Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to love God in heart, mind, soul, and strength.
ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME Prelude Choral Introit * Hallelujah from Messiah, G. F. Handel Call to Worship* Pastor: Christ is risen! People: Christ is risen! Pastor: Christ is risen! People: Christ is the King of glory! Pastor: Shout “Alleluia” for death has been swallowed up in life! People: Alleluia! Christ is risen!
GIVE PRAISE TO GOD Hymn of Praise** Jesus Christ is Risen Today Not in hymnal Lighting of the Candles/Placing of the Bible
Affirmation of Faith: The Apostle’s Creed* I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; The holy catholic church; The communion of saints; The forgiveness of sins; The resurrection of the body, And the life everlasting. Amen.
Anthem Stephen McCluskey, soloist Here on Earth from A German Requiem, Johannes Brahms Here on earth have we no continuing place, And yet, we seek one to come. —Hebrews 13:14
Lo, I unfold unto you a mystery: We shall not all sleep when He cometh, But we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, At the sound of the trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Then what of old was written, the same shall be brought to pass. For death shall be swallowed in victory. Grave, where is thy triumph? Death, O where is thy sting?
Offering Our Gifts Risen Today! Dan Forrest Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumph high! Alleluia! Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia! Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids Him rise! Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia! Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Dying once, He all doth save, Alleluia! Where thy victory, O grave, Alleluia! Soar we now where Christ has lead, Alleluia! Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!
Congregational Response* Crown Him with Many Crowns Not in hymnal
Life of the Congregation**
John 20:1–8 (Pew Bible, 1685–1686) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
EASTER GIFTS GO IN GOD’S NAME Hymn of Response* Lift High the Cross Not in hymnal Invitation and Benediction* Postlude Toccata from Symphony V, Charles-Marie Widor
—1 Corinthians 15:51–52
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Mary Hoffman Director of Music 10:00
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Mary Hoffman Director of Music 11:15
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care Mary Hoffman Director of Music
LIGHTING THE CANDLES Thomas & John Eidbo 10:00 Caden & Beckett McLary 11:15
PLACING THE BIBLE Betty Williams 8:45 Joe King 10:00 Doug Justice 11:15
MILESTONES BIRTHS Margaret MacNeil Klein Miranda & Marty Klein
Charlotte Victoria Ueda Kim & Ken Ueda
Every year on Easter Sunday, Senior Pastor Dr. Vic Pentz shares a gift with the Peachtree community. On his sixteenth and final Easter as Peachtree’s Senior Pastor, Vic has saved his best gift for last. Today’s gift is a handmade pysanka Easter egg from the country of Ukraine. Pysanky are a traditional Ukranian folk art which has been a means for Orthodox Christians to celebrate Easter for centuries. Eggs are traditionally handcrafted during Holy Week using a thin, writing-like technique to paint intricate designs. The word pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, which means “to write.” The egg is, of course, one of the strongest images of Easter, symbolizing Christ’s tomb, which appears as a stone but when opened is empty, reminding us of the new life found in the resurrected Christ.
