JCI 2021 Annual Report

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JCI (Junior Chamber International), Inc.

PO Box 4094, Chesterfield, MO 63096-4094, USA +1-636-449-3100 • www.jci.cc

JCI Regional Office for Africa and the Middle East

28 John Olugbo Street, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

JCI Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific PO Box 4094, Chesterfield, MO 63096-4094, USA

Developing leaders for a changing world

JCI Regional Office for America

Torres Villanueva 1192 c/ Pastor Filártiga, Asunción, Paraguay

JCI Regional Office for Europe

Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin, Germany


2021 JCI Annual Report
2021 JCI Annual Report Contents About JCI World Headquarters 4 Message from 2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima 6 Mission, Vision and Values 7 Who We Are 8 JCI Around the World 10 Board of Directors Events and Global Work 12 National Presidents Meetings 14 JCI Academy 16 Area Conferences 18 World Congress 2021 Developments 20 Creative Young Entrepreneur Program 26 Global Leaderships Masterclass JCI RISE Global Initiative 28 Member Project Showcase Financial Reports 30 2021 Financial Results 31 JCI Foundation JCI Senate Partnerships 32 JCI Partners 34 JCI Club 100 and Corporate Sponsorships Closing Remarks

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Message from the 2021

JCI President Ryubun Kojima

When COVID-19 first began, it created a global wave of great confusion, fear and chaos. We had all hoped that by 2021 the pandemic would have come to pass, but it quickly became obvious that would not be the case. From a weakened global economy to a serious and widespread mental health crisis, the world was in desperate need of help — and of helpers.

Despite the challenges faced around the world, JCI’s enterprising young leaders did not waver. Instead, they stepped forward to lead vital projects, bringing historic growth and prosperity to our organization. We continued the JCI RISE Initiative, showing people across the globe that JCI is a force of innovation and entrepreneurship. We held four digital Area Conferences and one virtual World Congress, learning from our experiences in 2020. We launched new projects such as the Creative Young Entrepreneur program and the first of four Global Leadership Masterclasses — fantastic new tools that will assuredly help JCI members better themselves as leaders. Even in a time when COVID-19 found countless ways to make life more challenging, we found ourselves just as ambitious and capable as ever.


All these new elements, the products of countless hours of labor, lead us closer to achieving our goal of “One Future.” Tirelessly, passionately and creatively, you all engaged with fellow members and partners in government, business and civil society to create economic solutions to complex problems.

At the beginning of my year of leadership, I asked JCI to embody the ideology of Okagesama and Oyakume. These Japanese phrases call on us to be grateful for those who support us and to take ownership of our duties, respectively. Throughout 2021, as members combined these concepts of gratitude, humility, duty and responsibility, I saw so much within JCI that made me proud to be part of this organization.

By using the wisdom of these concepts,

our members achieved an unprecedented amount of innovation, and even more, we saw our JCI global membership grow by three percent! Nothing stops JCI. When faced with challenges, we thrive and succeed.

2021 is a testament to that.

It is my great passion and my belief that the JCI mission matters above all. This is because I understand that for JCI to thrive in its goals, we must ALL work together, and be unified by our shared purpose. I lead with the focus on “One Future.” I encourage everyone to still hold this idea in your hearts as we continue achieving great things. You and I are single points in the sky — together, with all the rest of the JCI members, we paint a brilliant starscape that lights the heavens and shows other aspiring leaders the way to greatness. Through unity and cohesion, we can accomplish anything.

2021 JCI Annual Report 5 I

Mission *

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

Vision *

To be the leading network of young active citizens.


We believe…

That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;

That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;

That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;

Government should be of laws rather than of men;

Earth’s great treasure lies in human personality;

Service to humanity is the best work of life.

How We Do It

A Journey of Steadfast Determination

JCI continues to stand proudly as a global organization that provides endless opportunities for young leaders through prestigious events, training, projects and programs. 2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima championed his year to lead with the theme “One Future,” focusing on how streamlined and collaborative power can create sustainable change. With COVID-19 still prevalent in global society, President Ryubun also made the pragmatic decision to continue the JCI RISE initiative. Despite the difficulty of worldwide lockdowns, JCI still flourished and membership increased by three percent worldwide, a threshold that has not been reached in several years.

We strive to be the foremost global network of young leaders who are at the same time global entrepreneurs, global networkers, global communicators and global changemakers. JCI gives members the opportunity to develop as individuals , promote economic justice through entrepreneurship, encourage and facilitate collective problem-solving , and foster cooperation and understanding amongst people through meaningful actions . When leaders are needed, JCI members are there to guide the world forward into a constantlychanging future and boost long-term economic and societal growth.

Our History

JCI’s story begins with Henry Giessenbier Jr., a young man living in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, during a time of incredible growth and change. Giessenbier recognized the talents and passions of the young people around him, and envisioned the positive change they could create if they had the right resources. To provide these tools, in 1915 he founded the first JCI movement in his hometown of St. Louis.

Social Media and Global Reach

To properly spread the message of JCI across the world, we utilize social media to its fullest potential. In 2021, every JCI platform experienced exponential growth, allowing us to reach more stakeholders, potential members and young leaders than ever before. For the first time, we launched a TikTok to reach even more young leaders than before.


