International Summit on Peace: Our Global Impact

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OUR GLOBAL IMPACT 6–8 September 2017 | Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia #JCIPeaceSummit

CONTENTS of Overview FOLLOW JCI /jciwhq






FOLLOW PEACE IS POSSIBLE /PeaceIsPossibleCampaign @Act_4_Peace




Collaborative Partnership

3 5 6 8

10 13 14 16 17 18 19 20

Objectives and Results

Participating Organizations Guest Speakers Event Program

Session Descriptions

Participant Feedback Testimonials

Social Media Highlights Video Gallery News Media

Youth Proclamation on Peace Conclusion

“We are witnessing the spread of radicalism, nationalism and extremism and this International Summit on Peace is a welcome relief. You have chosen to unite here in Kuching to find sustainable solutions to these global challenges by exchanging ideas and sharing experiences, The Government of Sarawak joins you in this laudable effort to work, to consciously work toward building a peaceful world. ” - YAB DATUK AMAR ABANG HAJI ABDUL RAHMAN ZOHARI BIN TUN ABANG HAJI OPENG Chief minister of sarawak

Introduction The International Summit on Peace provided a platform for

consisted of JCI members and young peace makers from

a common vision to create an everlasting world peace.

sectors of society, facilitated cultural exchange and dialogue

young people from across the globe to unite in building

nearly 100 countries. Together, they engaged experts from all

The Summit enabled young active citizens to build this

to foster mutual understanding, and formed a shared vision

collaborative vision by identifying the greatest barriers

of youth-led sustainable development that breaks down the

to peace and formulating sustainable solutions to these

barriers to peace.

challenges, empowering young people worldwide to be

As the barriers to peace are diverse in communities around

the generation to develop peace within themselves, their

the world, the program offered specific “Pathways to Peace”

community and the world around them.

to ensure the delegates participated in the activities and

The Summit, a collaboration between JCI and the

sessions most relevant to them as active citizens in order to

Government of Sarawak, was a culmination of the Peace is

advance peace in their community.

Possible campaign to give a voice, vision and opportunity

This was an unparalleled event that featured global experts,

to young people in building sustainable peace in their

regional peacemakers and keynote speakers. The summit

communities globally. The campaign, launched in 2016,

consisted of high-level dialogue on global issues, the

mobilizes young people worldwide to create awareness, take

formulation of concrete solutions and defined expectations

action, advocate and commit to an everlasting world peace

for action. All those in attendance accepted their vital role

by building a coalition of like-minded stakeholders from all

and committed to their responsibility to take action to ensure

sectors of society that are committed to this purpose.

peace and human dignity for all.

This unique JCI event featured representatives from Peace is Possible Coalition member organizations while participants


Objectives and results Purpose:


To provide a platform for young people from across the

6–8 September 2017

everlasting world peace by identifying the greatest barriers


globe to join in building a common vision to create an

to peace and formulating sustainable solutions to these

challenges, empowering young people worldwide to be the generation to develop peace within themselves, their community and the world around them.

Objectives: • Analyze global barriers to peace through the lens of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

• Engage representatives and experts from all sectors of

society to understand how collaboration across all sectors, and even borders, can unite and increase actions for sustainable impact.

• Facilitate cultural exchange and dialogue amongst

delegates to foster understanding of how multiculturalism

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia





and integration can lead to peaceful solutions for sustainable development.

• Develop in the form of a resolution, a commitment to a

shared vision of youth-led sustainable development that ensures an everlasting world peace.

