100 Mother’s Breastfeeding Testimonials
Albee Wen
哺乳真的很好。孩子少生病,我也省下很多钱。妈妈们,继续哺乳。改天你再看回来, 你便没后悔了!
Ah Yoke
从怀孕开始就被 kk 灌输母乳的知识,再加上身边朋友的经验让我也踏上了喂母乳这 条路。虽然是不容易,但绝对是值得的,给孩子最好的营养,让他们健康快乐成长就 是身为父母最大的安慰。Happy breastfeeding!
Alice Ling
哺乳之路说容易又不简单~想到母乳有抗体和宝宝需要营养,再累都值得虽然有时很 多人质疑宝宝那么大了喝母乳还有营养吗?当然有,母乳会跟着宝宝需求的营养生产 ~ 一出生就亲喂到现在的你已经 10 个月了!希望你继续健康快乐成长
Anitha Rud
I carried on breastfeeding until she was about 3 years old. After a traumatic start, it became a beautiful experience, and although there were many difficult, long nights, I now mostly remember just that close bond between us, all those moments looking down at her, and being able to feed her or comfort her at any time.
Ann Koay
Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding for both mom and baby. It makes me feel good to know that as a mother I'm giving my baby the best that she deserves. It makes me feel loved as well.” “What I like the very best about breastfeeding is when I am feeding and he looks up and smiles
Annie Yee
Breastfeeding journey is hard but I strived it through. As I know the first 1000 days are the golden time for the little one to grow healthily. Watching my little one gaze up at me while breastfeeding is an indescribable feeling.
Apple Sin Yee
I never regret of what the hardship during breastfeeding. It is all worthwhile!
Avery Ooi
The journey of breastfeeding is not easy. It is filled with tears, sweat and laughter. No matter how hard or busy, I will try my best to breastfeed my baby. When I saw my baby's smile it makes me forget all the pain & stress .Last breast milk is the best gift for baby.
Betty Teo
I choose to breastfeed when I come to know that breastmilk provide lot of benefit to the newborn. Despite a lot of struggle at first but ended up I have a very successful breastfeeding journey. It doesn’t just provide a stronger immunity for both of my kids but also build a very close bonding with me. I’m proud of myself.
Candy How
第一次不会哺乳 所以全配方奶 有点小愧疚哥哥 可是哥哥还是长大了 第二次也是第一 次全哺乳 可是还未满一年 (约 10 个月左右)就进入配方奶了 也是看到你们健健康康
长大 妈咪觉得一切都不容
Cecelia Sim
Breastfeeding has been an intimate journey for me, one that has deeply intertwined with my role as a mother to four beautiful children. Each of them has been nourished and comforted by breastfeeding, a natural bond that we've shared right from the start. Now, as I continue this journey with my youngest baby, still cradled in the warmth of breastfeeding, I am reminded of the unique connection it fosters between us.
Cheong Ly Meng
怀孕后才知道,原来不是每个妈妈都能体验母乳哺育之旅程。非常感恩,初次当妈妈 的我,便能体验到这幸福又艰辛的旅程!虽然这旅程很累特别是在夜声人静的夜晚、 有时为了奶量减少而烦恼等等,但只要在哺乳时一看到宝宝微笑的眼神,什么疲惫 啊、艰辛啊都顿时消失!当下只觉得这是多么幸福难得的体验啊!
Chong Meu Xi
The advantages and benefits of breastfeeding to baby and mummy seem like a beautiful journey. Along the journey is all about determination and needs lots of patience. Enjoy every moment because it doesn't last long.
给宝宝喂奶的时候是我和她最亲密的时候,感觉心贴着心,每次喂完奶,听到宝宝满 足地打个嗝声,这也让我最幸福和最自豪的事情。
Choo Lee Ling
From the first latch to the peaceful moments of nourishing my baby, it's been a journey filled with love, connection, and immense joy. Breastfeeding is demanding, and I am grateful for trying so hard every day.
