severely impacts the Latino community! You run, we tutor, kids learn! peachtree-church.org/laamistad5k
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* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.
The Drop Box tells the story of South Korean pastor Lee Jong-rak and his heroic efforts to embrace and protect the most vulnerable members of society. It is a reminder that every human life is sacred and worthy of love. This threatrical event is for three nights only: March 3, 4, and 5. For more details, visit: thedropboxfilm.com