Participating countries include: Austria








Burkina Faso Cambodia

Cameroon Canada Chad


Costa Rica

Côte d’Ivoire Croatia


Czech Republic Denmark

Dominican Republic Ecuador Estonia

Ethiopia Finland

Germany Ghana


Hong Kong Iceland India




Kazakhstan Kosovo Latvia

Lebanon Lesotho


Luxembourg Macao



Maldives Mali

Mauritius Mexico



Netherlands Niger


Pakistan Panama

Paraguay Peru


Puerto Rico Rwanda


South Africa

South Korea

South Sudan Spain


Switzerland Syria

Tanzania Thailand Turkey


United Kingdom USA

Venezuela Vietnam Zambia


Collaborative Partnership JCI (Junior Chamber International) JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens ages 18 to 40 who are engaged and

committed to creating impact in their communities. With around 5000 JCI Local Organizations in nearly 120 nations, JCI forms a vibrant global community of nearly 200,000 active citizens. The

collective actions of all JCI Local and National Organizations form a global grassroots movement,

empowering members to run effective projects, exchange ideas and work together to develop new ways to improve their communities. Guided by the passion to transform their lives and the world, JCI members have the courage to address the greatest challenges of our time.

The Government of Sarawak To showcase their region’s diverse but united population, the Government of Sarawak — also known as the “City of Unity” — sought the opportunity to host the International Summit on Peace since the city of Kuching provides a landscape that inspires one to take action for peace and tranquility. The

Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Sarawak supported and participated at this event to initiate change and development both locally and globally.



As we realize it will take united action by all sectors of society to advance peace globally, it was important to include experts from all sectors of society to share and showcase their peace building practices and knowledge. Therefore, we engaged over 20 organizations to contribute to the event’s content and facilitate interactive workshops. JCI will be the organization that unites all sectors to create sustainable impact.




American Journalist, News Anchor for MSNBC, formerly CNN Worldwide

Former President of Nigeria (2010–2015)

Richard Lui

H.E. Dr. Goodluck Jonathan

Tennille Amor

Shinsaku Fukazawa

Mbulelo Bikwani

Rania Haddad

Singer/Songwriter, Co-Founder of E.P.I.C.

CEO, The Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation

Hii Chang Kee

Senior Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

2016 JCI Peace is Possible Committee Chairperson

Lay Leader of Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference, Methodist Church in Malaysia

Ben Harrington

Paschal Dike

Sanjana Hattotuwa

Linh Do

Dr. Richard Heinzl

Eva Dutary

Marietta Hopley

2017 JCI Immediate Past President

Social Change Advocate, Editor in Chief, The Verb

Managing Director, AIESEC in Malaysia

Representative, Peace One Day

Special Advisor, ICT4Peace Foundation

Founder of Doctors Without Borders, Canada

Let’s Do It! Ambassador for the African Continent


Natalia Ruiz

Recording Artist and Peace Ambassador

Multi-Cultural Visual Artist

Umek Jeno

Kian Hoe Seah

Community Leader, Ethnic Orang Ulu Sarawak

Managing Director, Heng Hiap Industries SDN BHD

Liza Sideni

Dima Khatib

Managing Director, AJ+

Manager, Brooke Gallery at Fort Margherita, Kuching

Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein

Alok Thakur

Burmese Pop/Rock Singer, Ambassador of MasterPeace

Regional Manager for Eastern Nepal, Search for Common Ground

Tshepo Thlaku

Poly Lat

President-elect, Kiwanis International

2017 JCI Peace is Possible Committee Chairperson

Ilco van der Linde

Daniel Wilkins

Co-Founder, MasterPeace

Executive Director, Pvblic Foundation

Simon Woell

John Loughton

Preventing Conflict and Violent Extremism Consultant, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub

Founder, CEO, Dare2Lead

Sarah Meredith

Country Manager for Australia, Global Citizen


Pathways to peace As the barriers to peace are diverse in communities around the world, participants of the International Summit on Peace were offered three unique “Pathways to Peace� within the Summit program to ensure they are attending the most relevant and empowering activities to help them mobilize fellow peacemakers and advance peace in their community upon returning home.

Pathway 1: Peace Promoter

Pathway 1: Peace Promoter focused on expanding

knowledge and understanding within participants of peace in oneself, the community and the world. Workshop topics

ranged from communicating with compassion to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

Pathway 2: Peace Actor

Pathway 2: Peace Actor focused on developing the skills

and knowledge within participants to mobilize individuals, organizations and communities to take united action for peace. Workshop topics ranged from building peace

coalitions to effectively collaborating across borders.