Ee Fun
I start my breastfeeding journey at 2017 for my 1st born I’m working mother so I pumped every working day in a small store room without fans and Air Cond. I use my lunch time 30min eat 30min pump it’s really tiring work yet happy Year 2023 welcome my baby girl and start the breastfeeding again
Eileen Gan
When I first embarked on my breastfeeding journey, little did I know that it may not be a smooth sailing one. I have gone through sleep deprivation and the scariest breast engorgement pain. Today looking at my healthy boys, I know that I have made the best choice for them. For all the nursing struggles that I encountered, I will still choose to breastfeed my babies without any regrets and hesitation, all in the name of mother’s love to her little ones
Ejane Chong
Breastfeeding all four of my children has taught me patience, resilience, and the depth of a mother's love. It has been a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, each feeding session strengthening the unbreakable bond between us. This journey has been my source of strength, a testament to the natural beauty of motherhood.
Breastfeeding adalah perkara yang paling indah dalam hidup saya sebagai seorang ibu. Alhamdulillah.. saya dikurniakan anugerah ini dari Tuhan dan saya sangat happy dapat lakukannya untuk anak saya…
My daughter blessed me with my first breastfeeding experience. Even before her birth, I was resolute in my determination to exclusively breastfeed her. Truthfully, it hasn't been easy - juggling breastfeeding alongside work commitments, constantly cleaning the breast pump, and enduring sleepless nights.
Jacqueline Khoo
本来打算喂 6 个月混合喂养好像姐姐那样,可是儿子极度对普通奶粉敏感然后一直呕 吐,必须用 AR 才可以防止呕吐。于是我变踏上全母乳喂养的路上。虽然很辛苦,两 次肺炎一直咳嗽,两次乳腺炎一直发烧,吃过一次 BREASTFEEDING FRIENDLY 抗生素, 我很佩服自己还是坚持了下来亲喂/挤奶,只为了儿子更健康的成长。
Jan Janice
Before my daughter was born I wasn’t sure between breastfeeding and formula as a first time mom. As soon as she’s being placed on my chest and started her first latch, each and every feed creates stronger bond between us. By now, I can firmly tell I want only breastfeed for my daughter for as long as I can. The moment spent with her is too precious to forgo.
Jenny Lin
第一胎 哺乳知识不足, 泵奶四个月,母乳六个月 这一胎 奶量不足,祝福自己可以坚 持到宝宝副食 母乳 是第一份我能给孩子独一无二的爱的礼物。 坚持母乳,只因爱孩 子,想给孩子最营养,最美好的。
Jia Min
Breastfeeding is something I truly enjoy. The convenience, the cuddling, the connection, the cheeky grin and excitement before latching, and the look of perfect contentment as my little one guzzles away. Such an amazing experience!
Joan Kek Kek
我的哺乳之路在生孩子后一小时正式开启!从一开始的手忙脚乱到现在的熟能生巧。哺 乳有幸福甜蜜的过程,又有艰辛和疲累的时候,每当哺乳时宝宝仰望着我,并甜甜的笑 着时,我知道这一切的付出和牺牲都是值得的。宝宝,母乳是身为妈妈的我给宝宝的第 一份爱的礼物,希望你可以健康快乐的长大噢!
Jocelyn Chong
As a mother who breastfed two children for nearly five years, I can attest to the profound bond it creates and the immense benefits it provides for both mother and child. Breastfeeding journey was a beautiful experience that strengthened our connection and nurtured their growth. Grateful for every moment shared
Jonics Ice
母乳的时光像是做了一场梦,雁过无痕 母乳是本能,而断奶是一场修行 两年零九个月的 37°的紧密相连 断奶期间不哭也不闹 原来你比妈咪更坚强更勇敢 原来不是你离不开妈 咪,是我离不开宝贝 再见 37°艰辛又温暖的母乳时光
Joony Lim
哺乳是件很奇妙的事。开始哺乳要担心的事很多,塞奶,工作还有被咬。可是停乳却 又万分不舍。亲喂是如此亲密的举动,是再次链接彼此唯一的方式。
Breastfeeding is hard but sweet journey. Never give up no matter how hard is it, just keep it on just for my little precious. Breastfeeding provides many health benefits for both babies and mommies, watching him grow healthily and stronger day by day makes me feel all worth it. Never try never know, believe in yourself you can do it.
