2015 JCI Plan of Action

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JCI Plan of Action Global Leadership of Active Citizens

Introduction JCI is an organization that was founded and exists by the impact created by its members in local communities and the global society. This impact is created by the innovative projects, creative programs and sustainable solutions developed by empowered young active citizens. While this has remained a constant throughout JCI’s strong history, the organization recognizes that the challenges of today require collaborative solutions that involve all sectors of society: government, business and civil society. The 2014–2018 JCI Strategic Plan outlines a number of strategies and action steps that the organization can embark on to become the leading organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact. The 2015 JCI Plan of Action will guide the organizations operations for the upcoming year. It will provide concrete measurements that the organization can use at the local, national and international level to implement the Strategic Plan, along with achieving the JCI Mission and Vision.

2015: 100th Anniversary of the JCI Movement 2015 is a very special period for our organization, a year of opportunity to connect members. Just as St. Louis serves as the gateway to the West in the United States, in the center of the east and west, 2015 serves as the gateway between the first 100 years of our organization and the upcoming years, when we will impact new generations, places, projects and partners. This year marks one hundred years of impact and we will celebrate the lives and communities our organization has touched and the position we have played in shaping the world. The world today is full of uncertainty and challenges. We have no other choice but to unite all our efforts to create a better world. This is achieved in the long-term by increasing the participation of active citizens involved in business, government and civil society. Solutions to these challenges facing our world can be achieved by active citizens conducting local projects creating sustainable impact.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


Objectives Continuing to work toward achieving the strategies in the 2014–2018 JCI Strategic Plan and accomplish our goals for the year 2015, a number of objectives have been identified. When achieved together, they will contribute to JCI becoming the organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact. The following objectives and their subsequent actions are listed below along with which stakeholders are responsible for completion and by when.


INDIVIDUAL LEVEL Increase the number of young active citizens in their communities around the world. Measured by the Active Citizen Index: The number of young active citizens in a community divided by the number of all young people in the community.


ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL Spread impact to more communities by increasing the activity of members. Measured by the increase in the number of active JCI Local Organizations


COMMUNITY LEVEL Align JCI Active Citizen Framework projects with local community needs. Measured by the Impact Index: Number of JCI Active Citizen Framework projects per JCI Local Organization

Action Steps Action steps are organized in sub categories, defined as either main activities or support activities. Main Activities

Support Activities

• Events

• Communications

• Programs

• Development

• Projects

• Operations

• Skills Development

• Services

2015 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will enable communities to achieve sustainable impact. Creating sustainable impact is important because it leads to a world where human security is a reality for all global citizens.

Communications • Create opportunities to share stories showcasing the impact JCI has created all around the world over the past 100 years. Key Performance Indicator: Projects Impact 100 Development • Increase the number of National and Local communities where JCI is active. Key Performance Indicator: Number of active National and Local Organizations Programs • Update and follow 100% Efficiency Program for National Organizations. Key Performance Indicator: Number of National Organizations fulfilling 100% Efficiency Projects • Launch an interactive project management system to support JCI members’ work conducting JCI Active Citizen Framework projects. Key Performance Indicator: Number of projects uploaded to the system and Project Management tools • Promote the MY World interactive analytics tool to JCI members, showing needs defined by JCI communities. Key Performance Indicator: Number of completed MY World surveys Skills Development • Develop a guide for Local Officers Training focused on effectively running a JCI organization, integrating JCI Strategies at the local level, and running community-based projects. Key Performance Indicator: Testing and launch of Local Officers Training course

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2015, JCI will spread impact by sharing stories of impact and spreading development into new communities.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will create an environment in which people are motivated toward positive change. Motivation is important because tackling the challenges of today requires empowered, passionate global citizens ready to take action.