Pathway 3: Peace Maker

Pathway 3: Peace Maker focused on identifying and

developing advocacy techniques within participants to

present solutions and opportunities for peace. Workshop topics ranged from learning how to create an advocacy plan to conflict resolution training.

Although continuing on a specific Pathway to Peace was encouraged, participants at the International

Summit on Peace were able to attend any session that would better empower them to create peace in their community!



10:00 –17:30 | Registration | Hilton Kuching 14:30 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Peace: Within Yourself, Your Community and the World

14:30 | Ballroom 3, Hilton Kuching Peace is Possible Coalition: Collaboration that Impacts

14:30 | See Corresponding Rooms Choose which session you want to attend!

18:00 | Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address | Borneo Convention Centre Kuching 20:00 | Sarawak Cultural Unity Night | Borneo Convention Centre Kuching

09:00 | Peace is Possible: Morning Show and Keynote Address | Ballroom 1–3, Hilton Kuching


10:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching The Global Goals: The Building Blocks to Peace 11:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Dialogue for Peace: Communicating with Compassion

10:15 | Kenyaleng, Hilton Kuching

10:15 | Ballroom 3, Hilton Kuching Problem Solving for Peace: Panel Discussion and Interactive Workshop

Lead by example: Good Governance for Peaceful Societies

11:15 | Kenyaleng, Hilton Kuching Engaging the Media: How to Create a Positive Narrative

12:30 | Lunch Break 14:00 | Peace on Our Planet: Is it Possible? Panel Discussion | Ballroom 1–3, Hilton Kuching 15:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Break-Out Session: Fight Inequality and Injustice

15:15 | Ballroom 3, Hilton Kuching Break-Out Session: End Extreme Poverty

15:15 | Kenyaleng, Hilton Kuching Break-Out Session: Combat Climate Change

16:30 | Organizing for Peace Day | Ballroom 1–2 & Kuching Mall, Hilton Kuching


09:00 | Peace is Possible: Morning Show and Keynote Address | Ballroom 1–3, Hilton Kuching 10:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Conflict Resolution Training

10:15 | Ballroom 3, Hilton Kuching Share Your Story: Choosing Your Peace Platform

10:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Conflict Resolution Training

11:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Peace Project Showcase

11:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Peace Project Showcase

11:15 | Kenyaleng, Hilton Kuching Advocacy: A Means to Make Peace Possible

12:30 | Lunch Break 14:00 | Religion, Culture and Tradition: Building a Foundation for Peace Panel | Ballroom 1–3, Hilton Kuching 15:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Diversity and Inclusion Training

15:15 | Ballroom 3, Hilton Kuching Collaboration Across Borders

15:15 | Kenyaleng, Hilton Kuching Empowering Others to be Peacemakers

16:15 | Ballroom 1–2, Hilton Kuching Problem Solving for Peace

16:15 | Ballroom 3, Hilton Kuching Building a Peace Coalition

16:15 | Kenyaleng, Hilton Kuching Advocate Now: Creating an Advocacy Plan

17:30 | Closing Keynote and Peace Proclamation Presentation | Ballroom 1–3, Hilton Kuching 20:00 | Peace is Possible Concert and Rally | Pullman Kuching Hotel


Session Descriptions General Sessions — All Pathways Opening Keynote Address

Kick off the International Summit on Peace with this very special keynote address to inspire and encourage delegates to take action in their communities worldwide to ensure that peace is possible for all.

Sarawak Cultural Unity Night | Sponsored by the Government of Sarawak

The Sarawak region prides itself on its cultural and religious diversity, recognizing it as a strength and pillar of the community. Celebrate the launch of the International Summit on Peace and Sarawak’s uniquely diverse and peaceful environment with delegates from around the world.

Peace is Possible Morning Show and Keynote

Start the day off right with the action-packed, energizing Peace is Possible Morning Show! You won’t want to miss the lively show hosts, a preview of the day’s most exciting events and motivating exercises. Plus each show features an inspiring keynote to get you ready for the day of peacemaking ahead, so arrive early for a great seat!

