Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to love God in heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Offering Our Gifts And All the Earth Shall Own Him Lord
Choral Introit 10:00 | Cherub Choir Sing, Rejoice, Clap Your Hands Mark Patterson
C. Hubert H. Parry
Congregational Introit* Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*
Hymn of Praise** Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise #85 Lighting of the Candles Placing of the Bible Sacrament of Baptism
Hymn of Response* God of Grace and God of Glory #358 Invitation and Benediction*
And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon Israel’s mountains green? And did the Christ of Heaven come down? Was God in flesh both heard and seen? And did He die to prove His love? And did He rise more powerful still? And was His rule on earth started there Upon Golgotha’s tragic hill?
Bring me my bow of burning gold! Bring me my arrows of desire! Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of Fire! I will not cease to spread His light: My faith a shield, His Word my sword; ’Til Christ, my God, is crowned as King, And all the earth shall own Him Lord.
Congregational Response* Jesus Loves Me Life of the Congregation
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544
Acts 2:42–47 (Pew Bible, 1694) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00
INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT Philippians 3:7–24 (Pew Bible, 1829) Joe Skillen 11:15
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of: L. Frederick Glass, Jr. & Sydney McCampbell Healey by Robert & Cameron Glass * **
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Family Room off of the Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Jane Oglesby Caldwell 2/22 Wife of Jim Caldwell; Mother of Allen, Kelly & Christie Caldwell; Sister of Bill Oglesby
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music 11:15
Joe Skillen Pastor for Young Adults Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music
Finley Chappell, Katie Weathersby 11:15
PLACING THE BIBLE Hyland Justice 8:45 Wendy Eavenson 10:00 Joe Ellis 11:15
Peachtree partners with a ministry called The Oasis through Kids Alive International in Guatemala. The Oasis is a safe haven for Guatemalan girls who have experienced the deep scars of exploitation. At The Oasis, the girls receive schooling, physical care, emotional support and counseling, legal help, and the transformative love of Jesus Christ. The Oasis is changing hearts and lives, for both the girls being rescued and those who serve and support its ministry. This is what it looks like when a part of the body of Christ in Atlanta gives honor to a part of the body of Christ around the world. Join God’s redemptive work around the world through the ministry of Peachtree in worship or online at: peachtreechurch.org/global
William Brady Gerkin Son | Born 5/9/15 Parents Whitney & David Gerkin Grandparents Patsy & Brinkley Dickerson; Mabel Coyle & Lee Gerkin
Madison Grey Mastropasqua Daughter | Born 8/23/15 Parents Kelly & Mark Mastropasqua Grandparents Fran & Giulio Mastropasqua; Patricia & John Noell
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. —Proverbs 3:1–4
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. — Philippians 1:9–11
Anne Stribling (Annie) Rees Daughter | Born 8/18/15 Parents Amy & Dave Rees Siblings Jake (8); Molly (6) Grandparents Bonnie & Dave Rees; Sharon & Strib Stribling
Ellis Tilghman Sandrock Son | Born 9/18/15 Parents Michelle & Mark Sandrock Grandparents Sherry & Dave Sandrock; Anne & Greg Tarbutton Great Grandparents Juanita Dial; Rachel Renar; Layne Tarbutton
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. — Matthew 5:14–16
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5–6
11:15 10:00
Ann Davis Glass Daughter | Born 9/17/15 Parents Cameron & Robert Glass Siblings Meriwether (4); Robert (2) Grandparents Brenda & Dwight Davis; the late Freddie Glass; the late Sydney Healey My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. —Proverbs 3:1–4
Stephen Scott Candler Son | Born 2/2/15 Parents Lauren & Scotty Candler, IV Grandparents Karna & Scotty Candler; Catherine & Steve Pressley Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. —Romans 12:11–13
SUMMIT 11:15
Lucy Kathryn David Daughter | Born 7/12/15 Parents Emily & Britt David Siblings Jackson (2); Rhodes (2) Grandparents Beth & Bob David; Jane & Jack Head
