2017 JCI Plan of Action

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JCI Plan of Action Global Leadership of Active Citizens

Introduction The world around us is changing faster than it ever has before. New technological advances and a rapidly increasing population create challenges for our organization, but also great opportunities. JCI must adapt and remain relevant in today’s society in order to fulfill the JCI Mission: To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. With young professionals taking the lead, JCI is uniquely qualified to engage and mobilize community stakeholders around the globe in order to fulfill our strategic positioning statement: To be the organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact. In doing so, JCI empowers young people to become active citizens today, growing into the leaders of their communities tomorrow. 2017 is the fourth of five years of implementation of the 2014–2018 JCI Strategic Plan. This Plan of Action is based on evaluating the progress of the strategic plan so far, and laying the remaining groundwork needed to achieve our strategic goals by the end of 2018. To accomplish this, the 2017 JCI Plan of Action has both an internal and external focus. Internally, JCI will improve our infrastructure to support members as they implement the JCI Mission around the world. JCI will work to develop cost effective methodologies and utilize current technologies in order to deploy information and services to our diverse membership. We recognize this will be a significant investment, however, it is vitally important to remain connected to the millennial generation, who are the future of our organization. Externally, JCI must ensure that the collaborative relationships we enter into are aligned with the JCI Mission, JCI Vision and strategic plan. There are no simple solutions to current global challenges. No single entity can make any significant progress alone. It is the responsibility of JCI members to unite all sectors of society, ensure an informed public identifies the root causes, formulate sustainable solutions and then mobilize community stakeholders to build a more peaceful and prosperous world. JCI members will take the lead in formulating a coalition of like-minded organizations and citizens to advocate and take action for peace. In doing so, we will demonstrate the potential to transform the world, and inspire young people across the globe to become active citizens. In 2017, JCI will create an environment that inspires and enables young people to become active citizens — individuals who are invested in the future of their community. By aligning our actions internally and externally to the JCI Mission, JCI Vision and strategic plan, young people will be invested in the future of their community and will gain the knowledge, tools and ability that empower them to create sustainable impact in their communities and worldwide.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will enable communities to achieve sustainable impact. Creating sustainable impact is important because it leads to a world where human security is a reality for all global citizens.


• Develop promotional materials such as videos and tutorials that match the updated JCI Active Citizen Framework graphics, and promote the use of these resources to JCI members as well as businesses, governments and civil society organizations. • Encourage young people to continue participating in the Peace is Possible campaign by running local projects that foster peace in their communities. • Encourage National and Local Organizations to utilize the World We Want analytics to help identify community needs. • Create a campaign for collecting and sharing impact projects that advance the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, encourage sharing via the JCI Project Management platform with the goal of increasing the JCI Impact Index to 0.35. • Use the Global Youth Empowerment Fund as an incentive to collect measurable data on the impact of the organization on the Global Goals. • Increase collaborative efforts between the Area Development Councils, elected JCI Officers and JCI staff members, utilizing the Impact Strategy as the tool to identify opportunities for growth and to develop new National and Local Organizations.

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2017 JCI will be recognized for creating impact by empowering young people to be advocates for positive change in communities across the world.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will create an environment in which people are motivated toward positive change. Motivation is important because tackling the challenges of today requires empowered, passionate global citizens ready to take action.


• Create and distribute a new member welcome kit that demonstrates the journey of an active citizen from the time a young person joins JCI to when they age out. • Fully launch and promote the Journey of the Active Citizen to inspire young people to become active citizens. • Invest in identifying regional speakers for JCI Events that will serve as role models and inspire young people, in order to make JCI Events more attractive to both JCI members and non-JCI members. • Ensure that forums, seminars and sessions at JCI Events are interactive and provide practical and tangible lessons that will add value to participants’ experiences at JCI Events. • Create a skills development course to be offered at JCI Events that develops the skills of an effective trainer and group facilitator with an emphasis on advancing the JCI Mission. • Implement a uniform event registration platform to ensure a high quality, standardized customer experience prior to, during and following JCI Events. • Develop and run Local and National Officer Forums at JCI Area Conferences and World Congress in order to enhance communications and inspire local leaders to take action and advance the JCI Mission. • Introduce a series of short online courses that serve as previews of full length JCI Official and Recommended Courses. •Develop short inspiring videos that demonstrate JCI members’ impact in various parts of the world and motivate other young people to create positive change. • Encourage Local and National Organizations to form strategic planning committees to ensure cohesion in strategic planning and align their plans with the JCI Strategic Plan.