Peace on Our Planet: Is it Possible? Panel Discussion

Is sustained world peace really possible in the 21st century? Diverse peacemakers representing all sectors of society share their knowledge and experience while advocating for peace as well as discuss how young people can approach this enormous responsibility to ensure peace is possible for all in the 21st century.

Organizing for Peace Day

Community organizing is an important skill for mobilizing people, resources and organizations toward a common purpose. Learn the critical skills necessary for community organizing and how you can develop them within yourself to organize your local community for peace.

Religion, Culture and Tradition: Building a Foundation for Peace Panel Discussion

Religion, culture and tradition—critical components of our everyday lives that drive our beliefs, attitudes and actions toward peace. Hear from religious and cultural leaders on how communities can leverage our differences in faith, culture and tradition to demonstrate our shared humanity.

Closing Keynote and Peace Proclamation Presentation

Conclude the Summit experience with this empowering closing keynote to further ignite your passion for building a peaceful world. Solidify the knowledge gained, lessons learned and inspiration harnessed during the Summit to reaffirm your commitment to make peace possible through the presentation of the Youth Proclamation on Peace.

Peace is Possible Concert and Rally

Connect with other delegates of the Summit to reflect on your experience and celebrate the action you’re about to take. The concert provides a moment for pause and reflection, as well as celebration for global peace promoters, actors and makers as we embark on a journey to establish an everlasting world peace.

Pathway 1: Peace Promoter Peace: Within Yourself, Your Community and the World

Many of the challenges that exist today are human made; therefore humans have the opportunity and ability to solve them. However, this requires a transformation in our attitude. Learn how understanding and fostering peace within ourselves and others is the first step to building peaceful communities and a peaceful society to ensure that peace is possible for all.

The Global Goals: The Building Blocks to Peace

Sustainable development is essential for everlasting peace. Dig deeper into the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and how ending extreme poverty, fighting inequality and injustice and combating climate change are critical to ensuring peace is possible for all.


Break-Out Session: Fight Inequality and Injustice

This break-out session covers the topics and themes raised during Peace on Our Planet: Is it Possible? Panel Discussion more in depth to explore how inequality and injustice serve as barriers to peace. Through the lens of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, participants discuss what inequality and injustice looks like in local communities as well as discover grassroots opportunities and solutions to fight it.

Peace Project Showcase

This showcase highlights impactful projects from across the globe that provide sustainable solutions to local barriers to peace. Learn from the actions and impact of young active citizens across the world to inspire your own commitment to build an everlasting world peace.

Conflict Resolution Training

Conflict is a normal and even healthy part of society. However, when conflict is mismanaged it can harm relationships. Discover how through conflict resolution you can ensure peaceful solutions are the result of any disagreement or conflict, no matter the seriousness of the situation.

Diversity and Inclusion Training

To ensure solutions that foster peace are effective they must be inclusive representing the community’s diversity. This interactive training addresses the difference between diversity and inclusion, stereotypes and bias, various aspects of diversity as well as strategies for organizations and grassroots solutions to be more inclusive.

Problem Solving for Peace

This interactive workshop demonstrates the kinds of understanding active citizens must have surrounding peace in today’s world. Participants explore a framework for action that individuals can use to mobilize young people toward the establishment of peaceful, inclusive and just societies that enhance sustainable development.

Pathway 2: Peace Actor Peace is Possible Coalition: Collaboration that Impacts

Collaboration across all sectors of society is critical to establishing sustained world peace. Learn about how you can facilitate collaboration in your community to ensure peace is possible for all from collaborators of the Peace is Possible Coalition, whose aim is to unite stakeholders from all sectors to mobilize young people to take action for an everlasting world peace.

Problem Solving for Peace: Panel Discussion and Interactive Workshop

Hear from sustainable development experts from all sectors of society to better understand the intersection of sustainable development with peace and strategies to achieve both in today’s society. The workshop goes into more detail on the topics and themes raised during the panel discussion demonstrating the kinds of understanding active citizens must have to establish peace in today’s society. Participants explore a framework for action that individuals can use to mobilize young people toward the establishment of peaceful, inclusive and just societies that enhance sustainable development.