No one said breastfeeding was easy, as a working mom its stressful, beautiful, exhausting, fulfilling journey. But I know breast milk is the best for my baby. It will never easy but it will getting better
她是我盼了 10 多年才育成的宝宝,她是试管儿即是早产儿,在怀上她那刻起,母爱 泛滥己久的我立志要哺乳让她当个全母乳宝宝,势要把最珍贵无价的营养和抵抗力给 她,没想到这个决心让我这一喂就给自己喂出了大学生的里程碑 37 个月又 16 天了的 哺乳生涯与孩子最亲密接触的时光
Kah Mun Gan
Breastfeeding has been an incredible journey for me and my baby Kaizen. Breastfeeding provides him with essential nutrients and antibodies, brings Kaizen closer to me, and provides a sense of security. The closeness and intimacy we share during breastfeeding moments are truly unforgettable.
Kathleen Fung
I breastfed my baby for a year, cherishing the intimate bond between us. Thankfully, my baby latched on successfully three days after birth, making breastfeeding smooth. Preparing during pregnancy, I'm grateful to provide my child with the invaluable gift of breast milk.
Kei Tc
Breast milk is the best food for babies. During the breastfeeding process, it is beneficial for both mother and baby to feel happiness, joy, and sweetness, but it may not go as smoothly as expected. Mothers often bear a lot of external pressure alone and should receive more encouragement and support
Ying Voon
Mother’s milk is a symbol of compassion. We may not know how to express what love is, what compassion is, but there is a strong feeling of closeness. From the mother’s side also, if there is no strong feeling of closeness toward the baby, her milk may not flow readily. So, mother’s milk is human affection.
Kui Ping Lee
I am proud to announce in the 8 years ago, I am able to breastfeeding my eldest son for a year and currently I am continue breastfeeding with my second son. Bf journey is not easy but I will try my best for my lovely sons.
Lam Mei Pinn
Breastfeeding for 2 years is not an easy job but looking her grow up healthily day by day makes all the hard work worth it. (Nov 2019 - Oct 2021)
I had never imagined that I could have gone so far in my breast feeding journey. At first I thought I was only able to walk this journey for 6 months. However I realized that breast feeding has a lot of benefits and with that in mind, I continued to breast feed my son up until a year. Looking back in time, I never regretted the time spent to breast feed my lovely and adorable son
Lim Ban Ting
Breastfeeding is a magic gift that God presented to me. I am grateful that I am a mother!
Low Cheng Mun
Breastfeeding becomes particularly challenging when you fall ill, unable to take strong medication for recovery. However, the bond with my son is incredibly rewarding. I've been breastfeeding for a year and six months now, and I'm continuing.
Maggie Cheah
2 years journey and still counting on. It is the most precious journey in my life.
Mei Khon
I never thought I could have breastfed. I am blessed to have this gift. Best gift ever!
Ming ming zhu
Breastfeeding has created a special bond between me and my baby, and i feel a deep sense of connection and love during those moments
Muniswari Balakrisnan
I carried on breastfeeding until she was about 3 years old. After a traumatic start, it became a beautiful experience, and although there were many difficult, long nights, I now mostly remember just that close bond between us, all those moments looking down at her, and being able to feed her or comfort her at any time.