Easter Lilies
IN MEMORY Janis B. Abernathy Bill & Lorena Adams Marian B. Adcock Helen Adcox Roy Dean Adcox Sandy Adcox Harold & Bette Andersen Thomas Warwick Barry Jaynes Ellen Bartlett Sally Bartlett Mrs. Ken Beacham R. S. Beacham Elizabeth Beard Andrew Beck Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Bender, Jr. James Bennhardt Michael Blair William N. Blake Mr. Harold Blankenship Lois A. Boardman Shelby Boles Jack Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Bill Brooks Louis & Rachel Bunte Amy Burson Zachariah Burson Ken Byers, Sr. Darby Byrd Jane Caldwell Elizabeth Camp Thomas Camp M. VanLeer Cannon Mr. Tom Cape Dorothy Card Monye M. Connolly James Leroy Cotter Mr. Phil Cox Gwendolyn Diane Cross Dorrance Fitzgerald Dalrymple Peter K. Daniel Carol Davis David E. Dearolph Edwin & Florence Dearolph Francis Diaz Gabriel Diaz Hank Dilcher Jennifer Jones Dodge Sam Dominey Rev. Randy Driggers Rochelle Easter Edna Eicher Russell Eicher
Elizabeth Emery Margaret Falk Henry S. Farmer Charlie Flowers Harold Floyd Mr. Richard G. Friese Mr. Robert M. Friese Mrs. Lucille H. Friese Mrs. Mabel M. Friese F. D. Garrard Katherine Joiner Garrard H. Burton Gay, III Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Gordon Lowell Gornall Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Frank Grundeis Martha Hagood Jeffrey T. Haish Thomas W. Haish Dewey Hamilton Olivia Hamilton Bevelyn Hardy The Rev. Dr. W. Frank Harrington, Jr. James Harris Mr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Harris Winifred Hazelton Mae & John Walton Henderson James E. Henry Mr. Robert W. Hilliard Mrs. Carroll G. Hilliard Bob Hoffman Jeff Hollingsworth Mr. Charles Hollingsworth Mrs. Virginia Hollingsworth Mr. & Mrs. J. Troy Horn Caroline Howard Pierre Howard Ridley Howard Nora Tinling Hughes Thomas Owens Hutchinson David Shawn Ingalls Shelley Johnston Larry Jones Scott Jones Frances G. Keim Flora Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Cecil W. Kent Jim Kincaid James C. Kincaid, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. King Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Kloppenberg John Lapelle
John Hunter Lapelle, Jr. John Laubach Ms. Shirley Leopard Drucilla Lester Chris Letts Gwynne Letts Jim Letts Mr. & Mrs. William Lewis Sarah Monroe Lopes John Lubniewski Clarence J. MacDonald Jacqueline A. MacDonald Eleanor & Bernard Machen Prevost Marshall Virginia W. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. McLain Mr. & Mrs. C. E. B. Mendenhall Mr. Cooper Mills, Sr. Ruth Montgomery The Rev. & Mrs. J. Fred Moore Grace Morelli Mr. & Mrs. Ray Morris Mr. Douglas Howell Murdock Mr. James Naphin Mrs. Geneva Naphin Mr. & Mrs. Parker Narrows John C. Nemesnyik Henry & Minnie Nesz Dr. & Mrs. Waldo B. Newell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John & Scottie Newton Joseph B. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Randell Nord Joel V. O’Neal Cam Owens Kent Owens Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Owens Steve Owens Joyce Payne Daniel Sloan Peake Mr. Robert D. Pee Brandon Pentz Jim Pittman Doris Pospisil Edward D. Powers Tom Prim Mrs. Nell S. Pritchett Augustus (Gus) Raney Fred & Louise Ratchford Hope Nicole Ray Jacqueline T. Roblek Jackie Sadler Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Russell Sage
Alvin N. Saylor Arthur G. Schoeck Asa & Shelia Seeds Virginia Shenk Mrs. Clarice S. Shipp Anne & Larry Shippey Mrs. Bertha Sipos H. W. Smith Alan Smith Alma Rita Smith Barbara Patricia (Patti) Smith Mary & Wilbur Smith Mr. C. Elmer Smith Pearl Smith Robert Smith William Robert (Bob) Smith William Robert (Bobby) Smith Mr. & Mrs. Geo L. Smith, II (Sally) Randolph Smith, Jr. Larry Starkey Mary Gladys Kincaid Stephenson Mrs. Polly DePass Stephenson Robert M. Stephenson John P. Stevens, Jr. Frank G. Stevenson, Jr. Theresa Swindall Keith P. Tash Mrs. Eva S. Taylor W. Jack Thomas Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Thompson Eleanor Thumser Virginia Torbert Teresita Urbano Patricia Vaughan Anne Walker Dr. Henry F. Warden, Jr. Mrs. Henry F. (Sally) Warden, Jr. Helen Wartman Walter Weber Mr. & Mrs. Tom White Eugene & Ellen Williams Lampton Williams Margaret Winslow Harriett Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. G. Fred Wolters Mr. & Mrs. Bud Wright Susan Youngblood Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zazworsky Vera Zeckets William Zeckets