1.1 million PEOPLE REACHED +72.7% FROM 2019



What began as a local movement spread quickly, and with enthusiasm. Young people across the United States and then across the globe joined together to create positive forces in their societies on a local, national and international scale.

Giessenbier saw JCI as an organization that could harness the energy of enterprising young leaders to overcome a variety of civic challenges. Through the Four Areas of Opportunity, members focus on Individual Development, Business and Entrepreneurship, Community Action and International Collaboration as the means to accomplish great and enduring change. This everlasting vision lives on through the organization today.


6,648 SUBSCRIBERS + 1,522



7,862 FOLLOWERS + 2,175

7 2021 JCI Annual Report
27,730 FOLLOWERS + 6,476 *The official mission and vision were updated in the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. The former mission and vision are displayed as they were in effect during 2021.

12,434 America


members members


Each JCI National Organization has an official email address to help guide new members to local JCI chapters.

To begin your journey with JCI, find your national organization in the list to the right and reach out to [countryname]@jci.cc For example, japan@jci.cc

12,800 Africa and the Middle East




2021 JCI Annual Report 9 Argentina Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Benin Bolivia Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Catalonia Colombia Congo Cote d’Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Dutch Caribbean Ecuador Estonia Finland France Gabon Germany Ghana Guinea Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Korea Latvia Lebanon Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malaysia Mali Malta Mauritius Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia Rwanda Scotland Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia South Africa Sri Lanka Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom Uruguay USA Venezuela Vietnam West Indies Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
and the Pacific
2021 JCI Annual Report 11 B
oard of d I rectors

A Successful Digital Conference and Congress Circuit Connection Across Borders!

Although the global community was hopeful for a return to normal, during 2021 the COVID-19 pandemic was still a force to contend with. Regardless, JCI was determined to not let this pandemic halt entrepreneurship and connection in its tracks. With excitement and innovation, every Conference and Congress Organizing Committee held fully virtual events and executed them with success and safety. By hosting fascinating keynote speakers, timely workshops and the debut of new JCI programs, participating young entrepreneurs were still able to thrive, make new friendships and grow into ever more capable leaders.

2021 JCI National Presidents Meeting

of Africa and the Middle East

Virtual | 20 January 2021

During the National Presidents Meeting of Africa and the Middle East, hosted virtually by National President Abiola Olorunsola from JCI Nigeria, 35 delegates from over 20 countries met with excitement and resolute purpose. There were many highlights at this National Presidents Meeting including an Opening Ceremony with the Honorable Minister for Youth and Sports Development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mr. Sunday Dare, who served as the theme speaker. There was also a special session with the Africa and Middle East Development Council (AMDEC) Chairman JCI Senator Adeniyi Rasheed Balogun, who shared the AMDEC Growth Plan; as well as the grand interview session with the former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; His Excellency, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR on the 23rd of January.

The 2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima shared his vision of “One Future” with the delegates Other interactive and development based sessions were held at the event, all of which resulted in several congratulatory notes received by the National President, JCIN Amb Abiola Olorunnisola over the successful hosting of the AMEC National Presidents Meeting.

2021 JCI National Presidents Meeting of Europe

Virtual | 6-8 February 2021

This 2021 National Presidents meeting brought about important decisions and a clear path forward for JCI Europe. To start the meeting, motivating speeches were held by Secretary General Kevin Hin, President Ryubun Kojima and Executive Vice President Céline Bléher. Afterwards, important discussions were held to solidify the European 2021 Plan of Action and feedback was gathered and organized on what are necessary priorities and key performance indicators.

Throughout this multi-day event, a workshop about online membership was held along with several networking sessions and committee forums. A JCI RISE presentation was also held to showcase great projects done within the national organizations. The National Presidents approved the European Development Council (EDC) budget, the 2021 Plan of Action and the suggested amendments to the EDC guidelines. On the final day an “Engage, Empower, Grow” training session was held, chaired by EDC Chair Jana Havlíčková, along with a leadership simulation session. It is through this successful National Presidents meeting that all participants managed to connect and build a spirit as one big European Team ready to create our One Future!

2021 JCI National Presidents Meeting of America

Virtual | 16-21 February 2021

Hosted virtually, this National Presidents meeting was a successful and vital meeting of the minds of America. To begin, a workshop was held with the National Presidents where they completed a design sprint to create the new strategy and solidify the priorities of the Area. Then a session was led by Executive Vice President Heather Vardell in which she presented some of her own proposed initiatives such as a Local Presidents Summit, a Finance Committee team and a Communications Support team. To complete the event, one last session was held to present the objectives and goals for the Area. This meeting was an important step towards “One Future.”

2021 JCI Annual Report 13 JCI E

The 2021 JCI Academy and Leadership Training

Every year, a select group of delegates hone their leadership skills at the JCI Academy. Since it was recognized as an official JCI event in Amsterdam in 1987, more than 2,500 global networkers have graduated from this unique program. The JCI Academy empowers the future leaders of the organization to learn about strength, cooperation and cultural understanding. Delegates immerse themselves in the culture of their host city and discover how to be inspiring global leaders with a focus on creating lasting change. Held as a hybrid event this year in Sendai, Japan, the academy helped delegates hold many earnest discussions, complete challenges and deepen friendships.