Myne Lim
Breastfeeding was the best ever journey I had been through. It is amazing that when I was connected with my baby. I could felt his heartbeat and his warmth during the whole process. Every time when I almost gave up due to my packed working hours, but when I saw his cute and innocent face, also how blissful he was while breastfeeding, I was determined to continue the journey. Happy breastfeeding to all mummies!
Nicole Mok
Remember that every breastfeeding journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fitsall approach. Whether you continue breastfeeding, gradually wean, or decide it's time to transition to other forms of nourishment, the most important thing is that you and your child are happy and healthy. Congratulations myself on reaching this milestone!
Nicole Ng
As a first-time mother, I had never thought and knew much about breastfeeding. However, I was very happy that my breastfeeding journey went smoothly. My boy grew up healthy and rarely got sick. As my work requires frequent trips outstation, my breastfeeding stopped gradually. It lasted for 3 years and 2 months.
Breastfeeding is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Breastfeeding is hard work and intense as well as constant but it's also rewarding. But it never makes me give up from breastfeeding my little one. Not all breastfeeding journeys look the same. But what i can tell is, breastfeeding saves your time.
Breastfeeding is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Breastfeeding is hard work and intense as well as constant but it's also rewarding. But it never makes me give up from breastfeeding my little one. Not all breastfeeding journeys look the same. But what i can tell is, breastfeeding saves your time.
Nurul Atirah
Breastfeeding is a natural process. Feeding is not only milk, but also love. It is a nurturing relationship.
Ong May Hwa
Having in mind that my breastmilk is the best for my little one, I’m able to strive through the breastfeeding journey. It is so rewarding and satisfying when I’m holding and feeding him. It would definitely be the closest bond between us that will always be in my mind.
Ong Wan Ching
I’m very appreciate i m still able to BF my little one even this round I’m in advance age of motherhood. Learning from experience I had successful cut down my oversupply issues and my breastmilk just right from my baby boy
Parveenjit Kaur
The bond forged during those countless nursing sessions became the cornerstone of our relationship, providing not only nourishment but also comfort and security. Breastfeeding is the best!
Pauline Yeap
这是我的第三个宝宝,2021 年出生,是一位 IUGR 宝宝,出生时体重只有 1.8kg。现在 已经 34 个月大了,仍然还在全亲喂母乳。虽然至今个子依然很瘦小,但是是一个非 常活跃和健康的宝宝。我不会特意让他戒掉母乳,会让他慢慢自然离乳
Sandy Chow
When I knew i was pregnant, the first thought is I am determined to breastfeed my child. Firstborn was breastfeed for 4.5years and I am grateful Adventist nurses shared valuable tips on the start of my journey. And followed by tandem nursing my second born which is born in Adventist itself. Being a premmie is more crucial to have the golden milk. And she too weaned at 4 years old. And now my 3rd child who is 11months old. It’s a wonderful 7years. Toast to all mothers!
Pui Chee Leong
大宝全挤了一年,小宝全亲喂了 4 年 2 个月,还在持续中~好多人叫我停止哺乳了, 但是我还不想和小宝阻断这道亲密关系,就让她自然离乳吧~只要她需要,我还能继 续给予母乳营养,我都会继续下去~
Pwen Lim
怀大宝的时候,无意间接触到母乳对宝宝的好处,期间一直做功课,如何开奶、存 奶、热奶,也学习正确亲喂宝宝的方法。 到宝宝正式出生,才发现一切不简单。皇天 不负苦心人,大宝顺利哺乳 2 年,直到再次怀孕才停。 二宝在有经验的情况下还是免 不了遇到了许多问题。现在二宝 8 个月,努力坚持着全母乳,每天也坚持挤 150ml 母 乳给大宝。 这条路不容易但走得心甘情愿。
Reesmy Barthelot
The journey of breastfeeding is both suffering and happiness. I will never forget The first time I try to feed her The first time I having the pain of my nipple crack Even with this all this suffering I didn’t give up breastfeeding Cause same time I get the happiness of breastfeed The happy healthy baby The temperature of 37 degree The very pure smile from your baby Even those is tough but happy
Richness Ho
在喂母乳时期是痛+幸福 有时很想放弃,可是每次看到宝宝的笑容就舍不得放弃,就
这样喂了 2 年 8
个月,我也很佩服我自己,可以坚持那么久,喂母乳需要遭遇破皮流 血堵塞生病身体虚弱等等,我的家人也一直劝我放弃,结果还是坚持了,但是我最后 悔的是我没保留到母乳做母乳吊坠,等我想到时已经晚了,我要谢谢我自己,因为我
Ristha Rianne
My breastfeeding journey has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. It also has been an incredibly rewarding journey for me and my baby. Not only does it provide essential nutrition, but the bond we've formed during these moments is truly special. It's a beautiful experience that I wouldn't trade for anything else.
