Jun 3 Bulletin

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June 3, 2018

Worthless Jeremiah 2:1–13

8:45 | 10:00 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Prayer of Adoration How Firm a Foundation Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Out of the Deep (Psalm 130) Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow*



Jeremiah 2:1–13 (Pew Bible 1170–1171) CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT Communion

FOLLOWING GOD INTO THE WORLD The Power of the Cross Congregational Meeting 10:00 (see pages 8–13) Invitation & Benediction

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

* In the 8:45 & 11:15 services, children are invited to come forward and be escorted to their classrooms.


Mighty Warrior I Am Set Free Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer Saving Love*


Dr. Richard Kannwischer Senior Pastor

Communion Build My Life

I Found a Love Invitation & Benediction Postlude

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.

Life of the Congregation

The Session has called a Congregational Meeting today at the conclusion of the 10:00 service to hear and act upon the report of the Nominating Committee which brings forward the 2021 class of Elders, elect the Nominating Committee for 2019, and to receive the Annual Report. For a list of Elder Nominees with names and bios, please see pages 8–11. For a list of those being elected to the Elder Nominating Committee, please see pages 12–13. Copies of the 2017 Annual Report will be handed out during the Congregational Meeting. You may also pick one up during the week at the Reception Desk in Family Commons or the Information Desk in the Williams Center.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 4–7 | 9:30 am–12:30 pm This week, it's Game On at VBS! Pray for all the children, parents, and volunteers participating in sharing the love of Christ with children around Atlanta. PeachtreeChurch.org/VBS

FEED OUR ATLANTA CHILDREN June 8–30 Help stock the shelves at Buckhead Christian Ministries for children who are food insecure. Bring food to the church or let us buy a bag of groceries for you. LEARN MORE: PeachtreeChurch.org/BCM

PEACHTREE POPS June 10 | 4:00 pm | Sanctuary Hear the beautiful sounds of our 10th Annual American Pops Concert, featuring Peachtree musicians and special guests from around the city. PeachtreeChurch.org/Pops

WOMEN’S SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays or Wednesdays beginning June 12 Join us for a five-week journey together as we study Shauna Niequist’s Present Over Perfect. Childcare is available for the Tuesday morning study. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.org/Summer2018

Class of 2018 Graduates Name

Graduating High School

University Attending

Glenn Adamson

Chamblee High School

University of Georgia

Kimberly Amacher

Dunwoody High School

Florida State University

Emma Axelson Chamblee High School

Georgia Institute of Technology

Natalie Baker

Furman University

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Vitali Barr Lakeside High School

Georgia Trade School, Acworth

Henry Beltrami

Wesleyan School

University of Georgia

Brantly Black

The Westminster Schools

Auburn University

Megan Blankenship Hillgrove High School

Florida State University, London Study Centre

Molly Blockley

Riverwood International Charter School University of Oklahoma

Hollis Brecher

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

University of South Carolina

Elizabeth Brougher

The Westminster Schools

Tulane University

Katie Brown

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Chapman University

Robert Carter

The Westminster Schools

Rice University

Connor Cohen

Atlanta International School

Clemson University

Will Corey

Kennesaw Mountain High School

Auburn University

Ellie Crump

Marist School

University of Georgia

Lila Crump

Marist School

Auburn University

Blue Daniel

The Lovett School

University of Alabama

Erin Dawson

North Atlanta High School

Georgia Southern University

Diane DeLany

St. Pius X Catholic High School

University of Georgia

Amy Dempster

Marist School

Louisiana State University

David Edmiston

The Westminster Schools

University of Georgia

Abigail Emerson Mount Vernon Presbyterian School

North Carolina State University

John Fears

Mount Vernon Presbyterian School

Rhodes College

Mitch Gerding

North Atlanta High School

Syracuse University

William Goldberg Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Julia Gray

Pace Academy

Stetson University

Benjamin Grisham

Holy Spirit Preparatory School

University of Georgia

Meg Guyton

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Clemson University

Will Hagood

The Westminster Schools

Auburn University


Graduating High School

University Attending

Carley Hale

Marist School

University of Georgia

Cooper Hanft

Greater Atlanta Christian School

University of Georgia

Anna Kate Johnson

Wesleyan School

University of Alabama

Scottie Kelly

The Westminster Schools

University of Georgia

Emma King

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Wofford College

Natalie Lau

North Atlanta High School

Auburn University

Lesley Laws

Riverwood International Charter School University of Kentucky

Millie Long

North Atlanta High School

University of Texas at Austin

Drew Maichle

Mill Springs Academy

Clemson University

Sam Markle

North Atlanta High School

University of Georgia

Amanda Merrill Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Southern Methodist University