In particular, this event held two very unique programs including “Spirit of Date’’ and “Disaster Risk Reduction.” The Spirit of Date was held by Mr. Date Yasumune, the 34th owner of the Date clan of the Sendai domain. During this event, he discussed the deep culture he has inherited and sparked discussions on the commonalities and differences between the birthplace of each delegate. The “Disaster Risk Reduction” program was held in memory of the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake with Associate Professor Takako Izumi as a lecturer. During this event, participants learned about the status of disaster prevention and mitigation efforts around the world. They strengthened their understanding of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the need to increase social resilience and the concept of “build back better.” After the lecture, delegates discussed the status of efforts in each country and how JCI is involved in disaster prevention work and mitigation.

Despite attending a remote event, the international delegates were still able to immerse themselves in the nature, history and culture of Sendai. Participants onsite went into the city of Sendai in small groups and discovered its charm. They collected materials during their excursions and presented their findings to those joining online, conveying the beauty of Sendai. A highlight of the event included a Presidential Seminar from 2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima where future leaders of each country learned more about what it means to represent JCI in various roles. Mr. Argenis Angulo, the 2022 JCI President Candidate, made an appearance during a module and exchanged opinions on the outlook for JCI in the year to come and Secretary General Kevin Hin led a session on the JCI RISE initiative.

In the end, the five-day 2021 JCI Academy was a unique opportunity to explore the international nature of JCI. At the graduation ceremony, President Ryubun Kojima presented all participants with diplomas at the graduation ceremony. The Academy concluded with an online farewell party where delegates celebrated and vowed to someday reunite.


“No matter where our enterprising young leaders of JCI are in the world, they are not alone…. Our connection to each other, whether it’s other members, partners, or friends of JCI, gives us true strength.”

-2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima

3-6 June, 2021

For only the fifth time in the last 50 years, JCI Panama once again organized a prestigious international meeting for our international organization. The 2021 JCI Conference of America brought together enterprising young leaders from all over the world, united under the common desire for connection and personal growth, right along with the conference theme of “Connecting Lives.”

By focusing on this theme, attendees were brought together. With many JCI members worldwide still isolated due to the pandemic, JCI Panama recognized the importance of purposefully finding ways to connect with each other across borders, no matter the method. By converting to this online format, members were still able to participate in classic JCI programs and support their JCI family at this conference.

30 June- 3 July, 2021

To provide amazing opportunities while keeping public health in mind, the 2021 JCI Africa and the Middle East Conference took place as an online event from 30 June to July 3. From panel discussions on pressing global issues to Public Speaking competitions, a diverse catalog of activities, speakers and sessions was made available to all who attended. Originally deployed at last year’s Africa and the Middle East Conference, the Creative Young Entrepreneur program in 2021 was a riveting success.

The Conference Organizing committee understood the dire need for new solutions and created a conference committed to these ideals. Through engaging sessions, keynote speakers and JCI’s new innovative platform, the

“With your new knowledge and the JCI RISE initiative at your back, we can cure the thirst of enterprising young leaders around the world.”

-2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima

10-13 June, 2021

With the theme “Connecting Leaders,” members of JCI in Europe brought together some of the most ambitious and innovative entrepreneurs from Europe and JCI’s global membership in an effort to unite us in our goal to follow the JCI RISE initiative and by sustaining and rebuilding economies. This theme touched on every pillar of JCI by strengthening the Individual, connecting Businesses, nurturing our global JCI Community and giving birth to new International relationships. Every attendant was given an inspiring list of programs and interactive

“(Leadership) is knowing that we will never be perfect but still must try, that good leadership comes not from feelings of superiority but instead humility, to remember that you are not always right and most of all to be thankful for those around us who accomplish what we cannot do alone.”

19-22 August, 2021

opportunities. This event helped build every individual member stronger, thus fortifying the greater ambitions of JCI, to develop leaders for a changing world.

Full of expert keynote speakers, skills development sessions, a JCI RISE lab and other practical topics, the organizers of the 2021 JCI European Conference made sure that no two sessions were alike. These events were a space for attendees to exchange stories and experiences and work to create solutions for sustainable economic impact and growth.

The much anticipated 2021 JCI Asia and the Pacific Conference was the final event in JCI’s Area Conference season and successfully set expectations high for the 2021 JCI World Congress in Johannesburg. Like all the Area Conferences this year, members were able to participate in major programs like JCI Public Speaking and JCI Debating and also indulge in a variety of brand new Conference Organizing Committee sessions. Much like the other Area Conferences, conference content was also made available on the JCI Virtual Community for 60 days

JCI Virtual Community, they adhered closely to the timely theme of “Technology - Innovative Opportunities and Crisis Solutions.”

By addressing topics from “Big Data: Blockchain Panel Discussion” to “Innovation at the Time of Crisis: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion,” the 2021 COC laid the groundwork for young entrepreneurs to succeed in the emerging post-pandemic world. JCI members have always held a deep-seated desire to grow and become the best possible versions of themselves and any young entrepreneur who attended this conference undoubtedly left changed for the better.

“True change takes time. It takes patience, resilience, openness and a desire to look across boundaries whether they are global or defined by rank. Even if you learn one thing from this event, one small change can still create big future impacts.”

following the event, so attendees could maximize development opportunities.