Sam Chia
Breastfeeding journey is a 7/24 long-term struggle. It so much of pain and rarely have enough sleep. As a mother, see our child growing up every day and building up their immune system, jaundice reading reduce day by day. Our hardworking pay off, that's the momentum let me continue breastfeeding for 575 days and more.
Seh Hui Na
Breastfeeding for three years has been a rollercoaster ride, with its ups and downs. I enjoyed & cherished every precious moments. The late-night cuddles, the gentle sucking sounds, and the feeling of my baby's tiny hand on my chest make it all worthwhile. I'm proud and grateful for this natural & nurturing experience.
Despite the many challenges I faced during breastfeeding my son with multiple food allergies, being able to breastfeed him for 2 years is my honor and a great accomplishment. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else.
Shaqira Bt Adnan
While I was pregnant I’d read about all the benefits of breastfeeding and knew it was something I wanted to do with my baby. My breastfeeding journey began on the day I birthed my daughter. I started nursing her immediately at the hospital. I couldn’t believe she knew what to do and my body was responding the way it was. Even though it was exhausting (and painful for a few seconds at the beginning of each feed) I didn’t care as I felt such a bond and love whenever she fed.
Sharon Loo
Knowing that breastmilk is the most nutritious drink in the world, I'm so lucky that GH, Adventist and confinement center keep encouraging us to produce the breastmilk. Although my ml is not so much, feeling satisfied as my son able to get 3 times breastmilk a day and he is getting the nutrients and growing healthy. This path is not easy especially those working mommies. Just want to say we are the best!!
Breastfeeding is a long and tiring journey and yet, it is wonderful and worthwhile after all. Love and persistence is crucial throughout the journey. My motherhood is started with breastfeeding. I love and enjoy the bonding time while breastfeeding my baby, I am giving my little one the most precious breast milk.
I am a working mummy who will pump on weekdays and direct feeding at weekends. I enjoy the moment with direct feeding when the baby has an eye connection with me with full of love and satisfy face after feeding. All my tiring is worth it!
Both my children were fed exclusively with breast milk. I didn’t feel it was hard at all and I enjoyed it very much. I was very happy to see my children being healthy and satisfied. . I cried when my first baby stopped breastfeeding, and I love the interrupt the only moment when he was closest to me.
Tan Yuin Joo
The bond forged during those countless nursing sessions became the cornerstone of our relationship, providing not only nourishment but also comfort and security. Breastfeeding is the best!
Tang SY
Love the breastfeeding feeling as I love the attachment with my child. Best gift from God!
Tay Gim Leng
Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding for both mum and baby. Being a mother of 2, I fully breastfeed my babies as I know breast milk is the best nourishment that I can give them.
Teh Gai Wei
Breastfeeding a baby is the most wonderful experience a mother can have. That's because a baby is part of you. When you nurse, you feel that it is the best thing you can do for him.” “Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding for both mom and baby.
