Sep 2 Bulletin

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UNEXPECTED TOGETHERNESS belonging at the heart of the gospel

September 2, 2018 Letting Go | Luke 5:17–26

8:45 | 10:00 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Prayer of Adoration Morning Has Broken Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow*



Luke 5:17–26 (Pew Bible 1598–1599) CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENT Communion

FOLLOWING GOD INTO THE WORLD The Power of the Cross Invitation & Benediction Postlude

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

* In the 8:45 & 11:15 services, children are invited to come forward and be escorted to their classrooms.


Cannons All Creatures of Our God and King Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer What a Beautiful Name*


Dr. Mark Brewer Interim Associate Pastor

Communion I Stand Amazed

O Praise the Name (AnĂĄstasis) Invitation & Benediction Postlude

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.

Life of the Congregation

Next Sunday, September 9 11 am–12 pm or 12:15 –1:15 pm Fellowship Hall


($10 with online registration by midnight Wednesday, September 5)

$5/ages 3–10 Children 2 and under free $30 Max for families up to 6 ($10 extra per person above 6)


PASTOR’S PRIZE 2018 Begins September 9 | Ages 3–4th Grade This year’s children’s memorization theme is The Fellowship of Believers, and we will be memorizing Acts 2:42–47. Stop by Family Commons to pick up a memorization packet.

HOPE HEALS September 12 | 7:00–8:30 pm | The Lodge Join us for our annual Women’s Fall Kickoff for a night of worship and a story of heartache and hope with Katherine Wolf. Registration is free, so bring a friend. SIGN UP:

WOMEN’S FALL BIBLE STUDY Groups Begin Mid-September Join us for a new women’s study with a three-book series beginning with The Good and Beautiful God. For days, times, and more information, register online.

PERSONAL CARE DRIVE September 2018 Save your travel-sized toiletries for youth in need. Presbyterian Women and Covenant House are collecting these items in donation bins around the church.


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

BIRTHS Harrison Wales Candler 8/17 Lauren & Scotty Candler William Rives Swift 8/23 Caroline & Will Swift

MEMBER DEATHS Paul Davis 8/25 Father of Jim, Cate & Will Davis

FAMILY MEMBER DEATHS Linda Silcott 8/24 Mother of Libby Quiner Grandmother of Gardner, Banks & Isaac Quiner

To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404-842-5853 or


An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service and leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:

8:45 Jupiter Jones

Faith Milestones Sunday morning flowers may be dedicated in the memory or honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion such as a baptism. For details or to reserve a date, contact Marsha Sims: at 404-842-3146 or MSims@ Peachtree’s Faith Milestones program provides a tangible way of marking our children’s growth in faith and providing a path of experiences they can remember as they celebrate God at work in their lives. These celebrations remind us that we travel this journey together in community and give us a chance to pause during these important moments and acknowledge God’s presence and faithfulness. Faith Milestone celebrations are opportunities for parents and children to experience shared conversation and activities around a faith topic such as worship, God’s word, and prayer. Peachtree’s Faith Milestones ensure a celebration for each child each school year and are “don’t miss” opportunities for families.

CONTACT Deanne Townsend Minister to Children & Families 404.842.5845

Thanks for joining us at Peachtree! We’re glad you’re here and would love to get to know you. Name(s):

I/We are new to Peachtree

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Under 20



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Connect Card


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I would like to learn more about the following ministries: (check all that apply)

Grand Adults






Sunday School Young Adults

Children & Family (birth–4th grade)

Student (5th–12 th grade) Other:

Prayer request(s): 3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30305

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