Each day of the conference was structured around its own unique theme: Raise, Imagine, Salute, Excite. The COC cultivated a schedule fit for any modern entrepreneur with thoughtful topics such as the “Act 4 Gender Gap 2021: Key to Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery.” With a rich program full of opportunities for personal and professional development, the 2021 JCI Asia and the Pacific Conference hosted by Taichung was one to remember for all who attended.

2021 JCI Annual Report
-2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima

16-20 November 2021

The 2021 JCI World Congress expertly pivoted to a fully digital format to offer the best possible experience for delegates while still featuring the vibrant feel of South Africa. Held on the JCI Virtual Community, attendees were able to discuss active sessions and seminars live with a brand new chat feature. Participants enriched their skills with incredible offerings such as the first-ever Creative Young Entrepreneur world finals, a presentation from BNI Founder and Chief Visionary Officer Dr. Ivan Misner on networking for success, daily Rise and Shine morning segments and other incredible opportunities.

The theme for the 2021 JCI World Congress was “Ignite Compassion and Unite Humanity,” a fitting concept that also tied very well into President Ryubun’s personal goal of creating “One Future.” This theme was inspired by the philosophy of ubuntu and the universal values expressed at the Cradle of Humankind, an archaeological site outside Johannesburg. Participants attended an assortment of new programs, sessions and keynote speakers that focused on igniting compassion and uniting humanity, including sessions such as “Negotiation Skills,” “Self Awareness and Empathy” and “Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence.”

During the General Assembly, Argenis Angulo of JCI Venezuela was elected and sworn in as 2022 JCI President. In his inaugural speech, he talked about his theme for the year — “Leading is Our Duty” — and emphasized that we have a duty to both the world and to ourselves to use our leadership skills in the best possible way.

Towards the end of the week, a celebratory 2021 Awards Ceremony was held. Here, attendees could celebrate collective and personal achievements in projects, programs and leadership. The Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the year were also celebrated for their contributions and encouraged to become expert ambassadors for the JCI mission and vision. With this World Congress, JCI members felt more prepared than ever before for the new challenges of the upcoming year.


The JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (TOYP) honorees demonstrate extraordinary achievements and innovation when it comes to creating solutions to societal and business problems. With 218 applications submitted in 2021, 66 more than the year before, the competition was fierce and full of talented individuals. In the end, only ten young leaders were selected to receive this prestigious title and take on the role of JCI’s 2021 Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the Year.

Chadi Khatib | JCI Syria

Medical Innovation

Chee Sian Kuan | JCI Malaysia

Medical Innovation

Christopher Arida | JCI Lebanon

Business, Economic and/or Entrepreneurial Accomplishments

Edmund Heng | JCI Malaysia

Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment

Hansley Noruthun | JCI Mauritius

Scientific and/or Technological Development

Jennifer Canaveral JCI Colombia

Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment

2,636 90

Delegates Countries

Saleem Najjar | JCI Syria

Business, Economic and/or Entrepreneurial Accomplishments

Sinead Kane | JCI Ireland

Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment

Srikanth Bolla | JCI India

Personal Improvement and/or Accomplishment

Temie Giwa-Tubosun | JCI Nigeria

Business, Economic and/or Entrepreneurial Accomplishments

19 2021 JCI Annual Report
Africa and the Middle East Asia and the Pacific The Americas Europe

An exciting and fruitful new development in 2021 was the reinvigorated launch of our JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur (CYE) program! This international competition was created from the ground up to encourage, honor and celebrate exceptional young entrepreneurs and the role of innovation in their climb to global success. For this program, JCI was looking for open-minded young people with a drive to push forward and rise above everyday obstacles, especially in the wake of COVID-19.

For this competition, participants pitch their business ideas to a jury of delegated experts in the hopes of winning the monetary grand prize. Participants submitted proposals of businesses in the startup phase, concept development phase or working businesses that had been in operation for less than 18 months. In 2021, during the pilot period of CYE, this program was open not only to current JCI members, but to all entrepreneurs ages 18 to 40. There were live translations of the contests at the Conference of America for Spanish, and at the Africa and the Middle East Conference in French. All participants who registered for CYE at the

2021 Creative Young Entrepreneur Winners

To celebrate the CYE program’s triumphant first run, this year’s Annual Report will take a closer look at the top three CYE finalists for Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, America and Europe! Each finalist showcased their companies

and startups with immense professionalism and innovation. It was a tough selection process for the judges, but here are the finalists that rose above the rest and competed at the 2021 JCI World Congress in November.

2021 Area Conferences received complementary training and mentoring valued at thousands of dollars. This full day of training was delivered by jury members such as top entrepreneurs, CEOs and angel investors. By giving participants the unique opportunity to pitch their business ideas to experts and receive feedback, CYE provided a huge return on investment that supercharged the future earning potential of applicants’ business.

