Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.
Congregational Introit* Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*
Hymn of Praise** O God, Our Help in Ages Past #111 Lighting of the Candles/Placing of the Bible Affirmation of Faith* from the Scots Confession,1560 We confess and acknowledge one God alone, to whom alone we must cleave, whom alone we must serve, whom only we must worship, and in whom alone we put our trust. Who is eternal, infinite, immeasurable, incomprehensible, omnipotent, invisible; one in substance and yet distinct in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. By whom we confess and believe all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, to have been created, to be retained in their being, and to be ruled and guided by his inscrutable providence for such end as his eternal wisdom, goodness, and justice have appointed, and to the manifestation of his own glory. Congregational Response* Now Thank We All Our God #9 (v. 3) Life of the Congregation
The Tartan Procession & Presentation Atholl Highlanders Pipes & Drums USA
Hymn* Amazing Grace Not in hymnal The Tartan Recession *
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544
Offering Our Gifts My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Mack Wilberg
My Shepherd will supply my need: Jehovah is His name; In pastures fresh He makes me feed, beside the living stream. He brings my wandering spirit back when I forsake His ways, And leads me, for His mercy’s sake, in paths of truth and grace. When I walk through the shades of death, Thy presence is my stay; One word of Thy supporting breath drives all my fears away. Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, doth still my table spread; My cup with blessings overflows, Thine oil anoints my head. The sure provisions of my God attend me all my days; O may Thy house be my abode, and all my work be praise! There would I find a settled rest, while others go and come; No more a stranger, nor a guest, but like a child at home
THE STORY OF OUR BROKEN WORLD Genesis 3 (Pew Bible 5 – 6) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
Hymn of Response* And Can It Be? Not in hymnal
Invitation and Benediction* Postlude
The flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God in Memory of the following Stephen Ministers: Shari Baird, Bernie Bierman, Hugh Brannen, Laura Brinkley, John Brunson, Jeanne Corbett, Phil Cox, Dena Cunningham, Howard Danner, Bette Eberhard, Jim Goodman, Henry Green, Tom Cresswell, Eddie Gustafson, Barbara Hawk, Libby Hrabak, Barbara Johnson, Bill Johnson, Molly Johnson, Martha Wilson Jones, George Kelly, Lura Klugman, Dee Dee Lynch, Ellis McNeel, John Mitchell, Ruth Montgomery, Sandra Nolting, Alex Pertuz, Tom Pettitt, Nancy Reed, Bill Scurry, Ed Shirley, Triss Shirley, Sheila Siffri, Ruth Ann Skinner, O’Neall Speer, Gloria Thomas, Locke Thomison, Mary Trautman, Carl Tschappat, Ernest Williamson, Ethel Wilson, and Jim Young by the Stephen Ministry
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Family Room off of the Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music 10:00
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Mary Hoffman Director of Music 11:15
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music
John Robert Kehl 1/12 Jill & Chris Kehl
MEMBER DEATHS Helen Beacham 1/16 Son of Tim Beacham David Bowman 1/9 Barbara Peacock 1/20 Mother of Nancy Ike; Grandmother of Greyson & Amelia Ike Lucille Turner 1/16 Sister of Ellen Hendrix; Sister-in-law of Jo Shippen
LIGHTING THE CANDLES Caroline & Graysen Stratton 10:00 Makayla Kontz 11:15
PLACING THE BIBLE Doug Gooding 8:45 Shanon Bell 10:00 Stefan Brecher 11:15
The Session has called a congregational meeting on January 31, immediately following the 10:00 service for the purpose of seating the Pastoral Nominating Committee for Peachtree’s next Senior Pastor. The slate for the PNC is: Jim Borders James Cross Taylor Glover Donna Hyland Jessica Lawrence Terry Moore Sylvia Ratchford Frank Skinner Beth Stevens Will Wray Margaret Young Bios and pictures can be found on pages 6–7.
cross North America, people of Scots descent celebrate their cultural and religious heritage by Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans, when they bring the tartan of their clan’s heritage into church for a day. If you were to ask a native Scot about the ancient tradition of Kirkin’, you might get a blank stare and some muttering about Americans and brigadoonery. Scotland knows nothing about this tradition. It’s something only we colonials do. That makes sense, if you think about it: it’s only the people far from home who need reminders of their heritage and tradition. Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans likely began during World War II, when famous Scots pastor Rev. Peter Marshall grew discouraged at American isolationist sentiment. He felt Americans had forgotten their roots
across the sea, and wanted to remind Presbyterians that they were sons and daughters of Scotland, had family there, and that their own faith had been passed to them by tough Scots under persecution. On April 27, 1941, Rev. Marshall gave a sermon entitled “The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans,” and the first Kirkin’ was held. Today, remember how good it is to know your family and your heritage, how we received our faith, and at what cost. We lift up only one heritage today: Scotland, with its tartans and bagpipes. Many of us come from different countries and continents, from other tribes and nations, and those paths led us to this place and time. Our deepest heritage, though, is as part of the tribe of Christians, with God as our Father and Christ our brother, for our citizenship is from Heaven.