Break-Out Session: End Extreme Poverty

This break-out session covers topics and themes raised during the Peace on Our Planet: Is it Possible? Panel Discussion more in depth to explore how extreme poverty serves as a barrier to peace. Through the lens of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, participants discuss what extreme poverty looks like in local communities as well as the grassroots opportunities and solutions to end it.

Share Your Story: Choosing Your Peace Platform

Stories of impact have their own power to create peace in communities. Discover the approaches to effectively share your story of positive change to create even more opportunities for building and sustaining peaceful societies.

Peace Project Showcase

This showcase highlights impactful projects from across the globe that provide sustainable solutions to local barriers to peace. Learn from the actions and impact of young active citizens to inspire your own commitment to build an everlasting world peace.

Collaboration Across Borders

Collaboration requires mutual understanding and respect—two things also necessary to building peace. Study collaborations that have successfully fostered peace across borders to identify the critical components of establishing and maintaining relationships that advance peace.


Building a Peace Coalition

Community coalitions for peace maximize and multiply grassroots actions and solutions for peaceful development worldwide. Practice the skills and actions necessary to build a coalition of community stakeholders who are taking joint action to ensure peace is possible for all.

Pathway 3: Peace Maker Lead by Example: Good Governance for Peaceful Societies

Explore the components of good governance in the 21st century to ensure you and other peacemakers can hold government, business and civil society leaders accountable for ensuring peace is possible for all.

Engaging the Media: How to Create a Positive Narrative

It seems that news and media outlets are dominated by stories of conflict, terror and violence. However, isn’t it time that we highlight the good being done in the world? Individuals, and their positive actions, have the power to change the narrative. Learn how to engage the media and showcase the positive impact being created in your community and around the world.

Break-Out Session: Combat Climate Change

This break-out session covers the topics and themes raised during the Peace on Our Planet: Is it Possible? Panel Discussion more in depth to explore how climate change serves as a barrier to peace. Through the lens of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, participants discuss what climate change looks like in local communities as well as the grassroots opportunities and solutions to combat it.

Conflict Resolution Training

Conflict is a normal and even healthy part of society. However, when conflict is mismanaged it can harm relationships. Discover how through conflict resolution you can ensure peaceful solutions are the result of any disagreement or conflict, no matter the seriousness of the situation.

Advocacy: A Means to Make Peace Possible

Advocacy is one of many avenues an individual and their community can take to make peace possible. Discover and explore ways you can advocate to stakeholders from all sectors of society to make decisions and take action that supports your vision of peace.

Empowering Others to be Peacemakers

Reflect on how you can take the knowledge gained not only at the Summit, but from your personal experiences as well, to determine how you can empower others in your network and community to be peacemakers who take action to ensure peace is possible for all.

Advocate Now: Creating an Advocacy Plan

Understand the components, challenges and uses of an advocacy plan. Consider all the lessons learned and knowledge gained during the Summit to create your own plan for advocating to your community stakeholders to make peace a priority.


Participant FEEDBACK Pathway 1: Peace Promoter Which Pathway to Peace did you take?


Pathway 2: Peace Actor Pathway 3: Peace Maker I did not follow a specific pathway. No response

This was 55.2% of the survey’s respondents first JCI international event.

Top 5 factors which added the most value to the International Summit on Peace 1. Speakers and Participating Organizations 2. Program Pathways and Session Content 3. Diverse Attendance 4. Event Location 5. The Opening and Closing Keynotes

of participants gained a new and/or deeper understanding of what peace is in today’s world.

of participants gained new knowledge and skills that will help them mobilize others to take grassroots action to make peace possible in their communities.

of participants feel motivated to become a peace promoter, peace actor and peace maker in their local community following the International Summit on Peace.

“Too short considering its importance!”

“Truly global.”

“The focus on one objective gave it a better result.” “Amazing engagement!”

“Content was great.”

“Speakers were impressive.”

“Very professional and productive.”

“Rich program.”