CYE was able to have generous grand prizes thanks to the outstanding kindness and generosity of benefactors amongst our global membership, namely 2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima and 2021 JCI Vice President Pheng Kouch. President Ryubun Kojima donated $20,000 USD while JCI Vice President Pheng Kouch pledged to donate $10,000 USD annually for the next 3 years. With these incredibly gracious donations, the four first place winners in the CYE Area Conference programs won a $5,000 USD prize. The JCI CYE winners from each Area Conference as well as the top 2 runnersup were then invited to the JCI World Congress to compete in the finals for a Global Grand Prize of $10,000 USD.

CYE World Congress Winners

The final round of the competition brought together the top three winners from each Area Conference of the year. Contestants had months to refine their pitches before taking them to the global stage, where they delivered detailed plans of consumer need, value and profitability.

In the end, it was Maria Victoria Martinez’s standout company, TalktoDok, that took the lead. Martinez took the lessons she learned at the Area Conference Competition and applied them to her company and presentation, showing that with hard work and adaptability, great ideas can be realized.

1st Place: Maria Victoria

Martinez | Philippines


2nd Place: Tawanda Chihambakwe | Zimbabawe

Drones in STEM Education

21 2021 JCI Annual Report

3 Top Finalists: Africa and the Middle East Conference

1st: Tawanda Chihambakwe | Zimbabwe

Drones in STEM Education

The mission of Drones in STEM Education is to transform the drone technology workforce by educating and training people and organizations and making hazardous work safer. By leveraging the power of drones, companies can increase operational efficiency and students can gain valuable skills. This company aims to develop new mindsets for young, budding STEM leaders by targeting two specific age groups: primary school (7 to 12 years old) and high school (13 to 18 years old). Through collaboration with Zimbabwe Flying Labs and Precision Aerial, they’ll make sure to provide industry-specific services such as commercial and educational drone services, consultancy and training. Growth in this specific niche area of youth education will involve four key pillars: a drone training program, drone pilot instructors licensing, marketing and capital investment.

2nd: Moussa Thiam | Zimbabwe

Waste to Wealth (W2W)


W2W Engineering specializes in the production and sale of products made from an innovative and durable material: ecological concrete. This company assists with the development of roads and the interior decoration of houses, but their main goal is to become the top manufacturer of slabs and pavers. Moussa intends to expand the company’s expertise by also expanding into the fields of waste management, consulting and environmental assessment of projects and programs. The plan is for W2W to become a limited liability company in the future.

3 Top Finalists: Asia and the Pacific Conference

1st: Willie Ng Wei | Malaysia

Global Cerah

Global Cerah is an agri-tech startup that integrates waste treatment and the production of alternative protein sources into solutions to sustain the future of the food ecosystem. This company tackles such problems as harmful food and agricultural waste, inorganic fertilizer and inefficient waste treatment. Through a highly innovative method, Global Cerah transforms waste through reengineering into a feed material for animals or breeding grounds for larvae — the final output is completely organic animal feed, protein powder and fertilizer.


Ibraheem Tiamiyu | Nigeria

Plan B Wellness

With less than 2% of drugs consumed in Africa produced on the continent and 50% of Africans unable to afford healthcare at all, Plan B Wellness hopes to be the solution by generating products locally at affordable costs. The vision for this business includes offering over a dozen different 100% organic herbal products and a customized diet or therapy plan. Plan B Wellness wants to focus on both B2B as well as B2C selling. In the early stages of this company, their products have performed well to meet the needs of the target consumers.

2nd: Maria Victoria Martinez | Philippines


TalktoDok’s is a free online medical chat-based platform for Filipinos to get credible, private healthcare advice from top professionals. This has allowed individuals in rural areas direct access to qualified doctors without having to visit a clinic or a hospital. The chat-based platform requires only low-speed internet, making it widely accessible to all. As of July of 2021, TalktoDok has helped over 2,300 people via its platform and has engaged with 135 healthcare providers. TalktoDok has captured the telemedicine industry in the Philippines at its early growth stage and has the potential to become a major player.

3rd: Ng Yee “Eddie” Heng Malaysia


With Malaysia ranking 10th in the world for car ownership per capita, Vanzo set out to make the driving experience more pleasant for this significant user base. Scouring Asia for raw materials and after much market research, Vanzo partnered with companies based in Japan (Ogawa Flavours and Fragrance and Taiyo Corporation) to source high quality, non-toxic materials for air fresheners specifically designed for cars. Vanzo has been publicized across television and magazines, and has been recognized for their high quality.

23 2021 JCI Annual Report

3 Top Finalists: Conference of America

1st: Nicholas Thiago Oliveria Martins | Brazil

BioFocus Nutrition

BioFocus Nutrition offers an innovative food product aimed at supplying vital nutrients in an efficient manner. Their items are created with an algae-based food called BioGel, a ready-for-consumption gel and with edible packaging. It is formulated to supply the necessary nutrients for a low-cost balanced diet. This product can assist in the recovery of severe cases of malnutrition, supplement nutrients for those with dietary restrictions, and aid in sports performance. A versatile food source, BioFocus can help meet the desires of a wide range of customers.

3 Top Finalists: European Conference

1st: Sandra Garn and Christoph Seydel | Germany

Mededis GmbH- Medical Device Consulting and Distribution

This product would help with the development and distribution of an innovative SaaS software solution (Software-as-a-Service) for medical technology companies. More specifically, Mededis deals with services in the medical device and pharmaceutical environment, including the validation and qualification of computer-aided systems. Sandra planned the step-by-step development and distribution of the software solution with four interlocking applications; easyCMDB, easyDOMA, easyITS, and easyQC.