Woods Russell Bryant Son | Born 7/7/15 Parents Laura & Brooks Bryant Grandparents Janine & Steve Bryant; Jan & Cliff Russell
“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there. — 1 Samuel 1:27–28
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. —Colossians 3:12–15
Matthew Hampton Olsen Son | Born 4/13/15 Parents Kate & Mark Olsen Grandparents Suzanne & George Cox; Emily & Eric Olsen; Mary Ovida Vickers & Bill Ellis; Rodney Vickers Great Grandparents Marvin Hampton Giddens; Joanne & Julian LeCraw Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” — Matthew 19:14
Emma Taylor Moll Daughter | Born 7/4/15 Parents Jennifer & Matt Moll Grandparents Shelli & Ken Moll; Karen & Dennis Taylor Great Grandparents Genie & Guy Platt Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5–6
Carter Thomas Ryan Son | Born 8/14/15 Parents Alison & Steve Ryan Grandparents Cindy & Warren Daubenspeck; Kathy & Tim Ryan But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. —1 Timothy 6:11–12
Elliott Christopher Tyndal Son | Born 5/16/15 Parents Ashley & Chris Tyndal Siblings McClendon (4); Henry (2) Grandparents Cindy & Terry Dossett; Jeannie Marsh; Susan & Elliott Marsh Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5–6
Wonder of
Peachtree Presbyterian Church Presents
Creation Ke or lley OConn
Mi chael Kurth
Rob Cronin
An dy Bayles
Tom Key
Ma r y Hoffman
Jess e Breite
Featuring new works by composers Michael Kurth, Andrew Bayles, Rob Cronin, and others. Featuring soprano Kelly O’Connor, Atlanta actor Tom Key, Members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, and the Peachtree Chancel Choir.
SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 | 7:00 PM | SANCTUARY Concert tickets available online or in the bookstore $20 adults | $10 seniors and students
Easter Lilies On Easter morning, the Sanctuary will be decorated with beautiful Easter Lilies. If you would like to take part by honoring or remembering your loved ones or special friends with a lily, please place your order online at peachtreechurch.org/lilies or simply fill out this form. Lilies are $10.00 for each person you wish to remember (Mr. and Mrs. are two persons). Names of those being honored will be published in the March 27 bulletin. Make checks payable to Peachtree Presbyterian Church, and mail both the check and this form to: Mary Catherine Durkin 3434 Roswell Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30305 All submissions must be received or dropped at the Welcome Center or Williams Center desks by Wednesday, March 16. Please do not place orders in the collection plate. In Memory Of: In Honor Of: Given By: Day Telephone:
Welcome to Peachtree. We’re glad you’re here! ( ) I/We are new to Peachtree ( ) I would like to learn more about joining Peachtree ( ) Please update my address/ contact information ( ) I would like to learn more about:
GET INVOLVED peachtreechurch.org/news
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (please circle one) Your Name:
Spouse’s Name: (if applicable)
Take a brief survey to help the Pastoral Nominating Committee find Peachtree’s next Senior Pastor. The information that you provide will be critical to the PNC’s work. The survey is available online and in paper form on campus at stations in the Williams Center and the Lodge Lobby. All surveys must be completed by March 6. peachtreechurch.org/2016survey
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( ) Single
( )
( ) I/We have kids aged newborn– 4th grade ( ) I/We have kids 5th –12th grade I would like to join a volunteer team for: ( ) Usher/Greeter ( ) Children’s Ministry ( ) Student Ministry ( ) Music Ministry ( ) Prayer Ministry ( ) Media Production
Come to Word Before Work’s winter event on Thursday, March 3, from 7:00 – 8:30 am in The Canyon at the Lodge. We will hear from guest speaker Jane Herren Hubbard (M.Ed), facilitator and life coach, as we consider How to Stay Christ-Centered in the Midst of Corporate Chaos. Learn more and register online. wordbeforework.org
I would like prayer:
* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.
On Saturday, March 19, lace up your running shoes and come help us make miles of progress in closing the education gap that severely impacts the Latino community! You run, we tutor, kids learn! Cost is $30 with pre-registration and $35 on the day of the run. peachtreechurch.org/laamistad5k