– Sanda Medne, age 33, Latvia “I count it a great privilege to have represented my

country, Nigeria, at an epic and timely event such as

the International Summit on Peace in Malaysia. For me, all activities (Keynotes, Panels, Group Discussions,

Peace Rally AND Concert) at the summit were simply

life-transforming. I sincerely wish for a replay!” – Paul Akingbola , age 28, Nigera

“I’m grateful to have been part of the first International Peace Summit where we could connect with other active peacemakers and exchange ideas. The summit has inspired us to turn our compassion into action by giving us the necessary tools to make an impact in our homes and communities.” — Elizabeth Toth, age 33, Austria

“It was very memorable and also historical to have all the peacemakers together at the same place and in the same time to share their ideas and vision about PEACE to more than 600 participants from all over the world. I believe this summit encourageS participants to take action rather than joining the silent majority in their community. - Jandi Mukianto LL.B, LL.M., age 33, indonesia


TESTIMONIALS “The summit proved that peace is at the heart of our constitution and at the heart of everyone. It is gratifying that our concerted effort worldwide has helped us identify more peace advocates and strategic partnership, and made our positioning clear to the world. Let peace begin with us and not end with us. ” -Naomi Chan, age 33, Hong Kong

“The International Summit on Peace will prove as a milestone event since it will change the lives of many. The delegates will promote Peace is Possible in their respective local communities, which ultimately will create positive impact in society to bring peace locally and globally.” – Meghnad Jani, age 37, India

“At the International Summit on Peace event, I met so many young people who are determined not to wait for tomorrow, but to act today for peace. We, the members of the organization, often say that JCI provides a lot of opportunities. I realized this again at this event.” . . – Dovile Ziaukiene, age 36, Lithuania

“It was just amazing to be part of the International Summit on Peace, and to meet all those incredible peacemakers with their unbelievable stories. inspiring. it was remarkable to join JCI members from nearly 100 countries to share experiences and plan actions. by far, the best JCI event ever.” -Thaynan Mariano, age 28, Brazil 15

SOCIAL MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Top Facebook Post “We are happy to announce our Closing Keynote for the International Summit on Peace taking place 6–8 September in Sarawak, Malaysia! We will be joined by the Former President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan! Register: www.” Reach: 32,970 | 437 Post Clicks 7753 Reactions, Comments, Shares

Peace Concert & Rally Ad Campaign on Facebook Reach: 505,793 | 17,055 Link Clicks

International Summit on Peace Facebook Ad Campaign

6 JCI Live Facebook Videos

Reach: 1,575,767 | 49,137 Link Clicks


Search #JCIPeaceSummit to check out posts from the Summit participants!


Video Gallery “Youth Proclamation on Peace”

Prior to the International Summit on Peace, we asked delegates of the Summit, JCI members and peacemakers around the

world to contribute, through a survey, to building the Youth

Proclamation on Peace. This video showcases the proclamation

and the commitment young active citizens made to build peace around the world.

Views: 5009 | Reach: 16,825


“International Summit on Peace Event Highlight Video” The International Summit on Peace included a multi-day

program made up of keynotes, interactive workshops, JCI

Morning Shows and an outstanding amount of impact. This video showcases the highlights of the event. Views: 5205 | Reach: 19,909


“Peace Concert and Rally”

The International Summit on Peace culminated with the

highly anticipated Peace Concert and Rally featuring artists

Emmanuel Jal, Tennille Amor and Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein. The

concert celebrated the impact that resulted from the event and motivated delegates to take action and make peace possible upon returning home.

Will be released by 31 October 2017. Analytics unavailable.

“Views” based on Facebook and YouTube analytics. “Reach” based on Facebook analytics. Analytics collected on 9 October 2017.