2nd: Julián Rodríguez | Colombia

Kamio - Last Smile Delivery

Kamio is a logistics tech platform that uses technology, crowdsourcing and special vehicle development to enable SMEs to transport their sold goods in an efficient and economic way. Utilizing route-sharing and low operation cost vehicles, this platform aims to address the inefficient last leg of the supply chain — movement which comprises up to 53% of the total cost of moving goods.

2nd: Yoann Lacombe | France Symone

At Symone, they believe in a virtually carbon-free future and a better quality of life. With this in mind, Symone’s goal is to combat car pollution with an innovative product: a car trailer combined with a passenger cabin ‘grafted’ onto existing hydrogen trucks. The road unit is parked upstream of the motorway while the vehicles are loaded onto the trailer. Then, passengers ride in the front in a comfortable cabin. With even only one Symone on the road by 2022, 475 tonnes less carbon dioxide would be released per year into the atmosphere. This will also limit the number of automobile accidents by helping to remove multiple drivers exhausted from long hours of travel on the road.

3rd: Tyler Hiranaka | United States of America


Sango - A Fine Jewelry Company

Founded in Honolulu, Hawaii, Sango Sango offers fine jewelry collections using some of the world’s most prominent natural gemstones, such as pearl and coral. This emphasis allows Sango Sango to convey the full brilliance of mother nature and her gifts to their customers while also highlighting the exclusivity and scarcity of some of Earth’s great treasures. The company works to source these materials responsibly. Sango Sango plans to meet the demand of a renewed global tourism market.

3rd: Sébastien Lambla | Monaco


DouxVillage is an online marketplace specifically designed to boost local retail stores in Monaco with the goal of expanding to other markets. Existing local shops can join easily, with no entry fee, and start selling in a week or less, paying DouxVillage a sales commission. Consumers can visit the online high street to discover new products and shops and from the safety of their home receive fast, same-day delivery. An idea born long before the 2020 COVID-19 health crisis, the co-founders have paid attention to the rise of online shopping in the 2000s and hope to address that need. While many initiatives only focus on solving the merchants’ problems, DouxVillage aims to reconcile the needs of retailers and shoppers and to revive the local economy.

25 2021 JCI Annual Report

For the past year, 11 dynamic coaches and the JCI World Headquarters team worked hard to create a revolutionary product for enterprising young leaders who want to develop their skill sets. The JCI Global Leadership Masterclasses were created to bring high quality training from professionals around the world to anyone looking to evolve their potential.

The Global Leadership Masterclasses are digital courses organized into four different packages: Global Entrepreneur, Global Changemaker, Global Communicator and Global Networker, each aligned with one of JCI’s Four Areas of Opportunity. In 2021, JCI released Global Entrepreneur, more than five hours of incredible courses from more than ten top coaches. The remaining three series will be released in 2022 and beyond.

Thanks to the expertise shared by coaches in these in-depth training modules, becoming an enterprising young leader is easier than ever before. During 2021, Global Entrepreneur was only available to JCI members, but in the future anyone will have the opportunity to learn from these courses.

Series 1 - Global Entrepreneur Masterclass

The Global Entrepreneur Masterclass had a total of 17 different modules, structured in three easy to follow levels. Each level had a staggered release to allow participants to fit Global Entrepreneur into their lives and schedules easily. This course was taught by several exceptional professionals in the JCI network.

Saleh Al-Hanash - 2020 JCI Vice President, Expert in Healthcare Sector, Virtual Training, VR and E-learning Specialist

Jay Johnson - 2019 JCI Vice President, International Renowned Speaker and Forbes Business Council Member

Olena Prykhodko - 2021 JCI Vice President for Europe, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Modelex Education Monaco

Unotida Nyoni - 2020 JCI Vice President, 2021 Foundation Committee Member for Africa and the Middle East, Founder and CEO of Grand Scale Consultancy

Ellimaija Ahonen - 2020 JCI Vice President, CEO of Learning Scoop, CEO and Co-Founder of LessonApp

Segun Aina - 2021 JCI Skills Development Committee Member, Experienced Project Manager

Andy Lau - 2021 Marketing & Merchandising Chair, 2020 JCI Vice President, Founder and CEO of Chariton Hotel Group

Diana Mardarovici - 2018 JCI Vice President, Business Development Consultant, JCI Senior Manager for Corporate Partnerships

Alejandra Castillo - 2021 SDC Chair/2019 JCI Vice President, Commercial Manager and Owner of FAREC’s Quimica Veterinaria Consultancy

Ismail Haznedar - 2015 JCI President, Strategist and Managing Director of Stratejik Isler

Kevin Hin - JCI Secretary General, Marketing/ Sales Director and hospitality entrepreneur

27 2021 JCI Annual Report

Workforce Empowerment

Labor Laboratory (LABLAB) | JCI Rosario, Argentina

With this project, JCI Rosario helped local young people learn important skills for obtaining a job. They worked closely with young professionals, students and workers to provide them with

JCI’s Global Initiative in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Business Recovery

Gastronomic Passport JCI | JCI Joaçaba, JCI Herval and JCI Luzerna, Brazil

With this project, JCI Joacaba, Herval and Luzerna sought to ignite their local economy through supporting local restaurant businesses. By using the concept of food passports and coupons, they encouraged people to try new foods and engage with businesses who struggled after the pandemic. They increased the number of customers for many restaurants, including one restaurant that had a special JCI gastronomic coupon used 100 times by different customers in 60 days.