Blake Morain Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Georgia Institute of Technology

Walker Morris

Washington & Lee University

Atlanta International School

Alex Naphin North Atlanta High School

Georgia Institute of Technology

Ashley Patton

Auburn University

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

Sara Elizabeth Payne The Westminster Schools

Sewanee: The University of the South

George Perkins

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

University of South Carolina

Kiki Popescu

Marist School

Auburn University

Austin Sheffield

Greater Atlanta Christian School

Auburn University

George Shepherd

Pace Academy

University of Virginia

Molly Sikes

Marist School

University of Georgia

Will Smith

The Westminster Schools

University of Georgia

Natalie Sorenson

Pope High School

University of South Florida

Kal Staley North Atlanta High School

Georgia Institute of Technology

Jack Stone The Westminster Schools

The United States Coast Guard Academy

Catherine Sweeney

Pace Academy

Bucknell University

Ben Thompson

Pace Academy

Princeton University

Max Withrow

The Westminster Schools

University of Texas at Austin

Jack Wray

Pace Academy

Auburn University

Kate Wray

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School

University of Georgia

Elder Nominees BILL CHAPPELL is a native of Richmond, Virginia, where he was a member of First Presbyterian Church. After graduating from Washington & Lee University, he moved to Atlanta and joined Peachtree in 1996. He is an active member of the Builders Sunday school class and currently serves as a Peachtree greeter. Professionally, he is a senior equity analyst at SunTrust Robinson Humphrey covering the consumer staples sector. He is also an Eagle Scout. Bill and his wife, Millay, have two daughters, Finley (10) and Sadie (4). JOHN DAY and his wife of 44 years, Ann, have been members of Peachtree for over 30 years. John was raised in Atlanta, graduated from the University of North Carolina (where he met Ann), and is a graduate of Harvard Business School. John is retired after spending his career in accounting with both Arthur Andersen and Deloitte. He currently serves as a director on the board of a public company and at Lenbrook. John is active in adult Sunday school, IRONMEN, and has served as a mentor in the IRONmentoring program. BILLY HOLLEY and his wife, Claire, have been active members of Peachtree since 1997. He was president of his Sunday school class and also taught children’s Sunday school with Claire. His involvement at Peachtree has included serving on the Discipleship Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, Elder Nominating Committee, and as Clerk of Session for the 2015 Class of Elders. He is currently involved with the Atlanta Friendship Initiative, was a member of the board of The Empty Stocking Fund serving as Treasurer, and Kindred Spirit, a Christian home for pregnant teens, where he was the board chair. He, Claire, and their daughters, Amelia and Megan, have volunteered for Childspring International. He is the Chief Financial Officer for the Metro Atlanta YMCA.

JESSICA LAWRENCE has been a member of Peachtree since 2006. She grew up in Ohio and graduated from Denison University and Emory Law School. Jessica and her husband, Shep, met in a young adult Sunday school class at Peachtree. They have two daughters, Caitlin (6) and Caroline (4). Jessica has served on the Elder and Pastoral Nominating Committees. Shep and Jessica volunteer in the children’s ministry as Sunday school teachers and VBS crew leaders. Jessica also serves on the board for the LifeGate Counseling Center. DAVID ROBERTSON and his wife, Beth, have been active members at Peachtree for over 30 years and engaged in their Sunday school class, Partners in Faith. They have two adult sons, David and Charlie, and a beautiful daughter-in-law, Kristen (David)— all of whom are members at Peachtree! David is a returning Elder (Beth has also served as an Elder). David is the Managing Director for USI Insurance Services. David was on the founding board of Atlanta Insurance Ministries and remains active with that workplace ministry. ERIC SCOTT is the son of Presbyterian missionaries and grew up in Kenya and Germany. He graduated from Covenant College on Lookout Mountain, Georgia, as well as a nine-month residential spiritual formation program, The Trinity Forum Academy. A member at Peachtree since January 2016, Eric has sung in the Chancel Choir and Chamber Chorale, participated in the Brookhaven Red Dot group and IRONmentoring, led a young adults mens group, and taught confirmation. Eric is completing a Masters in City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology while interning at MARTA and Metro Atlanta Chamber.