MEDIA COVERAGE • “International Peace Summit Concludes In Kuching” – GMI Portal • “ICYMI: Junior Chamber International and the State of Sarawak Conclude International Summit on Peace in Kuching” – Travel Daily News online • “Dezinformatsiya” – The Island website • “Ex-President Jonathan speaks on global peace and security in Malaysia” – • “Junior Chamber International and the State of Sarawak prepare to host global institutions and leaders” – Travel Daily News • “Peace means more than just absence of war” – EdisiViral • “Living in accord with nature” – EdisiViral • “JCI delegation calls on Abang Johari” – The Borneo Post online • “Achieving peace: Thinking big, but starting small” – The Borneo Post online • “Kuching To Host International Summit On Peace” – GMI Portal • “Kuching to host International Summit on Peace from Sept 6-8” – The Borneo Post online • “Kuching To Host International Summit On Peace From September 6-8” – Life Style & Youth Bernama • “Kuching to host International Summit on Peace next month” – The Borneo Post online • “Young Professionals: How the Young Blood Build Peace” – Le Defi Media Group • “Attend JCI’s International Summit on Peace in Malaysia 2017” – Opportunity Desk online • “Kuching selected to host International Summit on Peace” – The Borneo Post online


Youth Proclamation on Peace As young active citizens under the age of 40 representing over 100 countries, we are committed to creating a peaceful future. We recognize that terrorism, inequalities and poverty continue to prevent peace locally, nationally and globally. We cannot rely on established institutions alone to overcome these barriers, but must find our own new and innovative ways to create peace. The UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security recognizes young people as central figures for successful peace initiatives. However, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), modeled as the building blocks to peace, only specifically address young people in six out of the 169 targets which make up the Goals. We believe that engaged, mobilized and empowered active citizens are our greatest resource in achieving peace, which we define as follows: Peace is the ability to respect differences within our diverse global community, transcending the sovereignty of nations. Peace ensures human dignity and guarantees humanity is preserved for future generations. It is not just the absence of conflict, but also the prevalence of justice. Therefore, we the young leaders of today and tomorrow, proclaim our commitment to the following actions: ACTION 1: Recognize the human dignity in every person and challenge ourselves and others to treat everyone with mutual respect. ACTION 2: Identify, connect and engage communities experiencing conflict and injustice and unite active citizens to be actors and advocates for peace. ACTION 3: Collaborate with like-minded organizations from all sectors of society to build peace coalitions that will collaborate to positively impact societies. ACTION 4: Hold all levels of government accountable for their actions to ensure policies and frameworks for just and peaceful communities are created, implemented and sustained. ACTION 5: Create a positive narrative of peace by engaging the media and other relevant platforms to share our unified global voice and vision for a peaceful world. ACTION 6: Apply the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the guiding framework for community development, while ensuring that young people are empowered as key players in their achievement. ACTION 7: Empower our generation and the next to be powerful and bold peacemakers who will not sway in the face of opposition. As young active citizens of the world, we proclaim and accept our vital role and responsibility to take action and ensure peace is possible for all.

Youth Proclamation on Peace 8 th day of September, 2017 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia


conclusion Young people are often seen as the leaders of tomorrow,

with the skills, knowledge and confidence that will enable

of today. The UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth,

action for peace. Each young person that attended the

however they are often not involved in the decision making

them to mobilize young people in their community to take

peace and security recognizes young people as central

Summit in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia left the event with the

figures for successful peace initiatives. However, the 17

feeling that because they are young they have the power to

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), modeled as the

affect positive change toward peace.

building blocks to peace, only specifically address young

As we embark on this journey to empower young people

people in six out of the 169 targets that make up the Goals.

to be the generation to develop peace within themselves,

Peace is the ability to respect differences within our diverse

their community and the world around them, we call

global community, transcending the sovereignty of nations.

on stakeholders from all sectors of society to join us.

Peace ensures human dignity and guarantees humanity is

Collaboration is critical for sustainable development. JCI

preserved for future generations. It is not just the absence of

invites all sectors of society—business, government and civil

conflict, but also the prevalence of justice. Young people are

society—to join young people in achieving their vision and

critical to achieving this peace.

creating an everlasting world peace.

The International Summit on Peace united engaged,

mobilized and empowered young people from across the

world to formulate a common vision for how young people

can build an everlasting world peace for all. Through highly interactive working sessions and in-depth discussions with

experts from the field, delegates left the Summit equipped


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