Thinking Forward | JCI London, United Kingdom

The “Thinking Forward” project was a multilayered endeavor that brought much needed guidance during 2021. First, with the help of BPP University School of Business and Technology, JCI London created a mentorship program that provided training and apprenticeship to students across the United Kingdom. Through this event they were able to

Olah | JCI East Java, Indonesia

provide students with opportunities to enhance their skills, become career ready and receive valuable experience on the job. Later in the year, JCI London worked together with LinkUp London and sent out videos once every week to provide Business Strategy tips to Non Profit Organizations across London. JCI London was able to reach over 50 Organizations by providing them with various tips about finance, risk management, IT, human resource and more.

strategies for interviews and other important skills. During this project, with the help of a local and public relations consultant, JCI Rosario hosted four workshops. Participants left the training fully equipped with the knowledge needed to enter the job market.

Care and Dare 2021: Empowering Working MOMs | JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, Hong Kong

During COVID-19, one in four women considered downsizing their careers or leaving the workforce entirely because of intensified work, childcare and housework pressures. JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes wanted to help working mothers regain their confidence and actively rejoin the workforce. They held a Mother’s Festival Workshop, a mom-trepreneur bazaar that attracted over 1000 visitors, and launched a “Women Sustainable Career Pledge” where 65 companies promised to implement family-friendly initiatives that help women continue to develop their career after giving birth.

Data ANALYTICS with Microsoft ExcelBeginners and Intermediate JCI Garden City and JCI Trans-Amadi, Nigeria

JCI Garden City sought to empower their members to become financially and economically independent via professional reconversion. To accomplish this

task, JCI Garden City organized a one day virtual course on data analytics with Microsoft Excel taught by experienced certified trainer Amaka Ifebunandu. This event provided the education opportunities for and professional reconversion necessary for the growth of JCI members.

Mental Health Awareness

TalktoDok Online Medical Mission | JCI Alabang, Philippines

As private hospitals and government facilities quickly became overwhelmed by COVID-19, JCI Alabang knew they had to come up with a plan to save more lives. With this in mind, they created TalktoDok, a free online telemedicine platform that harnesses the power of volunteerism by creating access to healthcare to all Filipinos, especially the marginalized sector of society. The TalktoDok platform became an avenue to help anyone in the Philippines, even those in the shanties with limited access to healthcare facilities, to talk and consult with volunteer doctors about their mental and physical health problems through the use of their mobile phones. Thousands of Filipino lives were saved by TalktoDok, impacting the lives of 2,320 patients saved as well as over 138 doctors and eight nurses.

Projecting Projects | JCI Wignacourt, Malta

JCI Wignacourt partnered with 230 Works to organize a day of training focused on different timely themes under the mental health awareness umbrella. Topics included “Racism in Malta,”

#TeLoDoyParaPensar | JCI San Martin, Argentina

“Youth Mental Health,” “Strengthening Selfconfidence” and more. Participants were assigned a theme and a partner with the task of creating a project, which they later pitched to a panel of judges for the opportunity to win a prize.

Olah was a project created by JCI East Java to help cooperatives transform into digital platforms using either Android or iOS. It also helped cooperatives manage their finances better. This was especially important given that cooperatives support the Indonesian economy up to 5.1% of Indonesia’s GDP. Through this project, JCI East Java was also able to apply blockchain technology to increase security and overall uplifted local businesses to new heights.

The main objectives of this project involved raising awareness on the importance of mental health and promoting good habits related to physical, psychological and social well-being. This was done through the dissemination of videos on social networks with professionals who addressed mental health from different areas, providing practical advice to the community with a massive reach.

2021 JCI Annual Report 29

F inancial i n F ormation

JCI Financials

Throughout 2021, JCI members led thousands of economic and social projects around the world, utilizing local and national partners and sponsors to bring about economic and societal growth. JCI World Headquarters provides services and resources to ensure the success and longevity of organizations and improve relations with stakeholders. These expenses are an investment to ensure the continuing legacy of JCI members past, present, and future.

$3.4 $2.4 26%

0% Fundraising




JCI Foundation

The JCI Foundation allows members and friends to be directly involved in JCI’s efforts to provide opportunities for young leaders to create positive, lasting change. Through grants, this 501(c)3 nonprofit organization funds

the progression and expansion of the JCI Skills Development Program and supplies development grants for JCI National Organizations. Since its establishment in 1955, members, friends and corporate sponsors from more than 100 countries

have supported the Foundation, generating assets surpassing US $10 million. These funds go towards numerous national and international projects and sustain JCI’s legacy for years to come.

Donations made to the JCI Foundation




JCI Senate

A JCI Senatorship is a prestigious award given to a current or former member. The JCI Constitution requires two simple things for an individual to be eligible for a Senatorship: Individuals must be a JCI member for at least three years and must exemplify outstanding service to JCI. This program

has allowed many alumni to remain active and supportive in our goals, as each new Senator joins a vast global network. This highly regarded group continues to grow and serve their organizations around the world. We are proud to say that in 2021, we added 1,118 new Senators to the JCI community.