IN HONOR Nicky Arnold The Baldwin Family Andy Bayles Diane Beck Allison Beck Dean Ms. Marlene Blankenship Barbie Bosshardt Margaret Boyd The Caldwell Family Betty & Louis Cambra The Chancel Choir Betty Crawford Elle Crawford Gwen Catherine Cross Marnie & Mark Crumpler Nancy Jane Dawson Bob & Nancy Dawson Heather Ellison Pam Elting Edith Floyd Karen & Demi Folds Sonja & Frank Foster Malcolm Gailey Eric Goodwin Katherine Goodwin Lillian Goodwin William Goodwin Judy Gray Roxanne Gross Shannon Hagood The Hale Family Nell Hall Sara R. Harrington Vicki Harrington Franch Ryan Jackson Yolanda Jones Don & Mary Jordan Dale Jowers McKamie Jowers Mary Kidd, MD Lawson Kimbrel
Lindsay E. Kimbrel Glenn Kincaid Richard M. King Jay & Rebecca Madden Blake Maguire Liam Maguire Matt Maguire Virginia Maguire Emily & Christopher McAnally Alden McDonald Eloise McDonald Hudson McDonald Albert S. McGhee Elizabeth A. McGhee Thelma McGhee & Family Pamela E. McKenney Frances Merritt, Esq. Lauren Milmine Joel Milne Pat Milne Michael Moore Jack Neill Morgan Neill William Nichols Jane & Lamar Oglesby Vic & Becky Pentz John Phillips Chuck & Lib Roberts Lorie & Mack Secord Mary Shearouse Ginger & Joe Skillen Julia Smith Robert Stackhouse John Vaughan Henry Van Wagner Suzy Williams Alison Womack Brandy Womack Cheryl Womack Steven Wooddell Ruth Yoder
Over 116 million girls in the developing world are unable to complete school. Lack of education is a primary factor in the continued cycle of poverty and violence.
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
As an example, if all mothers in Africa could complete primary school, the maternal death rate would drop by 70%. Peachtree is committed to helping girls around the world become the women that God created them to be. A $500 gift will enable a girl to complete secondary school. The goal for today’s offering is to send at least 100 girls to school through Peachtree’s global ministry partners.
—Luke 4:18–19
Put cash or checks in the Easter offering envelope and drop in the plate. If giving by check, write the word “Easter” in the memo. Text 404-800-7578 and enter any amount, then the keyword “Easter” (e.g. “500 Easter” creates a $500 gift). Follow the link to complete your gift.
Give online any time at peachtreechurch.org/eastergiving
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Spouse’s Name: (if applicable) Join us for the 152nd Atlanta Habitat for Humanity Home Build honoring the memory of Peachtree members, Ruth Montgomery and Charles Taylor, who were both active Habitat volunteers. Together, we will build a new home over the course of seven Saturdays. Dust off your work gloves, get ready to hammer, and be a hard hat hero! Register online. The build will be every Saturday from April 2–May 14. peachtreechurch.org/habitat
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On April 14 at 7:00 pm in the Summit, join us for a unique experience with some of Christian music’s most acclaimed singer/songwriters. Brandon Heath and others will lead worship in a night of songs, stories, and prayer in the fight to end human trafficking. This event is sponsored by Peachtree’s mission partner International Justice Mission, a global organization that protects the poor from violence throughout the developing world. peachtreechurch.org/artmusicjustice
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* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.
Learn more about your relationship with God, specific ways to get involved with the church, and about joining Peachtree next week in this exciting, interactive class. The next Exploring Peachtree class takes place Sunday, April 10, in room 2315 from 10:00 am –12:15 pm. peachtreechurch.org/exppeachtree