THE PEACHTREE TARTAN COLLECTION In 2006 –2011, 2013–2016, sewn by Jean Jakes In 2012, sewn by Jean Jakes, Hyland Justice & Margaret Taylor In 2005, sewn by Jean Jakes, Marcia Rainey, Eleanor Thumser & Teena Everhart Coordination of the Kirkin’ by Anne Wray & Sheldon Staples
CUMMING Given by Betty & Tom Cummings
ARMSTRONG Modern Given by Nancy & Rick Armstrong
DAVIDSON Given by Anne Wray
AYRSHIRE Given by Andrea Ayers Lutz
DUNCAN Given by Judy & Duncan Gray
BALFOUR Given by Robert Balfour
DUNCAN Modern Given by Glenn & Ellen Duncan LaGrone
BUCHANAN Given by Rachel Bunte & family
EDINBOROUGH Given by Rick Kell
CAMERON Given by Millie Martin Fite & Iris Heany
ELLIOT Given by the families of Jim Elliot, John Elliot & Sue Elliot Clineburg
CAMERON OF LOCHIEL Given by Beverly Cameron Plumlee & Leslie Plumlee Davis
FARQUHARSON Modern Given by Steve, Alice & John Lyons
CAMPBELL Ancient Given by Grant, Michele & Cole Campbell
FERGUSON Modern Given by Jason & Scarlett Ferguson
CRAWFORD Given by Lucille & Harry Crawford
FRASER Given by Powell A. Fraser, Jr. & Eloise Fraser Shepherd
CRAWFORD Given by Jim & Betty Crawford CROFT Given by Cheryl Dougherty
GRAHAM Given by Steven Graham Sharabura & family GRAHAM OF MENTIETH Given by Staci Graham GRANT Given by Jeannette Harris HAMILTON Given by Mary & Hamilton Williams HAMILTON Given by Andy & Lynn Hamilton HAMILTON Traditional Given by Barbara & Chip Hamilton HANNA Given by Sara Harrington & Vicki Harrington Franch HUNTER Given by Richard Hunter JOHNSTON Given by Virginia Dilkes
GORDON Dress Given by Joel & Pat Milne & family
KEITH Ancient Given by Huston Keith
GOW Modern Given by Trey & Amy McGowan
KERR Given by Ann Evers
KINCAID Given by Glenn & Jim Kincaid
MCFADDEN Given by the Epperson & Fosgate families
SINCLAIR Hunting Given by Jean Jakes
KIRKPATRICK Given by Mary Jane & David Kirkpatrick
MCGILL Given by Kelly & Stanley Dean
SINCLAIR Modern Given by Tom & Joanna Mangum
MACBETH Modern Given by Rick & Nancy Barnes in memory & honor of Sherard
MCNEIL Given by Dave & Martha McNeil
SMITH Given by Julia & Steve Smith
MCPHEE Modern Given by the McDuffie family
STEWART Royal Given by Walter Stewart
MCPHERSON Given by Leigh Gillespie
US ARMY Given by those who served
MITCHELL Modern Given by the Mitchell Purvis family
US MARINE CORPS Given by Betty & Jim Crawford
MONTREAT Given by the McAskill family
US NAVY Given by Nancy & Rick Armstrong
MACINTOSH Given by Stephen & Jaclyn Cannon
MUNRO Given in memory of Sarah Margaret Willins Chandler
US NAVY SEABEE Given by Cdr. Kirsten Neff, Cdr. James Nielsen & family
MACINTOSH Ancient Given by Sheldon Staples & Will Wray
NICHOLSON Given by Megan Nicholson
US AIR FORCE Given by Joanne & Mike Joiner
MACKAY Given by Cindy & Kell Martin
NICHOLSON Given by the Nickles family
MACLEOD Hunting Given by the McAskill family
US COAST GUARD Given by Jenelle & Tom Patton & those who served
MACLEOD OF LEWIS Given by Elizabeth Sibert & family
REIVER DUNBAR Given by Jean Jakes
MACLEOD OF LEWIS Given by Jean Thrash
REIVER FRASER Given in memory of Virginia Sheppard Lawrence
MACDONALD Ancient Given by Ray & Cate McConnell MACDONALD Dress Given by Lorie & Mack Donaldson Secord MACDUFF Given by Janie Jeter MACGREGOR Given by Ethel MacGregor Wotton
MACMILLAN Given by Meryl McMillan Dilcher MACNEIL Given by Pam Neal Fellows MAXWELL Given by Sally Maxwell MCDOWELL Given by Jan & Phil Curtis
ROBERTSON Given by Megan Nicholson ROBERTSON Ancient Hunting Given by Lib & Chuck Roberts & family RUSSELL Given by Charles Russell Morgan
WALLACE Given by the Joseph Wallace Chapman Jr. family WALLACE Given by Beth, Charlie, Judson & Stewart Wallace WALLACE Ancient Given by the Teegarden family WALLACE Hunting Given by the Teegarden family WILSON Given by Jo & Ben Shippen
New marching poles for the 2012 Kirkin’ and beyond donated by: Rachel Bunte, Ashley & Joe Chapman, Betty & Jim Crawford, Pam Fellows, Vicki & Hal Franch, Emilie & Dick Friese, Polley Lawrence, Alice & Steve Lyons, Margaret & John McAskill, Pat & Joel Milne, Julia & Steve Smith, Sheldon & Max Staples, and Anne Wray Want to participate in the 2017 Kirkin’? Whether you have Scottish heritage or not, you are welcome to join us! Contact Sheldon Staples at sheldonstaples@gmail.com for more information.
PASTORAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE JIM BORDERS joined Peachtree in 1992 and previously served as an Elder in the Class of 1998 and 2011. He has served on the Property Committee and the Finance Committee, where he currently continues to serve. He and his wife Sarah have two daughters, Savannah and Maggie, both of whom were baptized and confirmed at Peachtree. He is President of Novare Group, a real estate development firm based in Atlanta, and is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology as well as the University of Georgia School of Law and School of Business.
JAMES W. CROSS, JR. grew up in Michigan and attended Michigan State University where he received a B.A. in Sociology and his M.A. in Educational Psychology. He and his wife Teresa were led to Peachtree after the death of their son Mark Anthony Cross, an Atlanta Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty on April 23, 2005. James and Teresa have five children, Mark, Rick, Eric, Mikelle, and Bradley. He has served two terms on Session and as Clerk of Session. James has participated in mission trips to the Holy Land as well as being part of a mission team to Kolkata, India, with Peachtree’s partner, International Justice Mission. He serves on the Bill Maness Good Samaritan Scholarship Board and is a member of the Heritage Sunday School Class. James retired after 22 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and is currently with AmericasMart, where he serves as Vice President of Security.
TAYLOR GLOVER is a native of Newnan, Georgia, and a graduate of The University of Georgia. Taylor and his wife, Shearon, joined Peachtree in 1976 and taught Sunday School together when their children, Frank & Chris, were small. Taylor first served as an Elder in 1986 and he and Shearon have co-chaired the annual “Every Member Canvas” campaign. In addition, Taylor was instrumental in partnering Peachtree Presbyterian with the Atlanta Police Foundation in 2006, resulting in the formation of the Line of Duty Life Insurance Policy covering our Atlanta police officers. He had served a two year term as a Trustee and member of the Investment Committee for the Peachtree Trust. In addition to their two children, who are both married and living in Atlanta, Taylor and Shearon have enjoyed the recent addition of three grandchildren.
DONNA W. HYLAND joined Peachtree in 1985. She and her husband Paul have two children, Brooke and John. Donna is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Children’s Healthcare. She was named Georgia Trend magazine’s Most Respected Business Leader in 2011 and one of Business to Business magazine’s 2007 Women of Excellence. Donna has the distinct honor of being the only female CEO among the top 25 hospitals in Atlanta. Donna serves many community boards including Ronald McDonald House Charities, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce as chair of the Bioscience Leadership Council, and the Georgia Tech Advisory Board.
JESSICA LAWRENCE grew up in Akron, Ohio and moved to Atlanta in 2001. She is a graduate of Denison University and Emory University School of Law. Jessica has been attending Peachtree since 2004 and became a member in 2006. She and her husband Shep met at Peachtree in a young adult Sunday School class. Jessica and Shep have two daughters, Caitlin (4) and Caroline (2). Jessica has served as a Sunday School class officer, member of the Elder Nominating Committee, and as a Shepherd for new members in the Exploring Peachtree class. Jessica is involved in the Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible study and is also active in the Children’s ministry, volunteering for Vacation Bible School and as a Sunday School teacher in The Pond. She and Shep attend the 8:45 Summit Worship service. Jessica practiced law for nine years before deciding to stay home full-time after Caroline was born. For the past two years she has also served in leadership roles for Friends of Children Healthcare of Atlanta.