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2017, young people in communities across the world will be empowered through the opportunity to develop new skill sets and access to tools and resources that support their initiatives to create sustainable impact.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will create a financial plan that invests in long-term goals. Investment is important because active citizens are responsible for sustaining progress to advance our mutual goals.


• Implement a fund development strategy. • Explore alternative forms of membership for current and future members focused on reaching the millennial generation. • Create and launch an annual giving campaign in the month of December. • Develop creative ways in which to use the Global Youth Empowerment Fund to generate resources to support the work of young people creating sustainable impact in communities across the world. • Customize JCI Partnership/Sponsorship packages for JCI Programs as a way to secure alternative sources of revenue for the organization.

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2017, JCI will have strengthened our ability to raise organizational funds from alternate sources that aims to enhance the work of young people in communities across the world.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will bring together like-minded partners in order to expand mutual impact. Collaboration is important because it unites like-minded active citizens to expand our ability to create sustainable solutions.


• Utilize the Peace is Possible Coalition to foster collaborations that enhance peace at the local, national and international level. • Create a Peace is Possible event at the Global Partnership Summit to engage global leaders to take action toward building a more peaceful and prosperous world. • Develop a system that supports communication and management with organizational partners at all levels. • Utilize the Global Partnership Summit’s access to international and external stakeholders to enhance JCI’s collaboration strategy. • Implement a JCI Twining program that focuses on joint action by both parties that leads to sustainable impact. • Utilize the JCI Collaboration Strategy to evaluate current partnerships, both formal and informal, to ensure each relationship supports the JCI Mission, Vision and Values. • Expand the JCI Collaboration Strategy to guide collaboration at the local level. • Continue to promote and take action to advance the Global Goals for Sustainable Development around the world, including mobilizing JCI Local Organizations to join the Let’s Do It! Campaign partnership in support of Global Goals #3 Good Health and Well-being, #6 Clean Water & Sanitation, #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, #12 Responsible Consumption and Production, #13 Climate Action, #14 Life Below Water and #15 Life on Land.

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2017, stakeholders from all sectors of society will recognize the relevance of JCI as a valuable partner in achieving mutual goals for sustainable development.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


JCI will connect people, their communities and the global society. Connection is important because sharing ideas and actions will result in a global movement that creates positive change.


• Continue to enhance the network of the JCI Senate and JCI Alumni by making them more attractive and meaningful in advancing the JCI Mission. • Launch an internal campaign to complete JCI’s membership database. • Develop more resources in additional languages, prioritizing Japanese, German, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Hindi and Portuguese. • Enhance support for National Organizations who need permanent secretariats and staff. • Foster connection between JCI World Headquarters and National Secretariats and/or National Secretaries General. • Develop a JCI Brand Management course that will strengthen the JCI Brand and improve communication of the JCI Mission and Vision at the local level. • Foster the sharing of projects, ideas and experiences between Local Organizations by developing and using available technology platforms.

Expected Outcome: By the end of 2017, JCI will have connected stakeholders throughout the organization with the aim of communicating the JCI message more consistently in local communities and internationally.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


Conclusion Through the implementation of the 2014–2018 JCI Strategic Plan, JCI has embarked on a journey to change the mind-set of JCI members—to shift our attention from numbers to impact, transform our direction and be inspired by new goals. Over the last three years we have challenged the status quo and challenged ourselves to push out of our comfort zone. As a result of these challenges we have grown as individuals and we have grown as an organization. But there is still more work to be done. Our strategic plan is not yet complete. In order to be the leading global network of young active citizens that empowers young people to create positive change, we must push ourselves even further. JCI members hold the power to create a better tomorrow. With that power, we must always be conscious of our responsibility — to unite all sectors of society to create sustainable impact. If we, the young generation, the leaders of tomorrow, do not become invested in the future of our community and do not take action toward peace and prosperity, we will become irrelevant, disconnected and begin a trend of apathy for the following generations. But that’s not who we are. We are a group of young active citizens that can change the world! Despite our individual and cultural differences, we are united by a common desire to ignite change and toward the betterment of our communities. In 2017, JCI will strengthen our internal infrastructure, focus on developing the necessary tools to connect with and empower young people, ensure our collaborative relationships align with the JCI Mission, Vision and 2014–2018 JCI Strategic Plan, and hold ourselves accountable to create an environment that inspires and empowers young people to become active citizens. As a result, those active citizens will become the leaders who create positive change.

2017 JCI Plan of Action


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