peep magazine issue seventeen. peep profile the Berlin based Photographer Anna - Lena Krause with her 'The Flesh' Photographs. The Flesh is a series of photographs taken in toilets of Berlin Nightclubs. The assignment is Anna-Lena's first year project at University. She was asked to create portraits and decide to experiment. Check her work out in peep magazine issue 17. #peep
peep also talk to Byker Groove and Fuzzy Warbles creators in our After the Love Has Gone piece. Giovanni Spatuzzi reflects on the night and how he plans to improve future nights with Byker Groove at the Newcastle Star and Shadow cinema Newcastle, England.
We also catch up with World Headquarters Club owner - Tom Caulker. Tom talks to peep about World Headquarters not being a 'brand' but a 'thing'. Tom, goes on to talk about the future of World Headquarters and the also it's history.
We are very pleased to be working with Starprosports. Check out what we have been up to reviewing some of their latest products at Castle Keep Nwc