TERRY MOORE has been a member of Peachtree since 1993 when he moved to Buckhead after attending Emory University. He married his wife, Suzann, at Peachtree in 1997 and they have two children, Kate (13), and Terry (10). Terry currently serves as an Elder, is chairman of the Session’s Personnel Committee, and is one of our sanctuary service usher captains. Terry has previously served as a Sunday School teacher in the children’s ministry for 10+ years. Terry is on the advisory board for the Atlanta Mission and is a member of the Mission’s Agape Society. Terry has worked at Accenture for the past 25 years where he is currently Senior Managing Director, Financial Services, responsible for strategic growth initiatives in Accenture’s banking practice. A native of Gastonia, North Carolina, SYLVIA RATCHFORD has lived in Atlanta and been employed in the hospitality industry since her graduation from the University of Georgia. For the past 20 years, Sylvia has served as the Executive Director of The Hinman Dental Society where her responsibilities include the production of the Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting that attracts 22,000 dental professionals to Atlanta in March of each year. A member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church since 1988, Sylvia has served on the Long Range Planning Committee, the Peachtree Trust, the inaugural Word Before Work program team, sings in the Chancel Choir, is a member of the Finance Committee, and is an Elder in the 2018 class. The son of a Baptist minister, FRANK SKINNER is a long-time member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church. He is an Elder who has served the church in a variety of ways over the years. He twice chaired Long Range Planning Committees and capital campaigns as well as chairing the Pastoral Nominating Committee that brought Vic Pentz to Peachtree. He is a former trustee of the Columbia Theological Seminary, chairing the Board of Trustees for five years. Frank is a native of Virginia and a graduate of the University of Richmond. After military service and a 40-year career in the telecommunications business, he retired in November 1992 as Chairman and CEO of BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Mr. Skinner and his late wife Ruth Ann have three daughters: Ruthanne Suttles, a member of Peachtree, Christian Kirkland of Charlotte, North Carolina, Lisa Moton (deceased), and five grandchildren. BETH STEVENS grew up in Atlanta worshiping at Peachtree before she even knew what worship was. She married Rick 32 years ago and they have three grown children Taylor, Blake, Kelly and her husband Chad. Rick and Beth worship in the Summit mostly but also love what they affectionately call “Big Church.” Beth has been involved with infant, children, adult, women, homeless, prayer, mentoring, recreation, and adoption/fostering ministries over the years and currently serves as an Elder. Rick and Beth have been part of their Sunday School class for 30 years, Partners in Faith. Being a part of Peachtree and having witnessed God’s faithfulness as he guides and leads us all Beth is prayerful, hopeful, and expectant that God will continue what He has started in and through the people of Peachtree. WILL WRAY has been a member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church since the age of two. He and his wife, Tiffany, have two children, Kate (15) and George (12). He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Medical College of Georgia. Will is a dermatologist in private practice. As an Elder, Will has served two terms on the session, and he is currently active in the greeter ministry. Will has also served as a teacher and Sunday School officer, as the chair of Lifegate Counseling Center and on the Community Concerns Committee.
MARGARET YOUNG has been a member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church since 1990. She and her husband Bill have been married for 26 years and they have two sons, Bill (23) and Brandon (21). Margaret has served as an Elder, member on Elder Nominating Committee, Stephen Minister, Chair of Giving Back at Christmas, and as Co-Chair of the Sacraments Committee with her husband Bill. Margaret and Bill also started the Legacy Sunday School class with four other couples where they served as Presidents for five years, and continue to lead as Teachers. Margaret has taught Adult Sunday School for over 20 years. She has also been a member of the Women’s Community Bible Study for 23 years, serving on The Advisory Board, as a Speaker, as a Group Leader, and on the Media Team. Margaret graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in ’09 with a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies. She writes a Christian blog —“My Sunshine Room.”
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Join us as we pack seeds and grow hope for others. A seed represents a future. When it is planted and grows it produces hope. Help give communities the means to make their own healthy meals. Our goal is 250,000 sustainable family and community gardens! Begins February 26. peachtreechurch.org/seedsofhope
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On Tuesday, February 16, at 6:30 am, IRONMEN welcomes Georgia State University Men’s Basketball Coach Ron Hunter to our annual “Big Breakfast.” The family tradition that Hunter brings to the game and his selfless devotion to disadvantaged children around the world are an inspiration to men everywhere—especially to followers of Jesus. Tickets available for $15 at: peachtreechurch.org/bigbreakfast
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Join us for a renewing weekend getaway with our Peachtree women’s community. The retreat will be March 18–19. We are excited to welcome our guest speaker, Rev. Sharol Hayner. peachtreechurch.org/womensretreat
Today, at 11:15, we will recognize our women’s mission team that departs on Friday to serve in Costa Rica. Please keep them in your prayers as they develop programs and build a women’s center for Shalom Community Church.