Communications • Enhance communication with stakeholders of the organization (National Presidents, Local Presidents, Senators, Alumni and Partners). Key Performance Indicator: Newsletter reach and social media reach Programs • Spread the flagship program JCI TOYP by preparing a platform in Conferences and Congress for sharing best practices of running JCI TOYP on the national level. Key Performance Indicator: Number of National JCI TOYP Programs Projects • Use the JCI Impact Months and the Special Recognition Program to recognize the work of JCI members, and further motivate JCI members by sharing these stories of impact through various forms of communications. Key Performance Indicator: Impact Month recognitions and number of projects submitted to the Project Gallery Skills Development • Develop a skills development plan as it relates to the JCI Mission. Key Performance Indicator: New Skills Development plan • Expand the JCI Skills Development Program by introducing online and offline courses that further enhance the skills of JCI members to accomplish the JCI Mission. Key Performance Indicator: New Skills Development Programs and number of JCI Official and Recommended Courses organized

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2015, JCI members will have actively participated in an environment that enables them to share knowledge and tools, motivating them to create positive change.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will create a financial plan that invests in long-term goals. Investment is important because active citizens are responsible for sustaining progress to advance our mutual goals.

Development • Adopt and implement a Global Youth Empowerment fund in partnership with other organizations aimed towards creating sustainable impact. Key Performance Indicator: Fund size • Support the establishment national JCI secretariats while strengthening the relationship between JCI Headquarters and National Secretariats. Key Performance Indicator: New National Secretariats • Use the 100th Anniversary of the JCI Movement to generate revenue to fund long-term projects for the organization. Key Performance Indicator: Sponsorship kit, number of sponsors and sponsorship value

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2015, JCI will have become more financially secure by increasing the amount of assets in reserve.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will bring together like-minded partners in order to expand mutual impact. Collaboration is important because it unites like-minded active citizens to expand our ability to create sustainable solutions. Events • Ensure JCI’s representation at relevant international summits and events held by partners and like-minded organizations. Key Performance Indicator: Number of events where JCI is represented • Organize Partnership Summits in Area Conferences to build and strengthen partnerships, and motivate Regional, National and Local Organizations to run their own Partnership Summits. Key Performance Indicator: Partnership Summits at Area Conferences Programs • Develop a program structure for Local Organizations, in cooperation with local partners, to recognize active citizens and projects that are creating sustainable impact in their community. Key Performance Indicator: Program structure development and related tool development Projects • Adopt and begin the implementation of the post 2015 global development agenda by running JCI MY World Forums in local communities. Key Performance Indicator: Number of JCI MY World Forums conducted

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2015, JCI members and stakeholders from all sectors of society will have become stronger in their mutual actions to create sustainable impact.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will connect people, their communities and the global society. Connection is important because sharing ideas and actions will result in a global movement that creates positive change. Communications • Develop tools to support National and Local Organizations enhance their communications. Key Performance Indicator: Communication tools developed for National and Local Organizations Events • Determine the content and minimum requirements of JCI Events, in order to guide Conference and Congress Organizing Committees to achieve better outcomes. Key Performance Indicator: Survey feedback • Revaluate JCI Events with the goal to make them more relevant. Key Performance Indicator: JCI Events Manual Programs • Build and encourage stronger collaboration between National Organization and Local Organization with JCI Twinning Program. Key Performance Indicator: JCI Twinning success stories • Develop tools for Local Organizations to organize JCI Impact Talks to engage past JCI members, partners and community stakeholders. Key Performance Indicator: JCI Impact Talks Services • Develop a program to encourage active engagement of JCI Alumni. Key Performance Indicator: Number of active alumni • Design and Promote a Mentorship Program Key Performance Indicator: Mentorship program tools

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2015, JCI members will have built stronger networks that facilitate conversation and information sharing within the organization and their local communities.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


Conclusion For years, JCI has created impact, touched lives, transformed communities and shaped the world. In 2015, we will continue the work that our founder started 100 years ago and create positive change. Based in communities around the world, we will continue to Impact Motivate Invest Collaborate and Connect. In 2015, we continue our commitment to caring for our communities. As active citizens, we embrace Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) by taking ownership of challenges and initiating projects that create positive change in the world. We commit to making the world a better, more peaceful place bringing smiles to all citizens. This year we celebrate 100 years of impact and strive to leave a great legacy in 2015 and beyond.

2015 JCI Plan of Action


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