2021 JCI Annual Report 31
million in revenues
million in expenses total asset increase
Board Meetings & Officer Admin
Management & General
JCI Events
Special Events
Membership Development & Support
Other Initiatives Cash and Cash Equivalents Short-Term Investments Other Misc. Assets Land Long-Term Investments Receivables - Related Party Total Assets 1,550,093 540,525 63,713 1,480,000 9,135,938 123,910 12,894,179 2021 Foundation Assets *2021 numbers are unaudited
2021 US $321,279 US $484,225 US $438,689 US $375,765 US $442,062 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 US $490,070 US $242,093

a cknowledgments

JCI Partners

With JCI’s wide-reaching goals to create economic and societal growth, the need for like-minded partnerships continues to grow. With the spirit of collaboration, we understand that by working together we can create change that is far more powerful and lasting than when working alone. Throughout 2021, we continued to develop and expand our network to include partnerships that uplift and empower young entrepreneurs.

When we collaborate and combine our knowledge, resources, and experience, we ensure that our goals and solutions to modern challenges are long-term and successful. JCI looks forward to future partnerships and collaborations that help boost JCI’s brand awareness, motivate our members and enhance our financial sustainability.

Aiming to empower the world economy through smart investing, WBAF works across borders to create financial resources for entrepreneurs. JCI and WBAF use their partnership not only to encourage innovation amongst JCI members, but to give them the necessary skills to make their innovative ideas successful in the market.

An exciting day for both partners, WBAF and JCI signed their Memorandum of Understanding November 7, 2020, in an agreement with the goal of addressing some of the world’s biggest economic challenges together by promoting financial and digital inclusion, female leadership, business development and entrepreneurial skills development for the younger generations.

JCI’s partnership with the UN began in 1954 when the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted JCI Special Consultative status. The UN takes action on some of humanity’s most pressing challenges. Our relationship with the UN grants JCI members a unique perspective on international cooperation and societal development, giving them the opportunity to participate in global change initiatives.

As the world’s largest business organization, the ICC shares our mutual goal of ensuring economic justice and well-being through socially responsible business and entrepreneurship. The organization represents more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries and provides resources that enable JCI members to participate in commerce locally, nationally and internationally.

AIESEC is an international nonprofit run “by young people, for young people.” The organization offers an avenue for individual development and cross-cultural understanding through opportunities like volunteering and interning abroad. Together with AIESEC, JCI recognizes and grows the innate talents of young leaders around the world.

The Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens is a nonprofit organization which focuses on leadership, mediation, advocacy and education, particularly for women and young people. Combining our mutual interests in leadership and societal development, JCI works with the Centre to address today’s global challenges.

BNI and JCI work together to support entrepreneurs and business leaders and boost local and global economies. BNI’s goals include helping professionals achieve their dreams, support their families and grow their businesses. Together, our international networks will bring new opportunities to the global business community.

2021 JCI Annual Report 33

a cknowledgments

JCI Club 100 and Corporate Sponsorships

During 2021, JCI was excited to introduce a brand-new opportunity for future and existing partners –the JCI Club 100 program!

What is JCI Club 100?

The JCI Club 100 is an exclusive collection of valuable corporate partners who are passionate about investing in JCI. We believe that it is important to honor our current and future partners who support talented young people around the world on their journey to become tomorrow’s business and societal leaders. This prestigious program was created to better organize the recognition and benefits that our partners deserve and to provide a VIP space for members of our partner companies to connect and exchange across sectors.

The JCI Club 100 program offers four tiers, each offering a different selection of benefits. The highest level is Platinum, followed by Gold, Silver and Bronze. As a launch offer, all partnership agreements signed in 2021 will last until December 2022.


Visibility in all media outlets incl. corporate channel on JCI Virtual Community and presentation on JCI Club 100 page

Business Networking Sessions with JCI Members at JCI World Congress and Area Conferences

Speaking opportunities at all regional JCI Events

Speaking opportunities at global JCI Events

Complimentary VIP Registration for one Area Conference of choice

Complimentary VIP Registration for JCI World Congress

Thank You

Even as the world starts its recovery, JCI remains steadfast in its goal to create leadership development opportunities for its members. Through JCIs multitude of programs, training, projects and events opportunities, the young leaders of the world can continue to thrive. No matter what challenges exist in the world, JCI members are always there to step up and lead. We deeply appreciate the effort of all JCI members around the world for their dedication to developing themselves, pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities, and committing to the JCI RISE initiative and One Future in 2021. Every action taken by JCI members, no matter how small, has created a ripple effect across the globe. JCI remains a tidal wave of necessary leadership that guides the world into a brighter future.

And of course, we’d like to extend a special thank you to JCI Local Organizations, JCI National Organizations, 2021 JCI Board of Directors, 2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima and JCI World Headquarters staff for contributing photos and content to the 2021 JCI Annual Report.

2021 JCI Annual Report
2021 JCI President Ryubun Kojima PLATINUM SILVER GOLD BRONZE

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