Vanneycsa Dgee
There is no right/ wrong answer when it comes to feeding your baby. Whatever works for you and your baby is the best answer for your family. My breastfeeding journey was a bittersweet. Before I had a baby, I always thought I’d breastfeed for a full year or longer. But it is not as easy as I thought it would be. I feel more relieved thinking as long as it makes both me and my baby happy, I will breastfeed. And I did it for 1 year.
Vivian Cheng
Despite the challenges of breastfeeding, including fatigue, discomfort, and experiencing issues like nipple injuries and swelling, the gratification of witnessing my child thrive in health and happiness fills me with an indescribable sense of fulfillment. I harbor no regrets and stand proudly as a breastfeeding mother, cherishing the bond forged through nourishment and love.
My daughter blessed me with my first breastfeeding experience. Even before her birth, I was resolute in my determination to exclusively breastfeed her. Truthfully, it hasn't been easy - juggling breastfeeding alongside work commitments, constantly cleaning the breast pump, and enduring sleepless nights. Despite attempts to transition away from breastfeeding after her first birthday, my daughter's refusal of formula milk keeps me dedicated to this path.
Wong Rachel
Breastfeeding has been a transformative journey for me. Despite initial challenges, my husband's unwavering support and online research helped me navigate the early days. Witnessing my firstborn thrive and form a strong bond with us, I am committed to breastfeeding my second child. It's truly the best gift of life, nurturing not just their bodies but their hearts and minds.
从 2015 年哺乳到现在,现在已经是四个孩子的妈妈。第四个孩子刚迈入 1 岁,希望 来日方长可以哺乳直到孩子自然离乳。刚开始走哺乳这条路的时候经历了涨奶石头奶 乳头破裂流血奶量不足,到后来人奶多到可以赠人喂养可以拿来沐浴��当然,喂母的 时候旁边很多来自于长辈的声音说宝宝奶够喝咩 够营养咩?
Yee Chuin Ch’ng
Breastfeeding can be mentally challenging but it is the most natural and loving experience you can share with your little one. It is beautiful, hard, rewarding, intimate and exhausting, all wrapped up in one.
Yee Siang Yuen
2022 年二月至今,从打算只哺乳六个月到现在依然还在哺乳的路上。千言万语终归 一句谢谢妳,也谢谢自己
Yen Peng
第一胎哺乳经验不足+姿势不准确,变成是全挤哺乳妈妈,大约维持 4 个月+第一次月 经来报道,奶水就越来越少了。老实说当时是有失落感的,一心一意要把最好的都给 宝宝,奈何奶水不给力。来到二胎可能已经先告诉自己要佛系哺乳就好,二胎就奶水 滚滚来,而且还成功亲喂了,真的太好了.
Yeong XueLin
It takes a village to support breastfeeding moms and babies! I’m immensely grateful to the lactation consultants and other BF moms who had offered me advice and reassurance all along. New moms & moms-to-be, find your tribe and enjoy your journey!
Zest Tok
I trust myself and my body. I breastfeed because my child wants to be nourished from me, because this is what nature intended. I am grateful that I’m able to breastfeed for 18 months.
When i start to feeding will feel uncomfortable and want to stop, But I still kept silent and persisted for kid 18 months. The whole world tells you that breast milk is the best food for kid as a mother, of course I must give her the best I guess being a mother is the driving force
Physically and mentally well prepared for breastfeeding is so important and I’m proud of myself being a breastfeeding mom, as well as a breast milk donor to other babies. Breast milk aka liquid gold which is so precious to the little one especially the first 6 months. To all other mummies out there, welcome to the motherhood and let’s enjoy the journey of breastfeeding together
This experience has filled me with an indescribable sense of happiness. There's something profoundly satisfying and fulfilling about being able to provide for my babies in the most natural way possible. It's not just about the nutritional benefits; breastfeeding has woven a silent language of love between me and my children, a language made up of shared glances, gentle touches, and the quiet moments in the dead of night.
