Sept 22 bulletin

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A life that can stand up to anything.


Making Sense of Sex Matthew 5:27-30

sAnCTUARY WoRsHiP September 22, 2013 | 8:45, 10:00 and 11:15 AM Services

Assemble in God’s nAme

**Life of the Congregation


Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Verses on the ‘Gloria’ *Congregational Introit

Christ is Made the Sure Foundation *Prayer of Adoration

GiVe PRAise To God **Hymn of Praise

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven - #31 Lighting of the Candles Placement of the Bible Prayer of Confession Gracious and loving God, in the beginning you created us in your image, making us male and female, intending that the two should be one flesh. We confess that we have taken what you intended and remade it according to our own liking. In both thought and deed we have diminished what you designed. Forgive us and change our desires that they may be only for your glory. Help us to honor everyone we see as someone who bears your image. Give us hearts that seek to honor you in all that we think and do. Hold us with your covenant keeping love as we offer to you with our silent confessions . . . Assurance of God’s Forgiveness *Congregational Response

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less - #368 My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ Name. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand.

Offering Our Gifts

Open Thou Mine Eyes Open Thou mine eyes and I shall see Incline my heart and I shall desire: Order my steps and I shall walk in the ways, Shall walk in the ways of Thy commandments. O Lord my God, be Thou to me a God, And beside Thee let there be none else, no other, Nought else with Thee. Vouchsafe to me to worship Thee and serve Thee, to serve Thee. According to Thy commandments, in truth of spirit, In reverence of body, In blessing of lips, In private and public. Open Thou mine eyes… *Doxology

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow - #544

lisTen To God’s WoRd Rock: A Life That Can Stand Up to Anything Making Sense of Sex................................................Vic Pentz Matthew 5:27-30.................................Pew Bible, page 1502

*Those who are able, please stand. ** Ushers will seat latecomers at this time. If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in The Williams Center, and the Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center.

Discover how to embrace the message of Jesus to such an extent that we live in his heavenly reality day by day.

TodAY in WoRsHiP

Go in God’s nAme *Hymn of Response

Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated - #310

APd liFe insURAnCe FUnd

*Invitation and Benediction

Car Show Recap


The Atlanta Police Foundation’s life insurance fund, established through Peachtree, is a vital part of the ongoing work of the Altanta’s police officers.

Rondo in G Major

leAdinG THe WoRsHiP Vic Pentz, senior pastor - 8:45 AM Chuck Roberts, pastor for congregational life Steve Huntley, pastor for grand adults Vic Pentz, senior pastor - 10:00 AM Chuck Roberts, pastor for congregational life Vicki Harrington Franch, pastor for pastoral care Vic Pentz, senior pastor - 11:15 AM Jay Madden, pastor for mission Josh Peck, director of college and young adult ministires

The fund has helped the families of several fallen officers in the last few years. In today’s featured story, listen to Chief George Turner talk at our recent Cool Cars for Christ car show about the fund’s impact. To learn more about Cool Cars and the APD Life Insurance fund, visit

leAdinG THe mUsiC The Chancel Choir Mary Hoffman, director of music John H. Roark, associate organist Andy Bayles, piano


liGHTinG THe CAndles - 8:45 Lily Mercer & Margaret Axelson

Jenny & McCullough Hodgson Boy: William Euguene, 4/11

eldeRs PlACinG THe bible - 8:45, 10:00 & 11:15 Chip Groome Jim Crawford Carla Heard

FloWeRs in WoRsHiP The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of Marie L. Diercks. They are the gift by her husband, Chester W. Diercks, Jr. and her children, Chester W. Diercks, III (Chet) and Lisa Diercks.


WEDDINGS Elizabeth Ezzell and Jeff Perry Saturday, September 21, 2013 Parents of the Bride: Debbie Ezzell Doug Ezzell Parents of the Groom: Susan Foote Tim & Calico Perry

IN THE HOSPITAL Northside Dorothy Farmer Greta Labus

GeT inVolVed

ConneCT CARd Welcome to Peachtree. We’re glad you are here!

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This year we will join together to provide seeds for thousands of family and community gardens in Malawi and Liberia. Each garden will feed six to eight people for an entire year, plus give seeds for the next planting season. Register online now at:



❑ I / We have kids aged newborn - 4th grade ❏ I / We have kids 5th - 12th grade

I would like to join a volunteer team for ❏ Usher / Greeter ❏ Children’s Ministry ❏ Student Ministry ❏ Music Ministry-Instrumental / Vocal ❏ Worship Video Production

I would like prayer

Stay plugged in. Worship at Peachtree with our live webcast.


Today, following each service, meet in the Williams Center at the piano.


*Please fold and drop in the offering basket

For more information go to

The fastest spot on campus Today, September 22 is actually off campus! 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Try the Peachtree Express. Welcome Center (No 5th Sunday Lunch)

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