Elder Nominees KEN SHIGLEY has been a Peachtree member since 1983 and was on the Session 1993–1996 and 1999–2002. He and his late wife, Sally, met through a singles class at Peachtree, were married here in 1983, and raised their children here. Last June, she was promoted to the church triumphant. Ken is a past president of the State Bar of Georgia, author of a treatise on Georgia tort law, and has his own law firm in Buckhead. He is a member of the Credence Class. WENDY STEWART and her husband, Carey, have been active members of Peachtree since 1996 when married by Dr. Harrington. They have two daughters, Lily (16) and Piper (14), who were baptized at Peachtree as infants and have participated in various programs since they were small. Wendy enjoys teaching adult Sunday school and more recently served as a Confirmation leader. Wendy serves as the Atlanta President and Co-Head of Global Commercial Banking for the Southeast region with Bank of America. Wendy is also very involved as a Board member, Development Chair, and Capital Campaign Co-chair for the Grove Park Foundation. CAYE TEEGARDEN has been a Peachtree member since 1982, active in Presbyterian Women for 30 years, and served as Moderator in 2007–8. She is currently Chairman of the Disciple Circle, the PW Memory Garden, and the PW Search Committee. In 2012, Caye was selected as an Honorary PW Life Member. She is the co-founder of the Thursday Morning Women’s Disciple Bible Study, where she has been active for 16 years. She was an active professional leader in the Georgia Chapter of ASID for 40 years and recently retired from her interior design business. Caye is a life-long Presbyterian, a native of Tennessee, and a graduate of the University of Tennessee. Caye and Bill have been married for 44 years, are active in their Sunday school class, and raised twin sons, Andrew (Kimbrell) and Stewart (Susanne), at Peachtree. They are now blessed with five grandchildren.

TOM TYE and his wife of 33 years, Beth, have been active members of Peachtree since 2000. Tom and Beth have three daughters raised at Peachtree, Carolyn, Elizabeth, and Christine. Tom is a Branch Manager at Universal Engineering and has provided geotechnical engineering for many projects in Atlanta and throughout the Southeast. Tom and Beth have served for years as Treasurer and President and remain active in the Faithmates class. Tom is also a table leader at IRONMEN. NANCY VASON and her husband, Hamp, have been members of Peachtree for over three decades. Their children, Betsie and Carlisle, were baptized at Peachtree and were actively involved in youth programs. Both children are married now, and Betsie and her husband, Mike, have a five-month-old son, Lane. Nancy works as a communication skills coach at Speechworks and is an adjunct professor at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech. She recently published her first book, The Dance of the Sandpipers. Nancy has previously served on Session. TRISHA WILLIAMSON and her husband, Jim, have been active members of Peachtree since 1981. Over the years, their family (including sons, Scott and Patrick) grew within the fellowship and shared faith at Peachtree. They were blessed to be able to represent Peachtree Missions in the Holy Land and China. Trisha’s passions have always focused on Presbyterian Women, children’s ministry, international and local missions, and Sunday school. Prior to retiring in 2010, Trisha worked with a variety of companies and non-profit groups in outside sales, marketing, and fundraising. She also enjoyed running her own business specializing in antiques and interior design. As a previous member of the Session, she is excited to serve again.

Elder Nominating Committee LIZ COOPER has been a life-long active member of Peachtree and was in the first Confirmation class under Frank Harrington. Over the years, she has been involved in the Youth Fellowship as a participant and then as an adult advisor as well as various adult Sunday school classes. She is a First Vice President in Private Wealth Management at SunTrust Bank. Currently, she is a member of The Vine Sunday school class and on the leadership team of the Stephen Ministry group. LESLIE CURRAN and her husband, Josh, joined Peachtree over 20 years ago. The Currans were original members of the Commitments Sunday school class and were married by Dr. Harrington in 1996. They have two children, Ansley (16) and Josh Jr. “JJ” (13), who were both baptized at Peachtree and are active in the youth program. Leslie is a Communications graduate of Syracuse University and worked in real estate at Lane Company. During her time at Peachtree, Leslie has served on the Global Missions Board, led a Women’s mission trip to Costa Rica, and went on a family mission trip to Jamaica. Leslie has taught Sunday school classes, served in children's ministry, and has been actively involved in MOPS, Women Mentoring Women, women’s Bible studies, and Red Dot. ELIZABETH HEAD and her husband, Hugh, have been members of Peachtree and the Explorers Sunday school class since 2011. They have two daughters, Eleanor (7) and Camille (4). At Peachtree, Liz participates in Women Mentoring Women, Life Younique, and a recently formed advisory council for women’s ministry. Liz volunteers with the LEAD Institute, an organization that provides business training to non-profit leaders and serves on the board of Presencia, a neighborhoodbased ministry providing tutoring programs to Atlanta's immigrant community. She is a graduate of the University of Georgia and Harvard Business School. STEVE IKE was born and raised in Athens, Georgia, and graduated from the University of Georgia. Steve joined Peachtree in 1989 and has served as an Elder, class president, Red Dot leader, and on the Christian Education and Elder Nominating Committees. He has participated in IRONMEN as a table leader and on Habitat Builds and mission trips to Ecuador and Guatemala. Steve is a Managing Partner with GreyHawk Partners Consulting and leads the business transformation and sales enablement practice. Steve and his wife, Nancy, live in Dunwoody and have two grown daughters, Greyson and Amelia.

