Oct 27 bulletin 2

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Where is Your Heart? Matthew 6:19-21

SANCTUARY WORSHIP October 27, 2013 | 8:45, 10:00 and 11:15 AM Services | Generosity Sunday

Assemble in God’s Name

Listen to God’s Word


Where is Your Heart?..........................................Vic Pentz Matthew 6:19-21...............................Pew Bible, page 1504

*Call to Worship Leader: Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. People: Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Leader: Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet ... praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. ALL: Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. (Psalm 150) *Processional Hymn

Now Thank We All Our God Anthem

I Sing the Greatness of Our God **Life of the Congregation Hymn of Confession (See insert)

Dear Lord and Father of Mankind


Ready for a Miracle


When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Prayer of Thanksgiving and Benediction Choir Response

God Be with You Postlude

Carillon de Westminster, Opus 54 No.6

FLOWERS IN WORSHIP The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of Peter K. Daniel. They are a gift from his loving family.

Assurance of Pardon *Hymn Medley (See insert)

Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Oh, How I Love Jesus Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Standing on the Promises Pastoral Prayer Offering *Those who are able, please stand. ** Ushers will seat latecomers at this time. If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in The Williams Center, and the Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center. Special Thanks to Steve and Michelle Tart, Tigger and Kelly Marshall, and Sylvia Ratchford for their participation in today’s video.

Discover how to embrace the message of Jesus to such an extent that we live in his heavenly reality day by day.

Heart? Where is Your

LEADING THE WORSHIP 8:45 AM Vic Pentz, senior pastor Marnie Crumpler, executive pastor

Generosity 2014

10:00 AM Vic Pentz, senior pastor Chuck Roberts, pastor for congregational life 11:15 AM Vic Pentz, senior pastor Mark Crumpler, pastor for teaching and spiritual formation


Leading the music The Chancel Choir The Kingdom Singers The Praise Singers The Cherub Choir The Celebration Ringers Mary Hoffman, director of music ministries Nicholas Bowden, principal organist Andy Bayles, staff accompanist/arranger Heather Ellison, music associate Chris Barry, kingdom singers director Jennifer Hanna, cherub choir director Shar Wilson, children’s music assistant Persis Bristol, guest soloist Brandon Craswell, trumpet Clayton Chastain, trumpet Ryan Moser, trumpet Jason Eklund, horn Anna Dodd, horn Nathan Zgonc, trombone Garret Arrowood, trombone Ed Nicholson, bass trombone Don Strand, tuba Michael Cebulski, timpani Joel Morris, percussion Tim Aucoin, electric bass LIGHTING THE CANDLES - 8:45 & 10:00 Addie Ellis & Matt Ellis Hayden Shoup & William Sharp ELDERS PLACING THE BIBLE - 8:45, 10:00 & 11:15 Marianne Lassiter Shep Lawrence Laura Little

How do you get a heart for something? Put your treasures there, and your heart will follow - every time.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. - Matthew 6:21 Consider God’s work in your life and make your estimate of giving in worship today or online at peachtreepres.org/2014giving

MILESTONES BIRTHS Jenni & Walton Coleman Boy: Chandler Hugh, 7/4 Whitney & Tom Bartlett Boy: Asher Lane, 8/21 Jennifer & Tim O’Donnell Girl: Inara Grace, 9/30 Doug & Katie Miller Girl: Katelyn Jennings, 10/12 Laura Beth & Trey Gunter Girl: Julianna Ruth, 10/19


Connect Card Welcome to Peachtree. We’re glad you are here!


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Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (please circle one) Your Name Spouse’s Name (if applicable) Street City



OCTOBER FOOD DRIVE During the month of October, Peachtree is collecting non-perishable food for BCM.

Phone Email ❑ Single

❑ Married

❑ I / We have kids aged newborn - 4th grade ❏ I / We have kids 5th - 12th grade

I would like to join a volunteer team for ❏ Usher / Greeter ❏ Children’s Ministry

There are 2 ways you can help: 1. Drop food at a bin on campus 2. Buy a bag online at peachtreepres.org/mission. The following items are needed: Peanut Butter, Instant Grits, Spaghetti Noodles, Canned Tuna, Chicken Broth, Jelly, Canned Vegetables, Spaghetti Sauce, M ac & Cheese, Beans, Cornbread Mix, Rice, Instant Oatmeal, Soup, Ramen Noodles, Canned Fruit


❏ Student Ministry ❏ Music Ministry-Instrumental / Vocal ❏ Worship Video Production

I would like prayer

*Please fold and drop in the offering plate

For more information go to peachtreepres.org/news

DO JUSTICE New sermon series begins November 10th peachtreepres.org/mission

FOOD TRUCKS Today, October 27 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Welcome Center

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