Candee Josiah
Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding for both mom and baby. It makes me feel good to know that as a mother I'm giving my baby the best that she deserves. It makes me feel loved as well
My breastfeeding journey was a rollercoaster of emotions. Despite the challenges, I persisted, and it paid off - our journey was a beautiful, empowering experience.
Emi Masuchi
I didn’t produce milk for 3 days from my baby’s birth. Also, I had inverted nipples so It has been difficult for me to latch on for about a couple of month. Eventually my nipples fully everted and were able to latch on stably as I never gave up. I’ve already weaned breastfeeding but my child really liked breastfeeding.
Joanne Ellen Mccann
Breastfeeding works for us and I love the bond I have with my son because of it. I am delighted to see my son be so healthy and happy and I am so grateful for all the assistance that we have had!
Lourdelyn Chang
Thank you so much (my husband) for continuing to support me over the past few months during my difficult times during MCO. Your care and concerns mean so much to me and I can't thank you enough for your help. You really helped to turn things around smoothly. I was almost giving up on breastfeeding during that time.
Tan Phei Ling
Understand that baby might have tongue tie, she could not suck my nipple properly. Hence, I try other method to establish bonding with her beside continue to offer EBM as I always believe that breast milk has the best nutrient for my baby. Until today, I’m still trying to get baby to latch on. Well, my Family has been giving me their full support.
Teh Sin Ching
To all mother who would like to start the breast feeding journey, you are not alone. Have faith and stay courageous, we are here together! To the father of child, your support and care to your partner is crucial. You will treasure all the moments with your little one! The best bonding time ever!
Teoh Pei Yin
Being a SAHM, we are working mom as we are 24-hr on call. We have to find the rest time ourself and sometimes there are none. Breastfeeding had eased my time on feeding and I could steal the rest time while feeding. The feeling of skin to skin contact is miracle. Baby’s feel calm and secured, I feel jusr relax.
Chin Yee Jah
I would say breastfeeding the first child, especially the first few months are quite struggle, dealing with a newborn is not easy, but adding on with breastfeeding them are even harder. Nevertheless, just thinking giving the best for the baby, by also looking help from the professionals.
Ng Shea Yuin
A very unique, limited edition experience is what I will describe my breastfeeding journey. I get to have special bonding time with my daughter that no one else can. Yes, it is very difficult at first as a first time mom but it gets easier eventually. The difficulties and pain are all forgotten when she sleeps soundly after a feed.
Elfira Hilary
Breastmilk always best for baby. Embracing the bond of love through the nurture of breastfeeding!
Grace Mah Ern Chze
Breastfeeding journey isn't always easy but it's definitely rewarding. I enjoyed bonding with my little one, giving him the best nutrients for his development so as building up a strong immune system for him through breastfeeding. I'm so proud to see my little one grow so well on my milk, it's the most amazing gift a mom could bless!
Belinda Khaw Inn Inn
Breastfeeding is literally a journey filled with blood, sweat and tears I remember crying when I thought I wasn’t producing enough.. you were crying because you wanted more! I cried when I pumped a lot that one day and spilled half of it because I was exhausted. Pumping whilst doing chores, I was sweating as though pumping iron! And when you started teething, I bled and cried when I became your teething toy. Yes, it’s not an easy journey but it is the most fulfilling one thus far.
Hanakee Boi
Breastfeeding was challenging with late-night feedings, frequent newborn vomit requiring constant clothing changes, and dealing with breast engorgement and nipple pain. Recovering from a lower section Cesarean added to the difficulty. Despite these struggles, I successfully breastfed my baby for two years. The journey was tough but deeply rewarding, and I cherished the bond we formed.
Teh Sin Ching
Embarking on the breastfeeding journey with my second baby has been a mix of tears, sweat, and perseverance. Despite the challenges, witnessing my child grow up happy and healthy makes every moment truly worthwhile. To all the incredible mothers out there, remember that every drop of milk, every sleepless night, and every moment of struggle is a testament to your love and dedication.