SUZAN LASSETER was born and raised in Athens, Georgia, where she and her family were active in the Athens First United Methodist Church. She received her BBA degree from the University of Georgia in 1968 and her MBA in Marketing from Georgia State University in 1974. Before children, Suzan worked for Sears Retail Credit’s marketing research division and the Georgia Department of Revenue as Training Officer. Suzan taught preschool and preschool music for 30 years at Peachtree Road UMC. Suzan and her husband, Reuben, have two grown children, Lindsay Lockery and Dan Lasseter, and five brilliant grandchildren. Suzan and Reuben joined Peachtree in 1985. She has served in many roles with children’s and music ministries. Suzan sings in the Chancel Choir, rings with the Chancel Bells, serves as a Mentor Mom for Mothers of Preschoolers, and is a member of the Seekers Sunday school class. JONATHAN RUE is a life-long member of Peachtree, where he was baptized, confirmed, and married. Jonathan’s involvement in the life of the church has marked many memorable moments throughout his childhood, youth, and adulthood. Jonathan met his wonderful wife, Amanda, in the young adults class in 2012. The pair recently joined the Launch class leadership team and look forward to helping the continued success of the class. Jonathan attended Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, for his undergraduate degree and recently graduated from Georgia State University with his Masters in Professional Accountancy. Jonathan works in Finance for Newell Brands, and he and Amanda live in Sandy Springs with their dogs, Belle and Stella. BILL TUCKER, a native of Kentucky, moved to Atlanta in 1986. He and his wife, Dana, were married at Peachtree in 1987. They along with their children, Colin and Haley, joined the church ten years ago and have been active members of the congregation. Bill is a member of IRONMEN and has served as usher captain. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee and an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Bill is a partner in the investmentbanking firm of Tucker, Midis & Owen.


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

BIRTHS Ava Garrett Moseley 5/21 Stephanie & Brent Moseley Grandparents: Liz & Bill Serravezza Miroslav Franklin Toth 5/30 Carolina & Lukas Toth Grandparents: Vicki & Hal Franch, Brona & Alexander Toth Great Grandparents: Sara & the late William Franklin Harrington

HOSPITALS M. J. Kelly Home Hospice Care Ed Szpindor Signature Healthcare Marietta Julie Van de Voort St. Joseph's

To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404-842-5853 or CCody@PeachtreePres.org.


An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service and leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:

8:45 Alexandria Knudsen Trenton Knudsen

10:00 Katie Weatherby Adair Weeks

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of: Alvin (Al) N. Saylor by his wife, Marian, and family

Exploring Peachtree PeachtreeChurch.org/ExpPeachtree

Exploring Peachtree is an exciting, interactive class designed for those who are interested in learning more about Peachtree, a relationship with Jesus Christ, specific ways to get more involved, and membership. During our time together, we’ll have a light breakfast. Childcare is provided through our Children and Family Ministry. We look forward to personally meeting you and helping you grow in your faith in Jesus Christ, along with getting more involved at Peachtree!

UPCOMING DATES June 24 August 12 October 14 November 18

CONTACT Marsha Sims Hospitality Coordinator MSims@PeachtreePres.org 404.842.3146

Thanks for joining us at Peachtree! We’re glad you’re here and would love to get to know you. Name(s):

I/We are new to Peachtree

I’m interested in learning about joining




Under 20



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Connect Card


Phone: Email:

I would like to learn more about the following ministries: (check all that apply)

Grand Adults







Young Adults

Children & Family (birth–4th grade)

Student (5th–12 th grade) Other:

Prayer request(s): 3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30305 PeachtreeChurch.org

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